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Author Index M@ Advertiser Index @ Author Index Barrera, Albino. Globalization and economic ethics. 45-6891 Bates, Kristin A., ed. Through the eye of Katrina. 45- 7093 ABC-CLIO 2089 Index entries refer to review numbers. Battista, Andrew. The revival! of labor liberalism. 45- 6877 ACLS Humanitites E-Book 2131 Baumgartner, Frank R. The decline of the death Adam Matthew Digital 2069 penalty and the discovery of innocence. 45-7050 Beaman, Lori G. Defining harm. 45-7020 AIAA 2125, 2129: Beard, Mary. The Roman triumph. 45-6936 American Philosophical Society Abboud, Joseph A. No more joint pain. 45-6815 Becker, Jill B., ed. Sex differences in the brain. 45- Abboud, Soo Kim. No more joint pain. 45-6815 6772 American Psychological Assoc. Abd-El-Aziz, Alaa S., ed. Inorganic and organometallic Ben-Moshe, Danny, ed. Israel, the Diaspora, and macromolecules. 45-6792 Jewish identity. 45-6861 Annual Reviews Abramowicz, Michael. Predictocracy. 45-6890 Ben-Zvi, Linda, ed. Beckett at 100. 45-6605 Ashgate Publishing Abu-Munshar, Maher Y. Islamic Jerusalem and its Bender, Barbara. Stone worlds. 45-6865 Christians. 45-6959 Benedetti, Jean, ed. My life in art. 45-6662 Boydell & Brewer Abuzinada, Abdulaziz H., ed. Protecting the Gulf’s Benners, Augustus. Disunion, war, defeat, and marine ecosystems from pollution. 45-6771 recovery in Alabama. 45-6970 Brepols Adams, Abigail. My dearest friend. 45-6965 Benoit, Pamela J. Persuasive messages. 45-6583 Brill Adams, John. My dearest friend. 45-6965 Benoit, William. Persuasive messages. 45-6583 Afsaruddin, Asma. The first Muslims. 45-6960 Berghe, Guido Vanden. ‘Magic is no magic.’ 45-6748 Cambria Press Insert Ahl, Frederick, tr. Two faces of Oedipus. 45-6602 Bergreen, Laurence. Marco Polo: from Venice to Cambridge University Press 2056, 2116 Ainsworth, David. Milton and the spiritual reader. Xanadu. 45-6943 45-6604 Berkman, Robert. The art of strategic listening. 45- CHOICE 2063, 2079, 2119 al-Hamarneh, Ala, ed. Islam and Muslims in Germany. 6878 CRC Press C2 45-7010 Bery, Ashok. Cultural translation and postcolonial Aladjem, Terry K. The culture of vengeance and the poetry. 45-6606 Dun & Bradstreet Learn 2081 fate of American justice. 45-7044 Bevis, Charlie. The New England League. 45-6851 Alber, Jan. Narrating the prison. 45-6548 Bew, Paul. Ireland: the politics of enmity, 1789-2006 Firefly Books 2049 Aldrich, Robert, ed. The Age of empires. 45-6920 45-7009 Gale /Cengage Learning eZ Aleman, André. Hallucinations. 45-7070 Bhunia, Arun K. Foodborne microbial pathogens. Alkebulan, Paul. Survival pending revolution. 45-6966 45-6764 Greenwood Publishing Group 2085 Allaby, Michael. Deserts. 45-6795 Bibow, Jorg, ed. Euroland and the world economy. 45-6900 IGI Global 2106 Alter, Robert. The book of Psalms. 45-6706 Bickerton, Derek. Bastard tongues. 45-6592 Ammann, Paul. Introduction to software testing. 45- International Monetary Fund 209] 6834 Binney, James. Galactic dynamics. 45-6756 Amussen, Susan Dwyer. Caribbean exchanges. 45- Birth, Kevin K. Bacchanalian sentiments. 45-6682 John Wiley 6921 Bishop, John. Believing by faith. 45-6707 Keesing's Worldwide Andelman, David A. A shattered peace. 45-7008 Bivins, Roberta. Alternative medicine? 45-6816 Anderson, Emma. The betrayal of faith. 45-6967 Bjork, Robert E., tr. A Viking slave’s saga: (Jan Liberty Fund Anderson, Joan B. Fifty years of change on the U.S. Fridegard’s trilogy of novels about the Viking age). Litir Database Mexico border. 45-7016 45-6646 Anderson, Robin, ed. Battleground. 45-6496 Black, Conrad. Richard M. Nixon: a life in full. 45-6972 New Society Publishers Aoki, Keith. Seed wars. 45-6774 Blain, Jenny. Sacred sites. 45-6866 OECD Appiah, Kwame Anthony. Experiments in ethics. 45- Block, Jack. The Q-sort in character appraisal. 45-7071 6695 Bloom, Peter, ed. Berlioz. 45-6681 O’Reilly Media Armstrong, Patrick H. Ail things Darwin. 45-6511 Blustein, Jeffrey. The moral demands of memory. 45-6696 Aspray, William, ed. The Internet and American Oxford Journals business. 45-6883 Bogaert, Sophie, ed. Wartime writings. 45-6651 Oxford University Press Atkins, G. Douglas. Reading essays. 45-6590 Bonacich, Edna. Getting the goods. 45-6879 Atkinson, Michael, ed. Exile cinema. 45-6670 Bonner, Philip L. Enzymes. 45-6770 Peter Lang Publishing Auslander, Philip. Liveness. 45-6582 Borwein, Peter, ed. The Riemann hypothesis. 45-6847 Plunkett Research Aveni, Anthony. People and the sky. 45-6755 Boslaugh, Sarah, ed. Encyclopedia of epidemiology. 45-6513 Avrahami, Einat. The invading body. 45-6549 ProQuest Bowen, Mark. Censoring science. 45-6733 Ayala, Francisco J. Human evolution. 45-6867 Bowern, Claire. Linguistic fieldwork. 45-6593 ReferenceUSA Ayers, David. Literary theory. 45-6591 Boydstun, Amber. The decline of the death penalty Ayoob, Mohammed. The many faces of political Rittenhouse Book Distributors Islam. 45-7018 and the discovery of innocence. 45-7050 Braude, Stephen E. The gold leaf lady and other Roper Center 2099 Aziz, Barbara Nimri. Swimming up the Tigris. 45-6961 parapsychological investigations. 45-7072 Aziz, Shahzad. In the land of the ayatollahs Tupac Routledge 2103 Shakur is king. 45-6962 Bret, David. Clark Gable: tormented star. 45-6664 Broglio, Ron. Technologies of the picturesque. 45- Science Online 2175 6607 Broom, D. M. Domestic animal behaviour and Swedenborg Foundation welfare. 45-6784 2169, 2171, 2 Brown, James Robert. Philosophy of mathematics Babou, Cheikh Anta. Fighting the greater jihad. 45- 45-6842 Thames & Hudson 6933 Brown, James W., ed. Long journey home. 45-6989 Bahn, Paul. Mammoths. 45-6803 Brownell, Susan. Beijing’s games. 45-6852 TUTOR.com Baker, Bruce. Multi-choice policing in Africa. 45-7019 Bryan, Jennifer. Looking inward. 45-6608 United Nations Baker, Emerson W. The devil of Great Island. 45-6968 Buchhart, Dieter, ed. Edvard Munch: signs of modern Barney, William L. The making of a Confederate. 45- art. 45-6567 University of West Indies Press 6969 Burke, Sean. The ethics of writing. 45-6594 August 2008 CHOICE Author Index Davis, Richard W. A political history of the House of Finkelstein, Stan. Reasonable Rx. 45-6901 Lords, 1811-1846. 45-7006 Fitz, Earl E. Translation and the rise of inter-American Dawes, Clinton J. The seaweeds of Florida. 45-6777 literature. 45-6654 Camden, Vera J., ed. Trauma and transformation. 45-6642 De Boef, Suzanna L. The decline of the death penalty Floyd, Nancy. She’s got a gun. 45-7082 Campbel!, Thomas P. Henry Vill and the art of and the discovery of innocence. 45-7050 Foerstel, Herbert N. The Patriot Act: a documentary majesty. 45-6554 De Witt, David A. Jan van Noordt: painter of history and reference guide. 45-6534 Cannas, Antonello, ed. Dairy goats feeding and and portraits in Amsterdam. 45-6566 Fontanille, Michel. Organic and physical chemistry of nutrition. 45-6786 Deibert, Ronald, ed. Access denied. 45-6833 polymers. 45-6790 Caravelli, Jack. Nuclear insecurity. 45-7035 Delen, Dursun. Advanced data mining techniques. Foster, Gwendolyn Audrey. A short history of film. Carli, Linda L. Through the labyrinth. 45-6881 45-6838 45-6669 DePastino, Todd. Bill Mauldin. 45-6584 Fowler, Jeaneane. Chinese religions. 45-6713 Carpenter, Elizabeth, ed. Frida Kahlo. 45-6568 Cavaicanti, H.B. Gloryland. 45-7077 DeRouen, Karl R., Jr., ed. Civil wars of the world. Fowler, Merv. Chinese religions. 45-6713 45-6526 Fradkin, Philip L. Wallace Stegner and the American Cela-Conde, Camilo J. Human evolution. 45-6867 Desbonnet, Alan, ed. Science for ecosystern-based West. 45-6617 Celina, Mathew C., ed. Polymer durability and management. 45-6742 Francesconi, Ana Helena Dias, tr. Dairy goats feeding radiation effects. 45-6793 Devreese, Jozef T. ‘Magic is no magic.’ 45-6748 and nutrition. 45-6786 Chalcraft, Anna. Strawberry Hill. 45-6576 Dewey, Anne Day. Beyond Maximus. 45-6611 Fraser, A. F. Domestic animal behaviour and welfare. Chamberlain, Lesley. Lenin's private war. 45-6951 Dickerson, Vanessa D. Dark Victorians. 45-6550 45-6784 Chambers, Clare. Sex, culture, and justice. 45-6697 Dijkstra, A. Geske. The impact of international debt Fridegard, Jan. A Viking slave's saga: (Jan Fridegard’s Chan, Alexandra A. Slavery in the age of reason. 45- relief. 45-6898 trilogy of novels about the Viking age). 45-6646 6973 Dixon, Wheeler Winston. A short history of film. 45- Friedman, Lawrence M. Guarding life’s dark secrets. Chanter, Tina. The picture of abjection. 45-6665 6669 45-7051 Chapman, Peter. Bananas: how the United Fruit Docter, Richard F. Becoming a woman. 45-7079 Friedrich, William N. Children with sexual behavior Company shaped the world. 45-6894 problems. 45-6823 Dokos, Thanos P. Countering the proliferation of Charara, Hayan, ed. Inclined to speak. 45-6622 weapons of mass destruction. 45-7036 Fritz, Christian G. American sovereigns. 45-6981 Chebahtah, William. Chevato. 45-6974 Dorling, Daniel. Identity in Britain. 45-7007 Frolova-Walker, Marina. Russian music and Cheney, Kristen E. Pillars of the nation. 45-6934 Doyle, Laura. Freedom's empire. 45-6612 nationalism. 45-6684 Chibnall, Steve. Quota quickies. 45-6666 Duke, Philip. The tourists gaze, the Cretans glance. Frymer, Paul. Black and blue. 45-7052 Chiu, Mao-Ching. Communications engineering. 45 45-6869 Fuchs, Anne. Phantoms of war in contemporary 6812 Duncan, lan. Scott’s shadow. 45-6613 German literature, films and discourse. 45-6647 Ciment, James, ed. Encyclopedia of the Jazz Age. Duras, Marguerite. Wartime writings. 45-6651 Fujiwara, Chris. The world and its double. 45-6671 45-6532 Claydon, Tony. Europe and the making of England, 1660-1760. 45-7003 Clayson, Alan. The Rolling Stones. 45-6683 Clemens, Raymond. Introduction to manuscript Gainor, Chris. To a distant day. 45-6758 studies. 45-6595 Eagly, Alice H. Through the labyrinth. 45-6881 Gandal, Keith. Class representation in modern Coates, Ken. Innovation nation. 45-6740 Edmiston, Brian. Forming ethical identities in early literature and film. 45-6618 childhood play. 45-6909 Cobb, Daniel M., ed. Beyond red power. 45-6971 Gangale, Thomas. From.the primaries to the polls. Cohen, Benjamin J. International political economy. Edwa4r5d-s7,0 23L ouise. Gender, politics, and democracy. 45-7053 45-6895 Gant, Scott. We’re all journalists now. 45-6586 Ekberg, Carl J. Stealing Indian women. 45-6977 Cole-Turner, Ronald, ed. Design and destiny. 45-6820 Gao, Wengian. Zhou Enlai. 45-6944 Ellens, J. Harold. Understanding religious Coleman, Simon, ed. The Discipline of leisure. 45 experiences. 45-6712 Gardella, Peter. American angels. 45-6714 6853 Ellis, Anita J. Rookwood and the American Indian. Garner, Steve. Guyana, 1838-1985. 45-6956 Colinvaux, Paul. Amazon expeditions. 45-6765 45-6555 Garthétf, Douglas F. Directors of Central Intelligence Colley, Linda. The ordeal of Elizabeth Marsh. 45-7004 Ellis, Mark R. Law and order in Buffalo Bill’s country as leaders of the U.S. intelligence community, Collins, Billie Jean. The Hittites and their world. 45 45-6978 1946-2005. 45-6982 6937 Emerson, Jason. The madness of Mary Lincoln. 45- Geary, D. Norman, tr. Life in a Kam Village in Connolly, S.J. Contested island. 45-7005 6979 southwest China, 1930-1949. 45-6947 Connors, Kathleen, ed. Eye rhymes. 45-6615 Engel, Jeffrey A., ed. Local consequences of the Gentry, Quinn M. Black women’s risk for HIV. 45-6858 Conover, Michael R. Predator-prey dynamics. 45-6785 global Cold War. 45-6925 Gerber, James. Fifty years of change on the U.S.- Cooper, Phillip J. Sustainable development in crisis Ensalaco, Mark. Middle Eastern terrorism. 45-7037 Mexico border. 45-7016 conditions. 45-6896 Ericksen, Julia A. Taking charge of breast cancer. Gerteiny, Alfred G. The terrorist conjunction. 45-7038 Coutin, Susan Bibler. Nations of emigrants. 45-7078 45-6821 Gikandi, Simon. The Columbia guide to East African Cox, Margaret. The Scientific investigation of mass Erickson, Thomas, ed. HCl remixed. 45-6835 literature in English since 1945. 45-6500 graves. 45-6744 Erihoff, Michael, ed. Design dictionary. 45-6498 Gillette, Aaron. Eugenics and the nature-nurture Coyne, Christopher J. After war. 45-6897 Esposito, Larry W., ed. Exploring Venus as a debate in the twentieth century. 45-6859 Cruz, Joao. Ocean wave energy. 45-6810 terrestrial planet. 45-6757 Giordano, Gerard. American special education. 45- 6911 Crystal, David. ‘Think on my words.’ 45-6610 Evans, David, ed. Ramblin’ on my mind. 45-6688 Gitelman, Zvi, ed. Revolution, repression, and revival. Cumfer, Cynthia. Separate peoples, one land. 45-6975 Eyal, Yonatan. The Young America movement and 45-6953 CuomRoo,m aSn. Tanetcihquniotly.o gy4 5-a6n7d4 7c ulture in Greek and t1h8e6 1.t ra4n5s-f6o9r8m0a tion of the Democratic Party, 1828- Gladding, Jody, tr. Kitchen mysteries. 45-6745 Cutler, Brian L., ed. Encyclopedia of psychology & Eyles, Nick. Canada rocks. 45-6802 Glaze6r7,6 6A lexander N. Microbial biotechnology. 45- law. 45-6530 Gnanou, Yves. Organic and physical chemistry of polymers. 45-6790 Goel, Rajeev K. Global efforts to combat smoking. 45-6903 Falk, Erika. Women for president. 45-6585 Goldenberg, Robert. The origins of Judaism. 45-6715 Dalle Vacche, Angela. Diva. 45-6668 Fazio, Sam. The enduring self in people with Gomez, Laura E. Manifest destinies. 45-6983 Dally-Starna, Corinna, tr. Lakotas, black robes, and Alzheimer's. 45-7073 Goodman, Martin. Rome and Jerusalem. 45-6963 holy women. 45-6986 Fiala, Andrew. The just war myth. 45-6698 Goodman, Richard. The soul of creative writing. 45 Davidson, James West. ‘They say.’ 45-6976 Fienup-Riordan, Ann. Yuungnaqpiallerput: the way 6596 Davis, David Howard. !ynoring the apocalypse. 45 we genuinely live. 45-6570 Gordon, Leonard H.D. Confrontation over Taiwan. 6734 Filreis, Alan. Counter-revolution of the word. 45-6616 45-6945 CHOICE August 2008 Author Index Gordon, Richard, ed. Religion of the Romans. 45-6727 Hogan, Margaret A., ed. My dearest friend. 45-6965 Krouse, Susan Applegate. North American Indians in Gorgani, Fakhraddin. Vis & Ramin. 45-6598 Hogan, Edward R. Of the human heart. 45-6749 the Great War. 45-6985 Gorman, Robert F., ed. Great events from history Holy, Jiri. Writers under siege. 45-6657 Kurien, Prema A. A place at the r iltural table 45-6535 Holroyd, Carin. Innovation nation. 45-6740 45-6719 Grabbe, Lester L. Ancient Israel. 45-6938 Hooks, Ed. The ul mate sce and monologue Kymlicka, Will. Multicultural ody 45-704 Graham, John L. Global negotiation. 45-6886 sourcebook. 45-6658 Graham, Timothy. Introduction to manuscript studies Horton, Sarah J. Living Buddhist statues in early 45-6595 medieval and modern Japan. 45-6717 Granger, Richard. Big brain. 45-6769 Hubbard, Douglas W. How to measure anything. 45 Grant, Barry Keith, ed. Arnerican cinema of the 1960s 6 Lahr, Angela M } apocalyptic 45-6663 Hughes, Edel, e trocities and international nightmares Grant, Teresa, ed. English historical drama, 1500 accountab 7 Laitin, David D. Nations, states, and violence. 45-7040 1660. 45-6614 Husak, Douglas. Overcriminalization. 45-7056 Landman, Neil H., ed. Cephalopods present and past Greenspahn, FrederickE ., ed. The Hebrew Bible. 45 Husbands, Philip, ed. The Mechanical mind in history. 45-6799 6716 45-6752 Larii, Frank. Hallucinations. 45-7070 Grego, Peter. Venus and Mercury and how to observe Hutchinson, Earl Ofari. The Latino challenge to Largent, Mark A. Breeding contempt them. 45-6759 Amer ike, ed. Housing in late a Gress, Bob. The guide to Kansas birds and birding hot Le Normand-Romain, Antoinette spots. 45-6787 Rodin. 45-6571 Griffiths, Tom. Slicing the silence. 45-6922 i) Griswold, Charles L. Forgiveness. 45-6699 Gunewardena, Nandini, ed. The Gender of 5-6683a globalization. 45-7083 lopment of ethics: a historical Gunter, Michael M. The Kurds ascending. 45-7024 Gustafson, Kristian. Hostile intent. 45-7025 Isaac, Gwyneir Gutiérrez-Lopez, Gustavo F., ed. Food engineering Jackson, Peter 45-6736 45-6923 Lewis, Philip. Your Gutman, Roy. How we missed the story. 45-7054 Jamal, Amaney, ed Lieberman, Myror Guttieri, Karen, ed. Interim governments. 45-7027 and after 9/11 Janovicek, Nancy Janzen, Pet nsas birds and birding H not spots Jazar, Reza N Haar, Jerry, ed. Can Latin America compete? 45-6892 Johnson, Kevir he dark page. 45 Haase, Donald, ed. The Greenwood encyclopedia of Johnson, Kevin R. Opening > floodgate 1 Alabama. 45-69 folktales and fairy tales. 45-6537 hnson, M. Mikell. The A in Amer Adrian. Mammott Hall, Donald E. The academic community.y 45-6912 yolfer. 4A5G -6_8R5QE4A Stephen js Hall, arJt.a me4s5.- 6501D ictionary y of subjeJ cts and symbols in Jolly, MaMragarrtehttaSa .. AIlnl lboveo aunudp tsntorguedgtghlee .r . 45-4 5-6984 ind the science of beinsgn esfts Hamblin, Jacob Darwin. Poison in the well. 45-6739 id Mallet, Anglo-Scot. 45-6623 >-6648 Hamilton, Marybeth. In search of the blues ige, Jja cqueline Hamilton, Sue. Stone worlds. 45-6865 diets. 45 Hansen-Turton, Tine, ed. Conversations wit! 45-681 we, Elizabeth Hapke, Laura. Labor's canvas. 45-6556 Kahl, Chad M iter | relations, international America Hard, Mikael H., ed. Urban machinery. 45-6746 security 15-6539 Lumsden, Joanna Hargreaves, Sandra, ed. Study skills for dyslexic Kaplan, B Jed by faith. 45-6718 interface design students. 45-6917 technology Harris, Eileen. The country houses Karmay Lupke, Chris 45-6577 Kaufman sontemporary C Harris, Mark. Pictures at a revolution. 45-6672 Harris, Peter, ed. A record of Cambodia. 45-6950 Harris, Richard L., ed. Capift al, f power, and inequ4 ality in Latin America and the Caribbean. 45-6893 Hastings, Max. Retribution: the battle for Japan, 1944 45. 45-6946 uf Havhfoilcmti,o n. Pe4t5e-r6 6 Politics and awe in Rudyard Kipling’s Kathleer pedia of obesity. 45-6m5a1y4 Hawastsom,b . Za4h5i- 6 g Tutankhamun: the treasures of the tes. 45-6904 bt of the United acClan Hawk, Byron, ed. Small tech. 45-6840 Kenefick, Martyn. Field guide to the Girds of Trinidad & T 45-6789 Hayes, Floyd. Field guide to the birds of Tobago. 45-6789 Mahtaney Herbert, Christopher. War of no pity 6905 Hertel, Shareen, ed. Economic rights Kerfoot, Alic literature 1ngard, Jacquelin Hewitt, Vernon. Political mobilisation < in India. 45-7026 ian, lgrar Ahmad anjoo, Farhad. True enough Higgins, Peter M. Nets, pt Hollywood indepens Hilley, John L. The challenge Hjort, Mette, ed. The Cinema Kos 6667 sachers Hodge, Carl Cavanagh, ed. Encyclopedia of the age of imperialism, 1800-1914. 45-6531 KKroiseusg,i , KarR!e iko. MarkuEss, capede. fLraokmo taswo,r k, blac4k 5-r6 »f the Americas: a chronology Hoff,W iJlosaon.n toA GFeauosrtgiea n W.f orBeuisghn. p4o5l-i7cy0 39f rom Woodrow women. 45-6986 to ft taher mepdr esent. 45-654t2he Western Hemisphere, 1492 August 2008 CHOICE Author Index Marranca, Bonnie. Performance histories. 45-6659 Pointer, Richard W. Encounters of the spirit. 45-6725 Marrett, George J. Contrails over the Mojave. 45-6751 Potter, Russell A. Arctic spectacles. 45-6927 Marshall, David C. Number theory through inquiry. Nadel, Ira. David Mamet. 45-6629 Powers, John. Introduction to Tibetan Buddhism. 45-6845 Nakamura, Lisa. Digitizing race. 45-6837 45-6726 Marshall, Paul A., ed. Religious freedom in the world Nama, Adilifu. Black space. 45-6676 Prado, C.G. Choosing to die. 45-6828 45-6508 National Research Council (U.S.) of the National Prchal, Tim, ed. Visions and divisions. 45-6643 Marty, Martin. The Christian world. 45-6720 Academies. River science at the U.S. Geological Pressly, William L. The artist as original genius. 45- Marwell, Nicole P. Bargaining for Brooklyn. 45-7088 Survey. 45-6804 6564 Mason, Robert J. Collaborative land use Nelson, Michael A. Global efforts to combat smoking. Pribilsky, Jason. La chulla vida. 45-6873 management. 45-6862 45-6903 Pugh, Tison. Sexuality and its queer discontents in Mathieson, Arthur C. The seaweeds of Florida. 45 Neu, Jerome. Sticks and stones. 45-6701 Middle English literature. 45-6635 6777 Nevola, Fabrizio. Siena: constructing the Renaissance Purcell, Edward A., Jr. Originalism, federalism, and McAnally, John W. Jupiter and how to observe it. city. 45-6562 the American constitutional enterprise. 45-7062 45-6760 Newton, A.C., ed. Biodiversity loss and conservation, McCallum, Jack E. Military medicine. 45-6827 in fragmented forest landscapes. 45-6775 McCulloch, Gary, ed. The Routledge international Niblock, Tim. The political economy of Saudi Arabia. encyclopedia of education. 45-6547 45-6906 McDannell, Colleen, ed. Catholics in the movies. 45 Nikaido, Hiroshi. Microbial biotechnology. 45-6766 6710 Noble, Allen G. Traditional buildings. 45-6580 Rabinow, Paul. Marking time. 45-6874 McDermott, Catherine. Design: the key concepts. Nussbaum, Martha C. Liberty of conscience. 45-6723 Rajaee, Farhang. Islamism and modernism. 45-7031 45-6506 O'Brien, Martin. A crisis of waste? 45-7090 Ramey, Lauri, ed. The Heritage series of black poetry, McDermott, Rose. Presidential leadership, illness, and Odell, Edward. Number theory through inquiry. 45 1962-1975. 45-6621 decision making. 45-7059 6845 Ramey, Lauri. Slave songs and the birth of African McElya, Micki. Clinging to mammy. 45-6991 Offutt, Jeff. Introduction to software testing. 45-6834 American poetry. 45-6636 McFalls, Laurence, ed. Max Weber's Objectivity Oliver, G.J. War, food, and politics in early Hellenistic Rand, Peter, tr. Zhou Enlai. 45-6944 reconsidered. 45-7089 Athens. 45-6940 Ratcliff, Jessica. The transit of Venus enterprise in McGill, David. Sound in motion. 45-6686 Olson, Carl, ed. Celibacy and religious traditions Victorian Britain. 45-6761 McKegney, Sam. Magic weapons. 45-6626 45-6711 Reichert, Elizabeth, ed. Chalienges in human rights McKenzie, Judith. The architecture of Alexandria and Olson, David L. Advanced data mining techniques. 45-6857 Egypt, c. 300 B.C. to A.D. 700. 45-6578 45-6838 Reid, Michael. Forgotten continent. 45-7032 McLean, Adrienne L. Dying swans and madmen. 45 Orgeron, Marsha. Hollywood ambitions. 45-6677 Reitter, Paul. The anti-journalist. 45-6649 6660 Orlove, Ben, ed. Darkening peaks. 45-6801 Rencher, Alvin C. Linear models in statistics. 45-6846 McMullan, Gordon. Shakespeare and the idea of late Osborne, John. Larkin, ideology and critical violence Requejo, William Hernandez. Global negotiation writing. 45-6627 45-6630 45-6886 Menssen, Sandra. The agnostic inquirer. 45-6721 Osgood, Robert L. The history of special education Restall, Robin. Field guide to the birds of Trinidad & Meyn, Susan Labry. Rookwood and the American 45-6915 Tobago. 45-6789 Indian. 45-6555 Ottaway, Marina, ed. Beyond the facade. 45-7021 Reynolds, David. Summits: six meetings that shaped Miall, Andrew. Canada rocks. 45-6802 Ou, Chaoquan. Life in a Kam Village in southwest the twentieth century. 45-6928 Miller, Christopher L. The French Atlantic triangle. China, 1930-1949. 45-6947 Reynolds, Garr. Presentationzen. 45-6839 45-6655 Overton, Bill. The eighteenth-century ®ritish verse Ricci, Steven. Cinema and Fascism. 45-6678 Miller, Darlis A. Matilda Coxe Stevenson. 45-6872 epistle. 45-6631 Rice, Prudence M. Maya calendar origins. 45-6957 Miller, Joseph C., ed. New encyclopedia of Africa. Owens, Robert M. Mr. Jefferson’s hammer. 45-6994 Rich, Ronald L. Inorganic reactions in water. 45-6794 45-6544 Oziewicz, Marek. One earth, one people. 45-6632 Richards, Barry. Emotional governance. 45-7047 Miller, Kristine F. Designs on the public. 45-6579 Richardson, Robert C. Evolutionary psychology as Miller, William, Ill, ed. Trace fossils concepts maladapted psychology. 45-7075 problems, prospects. 45-6807 Riggio, Ronald E., ed. The Art of followership. 45-6876 Minnis, Alastair. Fallible authors. 45-6628 Robb, Graham. The discovery of France. 45-7012 Minor, Nancy McGown. Chevato. 45-6974 Robertson, Michael. Worshipping Walt. 45-6637 Mitton, Jacqueline. Cambridge illustrated dictionary Pacino, Maria A. Reflections on equity, diversity, and Robins, Anna Gruetzner. A fragile modernism. 45- of astronomy. 45-6520 schooling. 45-6916 6573 Moncrieff, Joanna. The myth of the chemical cure Pade, Marianne. The reception of Plutarch’s Lives in Robinson, Anne Skaja. Mass and heat transfer. 45 45-7074 fifteenth-century Italy. 45-7011 6813 Montefiore, Simon Sebag. Young Stalin. 45-6952 Palmer, Monte. Islamic extremism. 45-7041 Rogers, Pat. The Cambridge companion to Alexander Moon, Claire. Narrating political reconciliation. 45 Palmer, Princess. Islamic extremism. 45-7041 Pope. 45-6609 7029 Palmer, Trevor. Enzymes. 45-6770 Rogers, Raymond R. Bonebeds. 45-6796 Moore, Kelly. Disrupting science. 45-6753 Pardes, !lana. Melville's Bibles. 45-6633 Rollyson, Carl, ed. Critical survey of mystery and Moorhouse, Paul. Popartportraits. 45-6561 Parker, Michael. Northern Irish literature, 1956-2006. detective fiction. 45-6497 Morrison, Andrew R., ed. The International migration 45-6634 Roper. Jon, ed. The United States and the legacy of of women. 45-6860 Parrish, John M. Paradoxes of political ethics. 45-7046 the Vietnam War. 45-7068 Mouer, Ross, tr. Escape from work. 45-6884 Pastorello, Karen. A power among them. 45-6885 Rosen, Elizabeth K. Apocalyptic transformation. 45 Moustafa, Tamir. The struggle for constitutional Pauly, Philip J. Fruits and plains. 45-6780 6553 power. 45-7030 Paus, Eva., ed. Global capitalism unbound. 45-6902 Rosenberg, Pierre, ed. Poussin and nature. 45-6572 Mrozik, Susanne. Virtuous bodies. 45-6722 Peacock, Kent A. The Quantum revolution. 45-6849 Rowe, Christopher. Plato and the art of philosophical! writing. 45-6702 Muller, Eric L. American inquisition. 45-6992 Pearce, Fred. Earth then and now. 45-6805 Ruffin, J. Rixey. A paradise of reason. 45-6995 Mulroy, Kevin. The Seminole freedmen. 45-6993 Pecoud, Antoine, ed. Migration without borders. 45- Mwangi, Evan. The Columbia guide to East African 6863 Ruggeri, Fabrizio, ed. Encyclopedia of statistics in quality and reliability. 45-6515 literature in English since 1945. 45-6500 Perry, Gill. Spectacular flirtations. 45-6563 Ruotsila, Markku. The origins of Christian anti- Phayer, Michael. Pius XII, the Holocaust, and the Cold internationalism. 45-7064 War. 45-6724 Ropke, Jorg. Religion of the Romans. 45,5727 Pickering, Travis Rayne, ed. Breathing life into fossils. 45-6798 Russell, Fraser T. W. Mass and heat transfer. 45-6813 Pierce, Alexandra. Deepening musical performance Russell, Gordon W. Aggression in the sports world through movement. 45-6687 45-6855 latt, Stephen R. Provincial patriots. 45-6948 Rust, Marion. Prodigal daughters. 45-6638 August 2008 Author Index S Stones, Rob, ed. Key sociological thinkers. 45-6541 Warrell, lan, ed. J. M. W. Turner. 45-6570 Strachan, John. Advertising and satirical culture in Wasserstein, Bernard. Barbarism and Sabin, William E. Discrete-signal analysis and design. the Romantic period. 45-6641 45-6932 45-6814 Streissguth, Michael. Johnny Cash. 45-6689 Weidinger, Alfred, ed. Gustav Klimt Sadowski-Smith, Claudia. Border fictions. 45-6639 Stroup, John. Escape into the future. 45-6731 Weinberg, Steve. Taking on the trust Salkind, Neil J., ed. Encyclopedia of educational Strozier, Anne L., ed. Introduction to alternative and Weissberg, Robert. Pernicioust psychology. 45-6529 complementary therapies. 45-6826 Werbel, Amy. Thomas Eakins Sallis, John. The verge of philosophy. 45-6703 Stuart, Reginald C. Dispersed relations Wettig, Gerhard. Stalin and the C Europe Sanders, Steven M., ed. The Philosophy of TV noir is atlas o 45-695 45-6587 Whitfield, Esther. Cuban current Sargeant, Adrian, ed. The Routledge companion to Sullivan, Thomas D. The agnostic inquire Whitman, JamesQ . The origins nonprofit marketing. 45-6887 Sunstein, Cass R. Worst-case scenarios 45-7069 Schaalje, G. Bruce. Linear models in statistics. 45 Wilkins, Craig L. The aesthetics 6846 Scheurer, Timothy E. Music and mythmaking in film T,U Wilki6n9s4o2n , Toby. Lives fthea 45-6661 Williams, John H., ed. The Archae Schiesbciinegnecre, anLdo ndean,g ineede. rinGge.n de4r5e-6d7 37i nnovations in Talbott, Strobe. The great experiment. 45-7067 800. 45-7002 Schlumberger, Oliver, ed. Debating Arab opean integration. 45 Willi7a0m2s8, Kristen P. Women, the state authoritarianism. 45-7022 Schneider, Dona, ed. Public health: the development Tedeschi, Martha. Watercolors by Winslow Homer Willson, Jack of a discipline. 45-6521 45-6574 Schneider, Steven Jay, ed. 501 movie directors. 45 Temin, Peter. Reasonable Rx. 45-6901 6494 Th is, Hervé. Kitchen mysteries. 45-6745 Schniering, Peter. U.S. climate policy and technology Thom, Paul. The musician as interpreter. 45-6 45-7065 Thomas, Bethan. Identity in Britain. 45-7007 t heritage, postcolonial Schwartz, Seymour |. Putting “America” on the map Thomas, R. Murray. Manitou and God 45-6996 Wittern-Kel Laura. Freedom of the screen. 45 Thompson, Judy. Recording their story Scorza, Jason A. Strong liberalism Wolfinger, James. Philadelphia divided. 45-7000 Thurlkill, Mary F. Chosen among women. 4 Seedhouse, Erik. Tourists in space. Wong, Kenneth K. The Education mayor. 45-6910 Tilley, Chris. Stone worlds. 45-6865 Sernett, Milton C. Harriet Tubman Wood, Allen W. Kantia Shabout, Nada M. Modern Arab art. 45-656 Tremaine Scott Gala tie dynamics. 45-6756 Jard, RogerD Tuber, Steven. Attachment, play and authenticity Sheehan, lvan Sascha. When terrorism and 45-7076 Greek mythology counterterrorism clash. 45-7 Wright, Wynne, ed Tungate, Mark. Branded male. 45-6889 Shell-Gellasch, Amy, ed. Hands on history Turshen, Meredeth. Women’s health movement Wu, Fusheng. Written at imperial Shiffman, Denise. The age of enga: 45-7033 Shipway, Martin. Decolonization and its impé Tyler-McGraw, Marie. An African republic. 45-6935 6929 Shiroyama, Tomoko. Chi Great Tzfira, Tzv ybacterium: from biology to hnolo 45-6773 Depression Uirich, Laurel T ll-behaved women seldon Xenos, Nicholas. Cloaked in virtue Short, John Rennie. Liquid city. 45-7091 make n story Yetman, David. The great Shuck, Glenn W. Escape into the future. 45-6731 Upadhyaya, M Negotiating t Siddiqi, Yumna. Anxieties of empire and the fiction of management intrigue. 45-6640 Silverman, Mark P. Quantum superposition. 45-68 Sim, Stuart. Manifesto for silence. 45-6704 Young, Robert. Medically assisted Sklansky, David Alan. Democracy and the police Young, William H. Music 45-7066 45-6692 Skrzypek, Jacek J. Advanced materials and structures Zamindar, Vazira Fazila-Yacoob for extreme operating conditions. 45-6809 Smith, Andrew T., ed. A Guidet mammals of China age of strict 45-6517 Smith, Bonn of the brain women in woric Technological em Smith, Graeme 45-6728 Smith, Jackie democracy Smith, Ron F smorynski, Craig radition Oderberg, Johan Sorenson li Middle East. 45-6964 Soyer, Francois. The persecution of the Jews and Muslims of Portugal. 45-7013 Spencer, Roy W. Climate confusi tanislavski, Konstantin. My life in art. 45-6662 Starbird, Michael. Number theory through inquiry 45-6845 \ Wagner, Normé> | Viass d heat ttr ransfe~f r. 4A55.-66665§28 1123 Steimatsky, Noa. Italian locations. 45-6679 Waine, Anthony anging cultural tastes. 45-6650 Stenger, Victor J. God: the failed hypothesis: how Walker, James L., Jr. This business of urban musi science shows that God does not exist. 45-6729 45-6691 Stephens, Randall J. The fire spreads. 45-6730 Wallis, Robert. Sacred sites. 45-6866 Stevens, Philip, ed. Fighting the diseases of poverty Walter, Andrew 45-6822 Waltner-Toews, Dai Steyermark, Anthony C., ed. Biology of the snapping 45-6830 turtle (Chelydra serpentina). 4Ac5 -6783 Warner-Lewis, Maureen. Archibald Monteath. 45-6958 August 2008 CHOICE Title Index M@ Title Index Bargaining for Brooklyn. 45-7088 Civil wars of the world. 45-6526 Bastard tongues. 45-6592 Clark Gable: tormented star. 45-6664 Battleground. 45-6496 Class representation in modern literature and film. 501 movie directors. 45-6494 Beckett at 100. 45-6605 45-6618 Becoming a woman. 45-7079 Climate confusion. 45-6806 Beijing's games. 45-6852 Clinging to mammy. 45-6991 Believing by faith. 45-6707 Cloaked in virtue. 45-7049 Berlioz. 45-6681 Collaborative land use management. 45-6862 The academic community. 45-6912 The betrayal of faith. 45-6967 The Columbia guide to East African literature in English since 1945. 45-6500 Access denied. 45-6833 Beyond Maximus. 45-6611 Communications engineering. 45-6812 Access: The Supplementary Index to Periodicals. Beyond red power. 45-6971 {Internet Resource] 45-6489 Beyond the facade. 45-7021 Confrontation over Taiwan. 45-6945 ACLS Humanities E-Book. [Internet Resource] 45-6495 Big brain. 45-6769 Conscbeiionugs nehsusm,a n.s el4f5--c6o7n6s8c iousness, and the science of Administration on Aging. [Internet Resource] 45-6522 Big prisons, big dreams. 45-7087 Consuming the inedible. 45-6868 Advanced data mining techniques. 45-6838 Bill Mauldin. 45-6584 Contested island. 45-7005 Advaonpceerdat inmga tecroinadlist ioannsd. s4tr5u-c6t8u0r9e s for extreme Biodifvoererssti tyl anldosssc apaensd. co4n5s-e6r7v7a5t ion in fragmented Contrails over the Mojave. 45-6751 Advertising and satirical culture in the Romantic Biology of the snapping turtie (Chelydra serpentina) Conversations with leaders. 45-6817 period. 45-6641 45-6783 Corporate governance and corporate finance. 45-6880 The aesthetics of equity. 45-6581 lack and blue. 45-7052 Counter-revolution of the word. 45-6616 The African American woman golfer. 45-6854 Black space. 45-6676 Countering the proliferation of weapons of mass An African republic. 45-6935 Black women’s risk for HIV. 45-6858 destruction. 45-7036 After war. 45-6897 Bob Dylan. 45-6683a The country houses of Robert Adam. 45-6577 The Age of empires. 45-6920 Bon, the magic word. 45-6708 A crisis of waste? 45-7090 The age of engage. 45-6888 Bonebeds. 45-6796 Critic6a4l9 7s urvey of mystery and detective fiction. 45 The age of strict construction. 45-7001 The book of Psalms. 45-6706 The Cryosphere: Where the World Is Frozen. [Internet Aggression in the sports world. 45-6855 Border fictions. 45-6639 Resource] 45-6800 The agnostic inquirer. 45-6721 Branded male. 45-6889 Cuban currency. 45-6656 Agrobacterium: from biology to biotechnology. 45 Breathing Earth. [Internet Resource] 45-6797 Cultural translation and postcolonial poetry. 45-6606 6773 Breathing life into fossils. 45-6798 The culture of vengeance and the fate of American All bound up together. 45-6984 Breeding contempt. 45-6987 justice. 45-7044 All things Darwin. 45-6511 British Musuem Collection Database Search. [internet Current Issues in Health. [Internet Resource] 45-6512 Alternative medicine? 45-6816 Resource] 45-6491 Amazon expeditions. 45-6765 The bronzes of Rodin. 45-6571 American angels. 45-6714 Business.gov. [Internet Resource] 45-6524 American cinema of the 1960s. 45-6663 American inquisition. 45-6992 | Dairy goats feeding and nutrition. 45-6786 American sovereigns. 45-6981 The dark page. 45-6504 American special education. 45-6911 Dark Victorians. 45-6550 America’s first lost nuclear weapon. 45-6750 The Cambridge companion to Alexander Pope. 45 Darkening peaks. 45-6801 Ancient Israel. 45-6938 6609 The Dartmouth Atlas of Health Care. [Internet Anthropological Index. [Internet Resource] 45-6523a The Cambridge companion to Greek mythology. 45 Resource] 45-6818 6709 Anthropological Literature. [Internet Resource] 45 David Mallet, Anglo-Scot. 45-6623 6523b Cambridge illustrated dictionary of astronomy. 45 David Mamet. 45-6629 6520 Anthropology Plus. [Internet Resource] 45-6523 Debating Arab authoritarianism. 45-7022 Can Latin America compete? 45-6892 The anti-journalist. 45-6649 The decline of the death penalty and the discovery of Canada rocks. 45-6802 Anxieties of empire and the fiction of intrigue. 45-6640 innocence. 45-7050 Apocalyptic transformation. 45-6553 Capital, power, and inequality in Latin America and Decolonization and its impact. 45-6929 the Caribbean. 45-6893 The Archaeology of Kent to AD 800. 45-7002 Caribbean exchanges. 45-6921 Deepening musical performance through movement. Archibald Monteath. 45-6958 45-6687 The architecture of Alexandria and Egypt, c. 300 B.C CCaatrhtoolgircasp hiina :t hem ampopviiensg. c4iv5i-l6i7za1t0i ons. 45-6931 Defining harm. 45-7020 to A.D. 700. 45-6578 Democracy and the police. 45-7066 ArchivesUSA. [Internet Resource] 45-6490 Celibacy and religious traditions. 45-6711 Demographic and Health Surveys. [Internet Resource] Arctic spectacles. 45-6927 Censoring science. 45-6733 45-6819 The Art of followership. 45-6876 Census atlas of the United States. 45-6525 Deserts. 45-6795 The art of small things. 45-6560 Cephalopods present and past. 45-6799 Design and destiny. 45-6820 The art of strategic listening. 45-6878 The challenge of legislation. 45-7055 Design dictionary. 45-6498 The artist as original genius. 45-6564 Challenges in human rights. 45-6857 Design: the key concepts. 45-6506 At the brink of infinity. 45-6644 Changing cultural tastes. 45-6650 Designs on the public. 45-6579 Atrocities and international accountability. 45-7017 Chevato. 45-6974 The development of ethics: a historical and critical Children with sexual behavior problems. 45-6823 study. 45-6700 Attachment, play and authenticity. 45-7076 China during the Great Depression. 45-6907 The devil of Great Island. 45-6968 Audubon’'s Birds of America at the University of Pittsburgh. {Internet Resource] 45-6782 Chinese religions. 45-6713 The Dictionary of Old English. [Internet Resource] Choosing to die. 45-6828 45-6499 Chosen among women. 45-6732 Dictionary of subjects and symbols in art. 45-6501 The Christian world. 45-6720 Digitizing race. 45-6837 La chulla vida. 45-6873 Directors of Central Intelligence as leaders of the U.S intelligence community, 1946-2005. 45-6982 Bacchanalian sentiments. 45-6682 Cinema and Fascism. 45-6678 The Discipline of leisure. 45-6853 Bananas: how the United Fruit Company shaped the The Cinema of small nations. 45-6667 world. 45-6894 The Circus in America. [Internet Resource] 45-6693 The discovery of France. 45-7012 Barbarism and civilization. 45-6932 Citrus genetics, breeding and biotechnology. 45-6776 Discrete-signal analysis and design. 45-6814 CHOICE August 2008 Title Index Dispersed relations. 45-6998 Food engineering. 45-6736 A History of Royal Dutch Shell. 45-6791 Disrupting science. 45-6753 Food, sex, and salmonella. 45-6830 The history of special education. 45-6915 Disunion, war, defeat, and recovery in Alabama. 45- Foodborne microbial pathogens. 45-6764 The Hittites and their world. 45-6937 6970 Forgiveness. 45-6699 Hollywood ambitions. 45-6677 Diva. 45-6668 Forgotten continent. 45-7032 Hollywood independents. 45-6675 Divided by faith. 45-6718 Forming ethical identities in early childhood play. Hostile intent. 45-7025 Domestic animal behaviour and weifare. 45-6784 45-6909 Hot-button issues for teachers. 45-6918 Dying swans and madmen. 45-6660 A fragile modernism. 45-6573 HOTSPOT: California on the Edge. [Internet Resource] Freedom of the screen. 45-6680 45-6767 Freedom's empire. 45-6612 Housing in late antiquity. 45-6939 The French Atlantic triangle. 45-6655 How to measure anything. 45-6882 Frida Kahlo. 45-6568 How we missed the story. 45-7054 Earth then and now. 45-6805 From the primaries to the polls. 45-7053 Human evolution. 45-6867 Economic rights. 45-6899 Fruits and plains. 45-6780 The Education mayor. 45-6910 Education Portal. [Internet Resource] 45-6527 The educational morass. 45-6914 Edvard Munch: signs of modern art. 45-6567 Identity in Britain. 45-7007 The eighteenth-century British verse epistle. 45-6631 Ignoring the apocalypse. 45-6734 EISIL: Electronic Information System for International Galactic dynamics. 45-6756 Illuminated Books. [Internet Resource] 45-6502 Law. [Internet Resource] 45-6528 The Gale encyclopedia of diets. 45-6516 The impact of international debt relief. 45-6898 Emotional governance. 45-7047 The Gender of globalization. 45-7083 In love and struggle. 45-6551 Encounters of the spirit. 45-6725 Gender, politics, and democracy. 45-7023 In search of the blues. 45-6685 Encyclopedia of educational psychology. 45-6529 Gend4e5r-e6d73 7 innovations in science and engineering. In the land of the ayatollahs Tupac Shakur is king. Encyclopedia of epidemiology. 45-6513 45-6962 Encyclopedia of obesity. 45-6514 GeneTests. [Internet Resource] 45-6824 Inclined to speak. 45-6622 Encyclopedia of psychology & law. 45-6530 Getting the goods. 45-6879 India, China and globalization. 45-6905 Global capitalism unbound. 45-6902 Encyclopedia of statistics in quality and reliability. Ingmar Bergman revisited. 45-6673 45-6515 Global efforts to combat smoking. 45-6903 Innovation nation. 45-6740 Encyclopedia of the age of imperialism, 1800-1914. Global environmental outlook. 45-6738 Inorganic and organometallic macromolecules. 45- 45-6531 Global negotiation. 45-6886 6792 Encyclopedia of the Jazz Age. 45-6532 Globalization and economic ethics. 45-6891 norganic reactions in water. 45-6794 The end of European integration. 45-7043 Gloryland. 45-7077 nterim governments. 45-7027 The enduring self in people with Alzheimer’s. 45-7073 God: the failed hypothesis: how science shows that The International migration of women. 45-6860 English historical drama, 1500-1660. 45-6614 God does not exist. 45-6729 nternational political economy. 45-6895 Enzymes. 45-6770 The gold leaf lady and other parapsychological nternational relations, international security, and investigations. 45-7072 Escape from work. 45-6884 comparative politics. 45-6539 Governing finance. 45-6908 Escape into the future. 45-6731 The Internet and American business. 45-688. The great cacti. 45-6781 Ethics in journalism. 45-6588 ntroduction to alternative and complementary The ethics of writing. 45-6594 Great events from history. 45-6535 therapies. 45-6826 Eugenics and the nature-nurture debate in the The great experiment. 45-7067 ntroduction to manuscript studies. 45-6595 twentieth century. 45-6859 The Greenwood encyclopedia of children’s issues ntroduction to software testing. 45-6834 Euroland and the world economy. 45-6900 worldwide. 45-6536 An introduction to the modern Middle East. 45-6964 Europe and the making of England, 1660-1760. 45 The Greenwood encyclopedia of folktales and fairy ntroduction to Tibetan Buddhism. 45-6726 7003 tales. 45-6537 The invading body. 45-6549 The Greenwood encyclopedia of love, courtship & Everyday Sociology Blog. [internet Resource] 45-7080 sexuality through history. 45-6538 reland: the politics of enmity, 1789-2006. 45-7009 Evolu45t-i7o0n7a5r y psychology as maladapted psychology. Guarding life’s dark secrets. 45-7051 slam and Muslims in Germany. 45-7010 The guide to Kansas birds and birding hot spots. 45 Islamic extremism. 45-7041 Exile cinema. 45-6670 6787 slamic Jerusalem and its Christians. 45-6959 Experiments in ethics. 45-6695 A Guide to mammals of China. 45-6517 Islamism and modernism. 45-7031 Exploring Florida. [Internet Resource] 45-6533 Gustav Klimt. 45-6569 srael, the Diaspora, and Jewish identity. 45-6861 Exploring the Nanoworld. [Internet Resource] 45-6735 Guyana, 1838-1985. 45-6956 talian locations. 45-6679 Exploring Venus as a terrestrial planet. 45-6757 Eye rhymes. 45-6615 Hacking capitalism. 45-7014 J. M. W. Turner. 45-6570 Hallucinations. 45-7070 Jan van Noordt: painter of history and portraits in Fallible authors. 45-6628 Handbook of research on user interface design and Amsterdam. 45-6566 A Faustian foreign policy from Woodrow Wilson to evaluaticn for mobile technology. 45-6836 The Jazz Discography Online (TJD Online). [Internet George W. Bush. 45-7039 Hands on history. 45-6843 Resource] 45-6503 Field guide to the birds of Trinidad & Tobago. 45-6789 The happy stripper. 45-6694 Johnny Cash. 45-6689 Fifty 70ye1a6r s of change on the U.S.-Mexico border. 45- Harriet Tubman. 45-6997 JournAratli clWesa.t ch[:I ntMerendeitc alR esJoouurrcnea]l s 45a-n6d5 1R9e search The Fight over food. 45-7081 HC! remixed. 45-6835 Jupiter and how to observe it. 45-6760 Fighting the diseases of poverty. 45-6822 Healthcare 411. [Internet Resource] 45-6825 The just war myth. 45-6698 Fighting the greater jihad. 45-6933 The Hebrew Bible. 45-6716 Kantian ethics. 45-6705 Henry Vill and the art of majesty. 45-6554 The fire spreads. 45-6730 Key sociological thinkers. 45-6541 The Heritage series of black poetry, 1962-1975. 45 The first Muslims. 45-6960 6621 King Tutankhamun: the treasures of the tomb. 45-6557 Flag wars and stone saints. 45-6955 Hidden depths. 45-6518 Kitchen mysteries. 45-6745 Flora4 5o-f6 7t7h8e Canadian Arctic Archipelago. [CD-ROM] History of mathematics. 45-6848 The Kurds ascending. 45-7024 August 2008 CHOICE Title Index Music and mythmaking in film. 45-6661 Phantoms of war in contemporary German literature, Music of the World War Il era. 45-6692 films and discourse. 45-6647 Labor's canvas. 45-6556 The musician as interpreter. 45-6690 Philadelphia divided. 45-7000 Lakotas, black robes, and holy women. 45-6986 My dearest friend. 45-6965 Philosophy of mathematics. 45-6842 Landscape of slavery. 45-6558 My life in art. 45-6662 The Philosophy of TV noir. 45-6587 Larkin, ideology and critical violence. 45-6630 Mystical metal of gold. 45-6754 The picture of abjection. 45-6665 The last polar bear. 45-6788 ° The myth of the chemical cure. 45-7074 Pictures at a revolution. 45-6672 Latin American Women Writers. [Internet Resource] Pillars of the nation. 45-6934 45-6653 Pius XII, the Holocaust, and the Cold War. 45-6724 The Latino challenge to black America. 45-7084 A place at the multicultural table. 45-6719 Law and order in Buffalo Bill’s country. 45-6978 Plato and the art of philosophical writing. 45-6702 Lenin’s private war. 45-6951 Narrating political reconciliation. 45-7029 Poetry Archive. [Internet Resource] 45-6507 The Letters of John Murray to Lord Byron. 45-6624 Narrating the prison. 45-6548 Poison in the well. 45-6739 Liberty of conscience. 45-6723 The national debt of the United States. 45-6904 The political economy of Saudi Arabia. 45-6906 The Library of Congress World War Ii companion. National Sea Grant Library. [Internet Resource] 45 A political history of the House of Lords, 1811-1846. 45-6924 6741 45-7006 Life in a Kam Village in southwest China, 1930-1949. Nations of emigrants. 45-7078 Political mobilisation and democracy in India. 45-7026 45-6947 Nations, states, and violence. 45-7040 Politics and awe in Rudyard Kipling’s fiction. 45-6619 Linear models in statistics. 45-6846 Negotiating the past in the past. 45-6926 PolitiFact. [Internet Resource] 45-7061 Linguistic fieldwork. 45-6593 Nets, puzzles, and postmen. 45-6844 Polymer durability and radiation effects. 45-6793 Liquid city. 45-7091 New encyclopedia of Africa. 45-6544 Popartportraits. 45-6561 Literary theory. 45-6591 The New England League. 45-6851 A portrait of the brain. 45-6832 Liveness. 45-6582 New perspectives on contemporary Chinese poetry. Post-conflict heritage, postcolonial tourism. 45-6864 Lives of the ancient Egyptians. 45-6942 45-6599 Poussin and nature. 45-6572 Living Buddhist statues in early medieval and modern New songs on ancient tunes. 45-6559 A power among them. 45-6885 Japan. 45-6717 The New Walford guide to reference resources. 45- Power and succession in Arab monarchies. 45-6540 Local consequences of the global Cold War. 45-6925 6545 Predator-prey dynamics. 45-6785 TLhoen g lojnogu rnpaeryt ithioomn e.a nd4 5-th6e9 89m aking of modern South News4e5-u6m4:9 2 Today’s Front Pages. [Internet Resource] PPrreedsiecnttoactriaocnyz.e n.4 5-4658-9608 39 Asia. 45-6949 No more joint pain. 45-6815 Presidential leadership, illness, and decision making. Looking inward. 45-6608 No place to go. 45-7085 45-7059 Non-chemical weed management. 45-6779 Prodigal daughters. 45-6638 North American Indians in the Great War. 45-6985 Project Gutenberg Consortia Center. [Internet Northern Irish literature, 1956-2006. 45-6634 Resource] 45-6493 Nuclear insecurity. 45-7035 The promise fulfilled. 45-6990 The madness of Mary Lincoln. 45-6979 Number theory through inquiry. 45-6845 Protecting the Gulf’s marine ecosystems from ‘Magic is no magic.’ 45-6748 pollution. 45-6771 Magic weapons. 45-6626 Provincial patriots. 45-6948 The making of a Confederate. 45-6969 Public health: the development of a discipline. 45-6521 The making of FDR. 45-6988 Putting “America” on the map. 45-6996 Mammoths. 45-6803 Ocean wave energy. 45-6810 The man who created Sherlock Holmes. 45-6625 Of the human heart. 45-6749 Manifest destinies. 45-6983 One earth, one people. 45-6632 Manifesto for silence. 45-6704 Opening the floodgates. 45-7057 Manitou and God. 45-6999 The ordeal of Elizabeth Marsh. 45-7004 The Q-sort in character appraisal. 45-7071 The many faces of political Islam. 45-7018 Organic and physical chemistry of polymers. 45-6790 The Quantum revolution. 45-6849 Marco Polo: from Venice to Xanadu. 45-6943 Originalism, federalism, and the American Quantum superposition. 45-6850 Marking time. 45-6874 constitutional enterprise. 45-7062 Quota quickies. 45-6666 Mass and heat transfer. 45-6813 The origins of Christian anti-internationalism. 45-7064 Race and Arab Americans before and after 9/11. 45- Matilda Coxe Stevenson. 45-6872 The origins of Judaism. 45-6715 7063 Max Weher's Objectivity reconsidered. 45-7089 The origins of reasonable doubt. 45-7069 Ramblin’ on my mind. 45-6688 Maya calendar origins. 45-6957 Out of the alleyway. 45-6601 Reading essays. 45-6590 The Mechanical mind in history. 45-6752 Overcriminalization. 45-7056 Reasonable Rx. 45-6901 Mediating knowledges. 45-6871 The 4O5x-f6o5r4d6 encyclopedia of women in world history The Irtaelcy.e pt4i5o-n7 01o1f Plutarch’s Lives in fifteenth-century Medically assisted death. 45-6831 A record of Cambodia. 45-6950 Meliville’s Bibles. 45-6633 Recording their story. 45-6875 Microbial biotechnology. 45-6766 A reef in time. 45-6808 Middle Eastern terrorism. 45-7037 Reflections on equity, diversity, and schooling. 45- Migrant revolutions. 45-6652 Pandora’s senses. 45-6597 6916 Migration without borders. 45-6863 A paradise of reason. 45-6995 Religion of the Romans. 45-6727 Military medicine. 45-6827 Paradoxes of political ethics. 45-7046 Religious freedom in the world. 45-6508 Millennial dreams and apocalyptic nightmares. 45- The Patriot Act: a documentary and reference guide. Retribution: the battle for Japan, 1944-45. 45-6946 7058 45-6534 The revival of labor liberalism. 45-6877 MilliRoens oDuorlclear] D4a5t-a6b5a4s3e : Global Reach. [Internet People and the sky. 45-6755 Revolution, repression, and revival. 45-6953 Milton and the spiritual reader. 45-6604 Performance histories. 45-6659 Richard M. Nixon: al ife in full. 45-6972 Modern Arab art. 45-6565 Pernicious tolerance. 45-6919 The Riemann hypothesis. 45-6847 The moral demands of memory. 45-6696 The 4p5e-r7s0e1c3u tion of the Jews and Muslims of Portugal. River science at the U.S. Geological Survey. 45-6804 Mr. Jefferson’s hammer. 45-6994 Persuasive messages. 45-6583 The Rolling Stones. 45-6683 Multi-choice policing in Africa. 45-7019 Pew Center on the States. [Internet Resource] 45-7060 The Roman revolution of Constantine. 45-6941 Multicultural odysseys. 45-7045 The Roman triumph. 45-6936 CHOICE August 2008 Title Index Rome and Jerusalem. 45-6963 This business of urban music. 45-6691 Rookwood and the American Indian. 45-6555 Thomas Eakins. 45-6575 The Routledge companion to nonprofit marketing. Through the eye of Katrina. 45-7093 45-6887 Through the labyrinth. 45-6881 transtorrn The Routledge companion to the Christian church. To a distant day. 45-6758 1861. 45-6980 45-6509 The tourists gaze, the Cretans glance. 45-6869 Young, British The Routledge international encyclopedia of education. 45-6547 Tourists in space. 45-6762 Young Stalin Russian music and nationalism. 45-6684 Trace fossils concepts, problems, prospects. 45-6807 Traditional buildings. 45-6580 The transit of Venus enterprise in Victorian Britain 45-6761 Translation and the rise of inter-American literature 45-6654 Sacred sites. 45-6866 Trauma and transformation 45-6642 Science for ecosystem-based management. 45-6742 TRIP Database. [Internet Resource] 45-6829 ScienceWatch. [Internet Resource] 45-6743 True enough. 45-6552 The Scientific investigation of mass graves. 45-6744 Two faces of Oedipus. 45-6602 Scott’s shadow. 45-6613 The seaweeds of Florida. 45-6777 Seed wars. 45-6774 The Seminole freedmen. 45-6993 Separate peoples, one land. 45-6975 U.S. climate policy and technology. 45-7065 The Seventh Crusade, 1244-1254. 45 6923 The ultimate scene and monologue sourcebook. 45 Sex, culture, and justice. 45-6697 6658 Sex differences in the brain. 45-6772 Understanding religious experiences. 45-6712 Sexuality and its queer discontents in Middle English The United States and the legacy of the Vietnam War literature. 45-6635 45-7068 Shakespeare and the idea of late writing. 45-6627 Urban machinery. 45-6746 A shattered peace. 45-7008 US NSF - Astronomy & Space - Research Overview She’s got a gun. 45-7082 [Internet Resource] 45-6763 A short history of film. 45-6669 Vehicle dynamics. 45-6811 A short history of secularism. 45-6728 Venus and Mercury and how to observe them. 45-6759 Siena: constructing the Renaissance city. 45-6562 The verge of philosophy. 45-6703 Slave songs and the birth of African American poetry Victoria Research Web. [Internet Resource] 45-6510 45-6636 A Viking slave’s saga: (Jan Fridegard’s trilogy of Slavery in the age of reason. 45-6973 novels about the Viking age). 45-6646 Slicing the silence. 45-6922 The Virgilian tradition. 45-660 Small tech. 45-6840 Virtuous bodies 45-6722 Social movements for global democracy. 45-7092 Vis & Ramin. 45-6598 The soul of creative writing. 45-6596 Visions and divisions Sound in motion. 45-6686 South African national cinema Spectacular flirtations. 45-6563 Stalin and the Cold War in Europe. 45-6954 W.G. Sebald. 45-6648 Stealing Indian women. 45-6977 W3C Semantic Web Activity. 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Writing home. 45-6645 45-6747 Written at imperial command. 45-6600 The terrorist conjunction. 45-7038 ‘They say.’ 45-6976 ‘Think on my words.’ 45-6610 August 2008 CHOICE Interdisciplinary Index M@ Interdisciplinary Index A Guide to mammals of China. 45-6517 ArchivesUSA. [Internet Resource] 45-6490 The impact of international! debt relief. 45-6898 Audubon’s Birds of America at the University of India, China and globalization. 45-6905 Pittsburgh. [Internet Resource] 45-6782 African and African American Introduction to Tibetan Buddhism. 45-6726 Breathing Earth. [Internet Resource] 45-6797 Life in a Kam Village in southwest China, 1930-1949. British Musuem Collection Database Search. [Internet Studies 45-6947 Resource] 45-6491 Business.gov. [Internet Resource] 45-6524 Living Buddhist statues in early medieval and modern The aesthetics of equity. 45-6581 Japan. 45-6717 The Circus in America. [Internet Resource] 45-6693 The African American woman golfer. 45-6854 The long partition and the making of modern South The Cryosphere: Where the World Is Frozen. [Internet An African republic. 45-6935 Asia. 45-6949 Resource] 45-6800 All bound up together. 45-6984 Marco Polo: from Venice to Xanadu. 45-6943 Current Issues in Health. [Internet Resource] 45-6512 Archibald Monteath. 45-6958 Migration without borders. 45-6863 The RDeasrotumrocuet] h 45A-t6la8s1 8 of Health Care. [Internet The architecture of Alexandria and Egypt, c. 300 B.C. Negotiating the past in the past. 45-6926 Demographic and Health Surveys. [Internet Resource] to A.D. 700. 45-6578 New perspectives on contemporary Chinese poetry. 45-6819 Atrocities and international accountability. 45-7017 45-6599 The Dictionary of Old English. [Internet Resource] Black and blue. 45-7052 New songs on ancient tunes. 45-6559 45-6499 Black space. 45-6676 Out of the alleyway. 45-6601 Education Portal. [Internet Resource] 45-6527 Black women’s risk for HIV. 45-6858 A place at the multicultural table. 45-6719 EISIL: Electronic Information System for International Caribbean exchanges. 45-6921 Political mobilisation and democracy in India. 45-7026 Law. [internet Resource] 45-6528 Clinging to mammy. 45-6991 Post-conflict heritage, postcolonial tourism. 45-6864 Everyday Sociology Blog. [Internet Resource] 45-7080 The Columbia guide to East African literature in Provincial patriots. 45-6948 Exploring Florida. [Internet Resource] 45-6533 English since 1945. 45-6500 A record of Cambodia. 45-6950 Exploring the Nanoworld. [Internet Resource] 45-6735 Dark Victorians. 45-6550 Retribution: the battle for Japan, 1944-45. 45-6946 Flora of the Canadian Arctic Archipelago. [CD-ROM] Decolonization and its impact. 45-6929 Technological empowerment. 45-7034 45-6778 Fighting the greater jihad. 45-6933 Through the eye of Katrina. 45-7093 GeneTests. [Internet Resource] 45-6824 Freedom's empire. 45-6612 The United States and the legacy of the Vietnam War. Healthcare 411. [Internet Resource] 45-6825 The French Atlantic triangle. 45-6655 45-7068 HOTSPOT: California on the Edge. [Internet Resource] The Greenwood encyclopedia of children’s issues Virtuous bodies. 45-6722 45-6767 worldwide. 45-6536 Written at imperial command. 45-6600 Illuminated Books. [Internet Resource] 45-6502 Guyana, 1838-1985. 45-6956 Zhou Enlai. 45-6944 The Jazz Discography Online (TJD Online). [Internet Harriet Tubman. 45-6997 Resource] 45-6503 The 6H6e2r1i tage series of black poetry, 1962-1975. 45- Canadian Studies JournAartli clWeast. ch[:I ntMeerndeitc alR esJoouurrcnea]l s 45a-n6d5 1R9e search King Tutankhamun: the treasures of the tomb. 45-6557 Latin American Women Writers. [Internet Resource] Arctic spectacles. 45-6927 45-6653 Landscape of slavery. 45-6558 The Latino challenge to black America. 45-7084 The betrayal of faith. 45-6967 Million Dollar Database: Global Reach. [Internet Migration without borders. 45-6863 Border fictions. 45-6639 Resource] 45-6543 Muliti-choice policing in Africa. 45-7019 Dispersed relations. 45-6998 Natio6n7a4l1 Sea Grant Library. [Internet Resource] 45- Narrating political reconciliation. 45-7029 No place to go. 45-7085 Newseum: Today’s Front Pages. [Internet Resource] New encyclopedia of Africa. 45-6544 Recording their story. 45-6875 45-6492 Philadelphia divided. 45-7000 Poetry Archive. [Internet Resource] 45-6507 Pillars of the nation. 45-6934 Classical Studies PolitiFact. [Internet Resource] 45-7061 Ramblin’ on my mind. 45-6688 Project Gutenberg Consortia Center. [Internet The Seminole freedmen. 45-6993 The Cambridge companion to Greek mythology. 45- Resource] 45-6493 Separate peoples, one land. 45-6975 6709 ScienceWatch. [Internet Resource] 45-6743 Slave songs and the birth of African American poetry. The Hittites and their world. 45-6937 TRIP Database. [Internet Resource] 45-6829 45-6636 Housing in late antiquity. 45-6939 US NSF - Astronomy & Space - Research Overview. Slavery in the age of reason. 45-6973 Lives of the ancient Egyptians. 45-6942 [Internet Resource] 45-6763 South African national cinema. 45-6674 Negotiating the past in the past. 45-6926 Victoria Research Web. [Internet Resource] 45-6510 Student encyclopedia of African literature. 45-6505 Pandora's senses. 45-6597 Survival pending revolution. 45-6966 Piato and the art of philosophical writing. 45-6702 Environmental Studies ‘They say.’ 45-6976 The reception of Plutarch’s Lives in fifteenth-century Through the eye of Katrina. 45-7093 Italy. 45-7011 Collaborative land use management. 45-6862 Well-behaved women seldom make history. 45-6930 Religion of the Romans. 45-6727 A crisis of waste? 45-7090 The Roman revolution of Constantine. 45-6941 Darkening peaks. 45-6801 Asian and Asian American The Roman triumph. 45-6936 Earth then and now. 45-6805 Two faces of Oedipus. 45-6602 Global environmental outlook. 45-6738 Studies The verge of philosophy. 45-6703 Hidden depths. 45-6518 The Virgilian tradition. 45-6603 HOTSPOT: California on the Edge. [Internet Resource] American inquisition. 45-6992 War, food, and politics in early Hellenistic Athens. 45-6767 Beijing's games. 45-6852 45-6940 Ignoring the apocalypse. 45-6734 Bon, the magic word. 45-6708 The last polar bear. 45-6788 Border fictions. 45-6639 Electronic Resources National Sea Grant Library. [Internet Resource] 45- China during the Great Depression. 45-6907 6741 Chinese religions. 45-6713 Access: The Supplementary Index to Periodicals. Protecting the Gulf’s marine ecosystems from Confrontation over Taiwan. 45-6945 [Internet Resource] 45-6489 pollution. 45-6771 Decolonization and its impact. 45-6929 ACLS Humanities E-Book. [Internet Resource] 45-6495 A reef in time. 45-6808 Escape from work. 45-6884 Administration on Aging. [internet Resource] 45-6522 Sacred sites. 45-6866 Gender, politics, and democracy. 45-7023 Anthropological Index. [Internet Resource] 45-6523a Science for ecosystem-based management. 45-6742 Governing finance. 45-6908 Anthropological Literature. [Internet Resource] 45- The seaweeds of Florida. 45-6777 The Greenwood encyclopedia of children’s issues 6523b Sustainable development in crisis conditions. 45-6896 worldwide. 45-6536 Anthropology Plus. [Internet Resource] 45-6523 U.S. climate policy and technology. 45-7065 CHOICE August 2008

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