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Preview Chirped Multi-photon adiabatic passage for a four-level ladder-type Rydberg excitation

Chirped Multi-photon adiabatic passage for a four-level ladder-type Rydberg excitation Jing Qian†, Jingjing Zhai, Lu Zhang and Weiping Zhang Quantum Institute for Light and Atoms, Department of Physics, East China Normal University, Shanghai 200062, People’s Republic of China We develop a multi-photon adiabatic passage to realize a highly efficient Rydberg excitation in a four-level ladder-type atomic system. The adiabatic passage is based on the existence of a novel quasi-darkstateinthecascadeexcitationsystemwherethefrequenciesofthelasersareappropriately 5 chirped with time. We also investigate the influenceof the interatomic Rydberginteraction on the 1 passage and extend its application to the preparation of anti-blockade Rydberg atom pairs in the 0 Rydbergblockade regime. 2 n a I. INTRODUCTION neighboringatomhasbeenexcitedtotheRydbergstate, J which is so-called Rydberg blockade effect [28–30]. To 7 overcome this obstacle, one direct solution resorts to in- Recently, it has been recognized that quantum op- creasing the mean interatomic distance (typically larger tical systems involving highly-excited atomic Rydberg ] than 10µm) by lowering atomic gas density. Then the h levels can provide a promising perspective for the ap- p plications in quantum information processing, quantum probabilityofobtainingRydberg-excitedatomscanhave - metrology, and quantum simulation [1–4]. In particu- a clear growth [31]. An alternative way is to utilize an m appropriate optical detuning with respect to the Ryd- lar, the huge polarizability of Rydberg states gives rise o bergstatetocompensatetheenergy-shiftinducedbythe to giant Kerr coefficients which enable the nonlinear op- t Rydberg-Rydberg interaction, which can generate anti- a tical effects, such as electromagnetically induced trans- . parency, in the single-photon level [5]. It also induces blockade Rydberg atom pairs even in the deep Rydberg s blockade regime [32–34]. A modified STIRAP scheme c thestrongdipole-dipoleorvanderWaalsinteractionsbe- i basedonthisdetuning-compensatedapproachisalsopro- s tween neighboring Rydberg atoms which can be used to y implement atom-photon and photon-photon phase gates posed lately [35]. h [6–8], effective photon-photon interactions [9, 10], and In the present work, we design a multi-photon adia- p deterministic single-photon sources [11–13]. baticpassagetorealizeahighlyefficientRydbergexcita- [ In experimental realizations of these and other appli- tion in a four-level ladder-type atomic system with two 1 cations, it will be essential to have methods available to intermediate excited states located between the ground v efficiently transfer ground-state atoms into and out of stateandthe Rydbergstate. Differing fromtheprevious 1 the highly-excited Rydberg states [14]. In the direct ex- works,the presentadiabatic passageisbasedonaquasi- 5 citation case, except the requirement of deep ultraviolet dark state which involves only one of the intermediate 3 1 wavelengths of the lasers, a poor selectivity of the exci- excited states. This excitation scheme depends on the 0 tationdue to the opticalmixingofthe nearlydegenerate application of three coherent light pulses with carefully . Rydberg states limits its use [15]. These shortcomings chosen Rabi frequencies, time widths, delay times, and 1 canbemadeupbyamulti-stepexcitationviasomeinter- most importantly, with chirped optical frequencies. The 0 5 mediatestates[16–20]. Especially,thestimulatedRaman influence ofthe Rydberg-Rydberginteractiononthis ex- 1 adiabaticpassage(STIRAP)isapowerfultechniquethat citationschemeisinvestigatedanddiscussed. Wefurther : isusedintensivelyinpreparingandmanipulatingatomic find the detuning with respect to the other intermediate v i and molecular states [21]. It is more robust to overcome state could be an effective control knob to reduce the X the effects of the Doppler broadening,spatial laser-pulse destructive effect of the Rydberg-Rydberg interactionto r inhomogeneities,andthe spontaneousdecayoftheinter- the excitation. Then the high excitationefficiency of the a mediate excited state. However,the ingenious formation Rydbergatompairscanbe reachedeveninthedeepRy- ofthedarkstaterestrictstheapplicationoftheSTIRAP dberg blockade regime where the adiabatic passage no to the three-level excitation scheme. The multi-photon longer exists. adiabatic passage and the fractional STIRAP with opti- This paper is organized in the following way: In Sec. mal pulse sequences are thus extensively studied [22–27] II, we establish a detailed modelfor the quasi-darkstate to realize highly efficient excitation in the four- or even andmulti-photonadiabaticpassageinafour-levelladder- more level schemes. type atomic system without Rydberg-Rydberg interac- Compared to the general atomic excitation, strong in- tion. The parametersof the optical pulses are optimized teratomic interaction induced by the huge dipole mo- to make a trade off between the fidelity of the adiabatic ment of Rydberg states may result in poor effects of passage based on the quasi-dark state and the sponta- allaboveexcitationstrategiesinthe Rydbergexcitation. neous decay of the intermediate state involved. The in- The interaction shifts the original atomic energy levels fluence of the Rydberg-Rydberg interaction on the exci- and blocks the Rydberg excitation of the atoms whose tationschemeisdisplayedanddiscussedwithatwo-atom 2 (a) 5 (b) 2τ dberg excitation of such a single four-levelatom is given 4 Ω ∆ by (where ~=1 throughout the work) me e es 3 2T Puls 12 ∆r Ωer Ωgm H0 = +∆m(Ω|mgmihmm|+g∆+eΩ|emiehee|+m∆r+|riΩherr| r e +H.c(.1)), | ih | | ih | | ih | 0 −20 −15 −10 −5 t(0µs) 5 10 15 20 and the transition dynamics and the dissipations can be 1 described by the master equation of single atom density (c) n0.8 matrix ρˆ, o ati0.6 pul0.4 ∂tρˆ(t)= i[ 0(t),ρˆ(t)]+ [ρˆ(t)], (2) o − H L P0.2 where the Lindblad operator [ρˆ(t)] referring to the −020 −15 −10 −5 t(0µs) 5 10 15 20 spontaneous decays from the twLo intermediate unstable states m and e is readily written as | i | i FIG. 1: (Color online) (a) Scheme of the four-level ladder- γ [ρˆ] = mg 2σˆ ρˆσˆ† σˆ ,ρˆ (3) type system interacting with the three laser fields with Rabi L 2 gm gm−{ mm } f∆rerqfureonmcitehseΩingtme,rmΩemdeiaatendstaΩteer|,main,dthdeeitnutneirnmgesd∆iamte,s∆taetea|nedi +γe2m(cid:0) 2σˆmeρˆσˆm† e−{σˆee,ρˆ}(cid:1) andtheRydbergstate r ,respectively. Thetwointermediate | i (cid:0) (cid:1) statesareunstableandsufferfromdecayofratesγemandγmg. withσˆij = i j denotingtheatomictransitionoperator Vdd represents theinteraction between two neighboring Ryd- andγem(mg|)ithhe|spontaneousdecayrateswithrespectto bergatoms. (b)Twopairsofpulsesequenceswithcounterin- states e (m ). Anefficientpopulationtransferfromthe tuitive character and their time-dependent Rabi frequencies | i | i groundstate g totheRydbergstate r canberelatively denoted by Ωgm(t) and Ωme(t) (black solid curves), ∆e(t) easilyachieve|diinexperimentsviaam|uiltiplephotoncas- and Ωer(t) (blue dashed curves), driving atoms from ground cade excitation, with dissipation from the intermediate state g toRydbergstate r viaachirpedmulti-photonadi- | i | i states a major impediment [36]. abaticpassage. (c)Thetimeevolutionofthequasi-darkstate D with the population probabilities of the component g , Recentlythe technique ofSTIRAP is employedwidely 4 |r ,iand e labeled by the blue solid curve, the black da|shi- in the Rydberg excitation of three-level ladder atomic | i | i dotted curve, and the red dashed curve, respectively. The systemsduetoitsadvantageofimmunitytothedecayof population probability of e has been largely suppressed by the intermediate state [37, 38]. This feature arises from | i optimized pulses. the existence of a “dark” eigen-state D in a coherent 3 | i coupledthree-levelsystem,witheigen-energyλ =0and 3 eigen-vector model in Sec. III, while the crucial role for the optical detuning with respect to the other intermediate state in D3 =cosθ g sinθ r , (4) | i | i− | i the strong interaction case is shown in Sec IV. wherethe mixingangleθ is givenby tanθ =Ω /Ω with g r Ω the Rabi frequency between the intermediate state g(r) andthe state g (r ). Itdoesnothaveanycontribution II. CHIRPED MULTI-PHOTON ADIABATIC | i | i from the unstable intermediate state. Then a complete PASSAGE transfer from g to r can be achieved by adiabatically | i | i changing the dark state superposition, that is, perform- As showninFig. 1(a), we considera four-levelladder- ing a pair of optical pulses in a counterintuitive order type atomic system with a ground state g and a Ry- [21, 39]. | i dberg state r , which can be excited via the two inter- For a four-level atomic system considered in the | i mediatestates m and e . The transitionRabifrequen- present work, by diagonalizng Hamiltonian (1) we find | i | i cies between states i and j are denoted by Ωij, with due to the different symmetry from the three-level sys- | i | i ij = gm,me,er, and optical detunings ∆m,e,r may be tem, there is no dark state which is immune to the two applied with respect to the corresponding levels. All the intermediate states m and e . However, as long as the | i | i Rabi frequencies are assumed to be real and positive in condition this work. The Rydberg and the two intermediate ex- cited states decay by spontaneous emission of radiation, Ω2er =∆e∆r (5) and we assume that the lifetime of the Rydberg state is is fulfilled, there exists a novel eigen-state D with its much longer than the other two so that we can neglect | 4i eigen-energy λ =0 and eigen-vector its decay. In the present section, we will also neglect the 4 dipole-dipoleinteractionV betweentheRydbergatoms dd D4 =cosϕ g +sinϕcosφ e sinϕsinφ r , (6) which may induce the Rydberg blockade effect, and fo- | i | i | i− | i cus on the single-atom excitation mechanism. Then in which involves one of the intermediate states, e , and | i the rotating-waveframe the Hamiltonian describing Ry- is so called quasi-dark state by us. Comparing to state 3 10 6 sian, with the same width T and the same duration τ, 8 5 Ω (t) = Ωmaxe−(t−τ)2/T2, gm gm 6 Ω (t) = Ωmaxe−(t+τ)2/T2 4 me me 2 Χ 4 ∆e(t) = ∆meaxe−(t−τ)2/T2, (9) 3 Ω (t) = Ωmaxe−(t+τ)2/T2, 2 er er 0 2 ∆r(t) = (Ω∆memraaxx)2e8τ2/T2e−(t+3τ)2/T2, 0 2 4 6 8 10 1 e where the quantities with superscript “max” represent Χ 0 1 the Gaussian peak values. τ > 0 is required to ensure the counterintuitivefeatureofSTIRAPpulses. Thenac- cordingtotheequation(6),thetimeevolutionofthepop- FIG. 2: (Color online) The accumulated population proba- ulation probabilities on the three components of quasi- bility on the excited state e is estimated by the character- istic function f(χ1,χ2). Ar|eais marked by darker color mean dark state |D4i is plotted in Fig. 1(c), and the accumu- smaller values of f. lated population probability on the component state e | i is given by +∞ T2 sinϕcosφ2dt= f(χ ,χ ), (10) 1 2 | | 8τ D3 , D4 possesses two mixing angles which are given −Z∞ | i | i by where we have defined +∞ χ2 f(χ ,χ )= dξ 1 , (11) 1 2 χ2χ2eξ+e−ξ+χ2 tanϕ = Ωgm 1+ ∆2e , (7) Z−∞ 1 2 1 −Ωmes Ω2er as a function of the two peak value ratios χ1 = tanφ = ∆e . (8) Ωmgmax/Ωmmaex and χ2 = ∆meax/Ωmerax. We plot f(χ1,χ2) Ω inFig. 2 whichclearlyshowsthat the conditionχ2 >χ1 er ispreferredforasmallaccumulatedpopulationprobabil- ity andthus a weak dissipationeffect. This is due to the condition gives ∆max >ΩmaxΩmax/Ωmax which means a e gm er me Similar to the three-level case, one can build a multi- far-off resonant excitation to the intermediate state e . | i photon adiabatic passage via state D . The atom ini- According to Eq. (10), it seems that a shortpulse width 4 | i tially preparing in the ground state g ( g D = 1 for and a long pulse duration can also reduce the accumu- 4 | i h | i cosϕ = 1 and cosφ = 0) will finally settle in the Ryd- latedpopulationprobability. However,itmeansarapidly berg state r ( rD =1 forsinϕ=1 andsinφ=1)by changedpulse sequence whichgoesagainstthe adiabatic 4 | i h | i slowlyadjustingthetwomixingangles. Itisabitspecial passage theory [46]. that except the three Rabi frequencies Ω , Ω , and To investigate the influence of these relevant parame- gm me Ω , the detunings ∆ and ∆ should also change over ters onthe chirpedmulti-photon adiabaticpassagemore er e r time tomeetthequasi-darkcondition(5). Thiscouldbe precisely, we define the fidelity of the quasi-dark state achieved through coupling state m and state e , state F(t) = D (t) ρˆ(t) D (t) and simulate the master 4 4 | i | i h | | i e andstate r bytwofrequency-chirpedopticalpulses, equation (2) to obtain its value at t for various |thie technolog|yiof which has been widely investigated in parameters. Notice that F(∞) is just t→he∞population of the theory and the experiment of atomic and molecular the Rydberg state r . As shown in Fig. 3, when there | i state control [40–45]. The time sequence of pulses and is no dissipation of the intermediate state e (γ = 0, em | i the time dependence of detunings for our chirped multi- which means D (t) is a perfect dark state), the blue 4 photon adiabatic passage are displayed in Fig. 1(b). curveslabeled|bycircilesshowthevalueofF(∞)canreach unity as long as the applied pulse for optical excitation Since the quasi-dark state D involves intermediate is sufficiently long so that the dark state can be adia- 4 | i state e ofnon-ignorabledecay,whichmaybreaktheadi- batically followed. In the presence of nonzero γ , we em abatic| tiransfer, we first calculate the accumulated pop- compare the case that Ωmax = Ωmax = 1.0MHz and gm er ulation probability on the component state e of state Ωmax = ∆max = 5.0MHz (Fig. 3(a)) which meets the | i me e D over the whole transfer process, whose value can decay-suppressed condition χ > χ with the case that 4 2 1 |brieifly estimate that destructive effect. For generality, Ωmax = Ωmax = Ωmax = ∆max = 5.0MHz (Fig. 3(b)) gm er me e weassumeallthepulsesandchirpeddetuningsareGaus- which does not meet the condition. In both cases, the 4 both on the Rydberg state. The corresponding master 1 1 (a) (b) equation becomes 0.8 0.8 elity0.6 elity0.6 ∂tρˆI(t)=−i[HI(t),ρˆI(t)]+ Lj[ρˆI(t)], (13) d d j=1,2 Fi0.4 Fi0.4 X 0.2 0.2 where the form of the Lindblad operator j is same as L Eq. (3)butwiththeatomictransitionoperatorsforatom 00 10 20 30 00 2 4 6 8 10 j only. The subscript “I” indicates the case for two in- T (µs) T (µs) teracting atoms. The eigenstates of may be quite different to FIG. 3: (Color online) Fidelity F(∞) as a funtion of pulse HI the single atom case due to the Rydberg interaction width T for different spontaneous decay rates of state e : | i term so as to threaten the existence of the quasi- γem = 0 (blue curve with circles), 0.1MHz (red curve dark state D . In the weak interaction case where with squares), 0.5MHz (black curve with triangles). (a) | 4i Ωmax = Ωmax = 1.0MHz, Ωmax = ∆max = 5.0MHz and (b) Vdd Ω with single-atom characteristic frequency Ωgmgmmax = Ωemerrax = Ωmmaex = ∆mmeeax = 5e.0MHz. In simulations |Ω∈|{Ω≪mgmax,Ωmmaex,Ωmmarx,∆meax},theCMPAPforRydberg other parameters are γmg = 0.1 MHz, τ = 0.5T, ∆m = 0, excitationofbothatomsaresustainedwiththetwo-atom ∆r =Ω2er/∆e. eigen-state which can be approximately represented as D = D D . Then there still exists anadiabatic | 4iI | 4i⊗| 4i passage between the ground state gg and the double | i fidelity decreases as the decay rate γem increases. As Rydbergexcitedstate rr . However,thiswillnotbe the | i the pulse width T grows,there is an obvious single-peak case for V Ω or even V > Ω, where the target dd dd | | ∼ | | structureofthefidelityappearsinthesecondcase,which state for the CMPAP could be no longer the state rr | i is different from the typical STIRAP case. That is due due to the Rydberg blockade effect [38]. toourchirpedmulti-photonadiabaticpassage(CMPAP) Asimilar example ofthis is in the three-levelRydberg is based on a quasi-dark state. For short pulses the adi- excitation system. When the detuning with respect to abatic following can not be guaranteed while for long the intermediatestate is zero,the single-atomdarkstate pulsestheinfluence ofthedecayofstate e becomessig- D isreplacedbyanewtwo-atomquasi-darkstate[48], | i | 3i nificant,whichwillalsobreakstheadiabaticity. Inareal experimental realization, the rubidium atom system as 1 D = cos2θ sin2θ gg(14) usedinRydbergexcitationexperiments[18]and[47]isa | 3iI cos4θ+2sin4θ − | i suitable candidate to adopt our approach. The selected (cid:2)(cid:0) (cid:1) four levels of rubidium atoms in those experiments can −pcosθsinθ(|gri+|rgi)+sin2θ|mmi , build a ladder-type atomic system required by the CM- (cid:3) which means while the STIRAP process in the single PAP, e.g., 5S (g ), 5P (m ), 6S or 5D (e ), 1/2 | i 3/2 | i 1/2 5/2 | i atom case ensures that the Rydberg state r is finally and 63P3/2(|ri). The natural linewidths of the two in- populated, due to the Rydberg-Rydberg int|eriaction the termediate states are in the order of severalMHz that is pairofatomswillbeadiabaticallysteeredintoasuperpo- consistent with the values applied in our numerical sim- sitionstateofthegroundstate gg andtheintermediate ulations. | i state mm . The situation can be modified by applying By then we conclude that without the Rydberg- | i a finite and appropriate detuning from the intermediate Rydberg interactionit is possible to achieve aneasy and state, which might generate a new eigen-state that in- high-fidelity CMPAP to coherent transfer ground-state volves both gg and rr , leading to a near-unity final atoms into the high-lying Rydberg state in a four-level | i | i population of rr [49]. However,since in the case of our ladder system. | i four-levelRydbergatomsexcitedbytheCMPAP,thede- tuning ∆ and ∆ are both time-dependent, the same m e approachcannotbe adopteddirectly. We thenfirstper- III. INTERACTING RYDBERG ATOMS form a numerical simulation on the excitation dynamics by the two-atommaster equation (13) to investigate the With two or more atoms the Rydberg blockade effect influenceoftheinteractionstrengthV onthetwo-atom dd comes into play, which will give rise to an energy shift eigen-states and on the CMPAP. on the single atom Rydberg state. To investigate its in- We focus on the several two-atom eigen-states E j fluence tothe performanceofthe CMPAP,weconsidera | i which can serve as the double Rydberg excitation pas- two-atom model whose Hamiltonian is written as sages,thatis, E (t= ) = gg and E (t=+ ) = j j | −∞ i | i | ∞ i rr when the same pulse sequences and the chirped I = 0 + 0+Vdd rr rr , (12) | i H H ⊗I I⊗H | ih | detunings as discussed in the last section are applied. where isthefour-levelsingle-atomHamiltoniangiven The time evolutions of their eigen-energys and fidelities 0 by Eq.H(1), is the identity matrix, and V represents F(t) = E (t) ρˆ (t) E (t) under the different Rydberg I dd j h j | I | j i thedipole-dipoleinteractionstrengthbetweentwoatoms interactionstrengthsaredisplayedinFig. 4. Intheweak 5 00 1 −0.1 0.8 V =−0.5MHz −0.2 dd 0.6 −0.3 0.4 −0.4 (a) 0.2 (b) −0.5 0 Hz) −025−20−15−10−5 0 5 10152025 −125−20−15−10−5 0 5 10 15 20 25 M ergy(−0−.15 Vdd=−2.0MHz elity00..68 n−En−1.5 (c) Fid00..24 (d) e g −2 0 Ei −25−20−15−10−5 0 5 10152025 −25−20−15−10−5 0 5 10 15 20 25 0 1 0.8 −2V =−6.0MHz dd 0.6 0.4 1 −4 (b) (e) 0.2 (f) 0 −−625−20−15−10−T5im0e (5µs1)0152025 −025−20−15−10T−5ime0 (µ5s1)0 15 20 25 Hz)−1 M y( g−2 FIG.4: (Coloronline)Theleftcolumn: Timeevolutionofthe er n energies of the eigen-states involved in the transition from −E−3 n |ggi to |rri for the cases, from top to bottom, Vdd = −0.5 ge−4 MHz, 2.0 MHz and 6.0 MHz; The right column: the cor- Ei − − responding fidelity (population) in these eigen-states. Other −5 parameters are same as Fig. 3(b), notethat ∆m =0. −6 −25 −20 −15 −10 −5 0 5 10 15 20 25 Time(µs) interaction case (V Ω) we find there exists a single dd two-atom eigen-s|tate|w≪hich can connect gg and rr . FIG.5: (Coloronline)(a)FidelityFr∞r standingfortheprob- However,its eigen-energy changes over tim|e sio that|it iis ability of anti-blockade atom pair production in the param- not a dark or even quasi-dark state. The fidelity of this eter space of Vdd and ∆m with other parameters Ωmmaex = state reveals a deep at t = 0 at which the effective op- Ωmgmax =Ωmerax =∆meax =5.0MHzandT =5µs,γem =γmg = 0.1MHz. (b) The time evolution of the energy of the eigen- tical coupling approaches its maximal value, after then statesinvolvedintheexcitation. Thesolid curvesareforthe the fidelity quickly revives and attains as high as 0.76 in case∆m =0andthedashedcurvesarefor∆m = 4.5MHz. the region where the eigen-state turns into rr , which The Rydberg-Rydberg coupling strength V (=−6MHz) is meansa largepopulationonthe double Rydb|ergiexcited larger than the characteristic frequency Ω(|=d5dM| Hz). Eigen- state. In the intermediate case (Vdd Ω) we still find states Eg , Em (assistant eigen-state) and Er aremarked | | ∼ | i | i | i a large final population probability on rr but it is not with the blue, the black and the red curves, respecttively. due to an adiabatic passage. In this c|asie there is not At time t = 25µs, Er (me em )/√2; at t = 25µs, − | i ≈ | i−| i one single two-atomeigen-state which connects gg and Eg (gm mg )/√2. | i | i≈ | i−| i rr as time going, but are two different states E (t) g | i | i (blue curve) and E (t) (red curve) which are initially r gg and finally r|r , resipectively. Moreover, as marked energy gapbetween the parts the Rydberg excitationef- b|yia green cycle|inithe figure, at the region near t = 0 ficiency of the CMPAP is still pretty robust. Finally there is an avoided crossing with a small energy gap be- the CMPAP willfailin anatomic systemwith dominant tween these two states, which may result in an efficient Rydberg-Rydberg interaction. populationtransferintothefinalstate rr . Inthestrong | i interaction case (V Ω), E (t) and E (t) can no dd g r | | ≫ | i | i IV. INTERMEDIATE-STATE DETUNINGS longer be connected directly by an avoided crossing. It instead requires another eigen-state to play the role as the bridge (see the black curve) between them. As the Recent researches illustrate that the optical detuning interactionstrength Vdd increases,moreandmoreeigen- is an effective control knob in the Rydberg excitation | | states are involved in the population transfer dynamics, mechanism. Typical examples include the anti-blockade whichscattersthepopulationandfinallyresultsinapoor excitation with the detuning to the Rydberg state com- final population on rr . pensating the frequency shift caused by the Rydberg- | i Our simulation shows that the CMPAP are very ef- Rydberg interaction [32, 33], and a new two-atom adi- fective in the Rydberg excitation with a weak Rydberg- abatic passage in the three-level atomic system with an Rydberginteraction. Whentheinteractioniscomparable appropriate detuning to the intermediate state as pro- withthe characteristicenergyofthe singleatomthe adi- posed by Rao and Mølmer [49]. In our four-level excita- abatic passage will be taken apart, but due to the small tionscheme,althoughthe detuningtotheRydbergstate 6 r and the detuning to the intermediate state e are low fidelity. Since both the evolution of state E (t) g | i | i | i both limited by the quasi-dark sate condition (5), the and state E (t) involve the intermediate state m , an r | i | i detuning to the other intermediate state m is a good appropriatevalueofdetuning∆ mayreducetheenergy m | i candidate to optimize the effect of our CMPAP in the gap between them as identified by the dashed curves, strong interaction case. andthentheCMPAPrecoversahighRydbergexcitation In Fig. 5(a) we show the fidelity F∞ = rr ρˆ rr , rate. rr h | I| i i.e., the final probability in state rr as a function of | i thedetuning∆ andtheinteractionV underthesame m dd parametersasusedinFig. 4. WhenVdd =0itshowsthat V. CONCLUSION the value of the fidelity is high and has less dependence on ∆ . This can be attributed to the adiabatic passage m Insummary,wepresentahighlyefficientthree-photon basedonthetwo-atomquasi-darkstate D whichdoes 4 I | i cascade excitation scheme for Rydberg atoms. Differ- notinvolvetheintermediatestate m . Astheinteraction | i ent from the typical two-photon excitation scheme with V becomes remarkable, things have certainly changed. dd the STIRAP, our scheme is based on a novel quasi-dark High fidelity disappears in the most of the area but still eigen-statewhichappearswhenthefrequenciesoftheop- survives in lower left corner of the figure. For example when V = 6.0MHz and ∆ = 4.5MHz, F∞ 0.71. tical pulses are appropriately chirped. It enables a CM- dd − m − rr ≈ PAP between the ground state and the Rydberg state Notice that when ∆ = 0 under the same value of the m interaction V the fidelity is very poor (F∞ 0.17), in the four-level atomic system. When the interatomic dd rr ≈ Rydberg interaction is considered, we find the two-atom the cause of which has been analyzed in Fig. 4(e) and quasi-darkstateapproachisonlyfeasiblewhentheinter- 4(f) thatthe originaladiabaticpassageissplitandother action strength is relatively weak compared to the peak eigen-states are involved into the excitation. Since in value of the optical Rabi frequencies. When they two the strong interaction case the adiabatic passage is no become comparable or even the Rydberg interaction is longer based on the quasi-dark state, we attribute the dominant, the adiabatic excitation passage to the Ry- improvementofthefidelitytothechangeofthetwo-atom dberg atom pairs will be broken. Moreover, we find an eigen-statesandtheir eigen-energieswith a nonzero∆ . m appropriateopticaldetuningwithrespecttotheinterme- To display the change, in Fig. 5(b) we plot the time diate state can reduce the energy gap between the frag- evolution of the eigen-energy spectrum of the involved ment states of the broken adiabatic excitation passage. eigen-states under the different values of ∆ . The solid m With its help the CMPAP give rise to an enhancement curvesareforthecase∆ =0whichissameasFig. 4(e) m of the production of anti-blockade Rydberg atom pairs whilethedashedcurvesareforthecase∆ = 4.5MHz. m − even in the strong Rydberg blockade regime. We find the eigen-state E (t) (blue curves) is initially g | i This work was supported by the National Ba- gg and in the end almost equals to (gm mg )/√2 | i | i−| i sic Research Program of China (973 Program) under while the eigen-state E (t) (red curves) changes from | r i Grant No.2011CB921604, the NSFC under Grants No. (em me )/√2 to rr as time going. For the zero | i− | i | i 11474094, No. 11104076 and No. 11234003, and the detuning case in the opticalexcitation region(about t= Specialized Research Fund for the Doctoral Program of 0) there is a large energy gap between these two states Higher Education No. 20110076120004. and another eigen-state is involved to fill the passage to the double Rydberg excitation which results in the final [1] M. Saffman, T. G. Walker and K. Mølmer, Rev. Mod. and M. D. Lukin,Phys.Rev.Letts. 107 133602 (2011). Phys., 82 2313 (2010) and references therein. 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