CHROMOSOME BIOLOGY CHROMOSOME BIOLOGY Kudi Appels CSIRO, Division of Plant Industry Canberra, ACT, Australia Kosalind Morris Deparlment of Agronomy University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Nebraska Bikram S. GUI Deparlment of Pathology Kansas state University, Manhattan, Kansas Cedric E. May Agricultura) Research Institute Wagga Wagga, NSW, Australia Illustrations Rudi Appels and Jon Raupp Springer Science+Business Media, LLC Library ~ Congress CataIoging-in-PublicatiOll Cbromosome biology I Rudi Appels ... [et al.]. p.em. lncIudes bibliograpbical references anei index. ISBN 978-1-4613-7470-1 ISBN 978-1-4615-5409-7 (eBook) DOI 10.1007/978-1-4615-5409-7 1. Chromosomes. 2. Cytogenetics. 3. DNA. 1. Appels, Rudi. QH600.C494 1998 572.8'7-«21 97-15812 CIP Copyright o 1998 by Springer Science+Busine• • Media New York: Second Printing 2003. Originally published by Kluwer Academic Publishers in 1998 1bis printing is a digital duplication of the origioal edition. AlI rigbts reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or cransmitted in any form or by any meaos, electronic, mecbaoical, photo-c:opyiDg, microfilming, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permiBsion of the publisher, wiIb the exception of any liIaterial supplied specificaIly for tbe pmpose of being entered anei executed on a computer system, for exclusive use by the purchaser of the work. Permission for books published in tbe USA: [email protected] Permissions for books publisbed in Europe: [email protected] Printtd 0" ocid-free paper. Contents PART I INTRODUCTION TO THE STUDY OF CHROMOSOMES Chapter 1. Introduction 3 1.1 The value of chromosome research 3 1.2 Life-forms and their genetic material 4 1.3 Chromosomes and protosomes 4 1.4 The origin of cellular organelles 5 1.5 Conclusions 6 Bibliography 6 Chapter 2. A Historical Perspective on Chromosome Structure, Function, and Behavior 7 2.1 The pre-l900 period 7 2.2 The 1900-1950 period 8 2.3 The 1950-1996 period 11 Bibliography 17 Chapter 3. Microscopes: Basic Tools for Cytogenetics 22 3.1 Light microscopy 22 3.1.1 The standard light microscope 22 3.1.2 Microscopy using ultraviolet light 23 3.1.3 The phase-contrast microscope 24 3.1.4 The interference-contras\ microscope 24 3.1.5 The confocal microscope 25 3.2 Electron microscopy 26 3.2.1 The transmitting electron microscope 26 3.2.2 The scanning electron microscope 27 3.3 Scanning probe microscopy 27 3.4 Flow cytophotometry 28 3.5 Computer-assisted image analysis 28 Bibliography 29 PART II MITOSIS, MEIOSIS, AND CHROMOSOMAL KARYOTYPES Chapter 4. Chromosomes in the Mitotic Cell Cycle 33 4.1 The cell cycle consists of two cycles occurring in concert 33 4.1.1 The chromosomes replicate and divide during mitosis 33 4.1.2 The assembly of the spindle apparatus 37 4.1.3 The plane of cell division controls the fate of cells 39 v vi Contents 4.2 Universal mechanisms regulate the cell cycle 39 4.2.1 Kinase and cyclin proteins regulate the eukaryotic cell cycle 40 4.2.2 Cell-fusion experiments indicate that diffusible cellular components control the cell cycle 41 4.2.3 Overview of the mutations and proteins important in mitosis 42 4.2.4 Oncogenes code for proteins that influence the phosphorylation! dephosphorylation cycle 42 Bibliography 42 Chapter S. Meiosis and Gamete Formation: A View of Chromosomes in the Germline 44 5.1 The meiotic and postmeiotic cycles 44 5.1.1 Meiosis I 44 5.1.2 Meiosis II 50 5.1.3 Postmeiotic events 51 5.1.4 Achiasmate meiosis 51 5.1.5 Meiosis in organisms with multiple or diffuse centromeres 52 5.1.6 Other variations in the meiotic process 54 5.2 Chromosome synapsis and the synaptonemal complex 54 5.2.1 The synaptonemal complex forms between chromosomes located close to each other 54 5.2.2 The synaptonemal complex is a flexible association between chromosome pairs 57 5.2.3 DNA topoisomerase II unravels interlocked bivalents 57 5.2.4 Presynaptic chromosome alignment at zygotene begins at multiple sites 58 5.2.5 Mechanisms of homologous recognition 59 5.3 The mechanism of crossing over and genetic recombination 60 5.3.1 Crossing over occurs at the four-strand stage during pachynema 60 5.3.2 The recombination process 60 5.3.3 Relationship between genetic recombination and cytological chiasmata 61 5.3.4 The distribution of chiasmata 62 5.3.5 Mechanisms for chiasma maintenance at metaphase I 62 5.4 Distributive system of segregation 63 5.5 Many genes control the meiotic process 63 Bibliography 64 Chapter 6. Chromosome Morphology and Number 67 6.1 Mitotic karyotype analysis 67 6.1.1 Number and morphology of chromosomes are usually constant for an organism 67 6.1.2 Prophase chromosomes reveal additional cytological landmarks 69 6.2 Special staining techniques reveal cytological landmarks in metaphase chromosomes 69 6.2.1 C bands reveal the location of cOIistitutive heterochromatin 71 6.2.2 G, R, and Q bands reveal chromomere structure 71 6.2.3 Combinations of stains can enhance the resolution of bands 71 6.2.4 Many specialized techniques reveal functional domains in metaphase chromosomes 74 6.3 Meiotic karyotype analysis 76 6.3.1 Origins of cytogenetics are based on pachytene and metaphase I chromosome analyses 76 6.3.2 Giant lampbrush chromosomes and diplotene karyotypes 76 6.4 Polyteny produces giant chromosomes in some differentiated tissues 78 6.5 Sex chromosomes 78 6.5.1 Sex determination in different organisms 79 6.5.2 Structure and behavior of sex chromosomes 80 6.6 B chromosomes 80 6.6.1 Unusual behavior of B chromosomes 81 6.6.2 Genetic functions associated with B chromosomes 81 6.6.3 Origin of B chromosomes may be related to cytoplasmic-specific introgression during interspecific hybridization 81 Bibliography 82 Contents vii m PART CHROMOSOME STRUCTURE AND REARRANGEMENTS Chapter 7. Structural Stability of Chromosomes 87 7.1 Chromosome structural stability 87 7.2 Chromosome instability and repair 88 7.2.1 Timing of chromosome breakage 88 7.2.2 Major groups of chromosome abnormalities 88 7.2.3 Repair of damaged chromosomes 88 7.3 Sister-chromatid exchange 91 7.4 Agents and conditions inducing chromosome breakage 92 7.4.1 Ionizing radiations 92 7.4.2 Ultraviolet radiation ' 92 7.4.3 Chemically induced damage to chromosomes 93 7.4.4 Chromosomal changes resulting from tissue culture 94 7.4.5 Genetic predisposition to chromosomal breakage 94 7.4.6 Chromosome breakage and the aging process 95 7.5 Transposable elements and chromosome instability 95 7.5.1 The genetics of transposable elements 95 7.5.2 Transposable elements in prokaryotes 98 7.6 Dispersed repeated DNA sequences and chromosome instability 98 7.7 Gametocidal chromosomes 99 Bibliography 100 Chapter 8. Losses and Gains of Chromosome Segments 103 8.1 Range of structural changes 103 8.2 Deletions and duplications of chromosome segments 103 8.3 Detection of deletions and duplications 105 8.4 Behavior of modified chromosomes during cell division 106 8.5 Effects of deletions and duplications on viability 107 8.5.1 Effects on viability 107 8.5.2 Effects on fertility 108 8.6 Phenotypic effects of deletions and duplications 109 8.6.1 Deletions 109 8.6.2 Duplications III 8.7 Evolutionary significance of duplications III Bibliography 113 Chapter 9. Rearrangements of Chromosome Segments 115 9.1 How chromosome rearrangements are detected 115 9.2 Inversions 115 9.2.1 Behavior of inversions during mitosis and meiosis 115 9.2.2 Effects of heterozygous inversions on fertility 118 9.3 Reciprocal translocations 119 9.3.1 Behavior of translocations during mitosis and meiosis 122 9.3.2 Effects of heterozygous translocations on fertility 125 9.4 Phenotypic effects of chromosome rearrangements 126 9.4.1 Chromosomal rearrangements and position-effect variegation 127 9.5 Relationships between chromosomal aberrations and cancer in humans 129 9.6 Chromosome rearrangements in natural populations 132 9.7 Some specific uses of reciprocal translocations 133 9.7.1 Source of stable duplications 133 9.7.2 Use of translocations to control insect pests 134 Bibliography 135 PART IV CHROMOSOME POLYPLOIDY, ANEUPLOIDY, AND HAPLOIDY Chapter 10. Multiples of Basic Chromosome Numbers-Polyploidy 139 10.1 Designating ploidy levels and somatic versus gametic chromosome numbers 139 viii Contents 10.1.1 Diploidy 139 10.1.2 Polyploid types in relation to genome composition 139 10.2 Polyploidy occurs in whole organisms or part of organisms 140 10.3 Whole-organism polyploidy 141 10.4 Tissue or organ polyploidy 145 10.5 Effects of polyploidy on phenotypes and internal traits 146 10.6 Meiotic behavior and fertility in polyploids 146 10.6.1 Meiotic behavior of autopolyploids 147 10.6.2 Fertility of autopolyploids 148 10.6.3 Meiotic behavior of allopolyploids 149 10.6.4 Fertility of allopolyploids 150 10.7 Gene segregations in polyploids 150 10.7.1 Allopolyploids 150 10.7.2 Autopolyploids 150 10.8 Genome analyses in polyploids 152 1O~8.1 Identifying diploid ancestors of allopolyploids 154 10.8.2 Quantitative tests of genome relationships in polyploid hybrids 154 10.8.3 Assigning chromosomes to genomes 155 10.8.4 Homoeologous relationships between chromosomes of different genomes 155 10.8.5 Species-specific translocations 157 10.9 Adaptability of natural polyploids 157 10.10 Production and uses of induced polyploids 157 Bibliography 158 Chapter 11. Deviations from Basic Chromosome Numbers-Aneuploidy 160 11.1 Types of aneuploids 160 11.2 Occurrence and viability of aneuploidy 160 11.3 Modes of origin of aneuploidy 162 11.3.1 Nondisjunction of the centromeres 162 11.3.2 Univalent state of chromosomes 162 11.4 Conditions that cause aneuploidy 163 11.4.1 Mutations in genes controlling meiotic pairing and separation 163 11.4.2 Occurrence of haploid states 164 11.4.3 Crosses involving autotriploids 164 11.4.4 Crosses between related species 164 11.4.5 Reciprocal translocations with irregular chromosome distributions during meiosis 164 11.4.6 Robertsonian translocations 164 11.4.7 Aging of cells or organisms 164 11.4.8 Environmental conditions 165 11.4.9 Viral infections 166 11.4.10 Physiological stress 166 11.5 Effects of aneuploidy on phenotypes and internal traits 166 11.6 Meiotic behavior, fertility, and transmission of aneuploids 169 11.6.1 Trisomies and related types 169 11.6.2 Monosomics and related types 171 Bibliography 173 Chapter 12. The Cytogenetic Analysis of Haploids 175 12.1 The origins of haploids 175 12.1.1 Natural occurrences of haploids 175 12.1.2 The induction of haploids 176 12.2 Detection and phenotypes of haploids 179 12.3 Meiotic behavior and fertility in haploids 179 12.3.1 Monohaploids 180 12.3.2 Polyhaploids 180 12.3.3 Secondary associations 181 12.4 Uses of haploids in plants 181 12.4.1 Screening for mutations using haploids 181 12.4.2 Uses of haploids in breeding and genetic research 182 Contents ix 12.5 Production and uses of doubled haploids in plants 182 12.5.1 Methods for doubling haploids 182 12.5.2 Genetic composition of doubled haploids 182 12.5.3 Uses of doubled haploids 183 Bibliography 184 PART V GENE LOCATIONS, GENETIC MANIPULATIONS, AND REARRANGEMENTS Chapter 13. Locating Genes in Diploids Using Chromosome Aberrations 189 13.1 Diploid analysis using trisomies 189 13.2 Use of primary trisomies 189 13.3 Use of telotrisomies, aerotrisomies, and tertiary trisomies 192 13.3.1 Telotrisomies 192 13.3.2 Aerotrisomies and tertiary trisomies 193 13.4 Diploid analysis using monosomies 194 13.5 Diploid analysis using translocations and inversions 195 13.5.1 The inverted or translocated chromosome must be identified 195 13.5.2 The breakpoints that produce the inversion or translocation must be determined precisely in order to map the genes accurately 195 13.6 General procedure using inversions or translocations to locate genes 196 13.6.1 Use of A-A reciprocal translocations 196 13.6.2 Use of B-A translocations 197 13.6.3 Use of Inversions 199 13.7 Diploid analysis using deletions 199 Bibliography 200 Chapter 14. Locating Genes in Polyploids Using Chromosome Aberrations 201 14.1 Polyploid analysis using monosomics 202 14.2 Polyploid analysis using nullisomics 204 14.3 Polyploid analysis using telochromosomes and isochromosomes 204 14.3.1 Chromosome-arm locations of genes based on dosage effects 204 14.3.2 Mapping gene-centromere distances using telochromosomes 205 14.4 Polyploid analysis using intervarietal chromosome substitutions 206 14.4.1 Development of intervarietal chromosome substitution lines 206 14.4.2 Genetic parameters for chromosome substitution lines and their hybrids 208 14.4.3 Cytogenetic studies using intervarietal chromosome substitution lines 208 14.4.4 Crosses involving substitution lines 209 14.5 Early detection of genetic differences between donor and recipient homologous chromosomes 210 14.6 Chromosome irregularities associated with monosomics and substitution lines 211 14.6.1 Monosomic shift 211 14.6.2 Misdivision of monosomes 211 14.6.3 Reciprocal translocations 211 14.7 Genetic heterogeneity 212 Bibliography 212 Chapter 15. Gene Transfers by Chromosome Manipulations 214 15.1 The reason for gene transfers 214 15.2 Interspecific and intergeneric crosses 215 15.3 Transfers at the genome level (amphiploids) 216 15.4 Transfers of individual chromosomes (addition and substitution lines) 217 15.4.1 Alien-addition lines 217 15.4.2 Alien-substitution lines 218 15.5 Transfers of alien chromosome arms 220 15.6 Transfers of alien-arm segments 220 15.6.1 Homoeologous pairing 220 15.6.2 Translocations 221 x Contents 15.7 Methods for detecting alien chromatin 223 Bibliography 224 PART VI DNA ORGANIZATION, STRUCTURE, AND REPLICATION Chapter 16. Organization of DNA Sequences in Protosomes and Chromosomes 229 16.1 The variable amount of DNA and the arrangement of sequences in organisms 229 16.2 Coding and noncoding DNA sequences 229 16.3 DNA of the virus SV40 encodes for overlapping genetic information and contains repetitive sequences 230 16.4 Bacterial DNA is characterized by the occurrence of groups of genes under a common control 232 16.4.1 The operon organization of genes 232 16.4.2 Transcription attenuation 233 16.5 Repetitive DNA sequences comprise up to 2% of the E. coli proto some 234 16.6 Small, circular DNA molecules (plasmids) in E. coli code for 1-3 genes 235 16.7 Repetitive sequences are a major feature in eukaryotic nuclear DNA 236 16.7.1 Repetitive-sequence families are characterized by episodes of amplification and deletion during evolution 237 16.7.2 Dispersed repetitive sequences fall into two broad classes 237 16.8 Repetitive sequences in and around eukaryotic genes 239 16.8.1 The histone genes 239 16.8.2 The hemoglobin genes 240 16.9 RNA processing is an integral aspect of understanding the way DNA sequences are organized 241 Bibliography 241 Chapter 17. Variable Structure and Folding of DNA 244 17.1 The structure of DNA 244 17.1.1 Polarity of the sugar-phosphate backbone is a key feature of DNA 244 17.1.2 Variation in the structure of DNA 244 17.1.3 Curvature of DNA can result from a particular sequence of base pairs 246 17.2 Structural modification of DNA by methylation 248 17.3 Interaction of small molecules with DNA 250 17.3.1 Water 250 17.3.2 Spermine, ions, and atoms 251 17.3.3 Dye and antibiotic molecules 251 17.4 Protein molecules interact with DNA to determine its folding and transcription properties 253 17.4.1 Helix-tum-helix modules 253 17.4.2 Zn finger modules 253 17.4.3 Leucine-zipper modules 255 17.4.4 Distortion of the DNA helix by TATA-box binding protein 255 17.5 Folding of DNA into chromatin: the nucleosome 256 17.5.1 Histone proteins 256 17.5.2 Nonhistone proteins are also important in the organization of DNA into chromosomes 258 17.5.3 Chromatin domains 260 17.6 Structural changes in chromatin during gene expression 262 17.7 Folding of DNA-protein complexes on a broader scale within the interphase nucleus 263 Bibliography 265 Chapter 18. Replication of Protosomes and Chromosomes 270 18.1 Semiconservative DNA replication 270 18.1.1 Protosomes 270 18.1.2 Chromosomes 270 18.2 DNA synthesis in prokaryotes 272 18.2.1 The proteins involved 272 18.2.2 Fidelity of replication 274 18.3 DNA replication in chromosomes 274 Contents xi 18.3.1 Origins of replication 274 18.3.2 Proteins involved in chromosomal DNA replication 277 18.3.3 The assembly of newly formed chromosomes 277 18.3.4 The synthesis of histones in the S phase of the cell cycle 278 18.3.5 Synthesis of histones can occur outside the limits of the S phase 278 18.4 DNA synthesis outside the normal cell cycle is limited to specific regions of the genome 279 Bibliography 280 PART VII IN SITU HYBRIDIZATION, CHROMOSOME LANDMARKS, GENETIC MAPPING Chapter 19. Exploring Chromosomes by In Situ Biochemical Reactions 285 19.1 Principles underlying in situ reactions 285 19.1.1 Preparation of tissues for study 285 19.1.2 Specificity in the primary reaction 286 19.1.3 The secondary or "capture" reaction to detect the results of the primary reaction 286 19.2 Sources of radioactive and nonradioactive DNA and RNA probes 288 19.2.1 In situ hybridization with fluorescently labeled DNA (FISH) 289 19.2.2 In situ hybridization to DNA fibers (Fiber-FISH) 290 19.3 In situ reactions to modify accessible regions of DNA 290 19.4 In situ biochemical reactions for assaying specific enzymatic activities 291 19.5 Traditional stains 292 19.6 The concept of reporter molecules and genes 293 Bibliography 294 Chapter 20. Molecular Analysis of Chromosomal Landmarks 296 20.1 Heterochromatin and euchromatin 296 20.1.1 The nature of euchromatin 296 20.1.2 The highly condensed nature of heterochromatin 298 20.1.3 The DNA sequences of heterochromatin 299 20.1.4 Some chromosomal proteins are more prominent in heterochromatin 300 20.1.5 Heterochromatin contains genes at a lower frequency than euchromatin 301 20.1.6 Unusual biological properties of heterochromatin 302 20.2 The nucleolus and ribosomal-RNA genes 302 20.2.1 Identification of the genes involved in forming the nucleolus 302 20.2.2 The nature of ribosomal-RNA genes 303 20.2.3 Ribosomal-RNA synthesis 305 20.2.4 The structure of the nucleolus 306 20.2.5 Nucleolus-organizer-region suppression 307 20.2.6 Ribosomal-RNA gene loci and meiotic-chromosome pairing sites 307 20.2.7 Ribosomal-RNA gene loci and fragile sites 308 20.2.8 Amplification of rDNA gene sequences 308 20.3 The centromere 309 20.3.1 The kinetochore 309 20.3.2 DNA sequences at or near the centromere of mammalian chromosomes 309 20.3.3 DNA sequences from the centromeres of yeast chromosomes 310 20.4 The telomeres 311 20.4.1 The requirement of primers for DNA synthesis creates problems in the replication of linear molecules 311 20.4.2 The DNA of telomeres in the ciliated protozoan Tetrahymena thermophila 311 20.4.3 Telomeres in other organisms 312 20.4.5 The attachment of telomeres to nuclear membranes and proteins 313 Bibliography 313 Chapter 21. Genetic and Molecular Mapping of Chromosomes 318 21.1 An overview of mapping in plants, animals, and fungi 318 21.1.1 Studies in animals 318