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CHOWAN E R S I 2006-2007 Catalog MURFREESBORO, NORTH CAROLINA 27855 Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill http://www.archive.org/details/chowanuniversity20062007 CHOWAN UNIVERSITY 2006-2007 Murfreesboro,NorthCarolina27855 Telephone(252)398-6500 • TollFree800-488-4101 Fax (252)398-1396 • www.chowan.edu Contents 3 AcademicCalendar 5 Introductionto ChowanUniversity Settingand History MissionStatement Accreditation CampusandBuildings 15 AcademicProgram 25 StudentAffairs 33 AdmissionsPoliciesandProcedures 39 Financesand Financial Aid 69 AcademicRegulations DegreeRequirements GeneralAcademicPolicies 95 Schools 261 DirectoryandAppendices 279 Index Catalog Requirements The conditions and policies set forth in this catalog have binding effect upontheuniversityandstudentsfortheacademicyearinwhichitisinforce. The university reservesthe right tomakenecessarychanges andcorrections. When changes are made in graduation requirements, the University accepts a moral obligation to provide students the condition effective the year of their most recent continuous enrollment or an alternative which would not bepunitive. Otherwise,allotherrequirementsareeffectiveandinforceupon publicationofchanges. ChowanUniversity Published annuallyatMurfreesboro, NC27855 Chowan University is committed to equality of opportunity in all areas of education and does not practice or condone discrimination in any form against applicants or students on the basis of race, color, national origin, gender,age,ordisability. BookratepostagepaidatMurfreesboro, NC27855. 2/Chowan University Academic Calendar/3 Academic Calendar August Wednesday 9 FootballTeamArrives Sunday 13 OtherFallAthletesArrive Tuesday 15 New FacultyOrientation Thursday-Friday 17-18 Faculty/StaffWorkshop Sunday 20 NewStudentsArrive Sunday-Tuesday 20-22 NewStudentsFollowStudentLifeSchedule Monday 21 ReturningStudentsCheckIn Monday-Tuesday 21-22 StudentsMeetwithAdvisors Wednesday 23 ClassesBegin (8:00am) Wednesday 30 LastDaytoDropClasses September Thursday 7 UniversityConvocation(11 am) Wednesday 13 LastDaytoDropClasseswithoutaRecord October Friday 13 Mid-termGrades Due (12 noon) Saturday 14 Homecoming Monday 16 ReligiousHeritageLecture Wednesday 18 ReligiousHeritageLecture Wednesday 18 Fall BreakBeginsatConclusionofClasses Monday 23 ClassesResume (8:00am) Monday 23 AdvisementPeriodforSpringPre-registrationBegins Wednesday 25 LastDaytoDropClasseswithWPorWF Monday 30 Pre-registrationforSpringSemesterBegins November Tuesday 21 ThanksgivingHolidaybeginsforStudents and Faculty (5:00pm) Monday 27 ClassesResume December Thursday 7 ReadingDay Friday 8 FinalExamsBegin Tuesday 12 Final ExamsEnd Wednesday 13 FinalGradesDue (12:00 noon) January Friday 5 Faculty/StaffWorkshop Sunday 7 NewStudentsArrive Sunday-Tuesday 7-9 NewStudentsFollowStudentLifeSchedule Monday 8 ReturningStudentsCheck-In Monday-Tuesday 8-9 StudentsMeetwithAdvisors Wednesday 10 Classes Begin (8:00 am) Monday 15 Martin LutherKingDay (NoClasses) ^/Chowan University Wednesday 17 LastDaytoAddClasses Wednesday 31 LastDaytoDropClasseswithouta Record March Friday 3 Mid-termGradesDue(12noon) Friday 9 SpringBreakBeginsatConclusionofClasses Monday 19 ClassesResume (8:00am) Monday 19 AdvisementPeriodforFallPre-registrationBegins Wednesday 21 LastDaytoDropClasseswithWPorWF April Monday TBA ThirteenthAnnualMary FrancesHobsonLecture& Prize Monday 2 Pre-registrationforFallSemesterBegins Friday 6 GoodFriday (NoClasses) Monday 9 EasterMonday (NoClasses) Tuesday 17 Pre-registrationforSummerSessionBegins Friday-Wednesday20-25 CelebrationofIntellectualandArtisticLifeofthe University Wednesday 25 AwardsDayConvocation(11:00am) May Thursday 3 ReadingDay Friday 4 FinalExamsBegin Tuesday 8 FinalExamsEnd Wednesday 9 GradesDue (12noon) Saturday 12 Commencement(10:00am) Monday 21 StudentsCheckIn Monday 21 RegistrationandClassChanges Tuesday 22 ClassesBegin(8:00am) Wednesday 23 LastDayClassesMaybeAdded Monday 28 MemorialDay (NoClasses) Wednesday 30 LastDaytoDropClassesWithoutaRecord June Friday 15 LastDaytoDropClasseswithWPorWF Friday 22 NoClasses Friday 22 NewStudentOrientation Saturday 23 NewStudentOrientation July Wednesday 4 IndependenceDay (NoClasses) Friday 6 FinalExams Monday 9 FinalGradesDue (12noon) Friday 20 NewStudentOrientation Saturday 21 NewStudentOrientation Introduction to the University/5 Introduction to Chowan University Chowan University is an undergraduate, coeducational, residential, church-related university on a beautiful campus in northeastern North CarolinainthehistorictownofMurfreesboro. ItisthesecondoldestofNorth Carolina's five Baptist colleges and universities. It opened in 1848 as a four- year college for women, Chowan Baptist Female Institute. It was renamed ChowanCollegein 1910, admitted male students in 1931,andbecamea two- yearinstitutionin1937. In1992ChowanCollegereturnedtofour-yearstatus. In2006theinstitutionwasrenamedChowan Universitytoreflectthequality, diversityand growthofthe institution. The Setting of Chowan University Chowan University is located in the historic and picturesque town of Murfreesboro,NorthCarolina. LocatedintheoldAlbemarleregionofNorth Carolina, between the Roanoke and Chowan Rivers, the Murfreesboro area was firstvisitedbyJohn White ofRoanoke Island inthe 16thcentury andby anexpedition fromJamestown, Virginia inthe 17thcentury. During thisera, the principal inhabitants were several Indian tribes such as the Nottoways, Meherrins,andtheChowanokes. Old deedsindicatethatsettlerslivedonthesiteofMurfreesboroasearly as 1710. William Murfree, an Irish immigrant, established a King's Landing whereexports and imports were inspectedby a representativeoftheEnglish Crown. The sitewasknownas Murfree'sLanding. In 1787William Murfree donated97acresofland fortheincorporationofthetown,whichwasnamed forhim. Murfreesboro was the port of call for the 18th and early 19th century sailingvessels thatbroughtNew England, West Indian, and Europeangoods in trade for the naval stores and agricultural products of eastern North Carolina. Today, the stately old homes whisper of rich, romantic colonial and antebellumdays. InhistoricMurfreesboroistheboyhoodhomeofDr.Walter Reed,discovererofthecureforyellowfever. Thereareextensivemuseumsof America's past, one of which is devoted to the inventions ofRichard Jordan Gatling,inventoroftheCatlingGun,whowasbornnearMurfreesboro. The quaint village is currently undergoing an extensive restoration program. Hundredsofcitizensandfriendsareworkingtogethertore-capture the flavor ofa culturally minded colonial town. Students are encouraged to bepartoftheseactivities. Chowan University is easily accessible; being located less than 30 miles from1-95,oneandone-halfhourdrive from theOuterBanks,NorthCarolina and Norfolk, Virginia. Lessthananhourfromcampusaremanyrecreational opportunities, including boating, fishing, hunting and bicycling. Chowan University enjoysthe lifestyleofa relatively small institution inasmalltown but yet has the advantage of being centrally located to urban resources and recreation. 6/Chowan University Students ChowanUniversitychoosestoemphasizethepersonaltouchbykeeping its enrollment to under 1000 students. These undergraduates come from manystatesandforeigncountries. Slightlymorethanhalfofthestudentsare men,andthestudentbodyincludesseveralracialandsocioeconomicgroups. Chowan University admits students of any race, sex, color, and national or ethnic origin without discrimination. This diversity reflects the nature of American society and enriches the life ofthe campus. Most students live in campushousing. Academic Programs ChowanUniversityiscommittedtotheliberalartsasthebestpreparation students canhave for meaningful lives. Also, the University offers a variety ofacademicprogramsincareer-orientedfieldssuchasteachereducationand criminal justice. All of the programs at Chowan University are evaluated periodically by accrediting agencies to insure that quality standards are maintained. Theundergraduatebaccalaureateprogramsaredesignedtohelpstudents gain maximum benefit by providing a balanced curriculum in general studies, a major field, minor fields(s) and selected electives. Students are encouragedtolearntothinkcritically,tocommunicateideasorally,inwritten formandthroughcomputers,andtoliveworthylives. Inadditiontocourses in languages, history, religion and culture, upper-level courses provide opportunities for preparation in areas of special interest and in professional and career-oriented fields. To meetindividualneedsthe academic programs includeindependentstudyand careerinternships. Complementing the academic programs at Chowan University is a comprehensive student life program with many activities designed to help students develop their personalities, enjoy the university experience, and makelifelongfriends. Faculty Chowan University isblessed with dedicated staffand excellent faculty, a large percentage of whom have earned doctorates. The faculty has been chosen because of their academic preparation, Christian commitment, and desire for excellence in teaching. Many of the Chowan University's faculty have blessed the institution with long years of service. The faculty is large enough to provide quality academic experiences for students. Yeta strength oftheUniversityisthatithasremained smallenoughsothattherelationship between faculty and students is friendly, in-depth and potentially life changing. Thefaculty/studentratiois 1:12. Introduction to the University/7 Academic Calendar ChowanUniversity's academicyear isdivided into twosemesters and a summerschool. Thefall semesterlasts forfourmonthsandendspriortothe Christmas holidays. Following a four-month spring semester is a summer schoolterm. Studentsoftenusethesummertermtomakeupacademicwork ortoacceleratecompletionofdegreerequirements. The calendar is designed to meet the needs of full-time and part-time studentswithdayandeveningclasses. Variousstudy-abroadprogramscomplementthe academiccalendar.The Universityoffersworkshopsandseminarsonavarietyoftopicsfornumerous groupsthroughouttheyear. History Chowan University at Murfreesboro is located near the birthplace of American civilization and the beginning area of Baptist work in North Carolina. In the spring of 1848, a group of fathers gathered at "Mulberry Grove," home of Dr. Godwin Cotton Moore, moderator of the Chowan BaptistAssociation. These menwere determined to have an institution that would give their daughters a well-rounded education, and they presented a resolutiontotheAssociation. TheAssociationappointed thefirsttrusteesfor the"femalehighschool"tobecalledChowanFemaleInstitute. Dr.Archibald McDowell of South Carolina was elected first principal, and the Institute openedonOctober 11, 1848withelevenstudents. Thusbeganthe institution thathashadmajorimpactonthelivesofthousandsofpersonsovermorethan 155 years. The institution overcame gloomy prospects in its early years to survive the challenges of the Civil War years. During 1897-1914 the Institute was transformedintoastandardSeniorCollege. ItwasrenamedChowanCollege in 1910, admitted male students in 1931. Due to financial pressures the College changed from four-year to two-year status in 1937. The World War II years saw the closure of Chowan College. After being closed six years ChowanCollegereopened in 1949 asa two-yearcoeducational institution. In 1992 Chowan College returned to four-year status and has now developed a solid reputation for academic quality and leadership in the cultural and religious life of eastern North Carolina and Virginia. In September 2006 the name of the institution was changed to Chowan University.HistoricallytheUniversityhasplayedasignificantroleinGraphic Communication and the arts. As a university a strong reputation has been builtinareas suchasthepreparationofteachers,biologistsand historians. Although there have been many changes over the years, Chowan University remains closely related to the Baptist State Convention of North Carolina. TheUniversityholdsinhighesteemitscommitmenttointellectual, social, and spiritual growth. The administration and faculty believe in and insist upon intellectual freedom, while continuing the commitment to Christianprinciples. 8/Chowan University Presidents Chowan University opened in 1848 but closed during the World War II years. Presidents since the reopening are as follows: Bonnie David Bunn, 1949-51; Forest Orion Mixon, 1951-56; Bruce E. Whitaker, 1957-1989; Jerry F. Jackson, 1989-1995; Herman E. Collier, Jr., Interim 1995-96; Stanley G. Lott, 1996-2003;M. ChristopherWhite,2003-. Mission Statement Chowan University is a four-year coeducational institution committed to excellence in teaching, learning, and service. The University provides the environment for students to become learners who possess the skills, knowledge, creativity, and ethical values necessary to survive and flourish inarapidly-changing, culturallydiverse, globalsociety. ChowanUniversity, asachurch-relatedinstitution,wasfounded uponandisdedicatedtoJudeo- Christian values. Consistent with this heritage, the University is guided by the historic principles of religious and intellectual freedom-academic excellence, the dignity and worth ofeach individual, an atmosphere ofopen dialogue,freedomofinquiryandexpression,andamoralcommitmenttothe pursuitoftruth. TheUniversityfulfillsitsmissionwithacarefulblendofbothliberalarts courses and professional courses. Recognizing that such a blend of know- ledge and experience is particularly suited to the needs of contemporary society, Chowan takes as a priority the need to connect general education with specialized education, theoretical learning with practical learning, and intellectual skills with vocational skills. These connections are emphasized throughout the four years normally required to satisfy graduation requirements. The University meets the academic, social, and spiritual needs of its students by affording personal attention in a caring context, providing extracurricular opportunities which facilitate positive life experiences, furnishingdiverseprogramsmaintainedinappropriatelyappointedphysical facilities, promoting and supporting the ideal of responsibility to self and others, and employing a qualified and diverse faculty and staff who are committed tothemissionoftheinstitution. Institutional Goals 1. Toproviderequisitecoursesandinstructionforalldegreesoffered. 2. Tomold allcurriculasoastoconnectgeneraleducationwithspecialized educationandtheoreticallearningwithpracticallearning. 3. Toensurethatcompletionrequirementsinallcurriculainclude competenceinreading,writing, oralcommunications, fundamental mathematicalskills,and theuseofcomputers.

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