Thomas Schirrmacher addresses in this small book one of the most significant, critical and neglected aspects of Old Testament biblical theology and exposition: the revelation of Jesus’ actual presence with, and ministry to, His people, which began in Genesis, continued through the history of the Old Testament, as well as the New Testament, and will continue forever. It might be expected that liberal theologians would fail to see the wealth of teaching about Jesus in the Old Testament, but it is tragic when evangelicals overlook the presence of Jesus with His people in the Old Testament.
Schirrmacher can conclude:
“There is every reason to assume that Jesus is not only the head and Saviour of the New Testament church, but that he is also the Saviour and leader of the people of God in the Old Testament.” (p. 13)
The volume also includes a second valuable emphasis, demons- trating, with many examples, how the ceremonial law in the Old Testament pointed to Christ.
It is hoped that Schirrmacher’s work will be read widely to promote a deeper love for Jesus, Who, from the beginning of history, has always been with His people, and Who gives His people the assurance that He will never leave or forsake them (Heb. 13:5.8).
From the forward by Dr. Jim Anderson