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Chhattisgarh Gazette, 2018-01-30, EO Gazette 32, Notice क्रमांक 13/F-2017-04-04005/वित्त/वि.आ.प्र. PDF

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Preview Chhattisgarh Gazette, 2018-01-30, EO Gazette 32, Notice क्रमांक 13/F-2017-04-04005/वित्त/वि.आ.प्र.

'ffis qo * q-<.ld sffi ga* q*+c6,cis TIr< grnH ( ffii sl6Ers )+ iqol 'ffiwrq/gf /or/ zor r-zots." & q-gla. oqio S.z-zz-s*c{s rne / 3s ft. t. M, ftii6 ro-os-2001." Efrrc {rsuEr (qsrqnur) I rfirRH urfut,,R reim rz l rragr, nrm+n. tak lo qr+0 zo t a - qrq 10, rFE 1939 ldf,fcTFI {ildq, c-6ri-4 tffi{, {qr <Hgt aqt nqgt, ftqi+ zq w++t zor r s{is 13/F-2017-04-Oloos/fta/fr. wr. r. - rnra * r{ftqnt erg*< zl:-a rcuaa ydjslq {rqf{a 3ilftI qffi urfrftqq, rssn (x. swlprl)*um s am u-< +1u*r t ari ge, u*errO * rrwura, Va-qcg, i€ fu{Flff e1foqa-{ r. ozlt-a r-s (qr5) zorrlf+t/fteTrc,8{i6 zos+*t, zoloitrqftfuarqricristit, glqfc,:- iisfrtr{ :r{dqfuq*trn,- fu zaar at, ei6dqtqrq "rt qrqt, zotz"+rEnqt, sisdErrrq ":r q{, zort" vfttqlfodft'ar a' Y*err6 *{wqa* <rntrut edwrgun, s. *' ftE, rigm {Ee' rqrtrugt, ftti+ zss€0zols sci{ r3lF-2017-04-0400s/ftf,/ff. sTr. e.- sna * riBem + wg*< ua + Ew (3) * ergvor i w BqFr*1sreqfilE;cifit3/F-2017-04-0400s/f+t/ft.er"l,ftqiszg-ot-zolt*reiffierg+rcrrwura*urfu*ntfTqara u-orRnfuqomB. , Bffiqrrd * {qqla * rre i <ut ottiwqvn, \. +. {U€, {igfr qHs 64 Bderq{qq*, 8ci6 rowfit zorr Naya Raipur, the 29th January 2018 NOTtrICATION No. l3lF-2017-04-04005i2018/Fin./FCC.- In exercise of the powers conferred by Articles 243-I of the Constitution of India read with Section 3 ofthe Chhattisgarh Rajya Vitta Ayog Adhiniyam, 1994 (No. 3 of 1994), the Govemor of Chhattisgarh, hereby, makes the following amendment in this Department's Notification No. 02lL 8-9 (Part) i 20I6lf in./FCC, dated 20th January, 201 6, namely AMENDMENT In the said notification,- In Para 2 and 4, for the figures and word "3lst January,20l7", the figures and word "3l st May,20l8" shall be substituted. By order and in the name ofthe Govemor ofChhattisgarh, A. K. SINGH, Joint Secretary. {qr1rqga, ft{i6 29v€ft 2018 scis l6lF-20r7-04-0400s/fufr/ft.fi.q. - qRd +{Bqrc+ qg& za3-e er{I v-{fr qfuqt61n+rr fr dre EA irql gsfrrrm*efuq{-fljf.2/gF-06-0100r226/2017/fdfr/Aom,nqnqg{,fr{is3rs{dt,2017+srftBd6"riEa,dsrtq+ Irqqrd, \r {irrl, {rq ft-d aird'r+6'r*flaifrri+ I qr+t, u olri rr r{, zorra-*1fuurt{. edwre t {rqqrd * ilq i aqr s{a{ngqR, s. +. ftG, dgm(fu{. aqr rrqg(, ft{is zl qi-dt zor a 5'{is l6lF-2017-04-0400s/fr€/ft.s{.c. - qr{a + dfrEH * wg*< :4s t uue tl) * er-gvtur fr 5e fetn * vfuqa-n xei+ ro /n-20r 7-04-0400s/ftfr/ft.0n.r., ft-tim zr-01-201s 6r sif* lrdErq rrqqn * clfo*ri * \li-qeRu-6IRH ftqqrmt. u,tft$r6 * {rqqrd * crc i aqt 3ra{rJqn, s. +. friE, rigffi sfud. Naya Raiput the 29th January 20 I 8 NOTIFICATION No. l6lF-2017-04-04005/2018/Fin./FCC.- In exercise of the powers conferred by Articles 243-l of the Constitution of India and in supersession of this Departrnent's Notification No. 2/F-06-0l00l226l20l7lFin./FCC, Naya Raipur, dated 31st January 2017, the Govemor ofChhattisgarh, hereby, extends the tenure ofthe State Finance Commission from 3 I st January 201 8 to 3 I st May, 201 8. By order.and in the name ofthe Governor ofChhattisgarh, A. K. SINGH, Joint Secretary. {zrc*, gior aut iv< emfl, v*e.r6 Em $s&c grundq, rragt l gba am r*rfra - zore.

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