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S M I T H S O N I A N Children’s Illustrated Animal ATLAS US_001_Half_title.indd 1 18/04/2017 17:43 S M I T H S O N I A N Children’s Illustrated Animal ATLAS US_001_Half_title.indd 1 18/04/2017 17:43 Contents Author Jamie Ambrose 4 How to use this book Editor Olivia Stanford Project editor Allison Singer 6 The world Project art editor Hoa Luc Designer Rhea Gaughan 8 North America US Senior editor Shannon Beatty US editor Jane Perlmutter 10 North American taiga Map illustrator Jeongeun Park 12 Great Plains Cartography Ed Merritt, Simon Mumford 13 Eastern forests Illustrators Maltings Partnership, Molly Lattin, Bettina Myklebust Stovne, Oliver Magee 14 Western deserts Additional design Lucy Sims, Yamini Panwar 16 Central America Assistant editor Prerna Grewal Jacket coordinator Francesca Young 17 Caribbean Jacket designer Hoa Luc Managing editor Laura Gilbert 18 Florida Everglades Managing art editor Diane Peyton Jones Pre-production producer Nikoleta Parasaki 20 South America Producer Niamh Tierney Art director Martin Wilson 22 Amazon rain forest Publisher Sarah Larter 24 Andean mountains Publishing director Sophie Mitchell 26 Temperate pampas First American Edition, 2017 Published in the United States by DK Publishing 28 Pantanal 345 Hudson Street, New York, New York 10014 Copyright © 2017 Dorling Kindersley Limited. 29 Galápagos DK, a Division of Penguin Random House LLC 17 18 19 20 21 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 30 Cerrado 001-298819-Aug/2017 All rights reserved. 32 Cordillera Blanca Without limiting the rights under the copyright reserved above, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form, or by any means (electronic, mechanical, 34 Africa photocopying, recording, or otherwise), without the prior written permission of the copyright owner. 36 Sahara desert Published in Great Britain by Dorling Kindersley Limited. A catalog record for this book is available from the Library of Congress. 38 Congo Basin DK books are available at special discounts when purchased in bulk for sales 40 Southern savanna promotions, premiums, fund-raising, or educational use. For details, contact: DK Publishing Special Markets, 345 Hudson Street, New York, New York 10014 SpecialSales@dk.com ISBN: 978-1-4654-6203-9 Printed and bound in Hong Kong A WORLD OF IDEAS: SEE ALL THERE IS TO KNOW US_002_003_Imprint_contents.indd 2 23/05/2017 16:34 Contents 4 How to use this book 42 Kalahari desert 76 Australasia 6 The world 43 Madagascar 78 Australia 44 Kruger National Park 80 New Zealand 8 North America 82 Great Barrier Reef 10 North American taiga 46 Europe 12 Great Plains 48 Northern European taiga 84 Antarctica 13 Eastern forests 50 British Isles 86 The Arctic 14 Western deserts 52 European forests 88 Oceans and seas 16 Central America 54 The Alps 90 Atlas picture quiz 17 Caribbean 55 European steppe 92 Glossary 18 Florida Everglades 56 Mediterranean scrubland 93 Index 58 Białowieża Forest 20 South America 96 Credits 22 Amazon rain forest 60 Asia 24 Andean mountains 62 Russian taiga 26 Temperate pampas 64 Asian steppe 28 Pantanal 65 Central Asian deserts Smithsonian This trademark is owned by the Smithsonian Institution and 29 Galápagos 66 Tibetan Plateau is registered in the U.S Patent and Trademark Office. Consultant Dr. Don E. Wilson, Curator Emeritus, Department of Vertebrate Zoology, 30 Cerrado 68 East Asian forests National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Smithsonian Enterprises 32 Cordillera Blanca 70 Arabian Peninsula Product Development Manager Kealy Gordon Licensing Manager Ellen Nanney Vice President, Consumer and Education Products Brigid Ferraro 71 Indian forests Senior Vice President, Consumer and Education Products Carol LeBlanc 34 Africa President Christopher A. Liedel 72 Southeast Asian rain forest Established in 1846, the Smithsonian Institution—the world’s largest museum and research complex—includes 19 museums and galleries and the National Zoological Park. 36 Sahara desert The total number of objects, works of art, and specimens in the Smithsonian’s collection is 74 Gobi desert estimated at 154 million. The Smithsonian is a renowned research center, dedicated to public education, national service, and scholarship in the arts, sciences, and history. 38 Congo Basin 40 Southern savanna US_002_003_Imprint_contents.indd 3 03/04/2017 15:45 How to use this book NAThis conomtinenrt settretchhres fi rocm thea icy Arctic down to WBENSRINGE SEA ARCTIBCEA UOFOCERAT NSEA GRE(DEENNMALRKA)ND tfhroem tr osnpoicwal- cCoavreibrebde amno. uItn htaasin as vtoa sltu rsahn rgaein o ffo hreasbtist,a atsn,d (UNIATELDA SSKTAAT ES) is home to millions of different animals—some large, Aotashinfnnet cea aewnnt ltoilamhirvsele adyu l’ a sshlu ciadvraoevilffeslsy,es a srsbneuhonicomhrtwd ahaeslasrs msb a.ti h taTdaaphettsess ,a eo mwrrfet ah.d fpiSiocffsohu emi nnrised e tnt hnhitsio eslca w obenuhnodnevostirk rreao ise rneheslm,o s abewel.usn otmt aswanhnhiomyew roanefl ,s sCTttwbhohoaaoa en2molnsai,d 0efn3ol e0aar5re0n 0snsd dl ymwuif eatcg ora( —ea1orcas0dol.tlc 7uaB,ta r rlesmaeel taestn) hr—s rsh de,eci magoi dnanhw wch llgalulosorn ,dmo adaoiwn nemdlg.i dvms aeaoo tuzrhpeien r g.(UNITHEWTAmDhW eeowSA TusrIiArIotnto ThectEia kanSwrmyiln)ne ipl stfdsme rol)eai,ff eokGWoPLywiueb nwls.oofnlayu e ra Wiuaot eldgtnehldhihlsn’kner elo aettaa dlersertca ligst ass vehrlrcts oie ren,ghoapsnP loesswa leiunrN,eceusl nackbs hdasrnaro,dia iieer chidlgprtn,ienoett ehu pht d bbrnsw inho,en ds uiiAateufsa o o erotonm fgrrrhdgrof nodlhoe esrdrem, w,uy m g r shfao aisrajsiGcio slpinf.dalfze mrrotdzi sdeynarl .osaeyrg en st( bnt .fisea lairlnerro sdt wh e HATDCTSTDWTIMcrreucoeeeooaeBmnrncsppuntdieipliibgdfIarccreealruTtnaaarroolldoanv AustufgdeoesrsssT r a fgefosors srartlKeesPasAsCssIntFtlIECsdas OsCnEYAdNsUNTeYBCraurIlriifkiottroiTnosOianWhr ry EeCagsoholuDiNnnmegbvt oaianSdNaTeoTIrAdArrtailhrtbAhMiowUzeoroortieeaTntnsashatt a EnaS CMOoWyomingCNew MexicoloSaskatchewanErFaAdXo DDSNNIANaoaekoCuTNkboretoMturhtxAKhtaaOn aMa asaOsknavEakDsnulaiattshoRAobmaMinneIsotaGaICoUwLaMAAFriWsk Ls aioosn(ucuOsoriaUOsiInlsFEilsnaiLin tnnMississippiSGaoSaUriAMAisToTLAEeVMnAALInMEdAianna)DKeiAlabamaOcXeshBsRnHieEgtIeOuaLOcCnCNkIhZyODiGOoESUeNToRIrAWCAgeVNisS rtiSPA RagoioeFnRiluIrnoaCtrtNVniAQhdhasAi eGu ryCCwgélaUavib nrarYAeoioCnoaclliirinaCnkVAearamPUonAtBRANJMAIAMATaMMNaDrBByBireLAenAulwAanl(eBIaUsnNHNACw NwJdeNAeieMCAwceERawkMIroNw Trshafne(eAoAEso NPEInHyNussSdDodTreaElnvaHeiaNwB cacdnT mK nhtASlIcEIciaHasduIceop IlntNruiRsEa TCsddaetGhnR SMIt&idAtDLr s(LUe(EAURPOaUDRObDVNNUUMNrEOAaIADIdEBRIP)TMCS&(oT SFrRAEGUET I)RD TMNDI.EBAN O IPLISNKC QA IIITIRCCBESAUNAIELRRTC(NNGECN)AERI ULDOETSNUI(EOROTUI S)DS SNHAMNLGH SS ECAIV)TR RTANIE.ERLO DDALNG S NUSAAI SNDCTDNBTmiaoT ASsIAG.ThArfl) 00aSa eUaEKeCSir AInIsnhCLhT)MrNedLloTiiDaTOn sAeASmlOI nMcNoS Gor(Mo&UTdTTnLe AUff. tiNRSI gR NANes ftEVEIIt,rToBTE NlaI IhRo&CatENIVA IgNehRt mDDACI5RnBhuIS iA AQEV0nBKAe 1edTDpCRyNU0IA Ri 0 N srsew (aoT EaDBeUg0&tGma n wriOUN0i i&n(DnenFrlTidDSI ,dl OeRT ttOk Tie fAaac EMrrAAioHsBChlfDna N)ouErsAahhe dCelsmK Glnias G aE snIsOA tNdel)tRtocthftsG eo EomfeaMe tDa aNrtrh1nysmOesgraAea0e ieMaasmuDr0n rsc wyrg)e.Ii0wdaCea Nlcu T ao ri lomEaaipsehshlnnrSesrl.rn lioea dmtPdlotTream n ao’btmhcrs s edainRoaae encpsaniari si-te.ctlrcdenf saoasitaote h n cgsw rmprfoe tero esse lso or rteafrce rrnetnhfosru d etamthlh e lil ags9 .hn Continent maps The continent maps are colored to show the Compass Animal pictures Independent states Rivers biomes found on each continent. A biome is a The compass always points north Pictures with descriptions Small independent states, such as Each country’s largest (N) in line with the map. It also pick out particular animals Monaco, are shown with a red rivers are shown as large area of one type of habitat, and the shows the direction of south (S), that live in an area. border and a solid red dot, and continuous blue lines. animals and plants in it. Photographs show east (E), and west (W). the name is in capital letters. some of the places in these biomes. Mediterranean Mediterranean chameleon Hummingbird Iberian lynx This is one of only two chameleon species hawk moth Just 404 adult Iberian found in Europe. Its tongue is sticky to catch This insect beats its lynxes are left in the scrubland passing insects. It is also wings so fast that they wild, so this is the most twice the length make a humming endangered cat on of its body! sound—just like the Earth—but the good The coastal areas around the Mediterranean Sea birds it’s named after. news is this figure It feeds on nectar is nearly twice the contain rocky hills and flat, shrub-filled plains. This made by flowers like number of wild lynxes rare habitat is found in only a few places on Earth. buddleia and alive a few years ago! Ptola dnetas lh weriteh c haont ,s udrrvyiT vwheise wwaoltifl hids etfihrir.nenesr, aannd d animals have FRANCE nThecet ahra-wrikc hm flotohw ewr ildl arye tauftrner tdo aay . honeZyasgurcekble. Tohnee Iabneirmiaanl— lytnhxe mEuorsotplye ahnu nratsb bjuits.t smaller than other European N CROATIA wwoildlv ebso. aItr, hbuirndtss, raanbdb ifitss,h d.eer, W EGaronne Rhöne MONACO SAN MARINO Gjaoclkdaeln Belgrade S The golden jackal BOSNIA & ROMANIA is found in many places, HERZEGOVINA PORTUGAL MIabderriidan woTlafgus SPEbroAJIelNiwzAaePrlNedYdD ROENREREAS MTgothehrneatid sietrt i enfsltre e eofiotr n grifr t grbai secoln luruigbsmees a.auaMb Innan tewdl d hldy eitat iobhdste Tor e seischtugra hee rhcsek natecre ntu. rbicsepik raoednods’ e lnaeyssTibht ttioshuistt.os im eps W—e racageehnnysgneod sawnt iiws pniptteai ahldyli na egwf ivupveeelal nl nr aoaai plmwSy zaoaeyurs!s d Cionrisiaca RTotbhhhaoanaerremtvk coe.ce oasTfrt hnfkeeIe dgow cTraoo otknwrr Akceis e en b seeaL v wrekY r iysV ATICinAcEluuNAsdrfo oirCnuipcIgteaTh ,,s Ye noarounnrtd thAh eseiaarsn.t eArnD RIASTarIPMaoCjde gvOoSorTNiEAciraaATLnaEBNAENGIARSKOEORSMBOAIVACPOriEsStkiDnoapjOeNIA BULGARIA Lisbon Tinh iAs fmricoan akenyd ios nfo tuhned Majorca tiethg peg uscs uohcuektso— oa lcls hotih ctekh eoh atphtaecrhre enst, nstionpep yeeras ras ntod omtahkeer ibteomttlse. Cork oak Daplemliacatinan GREECE TfbcfrfIaoorohbuorrouitem mst mn lrspiet ,ivucr iadeagoys, nsnh ra i lks drionn op o aoia omioa kgc mkpioansersl.g,n,n s inoisnenl amEalBynur aa dwrScor poibaplafdaqe i G.nmruyi.eb o Irtn aikslet tayhr ,e Ibiebreixan AIt(b7h eat5yrt icp agmenr o) o iwlbfo ew nuxgiepl!ds t hoga o2v0SaTiIa9ettthts 1,iC h ⁄ esa2bmo b tosirhAnaaodnel puyse Lp tl ga h2Eirivg3reee1 -⁄st2lhti ik nilsei z (lba6izlr0uad erc dim ns pi )tE oslu2o tnr0snoa 0gopm. neme M.i leEsDITbiErdRs HfeRSWecdeAAr utiltNbBa ilnnasEdItneTsdAasdAN!T S KCfDEoCoecronAEucemiicsdfktmeYusoroooonuu ss Tttsohoehtaheoedtel s mrsi.t , b Iaactig arnedpndaMsi etm’w s e iaiisEglnS klgs seeoDes iv. acsetncmIsnd Ta ai sunrtltEesd ea y Rl RANEmuEaraAgspiNiaen SEAIophiwtniet si fihtlasihleecdl srasfdTtir !onnsuooih otoW pcriiGbuktsod aoi yhrnn tp,etrise d slokse tanebssco c,ne r e eal fiutatmia,vhns-b tkhieeida nbs lasi ak n y ttimt gnhiaen,goorr g. e rs ntalysy,. Matorrgtioniasteed Athens Mountains forests MALTA 0 200 kilometers European rabbit Location Crete The European rabbit is the This region includes the ancestor of all pet rabbits in southern parts of Europe Mediterranean house gecko the world. Unlike its enemy, around the Mediterranean the Iberian lynx, the rabbit Sea, as well as islands This little gecko is about 4 in (10 cm) long has been seen in yards and like Crete that share a and weighs about as much as a sugar cube. It is 56 parks, and even in busy cities. similar habitat. also called a “moon lizard” because it mostly comes 57 out at night. It eats small cockroaches and moths. Capital Scale Location Habitat key Bordering continents A country’s capital city is The scale shows the size of The location box shows Every map has a key Around the edges of some marked with a red outline. the areas and the distances you where each area is that lists the types maps you can see parts of Some countries have more between different points on found in relation to the of habitats found in bordering continents in a than one capital city. the map. land around it. that area. cream color. 4 US_004_005_How_to_read_the_maps.indd 4 23/05/2017 16:34 How to use this book tfistwbNATCTthsohrhoaahoa oen2ehmolnisami,sd o0efn3t ol e0acramr5 re0ons o 0snsd dnlep noymmwuif eaotc git oratc( i—ewa1oorncaas0dol .elt-lc m 7 uaB,tacCn r rrlesomaeeliat taesltvn ) hrl—sr sresihe dei,otectbi mrargoi dnneeabnhw wch s dtllegalulos chor n ,oadmhom adaoirnfwne nemd lgo..id dsvms aeuI aiotfffo itun zr rhheopeiten aracm re gsinn. atst(hU vtaNeaoaInT HiEWT sAcmilDhmtuWy e eowSA rs TusAarIaiAhrIotnto Thlnrec tEsia kracnSwrg—myatiln)ne iiepl i cstfdnsme r sol)oedai ,fof efokGWoPLywiuebf onowls.om ofnlayu e hra wWiruaot eldgtnehldhiehalsn’kneer elo aettnaa dlesrsebr tca ligst ass velhtrl rcts oiiae tren,sghoapstnP looess,wa leiraunrN,e ceusl nagca kbs hdasrtn aro,dia iieesern chidlgprtn,ien,oett, ehu pd ht d b brnsw inho,en ds uii Aateufsa o Wo erotonm fgrrrhdgrof nodlhoe esrdrem, wB,uy m g r shfao aisErajsiGcio slpinf.dalfze N SmRrrotdzi sdeynaIrl .osaeyrg en sNt( bnt .fiseaGE lairlne rro sdtS wh eE AHATDCTSTDWTIMcrreucoeeeooaeBmnrncsppuntdieipliibgdfIarccreealruTtnaaarroo(lldoanUv AustufgdeNoesrsIssTA Tr a fgefELosorDAs srart SlKeSesPasKAsTCssInAtAFtlIETCAsda s OEsCnESYRAdN)sCUTNTIeYBCrauBrCIlriifkEiottroiTnAosOi anWhrU ry OEeCaFgsoholOCuDiNnnmegERbvt oaianSdATNaTeo TNIrAdArrtSailhrtbAhMiowUzeoroEortieeaTntnsashattA a EnaS CMOoWyomingCNew MexicoloSaskatchewanErFaAdXo DDSNNIANaoaekoCuTNkboretoMturhtxAKhtaaOn aMa asaOsknavEakDsnulaiattshoRAobmaMinneIsotaGaICoUwLaMAAFriWsk Ls aioosn(ucuOsoriaUOsiInlsFEilsnaiLin tnnMississippiSGaoSaUrGiAMAisToTLAEeVMnAALInRMEdAianna)DKeiAlabamaOcXeshBEsRnHieEgt(IeOuDaLOcCnECNkEIhZyODNiGOoESUNeMNToRIArAWCAgeVLNisRS rtiSPA RagoioeFKnRiluIrnoAaCtr)tNVniAQhdhasAi eGu ryCCwgNélaUavib nrarYAeoioCnoaclDliirinaCnkVAearamPU onAtBRANJMAIAMATaMMNaDrBByBireLAenAulwAanl(eBIaUsnNHNACw NwJdeNAeieMCAwceERawkMIroNw Trshafne(eAoAEso NPEInHyNussSdDodTreaElnvaHeiaNwB cacdnT mK nhtASlIcEIciaHasduIceop IlntNruiRsEa TCsddaetGhnR SMIt&idAtDLr s(LUe(EAURPOaUDRObDVNNUUMNrEOAaIADIdEBRIP)TMC(&SoT SFrRAEGUET I)RD TMNDI.EBAN O IPLISNKC QA IIITIRCCBESAUNAIELRRTC(NNGECN)AERI ULDOETSNUI(EOROTUI S)DS SNHAMNLGH SS ECAIV)TR RTANIE.ERLO DDALNG S NUSAAI SNDCTDNBTmiaoT ASsIAG.ThArfl) 00aSa eUaEKeCSir AInIsnhCLhT)MrNedLloTiiDaTOn sAeASmlOI nMcNoS Gor(Mo&UTdTTnLe AUff. tiNRSI gR NANes ftEVEIIt,rToTBE NlaI IhRo&CatENIVA IgNehRt mDDACI5RnBhuIS iA AQEV0nBKAe 1edTDpCRyNU0IA Ri 0 N srsew (aoT EaDBeUg0&tGma n wriOUN0i i&n(DneFnrlTidDSI ,dl OeRT ttOk Tie fAaac EMrrAAioHsBChlfDna N)ouErsAahhe dCelsmK Glnias G aE snIsOA tNdel)tRtocthftsG eo EomfeaMe tDa aNrtrh1nysmOesgraAea0e ieMaasmuDr0n rsc wyrg)e.Ii0wdaCea Nlcu T ao ri lomEaaipsehshlnnrSesrl.rn lioea dmtPdlotTream n ao’btmhcrs s edainRoaae encpsaniari si-te.ctlrcdenf saoasitaote h n cgsw rmprfoe tero esse lso or rteafrce rrnetnhfosru d etamthlh e lil ags9 .hn GBTBcaDTnolcCLuctwThmtby8oihhoahneiphhoupauaov2iiaeulwaa.tiertt ineldi rsrlohmth dneDrg deb ss arDp sf dsi gc, trony wcsuti i”loaluth aiueatoe . cgcngintltpbeln oogslywcho srtovIiag bieeyhpoor rosr terent-oraac su nR s ’ovma stgbaa rlllr tsh,efeg s mndos iu erppo pta nrrs moioaosssea or’mvae nltmem oesrtaoeariclmokdoesnyf eat nafcertaf .r e plg wlhl ttmn blnaaesefceshs eio mtl yi s. eiearsty .oil gIho tgsd inatsdgreo v emaip ec rtet j ata ush usmmhl zlfflltlaeseeosaei r dot ctlxls w i heeikr“o7bietiaaeset0allffe gte d c sciar toy . nuaa Ahwe ps naasoups r.e rnfssbr t ce r1oa ,s r5leaia0elR ’0nrse ntfeyrofoptaGbsrhmca,etiar arhottrsen es hge stslro — seopbapwfa oaas Grsnnfitr cgudeesereep lie r ht ,ist sn hopa . aa o6 tnsn f ngat onef(1 i bm .T8raha milen )! BculeaTthrnleytlhaud lpeteereehfedRssod , rer ucs fs steec amt rhtiotouegdglahepf frbaee crer aeceh roelfiioolla r as n-stf afr,wletsahfi airaswk esnlem ltie .htaloh Tg , aIa,r osivin ccnlfip tnensohA asyiayor vn hnlb bd sestde sgohouuadro ist affe cniitfh cltk hhttdediar e osearte c lrt heilno vedshene e,rfdeet .a t obs a l. sa .Ssfiwseseeaha ar nea s gnplgeursmeg.d To aShnteeoeaisrr, s s bslaSdSwjpuurtwoaioghsagmmtnsaorh fiypgleteae.s eaa gc hcsrnotea, t lcedc naooaow nronfres dar avs r ltelnesao,ng rsa rfitgro smarwhor .wm far o .a m BchfoBmsjraulheoulsseaaad tbdstl cl1uetbikoouvr2etwe meit rip’hrsn s-a.j e s ere(lGthoIi 3teuzalimav glre0ercneytehtadoc firlcfiemhten um tsss.nss hth ahhs htT) eaw aOfilwulsa shde’ rsrsme Enrieerteitkh mtk ahaasey eh tp btl hxh ca n p oooycthilTteat.nhag uuvm ahmv2om aceetrwrkiea 5fnstsm b o l ccl awg tcteieohtlvhosvhteooi eh.e reinape s wGg cer 5t g lito nsanar0 nolTl seG o oon nt ts heyhfitufrne kein h icesnas aOblbgsta auyhlegs o reieranl ncmele. stin lrnrlga.wvaCetae ee e tml dtte mhoemcht oe shewfloaa, one saa eitnv n w ast asbaml e e ei irshs.tprset, o n s eIhwaat aritb onthekli dtiinsse vPccighw t.ior. ieot , tac d Tia stiamysh hta hfiunaa tit csus ufcsotaoha nktsba nr.nantcs enIshol a tc aionl’ofidhknsiryskeuo g e s h erdTe ods,i h v cce erua rprsbio.ost,u aast nothd a t TfaMabtthhenuseneoett yt smecat plb scoseorlteweinan asencgp fsc o uofi rtbcehrsnQTek ahephrccct u rluaauo(heiomev2unrnta e eeseGe,ssi se3amcna ntr ftLan0tm seiooPhoOm vololda0teanroseooeatenfi renhnc eyt hnivn1n.kamsdta asaleeogIBhmsge dy, nnctsdf4 lnusts, e ti,oael o n1 )th rlish 2agt aocA yreaoigs eho–c.arh n9rdostt,qu ikiniuff r7Ii.na efs i tustrmm s mt srontci tspa eh n rrh,h Ricpar ua bl ar leoire(e lunburi3ili fshmmeea bcsm – whfa—.alp 1ip k ksogh 8 e iartlasta hlcn rdhmsedds.e8 !) 3 Continent maps Feature habitats The continent maps are colored to show the The feature spreads show a specific place and biomes found on each continent. A biome is a some of the animals that live there. In reality, large area of one type of habitat, and the not all the animals would be found together animals and plants in it. Photographs show at the same time, since they are awake at some of the places in these biomes. different times of day, and would often avoid each other to prevent being eaten! Mediterranean Mediterranean chameleon Hummingbird Iberian lynx This is one of only two chameleon species hawk moth Just 404 adult Iberian found in Europe. Its tongue is sticky to catch This insect beats its lynxes are left in the scrubland passing insects. It is also wings so fast that they wild, so this is the most twice the length make a humming endangered cat on Habitats Mountains Coniferous forests Wetlands of its body! sound—just like the Earth—but the good The coastal areas around the Mediterranean Sea birds it’s named after. news is this figure High, rugged Trees in coniferous Wetlands are marshy, It feeds on nectar is nearly twice the These symbols show the contain rocky hills and flat, shrub-filled plains. This made by flowers like number of wild lynxes mountainous areas forests usually have swampy areas, such as rPtoalar dene thasa lh bweitriateht c ihaso nfto ,su udnrrvdyiT vwihneise wowaonltifll hidys e tfiharir.n efneesr,w aan ndp dla acensim oanl sE ahratvhe. FRANCE nThecet ahra-wrikc hm flotohw ewr ildl arye tauftrner tdo aay . bhuodndeZlyeasiguarc eakbnled. alive a few years ago! Tohnee Iabneirmiaanl— lytnhxe mEuorsotplye ahnu nratsb bjuits.t doinff eearecnht m tyappe.s of habitat aw rieth o sftneonw c.overed ntyheeaaetrd arleorelui knkeed pl.eta avlel s t he Pantanal in Brazil. smaller than other European N CROATIA wwoildlv ebso. aItr, hbuirndtss, raanbdb ifitss,h d.eer, W EGaronne Rhöne MONACO SAN MARINO Gjaoclkdaeln Belgrade Hot desert Oceans and seas Mangroves Temperate grasslands S The golden jackal BOSNIA & ROMANIA Hot deserts, such as Huge stretches of Mangrove trees grow Flat, grassy plains with is found in many places, HERZEGOVINA PORTUGAL MIabderriidan woTlafgus SPEbroAJIelNiwzAaePrlNedYdD ROENREREAS MTgothehrneatid sietrt i enfsltre e eofiotr n grifr t grbai secoln luruigbsmees a.auaMb Innant ewdl d hldy eitat iobhdste Tor e seischtugra hee rchsek natecre ntu. rbicsepik raoednods’ e lnaeyssTibht ttioshuistt.os im eps W—e racageehnnysgneod sawnt iiws pniptteai ahldyli na egwf ivupveeelal nl nr aoaai plmwSy zaoaeyurs!s d Cionrisiaca RTotbhhhaoanaerremtvk coe.ce oasTfrt hnfkeeIe dgow cTraoo otknwrr Akceis e en b seeaL v wrekY r iysV ATICinAcEluuNAsdrfo oirCnuipcIgteaTh ,,s Ye noarounnrtd thAh eseiaarsn.t eArnD RIASTarIPMaoCjde gvOoSorTNiEAciraaATLnaEBNAENGIARSKOEORSMBOAIVACPOriEsStkiDnoapjOeNIA BULGARIA tsp halaenn dStyas hagarreoraaw,s . a hFreeerw ed. ry, was eraovteuennr dcao rtneht efio nEueannrdttsh .’s ows tniac ktceo ora.u sTtth so eifni rt hsloaeln twgy artoeor.ts fstsa eeeunwmacdhs p toparenaesram eaplst rp eaafao rigesrur.iae nas,ds ssa tilrnaee pn pdes,, Lisbon Tinh iAs fmricoan akenyd ios nfo tuhned Majorca tiethg peg uscs uohcuektso— oa lcls hotih ctekh eoh atphtaecrhre enst, nstionpep yeeras ras ntod omtahkeer ibteomttlse. Cork oak Daplemliacatinan GREECE CCoolldd ddeesseertrst, such as TRraoinp ifcoarle sftosr, esustcsh as CCoorraall r reeeefsf sg row in TFrlaotp, igcraals sgyr apslasilnasn wdsit h TfbcfrfIaoorohbuorrouitem mst mn lrspiet ,ivucr iadeagoys, nsnh ra i lks drionn op o aoia omioa kgc mkpioansersl.g,n,n s inoisnenl amEalBynur aa dwrScor poibaplafdaqe i G.nmruyi.eb o Irtn aikslet tayhr ,e Ibiebreixan AIt(b7h eat5yrt icp agmenr o) o iwlbfo ew nuxgiepl!ds t hoga o2v0SaTiIa9ettthts 1,iC h ⁄ esa2bmo b tosirhAnaaodnel puyse Lp tl ga h2Eirivg3reee1 -⁄st2lhti ik nilsei z (lba6izlr0uad erc dim ns pi )tE oslu2o tnr0snoa 0gopm. neme M.i leEsDITbiErdRs HfeRSWecdeAAr utiltNbBa ilnnasEdItneTsdAasdAN!T S KCfDEoCoecronAEucemiicsdfktmeYusoroooonuu ss Tttsohoehtaheoedtel s mrsi.t , b Iaactig arnedpndaMsi etm’w s e iaiisEglnS klgs seeoDes iv. acsetncmIsnd Ta ai sunrtltEesd ea y Rl RANMEaAgpNie SEAIophiwtniet si fihtlasihleecdl srasfdTtir !onnsuooih otoW pcriiGbuktsod aoi yhrnn tp,etrise d slokse tanebssco c,ne r e eal fiutatmia,vhns-b tkhieeida nbs lasi ak n y ttimt gnhiaen,goorr g. e rs ntalysy,. Matorrgtioniasteed Athens ts htree tGchoebsi, oafr ela cnodl.d, dry tot hrfee re aAsi nmg raaonzwod n vh,e egrayet tt saaol l l.to hte saa hrneaim lbloauwlislt. wbay tceorrsa. lT hey fagsearrwaevaas stnsrl naeanaeres da sftn,or dosuu pncciedhcra iranla s dh oo.t Mountains forests Snow and ice Deciduous forests Scrublands 0 200 kilometers Frozen areas are Trees in deciduous Low-lying plants European rabbit Location Crete found high up in the forests usually have and grasses grow in The European rabbit is the This region includes the mountains and at the broad leaves that are scrubland areas with ancestor of all pet rabbits in southern parts of Europe Mediterranean house gecko the world. Unlike its enemy, around the Mediterranean North and South Poles. lost in the fall, or small trees, such as in the Iberian lynx, the rabbit Sea, as well as islands This little gecko is about 4 in (10 cm) long has been seen in yards and like Crete that share a and weighs about as much as a sugar cube. It is during the dry season. southern Spain. 56 parks, and even in busy cities. similar habitat. also called a “moon lizard” because it mostly comes 57 out at night. It eats small cockroaches and moths. Bordering continents Around the edges of some Borders Country borders Disputed borders Continent borders maps you can see parts of The borders between Some countries disagree A broken orange line bordering continents in a Borders show how the countries are shown about where the border shows where the cream color. Earth’s land is divided with a broken white between them should be. border is between into countries. line. These borders are shown two continents. with a white dotted line. 5 US_004_005_How_to_read_the_maps.indd 5 31/03/2017 14:47 A R C T I C O C E A N Arctic Circle The Arctic Circle shows E U R O P E where the temperate N O R T H A M E R I C A zone ends and the cold northern polar region begins. AT L A N T I C O C E A N Tropic of Cancer PA C I F I C This line marks the A F R I C A northern limit of the O C E A N tropics. Above this is the Northern Hemisphere’s temperate zone. Equator This is an imaginary line that S O U T H A M E R I C A goes around the middle of the Earth, dividing it into two halves, called the Northern and Southern Hemispheres. The world Tropic of Capricorn This line marks the southern limit of the tropics. Below this is the Southern Hemisphere’s The types of habitats found on each of the temperate zone. Earth’s seven continents depend on the usual AT L A N T I C O C E A N weather, or climate, of an area. Five invisible lines divide the world into three climatic zones: the tropical zone is hot, the temperate zones are seasonal, and the polar zones are cold. Antarctic Circle The Antarctic Circle S O U T H E R N O C E A N shows where the temperate zone ends A N TA R C T I C A and the cold southern 6 polar region begins. US_006_007_Map_of_the_world.indd 6 23/05/2017 16:34 A R C T I C O C E A N Polar zone Inside the polar circles, around the North and South Poles, it is dry and very cold. E U R O P E A S I A Temperate zone Both temperate zones have warm summers and cold winters. Forests in the temperate zone often lose their leaves in the fall or during the dry season. PA C I F I C A F R I C A O C E A N Tropical zone The area between the tropics, around the equator, is very hot. Most rain forests are I N D I A N found in this zone. O C E A N A U S T R A L A S I A Temperate zone S O U T H E R N O C E A N Polar zone A N TA R C T I C A 7 US_006_007_Map_of_the_world.indd 7 31/03/2017 14:51 N North N W E A R C T I C O C E A S America S E A B G E N A R I U F E O This continent stretches from the icy Arctic down to B RT SE A the tropical Caribbean. It has a vast range of habitats, ALASKA from snow-covered mountains to lush rain forests, and (UNITED STATES) is home to millions of different animals—some large, some small, and all amazing. Yukon Territory Northwest Nunavut Territories British Columbia CAN A D A Alberta n a w e h atc k as S N A E Washington Montana C North Dakota O Oregon C South I Idaho Dakota Western mountains F ng I mi Tmheow urirotnohcta kawmyin ipl sfde roleaiffeke wls.y Wa ehsneotderl verten,h sw iN,c khdo ieclreoeth rni,n iAaf etnmhrdoee u grfisrjco iafzroz darlseyr e s(bnt fisea lairlnerro sdt wh e PAC UNITEDNev aSdaTAUtaThES OWyoF NAebMraskEa RICA (U S A ) California coast redwoods C inlets), bald eagles hunt for salmon. alif Colorado These redwood trees can grow more orni a o than 350 ft (107 m) high and live up HABITAT KEY xic Arizona Me to 2,000 years. Bears, owls, and other w woodland creatures—including a HAWAII Tropical forests Ne (UNITED STATES) banana slug—call them home. Deciduous forests Coniferous forests Tropical grasslands Great Plains Scrublands With thousands of miles of grassland, the dry Great Temperate grasslands M E Plains can appear empty. X Desert I Look closer, though, and C O you’ll see big bison, as Wetlands well as prairie dogs hiding Tundra in their secret world of underground burrows. Ice Mangroves US_008_009_North_America_opener.indd 8 31/03/2017 14:47

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