ea aa cen WB. Pag 1700, sists sie aE yer irs pan (a Poet) feo ag, ae peaneatlarg 9 TA fe 0-8 2001” wm) @ 2004-2009, E528 SLO) ora a, (2) RTT are, ge 3 —(4) Rarer afc fae a (} 4a svame oten ate ate, 4) 7m Ba AAT cy, (5) ae mT EH ae aire, Ceram, em ager, | Cr} rite fe, (2) recat (7 Serine, afte, (32 ee, # gets Fine, 27) (1) seme, (2) ce afule, Gr aon oma oie See PETA sacs, (29°C43 wes Pray, (2) af fe, : TTT & Saat ST yore Fart Hae, as ee fils aT, TOR WER, Fee 15 fee 202 sig s-1-cizeoxeam an fn aT nares aa PoPR 18M 2O28 aT ERT. Cm an oF, at Ach) tar ay ofa, aerate wt epee a Fes Re a aaes Sa, TPS Reon Se RET A fe aL STE Ge we Be Te aT 2 Fag Je wa Sar ay a ate Meroe, erie A pia ow wiraC ON ery nt, ens 9 at 2001 i) oxy, Rag as Hea I pri A carseeaanes A a aT (OT 88, OI Ta Rae) cant 20 ae, SITE ales eran Ta rte: Fra el rae ROT a TSR ares od aah ote ew eo UP Bld Ble aa hae, wg We, sUTR Save a wR eee fio ae & WR, “ie 73 fee. am0s Tae A egoneen at SAA Te TRA, (oreore-o1, Me am det am wate THY AA TA WARE, mee See srr aka en, VT ge ate, Gah aframse weed So a §. eR, Ra ae Heme 208 ris atrooncon a se red, Ue, (se) aca, IM aT, te Hs ata we, oa fe, eee i, TaN TH a Meo Fem Get fae a (2) A aere pee fi, aR Chae) eT ed OR, are ote TF, me athe, toy oo, ne on “ron er eas aR re ge Fea TH (8) a are age, set SOR Bates oe, a gE 6d DH BER, aT Prot wh oom we 2k Stem Fin oer Fi wee Reet a, (4) au fase onda guhy soxeacosst-a fens 21-2 2003 xu Raum pay, aor aes, OME Te, A, “pre fa fr ee Ps Sere ae foro, TALI eat Hs 2 var we, fren eee Fea a. sing CF 7H 8 30 STE, WA, fx, ge ver ‘wey, ts 2 fe 2008 wie Fraga —@ FG, oR TEAC 9, oes eH) TUE, yatta, Pe HT eT are, ame ee a sr ts a, Test Ca se) ker me Paar 1 Ca NOL FP eve ee Fem a &. ‘aaon cee & ae Ae AE, 1 vic fe, 70 ah, cap sag, fons 22 fe 2009 ris rasemaomiaa.—o Ta fe, eA Te, 0. Te fae ad THR a “eo 25 sean 8 er tea We (7 Teme) aT SR ga a, a 21-2005 heh oh sept end 2. aroun ote eat Tay A, RR, STO or a Ar, gL ToS fe PE ET Fea ee HR 2. RRUTS A of carn fee, HL Rh area ae org at a a AT ST TE ase eA ap fet 8 4. RD fe om ff aR cam Sis, wn ge ome a att ae a ant a at eT, cong, Pom a fama 202 spre nese sesneariacte— ob ea, Ton, af, Toren Ta omim ftmam fowm mt Fete 25-12-2005 2B oet-2008 TR (12 BR) aT ARE TERI ig Peal &, eR 5-72-2008 aR PFET ag th age aad & a ated cat A umn, aig sh ame ander ates, de TH me fem 2 RR eT oe OER A eee dee ei so ath en i od acer wT eH frat 2, 4 aoe ¢ fe a a TR ORT St a ar we mat Sc oe ung, Fes. 26 Rersat 2002 was necsannencosematezete at aw UNTR, SONEL TH Rent 1911-200 A 19-12-2009 FF (50 fsa) ar fia orrae, ei Few out den Fie 29, 21-nz-nous eer mega tg aa a oh &. 2 vara wh oe Bere HE Ta yee 4 oe ain oC a a fl 3 mre fom cmt ah a a TH eR aT SO TT ke TA weeny rere aH A ou anne, i, & seat, saat aie, a6 erg wag Riz 9 ayat a0at Leer “pir Fret sr, a TENT Fe, TAL seg, es 26 fe 08 “Fai sscerat-ssrosroces4-2.—F8 finen ol ahs en 4921, —asrtenczonaes-3 Fe 29-8-2003 “at oh St ace “a 9, a7 366 ne eT TTT a TA Sar Ud see a 206 Ba” ‘ofr ofeserfor fem on & Raipur, he 26h Dacemor 203 ‘No. SIMD 15/160/2005712-3.—In he fl Line wf his deyerimens roiiaton No, 493UD-LSL6IIE 3 dL 79 8-203 ae sate "5.8 heetve of Khasars No. 47 20d 366", x substituted by phrase"! OF fears of Khasara No. a and 368" : ering cor Bae Fe ata, tun as, sah feng, SARL GE vata FT Ta, wa Seay FE Wa, TPT Meg, Rese 2o Fee 2005 stage (fem) fain rsseys- 5. cesenetiva2 Ut IE gnu RANI ate a 16a 4-aO-oormHVED, RE Hire 20 SFEFO 2003 ora Ae Fr eng TE ere Ta 1.202 Pea aT A sis fa eI [RCH ates ac ulation eel onl woe acm we WA YT RD 4 ob‘ipa AYR Pela Bist Cail on) ee em fen rt, Hear a gigs tr at sn5i5 hii fee oo & ‘wong a rere ome 8 aa onan, Gane, fain of, dang Ca, fea 9 Tet ot aur Home Depattment Mantalaya, Dau Kalyan Singh, Blnwan, Raipnr Raga, the 70) Neves 2015 No. B-4192¢Home-C12008 —Ia pursuance afte pevisogs of Socuon 28 of ts Represetatinn ofthe Poop [ast 195) and in view ofthe sotins canted in the Election Comwnissin of nds Onler Ne. 434/50 267 9yRiCS, dated 26s Octobe: 1904, the Govemnent af Czar harog dsigctes te (lluwie: Police Oe tcf purpone ef conduct ofthe Genet Blin ta State Legilarive Asser, be en he mand f Deen ar 2008, easels = 1. Dineatue GeusteVASAL Director Cnet and impostor Gensel of Police, Chhatsgaali Sate. Raipur ns! 2 Ale peice acess belo the sank nf Proce Geta of Paice ep te ink of constable borne w= stroelt of th Ste Goveroment ested Hh dates i conaetea withthe conduc. of Geet Electioy te ty Sone Lasilative Assembly hela nthe month f December 2003. “This onder alt is eifeive ary U7 Never, 2003 und. shll enn in Howe intone si. the dete of scl of te segls of he said election. pow sgt 1 cps 7 RF Tad i aon fh Gera chung RAJESH CHANDRA MISHRA, Popely Secretar, ca fae, caret fra, arate friar, Ser wd sehinet fase ia, wa, 4AM TEE IT, TR ‘mR, fein 25 FRG 205 aris eT SOON Lone em, wd Fea Gx fatateeres (een oh ater) fi, eee af om 28.02) & ac esa ral ony eee, eee ree, fhe are Pears 77 veg Feuer 1 ay APP ah aa on (a) ke Ber Tee F aor Sr (SK ST Ta 25 7M pati sentir er ae Beer is yaw let wees a, ang i garam aw 8 ou ange, come ah frat, Te ae TERE Ws fein 9 TTA 2064 tana Networked University of Mulli-nmiodal Global Education exchange Establishes under Sect'on 5 of the Chhattisgarh Niji Kshetra Vishwrav-dyalaye (thapana Aur Viniyaman) Adhiniyam, 200? {Chhattisgarh Adhiniyam No, 2 cf 202), vide Notifieat on Ne, F73-45/2063/11L/38 Dated 29-04-2003 of Government of Chnatcisgarh FIRST STATUTES Made in accordance with the provisions under section 25 of the Chhattisgarh NI Ksvetra vishnaviayalaya (Sthapana Acr Vinlyaman) Adhiniyara, 2002 (Chhattisgarh Adhiniyam No. 2 of 2002) Statue 4.0: Short Tite, Extent and Commencement @ These Statutes shall, here-In aftar called, “Ihe FIRST STATUTES of Nelworked University of Multi-mnodal Global Education achange, 2003" : b. “The First Statutes are applicable to ‘Networked University of Mult=modal Global Education exchange’ and any matter relating to or and incidental thereto. . The First Statutes shall come Into force on the date of publication of he Frcs SLalutes by the Government of Chhattisgach in the Official Gazette, d, The Regiscered office of the Networked Universily of Multi-modal Global Etucetion eXchange shall be situated al Bhilsi, Distt. Burg, Chhatisgath. Definitions In these First Statutes, unless ard otherwise the context demands 8. Acs mesins, Lhe Chhaltisgarh Niji Kshelra Vishwavioyaraya (Sthapane Aur Viniyaman) ‘adhintyarn, 2002 (Chhattisgarh Adhinlyam No, 2 of 2002). bb. Academic Year means the pericd from July 1 of eny year ta June 30 of the following year. fc. Ad-hoc commrittee means a committee constituted under the Statute 16.0 of these First Siatutes. 4. Afftiation means and inelucas recegaltion of colleges, association of euleges located In oF ovtside Chhattisgarh including overseas, and admission of such colleges ander, the University for the purpese ef conductiog the educational, oretassional and cational programs of the University | 2. Authorities mean authorities mentioned under Section 19 of the Act and «nder Statuce : 8.0, 9.0, 20.0 of these First Statutes. 1. Acadamje Counell means the Academic Council constituted under Section 22 of the Act and urider Statute 10.6 of these First Statutes. ‘9. Board means the Board of Management of the University constituted under Section 21 ofthe Act ana Statute 9.0 of these First Statutes. h. Chancellor means the Chancellor af Lhe University as mentioned in Section 14 of the Act and Statute 3.0 of these First Statutes. Cummiltee means all committee constituted under Statute 11.0,12.0,13.0,14.0,18.0 ani 16.0 of these First statutes. 3 Commen Seal means the authoritative’ seat of the Uiniversiny established under Section 6 of the Act. wad casey Tne, fri 9 TR ens a9 k. Course Includes programs and courses of studies imparted iff the classroom - Regulat bu. aa. framework, distance mode and virtual campus. Distanee education includes the edueation / courses / programs provided ta sluidents (on off campus rode. Fund mneans the fund established under Seclion 7 af the Act. Financiai Year means the perled commencing on the 2” April of any year and with 317 March of the faltowing year. ring Finance Cammilter means the Finance Committee constituted under Section 23 of the ‘Act and Statute 13.0 of these First Statutes, Government means the Government of the State of Chhaltisyarn. Me includes She and His mncludes Her; Institute menne by nstitute constituted as part of the Univers'ty to deal in dlifferent dlsciplines, located within or outsine the state of Chattisgarh or overseas. Manuial of Instructions includes all rules, procedures, instructions and systems le-d down by vaciaus committees, Boards, authorities, Officers of the University Far Une Purpose ef smcethly eanductiny the Business of the University Ordinance, means erdinanee issued by the University 8 preserised by Section 27 af the act, |. Rules means the Rules mage under Sectivn 36 of the Act. ‘meat Regulations made under Section 37 of tha Act. State means the States of India formulated under the relevant tegislavon of the Parllamens, . ; * ‘Statutes means the Statutes made unda- Swstion 25 and 26 of the Act and includes the amendments, alternations and modificatichs of the Statutes. Sponsor masns the EDLLINK Educational Socialy registered under the sravisinas of Chhattisgarh Saciaty Registration Act, 1973 vide Society Registration Wo. Chitu'siam State ~ 347 Dated 26-03-2003, Student means a student of Lhe University and includes any persun whe is enrolled to Pursue any course of stutly at the Universily. Staff means the teaching and non-teaching employees of the university who are on direct permanant payrall of the University and does not include any casual, temporary, contractual, ad-hoc employees ar visiting persons who may Le: cayaged Fer a specific essigrinenl or lask University means the Networked University of Multi-rmudal Global Education eXchaie ‘established under Section § af the Act and will have the same meaning as stated In the Univers ty Grants Commission Act, 4956, Vice-chanoallor means the Vice-chancellor of the University appointed within the ‘maeilng of Section 15 of Lhe Act and Section 3.0 of these First Stetutes, virwal Campus Includes the educetion / courses / programs’ provided to students Unwaugh E-learning / website / CD-ROM ct. Visitor means the Visitor as defined under Section 13 of the Act. rere een cece nae aaa, 20 arcemg Tren, Rs 9 wrt 200 iw Statute 2.0: Appointment and powers of the Chancellor The Chancellor shall be appointed by the Sponser wilh the prior approvsl of the Visitor. b. the term af office of the Chancellor shall be three years, and he may be ¢e appointed for successive teenis, at the pleasure of Ue Sponsor. The Chancelfor shall be the Chalrman of the Govern’ag Body and the head of tie ~ University. 4. The Chancellor shall preside over the Convecation of the University, when the isilor is not present, The Chancellor shall have the following powers: i,” To call far any information on record, li. To appoint the Viee-Chancellor. q I. To remove tie Vice-Chanesitor, . Wy," Such ether powers wy may be delegated to him by the Gaverning Bady. f. I in the epinion of the Sponsor, the actions of the Chancellor are faund to be In ‘any way detrimental to the interssts of the University, the Sponsor sha” apzoint such other person as may be found appropriate in the position af Chancellor 1a succeed the person se acting. Provided that, tha Speneer shall seck the prior Approval of the Visitor befare appointing such ocher person as the Chancellor. The ‘Sponsor may stipulate the date from which such atlar person shall assusne the office of the Chancellor. 9. The Sponsor from time to time dacides on the Hono“arium and / of the pay and / or allowances to he paid to the Chancellor and / or perquisites to be provided to the Chancellor. h. In absence of the Vice-Cliancetlar due to any Reason, the Chancellor cen apposnt ‘any suftabte persoa to perform all the functions af the Vice-Chancellor. |. fin the opinion of the Chancellor it is necessary to take immediate uction on any matter for which pawers ara conferred on any ather authority by or under the Act, he may take such action as he deems rocessary in conzultatlon and approval af the sponsor and shall at the eavliest opportunty thereafter report his action to such officer or authority a8 vould have in the ordinary course deelt with the alter within seven days: 4 Provided thet if In the opinion of the concerned authority such action sheuld not have been token by the Chancellor then such case zhall be eeferced 10 the Goveming Bady whose decision therenn shall be final Provided further that where any such action taken by the Chanselior affeuls any person in the service of the University such person shail be entitiee £0 prefer, Within thiny days from the date on which such action ie communicated {0 fin), of apnea! te the Governing Body and the Goveming Bady may confirm or madkty oF reverse the action taken by the Chancellor. J. In case of any deadlock in the functioning of the University of any exigency or any immediate action is (o be taken on any maller by the University in any regard, the Chonceltor will have the power to issue the necessary actlons, ditectives, and Guidelines in order to overcome or avert the deadiack and to take Inimediate actions as required at that point of ume In consultation and approval sf the sponsor. The Chancellor will place the taken actions, directives and guidelines .n the next Governing Bady meeting for is approval . The office of the Chancellor may be located anywhere in India or overseas, wu ‘Faery wre, fess 9 RA 2c04 Ey ‘Statute 3.0: Appointment, Powers and responsibilities af the Vice-Chancellor The Vice-Chancellor shall be appointed ty the Chancellor from a panel af three persons recommended by the Governing Bedy, The racammendation of the namets} for the post Vice-Chancellor will be done after ihe due aparoval ef the Sponsor. b, The term of offize af the vice-Chancetlor shall Initially ¢ Four years, and he may be re-epneinted for successive term(s) by the Chanceller after recommendatioy tf the Goveming Body and due approval af the Sponsor. The Vice-Chanestior shall be the prineipal executive and academic offcer of the University and alsa the ex-officio member ef the Governing Body, Saard. of Management, Academic Council, and suck other Commitieas that may be set up by the Governing Body or the Board fram time ta ume, 4, Tha Vice Cnancellor shall exercise general superintendence and control over the affairs af che Universily end sha execute the decisions uf *he various authorities of the University, and shall exercise such powers and perform such duties as may bbe prescribad ay the Act and the Statutes, In absence of the Visiter and Chanceiar, the Vice-Chancellor shall preside over the Convocation © fin the opinion of the Vice-Chancellor it 's necessary to teke immecialy action ‘on any matter for which. powers are conferred an any ather exitherity by or unde the Act, he may take such action as he deers necessary and shall at the earliest, ‘opportunity thereafter report his aetion to such offeer of authorty ag wacld have in the ordinary couese deaf with the matter within seven daye Pravided that if ia the opinion of the concerned authority such action should Hot . have teen taken by the Vice-Chancellor then such case shall be referred to the Chancellor whose decision therann shall be fra. Provided further that where any such action taken by the Vice-Chancetor affects any person in the service of the University such perzon shal he entitled 15 prefer within taichy days fram the date an which such action i communicated tn him. 20 9pe8 to the Goard of Management and the Guard of Management may ‘or modify or reverse the action taken by he Vice-Chancellor, 9 IT In the opinion of the Vice-Chancellor any decision of any avthorny oF the University i outside the powers conferred fy the Aci, Statutes or Ordivances or is Ukely to be prejudicial to the interests of the Unvarsity, he shall reyuest he concemed autharity to revise Its decision with's seven days fram the daze of tls decision ard in case the authorty refuses te revise such decision whol y or partly or falls to take eny decision within seven days, then auch matser shall be referred {o the Chanceller and his decision thereas shalt be Anak h If-at any time upon representator. being rmad@ or atheswse, and after making such enquiries as may be deemed necessary, the Chancellor with spsroval / reccmmendation of Sponsor by ar order in writing stating the reasons therein, may ask the Vice-Chancellor ta retinauish his office from such date as may be specified tn the order. ‘the Vice-Chancallor shall have the power to sariction the expenses or purcnase uf ‘any equipments or Items or any requized material for the univarsity wath the prior ‘consent and’ aporoval of the sponsor. J. if in the opinion af the Soonso:, the actions of the Vice-Chancellor aré found to be In any way detrimental to the Interests ‘of the University, the Sponsor ar Fecommend the Chancellor to appoint such other person as may be found mm chery ter, “cas 5 ree 2001 Coma abprapriate in the pasition af Vice-Chancellor ta succeed the person so acting. ‘The Sponsor may stipulate the date rom which such éther person shell assume the office of the vice-Chancllar. Statute 4.0: appointments, powers and Responsibilities of the Registrar 2, The. Ruglstrar shall be appointed by the Vice-Chancellor, bated on the recommendation of the Selection Cammktze appointed for the purpase, with :he ‘approval of the Chancellor. Alternatively, the Sponsor may send the Registrar on deputation. b. the selection committee shall consist of the following members: i) One renresentative of the Chancellor. a 1) One representative af the Sponsor wha is also a member of the Governing Body. é iil) ‘One expert nominated by the Board of Management, who is not in z1y wey connected with the University, . <. The term of office of the Registrar shell be as mentioned im the order of is appaintment by the Vice-Chancellor, Gv" The Registrar shalt have sueh qualifications and experienes as may be prescribed by the Board of Management from time to tit. @. The Registrar shall draw such emoluments as decided by the Sponsor from toume. The Registrar shall undertake such function as may be specified by the Governing Bady or the Board of Management or the Vice-Chancellor. 4. The Reglstrar shall be the ex-dfficia secretary of the Governing Body. Gard of Management, the Academic Council and such other authorities and boc es as “nay be constituted by 6r under the Att’Gr thé Statutes or the Ordinances. h. ‘The Registrar shall have the power ta sanction for the expenses or purchase of any equipments er items or any required material for the university with the prinr eonsent and approval of the sponsor. The Registrar shall report ta the Vice-Chaneelior J. The fotlavang shall be the duties of the Registrar: 4) Te be the custadian of the recards, common seal and such other procerty gf he Baiversity 25 the Governing Body oF th Boars, shall commie Fe harge. (i) To conduct the offciat correspondence behalf of the authorlves of the Univarsity (ii) To callect all income and disburse the same for the purpose of the University as sanctloned by the Vice-Chaneallor or Board of Managernent (To make Agenda and Issue Notices of meetings of the authorites of the University and all committees and sub-committees appointed by any ot these authorities with the approval of the Vice-Chancellor / Chairmar. ef the authanities or Cornmittee, (0) To keep the rrusutes of the meetings of all the authorities cf the university and of all the committees and sub-committees appointed by any of these authorities and circulate the serre among the members, with the approval of the Vice ~Chaneellor / Chairman of the authorities or Committee,