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Chiral fluctuations in MnSi above the Curie temperature B. Roessli1, P. B¨oni2, W. E. Fischer1 and Y. Endoh3 1Laboratory for Neutron Scattering, ETH Zurich & Paul Scherrer Institute, CH-5232 Villigen PSI 2 Physik-Department E21, Technische Universit¨at Mu¨nchen, D-85747 Garching, Germany 3Physics Department, Tohoku University, Sendai 980, Japan (February 1, 2008) 2 0 0 Polarized neutrons are used to determine the antisymmetric part of the magnetic susceptibility in 2 non-centrosymmetric MnSi. The paramagnetic fluctuations are found to be incommensurate with n thechemical latticeand tohaveachiral character. Weargue thatantisymmetricinteractions must a betakenintoaccounttoproperlydescribethecritical dynamicsinMnSiaboveTC. Thepossibility J of directly measuring the polarization dependent part of the dynamical susceptibility in a large 8 class of compounds through polarised inelastic neutron-scattering is outlined as it can yield direct 1 evidence for antisymmetric interactions like spin-orbit coupling in metals as well as in insulators. ] PACS numbers: 75.25+z, 71.70.Ej, 71.20.lp l e - r t Ordered states with helical arrangement of the mag- acter of the spin fluctuations due to spin-orbit coupling s . netic moments aredescribedby a chiralorderparameter anddiscuss the experimental results in the frameworkof at C~ = S~ ×S~ , which yields the left- or right-handed ro- self-consistentrenormalisationtheoryofspin-fluctuations 1 2 m tation of neighboring spins along the pitch of the helix. in itinerant magnets [7]. - Examplesforcompoundsofthatsortarerare-earthmet- Beingaprototypeofaweakitinerantferromagnet,the d alslikeHo[1]. Spins onafrustratedlatticeformanother magnetic fluctuations in MnSi have been investigated in n class of systems, where simultaneous ordering of chiral the past in detail by means of unpolarizedand polarized o c and spin parameters can be found. For example, in the neutron scattering. The results demonstrate the itiner- [ triangular lattice with antiferromagnetic nearest neigh- ant nature of the spin fluctuations [8–10] as well as the bor interaction, the classical ground-state is given by a occurrence of spiral correlations [11] and strong longitu- 1 v non-collinear arrangement with the spin vectors form- dinal fluctuations [13]. 7 ing a 120◦ structure. In this case, the ground state is MnSi has a cubic space groupP2 3 with a lattice con- 1 2 highly degenerate as a continuous rotation of the spins stanta=4.558˚Athatlacksacenterofsymmetryleading 3 in the hexagonal plane leaves the energy of the system toaferromagneticspiralalongthe[111]directionwitha 1 unchanged. Inaddition,itispossibletoobtaintwoequiv- period of approximately180 ˚A [14]. The Curie tempera- 0 2 alent ground states which differ only by the sense of ro- ture is TC =29.5 K.The spontaneous magnetic moment 0 tation (left or right) of the magnetic moments from sub- of Mn µ ≃ 0.4µ is strongly reduced from its free ion s B / lattice to sub-lattice,hence yielding anexampleofchiral value µ = 2.5µ . As shown in the inset of Fig. 1 the t f B a degeneracy. fourMnandSiatomsareplacedatthepositions(x,x,x), m As a consequence of the chiral symmetry of the or- (1+x,1−x,−x),(1−x,−x,1+x),and(−x,1+x,1−x) 2 2 2 2 2 2 - der parameter, a new universality class results that is with x =0.138 and x =0.845, resepctively. d Mn Si n characterized by novel critical exponents as calculated We investigated the paramagnetic fluctuations in a o by Monte-Carlo simulations [2] and measured by neu- large single crystal of MnSi (mosaic η = 1.50) of about c tronscattering[3]intheXY-antiferromagnetCsMnBr . 10cm3 onthe triple-axisspectrometerTASPattheneu- 3 : v Aninterestingbutstillunresolvedproblemisthecharac- tron spallation source SINQ using a polarized neutron i terization of chiral spin fluctuations that have been sug- beam. The single crystal was mounted in a 4He refriger- X gestedtoplayanimportantrolee.g. inthedopedhigh-T ator of ILL-type and aligned with the [0 0 1] and [1 1 0] c r a superconductors [4]. The measurement of chiral fluctua- crystallographic directions in the scattering plane. Most tions is,however,a difficult taskandcanusually onlybe constantenergy-scanswereperformedaroundthe(011) performed by projecting the magnetic fluctuations on a Bragg peak and in the paramagnetic phase in order to field-induced magnetization [5,6]. relax the problem of depolarizationof the neutron beam In this Letter, we show that chiral fluctuations can be in the ordered phase. The spectrometer was operated directly observed in non-centrosymmetric crystals with- in the constant final energy mode with a neutron wave out disturbing the sample by a magnetic field. We vector~k =1.97˚A−1. Inorderto suppresscontamination f present results of polarized inelastic neutron scattering by higher order neutrons a pyrolytic graphite filter was experiments performedinthe paramagneticphase ofthe installed in the scattered beam. The incident neutrons itinerantferromagnetMnSi that confirmthe chiralchar- werepolarizedbymeansofaremanent[15]FeCoV/TiN- 1 type bender that was inserted after the monochromator (Qˆ~ ·P~ )(Qˆ~ ·B~) (2) i [16]. Thepolarizationoftheneutronbeamatthesample positionwas maintainedby a guide fieldB =10G that andvanishesforcentro-symmetricsystemsorwhenthere g defines also the polarization of the neutrons P~ with re- isnolong-rangeorder. Intheabsenceofsymmetrybreak- i spect to the scattering vector Q~ =~k −~k at the sample ingfieldslikeexternalmagneticfields,pressureetc.,sim- i f position. ilar scans with polarized neutrons would yield a peak In contrast to previous experiments, where the polar- of diffuse scattering at the zone center and no scatter- izationP~ ofthescatteredneutronswasalsomeasuredin ing that depends on the polarization of the neutrons. f order to distinguish between longitudinal and transverse However,anintrinsicanisotropyofthe spinHamiltonian fluctuations [13], we did not analyze P~ , as our goalwas in a system that lacks lattice inversion symmetry may f todetectapolarizationdependentscatteringthatispro- provide anaxialinteractionleading to a polarizationde- portional to σ ∝(Qˆ~ ·P~ ) as discussed below. pendent cross section. The polarization dependent scat- p i tering obtained in the present experiments is therefore A typical constant-energy scan with h¯ω = 0.5 meV an indication of fluctuations in the chiral order param- measured in the paramagnetic phase at T = 31 K is eter and points towards the existence of an axial vector shown in Fig. 1 for the polarization of the incident neu- tronsP~ parallelandanti-paralleltothescatteringvector B~ that is not necessarilycommensurate with the lattice. i Q~. ItisclearlyseenthatthepeakpositionsdependonP~ Hence,accordingtoEq.2theneutronscatteringfunction i and appear at the incommensurate positions Q~ = ~τ ±~δ in MnSi contains a non-vanishing antisymmetric part. Because the crystal structure of MnSi is non- with respect to the reciprocal lattice vector ~τ of the 011 centrosymmetric and the magnetic ground-state forms nuclear unit cell. Obviously, this shift of the peaks with a helix with spins perpendicular to the [1 1 1] crys- respect to (0 1 1) would be hardly visible with unpolar- tallographic direction, it is reasonable to interpret the izedneutronsandcouldnotobservedinpreviousinelastic polarization-dependent transverse part of the dynami- neutron works. cal susceptibility in terms of the Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya In order to discuss our results we start with the gen- (DM)interaction[20,21]similarlyasitwasdoneinother eral expression for the cross-section of magnetic scatter- non-centrosymmetricsystemsthatshowincommensurate ing with polarized neutrons [12] ordering [18,19]. d2σ Usually the DM-interaction is written as the cross dΩdω ∼ (δα,β −QˆαQˆβ)Aαβ(Q~,ω) product of interacting spins HDM = l,mD~l,m ·(~sl × Xα,β ~s ), where the direction of the DMP-vector D~ is de- m + (Qˆ~ ·P~ ) ǫ QˆγBαβ(Q~,ω) (1) termined by bond symmetry and its scalar by the i α,β,γ Xα,β Xγ strength of the spin-orbit coupling [21]. Although the DM-interactionwasoriginallyintroducedonmicroscopic where (Q~,ω) are the momentum and energy-transfers grounds for ionic crystals, it was shown that antisym- from the neutron to the sample, Qˆ~ = Q~/|Qˆ|, and metric spin interactions are also present in metals with non-centrosymmetriccrystalsymmetry [22]. Ina similar α,β,γ indicate Cartesian coordinates. The first term way as for insulators with localized spin densities, the in Eq. 1 is independent of the polarization of the inci- antisymmetric interaction originates from the spin-orbit dent neutrons, while the second is polarization depen- dent through the factor (Qˆ~ ·P~ ). P~ denotes the direc- couplingintheabsenceofaninversioncenterandafinite i i contribution to the the antisymmetric part of the wave- tion of the neutron polarization and its scalar is equal vector dependent dynamical susceptibility is obtained. to 1 when the beam is fully polarized. Aαβ and Bαβ For the caseof a uniformDM-interaction, the neutron are the symmetric and antisymmetric parts of the scat- cross-section depends on the polarization of the neutron tering function Sαβ, that is Aαβ = 1(Sαβ +Sβα) and 2 beam [23] as follows Bαβ = 1(Sαβ −Sβα). Sαβ are the Fourier transforms 2 of the spin correlation function < sαsβ >, Sαβ(Q~,ω) = d2σ 2π1N −∞∞dte−iωt ll′eiQ~(X~l−X~l′) <slαl sl′βl′(t)>. The vec- (cid:18)dΩdω(cid:19)np ∼ℑ(χ⊥(~q−~δ,ω)+χ⊥(~q+~δ,ω)), torsXR~ldesignatePthepositionsofthescatteringcentersin d2σ ∼(D~ˆ ·Qˆ~)(Qˆ~ ·P~ ) the lattice. The correlationfunction is relatedto the dy- (cid:18)dΩdω(cid:19) i p namicalsusceptibilitythroughthefluctuation-dissipation theorem S(Q~,ω)=2h¯/(1−exp(−¯hω/kT))ℑχ(Q~,ω). ×ℑ(χ⊥(~q−~δ,ω)−χ⊥(~q+~δ,ω)). (3) FollowingRef.[17]we define nowanaxialvectorB~ by Here, ~q designates the reduced momentum transfer with αβǫαβγBαβ = Bγ(Q~,ω), that represents the antisym- respecttothenearestmagneticBraggpeakat~τ±~δ. The Pmetric part of the susceptibility which, hence, depends first line of Eq. 3 describes inelastic scattering with a on the neutron polarization as follows non-polarized neutron beam. The second part describes 2 inelastic scattering that depends on P~ as well as on D~. In conclusion, we have shown that chiral fluctuations i Eq. 3 shows that the cross section for P~ ⊥ Q~ is in- can be measured by means of polarized inelastic neu- i deed independent of P as observed in Fig. 2. By sub- tron scattering in zero field, when the antisymmetric i tracting the inelastic spectra taken with P~ parallel and part of the dynamical susceptibility has a finite value. i anti-paralleltoQ~,thepolarizationdependentpartofthe We have shown that this is the case in metallic MnSi cross-section can be isolated, as demonstrated in Fig. 3 that has a non-centrosymmetric crystal symmetry. For for two temperatures T =31 K and T =40 K. this compound the axial interaction leading to the po- Closeto T , the intensityis ratherhighandthe cross- larizedpart of the neutron cross-sectionhas been identi- C ingatQ=(011)issharp. At40Ktheintensitybecomes fied as originating from the DM-interaction. Similar in- smallandthetransitionat(011)israthersmooth,which vestigations can be performed in a large class of other mirrors the decreases of the correlation length with in- physical systems. They will yield direct evidence for creasingtemperature. Wehavemeasured(d2σ/(dΩdω)) thepresenceofantisymmetricinteractionsinformingthe p in the vicinity of the (0 1 1) Bragg peak at T = 35 K. magnetic ground-state in magnetic insulators with DM- The result shown as a contour plot in Fig. 4 indicates interactions, high-T superconductors (e.g. La CuO c 2 4 that the DM-interaction vector in MnSi has a compo- [24]),nickelates[25],quasi-onedimensionalantiferromag- nent along the [0 1 1] crystallographic direction which nets [26] or metallic compounds like FeGe [27]. induces paramagnetic fluctuations centered at positions incommensurate with the chemical lattice. In order to proceed further with the analysis we as- sume for the transverse susceptibilities in Eq. 3 the ex- pressionfor itinerant magnets as givenby self-consistent re-normalizationtheory (SCR) [7] [1] V.P. Plakhty et al., Phys.Rev.B 64, 100402(R), 2001. χ⊥(~q±~δ,ω)=χ⊥(~q±~δ)/(1−iω/Γ ). (4) [2] H. Kawamura, Phys.Rev.B 38 4916 (1988). q~±~δ [3] T.E. 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Thesolid linesare fit to at T = 31 K for the neutron polarization parallel and thedatausingtheSRC-resultforthedynamicalsusceptibility anti-paralleltothescatteringvectorQ~,respectively. Thesolid with theparameters given in thetext. lines are fits to the data. The inset shows the Mn atoms in the crystal structure of MnSi. Note that MnSi is not cen- tro-symmetric. FIG.4. Contour-map of the polarization dependent scat- teringforanenergytransfer¯hω=0.5meVasmeasurednear the(0 1 1) reciprocal lattice point at T=35K. 200 150 Polar. perp. Q MnSi Polar. perp. −Q T=35K u.) a. nts ( 100 u o C on 50 utr e N 0 Difference Counts -50 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 1.1 1.2 1.3 (1-q,q,q) (rlu) FIG. 2. Neutron spectra in MnSi for an energy-transfer ¯hω=0.5meVasmeasured atT =35KforP~i perpendicular to Q~ and −Q~, respectively. The solid line shows a fit to the data and the small symbols represent the difference signal that is independentof P~i. See text for details. 4

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