19Q2 r«i GfclfoureQR Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2010 with funding from Lyrasis IVIembers and Sloan Foundation http://www.archive.org/details/chilhowean199286mary ana you soy, ^k/, and r say, "S^/Ry wjt9" — George BernardShaw MARYVILLE COLLEGE KE^Tiesigifi^lier oWiTsweatslilrnrr theDavispaintingparty. Top:ScovallpaintstheG-Men. CANDIDS! V r. "A y ~''»J^ a.,'. ^V^~^ ^. 'tt 1^ ,1. Sfc, . ,iirrrrT^snrr^riff'irnraTrrr;. CANDIDS! M SWoM RCHf Above:Lynnshowsherpearlywhitesforthecamec Top:JonChamberssays "I'mtoosexyforthisgame." iflii. HoHicoMiNc mi MAftrvuu