7 “Rome the & ais aw yee CATE fre) ey og ae Baoan artang Tari ‘erg 20-5200." orang 8a." aes] +S, Fe, fae 1g a zona 26, FF 125 fara act ar Cy weer abe, (2) Rem gate ibe, sm a—(1) Frame fc FR ERE, (2) Reet (3) 9 carne & omar ote arheraAR, (4 wri . Feu me sey (5) a aka ae aire (6) fakerorin, east ota, | wma) (a) wRMERR, () vaL AR OY avin afore. weer, (3) sive Sette fag, CB). . \seemitn, (2) wag sthihar, (5) dag wma. arta faa aT shia: Va Bt, soafhreg (-G2) RUT, Coy ait fa TAR, Reis 1 ee 2002 rst a-scz00acm7.—(1) A eA Fr, ER, (7065;, FPN aia, avo ey, Bere ah ga Mery 0G MRT aa TR OTe a Se me ohm, Soho ar To A in or (2) 4 sem farm, MER. C991), ge Wha, weberg oe, fer wl tect fear aR te e-# one Tr He ag, Sy Wey, oa FIT Ne ae, pa See fe SA a) eee eae HO gu es HE Ine WEG a 204 ~~ Me tre car, fers 16 srt 2004 ams (5) ae amg A. C9), oT Om, spoke ei awa SA TTA RR a fa, Ar a, eR KE fee oe (A) ATRIA TRA, (1992), SPE, ent re 8 at os oe are, er eet IE PHT WF so (5) At obs ans, 8A, Cons), i he, oar, ee, TE Hn, a tate, Sea ner rd tr fae” we Bete etre it, at fer vn, A tome a eT am 4 2 EM wit & meee dame, denn Pro a at he sag, sis a1 Fomor 20a wats het arzomarer—a e seus, (RTE on a. Zee Any we see ure, Nd 9 Son dare tg Hi fore fe a LSE oT ee, aM SiO, ea, TRA RR, TPA wae ft ees fia saagy, ete 31 fee 2003 saris at orcoyartn iA ane am. th, BEA, (oR aMC-a7, aes a) ara fs, EM ee mee 8 onkuy ca GUO ea, SE ERT RTE ea fou a aa Sa, sea Fa @, hd Se Far mae, rot tatiat saa tT Ta AR, ee Cora 89, ee BOE oT aise, oataTE a, aH feo Lamia PR A, oreeg Ee 8h ae oe aR, Ty eT, So oT cee fo wag. Ree 1 ar aoe ai ah tg deena (E1pACO- 500 ‘fee a sats mapcosne — ania rare ga & Fotos 2oquo) Aden Par oP ae a aH a ef vem aren PH A SUM an TE ain eat LO a 4 aR oe om, SRR Cnee) fae af oe eR, orig a, op - "aR fie Pearl et aoe, afer ut stay, eos sain fea is, Way FRR a, TL 2 A AT LA. (1988) aaes, aR Pe, Ta aye, an Ber, OT, mn) 38 a =) ~ Je @ 3 awe Arner, RA, Ciaeep ee, GE . were, bf (aera ter wv. 4+ tera deem (1380) frie afeg, eter mn, ha, wth 9, - 7a ee Fa sare fea, TAR Fate 1 sad 200 fot f-ucaracoirr2 wet er ferleg afte vex art Ara (, isy00-a00- ws00) wiry fora ara roe yen coy Hef Ty sku 9 OEY TRH Te FA Sint ae Bead aT fa Seer i eT a a @ iw 1a Re, CA, Caer) AR, oer; a, casts Fer 2 am Prat, wa Gee) igs weg amy, ary . {een fn aa ait 4, site 3 aga we fia ae’, Com) wee, fen 4 Sam em ROR RE. (1901) wa, AT 1, fee 2 ee 2am eis ot-1-asr200n ae a “a eer ane feake 91-12-2003 =m wR, I, Come S038 oat deh) ger ertra atic Prem toe, aR Bh Berd Yara wa Nb lee HET A oto, TE area) eo 8, sar orker a. fie, eG rey, | ToT Pr Fr FEM art, Tar aT Rei a1 3-200 6 APs et +, wap, fete 2 rad 2001 seis hs ewe —# aT CAREY MA, AE ell) ang, TH em, Bea A ‘ard rr fers For ame fers oa ara HME #, wh avo om a, 2 af, “ea, FE fees For see re aa cm a fe te yet ne im Way, fie 5 ol ice rate 81 anata a a ars, eA CMR. -1091}, AT af, gee mT, ET FM, Ast, sofer sai serene, fen frre ice Ah va ade aed area erst SE Bh ane Fe AST finioe ene, wihame wr afaies sum oR AP & wife gore do & ac order, . A fe, ga ey, ate 4 ron a1 Fe € scat va eer rmeter Sa ns cae wt Ron sree ante wa A Be Fats er nc0e PR BA GS TA, Ch) Fe, se Hae 9 CS TER & or, Be fate (1-1-7004) @, ee we meer Berm ( L7s0-A6- 1600) H eC FA aT a, “pees a 8 Ag fer ara © @ 1 Pre vem we BA, sane L957 ie sar 4 “a I Ci a ocel EAR. Stare ae fg Pom ee tit sig aot = ing 3 rane om 3a aT, iat fea, ge afr, Wag, fois 9 fear 2002 serie 1sonese2onmatiracia— a gon wg, A ra, Wola oe, Fe ad dep FONT A a fram ¥ ania aie ri7iter acest tenis yo-1o-2003 BT Peake °3 10 2003 Aa 1. 3803 a ofa soar eg FE ET, Su a fw SA TT-2oa2 3 SAT 2003 ee GS eR) a ae Ro ipa fA THe, 2 RE Romm andn uly arrier moosren eevee, Fee 19-8 2005 Haas wt 2 a 5 mC TA Wage feats 31 eat 2002 wats aravecanoov acta —at eM Fin Sie, NA, BeTTs ARR, gf Rs az-2m9 Fe 2004 FF (25 Rare) fe area gm fe arr, an et fener 20, 2° Rama 2005 1H 7, 18-2004 ‘arate atacin: Sigh at aur @ a &, wid awebang es, Ft 16 255 346 2 sre ha oe Ae aha PRE ne, er atta ow ee ee! ET TE I A, Ssrrarel a HP ug a Big, 08 SY ecoere ee ae oe AE ees TA As tad 6, . 4. fs feat wer Pa ree He, oA, wee 9 a me ne ard TR, veteng aU oH a vat etegHN, & kam, om ots, fag-wa dirt faurt C onfafter me (street) fas ] ware, ga Rea Re ome, Te nay, Pte 2 THAR 2008 raise 5 veenouers aie aa team & acer sar fick a0-1-200r kn at en eT Et ‘prone 16 esey Oz Seg aT ERE cee age Hu 2. Tea, er we, 1556 am ites re Te ee Fa rE aoe ETE (Antes ot Asceinuont mn a Gi) erage aA ot wl FE Ba EET, A Set MTT wh sen, Tbe, Re AIA sti Se 4099 od Bate Bae wre age we (ETE sar fies, ate fr, ‘Serer Prom, fare os arch fre “wa, ie 16 aA 2005 see era fae iy a fae jet som) ato, na S98 rar (1) en at nA ig a Ree ee irr RS Ew Tartan over Hee aig & war dA at aes @ we Beamer A enlarge” ae afro, wag set wl au fete Rafter Uys wwe TA A LR iran yersa aa) A, 2 aL REE eat ne Al era, eR A EH A ere ol vay eT red afr Ten ear 8 fed Ps rae as fr or free & orca ote anaes 9, a fovea arom affeaie, aR CoH A, 24s elag Tama, Fase as wae 2006 bast Ripa, the 16h Ostober 2003 No, F-73717720087H B/S tn cea of he prers ene ea Sub attion (1) 0 Seti $of ho Cag igi Kolesea Vishesticgulaya (Saupma Aur Vioaman) Adliyam, 2002 (No.2 of 2008) fer extensin, of Fighet? nical Baccatinn in Chhatsgr Me Sls Grvetnmest - heey, esabbahes. 9 Miers. kusen 2 “BODOEA VISHWA BHARTI ONIVERSLIY. JASHPUR™ srt elle tray tev dist oF pubheion cl Bis mulaien 1b he (Cebatssgarh Gatic and the jurisdiction of tho Ghixesity shall estan) er whl of Chalage 1, The Head Ollce of the Univesity shall be a asfpur (C.G). 2, The State Coveranent lnreby.aubuzisee “BUDDIIA VESHNA UHARIL UNIVERSITY, JASHEUR™ wo ‘he lahus ind to 20a aiplonus for which We shall he rescgninad cp autho 28 my Ne ered anda char Ts tengo nen, cog, Rear vo orage 2003 swale erases, fe eooata ete Se fen Cee oh fre} othe, 2002 at re STE) ga Rey oe A sein ae ge acbers 3 ear fren eA Tae OE ities waa # ey agen me 3 ot ata fs Prearae we waite weal & Nene ys, ra wen wr aw Meare: et Seca eel here co He ge Sear GE TR CoeteTe) Dome TEU URE BPA, my" IA reed wae od ao, we a BE afm I, FE re ga RET OT He ara gone BF UTC 2 OT em aft sett the 16th October 2003 1G Tah Coben A Na. F-12/L262000/ H EVIE.» Tn Neri of ie rowers cant in Suh-action€1 of Section 50h ang Nod Kshotry isa ifs (Sihapria Aur Vinivamany dsiivann, 2002 (No.2 yf 2002) for catnsion vf Higher? “Techaual Sducion in Chhutsszerh, de Site Goverment hereby, ssablshed vaniverty knew tk "AQUSTECH UNIVERSITY. RAIPUR” wit lf fom the date of publication ais sofcabon in te Case Gaestte and 1h juris fiction af the Universy shall extend aver whole of Calais, LL The Hes Ofc of the Univesity sll be a: Rainus (CG. 2. Ths Stas Coveconia, acy, auhuriges “AQUATHCH UNIVERSITY, RATBUR? wy cuadgt_thespsbis ie i ear csgie es pln fr hich Saba be renginad er aufonsd us maybe coquted une an thet iw forthe te ing it foes. “ey, fis 22 A” 2008 Jess persone a8 wr, were PE a aE Corre Fa) ae, 2002 seu a7 ah aoa (2) Fe and dened free arm ae Tie eT aN, Head ger vag 27 Fon (2) ants wage ase a wa a aed Ste ee Sef de Setzer Carey a ‘afores) fem, 2002 wt ane 27 wt ge (4) BM 22 WT sWoRReH at eed a og ante Tre rene sh ante @ a AP. codtorg weve TH Fo sree, ore fy, wae al EE ad thang Tore, ft 16 srt 200 ‘oan *\letworked University of Muiticmodal Global Education eXchange Established uncer Section 5 of the Chnettisgarh Niji Kshetra Vishwavidyalaya (Snapana Aur vinlyamar) Adhiniyem, 2002 {Chhattisuarh Adpiniyam No 2 of 2002), vide Notifiction No. F73-45/2002/HE/38 Dated 29-04-2003 of Government of Chhattisgarh FIRST ORDINANCES ‘ede. 4n accordance with the provisions under section 27 of the Chhattisgarh Nil Kshetra t Sener (Sthapana Aur Viniyaman) AdFiniyam, 2607 (Chhattisgarh AdFiniyam No, 2 0° 2:0. Short Titfe, Extent and Commencement = These Ordinances shall, here-in after called “The Fist Ordinances Uriversity of tult-madal Global Education eXchanye, 2003" Newwarked b. the First Ordinance are applicable ta “Networked University of Muti-modal Siobal Ecucalon eXchange’ end any matter relating ta or and incidartal terete The First Ordinance shall come Inte farca on the date of pub ical-on oF the First Ordinance lhe Gaverament of Chhatisgarh in he Official Gazette, . 4. The Registered office of the Networked University of Multi-modal Globa: Educaton eXchange shal’ be situated at Bhilai, Distt. Durg, Chaattsgarn 2.0 Definitions as aah ath Tn these rirst Oretnances, un.ess and otherwise the canis Jemunds: Sul cncans, the Chitattisgarh’ Wy! “xetetfalUsiersily” (sfhaples “ALM Viriyeman} Athiniyam, 7002 {Chhatusyrh Adhiniyam No. 2 of 20024. >. Academie Year means the period from :uly year. of any year 19 June 36 of sta falowing Affiliation means and Includes récognition af codayes, association of collages lacated in ‘of outside Chhatiisgarh induding oversans, and admission of such colleres uncer the Uriversity far the purpose ef concueting the educational, professional and vacztional G rograns of the University, 4. Authorities mean authorities mentioned under Sectien 19 of the Act ard urder Section 9, 10, 11 Fist Statutes, 8. Academic Council means the Acacemic Council eanstituted under Sectinn 22 of the Act and under Section 11.0 of First Statutes. {.. Soard means the Board of Management of the University constituted under Section 23 af the Act and! Section 10.0 of the Flrst Statutes. 9. Candidate menns a student of the University and includes any sersan who is errollert ta ursue any course of study at the University Fh. Chancetlor means the Chancellor f the University as meutiened in Sertion 14 of the Act « and Section 4,0 of Fist Statutes. MB erecpsos, ote 1 A cos cal 4. Course includes procrams and courses of studies imperted in the tlaseraa™ franiewark, distance mode and vitual campus mode. J. Distance education Includes the education / courses / programs provided to students or off campus mode. : k. Government means the Government of the State of Chhattisgarh, LHe includes She and His incluces Her . mm, Jastit.te means by institute constituted as part of the Uaiversty to deal in different <isciniines, located wltnin or outside the state of Chait sgarh or oversees 1. Manual of Instructions ineludes ell rules, procedures, instructions and systems tzid dovn by various cornmittees, Boards, authorlies, Officers af te University for the pursose of smoothiy conducting the business oF the University. 0. Ordinance means areinance issued by the University 6 prescribed by Section 27 af the Act P. State’ means the States of Incla formulated undar the relevan: legislasian of the Parliament, 4. Statutes means the Statutes made under Section 25 and 26 of the Act and includes the mendinents, akeretions and modifications of the Statutes . Sponsor muans the EDULINK Educatioha! Society registered under the provisions of Chhattisgerh Society Registration Act, 1973 vide Society Registration No. Chhetiisgarh State~ 3471@ated. 26-03-2003 S. Stutlentirmeans:a-stuthent-oF the Uneversiiy and-includes any person whe +s-anzolled to Rursue amy-course of study at Ure University, Staff means the teaching and non-teaching emplayees of the university who ere on direct permanent payroll ofthe Univers'ty and does not include any casual, temporary, ‘contractual, ad-hac employees o” visting persons who may be engaged fer 3 speci ¢ {ase gament or task. 1. University reens the Networked Liniversity sf Multi-madei Globe: Ecucacion eXcange established under Section 5 of the Act and will have she same meaning as stated in the University Grents Commission Act, 1356. ¥ Vice-chancollor means the Vice-chancellar of the University appointed within the meanmng af Section 15 ofthe Act and Section 4.0 of First Statutes, w, Vitual Campus Includes she education / courses / programs provided te students through E-iearning / website / CD-ROM etc, x. Visitar means the Visitor as definad under Section 13 of the. Act pee, La wt sang aT, fet a6 ra 2004 2 ORDINANCE No. 1 CONVOCATIONS {Under Seetion 27 (1) (6) of Act) 1. Convocations for the purpase af conferring Degracs/Diplomes shall ordinarily ue held orre 4} year at Phila, Disct. Durg, Chhattisgarh or at such place(s), and an such date(s), as ray be decided by the Vice-Chareel or In consuitation with Visita Provided that special convacations for conferring Honourary Degrees or Degree / Diatnrra fr for other purpose may be held on such dates and on such Limes as decide by the Chancellor in consultot.on with Visitor a1 the recommendtion of Governing dod. 2, The Visitor, when present, shall preside over at: Convocations of University and sha! confer Oegrees/Dipla:nas, When Visito> is not present, Crancellor shall preside at the Eonvocations of University and shall con‘er Degrees/Diplamas. The Vice-Crancellor salt reside at the Convoeations of the University in absence of bat, the Visitor and the Chancetor. Provideo that the Governing Bedy, 0” the recommendation of the Chanee'lor, may wile 2 ttstinguished person to presive over Convocation. Governing Mody, on the recorrmencation of the Charcettor, may invite 8 dist ngvished person to daliver the Convocation arrays at the Convocations. 4. Tre Vice-Chanceller snak present 2 report or. the progress of the University at the Annus canvocelion. 5, The students who have passed thelr examination the year for whiel hel shall be eligible to be admitted mo the convocation’ Provided that in case the convocation is nut held In a garticular year for any reason, the Chancellor and Vice-Chance'lor shall be competwat to avtarize admission of successful Students ie that year zo the respective Degrees/D stanias, in absentia and issie tre Degrees/Diplomna on payment of proscribed fees: 6. The Academe Cauncl: shalt, trom tin to tre, detevmaire as te the degrees wh ch Tay be conferred in person and the degrees to be conferred absent 2, at the Convocation Provided that the Vice-Chancellor ar in absentia of the Vice-Chancellor, by the Rogist"ar, Or a person designated by the Vice-Chancellor ef the purnase, may confer deuree / Ulplora ia advange ef the Annual Canvoration on students proceedings to universities Sbroad for further studles or those requiring the sama for their further araderric and taaraer davelopmant activilics. 7. Such students as are unable to present themselves In person at the Conveestion shall, at theit request, and on payment cf the prescribed fees, be awarded the Degrees/Diplomas. In absentia of the Vice-Chancellor their Degrees/Diplomas shal! be issued by the Regstrar, or a gerson designated by the Vice Chancellor for the purpose. + 8 The fees for admission ta the Degres/Diploma in absentia shall be a5 decided by Ine Academe Counc. tram time to time, 9 The Vice Chancellor on recommendation of Academic Céunc shall determine the order at precedence and the academic costumes fequlred at the Convacations. PO ~ 350 eaten a, Fie x6 we 2004 cm 10, The procedure to he “allawed at the Convocetions shall he laid “down by the “egulations framed by the Academic Council from time to time. ORDINANCE No. 2 ‘THE MANNER OF APPOINTMENT, DUTIES, QUALIFICATION AND CONDITION OF SERVICES OF ACADEMIC STAFF (Under Section of 25 ¢1) (a) of Act) 4. The University may appoint @ academic staff working in any other uraversiy, of onganteation for course development, preparation of Instructional materal, delivery o* Services, 0° for undertaking 2 project, or any other wore for a speci perice. 2. For the purpose of appe ntment under Cause 1 ahove, the-Blo-data / detailed resurnc Of persen working. In other universities, research “institutions,” laboratories, exc recommended by Schools of Studies, member of the Committees of fxperts/Course Yarters, and other sources wel be considered by a Cominiftee consisting of Vice~ Chancellor, the Director and senigr mest professor of the Scrol/O2patmont oneerned and two membar nominated by the sponsor, 3, Fat leese three members of the committee “ecommnds That the persan concer Is suitable for appointment, @ proposal fur his/her appaintment will ue placec befrre Ihe Board for ts approval 4, The terins and conditions of such appointrrents will be as decided by the spartsor from tne to tine. 5. Normily, such appaiutments wl be for specied periods. tf, however, the riversity is of the vier that permanent absorption of such a person is In the irlerasts of tre University, and if the person concerned mace a request in writing for such anseeplia, his case will be ruferred ta the Selectiqn Committee canstituted under Statees 1440. 6. if tae Selection Commiting under Statue 14.0 recomerends his/ter eppastrrent on a regular basis, such > persari will be appointed permanently in the services af the University, with the approval of the Board. The terms ané concifions of such appointments mil be as decided hy the sponsor Irn time to time. 2. The direct recruntment ta the post of academic staff shall be on the basis of me-t theough advertisament and selections oy the duly eonstiured Selection ComTitlets -¢ be set up under the Stulutes 14,0 of the university, Tne Lerms and conditions of such ‘appointments vill be as decided by the sponsor fram time ta thme 8. The Duties, Qualifications and the Conditions of Services of the Academic Staff it Ihe University Teachong Departments and Schools of Studies, shall 3e as aporaved by the Board, of recommendavion af Academic Counc from Sime 20 time. 8. Recognised teachers of the University mean such persnins as are spproved sy the University for the purnase cf ingarling instructons in 2 College or Inston or Departmen: or Schaal admitted to the privileges of the University. Recognisec teacher of the University shall be: (a) Teachers of the Department or Schoel of the University or Collages or Inetit.tions affilated to the University having the qualificstions & experience, {as laid down for various programmes by te Academie Council -