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Chironomid-based palaeotemperature estimates for northeast Finland during Oxygen Isotope ... PDF

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JPaleolimnol(2008)40:49–61 DOI10.1007/s10933-007-9133-y ORIGINAL PAPER Chironomid-based palaeotemperature estimates for northeast Finland during Oxygen Isotope Stage 3 S. Engels Æ S. J. P. Bohncke Æ J. A. A. Bos Æ S. J. Brooks Æ O. Heiri Æ K. F. Helmens Received:1April2007/Accepted:24June2007/Publishedonline:2October2007 (cid:1)SpringerScience+BusinessMediaB.V.2007 Abstract Quantitative palaeotemperature estimates the study site. Other proxies that were applied to the for the earlier part of Oxygen Isotope Stage (OIS-) 3 sediments included the analysis of botanical and are inferred from subfossil chironomid remains. The zoological macro-remains, and our results concur high-latitudinalstudysiteofSokli,northeastFinland, with temperature estimates derived from climate provides for a unique lacustrine deposit covering the indicator taxa. Summer temperatures for interstadial earlier part of OIS-3, and the chironomid remains conditions,reconstructed withclimate models,are as foundinthesedimentsshowthatashallowlakewith high as our proxy-based palaeotemperatures. a diverse fauna was present at the study site throughouttherecord.UsingaNorwegiancalibration Keywords Chironomids(cid:1)OxygenIsotopeStage3(cid:1) data set as a modern analogue, mean July air Climate change (cid:1) Summer temperature (cid:1) temperatures are reconstructed. The chironomid- Northeast Finland inferred July air temperatures are surprisingly high, reaching values similar to the current temperature at Introduction S.Engels(&)(cid:1)S.J.P.Bohncke(cid:1)J.A.A.Bos DepartmentofPaleoclimatologyandGeomorphology, There is ample evidence from marine and ice core- FacultyofEarthandLifeSciences,VrijeUniversiteit, records for the existence of abrupt climate oscilla- DeBoelelaan1085,Amsterdam1081HV, tions, the so-called Dansgaard/Oeschger (D/O) TheNetherlands e-mail:[email protected] events, during Oxygen Isotope Stage (OIS)-3 (John- senet al.1992;Dansgaardet al.1993;Voelkeret al. S.J.Brooks 2002). The mechanisms driving these abrupt and DepartmentofEntomology,TheNationalHistory dramaticclimateshiftsarestillpoorlyunderstood.An Museum,CromwellRoad,LondonSW75BD,UK important step towards understanding these mecha- O.Heiri nisms is to analyze the global or hemispheric Palaeoecology,LaboratoryofPalaeobotanyand signature of the climate shifts associated with D/O Palynology,InstituteofEnvironmentalBiology, events, for which quantitative information from a UtrechtUniversity,Budapestlaan4,Utrecht3584CD, TheNetherlands range of archives and for different regions including the ice-sheets, the marine realm, and the terrestrial K.F.Helmens realm is needed. However, the scarcity of terrestrial DepartmentofPhysicalGeography&Quaternary records dating back to OIS-3, which document Geology,StockholmUniversity,Stockholm10691, Sweden palaeoenvironmental change on a local or regional 123 50 JPaleolimnol(2008)40:49–61 scale, presently prevents correlation between the earlier part of OIS-3, and palaeotemperature esti- marine and ice core records and the terrestrial matesforatime-intervalwheresuchquantitativedata archives. are sparse. Continuoushigh-resolutionterrestrialrecordsfrom the European continent, which show climatic trends similar to the ice core and marinerecords, are sparse Site description and materials and are found only in southerly locations where stadial and interstadial periods are registered in Sokli study-site pollen-records (e.g. De Beaulieu and Reille 1992). In central and northwestern Europe, only a limited The Sokli study-site (67(cid:2)480 N, 29(cid:2)180 E) is situated number of sequential interstadial records have been in the northeastern part of Finnish Lapland (Fig. 1). recognized (e.g. Van der Hammen et al. 1967; The current mire system stretches along the Sokli Huijzer and Vandenberghe 1998). Terrestrial climate rivuletforalengthofapproximately15 km(Helmens records from high-latitudinal regions of Europe and et al. 2000), and is situated at an altitude of approx- datingbacktothelastglacialare,becauseofthepast imately220 ma.s.l.Gentlyslopinghills,whichreach existence of an extensive ice-sheet, virtually non- an elevation of about 300–350 m, surround this mire existent. This absence is especially unfortunate since andrivuletsystem(Helmenset al.2000).Theareais high-latitudinal regions are considered to be most currently situated in the northern boreal forest affectedbyclimatechange(e.g.Cubaschet al.2001). TheSoklistudy-site,situatedinnortheastFinland, consists of a small basin with atypical bedrock conditions. The exceptional geological setting pro- vides for a sedimentary basin where the deposits show a sequence of several fossil-rich interstadial sediments (Helmens et al. 2000, 2007). Finely lam- inated lacustrine deposits dated to the early part of OIS-3provideauniqueopportunitytostudythelocal environmental changes through the analysis of a range of different proxies. Chironomids (or non-biting midges) are recog- nized as a powerful proxy for inferring past climatic changes (e.g. Walker et al. 1991; Brooks and Birks 2001; Barley et al. 2006) and have been widely used to infer quantitative mean July air temperatures on both late-glacial and Holocene timescales (e.g. Ilya- shuk et al. 2005; Brooks 2006; Walker and Cwynar 2006). Other studies used fossil chironomid assem- blages in order to quantitatively reconstruct lake- water salinity (e.g. Eggermont et al. 2006), hypolim- netic oxygenation (Quinlan and Smol 2001) or trophic conditions in lakes (Woodwardand Shulmei- ster 2006). Quantitative palaeoclimatic inferences can con- tribute toourunderstanding ofclimatedynamicsand forcing mechanisms(e.g. Vandenberghe et al.1998), as well as serving to validate climate models (e.g. Cane et al. 2006; Kageyama et al. 2006). Here we present the results of a detailed chironomid analysis Fig.1 Location map of Finland with major rivers and lakes, of high-latitudinal lacustrine sediments, covering the andthelocationoftheSoklisite(asterisk) 123 JPaleolimnol(2008)40:49–61 51 dominatedbybirch(Betula),spruce(Picea)andpine (Pinus),andthecoringsiteitselfischaracterizedbya vegetation consisting mainly of sedges (mostly Carex). The present climate in the region is ‘‘cold temperate’’, having a mean July air temperature of 13–14(cid:2)CandameanFebruarytemperatureof–14(cid:2)C. Annual precipitation averages between 500 mm and 550 mm (Drebs et al. 2002). Systematic coring of the Sokli site started in the early 1990s and, in 1996, two long cores (boreholes 900 and 901) were taken from the central part of the Sokli basin. The cores (2 m length, 4 cm diameter) weretakenusingahydraulicpistoncorerdesignedby the Geological Survey of Finland, which was driven into the sediment by vibration. Lithological analysis ofthesecoresshowedmajorgapsinthesequence,for instancebetweentheOIS-5e(orEemian)interglacial sediments and the OIS-3 interstadial deposits (Hel- menset al.2000).In2002,theSokliA-andB-series were taken at a distance of 1–2 m from boreholes 900/901 in an attempt to close the major gaps in the former cores. Borehole-stratigraphy of the Sokli B-series TheSokliB-seriescoversadepthof26 mandshows onlyminorgapsinthesequencecorrespondingtothe coarsest sediment layers, where drilling through coarse sands and gravels was difficult. Using both radiocarbon and optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dating techniques, and using the pollen assemblages of the lowermost sediments to identify the OIS-5e (or Eemian) deposits, a chronology was established for the Sokli B-series (Helmens et al. 2007). A simplified lithology for Borehole Sokli B-series Fig.2 SimplifiedlithologicalcolumnofBoreholeB-seriesat is shown in Fig. 2. Nine Late-Quaternary strati- Sokli, with absolute age determinations (OSL-dates and graphic units (SU) are distinguished (Helmens et al. uncorrected 14C-date (in italic)) and stratigraphical units 2007) the lowermost 5 m of sediment, consisting of (SU). The black bar to the right of the sediment-column representstheTulppiointerstadial(seetextfordescription) diatomgyttja,andwasformedduringOIS-5e.Above 21 m core depth, a gravelly deposit (lower part of SU-2) with a fluvial origin is present. The upper part sand and gravel (SU-3). The OSL-dates, as well as of SU-2 consists of a 2 m thick sand/silt sequence, the stratigraphy, indicate an age of OIS-5d and OIS- showing parallel laminae that could have formed 5c for SU-2 and 3 respectively. either in a low-energetic fluvial system or in a At 13.4 mcore depth,a 2 mthick diamict deposit shallow lake environment. The minerogenic sedi- was recovered (SU-4). These glacially deposited ments of SU-2 grade into a thick laminated gyttja materials correlate with OIS-5b. The overlying ice- deposit,which,initsupperparts,isinterlayeredwith marginal gravels and sands, grading into laminated 123 52 JPaleolimnol(2008)40:49–61 sands and silts and then into laminated sandy gyttja removefineparticlesfromthesamples,thesediments (SU-5), and are correlated to OIS-5a. were deflocculated incold 10%KOH for at least 4 h The till deposits of SU-6 (8.1–9.5 m core depth) and subsequently rinsed through a 100 lm sieve. represent the second phase of glaciation at the Sokli Using a dissecting microscope, chironomid head site.Thetillisoverlainbyglacio-fluvialsedimentsand capsuleswerehand-pickedat35·magnificationusing thereafter by a 2 m thick minerogenic lacustrine fineforcepsandpermanentlymountedonglassslides deposit (SU-7). The sediments of this limnic deposit using Euparal(cid:1) mounting medium. The chironomid first become finer up the sequence, followed by a head capsules were identified following Wiederholm coarseningupwards,andarefinallyoverlainbyanother (1983), Heiri et al. (2004), Makarchenko and Mak- tilldeposit(SU-8).TheOSL-dates,the(uncalibrated) archenko (1999), Moller Pillot (1984), Schmid radiocarbondateandthestratigraphyindicateanageof (1993), Rieradevall and Brooks (2001) and Oliver OIS-4,earlyOIS-3andOIS-3/OIS-2forSU-6,7and8 and Roussel (1983). A chironomid percentage dia- respectively. The top of the sedimentological record gram was constructed using the computer programs consists of glacio-fluvial sediments grading into a TILIAandTG.VIEW(Grimm1991–2004).Zonation Holocenepeatdeposit(SU-9). of the chironomid diagram was carried out using the optimalsum-of-squarespartitioningmethodasimple- mented in the program ZONE (Lotter and Juggins Sedimentary record of SU-7 1991), the significant number of zones was assessed by abroken stick model(Bennett 1996). In this study, a detailed analysis of the sediments of stratigraphic unit 7 (early OIS-3), which has been defined as the Tulppio Interstadial (Helmens et al. Temperature inference 2007),ispresented.ThelowermostsedimentsofSU- 7 are relatively coarse, low in organic content, and ANorwegianchironomid-temperaturecalibrationdata show no sedimentary structures. Gradually, the set was used as a modern analogue for our fossil sediment transforms into clayey sediments with a chironomid assemblages. This training set contains slightly higher organic content. Between 6.85 m and 153 Norwegian lakes and spans a mean July air 6.75 m core depth, millimeter-scale alterations temperature range of 3.5–15.6(cid:2)C (unpublished data; between clayey and silty layers are observed in the Brooks and Birks 2001). A 3-component weighted- sediments. These laminations increase in thickness averaging partial least squares (WA-PLS) model was upward, and continue to 5.9 m core depth. The selectedastheinferencemodelwiththebestpredictive sediments become coarser, containing a matrix of power, using mean July air temperatures as the silts and, above 5.9 m core depth, of sands. Around responsevariableandchironomidtaxaasthepredictor 5.2 m core depth wood fragments are encountered in variables. Using leave-one-out cross-validation (jack- the core and, at 5.14 m core depth, a large pebble is knifing), the predictive powers of the model were presentwithinthemuchfinermatrix.Thepresenceof estimated (Birks 1995). Our inference model had a this stone is probably the result of ice rafting, which RMSEPof1.01(cid:2)C,anr2of0.91andamaximumbias brought coarse material into the low-energetic lake of 1.05(cid:2)C. A bootstrap cross-validation with 499 system and deposited so-called dropstones. cycles was performed to calculate sample-specific errorestimates.Usingthemodernanaloguetechnique described by Birks et al. (1990), the occurrence of Methods non-analogues in the fossil samples was calculated, where ‘‘no close’’ or ‘‘no good’’ analogues with the Chironomid analysis modern data were defined as the cut-level of the 2nd and 5th percentile of all chi-square distances in the The2 mthickdeposit(between7.1 mand5.1 mcore modern calibration data. A cut-level of the 95th and depth)wassubsampledin5 cmthickslices.Atotalof the 90th percentile of the modern residual chi-square 39 wet sediment samples (weight range: 3.65– distanceswasusedasanestimateofthefitofthefossil 38.54 g) was used for chironomid analysis. To samples to temperature (‘‘very poor’’ and ‘‘poor’’ 123 JPaleolimnol(2008)40:49–61 53 respectively; Heiri et al. 2003a). The percentage of sequence is presented in Fig. 3. The average count raretaxainthefossilsampleswascalculated,wherea sum in the samples above 6.75 m core depth was 89 raretaxonhasaHill’sN (Hill1973)of5orlessinthe head capsules (hc) per sample (range: 54–199 hc), 2 moderndataset.BrooksandBirks(2001)statethatthe although fewer countswere present inthe lowermost temperature optima of taxa with a N [5 in the part of the profile (2–24 hc). The high number of 2 modern data are likely to be reliably estimated, lacustrine taxa with a preference for littoral to sub- whereas taxa with N £ 5 are rare in the modern littoral habitats suggests that throughout the record a 2 data,andtheoptimaforthesetaxaareprobablypoorly shallowlakewaspresentattheSoklisite.Fourzones estimated. The temperature inference model, the have been distinguished in the chironomid record. analogues and the percentage of rare taxa were calculatedusingC2 version 1.4.3 (Juggins2003),and the modern residual chi-square distances using CA- Zone S-Ch1 (7.10–6.71 m) NOCOversion4.0(TerBraakandSˇmilauer1998). Thelowermostsamples(below6.79 mcoredepth) Tanytarsus lugens-type, Microtendipes and Polyped- showlownumbersofchironomidheadcapsules,even ilumnubeculosum-typewereamongthetaxathatfirst after all available material was examined for chiron- appeared at Sokli, and might be considered the early omid remains. These samples were therefore lumped colonisers of the newly formed lake at Sokli. The andusedasasinglesampleinthenumericalanalyses. chironomidconcentrationdoesnotriseabove1 hc/g, possibly due to high sedimentation rates. In the upper part of zone S-Ch1, count sums Results and ecological interpretation increase to values above 50, and Chironomus anth- racinus-type (20%), T. lugens-type (15–40%) and Chironomid record Procladius (10%) are the most abundant taxa. Both C. anthracinus-type and Procladius have a broad A total of 65 chironomid taxa was identified in the distribution along the temperature gradient in the Sokli sediments and a summarized chironomid Norwegian training set: Procladius has a large LitholoCgoyunt Cshiuromnomid concenPtrarataikCoihnei fr(fohernci/oegll)mau sn iagPrrntao-hctlryaapcdiienusus-typeTanytarsus luAgbleansb-etsyEpnmedyioachirMiocrnootemnusdi palebisPpoleynpniesdi-ltuypm enCluabdeoctualnoystuarms-tuys TpaemnaytncaruSstsi-utcsty opmce ehiP2nradoranaxcol-tamydMuiipscuersoCposryecntorca eirnEas iuakginmePilfrbfiooegbrdiiuueaasll-tmay-eCtpshyiearpoenomid zone 5,10 104 64 5,30 5886 77 5,50 18225 S-Ch4 76 87 5,70 49 m) 8608 Depth ( 566,,,913000 184566786731785703711 S-Ch3 71 6,50 115923 8821 S-Ch2 6,70 17099 6,90 5131233922584 S-Ch1 7,10 32 20 40 60 20 40%20 40% 20 40%20%20%20 40%20 40%20 40% 20%20%20% 20% Lithology Laminations Single occurence Sandy silt Fine Silt Clay Coarse Fig.3 Summary diagram showing selected chironomid taxa numberofheadcapsulespergramwetsediment.Thesamples recovered from the Sokli sediments. Abundances for the below 6.79m core depth yielded limited numbers of chiron- individual taxa are given as percentages, the head capsule omidheadcapsules,andindividualfindingsareindicatedwith count-suminnumbers,andthechironomidconcentrationinthe a(+) 123 54 JPaleolimnol(2008)40:49–61 temperature tolerance, as it was found in lakes with middleof the zone. The concentration of chironomid mean July air temperatures ranging from 4.5(cid:2)C to headcapsulesislowthroughoutzoneS-Ch3,between 16.0(cid:2)C.TheabundancesofC.anthracinus-typeshow 5 hc/gand10 hc/g.TheoccurrenceofMicrotendipes a bimodal distribution in the modern calibration set, couldindicatetemperatures thatare bestclassifiedas with a small optimum in abundances at 8.5(cid:2)C, and a intermediatetowarm(Bedfordet al.2004;Brooksand large optimum in abundances around 14.6(cid:2)C. Birks 2000) and the gradual warming trend that was T.lugens-type,thethirdtaxontoshowhighnumbers, observedinzoneS-Ch2wasprobablyinterrupted. also has a large temperature-tolerance, but has been considered to be indicative for cool and oligotrophic conditions (e.g. Brooks 2006). All these taxa might be indicative of a relatively deep lake. Zone S-Ch4 (6.00–5.10 m) AttheonsetofS-Ch4,Microtendipesdisappearsfrom Zone S-Ch2 (6.71–6.40 m) the sequence, whereas C. ambigua shows a constant abundance of 15%. This latter species was formerly The onset of zone S-Ch2 is indicated by a sharp considered to be a true cold-water stenotherm, but increase in the concentration of chironomid remains, those ideas have recently been questioned by Bro- reachingvaluesof50 hc/gwetsediment.Theassem- dersen and Lindegaard (1999), as they found blagesareinitiallydominatedbyT.lugens-type,with C. ambigua in temperature, eutrophic Danish lakes. abundances of 40% at the onset of this zone. Abla- In the Norwegian training set, this species has a besmyia shows its highest occurrences in the middle narrow temperature tolerance (±1–2(cid:2)C) with a tem- partofthiszone(10%).TowardthetopofzoneS-Ch2, perature optimum of 9.9(cid:2)C. Paracladius shows its the abundance of T. lugens-type declines and Tany- first phase of high abundance, reaching values of tarsus mendax-type, Polypedilum nubeculosum-type 10%. At 5.83 m core depth, values of Paracladius andCladotanytarsusmancus-type2becomethedom- decline and the head capsule density decreases to inanttaxa.Thelattertwotaxa(valuesabove20%)are values below 10 hc/g. In the uppermost part of the indicative of higher July air temperatures and the core,between5.10 m5.50 m,thistaxonreappearsin transition to a chironomid-assemblage that is domi- the chironomid assemblage, but in much lower natedbythesetwotaxacouldbetheresultofasteadily numbers. This genus is considered to be a true increasingsummertemperatureatSokli.Attheendof cold-water stenotherm, and its presence is possibly zone S-Ch2 there is a peak in the occurrence of the result of a colder temperature at the study site. Endochironomus albipennis-type, which temporarily At 5.60 m core depth, the head capsule density becomes the dominant taxon with an abundance of increases again to approximately 50 hc/g. Stictochir- 20%.Thismightindicaterisingtemperaturestoo,but onomus reaches abundances of up to 10% in the could also be related to an increased nutrient avail- upper part of the record. However, P. nubeculosum- abilityinthelake. type and Cladotanytarsus mancus-type 2 are still the dominant taxa in the assemblage. An interesting feature of the upper part of zone S-Ch4 is the Zone S-Ch3 (6.40–6.00 m) occurrence of stream-inhabiting taxa such as Eukief- feriella and Prodiamesa. Endochironomus albipennis-type and T. lugens-type The occurrence of taxa with a preference for lotic show lower abundances at the onset of S-Ch3, while habitats,togetherwiththecoarser-grainedsedimentin Microtendipes returns to the lake and reaches this interval, suggests an increasing influence on the abundances of 5–15%. P. nubeculosum-type and lake-catchmentofproglacialstreamsfromthenearby Cladotanytarsus mancus-type 2 remain the dominant ice-sheet. The close proximity of the advancing ice taxa with an abundance of 20% and 20–30% respec- sheetisfurtherdemonstratedbytheuppermostpartof tively. Ablabesmyia shows declining abundances and thelacustrinedeposit,whichchangesintoaglacialtill temporarilydisappearsfromthesequenceduringzone deposit,probablywithoutahiatusinthesedimentary S-Ch3, while Corynocera ambigua appears in the sequence (Helmens et al. 2007). 123 JPaleolimnol(2008)40:49–61 55 Quantitative climatic reconstruction Thecumulativeabundanceofthesixtaxaincluded inthefossilassemblagesbutabsentfromthemodern Figure 4 shows the reconstructed mean July air calibrationsetisbetween0.0%and6.9%persample, temperatures with the sample specific error bars. whereas on average 98.7% of the identified fossil The reconstructed mean July air temperatures are chironomids were used to obtain palaeotemperature relatively low (12.0(cid:2)C) for the lowermost part of the estimates. Most of the identified fossil chironomids record but they increase steadily to values around were well-represented in the modern training set, as 13.5(cid:2)C. At 6.30 m core depth, temperatures decline there are only 3 fossil samples that have an to values around 10.5–11.0(cid:2)C after which they abundance of rare taxa higher than 10%. These stabilise around 12.0–13.0 (cid:2)C up to 5.30 m core samples all have a high abundance of Paracladius, a depth.Theuppermostthreesamplesshowareturnto taxon that in the modern training set has an effective colder conditions with an inferred temperature of number of occurrences (Hills N ) of 4.6, just below 2 11.5–12.0(cid:2)C. Since the reconstructed July air tem- our threshold of 5. peratures are not near the upper limit of the Only1sampleshowsapoorfittotemperatureand temperature range of the modern training set notasinglesamplehasaresidualchi-squaredistance (15.6(cid:2)C), the influence of so-called edge effects higher than the extreme 5% of the modern samples (Ter Braak and Juggins 1993; Birks 1998) can be and therefore none is classified as having a ‘‘very excluded. Furthermore, where under colder climatic poor’’ fit to temperature. The fossil sample that is conditions the biodiversity tends to be reduced and classified as having a ‘‘poor fit’’ to temperature is the same cold-adapted assemblage of chironomids situated in a part of the record where both the mightexistoverawidetemperaturerange(Birksand chironomid-assemblages as well as the reconstructed Birks2006),ourreconstructedtemperaturesareinthe temperatures are stable. intermediate to warm range and so are not likely to No fossil sample has a close analogue in the suffer from this problem. modern data, and 75% of the fossil samples have no good analogues. This result is surprising, as all the dominant taxa of the fossil record are all well- represented in the Norwegian training set and the training set contains many shallow, macrophyte rich lakes that could potentially provide good analogues for the fossil chironomid-assemblages. Probably, the relative abundances of taxa in the fossil samples are not (well) reflected in the individual training set lakes. Although there are no close modern analogues in the training set, WA-PLS can perform relatively well in poor analogue situations (Birks 1998). Since there is a good fitto temperature and ahigh number of fossil taxa that are well-represented in the modern training set, the inferred values are consid- eredtobereliablegiventhepropertiesofthemodern calibration data. Discussion Fig.4 Chironomid-inferred mean July air temperatures, and sample specific error-bars. The open circles indicate samples The results presented in this study show the first with no good analogues, and samples with more than 5% chironomid-derived palaeotemperature estimates for abundanceofthataretaxarareinthemoderntrainingset.The early OIS-3 in northwestern Europe. Our recon- solid circles indicate samples with no close analogues, with structed temperatures are surprisingly high, consid- morethan10%abundanceoftaxathatarerareinthemodern trainingset,andsampleswithapoorfittotemperature ering that the deposits were formed during the last 123 56 JPaleolimnol(2008)40:49–61 glacial.Thehighestreconstructedtemperaturesareas Lake depth high as the current mean July air temperature (13(cid:2)C) at the study site, and even the lower reconstructed WalkerandCwynar(2006)statethattheinfluenceof values of 10.5(cid:2)C are temperatures that are currently lake depth on palaeotemperature inferences poses a found in northern parts of Finland and Norway problem that deserves more attention. Deep, ther- (Drebs et al. 2002). mally stratified lakes may provide habitats suitable Chironomid studies on both late-glacial and for cold-stenothermous midges, whereas shallow Holocene sediments have produced inferred temper- lakes from the same region will not support these ature reconstructions that were in concurrence with species. Palaeotemperature inferences from deep other proxy-based temperature estimates (e.g. Heiri lakes might therefore result in lower temperatures and Millet 2005; Magny et al. 2006), but also thanthoseinferredfromtheshallowersites.Boththe reconstructions that showed discrepancies between chironomid-assemblages as well as the botanical different sites (e.g. Velle et al. 2005) or with macro-remains from the lacustrine sediments of SU7 reconstructions based on different proxies (e.g. Birks suggest that a shallow lake was present at the study and Ammann 2000). Larocque and Hall (2003) site throughout the period considered, although the elegantly show that in their study there was a close lake might have been relatively deeper during zone similaritybetweenmeasuredandchironomid-inferred S-Ch1. This is also suggested by preliminary diatom summer temperatures, but they also state that on results (unpublished data). As no drastic increase in longer temporal timescales, this relationship might littoral macrophyte taxa such as Carex spp. is not remain constant. Therefore, each record showing reconstructed (unpublished data) we exclude a major midge-palaeotemperature reconstructions must be influence of lake infilling on the lacustrine habitats interpreted cautiously, and in the context of all available for chironomids. palaeoenvironmental data available (Heiri and Lotter 2005; Walker and Cwynar 2006). Below, we discuss mechanisms that could poten- Dispersion tially have influenced our chironomid-inferred temperatures. Second, the chironomid-based results Velle et al. (2005) conclude that during the Holo- arecomparedtootherproxy-basedresultsfromSokli, cene,mobilitymaynothavebeenalimitingfactorfor and to model-based July air temperature reconstruc- the distribution of chironomids on the Scandinavian tions for north Finland. Finally, our results will be mainland. However, during OIS-3 there was a compared to other temperature records inferred from limited-sized ice-sheet situated close to our study terrestrial sites in northwestern Europe. site, possibly forming a major barrier for dispersal from the west or south. The lower sediment samples from our record (below 6.79 m core depth) show a Sampling design low Hill’s N -diversity. However, the samples above 2 6.79 m core depth show relatively high N -diversity, 2 The fossil chironomid remains recovered in the suggesting that after 6.79 m core depth the colonisa- sediments from the Sokli site are surprisingly well tion of this lake has not been a problem for a wide preserved, considering that an ice-sheet has overrid- range of taxa. Even aspecies with a limitedmobility denthesedeposits.Identificationofthefossilmaterial suchasC.ambigua(BrodersenandLindegaard1999) was possible to a degree of taxonomic resolution reached the Sokli basin quickly with respect to the similar to the calibrationset. Great care was takento introduction of other chironomid taxa. retrieve the core from the central part of the Sokli Several taxa that reach high abundances only at a basin(Helmenset al.2000,2007)aswasdoneduring later stage in the record already have single occur- the sampling of the lakes in our modern calibration rences in the lower parts of the record, before finally dataset, and to prevent any influence of within-lake establishing themselves during a later stage (see for variability in chironomid-inferred temperatures as instance Paracladius). Therefore, local climate or presented in Heiri et al. (2003b). habitat conditions rather than a restricted dispersion 123 JPaleolimnol(2008)40:49–61 57 have most likely been the controlling factor for the plants require certain minimum mean summer tem- composition of the chironomid assemblages. peraturestoflowerandreproduceandtherelationship between the geographical limit of plant distribution and temperature can be used to reconstruct past Decoupling of water temperature and air minimum temperatures based on fossil records of temperature plant remains. Macroremains of Potamogeton mucronatus-type Many modern training sets have been designed with are found in Zone S-Ch2, and oogonia of Characeae thespecificgoalofprovidingatoolforreconstructing are abundant in this zone as well. In the remaining mean July air temperatures. This however does not part of the sediment sequence, macro-remains of mean that the authors assume that the chironomid aquatic plants are absent (unpublished data). Pre- fauna responds exclusively to air temperature (Birks liminary pollen results reveal that throughout the 1998).Infact,itislikelythatchironomidsrespondto record anaquaticmacrophyte vegetation was present both air and water temperature, as water temperature consisting of taxa such as Isoetes, Myriophyllum influences the development of the midges during the spicatum and Potamogeton. No major trends are relatively long larval stage, whereas air temperature visibleintheabundancesofaquaticplantpollen,and has a direct influence only on the survival and we therefore do not assume major changes in distribution of the winged, short-lived adult stage available micro-habitats for chironomids as a result (Brooks and Birks 2001). of changing aquatic vegetation. Livingstone and Lotter (1998) found a strong The quantitative temperature record inferred from correlation between mean July lake water and air the botanical macro-remainsshowsa similar temper- temperatures in Switzerland. However, there are ature trend to the chironomid-based temperature- several potential decoupling mechanisms between reconstruction. The aquatic macro-remains recon- July air temperature and water temperature, for struct the warmest interval to be between 6.7 m and instance, an increased influence of winter precipita- 6.4 mcoredepth(Fig. 5).Theorganiccontentofthe tion in the form of snow on the temperature of the sedimentisalsohighestduringthispartoftherecord, lakewater(BirksandBirks2006),ortheinfluenceof although variations in organic matter are compara- glacier-fed streams on a lake (Brooks and Birks tively low in the entire profile. As the reconstructed 2001). temperatures based on botanical macro-remains rep- In order to investigate whether these potential resent minimum mean July air temperatures instead mechanisms played a role in the former lake, or of the mean July air temperature-estimates that are whether past changes in nutrient availability have obtainedthroughtheanalysisofchironomidremains, influenced the chironomid-based temperature infer- the macro-remain based palaeotemperatures are ences, the application of a single proxy will not slightly lower throughout the record. suffice. Multi-proxy studies providing multiple lines A high number of statoblasts of the bryozoan of evidence for possible changes in climate or speciesFredericellaindicaisrecordedintheinterval environment will help to identify factors influencing between6.7 mand 6.4 mcore depth aswell. Instead the composition of fossil chironomid assemblages. of being indicative of a minimum mean July air temperature, it is known from modern observations that this species is most common in lakes with water Otherproxy-recordsfromtheSoklistudy-siteand temperatures between 11(cid:2)C and 15(cid:2)C (Økland and comparison with model results Økland 2001), which corresponds well with the temperatures inferred from the chironomid remains. In the Sokli-project, botanical and zoological macro- Increasing wetland vegetation fringing the lake and remain analyses were carried out as an independent deposition of laminated clay and silts may have assessment of local climate conditions. Palaeotem- hampered a further expansion of Fredericella indica perature estimates were made based on the botanical after 6.4 m core depth, as it prefers stony shores and taxa by using the climate indicator plant species avoids lakes with soft sediments and vegetation rich method(sensuIversen1954;Kolstrup1980).Certain in Sphagnum (Økland and Økland 2001). 123 58 JPaleolimnol(2008)40:49–61 Fig.5 Chironomid-inferred mean July air temperature, macro-remain inferred minimum mean July air temperature and organic mattercontentofthesediment Because of the presence of a reduced ice sheet central and southern England (Coope 2002). Recon- over Scandinavia during OIS-3, the atmospheric structed summer temperatures, based on fossil circulation over Northeast Finland must have been coleopteran (beetle) assemblages, show that the different from the current circulation pattern. Using climate during OIS-3 was probably temperate and the ECBilt-CLIO-VECODE coupled atmosphere– oceanic in England with mean monthly July temper- ocean–vegetation model, circulation patterns for aturesreachinglevelsatleastaswarmasthoseofthe interstadial conditions during OIS-3 have been present day (Coope 2002). reconstructed (Helmens et al. accepted). These cli- In contrast to the locations southwest (England) mate model runs show a stable circulation pattern in and northeast (Sokli) of the former ice-sheet, the whichdry,northerlywindsadvectdryairtonortheast model results by Helmens et al. (in press) indicated Finland. As summer-insolation was relatively high that temperatures in locations south of the ice sheet (even slightly higher than today), and reconstructed (i.e. Germany) should be lower than those of the soilmoistureinthemodelislow,thereisarelatively present day. Analysis of fossil coleopteran assem- high amount of solar energy available to heat up the blages from the Oerel-site (northern Germany) surface. This results in model-based temperature suggested a mean July temperature of 12(cid:2)C at this reconstructions in the order of 13(cid:2)C, similar to our more southerly location (Behre et al. 2005). This reconstructed range of 10.5–14(cid:2)C. coolertemperatureisindeedincontrastwiththehigh temperaturesreconstructedatSokliandintheBritish Isles. Comparison with other NW European sites In eastern Germany, a location also south of the fossilice-sheetbutlocatedfurtherawayfromtheice- Theclimatemodelrunsperformed byHelmens et al. front than the Oerel-site, lacustrine sediments from (in press) suggest that atmospheric circulation pat- the opencast lignite mines of the Niederlausitz area terns over the UK were similar to those at the Sokli were used to obtain pollen- and macro-remain based site, i.e. dry air that was advected from the ice-sheet minimum mean July temperature estimates (Bos to the adjacent land. Several terrestrial records et al. 2001; Kasse et al. 2003). Minimum mean registering the early part of OIS-3 are available from summer temperatures were at least 12–13(cid:2)C at this 123

for the earlier part of Oxygen Isotope Stage (OIS-) 3 are inferred Bull Geol Soc Finl 79:17–39. Helmens KF Oliver DR, Roussel ME (1983) The insects and arachnids of. Canada, part 11: the genera of larval midges of Canada-. Diptera: Part I. Diamesinae, Prodiamesinae and Ortho- cladiinae.
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