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Christian Mythology: Revelations of Pagan Origins PDF

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Preview Christian Mythology: Revelations of Pagan Origins

• • I I REVELATIONS OF PAGAN ORIGINS PHlliPPE VVA TER BY E. TRANSLATED JON GRAHA,\'\ • • I I Inner Tr.1dinons Rochc,rcr, Vcrmonr Toronro. 1n, J,, • CHRISTMIYATNH OLOGY "Iitsg eneruanldleyr stthoaCothd r istsitarnehinetgnytei dtp so tsiion earolnyi nt hpeo pumlianrbd y u surpainndg bepndaignargnit lusa ansda crleodc aIlnte hsai.ms b itsicohuosl tartreilaspyer e,osf somre ­of dieFvrael nlciht erWaatlutmreaerr rtihepesa gaanndC h risctailaenn ­ darisng redaett bayie lx aminainncgim eynttsh ,s aintsc,e laenbdr a­ tioHnes . visiStasi nDtAaslyt ,lh Tew elvDea yosf Chrsi,Cs atnm­a dlemaEsas,t eArs,c ensSitoJ.no ,h nD'asyo fS ummeSrt,P. e ter's ChaiDnasya ,n dS tM.i chaDealyt' osf intdh atth eyseea rrloyu nds, roughldya yasp asrhta,r mey tah irceaalwl imt h dtahtoeef sC ar­ 40 nivbaels,ut n dersatso' oad reliitwg aiseo vne tnh er elipgrieon­ cediCnhgr istWiaalntiteyr.''si nscoluaurcdctees cs o oufns c,i lecso­nf sormsa'n usal,li tetreaxsrtuysc a hsA rthurroimaansn hc,ae giographic workasn,md e dieivcaoln oyg.Wr haiplhheed oesant'ttCa hcrki stianity oni ts spmierriithtuesca ,ol n clbuodledstl hya' thC ristiwaonuiltdy have nhoca hda nocfie m posiitnsigen tl hfWe e stif o,nc ertpaoiinn ts ofd ogmaan rdti eisth, a d rneostp otnodt ehrdee lignieoeuodsfst he convepratgead.n s.T.h.'i v so lummaek eass trosncgh olcaornltyr i­ butiounn dteor sttahneedv ionlgu otfbi eolnwi heefr,e i si' mipto rtant to undetrhsanttoa tnhdhi anbsge elno osrt created."' PUBL ISHERSW EEKLY CONTENTS CovIemra ge TitPlagee Epigraph Foreword Introduction LA ChrisMtyitahno logy 2T.heM ytholoCgailceanoldft a hrMe i ddAlgee s 3.T heM ytholoSgoiucroacftle h sMe i ddAlgee s Chap1t:Ce arr nitvhaEeln ,i ago mfa N ame The eUrntcaoifDn itcyt ionaries I. 2T.heWo rCda rndiuvrailtn hgMe i ddle Ages 3C.arnTah:eG odsdesof P orakn Bd eans 4T.heK ingt hoBefe an 5.L aM ankei naen Cda rnival Chap2t:eN ro vem1b,Se arm hain Samh,at ihnNei gohfPt a sgsea I. 2H.alloween 3.N ovembeSra int MDaaryt in's II, 4T.heS aiMnatr tSitno nes 5 .MTahret Biena r 6S.a iMnatr tainnSd a iHnitl airius 7.SaMianrtt's Gi onose 8S.aiHnutb eratnutdsh Set ag ChapteCrh risatnmdta hsTe w elDvayes 3: rT.heM eaolft hFea irainetdsh E ev Cee lebrations 2.Dece3m1Sb,ae irSn ytls vteeDra'ys 3T.heW ilHdu nt 4.FaCthhreirs tmas 5T.heB laciktsMhmo nk 6S.aiEnlti gainutdsh e oFfDi ercee mber 7.D ecem6b,eS ra iNnitc hoDlaays 's 8T.heC hrisStpmrausc e,P iTnrTeere eea,n Hda wth(oArrntb uus) ChapteFre bru1al,r mybc o l 4: rM.asks 2.Febr1u,4Sa ariyVn alte nt'sDi naey 3T.heR itDueaalot fht h Gei ant 4.Febrr,uS aariBynr ti 'sgD iady 5S.iant Vincent 6F.ebru3aS,ra yiB nlta iDsaey' s 7J.anu1a,7rS ya iAnntt hoPniyg' s ChapteTrhTser: a nsiPteriiooondfaE las ter rT.heP assage 2.Eating 3T.heE gg 4T.heI nstruomfDe anrtsk ness sP.urgaatnoMdra yr cIh,7S aiPnatt riDcaky' s 6 .A1p4rt,ih Dlea y SoiafnB te ne,Bz reitdBguei ldeBro aatnmda n 7 .TRohyeSa help herd 8L.ihtoboolrti haGe,a rganEtxupalno it 9 .The oBftr hiDede gvei l roA.vgino,tn hBer idagnetd h e oCfti htPeyo ntsi ff ChapteMra y1 B,e ltane 6: rT.heM ayQ ueen 2T.heV irgainntd h Fea iry 3. ThReo gations 4.RobtehDreet v il 5T.heD ragaonntdsh Wea steland ChaptSeari Jnoth' snD ay 7: rT.heF iroefSs a iJnoth n 2T.heS acrSetdo ne 3. ThSeos ltiMcaed ness 4T.heW heeolfF ire 5T.heW heeolfF ortune ChapteAru gu1,sL tu ghnasad 8: rC.a nicHuelraorae nsMd o nsters 2.Ju2ly9S ,a iMnatr thDaa'aysn tdh Tear asque 3J.u2ly2S ,a iMnatg da'slD eanayen tdh Cea inceu l 4T.heTh rMeaer aynstd h Teh rFeaei ries 5S.ar,ta hhBel aMcakd onna 6C.hristaonptdhh eDero g ChapteSra iMnitc hoaneM lo unGta rgan 9: r .SaMiinctho afPe elr il 2.TheS acrBeudl l 3G.argan 4T·h e DLoagda yn d Oc9t,So abieDnret n iDsa'ys 5S.aiBnrtu ,nt ohBee aorft hMeo untains 6T.heG iaGnutgi nT heP ropheocfMi eernsl i Conclusion AppendHiixs toofNr oyr ma,nB doyok 1: 13 Appen2d:Ti hxBe a inyg( oQru estBienags)t AppendAiS xho rItn doefSx a ints 3: Footnotes Endnotes AboutthA eu thor 6{ AbouItn nTerra ditBieoanrCs o mpany • BoookfsR elaIttneedr est 6{ CopyriPgerhmti ssions Index FOREWORD Fosre vedreacla Pdheisl iWaplptehe arbs e einn vestiwghaaittshi indg­ debne hitnhdle i voefts h sea i(ntvsia tnaldei )ceo sn cebaelheidCn hdr is­ tiafesnt ailvHsi.ss t uidssy t eebryhe idqs u estioofwn hiotn hghe e rooefs hagiogrlaiptheirtcar tuaulrryAee ft. e r alnopdna gt isetnutrd ey,s ulitni ng hiPsh D..t helsh ieos ff,eruss tfurhieot f rheisse airnc htb hoioWska .l ­ tehra dse veloppeerdt iaon peenrta,t mieotnhaold oaldoagpytt oe d the gigapnatliicm prsmeesbdty m efdoielviatle r.a tHhuearr seeu fsetdot ake thed ikotfa ttt heex tst heafitcar e v alauned e xplorweosr ltdah a t everyomnies takbeenlliyte hveeys kannodw undeWristtrhaa nrde. panahcehs eh otwhsa tths ea ihnatvsael onhgi stwohroysr,eo t osi,nf cat, are plungreedm optiaeng aan iCsomnr.fo ntbeybd e lsia enfdr itiets foundd isturtbhicenh gu,rtc rha onrsmfeadd,a ptterda,n spaonsde dr,e ­ worktehde bme,c aeursaed ictahteiwmna gsn igihm possIitib stl hei.s recupertahtaPitho inl iWpapletd eerm onstbryar teelsyo innp gr ecise, reveaelxianmgps luecashst haed viacd ei spolfma ayg nifiincteunitt ion andw isdotmh aPto pGer egtohrGeyr egaatv teoS aiAnutg ustoifn e Canterburcye n(yte)uidr:go h tndhoe ts ttrhoteye mpolfet shie d oblust, ritlulcayl eatnhseeam n tdh pee op"lweig lalt hmeorrf ema iliiantr hloys e plawcheesrt eh ecyu stomwaernitWl.hy"i lPei eSrarien ttyovotekhsf e i rst steipnt hidse crypbtypi oosni tnhgte h eortehmat th sea iwnetrste h e succeossfto hrgeos d osft hGee nitlePsh,i liWaplptepe rro vsic doenclu­ sivree sutlhtasnt,kot s h meu ltsicdiiplaipnparrotyah caihts ssaol iienn t his obtohoe2kr s . Seeienvge rytahsig nrgif sort hmiisl mla nuscreippitgsr,a phs, iconoyg,ra anpdh fsorot hW altreers ttoorm yetsh olosgtiucdtaihlee si r lettoefnr osb isltituydt,ih eahsta vfera tlooonb ge erne garadsse idm ply folklboyrn eu meruonuiesvr ssia;tn ihdee h awsa geavd e ritcarbulsea de agairnescte invoetdia onndasp riaossruim ipotnAstt. h cer ossroofa ds anthropeotlhongoygy,r,p a hpihlologyt,i vaceno amlpyasritahshe,i sa­nd toroyfr elighiiowsno sr,rke minudsts h anto thiinsag n odyinnte h e MiddAlgee asn,td h sel igdhetteiassit l of fmu elaln iHneg .s hotwhsa tu s three adoifant ge mxuts btem adoen s evelreavliew fle sw isthog raistps senistems,e ssatgheai;tit sn ecestsoda irsyt inbgeutiwsewheh nam te s­ sagaet exatu'tsh sooru gthoit m poasnedi thsi ddceonn tePnhti.l ippe Waltsehro wusst hatthc eh oiocfne a medsa,st a,en pdl aicsen esv rearn ­ dom anbda sioesndp rCeh-risrtiista,meny t hs, bealnsid.Be y fe xam­ inianngcd o mpartihlneeg g eonftd hsse a icnetlse borna tgaei dvd eant e, fore xamphlee ,m antaogr eesaw dh ahti thehratsboe einl legtiob le, estabcloinsnhe cbteitowneste hne edriefffnitg uarneds , succeeds on more otnhoeac nc astioro end istchopeva egrfa ing ufrore tmhoesp ta rt Celttihcaw ta sC hristitahnebi eztettdeo br e i ntegraantde di ncor­ poraitnettdoh m ee ntalr ealnidgf iarobiuocsft htei mHee.s howtsh at thmea jdoart oefts h Ceh ristianb ocrartlohewno odsftae hr Ce e lctailc­ enda(arSm haiInm,b oBlecl,t aLungenh,a saadn)dt hergeibvyue ssa c­ cestsot hdee epsetsrtoa ftt hace o lleucntciovnes cious. Byb asihnigrs e seaornc lhaa rdgieev,r sicfoirepdwu hsi,ci hn cludes manrya rteet xsP,h iliWpapltele era udsss tebpys tep moent iac ulous and impaisnssviteoingeadwt hiiocinhss, u rpriforsm ionrgte h an one reasaoshn i s consildeeatrdowa htaiatom nosu nttos r ae neowfa lm e­ dievsatliu edsst,u sdt iheaftors omtei mneo wh avhea dt ean detnoc y conftihneem setlotv hepesu relliyt earsapreyoc fat nsc iteenxtat nsdt h e searforc hs oeusr.c FoPrh iliWaplpteem ry,tih st hlea nguagcei voifl iaazn adit tii no­n, scriibtesisen l ftf uwnod amenfartmaelw osrt:ki maen sdp aIcites . insep­ arafborlme trhiestt ehactab ne f oundi nt hfees tailvTsh.eC hrisctaila­n endiasran ew utiloifz eaaxtnrtie omnea lnyc isetnrtu ctthuairtsoe r ga­ niziendf or ty-cdyacylt ehasot c ceuirg thitm eyse aafr or mA lSlo ul's Dayt o SMaairntti Dna'yCs;h ristamnadEs p iphtaonC ya ndlses-;m a

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