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u*^A]; CHESTERFIELD fl*>ff% NEW HAMPSHIRE ANNUAL REPORTS for the Year Ending DECEMBER 31, 2005 WWW.NHCHESTERFIELD.COM CHESTERFIELD SCHOOL DISTRICT for the Year Ending JUNE 30, 2005 CHESTERFIELD FIRE & RESCUE PRECINCT DECEMBER 31, 2005 SPOFFORD FIRE DEPARTMENT DECEMBER 31, 2005 DEDICATION Thisyear'sAnnual Reportis dedicatedtoalltheVOLUNTEERSwhogiveoftheirtime in support of our town, school and fire departments. Volunteers serve a vital role in our local governments. Without the dedicated efforts of numerous volunteers, Chesterfield would not be thewonderfullittletownitistoday. Thisyear'sAnnual Reportisdedicated tothose individualswhovolunteerongovernment boards. Thesecitizenvolunteersgenerallyspendoneortwonightsa monthonacommitteethat oversee an important role of government. To the members of the Budget Committee, Library Trustees, Planning Board, Zoning Board, Parks & Recreation Commission, Cemetery Commission, Conservation Commission, School Board, Chesterfield Fire & Rescue Commissioners, Spofford FireCommissionersandBoardofSelectmen,wethankyouoneand all foryourvolunteercontributions. This year's Annual Report is dedicated to those individuals who volunteer to be there whenanemergencyoccurs. Tothe membersofthe OfficeofEmergencyManagementforbeing prepared and being therewhen an emergency happens, to the firefighters and rescue teams of boththeSpofford Fireand Chesterfield Fire& Rescue Departmentswhoarethere in ourtimesof need,wethankyouoneandallforyourvolunteercontributions. Thisyear'sAnnual Reportisdedicatedtothose individualswhovolunteerinorganizations in support of govemment services. These volunteers provide valuable support to our town functions. Tothe members ofthe Chesterfield Historical Society, FriendsofChesterfield School, Friends of the Library, School Facilities Committee and the Town Office and Police Station Building Committee,wethankyouoneandallforyourvolunteercontributions. Thisyear'sAnnual Reportisdedicatedtothose individualswhovolunteertheirtimewhen the need arises. Tothe Scoutswhose projects have improved the Parks & Recreation buildings at the Town Beaches, to the Spofford Lake Association members whose efforts keep Spofford Lakecleanandfreeofinvasiveweeds, andtotheLibraryvolunteerswhoworkwithstafftomake your library experience rewarding, to the trail stewards who work for the Conservation Commission, to those individuals and groups that have not been mentioned by name, we thank youoneandallforyourvolunteercontributions. Chesterfield is the great place to live due in large part to the efforts of all current and formervolunteers. To each and every one who has given oftheirtime to volunteer, we extend oursincerestappreciationandgratitudeanddedicatethisAnnual Reporttoyou. INDEX AnnualTown Meeting2005 Auditors'Report 2005 TOWNOFFICERS REPRESENTATIVESTOTHE GENERALCOURT SENATOR- DISTRICT10 MODERATOR ASSISTANTMODERATOR SELECTMEN HEALTHOFFICER RobinMatatics DEPUTYHEALTHOFFICER AndyKlaski CODEENFORCEMENTOFFICER ChesterGreenwood DEPUTYCODEENFORCEMENT JeffCunningham EMERGENCYMANAGEMENT RuthVanHouten, Director A!Chesley LouisPerham SteveBuckley LesterFairbanks BartBevis DebHogancamp John Keppler Jon McKeon NeilJenness ShirleyPhilbrick JeanHansan PaulaDuston MarilynRousseau SharynD'Eon ChetGreenwood FredSzmit HarrietDavenport TomLevlocke ReneeFals LIBRARIAN ElizabethJ.Anderson LIBRARYTRUSTEES LeeBrockman 2006 Karen LaRue 2006 EvaWilson 2006 KevinBresland,Chair 2007 KathleenStohr 2007 AmandaFryberger,vice-chair 2008 Jean Hansen 2008 ChetGreenwood,selectmen'srep BUDGETCOMMITTEE William Bucknell 2006 RobertBrockman 2006 ElliotRowsey 2006 NelsonFegley 2006 SusanNewcomer 2007 FredSzmit 2007 SteveLaskowski 2007 GaryWinn,Chair 2008 AnitaBarber 2008 WandaMcNamara,Selectmen'srep DaveThomas,Spofford Firerep Deborah Hogancamp,Chesterfield Firerep JudyIdelkope,SchoolBoardrep SUPERVISORSOFTHE LeslieMacLean CHECKLIST BOARDOFADJUSTMENT PLANNING BOARD CEMETERYCOMMISSION PARKS&RECREATION COMMISSION Selectboard Report-2005 People Places Things The second major rain event in three years struck Chesterfield in October this past year. The rains and floodwaters caused widespread road damage, but fortunately for us, minimal property damage and no serious personal injuries were reported. Our town OEM team was at the ready during this event in addition to the Spofford Fire Department, the Chesterfield Fire and Rescue Departmentand the Highway Department. The Highway Department did the usual superb job of keeping roads passable during this time, with no road being impassable for more than a few hours. The Fire Departments were there to help with traffic control, and to provide rescue assistance if needed. And the OEIVIteamwas there to coordinate efforts and to provide anyassistancetothe responders. After the Governor declared a state of emergency for our area, FEMA teams came right out to offer assistance where needed. Our neighbors in Alstead, Hinsdale and Keene were less fortunate during this, andwewishthemall the bestastheyrecoverfromthisevent. This past year saw the demolition ofthe historic "Spofford Place" on Route 9A. The EPA has been working several years to startthe clean up ofthis site, and aftermuch discussion with the local, state and federal historical societies had eventually came to a compromise that allowed the salvaging of some artifacts and the building came down this fall. Site decontamination cleanup should begin this spring. This pastyearalso saw the completion ofthe two year Route 9 resurfacing/repaving project. The delays to travelers were minimal as compared to the first year. Many long days were spent by Chesterfield and surrounding town's police departments and we wish to thank all police departments forthefinejobofkeepingtrafficflowing smoothlyand safely. Inthe nearfuture, the State is looking to build aWelcome Centeron Route 9 nearthe Connecticut River. In addition, the State Departmentof Transportation (DOT) has proposed a bypass to Route 63 by Spofford Lake. As part ofthis project, the State would transfer maintenance responsibilities to the bypassed section of Route 63 to the Town. We anticipate another DOT public hearing on this in the summer and your input would be welcomed. This past year saw two employees reach milestone anniversaries. Jane Anderson, Library Director, completed her 30* year as town librarian. We also recognize Ken Baldwin at the Highway Department for his 20 years of employment with the Town. Thank you Jane and Ken, your contributions are greatlyappreciated. Additionally, Leon DunbarJrwas promoted'toTransferStation Supervisor and has been doing a greatjob. In 2005, we welcomed the following employees to our team: John Dudek and Peter Galano to the Police Department, Ron Fish at the Transfer Station, at the Highway Department we welcome John Fumicello and Padi Blum, Padi also has taken over the duties of Planning Board secretary. At the Town Office, we welcomed Code Enforcement Officer Chet Greenwood. We are proud ofthejob thesefreshman and the more seasoned employees do to serveyou. A couple of major building projects are being worked on to present to the voters in the near future. TheTown Office Committee has completedthe NeedsAssessmentSurveyand hasdeterminedthata new combined Town Office and Police Department facility should be built just south of the current Chesterfield Center Fire Station. TheTown Office Committeewelcomesyourinputand is planning to hold hearings astheywork on thedesign phase ofthefacility. The Spofford Fire Commissioners has beenworking todevelop a new Fire Station. Current plans callforitto be located on Route 9, as part ofthefirstPlanned DevelopmentDistrict, shouldvotersapprovethedistrict. We look forward to 2006 to the many rewarding challenges that await us. Ifyou would like to take part by volunteering on one of the many volunteer boards and committees, please stop by the Selectmen's Office and let us know. We are always looking for interested and dedicated citizens to servethecommunitytohelp makeChesterfieldthegreatplaceweall love. ChesterGreenwood, Chmn Wanda McNamara Jon McKeon BoardofSelectmen . 2006TOWNWARRANT TOWN OF CHESTERFIELD STATE OF NEW HAMPSHIRE Tothe inhabitantsoftheTown ofChesterfield, inthe CountyofCheshire, in said State, qualifiedtovote inTownAffairs: You are herebynotifiedto meetatthe CHESTERFIELDTOWN HALLinsaid Chesterfield, on Tuesday, the 14"^dayofMarch, nextattenoftheclockintheforenoon (pollsatthis location closeat 6:00 p.m.)toballotforTownOfficersand otherquestionsrequired bylawtobedecided byballot. You arefurtherherebynotified tomeetattheCHESTERFIELD SCHOOLin said Chesterfield onTuesday, the 14'^dayofMarch, nextatsixthirtyoftheclockintheevening (pollsatthis location will beopenfrom6:30 p.m. to8:00 p.m.)toballotforTown Officersand otherquestions required by lawto bedecided byballot. ARTICLE 1: TovoteanAustralian Ballotforall necessaryTown Officers. ARTICLE2: Tovote byballoton amendmentstotheZoning Ordinances. The business meetingwill be calledtoorderat6:30oftheclockintheevening atthe CHESTERFIELD SCHOOLtoactuponthefollowing subjects: ARTICLE3: TohearthereportoftheBudgetCommittee, oractinanywayrelatedthereto. ARTICLE4: Tosee iftheTownwillvotetoraiseandappropriatethesumofTwo MillionThree Hundred FortyOneThousand and Eighty FourDollars ($2,341,084)forthefollowing purposes, oract in anywayrelated thereto. Recommended by BudgetCommitteeand Board ofSelectmen 1. Executive 122,820 2. Elections, Registrations, Vital Stats 49,500 3. FinancialAdministration 52,625 4. Legal Expense 25,000 5. PersonnelAdministration 292,700 6. Planning Board 14,000 7. Board ofAdjustment 7,700 8. General GovernmentBuildings 31,700 9. Cemeteries 50,263 10. General Insurance 57,000 11 RegionalAssociation (SWRPC) 4,200 12. Police 344,932 13. Police Reimbursable Detail 60,000 14. Ambulance 32,500 15. Code Enforcement 35,300 16. OfficeofEmergencyManagement 22,700 17. Forest Fires 6,000 18. Highway/Town Road Maintenance 646,533 19. StreetLighting 17,500 20. SolidWaste 207,430 21. Health Officer 8,200 22. Animal Control 2,000 23. OtherHealth (Hepatitis B Shots) 300 1 24. GeneralAssistance 25,000 25. Parksand Recreation 56,543 26. Library 112,238 27. PatrioticPurposes 400 28. Conservation Commission 3,900 29. DebtService 52.100 2,341,084 ARTICLE 5: Tosee iftheTownwill votetoraiseandappropriatethesumofOne Hundred Five Thousand SixHundred and EightDollars ($105,608)forthepurposeofresurfacingTown roads, oract inanywayrelatedthereto. (Recommended bythe Selectmen) Recommended bythe BudgetCommittee) ARTICLE6: ToseeiftheTownwillvotetoraiseandappropriatethesumofOne Hundred Thousand Dollars ($100,000)tobeaddedtothealreadyestablished Roadways Constructionand Reconstruction Capital Reserve Fund. (Recommended bytheSelectmen) ($75.000 Recommended bythe BudgetCommittee) ARTICLE7: Tosee iftheTownwillvotetoraiseand appropriatethe sumofSixtySevenThousand Dollars ($67,000)to beadded tothealreadyestablished HighwayHeavyEquipmentCapital Reserve Fund, oractinanywayrelated thereto. (Recommended bythe Selectmen) (Recommended bythe BudgetCommittee) ARTICLE8: Tosee iftheTownwillvotetoraiseand appropriatethesumofOne Hundred and ThirteenThousand ($113,000)to purchasea newLoaderand Plowforthe HighwayDepartmentand authorizethewithdrawal ofuptoOne Hundred andThirteenThousand Dollars ($113,000)fromthe Highway HeavyEquipmentCapital Reserve Fund, said amountto beoffsetbytheamountreceived fromthetrade-inorsaleoftheexisting Loader, oractinanywayrelatedthereto. (Recommended bythe Selectmen) (Recommended bythe BudgetCommittee) ARTICLE9: ToseeiftheTownwill votetochangethe purposeoftheexisting HighwayRoofforFuel Tanksand FuelingArea Capital Reserve Fund tothe Highway FuelTankReplacementCapital Reserve Fund andfurther, toraiseand appropriatethesumofTenThousand Dollars ($10,000)tobe addedtothis newlycreated Highway FuelTank ReplacementCapital Reserve Fund, oractin any wayrelatedthereto. (2/3majorityvoterequired) (Recommended bytheSelectmen) (Recommended bythe BudgetCommittee) ARTICLE 10: Tosee iftheTownwill votetoraiseand appropriatethesumofFortyThousand ($40,000)topurchasereplacementfueltanksforthe HighwayDepartmentfueling areaand authorize thewithdrawal ofupto FortyThousand Dollars ($40,000)fromtheHighwayFuelTankReplacement Capital Reserve Fund, oractinanywayrelatedthereto. (Recommended bythe Selectmen) (Recommended bythe BudgetCommittee) ARTICLE 1 : Tosee iftheTownwillvotetoraiseandappropriatethesumofSevenThousandTwo Hundred Dollars ($7,200)forthepurchaseofGuard Rails, oractin anywayrelated thereto. (Recommended bytheSelectmen)(Recommended bythe BudgetCommittee) ARTICLE 12: Tosee iftheTownwill voteto raiseand appropriatethesumofTwo Hundred Thousand Dollars ($200,000)foranArchitect/Engineertoprovide planning and designservicesfor the newTown Offices and Police Stationand authorizethewithdrawal ofuptoTwo Hundred Thousand Dollars ($200,000)fromtheTown Office Building Capital Reserve Fund. Thiswill bea non-lapsing appropriation perRSA32:7, VI andwill notlapse untiltheTown Officeand Police Station design services is completed orbyDecember31, 2011,whicheverissooner, oractin anywayrelated thereto. (Recommended bythe Selectmen)(Recommended bythe BudgetCommittee) ARTICLE 13: Tosee iftheTownwillvotetoraiseand appropriatethe sumofTwentyThousand Dollars ($20,000)to beadded tothealreadyestablished Revaluation Capital Reserve Fund, oractin anywayrelated thereto. (Recommended bythe Selectmen) (Recommended bythe BudgetCommittee) ARTICLE 14: Tosee iftheTownwillvoteto raiseand appropriatethesumofOne Hundred and ThirtyThousand Dollars ($130,000)to purchasea new Roll OffTruckfortheTransferStation, said sumto beoffsetbythetrade-in orsale ofthe used roll-offtruck, oractin anywayrelatedthereto. (Recommended bythe Selectmen) (NOTRecommended bythe BudgetCommittee) ARTICLE 15: Tosee iftheTownwillvotetoraiseandappropriatethesumofSeven Thousand Five Hundred Dollars ($7,500)tocompletethePaving and SiteWorkattheTransferStation, oractin any wayrelated thereto. (Recommended bythe Selectmen) (Recommended bythe BudgetCommittee) ARTICLE 16: Toseeifthetownwillvotetoraiseand appropriatethesumTwentyEightThousand Dollars ($28,000)to beadded tothealreadyestablished Police CruiserCapital Reserve Fund, oract in anyway related thereto. (Recommended bythe Selectmen) (Recommended bythe BudgetCommittee) ARTICLE 17: Tosee iftheTownwillvotetoraiseand appropriatethesumofSevenThousand Dollars ($7,000)to beadded tothealreadyestablished Police DepartmentEquipmentCapital Reserve Fund, oractin anywayrelated thereto. (Recommended bythe Selectmen) (Recommended bythe BudgetCommittee) ARTICLE 18: Tosee iftheTownwillvotetoraiseand appropriatethesumofFortyThousand Dollars ($40,000)forthe purchaseofa Police DepartmentSUV(SportUtilityVehicle)and setupcosts, and authorizethewithdrawal ofupto FortyThousand Dollars ($40,000)fromthe Police CruiserCapital Reserve Fundforthatpurpose, oractin anywayrelatedthereto. (Recommended bythe Selectmen) (Recommended bythe BudgetCommittee) ARTICLE 19: Tosee iftheTownwillvotetoraiseandappropriatethesumofFourThousand One Hundred Dollars ($4,100)to purchasea newPolice Department Portable Radio, and authorizethe withdrawal ofupto FourThousand One Hundred Dollars ($4,100)fromthe Police Department EquipmentCapital Reserve Fundforthatpurpose, oractin anywayrelatedtheretooractin anyway relatedthereto. (Recommended bythe Selectmen)(Recommended bythe BudgetCommittee) ARTICLE20: Tosee iftheTownwillvoteto raiseand appropriatethe sumofOneThousand Five Hundred Dollars ($1,500)forcomputerupgradesatthe Police Departmentand authorizethe withdrawal ofuptoOneThousand Five Hundred Dollars ($1,500)fromthe Police Department EquipmentCapital Reserve Fundforthatpurpose, oractinanywayrelated thereto. (Recommended bythe Selectmen) (Recommended bythe Budget Committee)

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