'ffis *€ * gat w<da e'* {*qi5ci6 i.l< gll-fli (ft-{r Elsfu'e)+ iqur ' tr*$re/gf / osl zo I 3 - 2 o l s." & srgld. ocis il.u -uz-dsrrq rrs. / 38 ft. {. frar{, eii's :o-os-u oor-" Ud*rrre 11Enrrst (wmrRur) t H{hilr rt,rRrd *ri* r:1 {qgr, tc-{R, Gai6 I s vr+fr zor s - ds 2s, rFr le3e fta sfu fttn* 6d fttmr t'{rdq, T6Td trfi Tqr {rqgr , rqrrrqgi, frri* rs w+EQ zorr ffifur xei* su/S. ozlzr-sIFr€./8. rr./ l s. - sdsreftqnqqr*r sr&Rqcfr€qt furio ro-or-zomd twuraff rgnft ur<dCet,\-.rc$rF{spr{qff dtT{rQ+ftn9-{IQHfr qrvnrt. odqrq *rrqqn* aniam onivqvn, d.*.tdl, QrfrftnqHE. 2S dfic 26 {qqd, frri* rsvr*tzors ufurE srRfiqc (6{i5 2 F12ol8) u*ttc1frw-q{* ttifrO qfrrftqq, 2ou udvq gR sw *S q&frqc, r rzz f5. zr vl uz r ) +i utr ri*fur t.{A & qehqc. qna wRrq * lrggge s{ i dsrrq ftqri-utrea Errr ffifud sq t qt srfrffia 6 - : (l) rift< c,ftRn wr l. qt e&ftqcffift€rrqtft.* tA eiqmr") erfuftm, u orz s-{drifl. vdr (2t *-*rfu<n{qfudmatrqtAr. (3) rrt wq* i qs* n-+rwffrr{etrt< ftn. qRr, {rfrE{- ederc1fr wrui$erfuftqc, rczz (s. zlslt e73) (*sqfiT{+uurqqr or&f+w*sa I ftfr ?l i, qnr I i, sq-qr{ ( r ) i, - (s) €E-s (q)i,{q'ffi", vd *-S S onn fr, * rqn qi, r< .!6slumaf, fsMdr" xfr{qrfud fuqr sTA; q-c'ffi, (d) u.re (q1 q, *'.r{w,tqr*-af' * ern qt, frMar,,cfreffiafuqr qri;frr (*{) Eo-s (a) l, lrq "xiw"<ur"* lrrn q, vq'ldw.tqqrfrffii',cft{qrfi-dftqrvrn. qm 6r{dE{. ql eftftrr$um t,- 6 r (\rd)tr!-e(q)i,cEcqrgfi i,fu (q)t,fdRr,rrfut":,,,*emqt,frmfo<..;',yfr{qrft d fulr iln *t se+ qwqftafrfu $arqrfua fuqr qA, qqi(: - "(r) sgqfl+ qFrerdaur srrai ufuqfra1frsu-c, i eerqFua {d sFrr/friq eE :id qi{urftqdd nfu /B€ri 3cctffr sqd$nfuMTzfifra er*e ur€ * <rc rq ff d d erarqr ffirr$d," fil &{q qrEm t irrn qr, ftqftfud cfftqrft-d ftar vri, vr(:- ' urgat *t fr rre w+n, ufu fi I 6111, 3qi hft Es ffi ili qrd tnqil i, tn dS-$"+ {.irrt, iilfr erfrqfirgEfffufrar vr}, vs q: +i u-erea o{sail, nfr ft qfuffvq+ *uoe (o) +sq-qo-s (a) + qdi4idd. {qEt+R, srfuW-il am, qffi ctgm + qo-s (r) +t iq i rq6 rr{ qq-drH tr{$ sq-qt fts S q: T,qr6d 6.{ s}Ift sfli ft*rqr0 msarft aqr wr+nqr0fti d ftfrlw er-gm.1rtft.+runraqT6r0 er.,' qT( I Eldliq-n. 4. qrorfuft+rff am r r i,sq-qr{ (l) i,€us (rr)i, ve.!{mrur,'*ernqt, rq.!ds"rqr qr ft fu lfu r" yfttqrft -d fuqr qTi. sRrrz6r{iEi. s. qaerfuGr+wff mn I z l, <v-unr 1r1 l,ruerrgu*vwrqaurftdaqis6+Xf, ffifua era:eflfua fr +t sri, srqfE - : "qtt{€ftfrq8{ifrqi* qia-* Wq-* + H ff € sfrfrrqJ 6r €flqe, rgqfu r+wft crr$t,*swe6,ergqfuas-;rvrfr rql*ffias{d++qeffi d fuqrur*rn:" EdqrE qsqd, ftcis rsE{d0 rorr 26(l) r- rqi,- qr erfrft+n* qrir qm rr a d*lq<. 1gq1 su-urq 1 1 1l,urg*fr, re'!{wtur"}ernqt,q-q'!{H{qqrffFrqfor" qfuErfri frqrqd; 1d) sq-qRr (2) i, Tgdq{gsi,- (6) re'k{wtur* ftq " * rern qq vq'tdqlur+ fte ErffGnfur* fdc" vftenft-<frqvri;frt (q) we'!{s1urq-af"vcir$Sor*d, *ernqt, !l€'?€w{ul5dl qI ftMar"cfterrfrafuqrwn' (*q) t,- sq-qRr t+) (5) rt<'kig*dt "*emqi,qq't*S, frhffi ff :r{t"qfuElft-d ftqrurtsltt (q) r< "r$g<u-o" *ernrn, v<'!rdF qrfrfttla sqB" nfrrerfud frqqri; (?n) sq-qR (s)i, {q'!{wrur"*remq{,rq 'tdslur sI ffFrnfur" rftenfu frqr qri;*t ' , , *-n* 1u11,vrg*i,- (6) r<'ht6" **rn qq {q'tn+F qr fiftffin" vfuerft-d ftcrqri; ifri (q) {q "rRi6rur6-df" s6io-6 S el[qr tt, ft{qnqq llq't{6ruls-dl qr Eftcfar"yftr{xlEafrqrBrn. 7. *{ qfufdqc * qm rc-u i,3q-ut{ (1) i, q-<'!{s'<sr"trqnqr,!rq'kiwrurqr sm rr-utt{liq-<. ftffir"qft{Erfodfrqrqrn 8. {d sr&ftqc ff qRr zr l, *-n*,r,q,u'q'ffiwtumaf'**ncrn,sq'?ri6rum-dl, qm a eitrim. ftMar,'yfuqfraftqvrn. e. *{ q&frqq* srit rt i,re'tdw,,q*qr<eli Glt{)" * rQrF vt, qEr '?tiwrqr qr qm l cr{rim. feffirqr qEri Oft{1 " yfuqrfua frqr vri. r0. qr erfuftiaff urr 17-6 i, sq-qnr (2), (3), (4)qd (s) + {qnqt, ffifurrfuqrfodftqr qm rz-c cr{rim. vd, orufq:- " (z\ kr, iik{ +S+ ftka +.m * @fiu + ft<*''&'m am nkp qFr*rt d q*qr+qirgn6tm.nfusenrort,vtiffi {ft taqtQf*iq-fr aEr$du-t,+qr io :q-ffi rqi i fra sn ur.q,'isr t''€n. (3) qE mn* sqiiu* {iiq iqe-*rfr * *q +t{ ft-{E yqqr d-ar t, A +t€ S uean, ffiqtcqrsdrsti+ftq6'+€r/srqr6+€t * <le enlqi rqd 6r €*qr. 26 (2\ d&rrc {s[d, ftqi{ rsvfiSzorr *"*rt/orwa''let, vg*rfr d g-rcr{ il gkgr era*n ?i t qqqfuqn *r qcrqn Etrn. (4) w-qrrl (3) + qtfl-{ sA-€{/em{ 6a€t* FHEq t qfua qryon, ftftEq+ il0€til€ft-ds+ *d{miq{srcoqrvs* am w ftfut nrk5d srtstmrt s} er+d fi q*fl. viitr tartro lt v<* ar<rrRrg;a er8r+rQ, qqmr(dgr{r{ sl gfugm er*vt?itqwqq+dwfinT6iur+tmaqr miq {qra-* qr se+ eRI u&ga eftmrtm ftftwt Bifrc Et n. (s) rifu<r+S+ q$isslRdSfr w-c, d$uilro*E6, kr*ffi qrnlfr aqlQdtfr w-evtridga*tard&n." qm r cr{dqq. ll. qr er&frwff trnr rg i, uw (srr6) l,3q-Eo-s Cs)+ qwq ffifua din{flfrd frqI qri, grqfq:- "(s) dd sfrfr fth i {S gt* * su t m onn or d ufrq-a, {d fi** ra {aqa1 * k*rsqr€rf,forsrd&tqrq-dG fidq fu*rqfrqFIal ddtdfrqlq&r." qmaei{drq. 12. qrot&frwffumali,- (\16) €Es (Es-wf i,3isGfut "roz"*ernqt, ei6qdfuQ "u oz" vfuslhaftqr trEt. (*) (Er6)t,qq1r{€vft$a"*emqr,{q'tqnft{a"vfuarfu frqrqrn. Eo-s aq1qqg1, fttir ts w+*& zorr rei* srr/d. ozlzr-er/?rs./B.rr./18.- qraftriftqn+ ergds ur*eo-s (r)* ergwurigsftqrl*te{qs srfrqarQai* rs-r-zommoiM ergan{qfia t qrfu*'R t r'+Eariu-{rQn frqrvnr t. u*srrd *{qqn* clctau odvrgvn, d +.A-dr,arRtfiqfuq. Ba{Rrr6 trd[d, frqifi rs s€fi zorr 26 (3t CHHAITISGARH ACT (No. 2 of 2018) THE CHHATTISGARH KRISHI UPAJ MANDI ( SANSHODHAN) ADHINryAM,2OI7 An Act furth€r to amend the Chhattisgarh Krishi Upaj Mandi Adhiniyam, 1972 (No. 24 of 1973). Be it enacted by the Chhattisgarh Legislature in the Sixty-eighth year ofthe Republic of India, as follows :- l. (l) This Adhiniyam may be called the Chhattisgarh Krishi Upaj Mandi short title, extent (Sanshodhan) Adhiniyam,20l7. ard commencemenl (2) It shall extend to the whole State ofchhattisgarh. (3) It shall come into force from the date ofits publication in the Official Gazette. 2. \n Chhattisgarh Krishi Upaj Mandi Adhiniyam, 1972 (No. 24 of 1973), (hereinafter Amenatment of referred to as the Principal Act), in Section 2, in sub-section (1),- section 2- (i) in clause (b), for the word ',Processer',, wherever it occurs, the words 'lrocessor, manufacturet'' shall be substituted; (ii) .,a in clause O, for the words .. a processor,', the words processor, a manufacturer" shall be substituted; and (iii) in clause (p), for the word ',processing", the words .,processing or manufacturing" shall be substituted. 3. Act,- ln Section 6 of the Principal ffillt:, of (i) in clause (b), inthe hrst proviso, in para (b), for the punctuation ..:,,, the ";" punctuation shall be substituted and thereafter the following shall be inserted. namely :- "(c) agricultual produce notified in Paxt VII and VIII ofthe Schedule, which is purchased or sold outside the notified market yard,/special produce market yard./sub-market yard./farmer consumer sub-market yardl terminal market yaxd:" (ii) for the second proviso, the following shall be substituted, namely :- "Provided flrther that the State Governrnent may, by notification, for reasons to be specified therein, withdraw the exemption in respect of such maxket area as may be specified in the notification under sub-clause (ii) of clause (a) of the preceding proviso. The State Govemment by notification may also withdraw the exemption and issue directions for the agriculh[al produce purchased or sold with respect to clause (c) ofthe preceding proviso, and the compliance ofthe directions so issued will be binding.,, 4. Insection ll of the Principal Act. in sub-section (l), in clause (c), for the word Amenalmenr of substituted. "processing", the words "processing or manufacturing" shall be section 11. 5. lnSection 12 of the Principal Act. in sub-section (8), afrerthe hrst proviso and before Amcndment of :- the second proviso, the following shall be inserted, namely section 12. 26 (4\ r*src {rs[d, frrie rs q+*fr zor s "Provided further that ifthe Chairman ofthe market committee of the area offifth Schedule to the Constitution, doesn't belong to Scheduled Tribes, the Vice-chairman shall be elected from amongst the elected members belonging to Scheduled Tribes:" Am€ndment ln Section 19 of the Principal Act.- Sectiod 19, (i) in sub-section (l), in the proviso, for the word 'lrocessing", the words "processing or manufacturing' shall be substituted; (ii) in sub-section (2). in the fourth proviso.- (a) for the words " for processing", ttre words " for processing or manufacturing" shall be substituted; and (b) for the word " processot'', wherever ii occurs, the words " processor or manufacturer" shall be substituted; (iiD in sub-section (4), - (a) for the words "processed re-sold", the words " processed, manufactured resold" shall be substituted; and (b) for the word "processed produce", the words " processed or manufactured produce" shall be substituted; (iv) in sub-section (5), for the word 'lrocessing", the words "processing or manufacturing" shall be substituted; and (v) in sub-section (6), in the proviso,- (a) for the word "processed", the words " processed or manufactured" shall be substituted; and (b) for the word 'lrocessor", wherever it occurs, the words " processor or manufactuer" shall be substituted. Amendment 7. In Sectionl9-B ofthe Principal Act, in sub-section (1), for the word " processing", Section 19-8. the words "processing or manufacturing" shallbe substituted. Amendm€nt 8. In Section 2 1 ofthe Principal Act, in sub-section ( I ),for the word "processor", the words Section 21. " processor, manufacturef' shall be substituted. Amendment 9. In Section 3lofthe Principal Act, for the words " processing or pressing', the words Section 31. 'lrocessing or maJrufacturing or pressing" shall be substituted. Amendment 10. In Section 37-A ofthe Principal Act, for sub-section (2), (3), (a) and (5), the following Section 37-A. shall be substituted, namely:- "(2) The buyer shall submit an application for registration ofthe written agreement of contract farrning to the officer authorized by the Collector The Authorised Officer shall register in such manner and on such terms and conditions as may be prescribed in the bye-laws. (3) If any dispute arise between the parties in respect of provisions of the agreement, either partymay submit an application to the CollectorlAdditional Cc llector to arbitrate upon the dispute. The Collector/Additional Collector shall resolve the dispute after giving the parties a reasonable opporhmity of being heard. B-*$r€{qrd, furi+ rs qrqQ zorr 26 (s) (4) The party aggrieved by the decision ofthe Collector/Additional Collector under sub-section (3), may prefer an appeal to the lvlanaging Director or the omcer authorized by him in this behalfwithin thirty days from the date ofdecision. The Managing Director or the officer authorized by him shall dispose offthe appeal after giving the padies a reasonable opportunity ofbeing heard and the decision ofthe Managing Director or t}re officer authorized by him shall be final. (s) The agricultural product produced under contract farming shall be sold to the buyer outside the market yard and no market fees shall be payable on such agricultural produce." 11. In Section 39 of the Principal Act, in clause (viii), after sub-clause (h), the following Am€ndment shall be inserted, namely:- section 39' "(r) Two percent of the income received as Mandi fees in Market Committee Fund shall be transferred to the Departrnent ofPanchayat and Rural Development for the development or construction works ofthe Gram Panchayats ofmarket area." 12. In Section 44 ofthe PdncipalAct,- Amendnent Section 44. (i) in clause (x-ee), for the figure and symbol " 1 0%", the figure and symbol "207"" shall be substituted. (i') in clause (xii), for the words " flfteen percent", the words " twenty percent" shall be substituted. riara+, go atn tea vmff, y*elr6 Err nrs$qglureq, mgr t gtsa aur r*rQra - zors.