ca fetete ais ae eat uaitcaad fora) ee tg sep, as si 2-a2-arng mee fa 2, ‘ems, Pies 20-5 ane” at shampenann.” rH 5 | “amg. Ava, fin 2 seat 200812, aa fafa of free af fae rior, as. ara fig or, TAT : Ta, Fl soem ene pr /ae1s0/ 285/21 -ains.— gem bf iar 2005 Ha aa, Tee ATCO eH ga a brea deren 8 ast Svar ea a. water & sorry ub crore a, anja un, Hehe 6 salons 46, Ree 2 et 2008 HIGH. COURT MANUALS Under Right to fformation Bet 2008 INFORMATION UNDER SUB SECTION () OF SECTION 4 OF THE RIGHT TE NFORMATION ACT, 2005 1. The parteotars of ts wzguniantin,furetion, and dl Shoe i doen The organization is alle! High Cour of Cheat Bilaspur ying rsa ose he Stee | co Chhatisgith nigh consist ender he cowsation of Ing, having ng Chi Inset als, Funedions and Duties — "Judicial aed Administrative -— Bale the Appetite and Reviional-Coar ‘all the appeal resisions, al petions et, ad al fe Writ Pkiions, Beton Petitions, aebmaiey Palins ne har fd derided bythe Judges ater bearing bow ce paris ‘ Fgh Cour bas Powe of suo aca mt ack 227. tenn of nding Poe ste 27 goes wee “274. Pinwer 06 sperinnendence vers cout by thelh Sour be0F Kveng Hh Courtthalibave "+ ¢ soperineedchee orerallzouas an6 ahonatethronhot she errannedlaion tes hikskoxer ! ‘iss pmetiion) 22 = 2) Without prjudi ake generate Freire pawsienthe High Cam: trigerrs ore arte (al fGrcemms from ardroame 1 (3) Make a aus goers olsun prevrits Foes tor epotng th practic umd ! ‘recoadiogs of ach cons un oe (6+ Presse [orm in whch ks ees an acount shllb kop the ies of such count . 68) +The High Courtmay aby sett aes of eos tobe flowed othe senna ersond : officers of uch vey unt lo atorsyy, avocater and plederspeaicing erin an Soviet amy wes wind, prseibed or ake ste als lac 2) ar tase (3) shill it Bs insasiden-wit he pression OF ay ar Teme eo in ocean sl equi the previo pproval fhe Gover GA Rothing ie tis site shall be doémsd wo cant o a High Coun power of sprinter ence over any stunt of hana cemsigued by oe won any a ang Wo he Ames Forces . 1, Powersand Mutievot oitcere and Hanployees 2 ~ a : Judicial ranch — + : Judi! rasch afd High Cov Is onder ac ul supercon of wegieu cial) under him Additional Reistar (Jen) hes been acs to eerie urs powers in rele (w Cl and Criminal prooeediogs He oan dispose of mates relating series of ales and ther proses. “Tohoar aud apn {applications under ewe pssions of ist Poco Cs Ti har utd disp af applewigns Gr comsctsan uf menocandant of apeahy an obs sh appl : ceaiuan: He my dircetuny pooh or pany to fie alflaits. He may calf records rm suborinel Cours. tyes om, fs 2A 2606 in) “To dispae ct appictin e epi te “The High Carat Ragity hs v0 streams wr. judicial adminsraton with aon. reioms ‘working under it |. Wit Ccimina, chi eGinprising offolemang sections . iting Teng ered Rovin Bending” Rese Reem Dispel” Case Lis Seetume Translation Section Supreme Coun Section 5.8 Senta Copying Section Pap Fins Secon sini Tnspesion Sesion ef sada’) Mary Meads eth esha ats oe sanohwanchenle Wo ree AS ‘Tie Additonal Regnirar is aninied as Ting Ofer aso unde esting SF te Cow Fe det Toe sAdshonal Registrar or Dep Magica is alee puedo eins Sth inthe ease of ula, the kt wumactgudici usaa ra M36 c04IGBD Presence o appeste and applications enh! boi Enilnh langue Tonk we neaty pd on + + thick pape, signe abd ated ty the stoner ors Cans Appessané applica. 3sed feraroonheasing rc dstuuted by Additions Registrar adc Whenever astces andra be snd ne roves Foe must be pad in cow lee saps ry reco foe walun spied in so be pid Fo hesvng of ns tr ic prepare usher iiuction given by Chiof Jstice. any cae is Prepared ty cise st stir, Cases reparedend sendin the Bas Asoc al Adwaite Cea Of aay an js om te preceding day 5+ Umever.cae er book ae jr pee sein nigh Court is ongunized onder een anders iv wi necessity mle Tica Advoeals co inpectthe eee ins Cour at pany to eae hs ecopnined agen ny tspoeh le recrc of ne ene Adi istration Branch 1 Prats 2.» AccounteButgetPensa SetienlPay Heaton % —Cenfideraal Seeinn 4. Disrict Bali Seston 5 chosker Seca & _Fstblshmest Sees 7. Camps Section 8 ‘Woke Section 9. Statemery Seton Yo. Liar $3 TI. Recon! Hog. eden 12 RevaipyDispach spi et ete a 26 Ihe InchirgySocura Offense stan: Rear 399% andre ancl a he Ao Rag lose: fll hears, heads oh the seas jue nd adriviseation, Alluhe eae: porn heir repective lies, Repairer General pacer Ih eee Regine Procedure, Wohi P= Cannes of spervison wel nec In git Deco, Civil and Crimnal Seetons cf steal rel, Eng Cte, vk Chek Dear sant ae uihoige Unidos ath eli ae + Ring Clerk — Recess all axmurandarpenions. deren rasipleutanng pre. on ser Sa rm te ine ofthe yaestoe Head scr the memmrandafpetions nthe Chosken CF Ca ireluding lrcxinags oan toes wea pnt Sanya soe lye we ys kal ialnns, Pey hace woe Se Checks oe er the oman ain no ay stl wii an AT thesane sinavese ha lit 9901 hs Region Cle ad wih aril neue as be Ue ad ‘err Usury Deaang Assist ling thee be he iti eer Dee Belstation Chek Repnecn ye memecaadafpetitin in apyuopmate regieer and bond overt anew He Dealing Assistant The dls of Tsling Assen as arsorned bythe High Cont Mathys sh andre being Fillo hare news une ceame ant Lace. 1 UNeraes, 1 A) Tomnuuin 2 Diy Din, 2) Keyrkern, pregresul rsh Bt i ook we vec gpa " fy erste isms and A 8 eles ar regia ates an ee make a tir of eee ie fre mamecp back 11 To cep ass ready tor eating to be cd withow: Lower Coun cond (iv) sgaisiian ts televae tocar the cas isto Be kar at heen 64a seul 0 of Mote Mensing cre hy LAP. ano day prestige set feng and iocidone spy of rt otieReaerconitd L692 fo sp the cs mad for rng afer main cst tne wn tein gen ty he Co {81 To deat wit cwey merocurorypplicunah an wie doing sn 6x the urge Ufa da and ester nun un seventh day foil acake al ation: tv peng of te case wr ne pres de by Uke mae Sen tix) Ta getthe aed doi or Cour ordoved asen ste once te space hy the! een i iternot terse npe for hearing wits explana the ve 83) Teiwiad 2. tne unteprsemit tin obras, this cat eth Ii} Tastee list af eat 0s HAG. dye aller oscing vive we the cous cst Fe Fare henna cats a, ily Toma compignce wih he onlere or Cran sal ange ana prep ihe rents 2 Unspusod ef eases lor depos in the 22cord Room fo) Tr sbisif Rescate he Reon Room for phages Papo Bonk md Cups (ie) Te deliver Paper Ranks inte pasties. and alice obra their acknowtodysmnene Uepasil-he ronan Pope Wook: uke wih Were te Rese Rear 7 Some . tnt einen Beas fe Ct Fe avin xv} Tscvers eyes asta het epg dhe secnd in Une Rosa Kowa (Gly To goctie cases snd as spe forewing inte erent orn fannesedfereoy rts cond ar ogy thon te Teal Assan (Ee {54 “To bi ses fn hs so nina ae ea ain. tn give doch. Jetng. he ca an ORB Tey he Hoe aac ae not SPAMS AERS HE HIDERDY SIRBOWE on pa Gasiiiy” "le send onty aed Par ofthe Record alice purpose am ga gh oe Gaur Chen be deol ae aed ny sao ils he Res fae) «vhs well arc wt che High Cec Rus a Onder rst Thohlaneste copies ofthe uesenl aerate ax hal erstay ean rar I esd as pe ne sang ender uf Men ble Chie! Tot. Tho-aing Sostaacee ans veya ws nat 9 Sin oh wll he yee ake we parts, re grt ke il rte hi hes nick ge a Cio, Paving #9 1S Be ‘ysurdin anor suc cares cs ake veto on a. Supp pn ily 8 Basra, eines ih kes ng Fk i he Wal 25 and ont doy sce whether Process Fae fet etm. Va Ibe mar le espn ole Cot Te vis an 7h fey will lo Exstavthe als oF heaving of afk mater. a sl =: shutters ant be ent ete Caves Lis Clerk ye ty eartio by 130 PML ae she eae a Fesont nthe Cour. The Cleaing Asdistan wi sos raises oN counsel abot ae te 0 phic etl anes ll be then yas Cau heaing. Such lcs andes ‘Poon ached Woe Ce List Sousa Lar ser a a er ‘reafongga nas tbr es a any way. pce tho Dealing A aoe fer doing anytung, och equiod for ange and wierd working Wf thc Kew Pac: 1m Adiaraion de, at son akan Kertppicion s oveoed by i tryin 2 loys, he panes he ame hefoe ais imaedits OFC Ser nd tharby the esc iesubmailed the ‘Higher bei er appreprte ston, 1 eae tea fe Renin Wee dea td the ster sn ddd by Dh Comoe or hs Chel Zs irony “The Norins sot he ifr the sched of Rs rein 5— Thetis of hen oti’ se iy Aet see governed a er fe High Cou Rules and Orders well Rules, regulatons, istructlons, manuals held bys or undr its control oF used Wy ie rmplonens for Acura of i functions =) Hign Comushar fx own Rules Onder and Manual, High Coat at Chaagach Seng ao feng EF tao Ril, Orden, nd” Manaaly ender pe sand geet yi oll ing the MP High Ces Yulee! Orders, lleheerplngcesdichiys Isr duis propery and fice len ss ns ‘stn vw vit vu. szctorg Ta, ee 2 Statement of the citegores of documents that ave held by or ower Hs conte Alla adminis ae judicial roardcareesnnined ia henge sets and azo rm so por the High Cort Rales and Osdee, hich are ede the canal Real Gel, The irtieulurs of way arvangement that exes for consllation with, or sepreactatva by the members public in relation ihe form ‘Theres co such rangers A statement of ee hoard aun, comaitices and ether hediesconclting. ofl wr amore peras fonsttnteds ils purt ar for Ghe purpaice of Tes advice adar to whether meetings of those beards ‘oval committees and Gtherhedies are open tothe publi, or the minutes of such weengy ice cceseble for pablie = or the farpese of ecimucadatar ir why Lhe High Conner Be Chet hse, (Chet Justice has eos pleased 4a cent the fllwing Gomes 1 Yeovil erewibhdy Comins, 2. Lab FBiele tothe High Courcand Shoda Cows, Mth ‘ 3. Computation ofthe High Cour apd Subidinale Coun, 4 Disciplinury and Engoiey Comrie 5. Rune Carino foci exating High Court Building t Bod 6 Nigilaoe Commitee 7. Building Commies fr resident quarters fr judges unt tt of ihe High Cnt + {Crime or raining of Tui cers 8 Full Cunt 18, Porshase Commitee 1. Remaking Commies. . 15. Chhanigich High Coan Legal Seuss Commit, 4 Je alleahove tad eomeiees ome Han'ble de of the High Crue i signa Phas and others as members, Reginiar and Additonal Regitear aw desig ax Servs in ae ent Commie, These Conmidass. convene thir ose mcaing an make recammeneton. hich placa ere the Cet Jaton or he Fal Con, ste case may be or agen <The merings of ies eunitices ae ot for puis, na Bs outs ake ae or i publ Besides above th Following Boats ace consid for he purpose af vats Ast 1. "National Secure ee 1980 2” Prehnntars ul back winking and maniznance of upees Act 988 3 Cangenation of Foeeign Exchange and Prevention of sulin Autvties Ae, 97S ‘resem el Mii waif in Nétetis Drags nd Poxchancyie Subst et, 1989 other fe, 2 rat 2005 sis) % story he fcr mpgs . "he EPABX nue af High Coun 75256041, 27088, fe Nu HOF 752-2908), 235, Dring acess any beer or employes nny be med i hee nbs Deal bite thew ae X._‘Themonthy semansction reed bye ih ces a employee ong the ss com peesatons provided nis elon Officers and employoes of this Registry pel the pay and allowances permissible hy the Slate Clee. sich ae ° cust en Flector sepia 7 sii pay een ele co in \ Sure Seale sra80-28850 2 Selestin rade van ao 2 ANISO 2880. : ee a cece EMOEME, abl antag her tg ART 4 ‘Altona Regio "20m 19580 Se - vane noe 6S Deentp Regie Tees ws “Aes ffver : top + AsvmtmRegiiaes + °. Pusat Seoitaty w Soin Ober . " ivi . 8 Assinant For TLR) n Asian Gad Sg Senngeapher 1s Sts Rape omit ws TeamtiorsentaneLirrans ®, Assit Grad 1 Assets Grated . eae Computes 38 PB. Operator PO GLASS HL assat a ee TOME ASAE rare a 509 ‘50-1050 6500. 10500 5-50 ‘6306-40900 sons ssinonK0 ses sonny ane 6 050: 45904200 82 sy 4590 tere ray, en 2 ait os ms & oy Lage . x Sah a Das Sones Grats 9.459 Ten Ske 26103909 2 Seve Hine sasocsia "seo ke een zB Jaascre SupionDatr asia a cewkiduSwesper asm . B Comingecey pid employees . sper Calera Sprtem af compencation — xa. Incas of eden death of thesm ployee ting Hedy orl, Rapes 28.8 sey Pre taosend 95) a ann af thesis morte ay slheoer js tid ha sari rae fH ‘lel cinplpeetatice in ssoount seta as simpson pert iow th dhte su lity pave <ompznionatsappoicinent Khe Fay eater el fi mpc the abn san ‘The budget allocated ta each ats agenes indicating the particulars ofa pls prop expences and neports on dSlarsements mut A. Fatrsving agensesinstnsiewst Cour are under the justin of te High Cu Ligh Cet Exabisn 2. Iudiiat Otroees Teng raat, 2 Cina a Sos Coun, he bugs recived forthe sfresid agisioy, inselians etre fm 2 Site Gong iy shurset og pes Te ar eave epee sm ode Saket ‘thie he. otieng Cmts are working nth Se af Chbaisgack lr the orton a tho lh Court as pertho sctome et the Cra Geraint . Space Crs end ' 2 Hrdy Cours Ro Farr Tiga nate Forte e;eaton of he abusrschunts Cental eminent, fam pede hy the Cel Get ‘nen so he State Govenmant, thereat, uate Crexneet yen wl a th sad UneepeaS rept sent fe Sete Cert "he mannee of execculles of subsidy progr Denefltaries of such programmes mes flung the ancuntsallcate and she details of No ausidy programine is azinged oc en be The High Cot Vortcutars of pesipionts of concesslans, perats ce audhoriaans granted By i sxtin amy, ie 2 2x5 “mn XIV. Detain rest of the information, avaiable to ar hull yf deed inn electri form + ‘wfevnacmn elated ely suse Isso, AP gener ea abe fine ts ere sand days couse ie te fo iaesator. XV. ‘Thepartioubort files availabe to citvens fr obiaining infoematin, including the working hours ‘ot library ae reading vom, if minlsint Tor pubic we bt =— An enquiy Senter is avaiable forthe citzsas fe blemnucy judicial inforranun ding the Te hows fom #020 A.M. ToS. PM, deve se ivary anes or pe es et Adbnestes a are XL Tho names. desigrations and ather particulars of the Public Iforiation ¢fiers -— 1 Sh ARL Narayana she Inieseasin Cioor Aahicas Regine 2 shin Ringe Asitant Tube Ine mation Gl Assistant git, 3 SiviAshok Sarma Asstt PubeTafowraten Cir Becton Ober Tre ayrvans sein, inton use hie Aeon Submit i tical 1 Pate Information Ci Tre Reuse" Gomer sal the Fes Appa way Sse other informatie may be peer — . Nit HICH COUR OF CUMATIISGARH. BILASPH 5.1.1. Code (Q1782) EPA.R Ws 206042, 223999 tout No. (77S? HAG, 23520 Eel Adcras Hgiecan @ cy. wn im Conyesgr Seta LNTCH. 206955, Bin Cede Kn. e9G0U THLLVIGNK NOWDERS GF HOWULL THE CHIRE WLSTICE AND HONBLE fyDaRS su are 9 Phe Phere Chamber Bre Of Resident BPABR kuin w a "5 ey 3 fe 1. Hon'hle ihe Chef futiae 28579.400726 AMT Shot Si Nagab 5 oa2-ueTH Howie St: Justice se saoi0n,sce7a a eradain 86 90282-20086, 5. Thee: a esi rasan 40685 sgn Le had on ensa amy enh Shi Jostioe 22ea10 ce ae) uM Vilay Kumar Shrisaadona —— ¢Mi9452.291—0 5. Hoot ole So ansige 220035 YAMS Ss Dicemra iiss 1g 952825008 oate saduag uses, Ppig gra DISTRICH COURE MANUAL us he Right Information Aet 2005 INFORACSTION ENDER SUB SECTION MA OF SECTION 4.97 VTTE RIGHT TO INFORMATICS ACT, 2th TThepatticutrs afte otgunizavion, utctions and ties — Shor Title — Th ganic ig ted the dara Coes sain a Disc and Sos dys wid tr Aukitinna and €fvi.Sucue. ie Distr Jidgerecies peer ot crag gral versa ovr Srey Povo Bist Ct al the Cot 4 Sab Bisa eel he yl Crt hes il aad Serna: or cna’ ae nel Charts ain tae Ten Funetions and Dats — . ‘Aanaisteative Lond Cnt san istic yen hal ne lk Pace Inde nd Addonel Dorn alsors iiébighs ibialsenseg SEP tee a cies [Cadac vor usinl eersees mans ens of Chil ey sea ng Chek Lae lated a Cit ods Clase Chi istrict are msfiel an th ecommmesdions ofthe hgh Gar fy av Cis Dis ore in a Cnet Dini Fades SS ‘any Coats of Addie Dist Joe, Civil pe Case are Cl Fudge Ca aa he Jas te sis Cries he Judi pmecs, afrisiver josie ce Be gan Pu fig staal Sot ge the Dinar the iach ye Dutret sere ukie the his oF fae High Coam ardihealpextbam, Thee es we rking ard ty les an Oude 1Ce 1 Cram) ower Ds jes of Officers and Uruplgees -— : Civil alge Ch ean Rear cata, = wae swag RS, 25.000 ivi igs Cane can hoa ny wi pf vole a wecaing Rs OCDE. ‘Conti of istiot Sung tray "ex amy sun slut yestilion a6 aga. wae, “Lh Adhnncnstrative wu is veer the supervision ef Deputy. 00H asd. eto ue amet ‘ont! of geo adge UL, Pruectures Channels of Supervision and Accountability — In Unsril Coaets i and criminal tue ef exo eo hope and dsc. Foren! ames the shat ley the polize, shih laced hota the concer fudge the eer wna ane for Deming and abrogation, The ease iste Dire 2udye in he Dist Cee za in ope Cur c= rie hash as per tho prtesion af Gh PC, iv iv mans pau presente x ary eo caer Roursan Me Corl uf sul aie. the ‘Che apps in ie bbl by a andor an eiing, hick shoe yh, 2 psn an admin seit ina ier fei sats aml elec in he da yd suse Ht