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Chhattisgarh Gazette, 2017-01-19, EO Gazette 16, Notice एफ 1-8/2014/9 PDF

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Preview Chhattisgarh Gazette, 2017-01-19, EO Gazette 16, Notice एफ 1-8/2014/9

'ffis e€ + erfrrta sr* gffit ricftqim.qis ilrq grrdH ( fun er+E+e )+ isur 'ffieirq7gd7 oe f 2ot 3 -2ot s." fu erEa. m'qis S.z-zz-darrq qa-e / rr ft. fr" ftilr{, frtis " 30-05-2001. ffi {rqT{ \t{t{ ltl l(u I urkffi I rfirRd s'ci-{ 16l tqgr,gFER,kqim rqsr{ff 2017- dq zs,qr.[ 1938 d-d \'d gqr sam fttfljl riaFFI, rr6tQltrErir, ircn trrlgt iqr ttqgi, frria :o frswt zo r o eT&qs-{r Eiqifiqs ralzoult. - tma*r{frtrn+ er-gAs 36e}qqgmanrr*evffi*1ys}rfrinegu, ealme t rrsqra,\rd$nr,E -d€nq+dqaigmm-arura-gd muftfurfrrrfrarnQ-{fi{rfr+{dtrfrffifuaftqcd-{-a€, e{Eiq:- ftqc l. rikq qrcaErudq.- tr) n fuq ud{rrq 8-a qti gata-anu agd Mt* trfr frqc, 2016 ir{drii. (21 if+qqtrdrdtec+y-nrer"ffarffutu-{afi. 2. ilri1a-fl . - n ft qq, ar fu+e1 t uqr {iil.i Br-gq* t 6idc t z I t fr fr trs trql q{ arrlEli. 3. qftqgrq.- EaFrcclfr, weirsfr {iE f t erqqr qtkd cd,- (E) +fltdEitrfr "ftgkqfuor0" I srmdtdala-s, €-dqsgErrr-dnurqrtqTuler*rff, ffisns{'etiT Q-qI qr q-q q{ fr gk q.tf ff vk v-qdfua *'r$ d qt es+ qvrqfr qr qri ; (€)'tlrsi' eftiats-dwrarnsq; Q (rt) 'trseq161' t aT0Tfrd t udsqq * q,qqm' (u) "qrq frBrB qlf' t srftrla t rsq srRH Enr {rq.q-{rqq w qer {isfrErd erftqa-{r x. qq s-s-q#s-a-sa, frqi* zo ftsqr, l e84 em qqr frftHernM* erq ffi q{; (s) "orgqf i sTftrldtqqffi *{drq st-gqfl; 3l 6dv,rd {rsq-r, frri* rg;T{i:orr 32 (?) 'srg{fud frft" i 3{n{ira?:nra t dfuna + 3{ga? .r+t * erfii rs {rs * d6it1 f qm frf{ffig 3rd+dsfi; (E) "lrJqfun qcqrft" t e+Frna t r+na & rifrun + erlAa r+: * qttq qe {rE * d.itr i qQn fffrf{e aTqfodsi-srfr: (B ) "Aqr" i 3{fuid t r*qqB&a 1'ti gar r"+rot agd "iufl t'at; (s) "rrs" Q o{FT*d t d+€qG {rw. l. q,ffotur aqr +d-{cri gflrE.- +dr +t Erfi-*,rur, +sI fr qftfud qA fi €qI drr 5€Q {i6rn +il{cn, qA nrrfr rr r$*r, eq$m, er$ari \,?i qql n €d&a +dr # ele qri, En Fraql i iidli orgStfrfrffc ergvn fi : .rrdnrsc, Qql fr q&fud qdt # {qr aen +fr{qn i, srq-qrm qt, qra'i errdqr er*qrS ornmur' 1E ar *frere*rrl s. rrfr or rft+r - gi Fqclt qrfu €i'i * qen Q-qr i erfr, sffir'ff c€err 3lal-{rifu; s qF ql ani+ qrqc Q *$ qfrarqftqrqrhn 6. smerur.-(1) q1'* rrff+ wql* fte 3merq, u+Rrq +{ +dr (3rg(fu-d nrM, 3rflEd rrqrFrql trn erq @ +n* iilq arne{qr) erRrfum, t rx 1m. 2 t t1 l ee4) * 3'T{*ri + ergon {m (z) ergqfud frrfrflIaln srgqtsd.T;rerFrql+ elraflrtr tfuA,rffi fr :nra'r, s+{rrc ft* tsr tq+qfrt t ft-qq, loo: 3q{*fi + erg€R d.n. (3) qkdr snqFial+fts emaor, s*eq6frFd+* (gkdrcn*frqfr * ftefuirq 3q.i".rlfiqq, 1ee7 + 3lrdql +erryndm. z. ftrflrfrfisr - affitd'rtffirflsrd6IT{srd{dir,rFn.T,irnfrqeffi\'Sqfu;qrsAn, ft'e qr i fiqc aqdi t, tqlnfr n +niqrd oii fi rurqm ff wk qii, di sn qmiirm \'?i sfua rtrd ai, +fta qr oq 6(fi € : wa'$r{ urrar ts ffi t {dftqaql sr*n, d 5 ffi fr ;udF:a tla fi srter 3q* fAq {c ergFd El. r. qqk. - En Frqclifrfti*}.i $iln, ergqBaqTffi, ergqfunqrsrGrzil ft erq @ a.fr, t5{d *Fr*1, tA sffiSq qffi ffi gq ffir + ftc gi A, + qfofl * Gn* r'+ w+s qi ergoqr figk, ff :vrm qMaan erq')frrrfr t ri"iftra, srq qffi * frq sqiinra eitfha sfiqlqrarn erq qrdi6:i qqrfud € 6irff apr trq sc*n anr Eq {iiitr i, vqq-€Fqql, firi'rra firoqlqr ortfuq qq e{ffi + srgvn fuFufoa 6tfr e. ft€q.- 5ffi$66pirfrnqrgt€Frc1+untAf + drd Eir{dqrq ftqc, 1<ffi & eiafil oTr+sra M+ {iitr nqr*rmffiaffisnii. uiAgqr+R FRkd Fmrit * erfiq tqr rrqr +1{ erP.sr qr ff {i off, qi farmi A il{qrff 3qdti + €*n-{ f{qt ,rqr s{e$ qrff rr:i6Tt{r1 qsd Brefl . ode,E * rrqqra * am t aur eiQnrgun, ffir A{. qEq s*€Fra {rqqr, Eqio r g s€fl zo r z 32 (l) tskrE V,, .F,- E" E E E E'dC E fFEE EE,E E E lr l? E' ?1e dv (9 ,tr .lJ F L: ;tr- 12^ t^_ EIt iEtr ,I /Jit * * 4,i! E'E F ht itr r4s I I ll ir' H tr= "lF- li pr', ''*" E'-EE Eg,n ftl FP,EE atFs, 4 H." H4r 'v+ P6V( .t,rE15 30 € + ]BH I I 1,2 uirh;f J EF 'E 'cl1t lc + H r, lc ,^ lr I .FJ fiJ Ebv 4l+ EE" .1 t i{ 4vv I lc ,,ic6 ''G+E I I rs lc + EE@ -r ll U lEr o-'I-. EJ. Fr '' i6 <tlto .ld o N ,ld <l tr 61,- 4HET [;ro thtr-' 3 Y '.t*; # lo .Er E'f; f.- ls t," ,E I' 'E h"h;tr * t$ 4Y h') E r trE,E + FtrIr I P*lE *F't+ No Oc\l oc.I L ltn Ilk: r.y1 tz 6i 'iL'r F l=tulE F,-w .o L. Ywb, lr-tc -r pa lv E ts ?o L{, P' # E Ft F iI ffl (2!t 32 ederr{qsq*, B<iq rqqr+0zor; E E p rEEE- N EE*EEE .> F4s $tr E Er@E 'tr () EFET h, ET,E E v hF C.l F -r. h; lt'H€, trr r 'H' 1e r"E= E4 \H: H,s'u F * P3'"T'st € c,lqsSek.M a r+T f F [-'.f;, 'EE sF I HHEE t S I ,PLrt &4t E g g * EE H &n"'- ir ",8 r/ 'p"H lo- G 1s H6fFltr -9 @rO 6,E V4a tFF .o lY h, c.l B -I kHy,P o F E'E'Ef*tEf* o- 't; - E+t rV + o Nhr- (o R'1" H lhr- o o'l--'1+ N E- E to Itr, P. E rJ'4 lo- G PlE Fht .& t\ O E ts IE lsl 6 EET t4rE I o F V Esle ruFo- N EsF prd ddt€rrd ir$ri. frci6 tqdfft zotz 12 (l) Na),a Raipur^ the lOth December20l6 NO'IIFICATION N o. F I -8/20 14/9. - I n exerc ise of the powers con ferred by the proviso to Article 3 09 of the Constitution of lndia, the Govemor ofChhattisgarh, hereby. makes the following rules relating to recruitment and conditions ofservice to the Chhattisgarh Sports and Youth Welfare Class-lV Services. namely :- RT ]LES l Short title and com mencement.- ( I ) These rules may be called the Chhattisgarh Spons and Youth Welfare Class-lv Seruice Recruitrnent Rules. 2016 @ These rules shall come into force from the date of its publication in the Offic ial Gazette 2. Application.- These rules shall apply to the posts specified in column (2) of the Schedule as appended to these rules. 3. Definitions.- In these rules. unless the contexl otherwise requires,- (a) ..Appointing Authority" in respect ofservice means the Director. Sports and Youth Welfare oI such authority to whom power ofappointment to the service or post has been or may hereafter be delegated by the Governmentl (b) "Governmelt" means the Governn]enl ofChhattisgarh: (c) "Governor" means the Governor ofChhattisgarh: (d) .,Other Backward Classes" means the Other Backward Classes of citizens as specified by the State Government, vide Notification No. F-8--5-XXV-4-84. dated 26th December. 1984, as amended from time to time: (e) "schedule" means the Schedule appended these rules; (0 ..Scheduled Castes" means the Scheduled Castes as specified in relation to this State under Anicle 341 ofthe Constitution of lndia: (g) ,.Scheduled Tribes" means the Scheduled Tribes as specified in relation to this State underArticle 342 ofthe Constitution of India; &) "Service" means the Chhattisgarh Spods and Youth Welfare Class-lV Services; (i) "State" means the State ofchhattisgarh. 4. Classification and scale of pay etc.- The classification of the serv ice, the number of posts included in the service andthe scale ofpay attached thereto, the method ofrecruitmentto the posts, age limit, qualifications and other conditions of service relating to the posts shall be as specified in the Schedule appended to these rules: provided that the Covemment may, fronr tirne to time, add to or reduce the number ofposts and pay scale included in the service, either on a permanent or temporary basis. 5. Method ofr€cruitment.- Recruitment to the service, alier the commencement ofthese rules, shall be made by direct recruitment, through competitive examination or selection on the basis of merit. 6. Reseryation.- ( I ) Reservation forthe posts of direct recruitment shall be made in accordance with the provisions ofthe Chhattisgarh Lok Seva (Anusuchit Jatiyon, Anusuchit Jan Jatiyon Aur Anya Pichhade Vargon Ke LiyeArakshan) Adhiniyam, 1994 (No.2l ofl994). @ Reservation in promotion for the candidates ofScheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes shall be made in accordance with the provisions ofthe Chhattisgarh C ivil Services (Promotion) Rules, 2003. (3) Reservation for women candidates shall be made in accordance with the provisions of the Chhattisgarh Civil Services (Special Provision for Appointment of Women) Rules. 1997 7. Relaxation"- Nothing inthese rules shallbe construed to limitor abridgethe power ofthe Governor to deal with the case of any person, to whom these rules apply in such nranner. as may appear to him to be jusl and proper: 32 (4) udqiE {rqqd, ft{is l9T{Er 2016 Provided that the case shallnot be dealt with in any manner less favourable to him than that provided in these rules. 8. Saving.- Nothing in these rules shall affect the reservation and other conditions required to be provided for Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and Other Backward Classes, Ex-servicemerl, Compassionate appointment to onememberofthe family ofthe Govemment gmployees who dies during service period, persons with disability and other persons belonging to other categories and shall be regulated in accor dance with the rules made or orders issued by the State Government, flom time to time, in this regard 9. Repeal.- All rules, corresponding to these rules and in force immediately before the commencement ofthese rules are hereby repealed in respect of matters covered by these rules : Provided that any order made or any action taken under the rules so repealed shall be deemed to have been made or taken under the corresponding provisions ofthese rules. By order and in the name ofthe Govemor ofChhattisgarh, SONMONI BORAH, Secretary. . BdErrB {nTqd. ft*i* rss€$ rorz 32 (s) q d? e9Az Y4 2 o .hfrr L" ';cz .Ii *.E i' =e ZLa L:. L ;3 ,EE=?--=_ =[;:g I I33 - i",'i.Ea t'A I N ?.)= AE ax; f;Es";EF;s; *f,* to j (.I = () tal o a{, Uu ff€a:.=^,ci"zE Eyb=5*Ear6Er=:#or-:aE;5E " )s 04 ij tr 2d i = Qo n d 9r v) ; {E 'a 3 a b; E; " E', .Eq -+E &9 H:. O9EE i: L-l tL l! lz E I l\.; l* gdl€rr€ rrdqd, llqis 19Tfiff 2917 c- !: !l a c; n! gii o! .E Fv LI -t; a- ti F! €; = E 9- -_ i.2 i 2,;; F A'J . 2F, ze = ,ni ; 5'e.o.r €E sg's c ^; 4 aY {.Q 5 9. 7, c'4 ii ,P E,2 v o-c E! .,J9). ! E? u. i^ 'i, EE '.= oD ; ,! E H Q, E4 I lt= !! +: ji C =;dE a> \2 .o Eo 63 4E o Fl; :: .J c 7. dqr 6, {aqdsr i€" qrc$, e,Smre ilm vrrftgr"ndc, irqg( l {Hdasrr6lkd - m l7

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