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Chesterfield Virginia Airport Master Plan PDF

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Preview Chesterfield Virginia Airport Master Plan

ChaplesCone rvreen a A GEN AL OVERVIEW ae Federal Avissiou Adunistecion (HAAS exwted the aigpor master phuming proces tovice aispon seonsors with am stematie ans! eorvarchensive eveluations o2 Uncir eapiaciy te une oxi gv Fine wvintin cer-ane al Ihr Helis, The npn! Moaer ten, wi ily Ainge avout Ma (ALD) drewieg se isthe center 6° ths airpad plumiiny pre emt nce Pm Ae local evel sinoe it presants anticipated irfeastuewe develop) aepon during a Aeyoar planning boar pda 19 nGogiee phi are esually neeysery in onder Yor at sivort sponsor fa reeponnd 10 chaneleg szonomie or osereciows neiies a8 veil as volving environmental, welusicel and‘or political conditions. I is tyaisal for a pencya! aviation siqpert spans to update Thsir plan avery lev yousy rel other apyrayate mes when aitsra ‘operatianai on sirield eonslviens warrant, Several factors fut port incwstructane to achieve ansxinncim sizera’ cilizrion inching 4 Meetian KAA airfield cesipy sls 2 Aaldsssing grok by aviation auvity + Cocforsing to aviation sully, see.rity aidior eavionmenraé euidelices © Reconsructing sisting neeste-otuce tt i never is vsef He © Unutading existing intiastrusime 79 avgemmedars the incroduction of more demezing sixeate AS are Sly doverived in tke fo‘lowing seotions, a series of analyses ard evaluations utilized an she aport master plannig process 70 folly address the justifisarioa Zor nvesten: of Feral, suis, lal nd private file inches sevebopomant i wir Bsise slifist acne insclucin “ik ntory of Vxising + Kotecass of Aviation Demand 4 DemsrZiCapneity Anulysis nd Detorination of Tuilty Requirersents ya Corer auir-Cosmry aaron 1 © Alveruetiy Pun Camsepets ronmental Overview 6 Fluariad Plan © Airpon Develepenent "ans Bo CTHIE PLANNING PROCESS, he p.apore af the Master Plan seit ALP fer the Chesterfield Couy <Anport (°C iw pode Lue Coumy seth usetil, urdestanlebio Formation and guidance in excer ta devsiog nd mnintein «sil and efficient xpert. The ALP peuvides the Fedoral Asiution Administation AEAAY, Ihe Virginie Deparment of Aviation (BOAY), Chesterliokd County end wiv in‘sresied stakenolders with inGirmation coneviring planed development at FC san alternatives avlyss r This Master Pin Opslas seescats the rosulis of data celiccton. forecast and sooammendations iw ie wmtinued developonee af BOL Erongh 13e year 202 A Aesigr previous Master Plan \.piate was pisisiel in 1984. Sine che! tba, eneny standards lave siamyed wad aiveral, epermens aave ineressed signicleantly whieh warrant ar ups ws an ‘Tine Tplats is ieveloped in confaenzce witty KAA. abidelines for onscustiy inp emer DOA, and Caeswercioll Commy Ut eoncenttews on lau ancl ses Ssnuneed july he Fae PS asseusig oding coadivons a6 wall as thture ueeds of FCI. ‘This aasessment, aloeg with an inweutory at existing sh-po-Ctilties and operations (Chapter ve}, sees ae foun Fi sede, analyzing, Thtune sede cgaine the amply of existing infixstrvctuce to ance Lx Tareosst of Aviation Demang (Chaptar ‘Thwee) imu the arvigipaued growth in gvivnon nebvity al PCT during che 20-yeee plannig povind while Lasility Rey .inements (Chup You) compares enistng aol werd expucitiow as! be Preis ‘The Fomvironmental Oveeeiew (Caapte: Hise! mcuules a sep ew al kaso suvinauretat inser su aigponLpupey ae well oe em alia la Chaper Sh, Aitesative Deselepn ent Cameupls, presents Mies alternative siiapis bs secouurodare tae dbrseasted domend. Advantages ead dissubeeuiages. laa ceqnircesoms, and fonder of mageéiis test eimai te eath alemive are presented akg wih a womnnnenatin: Jr se.ectin of a preted alternate fh ‘Toe Aimpont Layon: Plan (Chigrar Seven) prosen's ace discusses the AL dhewing se, These shavings sphival'y reqeesonl che existing conditions: long vith ali phawwesd eho improvoments for LCL ieeludiog the prefered alternate. for develosom, ine aoe wesen {0-5 sdéane term (51D yews) and longterm (10-20 years). The pian sol suistis fevlerx for aizpoat dsvelnprsom Hlea‘ifiad in thy Federal Avintion Administration (FAA) Agvisocy Circular (AC) 1593300415, “A.xpoe? Desiun,” iavlesting Changes 1-12. The Ficusing 56 mist aFshwets poavical as yl os Uke Airport Vaget Plan (ALP) doug set, ‘which sepresom existing cecestions aig with aJ alenned airport inguovents Jo: the 20 peat (2008-902: planning period © Gaver Shear © Tkisting Aéqioet Layent Drawing © Alvsor Layont bls au = “Tevutinal neu Plan (VAP 6 Alsport Aisspace Deawng nex Poatiens of Azoroash Spm 22 © xistiag Land Use Map 2 Furs an ae tty © Airport Property Map [APM Joreacity Eahibit A) (Chapier Figh:, Cas: Fainnates, presents « rezone plhnsed piled levedapment yragnen ancl provides a schedule oT wieipsted potential fiewling akevations leven Txleral, state, bx, ave pereste sou to complete the sien 2 Inner to assiet th oiler in fully endertandting, Je overs!) nantexte 9 this planes deeament, a glossary oF cosmtash aviion related tests is movil in Appendix 8, © GOars AND ORUNE TIVES As orevieusly sewed, te goa! ofthis Master Pan Update isco acovide the feaeworte “or Pause uinpeat developmen it ardor le setisfy evintier: éomnd in a cast effec.ve feasible msuace, white a the sane time we Chesterfield Cova Ceanibility of movicing 9 samay tw accommodate the farcly of mocinm s.zed basiness “ets yell potential suvinonmante! sul eigenen issues oF Ube pacaler he as end, the geanieey goal of Tis upalate: is to uly based atte airport, supwesentel yee we BOL am Clie ur ex 60M, “Uh Lyte silt evaluate the runway Length and pavencet sleuth royuined e serye shese eviiea! ino Tnaseel em established EAA design criteria Conziderncion ssi also be given 10 the altermarive slovetoganent 1 operatinel alternative, ‘The prolired as il wesw ip operationas akemative wall then became “he basis for tae ALP Update Teyond providing 4 runay to aosoumodate Ue ati n alreea, whe Master Blan Lpdats is expected to = Rostmenel a dan acgisibcn ps amide: the Coumty 2 <anseaye ‘extension javeess anal acon aodate denned “or he 20-yenr parang nevi Analyve esting wad pana penetra ions tv RAR Pant 77 sumfery ehen mney present 2 lesan te air wvigafior, and eememerd aelions in miligale any icbytmcrions 16 casino Lae lowoal posscble see iesteameat apptoash nEAinuban For re - — Recomumens! navigational sid CAVA) imprvomems susior additional irsmnort gpprouch groeaduras te hetloe acommodate otoraft calzing KC: turing periods a€ reduwed visibility carsoanren any amree D = Faeale altumatives for develapatent uf additional hacgar “BD-year panning pec. = Postale the wed for au aa ‘Teale Coueut Tower (ATCL) aed, if wearamted, andust a seliaiesrs site analysis Zor ix oeation, = Haate Cre feusillydsl fo estruel ball parallel ie nosed runways = Coudue? ¢ termisal area analyst = Rrlusie the erent non-stzedsal searation bet soot the tunsray nid taxi. CENERAL INFORMATION 1. Airport Location de Mamayemesit ECL is & gouscal avinfion (iover airport Iaexel approsiniately one mile narlh ot Creslerfild, Virginia, Chystenficd is the coumey seat of Chesiertield County and is 14 mes somth of ico, et saat agente nia, ews 19 “he wap? is vi sate cust, Gro tt Aired De ove °B (nambvid essay ie Wie Pacncipal aves hs PCI town Cre Richiroad Aca is vit hucrstts 9 an Seite Rowe 288, Nacfol and Videwnter Vinginia a ta vated approntmately 40 urikes soulloas: of Me cir Jexoestate 64 wile Washingtiem, 1G. 7s Fsealed apprisisatety 1201 ces 6 the wh, sa Iriersiale 95. Ta 1-1, Apr Vicinity Map, ieenttivs the unmsediawe v.civily 2 Exh feound the algport vd 1.2, Sirgen Laeatine Mop, “aeates the sist relative va Cheserield Us amr Ganny 4 are au bs AIRPOR Rie 9 | VICINITY MAP ExHieT CHESTERFIELD COUNTY AIRPORT 14 HOT owrce and eperated by che Covayy of Chesterteld, Virgins, be County epet sas Cony Acevinistnar Form a governs 5 2 emed hy # five meniber Board oF Sopervisons, A. Fal-tine aigpoet auinager ik epraninied by the County Adwinistanor ts FCT wis: Zas aur Ags Advisory Bowsl te slvze tke Buwrd of Sugervisurs oe anette retaining Ge he aixpost, Thy biicd strasisis a is emeriors Hor J mzgisteried slisu.ct andl ane Ex Office incimber dom Ue Coumty. Mengiess are spotted by Lae eon a” Supervsans al sare mee yr tees 2 Ainport Ilistory The eurvent, iowatian ot the steriell Coursty Apart yas sete jel hrcug.s site sokcetion 2 i 72 ae dy ciunpleled in 1969, Comsirustign sa Use ayant by completing son! approval oC ne Haviwumrenit Impact Asseaseneat Report (IAB) while npr: wu Hivilly sagicated in Qeinhur L973, The Zaciiies developed ws pat ol ‘the otiginal consumetion praject included: + Asquistinn nf $86 gore af + Coesucctior ofa 2.700" x 2 sumeay {Rumway 1533 + Cocstncios of 8199" 2 AB" wids pare lo} ard comecting taxiway + Corstrustios of 28.138 SY wire apron amen + Ungailation of Medica Caoesi’y Rusnsay Sights MIRL St + Ansstltion 0: Masica Lntoesi'y Tasiway Laghts IMU} + Comsinnetioe ft ep’ esses sa + Pavorsent marking and EtaPafom ofa vind cin Y8° ylang, sewer, signee cite ne airport fencing = Frsclnian of Visual Approach Slape Indicwsors (VAST-28) and Raowzy Fang kes ecto Cig'¥s (RUT on both romeny’ ends oH eR CTY Ane + Genstruction aa Tue farts setvioe end Snes the sfnpinl wns originally caaptouad in 197, 2 mucber of projet hve beac wconmplisced inelading the eaestcuction of Sangar faciliucs, a teemiaal bulledag, stomobile parking areas, od installation 0° naviyatiena: sec, Motoover, the runssay 2a heen extended an tv 2) aceasions 9 onset the pronving wees othe nivel sing SCI Tw 1974, his casa une pane lacey vl 700 Ft thy sui“ paevide a tote runway length ef 4,400 reat whsks in 1983 the cucswey wes evterdedl tn fs eumem Fength of 5,5U0 foet Pocerel tal state grit ir sid feeding have plsyed x pévoval rake fa lhe evelopment af PCL A detailed Tiel of vesious PAMDOAY grunts, inclediag rants, eto and & bvio® doseriavion of each pro'ser, is provided in Appewdis B, A Airport Hote Vhe National Pla of lateral igor! Systems (PLAST ies plamaing eoeaweut vilized ky Cie FAA wo identity the waions uiipors reals overa Weycar planning petiod sts wel. ato kaif th seeviog sovel end zoe ofall aicats ia Yas steal apart 1 spree, the Virgiria Air Fomsporitam Sysnn Fler (¥ATSP) iecifi sinpor! neu, PCE iS ied hy boy NELAS and WASP ax zliewer actu 2: is ’mpostant wo understand -hat sports eanbained in the NPJAS ame ongor're hy Cer cols. The vale relents ne of five sie airnoet serving levels which cescrihe tho 1732 of sevice tho: tke apart is experted wy srovide to the comemmity ‘The service level nso sopresonts funding cstegeries forthe dist bution a Fodeasl id, "The: fhee basin sein Jevelsinsdude L. Canaugnesal Service: Msimary Commereal Sersioe~ Non-pritary 3. Conrrereial Servine whie alse erty asa religver Relieve Ai 5, Genes) Aviscon Asrpont Conssreaerunecanny a weer rate bs The VATSP “idscuitles sirport Aunstion, primary ccaname sole, optienal Aivpart Referee Cite :ARC3, snd la 9 Tosser oxtent Handing sateyory olgibiit.” The VATSP classes olrponts ia tho Zollowiyg eateries. J Commercial Servioo (C8 Reliever AL 3. Gonetal éeviaton Regional (OR) 2 Genstal Aviation Comeaunily (0:1 rive 1.0; 5. fual Jv addon to detining die sole of che zitvor, tae FAA hus a system to cosvelate aieport. Alesipn eviteain co ibe operating Gaproach: save sax! physical Gwingspan} charsoteisties of ike aiaar demanding nina enteinly aking or expoctel ene akrporl ih ester iv eosvaiaed in BAA, van S02 annua! apsvations. V4is aigport classification 9 Advisory Circular (AC) USS LA, Aaport Design, ‘1ae Aimport Kefecence Code AARCy syste 3s eomprised of tas coaysmenty, The Zt esreponenl sepietel By Ite: (AL, designates the sizer spec sewn. determined by approach sposd. ‘The sevond component, éopieied by s coman aumeral (-¥, designates the airplane dese ous, Eetecevined by dhe winysyian, Table 1 ideovities the Aiveral! Apmoash Categuries aad Aucraft Desir Groups thas have best established by tie PAA, abe DL pl Cavey at am Desay Comp EMMIS Shas Hi 90 ee R-9h 6 320 note 1 Ang sg 8 eo 78 CBr tan bots Te Weg apn 7 ete De HE 20168 knoe: Ww 1 Geener thon 185 ets v Brust of Fre aisaedl eanvontly witiing, ml based al PC] Cae NPIAS amd the: VATS categorize Wis Fasitty x a seliover aigpent ur Riehovond Cnt ational Alnus in Owe encsul aviation ea 2s listed: the ouevently appacnved wegory. ‘The aieport raference ead CatneRe “a Ceansdy Ave visit

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