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WEST VIRGINIA SCHOOL OF PREACHING VICTORY LECTURES  October 23 27, 2005 CCCChhhhrrrriiiissssttttiiiiaaaannnn EEEEvvvviiiiddddeeeennnncccceeeessss Denver Cooper, Director Louis Rushmore, Editor Published By & Order From West Virginia School of Preaching P.O. Box 785 Moundsville, WV 26041 (888) 418-4573 overseen by the elders of HHHHiiiillllllllvvvviiiieeeewwww TTTTeeeerrrrrrrraaaacccceeee CCCChhhhuuuurrrrcccchhhh ooooffff CCCChhhhrrrriiiisssstttt Fourth Street and Willard Avenue MMMMoooouuuunnnnddddssssvvvviiiilllllllleeee,,,, WWWWeeeesssstttt VVVViiiirrrrggggiiiinnnniiiiaaaa 22226666000044441111 printed & bound by Louis Rushmore RD 3 Box 28 Cameron, WV 26033 (888) 725-7883 [email protected] www.gospelgazette.com Dedication Preacher to be Honored In a day when some preachers are leaving the pulpits, it is especially delightful to honor a Gospel preacher who has kept and preached “the faith” for 61 years. Gene M. Carrell and Henrietta, his faithful companion for 57 years, represent a loyal service and sacrificial labor in the Kingdom of God. Gene labored fulltime with the Fishinger and Kenny church of Christ in Columbus, OH for 27 years. He also served more than 25 years as an elder in that good church. At age 16, he was encouraged by the late brother R.C. Oliver to become a preacher. R.C. was the preacher at Bloomington, IN which was the home town of brother Carrell. Gene began preaching for various congregations on August 27, 1944. To Gene and Henrietta were born three daughters, Linda Gartman (deceased), Louanne Shelton and Lori Alda. Seven grandchildren and six great-grandchildren also bless the family. Gene earned his BA degree from Abilene Christian University and his MS from Butler University, School of Religion. Local works include Petersburg, Indianapolis and Terre Haute in IN; Dearborn, MI and Columbus, OH. He served 2 years in the Army, has done radio and television work, directed Wabash Valley Christian Youth Camp for 3 years, preached over 100 Gospel meetings in IN, OH, MI, IL, KY, Virginia, WV, FL, OK, PA, TX, CO and Vancouver, British Columbia. He has also given lectures at Harding University, Michigan Christian College, Ohio Valley College, Pepperdine University, Firm Foundation Lectures, Great Lakes Christian College, Freed-Hardeman University, East Tennessee School of Preaching and West Virginia School of Preaching. The church honored Gene and Henrietta by sending them on a Bible Lands tour in 1972. They visited Palestine, Lebanon, Cyprus, Greece, Istanbul and Rome. Gene also served as instructor of Homiletics, Hermeneutics and Counseling from 1971 to 1980 at Central Ohio School for Preachers and Teachers. The kind, loving and compassionate spirit, coupled with a faithful stand for God’s Word, has been a great contribution to the Lord’s work wherever they have labored. It is with great joy that we dedicate this lectureship book to them and pray that God may bless abundantly their golden years in his service. Denver E. Cooper Elder to be Honored Through the years, the church in Pennsboro has been faithful to the Lord and active in his service. That may be attributed largely to a loving and dedicated membership and a godly eldership. The Pennsboro congregation is blessed with four wonderful elders that are deeply committed to the cause of Christ. Steve Hayhurst has been an elder since December 1993. Having come from a denominational background, Steve’s search for the truth has led him to be a serious student of the Word of God. That, combined with his life experiences has enabled him to develop into a very effective shepherd of God’s people. He and his faithful wife, Marilyn, are genuine servants in the church. Francis Sellers has been a lifelong member of the Lord’s church and has been a tremendous example of faithfulness. For the past twenty-two years, he has served as an elder. As such, he has provided sound and solid leadership, the value of which, perhaps only heaven knows. Fern, his wife of forty-four years, has been a faithful companion. Together, they have been a wonderful Christian team. Pete Taylor is in his twelfth year of service as an overseer of God’s flock. He comes from a strong Christian family and his father also served as an elder in Pennsboro. Pete has never taken lightly the grave responsibility of watching out for souls. He, and 4 his good wife Debbie, have devoted their lives to the good of the kingdom. Lynn Wells was appointed to the eldership in 1983. Since that time he has led by teaching and by example. He, and his devoted wife Carol, continue to be a great blessing to the church. Their loving labors are numerous and all who know them are blessed. West Virginia School of Preaching would like to take this opportunity to pay tribute to these men for their years of service in the kingdom, and for their sacrifice and generosity toward the school. May God bless them with many more years of healthy service to His glory. Terry G. Jones 5 Preface The theme for the 2005, Tenth Annual Victory Lectures of the West Virginia School of Preaching is “Christian Evidences.” The lectureship committee is to be congratulated for choosing this very vital and relevant theme. Those who discern the times are seeing a great and rapid deterioration of Bible knowledge and faith among men and women both in the church and in the world. Perhaps especially true in this regard is confidence in the Bible. Attacks on things sacred have been constant and unrelenting. The constant bombardment of schools, institutions of higher learning, teachers and professors, mass media, and so forth have spread the destructive germs of evolutionary thought, destructive criticism, modernism and skepticism. The result has been devastating to much of the “Christian” world. The continent of Europe has succumbed to anti-Christian philosophies; atheism and agnosticism rule the day. America is usually not far behind. All this has undermined the trust of men of women in God, Christ and the Bible, and by implication, the faith of future generations. This state of unbelief among so many is already being felt by denominations and churches of Christ across America. Church attendance and involvement have come to a slow crawl in many areas; conversions are few; teaching opportunities are scarce. This has resulted in the denominations (and some of our brethren) seeking ways of being “more progressive” and making worship services more “appealing to the masses” to lure people back. Bible believers recognize that this is not the answer! What are we to do, those who are striving hard to be loyal and faithful to God? This lectureship provides a step in the right directionwe must restore the confidence of men and women in God, Christ and the Bible! There must be a return among those who are members of Christ’s Body, to “…always be ready to give a defense to everyone who asks you a reason for the hope that is in you, with meekness and fear” (1 Pet. 3:15 NKJV). We must be able to aggressively teach again such subjects as, “Why I believe in God and how I know he exists;” “Why I believe that Jesus Christ is God’s only begotten Son, that He is my Savior and Redeemer” and “Why I believe the Bible to be the inspired Word of God, that it is credible, trustworthy, reliable and is able to give me faith and hope in things eternal.” A study of Christian evidences is greatly needed in our time to help us all to be confident and sure in our own personal faith and then enable us to pass this on to others by boldly teaching the Holy Scriptures. The purpose of this lectureship is to present the objective evidence (testimony) of the Scriptures and various other sources to show the many lines of reasoning that establish God’s existence, that he is the omniscient, omnipotent, omni- benevolent, holy Being who is responsible for this universe and all things therein. Material will be presented establishing Jesus of Nazareth as God’s Sonvirgin born, sinless, the Master Teacher, the perfect sacrifice for sin, resurrected, ascended and ruling as King of kings and Lord of lords. Lectures will present Evidences from Archaeology, the Bible’s Scientific Accuracy, Answers to Evolution, Answers to Atheism and much more. There will be studies from Bible texts by men who have taken great pains to rightly divide the Word of Truth and presenting it in a clear and understandable manner. Much is to be gained by those who are in attendance and to those who read the written, permanent record contained in the WVSOP lectureship book this year. Our prayer is that all who hear and read will be strengthened in their faith, increased in hope, stirred to love the souls of men and zealously affected to teach them the evidences of the Bible! To God be the Glory! Emanuel B. Daugherty 7 Table of Contents FAITH AND KNOWLEDGE.................................................10 BY BRAD HARRUB WHAT ARE CHRISTIAN EVIDENCES?...........................22 BY BRAD HARRUB THE AGE OF THE EARTH..................................................37 BY BRAD HARRUB TEXTUAL STUDY OF PSALM 19.......................................50 BY J. D. CONLEY THE CAUSAL ARGUMENT PROVES GOD EXISTS.....64 BY EDWARD BENESH THE FAILURE OF UNBELIEF............................................92 BY CHARLES C. PUGH III THE RELIABILITY OF THE NEW TESTAMENT TEXTS .................................................................................................120 BY JOHN M. BROWN JESUS—THE INCOMPARABLE TEACHER..................131 BY BRUCE DAUGHERTY GENESIS ACCOUNT OF CREATION..............................137 BY BRAD HARRUB THE INDESTRUCTIBILITY OF THE BIBLE.................153 BY BRAD HARRUB TEXTUAL STUDY OF ROMANS 1:18-25........................171 BY RICHARD KELLEY THE MORAL ARGUMENT PROVES GOD EXISTS.....189 BY MICHAEL E. PHILLIPS THE UNITY OF THE BIBLE..............................................195 BY DAN KESSINGER ALLEGED CONTRADICTIONS.......................................210 BY CHARLES J. AEBI DID JESUS RISE FROM THE DEAD?..............................221 BY W. TERRY VARNER 8 ANSWERING EVOLUTION...............................................243 BY BRAD HARRUB PLURALISM.........................................................................257 BY BRAD HARRUB TEXTUAL STUDY OF ACTS 17:16-31.............................280 BY TERRY G. JONES THE DESIGN ARGUMENT................................................285 BY JOHN F. BOARD HOW TO PROVE THE BIBLE IS GOD’S WORD.........303 BY KRISS CECIL-CRIHFIELD THE MIRACLES OF JESUS...............................................319 BY EDDIE COOPER ARCHAEOLOGY CONFIRMS DEITY.............................324 BY LOUIS RUSHMORE THE BIBLE’S SCIENTIFIC ACCURACY........................350 BY DAVID EVERSON THE INEXHAUSTIBILITY OF GOD’S WORD..............358 BY DENVER E. COOPER TEXTUAL STUDY OF 2 PETER 1:16-21..........................368 BY KEITH G. BALL ANSWERING ATHEISM’S ARGUMENT........................377 BY GLENN E. HAWKINS MESSIANIC PROPHECY PROVES DEITY....................382 BY D. GENE WEST WILL JESUS FIND FAITH ON EARTH?.........................395 BY WASH MCCALL THE VIRGIN BIRTH...........................................................396 BY EMANUEL DAUGHERTY THE CHRISTOLOGICAL ARGUMENT PROVES GOD EXISTS...................................................................................404 BY STEVE STEVENS THE GREATNESS OF THE CHRISTIAN FAITH..........410 BY FRANK HIGGINBOTHAM 9 Faith and Knowledge By Brad Harrub Introduction We all know one. You know, those young kids who can rattle off questions at speeds that make most Indy drivers jealous. “Why is the sky blue? Why is water wet? What is dirt made of? Can worms smell? How do fax machines work?” While we encourage our young children to imagine and pretend, we often are rewarded with some very colorful, if not mind- boggling questions. Most of these questions we either answer quickly or simply, and then change the subject. Or, we use alternative strategies like food or videos. But what happens when our children begin asking us tough questions that have to do with matters of faith? What happens when our children come home from school and want to know how dinosaurs fit in with the Bible? Or what do we tell them upon discovering that their science class is studying evolution? Oftentimes, these important questions are left unanswered as our children are instructed to quickly “wash up and get ready for dinner.” Unfortunately, today many parents find themselves reacting to questions and topics, rather than planning ahead. As Christian parents, we need to be proactive rather than reactive. We need to be on the front line, teaching our children the truth about the world around us as they grow, because if we don’t, there is someone out there more than willing to teach them another version. Possessing a belief in God is not enough. Our children (and grandchildren!), need to know how to defend that belief. The truth is, one day in the not-so-distant future, our children will find their faith being challenged. Their ability to handle that situation will greatly affect whether they live a life loyal to God or whether they abandon him and his teachings. There are literally thousands of evolutionists currently living who once espoused a belief in Christianity. Today they are apostates, placing more faith in science than the Word of God. Picture for a moment the heartbreaking scene of two parents sending their young teenage son off to fight in a war. As tears roll down their faces, they cling to their son, wishing their hugs 10

Today they are apostates, placing more faith in . Truth will not bend or break beneath the onslaught. A faith Further, biblical information provides a good test case for the accuracy of .. Were they cold-blooded or warm blooded?”.
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