UC-NRLF B E fi3b TMS kL^ rkeleyX LIBRARY I UNIVERSITY OF J CALIFORNIA J Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2007 with funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation http://www.archive.org/details/chimneypiecefarcOOrodwrich THE CHIMNEY PIECE. A FARCE, IX ONE ACT. BY G. IIEKBERT RODWELL, AUTHOR OF " TEDDY THE TILER," *' WAS 1 TO BLAME," " i'lL BE YOIR SECOND," &.C. &C. PERI ORMED AT THE THEATRE ROYAL DRURY LANE. LONDON: JOHN MILLER, HENRIETTA STREET, COVENT GARDEN, ( A^cvt to the Dtumatic AHiUort* Society.) ]KSS. niiT .T o A a Z O Z I -t It 10 aOHTJA :i«T TA aai/ifloiflii'i '• 1 YflJHd JAYOH a>i'l7:iUi' W. GLIXDOK, PRIKTER, Tl'IMHTB ATTMiM/.'-ril ,H:i.lJn 51, RUPERT STREFT, IIAYMAnKET. ^•^^nit*^ SnoMwK 'MwiiMittt a»v\ u^ \u'>iV. > •BMf DEDICATION. TO W. FARREN, ESQ. Sir, It was to you I owed the production of the following Farce ;-^it was to you, no less, I owed it's success ;— I feel, therefore, it is to you I now owe it's Dedication, which I hope you will receive with the warmest thanks of THE AUTHOR. BrojnptOTti August 4th^ 1833. /lorvkmmm nOITTH A HTir .. DKAMATIS PERSON.^:, MEN. Mi'. Muddlebravij a Disciple of Sir lltim- phrey Davy Mr. W. Farre.v, Frederick, Ai» Brother in Laiv, Mr. Brindal. Shuflej formerly Waiter at a Gambling House, , Mr. Balls. John Horn, an old Domestic, . , • • Mr. Ayuffk. Officer, ^ Mr. Cooke. WOMEN. Lucretia, Wife to Mr. Muddlehrain, .... Mrs. Nesbitt. Mary, her Sercant, « ^Irs. IIumby. This Farce was represented for the first time March 23, 1 833. .:FZ0>tJT:i4 HiTAK/ncr .YJIVL /MrtflA'i .7/ .lif. ^ti%C\ ^%'v^»vi^ <:UkB .tU . . /VA\ ^AV •3aoo*J .il/^ V > .1 riH>:i / .»iM .... ^v^^\v^'O^Viib'^^\fl .sir. <>\ •^\^ ii ^\\^^yt!5»,i . . t : ' J } 1 f 1 1 ^ ,\\vni'\^ s'i^ tV^W-