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Chhattisgarh Gazette, 2017-01-25, EO Gazette 19, Notice 832/डी.17/21-अ/प्रारू./छ.ग./17 PDF

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Preview Chhattisgarh Gazette, 2017-01-25, EO Gazette 19, Notice 832/डी.17/21-अ/प्रारू./छ.ग./17

'ffiq rts + cn<rfa ero ga* {fu{m.qis iTIE grtiilq(futr er+foe )+ icur '*6o*/Bf/ oe f tot3- zots." tg ,rgm. mci6 *.2-zz-ffic rwe / rs fr. i. frilr$, frtin 3o-05-2ool." ffi usttr{ (srsrqrcUr) {'.ffirf{d urfoon q;qis tl l wgr, Str*n, fr<io zsw++0 2017-rrrEr s,sn 1938 tdfu sftfurmq,dfttTlrl riililq, Fdrff qqit, irfl wlgt ttqgc, fuis zsqr+t zotz xcisrlz/d. rzlzr-er/crs.la.a.ln.-tnra*{hqn*og&zr+sreiqBffimlq*uwq616*rwrftd ftqrirqrFnerftfuag-furaeTrd-*.rff tr{qiltrql srt{rfu, zorz (*cis r vlzorz) qa-qdrr,q-dqt?IriqffilTd.r0+ftrnrfirRd frqrqnrt. sderc * trwutd * qrq taEr qG{rgm, d. t. tdr, srfrknqfuq. 37 , frqis zsvcqff zorz fue$qrkr (s:{is r R12017) Ertrqrrq srw*,'rfi ttiqfrT{l erefiau, zorz Bds.c srqfirt srftTfr{c, rels (m z vtrprs) s} qh {{frfud sr+ tg qqtact" trra rrunrq t {-gs-dA q{ fr Rdsrrq t twqm anr fiwrfud frqr rrqr" ?kr: tt-q frqn risa ql w* arqr$ t eft: B-dqrtr S rrsrurd qir q€ qqrsTn d rrqr t ft Qd qft Rift qi foscm t ffi q.nq qt enqss E} rrqr t ft i n-mra qpffi o1. srdqd, tTrtd + {ifurr + stgAs z r s * de ( I ) Enr u-{f, {rffi si uqt{ n dre ge, o-frere * {rsqrd, ffifud s{?qra{r gtsrfud q.€ € : - {f*rR ;rFr, r. (r) qOelEqraqrRffi€ra3Tr{frr0Risitrc) srqraqr, 2017 *-€aIqrTI. f*r<n aqr snq. (21 qs-*lfr€Rvq,fu"flertq{rqfrEhTr. (3) lre{sq-*freq+rr*rqnffdrffuQu-{aelrn. strl-srre enqor* z. ees{u-raqr*n-dHardfi*tilqfu+A{q,ddsrcB{rdm.r0e{ETfrqc, rsrs (sctsz E1 (6. srtqftqc, rers lels), (frqvfreu+uurqqleiF*Rqctsqfrfrffietl,quere{A{rfiqnrcfrftftffie€ehtm z €--\ rels) oi *oreqsfl-{r6ega,eqr*Arn. sr-€nq1 Eq d s{nikd foqr vr+r. ErRr 18i6 it'T 3. qdsTBTfrqf;*qa<r1s6rttEnqr,Frqfufuaqfurrrfudftqrvri,wuQ:- dnlq--r. " 186. ffir, fosq sTrR*.r erq-qrErfl{v-sri6€#srfu .- (1) e{P{fr{rqfr sidtruffiErattiss*, ttwfls{,qr"rnurqrffiqeTrfuIdRI,ffi cr+s Eq, fof d efte5€ fr ffi qr qiir sT ft Mur, eilqld, fo lia, qlT€{, ttwRul, mq, eft"sG-sq,ge-*tfumuw€rauersffiorRrqil{, uEI rlrs{ + $ €rfudqd ffi ft:i{ur + rft f+rc 6i u-qT{ w q&un" (z) {.iffi umffi fu wrc*.rff engm, qrsqanTq{riir}ffift qtasfl-{rdagn, forc"1 eilqsqq, ar+{'s u-+q qr q*!n. (3) tfrarzr€eqrq6i1;umq,tqrforc1dffiuffi tgsTq-+EsT{qi,$ur(, fi-{H\d ft *, gmra*tQ errfrqtaErQfr{ritrtsrad-{, +€r eTwd6r0 silgffi ftfrHE enfuaqrqtrn." q€ff seffer, 6 rtqqd, fui6 2s 2oI7 38 (1) uqgt, fui+ zsqc-{ff zotz mqis srzl$. r7l2r-ar/nrs.le.\.lrt.-qnaftr{fttrn*orgdnrnatuuetrl*wgvwriwftttn*vc{ws qvmt. srerq{-{rf4<i62s-r-2017$teiffi wg*nrrwum*urk*neva-qdrirr*tRnft sdsrc * {wqta * rr taw on?vgvn, d. *. tdr, srFdtffiqP{q. CHHATTISGARH ORDINANCE (No. I of 2017) THE CHHATIISGARTT EXCISE (AMENDMENT) ORDINAI\CE, 2017 An Ordinance to further amend the Chhattisgarh Excise Act, 1915 (No. 2 of I 915). Piomulgated by the Governor of Chhattisgarh in the Sixty-seventh Year of the Republic oflndia. Whereas, the State Legislature is not in session and the Governor of Chhattisgarh is satisfied that the circumstances exist which render it necessary for him to take immediate action. Now Therefore, in exercise of the powers conferred by clause (1) ofArticle 213 of the Constitution of India, the Governor of Chhattisgarh is pleased to promulgate the following Ordinance:- l. (l) This Ordinance may be called the Chhattisgarh Excise (Amendment) short titl e, Ordinance,20l7. exten t and commencement. a) It shall extend to the whole State of Chhattisgarh. (3) It shall come into force fromthe date of its publication in the OfficialGazette. ) Duringtheperiodofoperation of this Ordinance, the Chhattisgarh Excise Act, 1915 The_Chhattisgarh (No.}ofl995),(hereinafterreferredtoasthePrincipalAct), shall have effe--c-t s--u-bJj-e-c-t t-o- Ex-cise Act' 1915 the amendment specified in Section 3 of this ordinance. [}" 'r|j]]f|i; amended. :- Am;,:li.rT. -t- For Section 18A of the Principal Act, the following shall be substituted, namely of *18A. Power to grant exclusive right for manufacture, sale, etc.- (l) Notwithstanding anything contained in the Act, the State Government may by general or special order grant exclusive right for the manufacture, import, export, transport, storage, purchase, wholesale, retail sale or collection of any intoxicant, denatured spirituous preparations or hemp to any Corporation wholly owned and controlled by the State Government" 8) For the aforesaid purpose, the Excise Commissioner, subject to the rules made by the Sate Government, may grant necessary licence to the Corporation" (3) For the aforesaid purposes, the Corporation, after receiving such licence, may establish its units, branches, depot and shops at such places and subject to such conditions as the Excise Commissioner may specifu." dqffs, Spr a$ eci {rcrn, Bdeqc am vrufi a grnau, itugt n gQa aw rmRm - z o r z "

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