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Chhattisgarh Gazette, 2018-01-30, EO Gazette 36, Notice No./Ex./Distillery/2018/305 PDF

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Preview Chhattisgarh Gazette, 2018-01-30, EO Gazette 36, Notice No./Ex./Distillery/2018/305

"ffifr€+ 3rd{dsrss6* dcft{riq,ci6 a{s Trr,Trc (fuil *cr 6 t+er * tqrr 'tn$eqB/glf /oclzot l-zo t s. " fu ergm. xlio :- 22-B-(ft{rrq rErs / 38 fu. n" nrar{. eqA :o-os-u oot." Bfurd {|uTrl-t (qfltrr(ur) qrRrfiRtrfirftH mio:r l nugl irr+n, frri+ ro sr;r0 zo t a -rts 10, s[ 1939 OFFICE OF THE EXCISE COMMISSIONER CHHATTISGARH Raipur, the 22nd January 2018 TENDER-NOTICE TENDER NOTICE FOR THE MANUFACTURE AND SUPPLY OF COLINTRY LIQUOR IN SEALED & PACKED BOTTLES BY DISTILLERS OF CHHATTISGARH FOR THE PURPOSE OF SUPPLY IN THE AREA OF RAIPUR, DURG, RAJNANDGAON, BASTAR, BILASPUR, KORBA, JANJGIR.CHAMPA AND RAICARH IN THE STATE OF CHHATTISGARH. l. No./Ex./Distillery/2018/305. - Sealed Tenders (separate for each area to be mentioned in the Tender) are invited from distillers of Chhattisgarh for the grant of licence (s) under the provisions of the Chhattisgarh Country Spirit Rules, 1995, framed under Chhattisgarh Excise Act, 1915 [No. II bf l9l5) for supply of Country Liquor through storage warehouses situated in the supply areas of the State to the retail sale licensee of country liquor in sealed bottles after bottling and packaging in the distillery of the Tenderer in Master cartons for a period commencing flom lst April 2018 and ending with 3l't March 2019. 2. Tender form with detailed terms and conditions may be obtained from the Office of the Excise Commissioner, Chhattisgarh, Aabkari Bhawan, Chhokranala, Labhandi, Raipur - 492 012 on payment of Rs" 10,0001 (Rupees Ten thousand) Only, in cash or by demand draft payable to the Excise Commissioner, Chhattisgarh, Raipur payable at Raipur. The Tender forms can also be sent by post to the Tenderer, if so desired by him. The documents will be dispatched through post office of the Department of Post, Govemment of India, after receipt of Rs. l0,l00l (Rs. Ten thousand, One hundred) only, for each area to be paid in the form ofbank draft ofany Nationalized bank or Scheduled Commercial bank or Regional Rural banl< drawn in favour of Excise Commissioner, Chhauisgarh payable at Raipur" The department however takes no responsibility for delay in the receipt ofthe tender form by post by the intending Tenderer. 3. Tender form will be issued till lhe date 2l-02-2018 (During working hours) i.e. one day before of Tender opening. 4. Sealed Tenders may be dropped in Tender box in two part as prescribed in Tender document at Ollce ofthe Excise Commissioner, Chhattisgarh, Raipur before 3:00 p.m. on date 22-02-2018 (lncase tender opening date is declared holiday, tender will be opened on working day at same time). The Excise Commissioner or an Officer nominated by him will open the sealed envelope at 4:00 P.M. on the same da,' sd/- (D.D. Singh) Excise Commissioner. 7l sderrE eq[d, e-{i6 ro qrq0 zorr Raipur, the 22nd January 2018. TENDER NOTICE TENDER NOTICE FOR THE SUPPLY OF COUNTRY SPIRTT IN SEALED BOTTLES IN SUPPLY AREA OF RAIPTIR, DURG, RAJNANDGAON, BASTAR, BILASPUR, KORBA, JANJGIR.CHAMPA AND RAIGARH OF THE STATE OF CHHATTISGARH. No./EX./Distilleryi20l8/305. - Sealed Tenders (separate for each supply area, to be mentioned in the offer) are invited from distillers of Chhattisgarh for the grant of licence (s) under the provisions of the Chhattisgarh Country Spirit Rules, 1995 to supply country spirit through bonded warehouses to the retail sale licensees in sealed bottles for a period commencing I st April 2018 and ending 3lst March 2019. 2. (r) The Tenderer should be a distiller holding appropriate licence of Chhattisgarh for distillery. (ii) Every intending distiller is free to Tender for any one or more supply area. 3. Tender (s) for supply area,/areas will be considered on the basis ofthe following factors :- (i) The rate quoted for supply- The rate quoted by a Tenderer as compared to the rates quoted by other Tenderer. In case ofequality oflowest rates quoted by more than one Tenderer, decision to consider one Tenderout olsuch Tenders will be taken by draw oflots. (ii) Performance or conduct ifthe Tenderer held a similar licence in the past- While assessing past performance and conduct, regularity of liquor supplies to the area./areas earlier allocated would be taken into consideration. (iii) Production capacity, f,rnancial position etc. - (a) While determining the capability ofthe tenderer ofsupplying the required quantity of country liquor in sealed bottles fiom their distillery to the area / areas for which he has submitted tender(s), his production capacity and the financial resources at his command will also be kept in view. (b) The decision to accept or reject a tender shall be taken on the basis of tender / tenders received in the light of the above and any other relevant factor and no negotiations will be held. It is also notified for the information of intending tenderers that tenders of a distiller in respect of only such number of supply areas may be considered of which the total estimated quantity of Annual consumption of country liquor for retail shops as given in clause No. 7.2 of Country liquor in the State fof the year 2018-19, does not exceed 70% of the production capacity. ofthe distillery. The production capacity ofthe distillery will be the quantity approved in the D-1 Licence. (c) Ifthe tenderer has submitted tender in respect of such number ofareas ofwhich the total estimated quantity ofAnnual consumption ofcountry liquor for retail shops as given in cfause No. 7.2 , exceeds'70o/o ofthe production capacity ofthe distillery as aforesaid, tenders in respect of such areas, of which the annual estimated requirement of issues is in excess of 70% of the production capacity shall be liable to be rejected or not to be considered at all" The Covernment may decide to allot such areas to lenderers who have submitted tenders for only such number of areas of which the total estimated quantity of issues of country liquor for retail shops for the year 2018-19 is less than 70o/o of lbe production capacity of the concerned distillery. This allotment will be subject to maximum limit of 70% of the production capacity ofthe concemed distillery on his quoted rate. g*wc {q[d, frcis 30 d{qt 2ol8 72 (rl (d) The successful tenderers shall be allowed to export rectified Spirit outside the State only after getting permission in this regard ftom the Excise Commissioner. The said permission shall be given only after ensuring that the exports shall not affect the continuity of supply of country liquor to the State and that minimum stock of rectified spirit and bottled liquor as provided in the sub-rule (4) ol Rule 4 of The Chhattisgarh Country Spirit Rules, 1995, shall be maintained." TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THE TENDER 4. Every Tenderer shall have to observe the following conditions amongst others :- (D It is essential for the Tenderer to purchase the Tender document from this office and submit the rate in the format enclosed therein. (iD The Tenderer shall deposit along with the Tender, eamest money amounting to Rs. 10.00 Lakh only by crediting it in Government Treasury in Chhattisgarh under the major Head "8443-civil Deposits", Minor head Revenue Deposits. Security deposits" for each supply area and attach the treasury challan with the Tender. A bank draft issued by any branch of nationalized/scheduled commercial bank in favour ofthe Excise Commissioner, Chlattisgarh payable at Raipur for an equal amount shall also be acceptable. A Tender, which is not accompanied by a treasury challan or bank draft for Rs. 10.00 Lakh. for an area shall be summarily rejected. The earnest money deposit shall be forfeited ifthe Tenderer, in the event ofacceptance ofhis Tender, fails to deposit security, when required to do so, or fails to accept the offer if made to him or if he is unable to carry out his contractual obligations, or fails to abide by condition no. I I ofthis notice. In case a Tender is not accepted, the eamest money, ifnot liable to be forfeited, shall be refunded. (iiD The Tender shall be accompanied by complete address of the Tenderer and ifthe Tenderer is a firm, copy of registration of the firm, Iatest partnership deed, absfract of Registrar of Firms issued by the Registrar of Firms and Societies and a list of all partners and their complete addresses; and if the Tenderer is a company, copy of certificate of incorporation, memorandum and articles of association, a certified list of board of directors alongwith thbir complete addresses and the resolution passed by the board of directors to submit the Tender and enter into an agreement, in case of finalization of Tender with the Excise Commissioner ofChlrattisgarh. (iv) The licensee shall not hypothecate, sell, mortgage, transfer or sub-lease his licence in C.S.l and/or CS l-B, or enter into partnership for the working ofthe said licences, without the prior permission in writing ofthe Excise Commissioner, which shall be endorsed on the licences. 5. The Tencler shall be accompanied by the following documents : - (D Certified copy of distillery licences for the year 2017-18. (iD No Dues and credibility certificate regarding past performance with respect to production and supply of country spirit by the Excise Commissioner, Chhattisgarh. (iiD Certificate regarding actual annual production of spirit during the last four years (i.e. fiom 2013-14 to 2016-17 ) and updated production of current year from the officer-in-charge ofthe distillery. (iv) An undertaking by the Tenderer on an affidavit that the distiller has already installed or taken sufficient measures to install emuent treatment plant in the distillery and the distillery is not likely to be closed on the ground of absence or inadequacy of effluent treaftnent measures during the period ofcontract. Note: - The prescribed formats are attached with the Tender document. 72 (21 vdwrq wq-*, G-ri* ao wr-+t zors (i) The successful Tenderer shall make all such arrangements of manufacturing and bottling of country spirit as wguld be necessary to ensure that he is capable of supplying up to 1.5 times the estimated supply ofthe country spidt in that supply arealareas. (;D It will be the responsibility of the successful Tenderer to arrange supplies of country spirit (manufactured using standard rectified spirit manufactured in his distillery) to the retailer from the storage warehouses ofthe supply area/areas during the entire period ofthe contract. (iiD The country spirit, bottles, labels and bottling caps should be of such good quality, standard pattem and specifications, as prescribed by the Excise Commissioner ftom time to time. The country spirit shall be manufactured using rectified spirit by reducing, blending, essencing, colouring, flavouring, maturing, bottling, labeling, sealing etc. The rectified spirit shall be converted into the country spirit using the aboye procedure. He will sell only hygienic potable country spirit to the retailers and will ensure that it is fit for human consumption. (iv) The issue of country spirit shall be only in boxes as per BIS packaging norms. 12 bottles of 750 ml.,24 bottles of 375 ml. and 48 bottles of 180 ml. shall be packed in one box. "Adequate white space should be created on both side ofthe packing carton for the printing of 1D barcode." (v) The bottles used in bottling of country Liquor shall be uniformly made and must be of round shape in all the three sizes invariably i.e. 750 ml., 375 m1 and 180 ml. there would be also appropdatate embossing on all the round shaped glass bottles with marking "E.rf.3ffq.t.q." "750 ml." "E.rLsR.tq." '3ZS ml"- and "u.rr.3lrq.t{." "180 ml." respectively. such as :- Bottle Quantity of Glass Embossing Glass bottle of 750 ml. "E.at. o{K. t.q." "750 ml.' Glass bottle of 375 ml. ',E.!r. enq. tq." "375 ml." Glass bottle of l80ml. "ET.3lrq. tq" 'I80ml.' (vi) The ratio ofsupply of country spirit in different sizes ofglass bottles to the retail licensees in the area,/areas is fixed as under : - 750 mI -8 375 ml - l5 180 ml - 77 The above ratio means that every 100 proof liters of supply of country spirit to the retail licensee shall consist of 8 proof liters in glass bottles of 750 ml. size, 15 proof liters in glass bottles of375 ml. size and 77 proofliters in glass bottles of 180 ml. sizes. The retailer will be provided with the country spirit of25 degree under proof Masala, 50 degree under proofPlain and 60 degree under proofRashi in glass bottles. (vii) The ratio shown in clause number (vi) above may be changed at any time during the currency ofthe contract at the discretion ofthe Excise Commissioner. (viii) The Tenderer has to quote for one box of masala 25 U.p., one box ofplain 50 U.p. and one box of Rashi 60 U.P. country spirit separately for glass bottles. He will quote a rate for a box containing 750 ml, 375 ml and 180 ml bottles as per proforma enclosed in Annexure-lV. (ix) The rate Quoted should include Ex-factory Price and Excise Duty or Countervailing Duty as applicable. The supplier will supply Country Spirit to Storage warehouse after payment of Excise Duty or Countervailing Duty as applicable. This entire price shall be paid by the retailer to the successful Tenderer after lifting of Country Spirit from Storage warehouse. Beside this any Government levies/taxes/duties shall also be paid by the retailers as imposed by Government. The Tenders will be evaluated on the basis ofaverage rate quoted per box for Masala, plain and Rashi country spirit of glass bottles. The successful Tenderer will supply country spirit on his quoted rates. edsqE {Mtr{, fu{is ro q++i rors 7z (31 (x) Retail Selling price are to be printed on each kind and size oflabels as directed by the Excise commissioner. (xi) The following information is to be Bar-coded on the labels affixed to the bottles of liquor supplied to the Corresponding in areas ofsupply. (a) Name of Country. (b) Name ofthe Company. (c) Name ofthe Brand. (d) Size ofthe Package. (e) Check Digit. (0 Retail selling Price The above information will be over and above the requirments stipulated in the State Excise label, which may be affixed on the bottles separately. (xii) The successful Tenderer will have to affix holograms on all sizes of the bottles of country spirit as prescribed by the Excise Commissioner on his own cost. No extla cost will be payable for this purpose. (xiii) The successful Tenderer shall take care of fire safety and will arrange for sufficient fire fighting equipments in each ofthe bottling unit and warehouses. He will take care ofhygiene and up keeping too ofthe bottling units and warehouses. (xiv) The glass bottles which are used for bottling of country spirit should be compulsorily double washed and no dirty bottles will be permitted to be used. (xv) The successful Tenderer will not be under obligation to purchase old glass bottles fiom the retailers. (xvi) Every successful Tenderer should employ a Quality Control manager in each bottling unit who will be squarely responsible for the quality ofthe country spirit. (xvii) Every consignment should possess a Chemical Analysis Report ofthat liquor with a certificate of Fitness for Human Consumption. (xviii) The water bcing used to manulacture country spirit should be used only after getting it tested and certified to be safe for human consumption by the Public Health Engineering Deparlment/ Government approved Lab. once in a quarter. Besides the water should be used only after softening it. (xix) The colour and essence used should be of food grade quality. The successful Tenderer will have to produce certificate of the manufact[er of these items for eyery lot purchased and brought to the bottling unit by him. (xx) Every reduction should possess a separate Batch No as in the case of IMFL. (xxi) Three samples of every reduction (Batch No) will be collected and preserved for one month so that they can be tested in case ofany complaint regarding the quality of the country spirit (xxii) Every bottling line should be washed regularly each time after completion as well as before start ofa bottling session. (xxiii) The labels of every size of Masala, Plain and Rashi country spirit bottle shall be approved by the Excise Commissioner prior to their use in warehouses. [See Rule 4 (12) (b) of Chhattisgarh Country Spirit Rules, 19951 (xxiv) Labels should be affixed on the liquor bottles in such a way that they will not come off while handling. (xxv) Norms prescribed by the Food and Drug Administration and Bureau of Indian Standard should be adhered to while manufactu ng country spirit. (xxvi) Country spirit manulbcturing bottling unit and warehouses should be properly lit as per prescribed standards. 72 (4\ itift€rE {qqd, F{is io qiqff 2ol8 (xxvii) Workers handling bottling of country spirit should invariably use hand gloves so that quality ofcountry spirit is dot adversely affected. (xxviii) To measure the country spirit and rectified spirit, a flow meter, whose least count should not be more than one litre should be installed in each vat of manufacturing bottling unit. (xxix) Proper Gl pipelines should be used for transfer of spirit and water in manufacturing bottling unit. No rubber hoses will be permitted for transfer of spirit and the spirit shall not be manually transferred. (xxx) The strength of rectified spirit meant for production of country spirit shall not be less then 60 degree over proof. (xxxi) To ensure use of glass bottle for country liquor as an institutional measure, the distilleries shall provide at least 40% oftheir total quota to the retail licensees in new glass bottles. (xxxii) All Supply Storage warehouses shall mandatorily have CCTV Cameras. The Camera and Connectivity will be provided by successful Tenderer ofthe Area concemed. The District Excise Officer (Distillery) will verif, use and stock of new empty glass bottles by the tenderers and will report to Excise Commissioner Office by 7h of succeeding month. 7. Annual Consumption ofcountry Spirit in Areas of Supply :- .l 7 The actual issue of country spirit may exceed the estimated issue of country spirit for 2018- 19. The Tenderer shall bind himself to meet the full requirement of supply of plain and masala country spirit ffom the storage liquor warehouses(s) and also to establish and service manufacturing bottling trnit as and when directed by the Excise Commissioner in accordance with Chhattisgarh Country Spirit Rules, 1995 in respective supply area/ areas. The details about actual issues of spirit from warehouses attached to each district during the period from April 2017 to December 2017 are shown below for geneml information :- S. No. Supply area S. No- Name of District Actual issue ofspirit (from April 2017 to December 2017) in P.L. I 2 3 4 5 Raipur I Raipur 7 545967 .O 2 Mahasamund 2066937 .0 3 Baloda-Bazar 2661717 .0 2 Durg I Durg 5945546.0 2 Balod 2410664.0 3 Bemetara 2026831.0 Rajnandgaon I Rajnandgaon 2958926.0 2 Kabirdham 1570199.0 4 Bastar I Bastar 30942.9 2 Kondagaon 32027 .5 3 Narayanpur 35040.1 4 Kanker (N.B.) 266366.6 5 Dentewada (S.B.) 11594.2 6 Sukama 4651.3 s*srE {q[d, A?i6 :o u-r+t zoro 72 (s\ I 2 3 4 5 7 Bijapur 24032.0 8 Dhamtari 2497518.4 Chhattisgarh distillery 35670.0 issued for concemed period 5 Bilaspur Bilaspur 4157330.8 Chhattisgarh distillery 4752.0 issued for concemed period 2 Mungeli 1335238.3 6 Korba I Korba r s4s360.l 7 Janjgir-Champa I Janj gir-Champa 3446191.2 2 Gariyaband 978822.3 8 Raigarh I Raigarh 2134067.7 2 Jashpur 42061.5 3 Sarguja 78863.8 4 Balrampur Nil 5 Surajpur 51404.3 6 Koria 260073.0 :- Note A list ofwarehouses is annexed in Annexure-I. 7.2 The tentative Annual Consumption of Country Spirit in Arcas ofSupply:- per actual consumption of Country Spirit in 9 months the tentatiye Annual Consumption of Spirir will be as below:- S. No. Supply area Tentative Annual Consumption 2 3 Raipur 16279453 2 Durg l38l1883 3 Rajnandgaon. 6026523 4 Bastar 3 869-564 5 Bilaspur 7323425 6 Korba 2060480 '1 Janjgir Champa 6008323 8 Raiearh 3401559 8. (D The successful Tenderer will have to supply 25 degtee under proof Masala, 50 degree under proofplain and 60 degree under proof Rashi country spirit on the rate accepted/sanctioned by the Government and shall have no right to ask for revision ofrates due to change in any levy, cost of raw material, export, import fee or any other taxation during the currency of the contract period. (iD The State Govemment shall have the right to extend the period of contract for such period not exceeding 6 months as may appear approprihte in the circumstance prevailing at the time of conclusion of the contract period on the same terms and conditions and the successful Tenderer shall be bound to continue supply during the extended period. 72 (6\ ode.E {qrrd, t-iis so v++0 zo r r (iiD The conditions of the licence for supply and rules applicable to such supply are subject to revision from time to time at the discretion ofthe State Govemment. 9. Successful Tenderer shall have to pay the rent ofthe departmental/Government warehouse at such rate as may be fixed by the P.W.D. or State Govemment. In case of default, the rent shall be recoverable from the licensee. lfa Government building is not available, the successful Tenderer will have to make his own arangements for warehouse building. 10. If directed by the Excise Commissioner Successful Tenderer shall have to purchase the balance of country spirit at the rates applicable to the outgoing licensee. (i) 11. The successful Tenderer, will have to deposit a security amount as mentioned in Annexure-Il in respect ofeach area. This amount shall be deposited in cash, or by means ofa bank draft or bank guarantee valid up to date 30.09.2019 issued by a branch of any nationalized or scheduled commercial bank in iavour of the Excise Commissioner, Chhattisgarh payable at Raipur. (iD The successful Tenderer will have to submit 9 post dated cheques of nationalized/scheduled commercial bank issued in favour ofExcise Commissioner, Chhattisgarh Raipur, each for the amormt equivalent to security amount mentioned in Annexure-Il as an additional security. The post dated cheques shall bear the first date of month starting from April 2018 to December 2018. 12. The Successful Tenderer shall have to Submit an undertaking to pay the losses and compensation for darnages to the state govemment and retail licensees in case of failure or delay of supply of country spirit in his area. In such cases, the supply of country spirit would be ensured from an alternative source at his risk and cost. Ifthere is pendency ofchallans for issue of country spirit due to inadequate supply of country spirit in a particular fortnight. the successful Tenderer shall be treated as a defaulter. In case of more tlan one such case of continuous default it will be treated as continuous failure of supply. In of such case of continuous failure of supply or other exigencies, the supply area the successful Tenderer may be detached and allotted to adjoining country spifit supplier (CS-l licensee) whose rate is the lowest and whose capacity is not exhausted as per condition 4 ofthis Tender [n exceptional cases where, at any point of time, the Excise commissioner feels that the contract rate has become unviable due to rmusual increase in the prices of raw material, coal etc. and it is not possible for any one ofthe supply contractor to supply country spirit at the existing rate, then fresh Tenders may. be invited for Ihat area at the risk and cost ofthe defaulting supplier. The difference in price would have to be bome by the defaulting Tenderer. The said losses, compensation and difference would be recoverable from the earnest money referred to in Para 4 (ii), and security deposit refened in Para I I ofthis Tender. Any lelt over recovery would be recoverable as arrears of land revenue from the Tenderer. 13. The Tender shall be submitted in two sepamte sealed covers. The first sealed cover, said to be "Part One", shall contain documents/instruments detailed below and have superscribed part- one/document/instruments for the eligibility for Tender for the supply of country spirit in sealed glass bottles for .......................:..... (Name the area)." If a Tenderer applies for more than one area he is required to submit the documents mentioned in conditions 4 (iii) and 5, once only. The certificate/documenyinstrument to be enclosed are as follows : - (D Earnest money deposit as per condition No.4 (ii) (iD Details as per condition No.4 (iii) (iiD Certificates/documents as per condition No.5 Tbe second sealed cover said to be "Part Two," will be given only in prescribed form Annexure-lv and submitted in double sealed cover and have superscribed "Part-Two: Tender for the supply of country spirit in sealed glass bottle for ...................................(Name of the area)". The word "sealed" means the envelope should be properly closed and pasted so that the papers inside the envelope are not readable without opening it- Both the envelopes should be kept in one main sealed envelope and should reach the undersigned not later than 3.00 pm on date 22-02-2018 (Incase tender opening date is declared holiday, tender will be opened on working day at same time). The sealed envelope will be opened at 4.00 pm on the same day by the Excise Commissioner or an officer nominated by him. After opening the main y#s'e rrc[d, ft-{is :o wr*ff zol a 72 (7) sealed cover, the envelope "Parl One" containing documents/instruments necessary for eligibility, shall be opened. On scrutinizing if the Excise Commissioner is satisfied that the Tenderer is eligible for submitting Tender under this notice, only then the Tender submitted in prescribed form in "Part Two" shall be opened. 14. The prescribed Tender form can be obtained flom the office of the undersigned on payment of Rs. 10,000L (Rs. Ten thousand only) for each form in cash or bank draft in favour of the Excise Commissioner, Chhattisgarh, payable at Raipur. The Tender forms can also be sent by post to the Tenderer if so desired by him. The document will be dispatched through post office of the Department of Postal, Govemment of India only after receipt of Rs. 10,100/- (Rs. Ten thousand one hundred only) for each area, to be paid in the form of bank draft ofany nationalized or scheduled commercial bank drawn in favour ofExcise Commissioner, Chhattisgarh, payable at Raipur. The department takes no responsibility for delay in receipt by the Tenderer. 15. Submission of Tender by a Tenderer shall imply that he has read and understood the provisions ofthe Chhattisgarh Excise Act, rules made there under specially Chhattisgarh country Spirit Rules, 1995, the detailed terms and conditions of the Tender, The contents given in Tender notes shall be a legal binding on the Tenderer and the tenderer has to sign each and every page oftender document and other documents annexed along with tender. 16. These terms and conditions will be applicable in case of Re-Tendering too during the Tender period 20 t 8-19_ 17. Minor omissions/errors in the Tender form can be got corected on the spot by the Excise Commissioner. 18. The State Government reserves the right to reject any or all Tenders, without assigning any reason. 19. In case of disputes regarding interpretation ofany terms and conditions ofthe Tender, the view ofthe Excise Commissioner Chhattisgarh shall be final. 20. All legal disputes arising out ofthis Tender shall be subject to the jurisdiction ofthe couts situated in Chhattisgarh only. 21. All successful tenderer has to sign lntegrity Pact as per format enclosed in Annexure-Vll. sd/- (D.D. Singh ) Excise Commissioner. 72 (81 vderE qqq-d, Qii6 ro wq-{ff zo r a ANNEXURE.I List of Warehouses District Name of Warehouse I 2. I Raipur I Raipur 2 Baloda Bazar 2. Baloda Bazar l. Mahasamund Mahasamund 4 Durg 4. Bhilai 5 Balod 5. Balod 6 Bemetara 6. Bemetara 7 Rajnandgaon 7. Rajnandgaon 8 Kabirdham 8. Kabirdham 9 Jagdalpur l0 Kondagaon 9. Jagdalpur Narayanpur 12 S.B.Dantewada l3 Sukama 14 Bijapur 15 N.B.Kanker 10. Kanker t6 Dhamtari ll Dhamtad t7 Bilaspur 12. Bilaspur l8 Mungeli i3. Mungeli 19 Korba 14. Korba 20 Janjgir Champa 15. Janjgir 16. Sakti 2t Cariyaband 17. Gariyaband 22 Raigarh l8_ Raigarh 19. Sarangarh 23 Jashpur 20. Kunkuri 24 Sarguja 21. Ambikapur 25 Surajpur 26 Koria 22. Manendragarh 23. Chirmiri

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