Author IM SlobodMainr koviFcI,D Et rainer E-mailn:e [email protected] Published by Montebegcrhoe ss federation Editor VladimirS akotic Cover KristiNnaau movic Computer layout JovaNna umovic Transblya ted KristiNnaau movic Prinbtye d SZGR JovaAnn tic Noo.fc opi-1e2s0 0 HerceNgo viS,e ptemb1e4r 2t0h 05 (Theidsi tipounb liiissnh h oendoo fEr u ropeanc hyaomuptiho nship whiicoshr ganiHseerdcN eoigvni i nS epte2m0b0e5r) INTRODUCTION This Myoenaetrn egcrhoe fsdese ratiSoolnb ond aMikrovicch osceae ruflly gainterduf srtoE mu ropcehaenus nsi toon e xampflreocsmh ecslsa stsonio cwsa days. orgiaznEeu ropyeoaunct hha mopnishiCpo nsidaeurtih'nomsg re thodaipcparlo ach 2005. iti sc oncilvutesh abte sitdhee oirceatl knowlheedhg aaesw idrea nogfpe r actical Asc afurleolr ganiwseaw teortrehs i,n king experigeanicnteeh dr opulgahy cihnegs s aboluitt erwaetc uoruegl idv aew atyo actiavnecdlo ya chFirnogtm.i mteot ime chmapinoshpiarpt iipncatsso i tw ould hei sw ritaibnoghu ites x periaesan ces satitshfye otfab setgei nanneadrl sst oh e coacPahr.t ichueil fsaco rulsyoi nnap g a rent tasotfpe a rticwiihpth aingtrhsa tiTnhge. rolaenh de i sa nalyiztai sun nga voidable idecaa mfer obmo o"kC hesscsh ooonl " fatcoirdn e veloopyfm oeuncnthg e pslsea ry. serbliaanng uwahgoeas,ue t ihSsolr o bodan Hei sa ffimrinpgo sietxipveer iaenndc es Mirkovic. poinotnin negg awtiitpvhre e vecnatuisvee. Accortdoii tncsgo nttehnbitos o wki tlalk eI wti blelu njunsotttlom y e ntaiuotnh or's ani mporptlaanictnce h elsist erTahteu croen.t ribiunbt uiioln duipnu gniq ue mosotft hper iloirt ercaotmuefrsore m calssciaifitona,n mda rkitnhtgey poefs SSRS,n owfr oRmu ssTihaeh.ya vhei ghecsotm binaatcicoenpftsreo "mdC hess levcehles scsh oaonltdsh m eo sqtu alitative InofrmaAntlt"lh. aa ctt iavnirdte ys ualrtes checsosa ches. recommetnhdaeiu ntgha osars eriaonuds Todayt,h meo satt tenitnlit ioenr aitsu rcoem peetxepnetr t. givteotn h teh eoorfoy p enianngds Att heen Idw oulldi tkoee mphaosniez e presewnotrioknfc g h ess maansldte esrmsso ,rv ea loufte h beo owkh iicsshi mplicity attetntoti eoanc thhibena gsp irci ncoifp ilnee lsa borattoipnRigec astd.h ien bgo otkh is middleagnaedmn edsi ngs. att hmeo mewnett hitnhkta rtu itsrhi ght heraenw de a rneo atw aorfei t. Inv ieowft hfeca tth "eC heSscsh ocoalm"e att hrei gthitm e. Elbaorattihnetg o piFcIsD Et rainer VladimiSra kotic 3 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS "CheSssc howoals" grapdrueaplaalrneyddc orre"cMtierda.c wuolroolufdsc ombin isar esouflw to rwki tsht udeanmtosn;ga tioinassn "e swy stoefcm l assiofifc ation theamr GeM NioklSae dlGaMk B,o jacno mibnatiwohnih,c i st heorleyt ical VuckoavniGdcM ,M ilPoesr uinco.v explaainnhdea das p aritni nofrmative systoefm" eCshIsno frmanTth"te.h ipradr t 1be booikds i viidnettdho r peaer" tPsa:w n's oft hbeo oiksm adoef t ypisctarla tegic endings""Mi,ar culowuosr lodf motivewist,h tohuettm h gea meosf comnbaitioann"sdS" t,r aMtoetgiivce s". conmtpeorya mrastecrosu lndo tb e Ipna ornte a;lp la wn's aerndedi ivnigdsie mda gined. inetloe meTnhtcesa .uo sfse u cdhi viissi on Iw oullidtk ote h aJno kv aNna umoavnidc tol ightthleeen a rnoiffin nga plh aozfte h e VladiSmkaiortw ihcou nselhfieslhptleoyd gamTeh.e b aspirci ncainprdlu elsae rse enabtlhbieos o ske teh dea ylight. empshiaztehdme;i staakniedrs r egularities whiccha nb es eeinno thbeoro kasr e Author 5 Pawn' 5e ndings HOW TO DEON DINGS Somet heoretchoincsaitldhseai rtits g oodb )p rbolematical. tok nowa sm ancyo ncrpoestiet iboyhn es art Theen diinscg l ewahrec nh esplsa yerk nows as 'hse w ronga pproaTcoh . thep ositiaonndse valuat,ai nodnt her giht � tokn owt hmea teriiitas l crutoc lieaalrn plaonf t heg ameT.h esaer et hpeo sitions generparli ncipolfte hsee ndingBse.c aues whicahr ekn own independye fnrtolmt he oft hraeta sionti sn ecesstadoriy v itdehe thorey ofe ndinEgvsey.r c hespsl ayhears mateorni":aP law ne'ns din"gEsn"d,i onfg s itosw nc leparos itions. Ligthp ieces"," Rooke'ndsi ngsa"nd, Alloth erp osiiontas r per oblema,tw ihcerael "Queene'nsd ingPsa"w.n 'esn dinagrset he grooufn adeIn Ld inagnsdt h ey ares tudiecdh espsl ayiesrn ots howinigtk sn owledge buti sfi ghtinsge,a rchfionbrge ttemro ves, int hibso okR.e gardltehseps i eceisnt he calculatthievn agr iantssh,o ritpn-l ays. gamet,h e endaitno gnsem omencto ulbde reduceodn p awn'ens dings. Howt ol earne ndings? IMPROVCIONMGM ONT ECHNIQUE They ougn chespsl ayearrset yringt ofi nd Iitsn eceasrtsyoi mproaven kdn owty pialc answetro t hisq uestioInn.t hec hess methods saintdu atiaosn:a sp plyitnhge literaittb'uesr eejn uasl ittle tb iotf t alkinpgr inci"pdloen 'bte i na hurryk"in,g 's abouatu todidleaarnc tiintgch teh eoroyf centralizaantdpi loaynnig, t heg ame endingTsh.e raer et wo basic metfhoord asc cordtiona gn alogeyt,cI .m provemeinnt makinpgr ogriensth si sc hapter. thicsh aptceoru lbde g ainestdud ying the specimaalt erials. I. Theory researacnhd, 2. Improvicnomgm ont echnique. COACHR OLE These twmoe thoadrcsel osreellya Ttheed . improvemienon tn eme thoadu tomaticaTlhlecy o acwhh oh ast hec ardi ndeoxf a ll dragsa lontgh ie mproveimnae nnott hoern e. chesgsa me segmentsi,sn eceasrsyf or gainitnhgte o pre sults. Cianrddec xo nssi st ofalrgneu mbeorfc lasgsaimce sa ndv arious THE ORYR ESEARCH examplaendsi ;t' pse rmaneanptpleyn ded witnhew e xampleTsh.e raer em ateriianl s A systemstautdiycio nfdg i fferetnytpo ef thibso okw hicahu thhoasur s eidn w orking endinigsn se cessfaorirny c reastihnge withm anyg eneartionosfc hespsl ayers, knowledTghee. e ndin(gPsa wn'esn,d ings includpinrgo minGeMn Nti kolSae dlak, ofL ighpti eceRso,o k'asn,d Q ueen'sa)r e GM MiloPse runoviacnd,G M Bojan viewesdy stemataincdt ahlelsiypr e ciafirces VuckoviBca.s ipco sitiaornseg ivne for accepted. every taonpdit ch eyr eprestehnegt r ound Aleln dicnagbnsed iviidneatd)oc leaanrd forfu turuen edrstandainndig m provement. 9