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CHINA AND THE UNITED STATES CHINA AND THE UNITED STATES COOPERATION AND COMPETITION IN NORTHEAST ASIA Edited by SuishengZhao palgrave macmillan * CHINA AND THE UNITED STATES Copyright© Suisheng Zhao, 2008. Softcover reprint of the hardcover !st edition 2008 978-0-230-60848-1 All rights reserved. First published in 2008 by PALGRAVE MACMILLAN® in the US-a division of St. Martin's Press LLC, 175 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10010. Where this book is distributed in the UK, Europe and the rest of the world, this is by Palgrave Macmillan, a division of Macmillan Publishers Limited, registered in England, company number 785998, of Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire RG2 l 6XS. Palgrave Macmillan is the global academic imprint of the above companies and has companies and representatives throughout the world. Palgravc® and Macmillan® are registered trademarks in the United States, the United Kingdom, Europe and other countries. ISBN 978-1-349-37547-9 ISBN 978-0-230-61609-7 (eBook) DOI 10.1057/9780230616097 Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data China and the United States : cooperation and competition in northeast Asia / edited by Suisheng Zhao. p. cm. Includes bibliographical references and index. I. United States-Foreign relations--China. 2. China-Foreign relations United States. 3. United States-Foreign economic relations-China. 4. China-Foreign economic relations-United States. 5. International cooperation-Case studies. 6. Competition-United States. 7. Competition-China. 8. East Asia-Politics and government. 9. East Asia-Economic conditions. I. Zhao, Suisheng, 1954- El83.8.C5C4634 2008 327.73051-dc22 2008015073 A catalogue record of the book is available from the British Library. Design by Scribe Inc. First edition: November 2008 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Transferred to Digital Printing 2011 To Yi,Lillian,Sandra,andJustinian CONTENTS Aboutthe Editorand Contributors IX Introduction 1 SuishengZhao 1 The Transformation ofU.S.-ChinaRelations 9 SUishengZhao 2 China'sRiseand the DurabilityofU.S.Leadership inAsia 33 RobertSutter 3 U.S.Domestic Politics and the ChinaPolicyRollercoaster 61 RobertM.Hathaway 4 TheWorldviews ofChinese Leadership and 81 Sino-U.S.Relations Chien-min Chaoand Chih-Chia Hsu 5 The Japan Factorin U.S.-China Relations 107 Steven1.Levine 6 The Russian Factorin U.S.-China Relations 123 ChristopherMarshandLowellDittmer 7 The North Korea NuclearCrisisand 143 U.S.-China Cooperation Bonnie S.GlaserandLiangWang 8 The TaiwanFactorin U.S.-ChinaRelations 171 John F.Copper Index 193 ABOUT THE EDITOR AND CONTRIBUTORS THE EDITOR SuishengZhao isProfessorand Executive Directorofthe Centerfor China-U.S. Cooperation and the Institute ofU.S.-EastAsia Coop eration at Graduate School of International Studies, University of Denver; founder and editor ofthe Journal ofContemporary China; a member ofthe Board ofGovernors ofthe U.S. Committee ofthe Council for Security Cooperation in the AsiaPacific(USCSCAP); a memberofNational Committeeon U.S.-ChinaRelations;aResearch Associate at the Fairbanks Center for East Asian Research in Har vard University; and a jianzhi professor at Beijing University, Ren min Universityand FudanUniversity.ACampbellNational Fellow at Hoover InstitutionofStanford University, hewasAssociate Professor ofPolitical Science/International Studies at Washington College in Maryland, and Associate Professor ofGovernment/East Asian Poli ticsat Colby College inMaine. He received a PhD degree in political science from the University ofCalifornia, San Diego;aMAdegree in Sociology from the University ofMissouri; and a MA degree in eco nomics from Peking University. He isthe author and editor ofnine books.His most recent books are China-U.S.Relations Transformed: Perspectives and Strategic Interactions (Routledge, 2008); Debating PoliticalReform in China:RuleofLawversusDemocratization(M.E. Sharpe, 2006); A Nation-StatebyConstruction: DynamicsofModern ChineseNationalism (Stanford University Press, 2004); ChineseFor eignPolicy:PragmatismandStrategicBehavior(M.E.Sharpe,2003); China and Democracy: Reconsidering the Prospectsfor a Democratic China(Routledge,2000);AcrosstheTaiwan Strait:MainlandChina, Taiwan, and the Crisis of1995-96 (Routledge, 1999). His articles have appeared in Political ScienceQ;tarterly, The Wilson Quarterly, x ABOUTTHEEDITORAND CONTRIBUTORS Washington Q;tarterly, International Politik, The China Q;tarterly, WorldAffairs, Asian Survey, Asian Affairs,Journal ofDemocracy, PacificAffairs, Communism and Post-Communism Studies, Problems ofPost-Communism, Issuesand Studies,and elsewhere. CONTRIBUTORS Chien-min Chao is Professor and Director ofSun Yat-sen Gradu ate Institute ofSocialSciencesand Humanities at National Chengchi University. He has been a visiting distinguished professor at George Washington University, and visiting teaching professor at University ofWisconsin, Madison. He has won avariety ofresearch and publi cation awards. He has written and edited eight books, including Lee Teng-hui's Legacy: Democratic Consolidation and Foreign Relations (M.E.Sharpe,2002);Rethinking theChineseState:Strategies,Society, andSecurity(Routledge,2001); TheROContheThreshold ofthe21st Century:A Paradigm Reexamined (University ofMaryland, 1999); Cross-straitRelations and Taiwan's Foreign Policies (Taipei, 2000); AnAnalysistoContemporaryChinesePolitics(Wunan, 1997); Taiwan and Mainland China:Relationsand ForeignCompetition (Yeh-yeh, 1992); AuthoritarianPolitics(Youshi, 1994).Dr. Chaohasalsopro duced over one hundred articles in academic journals such as Asian Survey, China Quarterly, Journal of Contemporary China, Pacific Affairs, Issues& Studies, ChineseLawandGovernment,andZhongguo dalu yanjiu, among others,and bookchapters. John F.Copperisthe Stanley J.BuckmanDistinguishedProfessor ofInternational Studies at Rhodes College in Memphis, Tennessee. Dr. Copper is the author ofmore than twenty books on Asia and international affairs. Inaddition, he has written severalmonographs, editedone book,coeditedonebook,and cotranslatedtwo books. He hasalsocontributed to more thanforty booksand haspublishedover seventy articles in academic journalsand magazines. Anumberofhis public addresses have been published. Professor Copperhas testified severaltimes before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee and the House ForeignAffairsCommitteeand itsSub-committeeon Asiaand PacificAffairs.Dr. Copper wasamemberofthe Board ofGovernors ofthe East West Center (an appointment made by the White House andtheSecretaryofState)from 1983to 1989.He iscurrentlyon the Board ofDirectors ofthe American Association for Chinese Studies, and is a member ofthe editorial board ofthe journal Asian Affairs. Professor Copper is listed in Who)s Whoin the World, Who)s Whoin America,Men ofAchievement, ContemporaryAuthors,AnnualGuide ABOUTTHEEDITORAND CONTRIBUTORS xi to Public Policy Experts, and Who)s Whoin Asian Studies. In 1997, Dr. Copper was the recipient ofthe International Communications Award. Professor Copper has spent more than thirteen years in Asia teachingand doing research. LowellDittmerreceived hisPhD from the University ofChicago in 1971. His scholarlyexpertise isthe study ofcontemporary China. He teaches courses on contemporary China, NortheastAsia,and the PacificRim.Hiscurrentresearchinterestsincludeastudyofthe impact ofreform on Chinese Communist authority, a survey ofpatterns of informal politics in East Asia, and a project on the China-Taiwan U.S.triangle in the context ofEast Asian regionalpolitics. Professor Dittmer's recently published books and monographs include Sino Soviet Normalization and Its International Implications (University ofWashingtonPress, 1992);China'sQuestfor NationalIdentity(with Samuel Kim, Cornell University Press, 1993); China Under Modern ization (Westview Press, 1994); and SouthAsia)sNuclear Crisis(M. E.Sharpe,2005). Bonnie S. Glaser hasserved asa consultant on Asian affairssince 1982forthe DepartmentofDefense,the DepartmentofState,Sandia National Laboratories, aswell asother agencies ofthe U.S. govern ment. She is also a senior associate at the Center for Strategic and InternationalStudies(CSIS)inWashington,DC,andaseniorassociate withPacificForumCSISin Honolulu,Hawaii.Ms.Glaserhaswritten extensively on Chinese threat perceptions and views ofthe strategic environment,China'sforeign and securitypolicy,Sino-Americanrela tions,U.S.-Chinesemilitaryties,cross-strait relations,Chineseassess ments ofthe Korean peninsula, Sino-Russian relations, and Chinese perspectives on missile defense and multilateralsecurity in Asia. Her writings havebeenpublishedin China Quarterly,AsianSurvey,Inter national Security, Problems ofCommunism, Contemporary Southeast Asia,AmericanForeignPolicy Interests,FarEastern EconomicReview, theKoreanJournalofDefenseAnalysis, theNew YOrkTimes, theInter nationalHerald Tribune, aswell asvariousedited volumeson Asian security.Ms.Glaserisaregularcontributorto thePacificForumquar terlyWeb journal ComparativeConnections.She iscurrently a board member of the U.S. Committee ofthe Council for Security Coop eration in the Asia Pacificand a member ofthe Council on Foreign Relations, and she served asa memberofthe Defense Department's Defense Policy Board China Panel in 1997. Ms. Glaser received her BAinpolitical science from Boston Universityand her MAwith con centrations in international economics and Chinese studiesfrom the Johns HopkinsSchool ofAdvancedInternational Studies. xii ABOUTTHEEDITORANDCONTRIBUTORS Robert M. Hathaway has been director ofthe AsiaProgram at the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars since 1999. Prior to that, he served for twelve years on the professional staffof the Foreign AffairsCommittee ofthe U.S.House ofRepresentatives, where he specialized in American foreign policy toward Asia. Dr. Hathawayhasalsobeen amemberofthe HistoryStaffofthe Central IntelligenceAgency,and hastaughtat GeorgeWashingtonUniversity and at Barnard, Middlebury,and Wilson colleges.He holds a PhD in American Diplomatic Historyfrom the University ofNorth Carolina. He has authored three books and numerous articles on U.S. foreign policysince 1933. Recent coedited reports include HardSell:Attain ing PakistaniCompetitivenessin GlobalTrade(Wilson Center,2008); Fueling the Future: Meeting Pakistan's EnergyNeedsin the21st Cen tury (Wilson Center, 2007); and Georqe W Bush and East Asia:A First Term Assessment(Wilson Center, 2005). He isamemberofthe Council on Foreign Relations and the National Committee on U.S. China Relations. Chih-Chia Hsu isAssociate Professor at Ming Chuan University, Taiwan. His current researches focus on Chinese foreign policy,Chi nese politics, international relations, and cross-strait relations, His recentpublications include ChineseForeignPolicyandSino-American Relations(in Chinese, 2004); ChineseForeignPolicyDecision-Making Patternsin theEra ofDeng(in Chinese,2000); "Foreign PolicyDeci sion-MakingProcessin Deng'sChina:ThreePatternsforAnalysis"in AsianPerspective(1999),and severaljournalarticles. Steven Levine is Associate Director of the Maureen and Mike Mansfield Center at the University ofMontana. He received hisPhD from Harvard University and, over athirty-five-yearacademic career, has also taught, inter alia, at American University, Columbia Univer sity,Duke University,and the University ofNorth Carolinaat Chapel Hill, where hewasfounding directorofthe CarolinaAsiaCenter.He is widely published in the field ofmodern Chinese history, Chinese foreign policy, and East Asian international relations, and has trans lated severalscholarly books from Chinese and Russian into English. He is now working with the Chinese scholar-essayist Zi Zhongyun on her English-language autobiography; with Michael H.Hunton a book on America's PacificWars;and he istranslating anew Russian language biography ofMao Zedong byAlexander Pantsov, incorpo rating many new materials from Soviet and Comintern archives. Christopher Marsh is Director ofAsian Studies and Director of the Keston Centerfor Religion, Politics, and Society,aswellasassoci ate professor ofpolitical science and church-state studies, at Baylor

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