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Preview Chromosome Numbers in Bolivian Grasses (Gramineae)

CHROMOSOME NUMBERS Norrmann IN Guillermo A. 2 Camilo Quarin 2 and L. BOLIVIAN GRASSES Timothy Killeen? J. (GRAMINEAE) 1 Abstract Chromosome numbers are reported for 59 collections of grasses from Bolivia representing 43 species and 21 = genera. First chromosome counts are reported for the following six species: Imperata tenuis, 2n 20; Paspalum = = = = = acuminatum, 2n 40; P. kempffii, 2n 40; P. lenticulare, In 40; P. lineare, 2n 80; P. macedoi, 2n 40. Counts differing from previously reported numbers are given for the following five species: Gymnopogon spicatus, = = = = 2n 40; Leersia hexandra, 2n 72; Pennisetum setosum, 2n 45; Setaria vulpiseta, 2n 54; Thrasya petrosa, = 2n 20. Information on chromosome numbers Materials and Methods in care- fully vouchered specimens of fundamental im- is Plants were obtained from seed collected by portance in understanding plant phylogeny, par- Killeen in natural populations in eastern lowland ticularly in regard to polyploid taxa (Raven, 1975; Bolivia. Most accessions originated from theJSra- An Davidse et al., 1986). understanding of the Shield region of Santa Cruz Prov. Nuflo zilian (i.e., relationships between polyploidy and apomixis in de Chavez), but several species were collected from several tropical grass genera Paspalum, Pan- (e.g., the sand savannas of the piedmont in western Santa icum, Dichanthium, Bothriochloa, and Brachiar- Cruz (Prov. Andres Ibafiez) or the inundated sa- ia) is required by plant breeders and other inves- vannas of the western Beni (Table 1). tigators studying plant reproductive biology (Connor, Chromosome made from mitotic & counts were 1979; Quarin Norrmann, Numerous 1987). squashes of root-tips collected from potted plants. chromosome counts have been obtained over the Root-tips were collected between 8:00 and 10:00 30 past years; nonetheless, species native to certain alpha-bro- A.M. and pretreated for two hours with geographic regions, such as central South America, monaftalene room temperature. Subsequently, at remain virtually unstudied. Chromosome numbers N solution the material was hydrolyzed with a 1 for Bolivian grasses have been reported only by with & of HC1 at 60°C for ten minutes and stained two Bowden Senn studies; (1962) reported counts aceto made drop of fuchsin; squashes were with a for 10 species from the eastern lowlands, while An per accession orcein. average of three plants Killeen 990) obtained meiotic counts 32 1 for gen- ( voucher A were scored. complete of species, and 48 list era species from the Brazilian Shield region and locality specimens accessions, for individual of Santa Cruz. This paper provides complementary synonyms is data provided Table a of in list information is 1 ; to Killeen's 990) study. 1 ( specimens provided by Killeen (1990). Replicate Chromosome counts were determined new to be been de- have of all accessions cited in Table 1 or different by comparison to Killeen (1990), Honfi Killeen CTES of & posited at and ISC; partial sets et al. (1990), and Dubcosky Zuloaga (1991) or, USZ. MO, US, and LPB, where collections are at SI, not specifically cited, from the summary & listings of Darlington Wylie (1956), OrndufT Results and Discussion (1967, 1968, 1969), Fedorov Moore (1969), (1973, numbers, 1977), Goldblatt (1981, 1984, 1985, chromosome Th] presents the & 1988), and Goldblatt Johnson 59 separate (1990). as by mitotic divisions, for This research was (CONICET) us«n supported by the Consejo Nacional de Tecnicas Investigaciones Cienti'ficas y _ the facilities of the Facultad de Fieldwork Ciencias Agrarias, Universidad Nacional del Nordeste, Argentina. supported by the Organization of American States and the World Food Institute of Iowa State University. Institute de Botanica del Nordeste, Casilla de Correo 209, 3400 Corrientes, Argentina. Missouri Botanical Garden, Bolivian Program, Casilla 8854, La Paz, Bolivia. Ann. Missouri Bot. Card. 81- ioqa 7fift-77J. A Number 4 Norrmann Volume 81 et 769 al. , Chromosome Numbers 1994 Bolivian In Grasses Table 1. Zygotic chromosome number (2n), locality of origin, and collection number of 43 Bolivian grass species Species 2/i Origin, voucher, and figure references Andropogon Nees 60 Pampa km lateralis Dept. Santa Cruz: Prov. Andres Ibanez, Viru Viru, 1 E of the International Airport, 17°40'S, 63°10'W, 400 m, Kil- 1550 leen Arundinella hispida (Willd.) 20 Dept. Beni: Prov. Ballivian, Estacion Biologica del Beni, Estancia km Kuntze Porvenir, 40 E of San Borja, 14°35'S, 66°30'W, 200 m, 2593 Killeen (Fig. 1)_ Axonopus chrysoblepharis (Lag.) 20 Dept. Santa Cruz: Prov. Nuflo de Chavez, Pueblo de Concepcion Chase on road around reservoir, 16°03'S, 62°10'W, 500 m, Killeen 2011 Axonopus compressus (Sw.) P 40 Dept. Santa Cruz: Prov. Nuflo de Chavez, Estancia Las Madres, 9 km N Beauv. of Concepcion, 16°00'S, 62°00'W, 500 m, Killeen 1751 km Axonopus (Raddi) 20 Dept. Santa Cruz: Prov. Nuflo de Chavez, Estancia Viera, 2 S fissifolius Kuhlm. of Concepcion, 16°08'S, 62°05'W, 500 m, Killeen 2275 Elionurus muticus (Spreng.) 20 Dept. Santa Cruz: Prov. Nuflo de Chavez, Estancia Santa Maria, km Kuntze 10 S of Concepcion on road to Lomerio, 16°13'S, 62°00'W, 500 m, Killeen 2187 HBK Eriochloa distachya 18 Dept. Santa Cruz: Prov. Nuflo de Chavez, Estancia Santa Maria, 7 km S of Concepci6n on road to Lomerio, 16°10'S, 62°00'W, 500 2441 m, Killeen _ km N Gouinia virgata (C. PresI) 40 Dept. Santa Cruz: Prov. Nuflo de Chavez, 1 7 of Concep- Scribn. cion on road to San Ignacio, 15°50'S, 62°00'W, 400 m, Kil- 1885 leen Gymnopogon spicatus (Spreng.) 40 ** Dept. Santa Cruz: Prov. Nuflo de Chavez, 3 km S of Concepcion Kuntze on road around reservoir, 16°03'S, 62°10'W, 500 m, Killeen 2017 Imperata tenuis Hack. 20 Dept. Santa Cruz: Prov. Nuflo de Chavez, Estancia Santa Maria, km 10 S of Concepcion on road to Lomerio, 16°13'S, 2482 62°00'W, 500 m, Killeen (Fig. 2) Lasiacis sorghoidea (Desv.) 36 Dept. Santa Cruz: Prov. Nuflo de Chavez, Rancho Puesto Nuevo, Hitchc. 40 km S of Concepcion on road to Lomerio, 16°25'S, 62°00'W, 700 m, Killeen 2332 (Fig. 3) km Leersia hexandra Sw. 72 ** Dept. Santa Cruz: Prov. Nuflo de Chavez, Estancia Viera, 2 S 62°05'W, 480 m, Killeen 2416 of Concepcion, 16°08'S, Microchloa indica 12 Dept. Santa Cruz: Prov. Nuflo de Chavez, Comunidad Puesto (L. P. f.) Beauv. Nuevo, 60 km S of Concepcion on road to Lomerio, 16°25'S, 450-700 1826 62°00'W, m, Killeen Oryza rufipogon Griffith 24 Dept. Santa Cruz: Prov. Nuflo de Chavez, Estancia Santa Maria, 62°00'W, 8 km S of Concepcion on road to Lomerio, 16°10'S, 500 2086 m, Killeen km Panicum Pampa laxum Sw. 40 Dept. Santa Cruz: Prov. Andres Ibafiez, Viru Viru, 1 63°10'W, 400 m, Killeen E 17°40'S, of International Airport, 1554 km Panicum laxum Sw. 40 Dept. Santa Cruz: Prov. Nuflo de Chavez, Estancia Salta, 10 62°00'W, 500 S of Concepcion on road to Lomerio, 16°I3'S, 2286 m, Killeen (Fig. 4) W Pfinuum km mertmsu Roth ex 36 Dept. Santa Cruz: Prov. Nuflo de Chavez, 20 of Santa Roem. & 61°40'W, Schult. Rosa de Roca on road to San Ignacio, 15°50'S, la 300 m, Killeen 745 1 P'inicum HBK Recreo, 2 olyroides 36 Dept. Santa Cruz: Prov. Nuflo de Chavez, Estancia El km N 62°08'W, 480 m, Killeen Concepcion, 16°02'S, of 2398 (Fig. 5) Pan km Pampa i '"urn trichanthum Nees 36 Dept. Santa Cruz: Prov. Andres Ibanez, Viru Viru, 1 E of the International Airport, I7°40'S, 63°10'W, 400 m, Kil- 1556 leen 770 Annals of the Garden Missouri Botanical Table Continued. 1. Species In Origin, voucher, and figure references Paspalum acuminatum Raddi 40 Dept. Santa Cruz: Prov. Nuflo de Chavez, Estancia San Sebastian, km 25 S of Concepcion on road to Lomerio, 16°20'S, 62°00'W, 500 m, Killeen 2325 km Paspalum erianthum Nees ex 80 Dept. Santa Cruz: Prov. Nuflo de Chavez, Estancia Salta, 10 Trin. S of Concepcion on road to Lomerio, 16°13'S, 62°00'W, 460 m, Killeen 1194 Paspalum erianthum Nees ex 80 Dept. Santa Cruz: Prov. Nuflo de Chavez, Estancia Santa Maria, km Trin. 10 S of Concepcion on road to Lomerio, 16°13'S, 62°00'W, 500 m, Killeen 2191 Paspalum guenoarum Arechav 40 Dept. Santa Cruz: Prov. Nuflo de Chavez, Estancia El Recreo, 2 km N of Concepcion, 16°13'S, 62°00'W, 500 m, Killeen 2390 Paspalum guenoarum Arechav. 40 Dept. Santa Cruz: Prov. Nuflo de Chavez, Estancia El Recreo, 2 km N of Concepcion, 16°13'S, 62°00'W, 500 m, Killeen 2394 (Fig. 6) Paspalum humigenum Swallen 20 Dept. Santa Cruz: Prov. Nuflo de Chavez, Estancia La Pachanga, km 62°05 w, 5 S of Concepcion on road to Lomerio, 16°08'S, 500 2246 m, Killeen km Paspalum intermedium Munro 40 Dept. Santa Cruz: Prov. Nuflo de Chavez, Estancia Viera, 2 S & ex Morong Britton of Concepcion on road to Lomerio, 16°08'S, 62°05'W, 500 m, Killeen 1631 Paspalum intermedium Munro 40 La Pachanga, Dept. Santa Cruz: Prov. Nuflo de Chavez, Estancia & w, ex Morong Britton 5 km S of Concepcion on road to Lomerio, 16°08'S, 62^)0 500 m, 2258 Killeen Paspalum 40 La Pachanga, kempffii Killeen Dept. Santa Cruz: Prov. Nuflo de Chavez, Estancia W, km 62°05 5 S of Concepcion on road to Lomerio, 16°13'S, 500 m, Killeen 2272 HBK km Paspalum 40 Pampa Vim, lenticulare. Dept. Santa Cruz: Prov. Andres Ibanez, Viru 1 E 63°10'W, 400 m, Killeen of International Airport, 17°40'S, 1557 HBK km Paspalum lenticulare 40 10 Dept. Santa Cruz: Prov. Nuflo de Chavez, Estancia Salta, 62°05 w, jU S of Concepcion on road to Lomerio, 16°10'S, 2270 m, Killeen Paspalum HBK lenticulare 40 San Sebastian, Dept. Santa Cruz: Prov. Nuflo de Chavez, Estancia 25 km S of Concepcion on road to Lomerio, 16°20'S, 62°00'W, 500 m, Killeen 2322 Paspalum HBK 2 lenticulare 40 Dept. Santa Cruz: Prov. Nuflo de Chavez, Estancia El Recreo, km N 62°00'W, 500 m, Killeen of Concepcion, 16°13'S, 2396 km 5 Paspalum limbatum Henrard 20 Viera, 2 Dept. Santa Cruz: Prov. Nuflo de Chavez, Estancia 62°05 W, o of Concepcion on road Lomerio, 16°13'S, to 1622 Killeen Paspalum limbatum Pachanga. Henrard 20 La Dept. Santa Cruz: Prov. Nuflo de Chavez, Estancia km 6°08'S, 0-.TU 5 S of Concepcion on road to Lomerio, 1 500 m, 2276 Killeen km Paspalum limbatum Henrard 20 Dept. Santa Cruz: Prov. Nuflo de Chavez, Estancia Salta. 10 w, 62°00 S of Concepcion on road to Lomerio, 16°08'S, m, Killeen 2453 (Fig. 7) Paspalum lincarc Trin. 80 La Pa^a"^ Dept. Santa Cruz: Prov. Nuflo de Chavez, Estancia o« km 16°08'S, 5 S of Concepcion on road to Lomerio, 500 m, 2218 Killeen 9 Paspalum macedoi Madres, Swallen 40 Las Dept. Santa Cruz: Prov. Nuflo de Chavez, Estancia km N 6°00 b, of Concepcion on road to San Ignacio, 1 62°00'W, 500 m, Killeen 1796 J . Paspalum maculosum 10 Trin 40 Salta Dept. Santa Cruz: Prov. Nuflo de Chavez, Estancia 62^)0 S of Concepcion on road to Lomerio, 16°13'S, m, 2282 Killeen (Fig. 8) 1 ) Volume Number 4 Norrmann 81 et 771 al. , Chromosome Numbers 1994 Bolivian in Grasses Table Continued. 1. Species In Origin, voucher, and figure references Paspalum malacophyllum Trin 40 Dept. Santa Cruz: Prov. Nuflo de Chavez, Estancia San Josecito, km 8 S de Conception on road to Lomerio, 16°02'S, 62°05'W, 490 m, Killeen 1918 Paspalum malacophyllum Trin. 40 Dept. Santa Cruz: Prov. Nuflo de Chavez, Estancia El Recreo, 2 km N of Concepcion, 16°12'S, 62°08'W, 500 m, Killeen 2449 km Paspalum minus E. Fourn. 50 Dept. Santa Cruz: Prov. Andres Ibanez, Pampa Viru Viru, 1 E of the International Airport, 7°40'S, 63°1 0' W, 500 m, Kil 1 1584 leen km Paspalum plenum Chase 40 Dept. Santa Cruz: Prov. Nuflo de Chavez, Estancia Viera, 2 SE of Concepcion, 16°23'S, 62°00'W, 500 m, Killeen 2317 Paspalum plicatulum Michx 40 Dept. Santa Cruz: Prov. Nuflo de Chavez, Estancia La Pachanga, km 62°05'W, 5 S of Concepcion on road to Lomerio, 16°08'S, 480 m, Killeen 2444 km Paspalum plicatulum Michx. 40 Dept. Santa Cruz: Prov. Nuflo de Chavez, Estancia Salta, 10 62°00'W, 500 S of Concepcion on road to Lomerio, 16°13'S, 2455 m, Killeen ** Pennisetum setosum (Sw.) Rich. 45 Dept. Santa Cruz: Prov. Nuflo de Chavez, Comunidad Puesto km Nuevo, 30 S of Concepcion on road to Lomerio, 16°25'S, 62°00'W, 700 m, Killeen 1821 km Pharus lappulaceus Aubl 24 Dept. Santa Cruz: Prov. Nuflo de Chavez, 17 S of Concep- cion on Road to San Ignacio, 15°50'S, 62°00'W, 400 m, Kil- 1890 leen Saccharum Hack. 60 Dept. Santa Cruz: Prov. Nuflo de Chavez, Estancia La Pachanga, trinii 5 km S of Concepcion on road to Lomerio, 1 6°08'S, 62°05' W, 500 m, Killeen 22 jchasmogamous form 9, km Saccharum Hack. 60 Dept. Santa Cruz: Prov. Nuflo de Chavez, Estancia Salta, 10 trinii 2281 62°00'W, 500 m, Killeen S of Concepcion, 16°13'S, , cleistogamous form km Pampa Schizackyrium sanguineum 50 Dept. Santa Cruz: Prov. Andres Ibanez, Viru Viru, 1 63°10'W, 400 m, (Retz.) Alston E of the International Airport, 17°40'S, Kil- 1551 leen Schizachyrium sanguineum 50 Dept. Santa Cruz: Prov. Nuflo de Chavez, Pueblo de Concepcion, 62°00' W, 500 m, Killeen (Retz.) Alston the laguna west of town, 16°05'S, 1851 Jchizachyrium sanguineum 60 Dept. Santa Cruz: Prov. Nuflo de Chavez, Pueblo de Concepcion, 62°00'W, 500 m, Killeen (Retz.) Alston the laguna west of town, 16°05'S, 2026 Schizachyrium sanguineum 70 Dept. Santa Cruz: Prov. Nuflo de Chavez, Pueblo de Concepcion, 62°00'W, 500 m, Killeen 16°05'S, (Retz.) Alston the laguna west of town, 2026 km Srhizachjrrium sanguineum 60 Dept. Santa Cruz: Prov. Nuflo de Chavez, Estancia Salta, 10 62W 2095 W, 500 m, Killeen (Retz.) Alston S of Concepcion, 16°13'S, (Fig. 9) km Setaria parviflora Ker 36 Dept. Santa Cruz: Prov. Nuflo de Chavez, Estancia Salta, 10 (Poir.) 62°00'W, 500 guelen S of Concepcion on road to Lomerio, 16*1 3'S, 2273 m, Killeen Setaha tndpuetQ (Lam.) Roem 54 ** Dept. Santa Cruz: Prov. Nuflo de Chavez, Estancia San Sebastian, & Schult. 25 km S of Concepcion on road to Lomerio, 16°20'S, 2*/5(Fig. 62°00'W, 500 m, Killeen 10) Sorghastrum minurum (Nees) 20 Dept. Santa Cruz: Prov. Nuflo de Chavez, Estancia El Recreo, 2 62°08'W, 480 m, Killeen Hitchc. km N Concepcion, I6°02'S, of 2387 km So'ghastrum setosum 20 Dept. Santa Cruz: Prov. Nuflo de Chavez, Estancia Salta, 10 (Griseb.) 16M.TS. 62°00'W, 500 Lomerio, Hitchc. S of Concepcion on road to 2306 m. Killeen (Fig. 1 1 772 Annals of the Garden Missouri Botanical Table Continued. 1. Species 2n Origin, voucher, and figure references Thrasya crucensis Killeen 20 Dept. Santa Cruz: Prov. Nuflo de Chavez, Comunidad Puesto km Nuevo, 40 S of Concepcion on road to Lomerio, 16°25'S, 62WW, 700 m, Killeen 2334 Thrasya petrosa (Trin.) Chase 40 Dept. Santa Cruz: Prov. Nuflo de Chavez, Estancia Salta, 10 km S of Concepcion on road to Lomerio, 16°13'S, 62°00'W, 500 m, Killeen 1953 ** Jlirasya petrosa (Trin.) Chase 20 Dept. Santa Cruz: Prov. Nuflo de Chavez, Estancia Viera, 2 km S of Concepcion on road to Lomerio, 16°08'S, 62°05'W, 500 m, 2418 Killeen * First count for this taxon. ** Count different from previous ones for this taxon. = accessions of 43 species in 21 genera and seven of which are 2n 40, as well as for P. lineare, all = Gramineae. Chromosome tribes of counts for six which 2n 80. is species are reported for the first time, while an Pennisetum setosum a neotropical species is = additional five species were discovered to have with previous counts of 2n 36, 72, and 54 chromosome numbers from different those previ- chromosomes; this is the first report of a pentaploid The = ously reported. results of mitotic counts are 45 cytotype. Nonetheless, plants were rel- 2/i presented in Table 1; selected squashes are pre- atively fecund in natural populations, and plants sented in Figures 1-11. Selected species are were dis- raised in cultivation at Corrientes fully fertile. cussed in detail in the following paragraphs. Presumably accession, the species, or at least this = Arundinella hispida was documented 2n phenomenon has as reproduces via apomixis, a that 20 (Fig. 1) in agreement with a previous report by been reported for the genus (Dujardin & Hanna, & Gould Soderstrom [1967, sub Arundinella con- 1984). & finis (Schult.) Hitchc. Chase]. Saccharum This the reliable count for is first An Gymnopogon accession of spicatus was doc- A 2n was about previous study reported that trinii. = umented as being tetraploid (2n 40, for Killeen 60 (Molina, 1981), and that figure has been verified 2017), which contrasts to the diploid accession by this study. Killeen (1990) reported that this (Killeen 2481) reported by Killeen (1990). The phenological species existed as two intergrading two accessions were km was collected within 5 of one chasmogamy in- phenotypes. Early -blooming another near the village of Concepcion. duced by while late-blooming cleistogamy oc- fire, Imperata tenuis was documented phenotypes as a diploid curred nonburned Both in individuals. = with In 20 = (Fig. 2); this is the first chromosome were documented 2n 60 cytotypes (Table 1)- as = count The for the species. base of x 10 conforms Schizachyrium sanguineum a morphologi- is with other reports for the genus. taxon with a pan- cally and cytologically variable Leersia hexandra is a pantropical species, and tropical distribution. Populations range from diploid since Ramiah (1935) numerous Neo- investigators have to decaploid in different floras of the world. = reported as uniformly 2n recognized it 48. Surprisingly, the have been tropical variants traditionally same population near Concepcion Nees based (voucher Kil- as S. hirtiflorum Nees or S. semiberbis leen 2416) was found to contain both hexaploid on The cytological infor- spikelet characteristics. = plants (2n 72) by the mitotic counts view tha reported mation reported here reinforces the = here, as well as tetraploid plants (2n 48) by the sanguineum (sensu best viewed as a com- lato) is meiotic preparations previously reported by cytotypes. Killeen plex of morphologically intergrading were (1990). = 70 and 2n 60 Plants with 50, (Fig. 9), Paspalum the most 2n = o is speciose grass genus in documented; moreover, plants with the Neotropics and (vouc - is, likewise, the most abundant 70 same population were collected from the ** genus ml in eastern lowland Bolivia. Consequently, Aposporous a P° er Killeen 2026, Table 1). most of the counts reported here belong to this was reported for the species by Carman &' New genus. counts are may expla^ reported for P. acumina- scheme (1982), and reproductive this tum, P. macedoi, P. and kempffii, P. lenticulare, these polyploid polymorphisms. Number Volume 81 4 Norrmann 773 et al. , Chromosome Numbers 1994 Bolivian in Grasses » • t **» f • * Y * * • % f ** * *- * • ^k ^fl 2593).- = Figures In 20 (Kdleen 1-11. Photomicrographs squashes.— Arundinella hispida(, »m of root-tip 1. — Pamcum = = 2332).— Imperata 2n 36 2. tenuis, In 20 2482). 3. Lasiacis sorghoidea, \. (jft/fee/i laxum, = = 2398).-6. Paspalum guenoarum, 2n 2n 40 (Ki//ee« 2286). -5. Panicum olyroides, In 36 (Killeen — -40 - 2453).-8. Paspalum maculosum 2n - 40 (Killeen 2394). Paspalum limbatum, 2n 20, (Ki//«?/i 7. 2n - jC«//fPfi 2282).-9. Schizachyrium sanguineum, 2n = 60 (KiZ/ee/i 2095).- 10. Setaria vulpiseta, 54, killeen = 2318).— 11. Sorghastrum setosum, 2n 20 (Ki7/«?#i 2306). 774 Annals of the Missouri Botanical t ; Setaria vulpiseta was documented to have a Plants. Komarov Botanical Institute of the Academy = chromosome number of 2n 54 (Fig. 10). This of Sciences of the U.S.S.R. [Reprinted by Koeltz = Scientific Publications, Koenigstein, Germany differs from previous reports of 2n 36 for Bra- (1974).] GOLDBLATT, P. 1981. Index to Plant Chromosome Num- zilian populations (de Oliveira Freitas Sacchet, 1975-1978. Monogr. bers, Syst. Bot. Missouri Bot. 1980). Gard. 5. Thrasya petrosa another species with both 1984. Index to Plant Chromosome Numbers, is . 1979-1981. Monogr. and Syst. Bot. Missouri Bot. Gard. diploid tetraploid cytotypes (Table This 1). 8. combination of ploidy levels within the same species 1985. Index to Plant Chromosome Numbers, in the closely related genus Paspalum usually 1982-1983. is Monogr. Syst. Bot. Missouri Bot. Gard. associated with sexuality and self-incompatibility in 13. diploids and self-fertility coupled with pseudoga- . 1988. Index to Plant Chromosome Numbers, 1984-1985. Monogr. mous & Syst. Bot. Missouri Bot. Gard. apomixis in tetraploids (Quarin Norrmann, 23. 1987; Norrmann A et 1989; Quarin, 1992). & al., D. E. Johnson. 1990. Index to Plant Chro- hexaploid cytotype known is also for Th. petrosa mosome Numbers, 1986-1987. Monogr. Syst. Bot. & from Venezuela (Davidse Pohl, 1974). Missouri Bot. Gard. 30. plus It, & W. the tetraploid form from the same country, showed Gould, F. T. R. SoDERSTROM. 1967. Chromo- some numbers American Amer. of tropical grasses. the meiotic irregularities often associated with apo- 676-683. Bot. 54: J. mixis. & Honfi, A. I., C. L. QuarIn J. F. M. Valls. 1990. Several of the species included in this study Estudios cariologicos en gramineas sudamericanas. {Axonopus Leersia hexandra, Darwiniana 30: 87-94. fissifolius, Pani- cum laxum, Paspalum Killeen, T. 1990. The grasses of Chiquitania, Santa guenoarum, Paspalum J. 125- Cruz, Bolivia. Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 77: Paspalum lenticulare, plicatulum, Schizachyr- 201. ium sanguineum, and Thrasya petrosa) have been 1991a. Range management and land-use . identified as important forage Range- species in the cerrado practices in Chiquitania, Santa Cruz, Bolivia. and pantanal savannas lands 13: 59-63. of central South America (Killeen, 1991a, b). Knowledge of their taxonomy . 1991b. The effect of grazing on native Gra- mineae Conception, Santa Cruz, Bolivia. Trop. in and reproductive biology are essential for their Grasslands 25: 12-19. improvement via breeding programs, as well as to Molina, A.M. 98 El genero Erianthus (Gramineae) 1 1 . insure the development of appropriate range man- en la Argentina paises limitrofes. Darwiniana 23: y 559-585. agement strategies. Num- Moore, Chromosome R. 1973. Index to Plant J. bers for 1967-1971. Regnum Veg. 90. Utrecht. Literature Cited Numbers Chromosome 1977. Index to Plant . Bowden, W. M. & H. Senn. 1962. Chromosome for 1973-1974. Regnum Veg. 96. Utrecht. num- & Cyto- bers in 28 grass genera from South Normann, G., C. QuarIn B. Burson. 1989. America. Canad. chro- Bot. 40: 1115-1124. genetics and reproductive behavior of different J. Carman, & mosome Paspalum Heredity J. G. S. L. Hatch. 1982. Aposporous races in six species. J. 24-28. apomixis in Schizachyrium 80: (Poaceae: Andropogo- 1m Chro- neae). Crop Sci. (Madison) 22: 1252-1255 Oliveira Freitas Sacchet, A. M. de. 1980. 703-704. CONNOR, H. mosome number LXIX. Taxon 29: E. 1979. Breeding reports systems in the grasses: Num- A New Ornduff, Chromosome survey. Zealand 131-154 R. 1967. Index to Plant Bot. 17: J. Darlington, & Regnum Utrecht. C. D. A. P. Wylie. 1956. Chromosome bers for 1965. Veg. 50. Numbers Chromosome Atlas of Flowering Plants. Macmillan, New 1968. Index to Plant York . & Davidse, G. R. W. Pohl. 1974. Chromosome for 1968. Regnum Veg. 55. Utrecht. num- Numbers Chromosome bers, meiotic behavior, and notes on tropical Amer- . 1969. Index to Plant ican grasses (Gramineae). for 1969. Regnum Veg. 59. Utrecht Canad. 317- Bot. 52: J. origin and 328. QuarIn, C. 1 992. The nature of apomixis its o-l & T. Hoshino B. K. Simon. in panicoid grasses. Apomixis Newslett. 5: • , 1986. Chro- & entre ei mosome counts of Zimbabwean G. Norrmann. 1987. Relaciones grasses (Poaceae) and en an analysis of polyploidy numero de cromosomas, su comportamiento in the grass flora of Zim- genero babwe. S. African Bot. 52: 521-528 meiosis y el sistema reproductive del J. Dubcovsky, & Latinoamerican J. F. Zuloaga. 1991. Numeros palum. In: Anales del IV Congreso cro- 3:25-35. mosomicos de especies de Panicum de Botanica, Bogota, Colombia (Poaceae, Pan- bcon. Assoc, iceae). Bol. Soc. Argent. 201-206 Ramiah, K. 1935. Rice genetics. Proc. Bot. 27: Dujardin, M. & W. 51-61. Hanna. Coimbatore 1984. Biol. 3: Microsporogenesis, phy. w angiospcrm reproductive behavior and Raven, P. H. 1975. The bases of fertility in five Pennisetum oz. Gard. species. Theor. Appl. Genet. 67: 197-201 eny: Cytology. Ann. Missouri Bot. Fedorov,A. 1969. Chromosome 764. Numbers FloweH™ of

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