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Chinese energy markets : trading and risk management of commodities and renewables PDF

360 Pages·2007·3.12 MB·English
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Chinese Energy Markets Trading and Risk Management of Commodities and Renewables Armelle Guizot 9780230_554207_01_prexxii.qxp 9/20/2007 12:44 Page i CHINESE ENERGY MARKETS 9780230_554207_01_prexxii.qxp 9/20/2007 12:44 Page ii Also by Armelle Guizot HEDGE FUND TECHNOLOGY 9780230_554207_01_prexxii.qxp 9/20/2007 12:44 Page iii Chinese Energy Markets Trading and Risk Management of Commodities and Renewables ARMELLE GUIZOT 9780230_554207_01_prexxii.qxp 9/20/2007 12:44 Page iv © Armelle Guizot 2007 All rights reserved.No reproduction,copy or transmission of this publication may be made without written permission. No paragraph of this publication may be reproduced,copied or transmitted save with written permission or in accordance with the provisions of the Copyright,Designs and Patents Act 1988,or under the terms of any licence permitting limited copying issued by the Copyright Licensing Agency, 90 Tottenham Court Road,London W1T 4LP. Any person who does any unauthorized act in relation to this publication may be liable to criminal prosecution and civil claims for damages. The author has asserted her right to be identified as the author of this work in accordance with the Copyright,Designs and Patents Act 1988. First published 2007 by PALGRAVE MACMILLAN Houndmills,Basingstoke,Hampshire RG21 6XS and 175 Fifth Avenue,New York,N.Y.10010 Companies and representatives throughout the world PALGRAVE MACMILLAN is the global academic imprint of the Palgrave Macmillan division of St.Martin’s Press,LLC and of Palgrave Macmillan Ltd. Macmillan® is a registered trademark in the United States,United Kingdom and other countries.Palgrave is a registered trademark in the European Union and other countries. ISBN-13:978-0-230-55420-7 hardback ISBN-10:0-230-55420-2 hardback This book is printed on paper suitable for recycling and made from fully managed and sustained forest sources.Logging,pulping and manufacturing processes are expected to conform to the environmental regulations of the country of origin. A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library. Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Guizot,Armelle,1972– Chinese energy markets :trading and risk management of commodities and renewables / Armelle Guizot. p.cm. Includes index. ISBN 0-230-55420-2 (alk.paper) 1. Energy policy–China. 2. Petroleum industry and trade–China. 3. Commodity exchanges–China. I.Title. HD9502.C62G85 2007 333.790951–dc22 2007021643 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 09 08 07 Printed and bound in Great Britain by Antony Rowe Ltd,Chippenham and Eastbourne 9780230_554207_01_prexxii.qxp 9/20/2007 12:44 Page v While best effort and attention have been taken in the preparation of this book, neither the publisher, the author nor any of the involved organizations, associations, institutions, and researchers accept responsibility for any errors it may convey, or unintentional coincidental similitude in the writing or in the information being provided, or for any losses howsoever arising from, or in reliance upon, its content. Additionally, the publisher and the author also reject all responsibilities for usage of information and communications potentially subject to possible interpretations, misunderstandings and allu- sions or used in the court of law under any government. The information, despite coming from wide research, may not be the subject of accusation of any type under any circumstances and is solely aimed to provide the reader with more transparency and knowledge about the topic. This statement shall protect both the author and the publisher from inappropriate, unforesee- able potentially accusatory statements and neither can accept any responsi- bility of liability for reliance by any person pertaining to this information. The information and summaries contained in this book appear as a mat- ter of record only and are provided for information purposes only. The summaries do not and should not be construed to constitute an investment recommendation, or an influence to alter economic policies, trading or rec- ommend a particular country system over another. It shall not constitute an offer to sell or a solicitation of an offer to buy any of the products or com- panies or corporations’ shares or any form on the basis of any contract or financial or liable commitment whatsoever. The summaries are based on information and data received from the subjects of each and from other third party sources and no guarantee of completeness or accuracy can be made nor is any representation or warranty made in this regard. We under- stand that this book does not contain a bias or subjective comments with respect to products and corporations it presents and thus those may not be sold into or that their sales may be restricted or influenced in particular markets; these are information formulated by various references, researchers, administrations, agencies and associations, and the accuracy and updates of their assertions have not been verified nor validated. They shall, under any circumstances, constitute a representation of true facts, even if they happen to be, and be used as reference basis for further digressions without thorough due diligence verifications. This book and its content has for sole purpose to inform and educate the reader about the current status of the Chinese energy markets in general. This page intentionally left blank 9780230_554207_01_prexxii.qxp 9/20/2007 12:44 Page vii Contents List of Figures x List of Tables xiv List of Abbreviations xvi Introduction xx 1 The History of Chinese Energy Policy 1 1.1 The history of Chinese commodities markets 1 1.2 After China became a net importer of oil in 1993 8 2 Oil Availability: Supply and Production 12 3 Natural Gas Availability and Utilization 34 Appendix 3.1: example of daily market risk report by region 41 4 Chinese Energy: Rising Demand, Consumption and Forecasts 45 5 Market Forecasts and Research Predictions 73 6 Geopolitical Balance of Powers and Private–Public Equity Deals 85 6.1 International partnerships: intensification and proliferation 85 6.2 The new world order does not come free of political tension 102 vii 9780230_554207_01_prexxii.qxp 9/20/2007 12:44 Page viii viii CONTENTS 7 Government Policies and Developments in Energy and Commodities 108 7.1 History and chronology of government energy policies in China 108 7.2 Implications for government in energy policies 112 7.3 Energy law for renewables and alternatives 118 7.4 The Chinese government’s 10-year guidelines for energy policy 118 8 Chinese Oil Pricing and Global Market Integration 129 8.1 Oil financing 139 8.2 National and international monetary policies 144 8.3 Net embedded economic premiums and discounting effects 152 8.4 Foreign exchange volatility factor in oil pricing valuations 155 8.5 Oil volatility factor 162 8.6 Future oil pricing models 162 8.7 Correlations with gold and the real estate market 169 8.8 Oil pricing correlation to alternative energy 171 8.9 The pricing of oil will be affected by fast-paced developing projects 175 9 Chinese Commodities Corporations 177 9.1 Sinopec: China Petroleum and Chemical Corporation 179 9.2 PetroChina 182 9.3 CNOOC 186 9.4 Other market participants and competitors 197 10 Alternative Energies and Renewables 199 10.1 Nuclear energy 200 10.2 Hydropower 207 10.3 Biomass 231 10.4 Electricity generation 247 10.5 Geothermal energy 258 10.6 Wind energy 265 10.7 Solar energy 272 10.8 Ocean and sea energy 279 9780230_554207_01_prexxii.qxp 9/20/2007 12:44 Page ix CONTENTS ix 10.9 Coal liquefaction and transformation processes 281 10.10 Advanced technologies 292 Conclusion 298 Appendix 1 Legal and Regulatory Measures 300 Appendix 2 Chinese Energy Indices 302 Bibliography 315 Index 335

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