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謎語 = Chinese riddles PDF

98 Pages·2017·34.089 MB·Chinese
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Preview 謎語 = Chinese riddles

Chinese Riddles 第 二 集 2 編者:王秋桂、趙林 中華民國僑務委員會 序 言   中華文化源遠流長,博大精深,孕涵寬廣,諸如科學、藝術、宗 教、道德、法律、政治、經濟、醫藥、社會制度等無一不包。中華文 化歷史悠久,歷五千年而彌新,其傳衍與充實光大,是我們共同的 責任。鑒於全球各地的僑胞長期旅居海外,廣泛深入接觸中華文化不 易,僑務委員會特敦請國內學者專家,編撰兒歌、歇後語、謎語、諺 語一系列教材,文詞深入淺出,簡明易懂,適合各種程度的僑胞閱讀。   海外華人的發展存續,僑社的繁盛昌隆,端賴僑教的有效進行。 本會一本為僑胞服務之旨,編印華語文教材,旨在增進僑胞對中華文 化的認識,提高青少年的華語文程度,期能從歷史經驗中獲得警示, 從文化精髓中汲取智慧。從而促進文化的融合精進,為世界和平奠定 更穩固的基礎,使中華文化綻放更璀璨的光芒。 僑務委員會 Preface Chinese culture, deriving its origins from the distant past, is broad, profound and comprehensive. It covers all fields of human endeavor including science, art, religion, law, politics, morality, medicine and social system. Chinese culture, with a long, long history, remains flourishing and thriving after weathering dynastic vicissitudes over 5,000 years. The continuity and propagation of Chinese culture have now become our common mission. Overseas compatriots scatter around all parts of the globe. Since most of them reside overseas for a long time, it is not easy for them to get an in-depth understanding of Chinese culture. To fill this gap, OCAC has invited scholars and experts at home to compile the children’s songs, Chinese riddle-phrases, Chinese riddles, and Chinese sayings. Written in plain language and easy to understand, the series suits overseas compatriots with various levels of Chinese proficiency. The progress and survival of overseas compatriots and the prosperity of their communities depend on the effectiveness of education. The main purposes of OCAC to compile Chinese teaching materials are to promote understanding of Chinese culture and to enhance the Chinese proficiency of overseas youths. It is hoped that they can obtain enlightenment from historical experience and wisdom from the essence of Chinese culture so that they may help lay a more solid foundation for promoting world peace and disseminating Chinese culture through cultural integration and assimilation. OCAC, Republic of China (Taiwan) 者 話 編 的   猜謎是華人老老小小在農曆年及元宵節前後,最愛好的文化娛樂 活動。謎語多半是對動物類的外貌特徵,或動作習性從某一個角度做 局部性的描述,或隱喻。   民國以來,中山大學民俗學會收集、出版了許多傳統的謎書,海 華文庫所收集的謎語多半是從這些傳統的謎語中取材,但也收集了一 部分近代人對新出現的事物所作的謎語。   謎語有韻又逗趣,所以特別被孩子們所喜愛。 Editor's Note During the Lunar New Year and especially during the Lantern Festival, Chinese, young and old, engage in a favorite cultural as recreational activity-guessing riddles. Most riddles are descriptions of, or metaphors for, the characteristics of external phenomena or the behavioral attributes of a broad range of creatures and things. Since the birth of the Republic of China, the Folklore Society at Chungshan University has collected and published many traditional riddle books. The riddles presented in The Overseas Chinese Library are selected from these publications. We have also collected more recent riddles about modern things for our Library. Because Chinese riddles are rhymed and full of fun, they are loved by children. 錄 目 contents 1 像雲不是雲 Like a cloud but not a cloud ....... 12 像雲不是雲 2 小小圖畫半方寸 Tiny picture half-inch square ... 13 小小圖畫半方寸 3 外似肥皂又像糕 The outside is like soap ..... 14 外似肥皂又像糕 4 一個孩子生得好 A child is born in perfect form ... 15 一個孩子生得好 5 巷子短短一尺長 A short lane one foot long .... 16 巷子短短一尺長 6 似鼠不是鼠 Like a mouse, but not a mouse ...... 17 似鼠不是鼠 7 兩撇小鬍子 Two little whiskers .......... 18 兩撇小鬍子 8 一隻奇怪馬 A strange horse .......... 19 一隻奇怪馬 9 遠看像山崗 From afar a mountain top ....... 20 遠看像山崗 10 厚臉皮 A thick-skinned face ............ 21 厚臉皮 11 一塊板 One board ............... 22 一塊板 12 身披一件大皮襖 His body is draped with a large skin . 23 身披一件大皮襖 13 小姑 Little maiden .............. 24 小姑 14 坐著像隻貓 It sits like a cat ........... 25 坐著像隻貓 15 黃金布 Yellow gold clothes ............ 26 黃金布 16 此人站在田當中 In the middle of a field this man ... 27 此人站在田當中 17 一物生來真輕巧 Something created very light ... 28 一物生來真輕巧 18 紅通通 Red all through ............. 29 紅通通 19 背脊朝天 Backbone facing the sky ......... 30 背脊朝天 20 上不怕水 Doesn't fear water above ......... 31 上不怕水 21 一個小姑 A small maiden .......... 32 一個小姑 22 八字鬍鬚往外翹 V-shaped whiskers grow out and up . 33 八字鬍鬚往外翹 23 你說牠是牛 You say it is a cow ......... 34 你說牠是牛 24 人人都是肉包骨 People all have flesh to cover ... 35 人人都是肉包骨 25 紅姑 The red maiden ............. 36 紅姑 26 趕羊群 Chasing a herd of sheep ........... 37 趕羊群 錄 目 27 一條帶子長又長 A very long belt ....... 38 一條帶子長又長 28 四角方方 Four corners square .......... 39 四角方方 29 二扇黑大門 Two great black gates ........ 40 二扇黑大門 30 大耳朵 Big ears ................ 41 大耳朵 31 棵棵站得直 Stalk after stalk standing straight ..... 42 棵棵站得直 32 兄弟五個 Five brothers ............. 43 兄弟五個 33 圓得像球 Round like a ball ............ 44 圓得像球 34 頭上長著枝杈 Branches grow atop its head ..... 45 頭上長著枝杈 35 能捲滿天沙 Able to gather up the sands the world over .. 46 能捲滿天沙 36 聚寶盆 A bowl for gathering treasure ......... 47 聚寶盆 37 一位古怪老公公 A strange old fellow ...... 48 一位古怪老公公 38 一面鏡子亮晶晶 A mirror bright and shimmering ... 49 一面鏡子亮晶晶 39 有座房子兩頭尖 A room pointed at each end .... 50 有座房子兩頭尖 40 人不在家它閉嘴 When people are away ..... 51 人不在家它閉嘴 41 小小一戰場 Tiny, tiny, battlefield ......... 52 小小一戰場 42 高高架欄杆 A fence high up and tall ........ 53 高高架欄杆 43 身體瘦又長 With body thin and long ........ 54 身體瘦又長 44 清清楚楚一幅畫 A picture ......... 55 清清楚楚一幅畫 45 這個東西真奇怪 This is truly a strange object .... 56 這個東西真奇怪 46 一片一片又不見 One by one, they disappear .... 57 一片一片又不見 47 紅黃藍白會變形 Red, yellow, blue and white .... 58 紅黃藍白會變形 48 草上許多小珍珠 On the grass ........ 59 草上許多小珍珠 49 一個球 A ball ................ 60 一個球 50 從小兩隻角 In youth, it has two horns ....... 61 從小兩隻角 51 家住深山溪裡溪 My home is deep within a mountain . 62 家住深山溪裡溪 52 形狀像老鼠 Shaped like a rat .......... 63 形狀像老鼠 53 門外相公急急敲 Outside the door, the young master . 64 門外相公急急敲 54 為我打你 For myself I slap you .......... 65 為我打你

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