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Chirostylid and galatheid crustacean associates of coelenterates and echinoderms collected from the Johnson-Sea-Link Submersible, including a new species of Gastroptychus PDF

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Preview Chirostylid and galatheid crustacean associates of coelenterates and echinoderms collected from the Johnson-Sea-Link Submersible, including a new species of Gastroptychus

PROC. BIOL. SOC. WASH. 104(2), 1991, pp. 299-308 CHIROSTYLID AND GALATHEID CRUSTACEAN ASSOCIATES OF COELENTERATES AND ECHINODERMS COLLECTED FROM THE JOHNSON-SEA-LINK SUBMERSIBLE, INCLUDING A NEW SPECIES OF GASTROPTYCHUS A. L. Rice and J. E. Miller Abstract.—A. new species ofchirostylid decapod crustacean, Gastroptychus Salvador!, isdescribedfromaspecimencollectedinassociationwithabrisingid starfish by submersible offthe Bahamas. A number ofother chirostylids and galatheids, collected together with their echinoderm associates in the tropical andsub-tropicalwesternAtlantic, arealsoreported. Someoftheseassociations were previously unsuspected. The collections suggest that at least some ofthe decapods live together as mated pairs on their hosts. Traditional benthic sampling gears such landsofBarbadosand St. Vincent. Material as trawls and dredges disrupt any but the described herein has been deposited at the most robust associations between different National Museum of Natural History, animal species. Nevertheless, there are nu- Smithsonian Institution (USNM) and the merous reports in the literature of behav- Harbor Branch Oceanographic Museum ioural associations between decapod crus- (HBOM). taceans and other benthic organisms, particularlycoelenterates,spongesandechi- Family Chirostylidae noderms. Moreover, evidence for such as- Gastroptychus Salvador! new species sociations has been found even in the fossil , record (Bishop & Portell 1989). Most of Figs. lA-D; 2B, D, F — these records are from relatively shallow Material. 1 ovig. female (holotype regions,buttheuseofmannedsubmersibles USNM 239278)JSL-I-2264, off San Sal- permits observations of such associations vador Island, Bahamas, 24°03.6rN, to be extended to deeper waters, and par- 74°33.37'W, 13 Sep 1988, 874 m, associ- ticularlytoareaswheretheuseofmorecon- ated with the brisingid starfish Novodinia ventionalsamplingtechniquesisprecluded. antillensis (A. H. Clark). Observations, photographs and collections Description. (Figs. 1, 2)—Carapacelength made from the Johnson-Sea-Link (JSL) excludingrostrum slightly more than great- submersibles (Harbor Branch Oceano- est breadth. Branchial regions inflated so graphic Institution, Inc.) inthe tropical and that carapace narrows both anteriorly and sub-tropical western Atlantic during recent posteriorly. Rostrum slender, upturned, years have already provided data on asso- more than '/s length of remainder of cara- ciations between pontoniine shrimps and pace. deep sea echinoids (Bruce 1986a, 1986b; Linea anomurica distinct, almost straight; Berggren&Svane 1989). Thispaperreports beneathitcarapaceflanksmoreorlesseven- a small collection ofgalatheoid crustaceans ly covered with small spines except for a secured along with their associates during small, naked, depressed area immediately these and other dives offthe Caribbean is- above insertion ofcheliped. 300 PROCEEDINGSOFTHEBIOLOGICALSOCIETYOFWASHINGTON Above linea anomurica carapace surface indentation. Telson and uropods folded coveredwithclose-setspines,ofwhichabout tightly beneath sixth abdominal somite. 45 significantly enlarged; spination partic- Sternumnarrowedanteriorly.Smallplates ularlydenseincardiacandbranchialregions. at base of third maxillipeds each carry a Regions of carapace rather clearly de- single spine; kite-shaped plates between marcatedbygrooves,carryingthefollowing chelipedseachbear2prominentacutespines complement ofenlarged spines; gastric re- anteriorly and about 9 smallerones; sternal gion with 3 unpaired and about 6 paired platesbetweensecondpairoflegswithblunt spines;small,triangularanterolateralregions tubercles, those between third and fourth each with 1 spine; hepatic regions with 1 legs unarmed. Stemite of fifth legs atro- spine; epibranchial regions with 2 large phied. spines;metagastricregionwith 1 pairoflarge When extended, antennular peduncle spines and about 5 intermediate spines; over-reachesrostrumbylengthofthirdseg- branchial regions each with row of 4 or 5 ment; basal segment with blunt outer lobe moderately enlarged spines and additional armed with setae but no spines. large spine near mid-line; small, median, Antennal peduncle short, extending just posterior, triangular "cardiac" region with beyond eye; basal segment with short outer pairofenlargedspines. Rowofcurved, dor- spine; terminal peduncular segment with sally directed spines along posterior cara- slender distoventral spine. pace border which also carries about 10 Coxa of third maxilliped with strong, smallspinesdirectedposteriorlyandclearly curved spine on lower external angle; basis visible in dorsal view. with short spine on inner distal margin; is- Abdominal tergites covered with close- chiumwithrow of1 1-12 subequalteeth on setsetae, muchmoreabundantthanoncar- innermargin; meruswithveryshort, slight- apace. First abdominal tergite narrow; pos- lyhookedspineon outerdistalmargin; car- terior margin a raised, rounded ridge car- pus with blunt projection basally on outer rying about 30 short spines and ending in margin; propodusanddactylwithoutspines. two stout, spine-like processes representing Chelipedsandambulatorylegslong, slen- reduced pleura. Pleura ofsomites 2-5 well- der, very spinous; propodus, carpus, merus developed, those ofsomite 2 being acutely and ischium each with 6 longitudinal rows tipped, with concave anterior margin, re- of principal spines and several subsidiary mainder becoming successively more rows ofsmaller spines. rounded posteriorly. Second tergite with Chelipeds about 6 times as long as cara- raised transverse ridge anteriorly, inter- pace and rostrum. Basis with single strong ruptedin mid-line andcarryingspines sim- ventrodistal spine. Dactyl more than Vs ilar to those on first tergite; this spination lengthofpropodus,bitingedgecarryinglarge continuedontopleura, butbecomingsparse proximal truncated spine with denticulate towards tip. Third, fourth and fifth tergites summit closing between two similar spines with no significant spines, pleura all carry- onpropodus; otherwisebitingedgesofboth inglow, bluntspinesbecomingmoreprom- propodus and dactyl armed with series of inent posteriorly. Sixth tergite and pleura smallspineswhichareparticularlyclose-set with numerous short spines, generally be- distally, beyond gape. coming more prominent posteriorly and Legs 2-4 subequal, reaching about % about9 projectingfromposteriormargin of lengthofcarpusofchelipeds. Ratioofdactyl tergite. Telson membranous, carrying setae length to propodus length decreasing from but no spines, consisting of2 small proxi- ca. 0.3 in leg 2 to ca. 0.2 in leg 4; ratio of maland2largerdistalroundedlobessothat propoduslength to carpuslength increasing posteriortelson marginhasshallowmedian fromca. 1.2inleg2toca. 1.33 inleg4. Dae- VOLUME 104, NUMBER2 301 ,^/!^-^M^/4^yt -<-• ; /,,',-r ''f Fig. 1. Gastroptychiissalvadori, newspecies. Holotype: A, dorsal viewofcarapaceandfirsttwoabdmomminal tergites; B, lateral view; C, sternal plates; D, dorsal view ofsixth abdominal somite. Scale equals 10 (A, mm B), and 5 (C, D). tyls each with single row of 8 or 9 ventral Abdomen of holotype female carrying mm spinesregularlyincreasinginlengthdistally. about 50 eggs, 1.5-2.2 in diameter. Propodus of each leg with 6 longitudinal Measurements of holotype. —Carapace mm spinerowsofwhichonlytheventralextends length 22.6 (including rostrum), 17.5 alongwholelengthofsegment: ventralrows mm (excluding rostrum), maximum cara- with 20-23 spines, including distal pairbe- pace width 15.9 mm, total length of che- tween which dactyl bites; dorsal rows with lipedsca. 135 m,leftdactyllength 17.7 mm, 20-23 spines; ventro-lateral and ventro- left propodus length 45.6 mm. mesial rowswith 9-14 spines; dorso-lateral Color.—Inlifetheholotypewasgenerally and dorso-mesial rows with 18-21 spines. orange-red, with starkly contrasting white Coxo-basaljoints each with prominent dis- patches, particularly on the carapace and tal and proximal ventral spines and several abdomen. Theorangecolorationonthe legs smaller spines. was most intense on and at the bases ofthe Fifthlegsgreatlyreduced,withoutspines; main spinerows, with ratherpalerareas be- dactyl,propodusandcarpuswithlongsetae. tween the rows, giving the general impres- Chelate,withdactylabout %lengthofprop- sion oflongitudinal stripes along the limbs. odus. On the carapace the colorwas most intense 302 PROCEEDINGSOFTHEBIOLOGICALSOCIETYOFWASHINGTON Fig. 2. Comparison ofa specimen ofGastroptychusformosus(Filhol, 1885) (A, C, E) with the holotype of G.salvadorinewspecies(B,D,F).A,Bdorsalview;C,Ddorsalview;E,Flateralview.A,C,E:female(carapace lengthincludingrostrum,20mm)collectedoffnorth-westSpain,42°15'N, 11°22'W,DiscoveryStn.9042, 1541- 1662 m, DiscoveryCollections, InstituteofOceanographicSciencesDeaconLaboratory,Wormley, U.K. on the anterior halfofthe rostrum, on the regions, and along the posterior carapace gastric and hepatic regions and on the car- margin. The anterior part ofeach abdomi- diac region. The coloration was much less nal tergite was also white. intense onthebranchialregions, while pure Remarks.—T\iQ chirostylid species tra- white areas were present at the base ofthe ditionally placed in the genus Chirostylus rostrum, across the frontal region, on the Ortmann, 1892(e.g..VanDam 1933,Chace antero-lateral regions, across the region of 1942) were separated into two genera by the cervical groove and the epibranchial Miyake&Baba(1968);threespecieslacking VOLUME NUMBER 104, 2 303 Table 1.—ComparisonofGastroptychussalvadori, new species, with Atlantic congeners. G.spinifer G. affinis G.formosus G.salvadori Carapace Max. length 30+ mm 11 mm 25+ mm 23 mm Spination dense sparse sparse dense Enlargedspines ca. 20 <20 ca. 25 >40 Chelipeds Total length 4.4-7.1 X CL 3.5-5.6 X CL 5-6 X CL ca. 6 X CL MerusL/W ratio 7 7 ca. 21 ca. 14 Dactyl/propoduslength ? 7 ca. 0.3 ca. 0.4 Abdominal tergites 1 unarmed unarmed ca. 10 spines >20 spines 2 unarmed unarmed ca. 15 spines >25 spines 3 unarmed unarmed ca. 10 spines ca. 10 spines 4 unarmed unarmed ca. 10 spines ca. 50 spines Sternalplates 1-2 large spines 1 large spine 2-3 large spines 2 large + ca. 10 small spines 3rd maxillipeds Merusouterspine prominent prominent prominent very small Carpusouterspine prominent prominent prominent absent adistinctrostrumwereretainedinthegenus inG. affinisand G.spinifer. Moreover,while Chirostylus, while those species with a dis- G. affinis and G. spinifer both have a row tinct spiniform rostrum were transferred to ofenlarged spines alongthe mid-dorsal line thegenus GastroptychusCaullery, 1896. The ofthe carapace, such a median row is not a latter genus, as it is now constituted (Baba featureofeitherG.formosusorG. salvadori. 1988, Baba & Haig 1990), contains 17 spe- G. salvadori differs from G. formosus in cies, three of which are reported from the having rather more robust chelipeds and in Atlantic: G. spinifer(Milne Edwards, 1880) beinggenerallymuch more spinous(Fig. 2). and G. affinis(Chace, 1942)beingrestricted Thus, the dorsal and lateral surfaces ofthe to the West Indian region (Chace 1942, carapace in G. salvadori are everywhere Springer & Bullis 1956), while G.formosus coveredwithratherclose-setspinesofwhich (Filhol, 1885) is reported from the Eastern about 40 are significantly enlarged; in G. Atlantic in the Bay of Biscay and off the formosus only about 25 of the carapace coast of Ireland and the Canaries (Selbie spines are significantly enlarged, while the 1914). These species can be distinguished smaller subsidiary spines are sparse on the from one another, and from G. salvadori, branchial region and virtually absent from by a combination ofoverall size, spination thegastric, hepaticandepibranchialregions. of the carapace, abdominal tergites, ster- Similarly,whilethefirstandsecondabdom- num andthird maxillipeds, and the relative inal tergites in both G. salvadori and G.for- length and robustness ofthe chelipeds (Ta- mosus each carry a transverse irregular se- ble 1). ries of spines, these are much smaller and Of the three previously described Gas- morenumerousin G. salvadori. The pleural troptychusspecies, G. salvadoriismost sim- plates of the third to sixth abdominal so- ilartoG.formosus, bothspecieshavingsome mites are armed with a series ofspines, be- oftheabdominaltergitesarmedwithspines, comingmorepronouncedposteriorlyinboth whereas these tergites are totally unarmed species; again, these are much smaller, but 304 PROCEEDINGSOFTHEBIOLOGICALSOCIETYOFWASHINGTON more abundant in G. salvadori than in G. starklywiththeverypale,almostwhite,col- formosus. The only exception is the tergite orationofthecoral. Thiscolormatch, along ofthe fifth abdominal somite which carries with the spinous morphology and the cu- 4pairsofprominentspinesclosetothemid- rious behaviour ofthe chirostylid, suggests line in G.formosus [not unarmed as Selbie that G. salvadori, and perhaps other Gas- (1914:63) suggests], whereas this tergite is troptychus species, may live in close asso- furnished only with setae in G. salvadori. ciationwithbrisingidsorsimilarorganisms. The tergite of the sixth abdominal somite The abundant spination of the body, and carriesabout 12largespinesin G.formosus, particularly the limbs, in the genera Chi- including three on the posterior margin, rostylus and Gastroptychus, on the other while this tergite in the holotype ofG. sal- hand, would seem to be disadvantageous if vadoricarnQsabout50smallspines,ofwhich they lived on finely branching organisms nine are ranged along the posterior margin. such as gorgonians. Such organisms are The sternal plates between the chelipeds known to be frequented by relatively are also quite different in the two species. smooth-bodiedchirostylidssuchas Uropty- & In both cases the anterior border, close to chus (e.g., Pequegnat Pequegnat 1970: the insertion of the cheliped, carries two 161). However, an uncollected chirostylid very prominent spines on each side. How- whichappearstobelongto G. salvadoriwas ever, whereas in G. formosus there is an photographed from the Johnson-Sea-Link additional large spine posteriorly near the on a species of the arborescent gorgonian mid-line, this spine is replaced by a series genus Keratoisis (family Isididae) some 40 ofabout 10 smaller spines in G. salvadori. nautical miles east of Fort Pierce, Florida Finally, themeralandcarpaljoints ofthe at a depth of731 m. Clearly, Gastroptychus third maxillipeds each carry a prominent species also crawl over such branching or- spine distally on the outermargin in G.for- ganisms, through the color match in this mosus, as in G. spinifer and G. affinis, but case between the galatheid and the gorgo- in G. salvadorithecarpusisunarmed, while nianwas much less close than that between the merus has only an extremely small the holotype and the brisingid. hooked spine in this position. Etymology.—Named for the type locali- Uroptychus capillatus Benedict, 1902 ty, San Salvador Island, Bahama Islands. Habitat «o?^5.—When first sighted from Material. — 1 male, 1 ovig. female the submersible, the chirostylid was shel- (USNM 252390), 1 male, 1 ovig. female tering on the sediment surface at the base (HBOM 089:6819), JSL-I-2260, off Con- ofa large mass ofthe oculinid coral, Mad- ception Island, Bahamas, 23°48.8'N, repora Carolina (Pourtales). On the surface 75°08.1'W, 1 1 Sep 1988, 573 m; associated of the coral there were a number of large with the comatulid crinoid Crinometra (ca. 70 cm diameter) specimens ofthe bri- brevipinna (Pourtales) (see Discussion). singid seastar Novodina antillensis, several Remarks.—U. capillatus has been re- ofwhich were collected. As one ofthe bri- ported previously only twice in the litera- singids was being lifted from the coral with ture, originally by Benedict (1902) from an thesubmersible'smanipulatorarm,thechi- AlbatrossstationnearArrowsmith Bankoff rostylid'leapt'ontothestarfishandwascol- theeastcoastofYucatan, andsubsequently lected along with it. byChace(1942)fromanAtlantisstationoff The general orange-red color ofthe chi- thenorthcoast ofCuba. Although Benedict rostylid,tracesofwhichremainonthespine mentioned two specimens in his rather in- tips in the preserved specimen, closely adequate original account, one of these matchedthatofthebrisingidbutcontrasted seems to have disappeared by the 1940s VOLUME NUMBER 104, 2 305 sinceChacerefersonlyto"Benedict'stype" dominalishas been reported from offCuba, (a female in rather poor condition) in ad- St. Kitts and from the Straits ofFlorida at dition to his own single specimen, an ovig- depths from 366 to 622 m (Chace 1942, erous female, pointing out that both indi- Mayo 1974). Moreover, Mayoreportedthat viduals lack chelipeds. The specimens oneofthe stationsatwhichM. abdominalis reported here agree closely with Benedict's was collected was "characterized by sea ur- type (USNM 20565) and, together with the chins," though she did not identify the spe- type,willbeusedasthebasisforaredescrip- cies. Thus, although a behavioral associa- C tionofthespecies,includingthemale(Rice, tion between M. abdominalis and blakei in prep.). has not been referred to previously, it may The morphologically similar congener, be common, ifnot usual. Uroptychus rugosus (A. Milne Edwards, 1880), also from the Caribbean region, is Munidopsis alaminos reported to live commensally with a cri- & Pequegnat Pequegnat, 1970 noid, probablyStylometraspinifera(Chace, 3D Fig. 1942). — (HBOM Material. 1 male, 1 ovig.female 089:06821), JSL-II-1735, offSpeightstown, Family Galatheidae Barbados, 13°14.9'N, 59°45.2'W, 19 Apr Munidopsis abdominalis 1989, 722 m, associated with the holothu- (A. Milne Edwards, 1880) Fig. 3A, B, C rianMesothuriagargantua Diechmann(Fig. 3D). Material.—1 male, 1 ovig. female(USNM Remarks.—Munidopsis alaminos is re- m 239277), JSL-I-2269, off Crooked Island, corded atdepths rangingfrom about 500 m Bahamas, 22°41.5'N, 74°20.8'W, 16 Sep to more than 800 in the western Atlantic 1988, 569 m, onaspecimenoftheechinoid and Caribbean region, from the coast of Cidaris blakei (A. Agassiz) (see Fig. 3A). 1 FrenchGuianatothenorthernGulfofMex- male (USNM 239273), JSL-I-2269, as ico (Pequegnat & Pequegnat 1970, 1971; above, 543 m, on Cidaris blakei (Fig. 3B). Mayo 1974). It has not been previously re- 1 male (USNM 239276), JSL-II-1733, ported in association with any other organ- off Bridgetown, Barbados, 13°00.70'N, ism. 59°39.53'W, 18 Apr 1989, 417 m, on Cida- (HBOM ris blakei. 1 male, 1 ovig. female Munidopsis spinifer 089:06820), JSL-II-1743, offYork Bay, St. (A. Milne Edwards, 1880) Vincent, 13°07.2'N, 61°17.04'W, 23 Apr Fig. 3E, F 1989, 408m,onCidarisrugosa(H. L. Clark) (Fig. 3C). Material. — 1 ovig. female (USNM Remarks.—BoXh. M. abdominalis and C. 239275), JSL-I-2261, off Conception Is- blakei were originally described from ma- land, 23°50.8'N, 75°09.6'W, 12 Sep 1988, terial collected during the three cruises of 741 m, on the crinoid Crinometra brevipin- the Blakein 1877-1880, the decapods hav- na (Fig. 3E). 1 male (HBOM 089:06822); ing been taken at a station off Barbados JSL-I-2269, offCrooked Island, 22°41.5'N, (Milne Edwards 1880) and the echinoid at 74°20.8'W, 16 Sep 1988, 594 m, on Cri- several localities offthe coast ofCuba (Ag- nometra brevipinna (Fig. 3F). 1 juv. female assiz 1878). Cidaris blakei has been taken (USNM 239274), JSL-II-1747, off York subsequentlyatanumberoflocalitiesinthe Bay, St. Vincent, 13°07.2'N, 61°16.8'W, 25 Florida-West Indian region at depths from Apr 1989, 415 m, on Crinometra brevipin- m 150 and 790 (Serafy 1979), while M. ab- na. ' 306 PROCEEDINGSOFTHEBIOLOGICALSOCIETY OFWASHINGTON IP l^^^^^l l^^^^^l m pi '-aw^E^^'' _v^^^ S^^^HMk,. '^ij^-v.' If' ;^H|i _^ ^^H I^H I 1 ,v ^^^HH^^^I^^Kft ' _ -^^ ,' , . . .' " Fig. 3. Photographs ofdecapods (arrowed) and their echinoderm hosts, taken from the Johnson-Sea-Link submersible: A, Munidopsis abdominalis wth Cidaris blakei, JSL-I-2269, 569 m; B, same as A, 543 m; C, Munidopsisabdominalison Cidaris rugosa, JSL-II-1743, 408 m; D, Munidopsisalaminoson Mesothuriagar- gantua, JSL-II-I735; E, Munidopsis spinifer on Crinometra brevipinna, JSL-II-2261, 741 m; F, Munidopsis spiniferon Crinometra brevipinna, JSL-I-2269, 594 m. — Remarks. Munidopsia spinifer is re- white. The contrast appears as longitudinal cordedinthewesternAtlantic from the Ba- banding on the chelipeds and ambulatory hamasandthe StraitsofFlorida, andoffthe legs,asinChirostylussalvadori, butwhereas Greater and Lesser Antilles from Cuba to the banding on the carapace and abdomen m Barbados in depths ranging from 275 to in C. salvadori is transverse, it is longitu- 880 m (Milne Edwards & Bouvier 1897, dinal in M. spinifer. Thus, the rostrum and Chace 1942, Mayo 1974). frontal region ofM. spiniferare orange-red, Mayo reports the species as being strik- with this pattern extended posteriorly as inglypigmentedorange-redcontrastingwith broad bands on either side ofthe mid-line. VOLUME NUMBER 104, 2 307 Thesebandsarecontinuedontotheabdom- a single host specimen. This raises the in- inalsomites,withwhitebandsmediallyand triguing possibihty that the animals may on the lateral margins. form permanent or semi-permanent breed- ing relationships, a situation never de- scribed before in this group. Discussion There are numerous records in the liter- Acknowledgments ature of behavioral associations between Fundingforsubmersiblediveswasgrant- galatheoid decapods and other organisms, ed through Harbor Branch Oceanographic particularly coelenterates and echinoderms Institution, Inc. (HBOI) and the Smithson- (Milne Edwards 1880; Chace 1942; Baba ian Institution (SI). We are grateful to the 1974, 1979, 1988; Pequegnat & Pequegnat crews of the Johnson-Sea-Link submers- 1970). Where the species concerned are lit- ibles and the research vessels SewardJohn- toralorshallow-living,theserecordsarefre- son and Edwin Link, all at HBOI, for their quently based on direct observations and assistanceduringseveralmissionstotheBa- are therefore unequivocal [e.g., records of hama Islands and the Lesser Antilles. Our Allogalathea elegans (Adams & White, thanks are due to Dr. Frederick M. Bayer 1848),associatedwithcrinoidgenera,ascit- (SI) for identifying the gorgonian, Kerato- edbyBaba(1979, 1988)]. Fordeeper-Hving isis, photographed with the suspected, but forms,therecordsarebasedlargelyontrawl uncollected, second specimen ofGastropty- and dredge hauls and are often less con- chus salvadori; the photo was kindly sup- vincing. Thus,althoughthereisratherstrong plied by HBOI submersible pilot, Mr. D. evidenceforanassociationbetween Uropty- Liberatore. Dr. C. Young (HBOI) provided chus nitidus (A. Milne Edwards, 1880) and us with specimens and photographs ofMu- thegorgoniancoralgenus Chrysogorgia(see nidopsis alaminos and Mesothuria gargan- Pequegnat& Pequegnat 1970) and between tua from one of his submersible dives off Gastroptychus novaezelandiae Baba, 1974 Barbados. ThispaperisHOBIContribution andthepennatulidBalticina willemoesii(see No. 807 and Contribution No. 17—Studies Baba 1974), the evidence for a similar as- on bathyal echinoderms ofthe Bahama Is- sociation between Uroptychus rugosus (A. lands, J. E. Miller (HBOI), Principal inves- Milne Edwards, 1880) and crinoid species, tigator. as reported by Chace (1942), is largely cir- Literature Cited cumstantial. Nevertheless, thedirectobser- vations reported here, along with the indi- Adams, A., & A. White. 1848. Crustacea. I-VIII + rect evidence, suggest that some form of 60 pp. in A. Adams, ed.. The zoology ofthe ncootmmmoesntsaslpeicsimesiosfcghaalraatchteeirdisatnicdcohfimroasntyyliidf mvoaynadgeooffCHap.tM..SS.irSaE.maBrealncgh;eru.n.de.rdutrhiengco.m.-. 1843-46. London. decapods. This may even be true of the Agassiz,A. 1878. Reportsontheresultsofdredging, smaller species ofgenera such as Munidop- underthe supervision ofAlexanderAgassiz, in sis, inwhichcommensalism hasneverbeen theGulfofMexico, by the U.S. Coast Steamer reported before, though this life-style is, BMluaskee.uImLRoefpoCrotmopnartahteiEvcehinZio.o—loBguyl,letHianrovfatrhde perhaps, not to be expected ofthe deeper- College 5(9):181-195. living and larger representatives ofthe ge- Baba, K. 1974. Four new species of galatheidean nus. Crustacea from NewZealand waters.—Journal Moreover, three ofthe five decapod spe- oftheRoyalSocietyofNewZealand4:381-393. cies reported here were collected in pairs, . 1979. ExpeditionsRumphiusII(1975).Crus- in each case consisting of a male and an taces parasites, commensaux, etc. (Th. Monod et R. Serene, ed.) VII. Galatheid crustaceans ovigerous female, apparently monopolizing (Decapoda, Anomura).—Bulletin du Museum — 308 PROCEEDINGSOFTHE BIOLOGICALSOCIETYOFWASHINGTON National d'Histoire Naturelle Paris, 4e ser, 1, Milne Edwards, A. 1880. Reports on the results of sectionA, no. 3:637-657. dredging under the supervision of Alexander . 1988. Chirostylidandgalatheidcrustaceans Agassiz, inthe GulfofMexico, and in the Ca- (Decapoda: Anomura)ofthe"Albatross"Phil- ribbean Sea. 8. Etudes preliminaires sur les ippineExpedition, 1907-1910.—Researcheson Crustaces.—Bulletin ofthe Museum ofCom- CrustaceaSpecialNo. 2:203 pp. parativeZoology, HarvardCollege 8(1):1-68. ,&J.Haig. 1990. Anewspeciesofchirostylid ,&E.L.Bouvier. 1897. Reportsontheresults crustacean (Decapoda: Anomura) from offthe ofdredgingunderthesupervisionofAlexander west coast ofNorth America.—Proceedings of Agassiz,intheGulfofMexico(1877-78),inthe theBiological SocietyofWashington 103:854- CaribbeanSea(1878-79)andalongtheAtlantic 860. coast ofthe United States (1880), etc. XXXV. Benedict,J.E. 1902. Descriptionsofanewgenusand Description des Crustaces de la famille des forty-sixnewspeciesofcrustaceansofthefamily Galatheides recueillis pendant I'Expedition. Galatheidae, with a list ofthe known marine Memoirs ofthe Museum ofComparative Zo- species.—ProceedingsoftheUnitedStatesNa- ologyat HarvardCollege 19:1-141. tional Museum 26:243-334. Ortmann, A. 1892. Die Decapoden-Krebse des Berggren,M.,&I. Svane. 1989. Periclimenesingres- Strassburger Museums.—Zoologische Jahr- sicolumbi,newspecies,apontoniineshrimpas- biicher,Jena 6:241-326. sociatedwithdeep-waterechinoidsoffSanSal- Pequegnat, L. H., & W. E. Pequegnat. 1970. 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