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Chess Mazes: A New Kind of Chess Puzzle for Everyone PDF

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Chess azes A newk inodf c hespsu zzle foerv eryone InventBeydB rucAel berston 2004 RusseElnlt erprisIensc,. MilfoCrTd U,S A ChesMsa zes © 2004 Copyright BrucAel berston AllR ightRse served 1-888690-23-2 ISBN: Publishbeyd: RusseElnlt erpriIsnecs., 5460 P.OB.o x 06460 MilforCdT, USA http:/w/.wcwhesscafe.com [email protected] Covedre sigbny J aneLlo wrance Printeidnt heU niteSdt atoefsA merica Tableo fC ontents Foreword 2 3 Introduction ChapteOrn e 11 BishoRpo,o ka,n dKn ightM azes 17 BishoMpa zes- Proble1m-s3 4 23 RookM azes- Proble3m5s- 68 29 KnightM azes- Proble6m9s- 102 ChapteTrw o 35 QueenP,a wn, and King Mazes 44 QueenM azes- Proble1m0s3 -136 50 PawnM azes- Proble1m3s7 -170 55 KingM azes- Proble1m7s1 -204 SolutitoonCs h esMsa zes 62 BishoMpa zes- Proble1m-s3 4 73 RookM azes- Proble3m5s- 68 85 KnighMta zes- Proble6m9s- 102 96 Queen Maz-esP roble1m0s3 -136 108 PawnM azes- Proble1m3s7 -170 122 KingM azes- Proble1m7s1 -204 136 Appendix Foreword AmazinMga zes Accorditnocg o nventiowniasld omi,fy ouw antt ob ecomaeb ettsetrr,o n­ (2) gerc hessplayyoeurs ,h oultdr yt o( 1)i ncreaysoeu rt actiacbaill ity; (3) learnh owt ot hinokv etrh eb oarda;n d improvyeo urch esvsi sioBnu.t iti s naoltw ayqsu itteh asti mplSeo.m eo f the ebxeesctu tpelda nasr e ruinebdys implbel undeArnsd. if ayroeou n e whoof telno segsa mesb y hanginpgie ceosrm issimnagt est,h etnh iiss the boyooku .f or Theraer em anyg oodb ookwsh ichp resecnhte scso mbinatiaonndse x­ plaitna ctimcoatli fwsi tthh eg oaolf traiynoiunrtg a ctiacbailtl yiT. hink­ ingt echniqaureesa lswoe lclo vereidnt heg ame'lsi teratBuurtwe h.a t abouvti saulizatTihoinis?sw herieti sm uchm ored iffictuofl ti ngdo omda terial. Butn owB,ru ceA lberosnt'hsi ghly orwiogrikfn ialll s this gap. To mastehri sp uzzleyso,uh ave etxoe rbtet tecro ntraonld c ommando f thefu llp otentoifaa ll tlh ep ieceasn dy ouh ave vtios ualtihzeeim ro ve­ ments in myionudr'e sy eT.h isso undmso re diffitchualintti sb,u ti nf act onloyn ep iecmeo vesi ne acmha zeT.h er esulEtx?c ellternati ntiona gv oid one-movbel unders! Anothteyrp icqaule stion concernivnigs iciohsnWe: hs ast i st hme inimum numbeorf m ovesn eedetdo g etf romo nes quarteoa notheYro?u w ilble challenhgeerdae s w ellb,e cautshee p uzzlmeuss tb es olveidnt hem ini­ mum numbeorf m oves. Ih aveo nloyn ec aveadto:n 'fto rgtehta itn a reagla meb otphl ayers alter­ natmeo vesa,n ds oy oum ust alwwaaytsc ohu tf ory ouro pponentth'rse ats andp lans. Ih opet hayto uw ileln jowyi ndinygo ur wtahyr ougthh esmea zes and improviynogu rc hesvsi sion! KarstMeUnl ler HamburgG,e rmany 2004 September 2 Intorduction ChessM azesi sc hesThse.p ieces Rulefso rB ishoMpa zes arteh sea mTeh.e y maonvcdea pture (and Roaonkd K night) jutshtse a mCeh.e caknc dh eckmaartee exactthlseya mBeu.t th eirosen sei g­RuleN umberO ne:Y oua rWeh iatned nificdainffte reTnhceae l.t ernaotfi yoonu mraz ep ieciets h bei shYoopuc. a n moversu lhea bse enp esnudsTehda.t m ovteh abti shaorpo utnhdbe o ard at meanosn loyn es idgee ttsom ake wilorla lmoastwt i lTlh.e one restric­ moveTsh.as ti deW hiistP eo.oB rl ackt iioRsnu lFeo uOrn.lt yhw eh ibties hop nevgeertt som akaen ymo veAsl.hl e iasl lotwome od ve. can dsoib tai ctk waantdc h. RuleN umberTw o: Balcgke taks ing Asa c hetsesa cIhv'eert r ioeudt ansdo mpei ectehsne,u mboefwr h ich varitoeucsh nitqodu eevse vliospu awli­lvla rfyr opmo istitoon iptoison. izatainopdnl annsiknifglor lm sys tu­Howevneorno,ef t hbel apcike ckeisn,g dentTshe.i depalla nnsiintgu aitsi ionnlc udeidsa, l lowteomd o v.eT his wheorens ei gdeet tsom akaep laann d makeBsl aacp ka sssitvaeat,ri yoo,nb ­ carirttyh rowugiht hhoiuntd roarn csee rvHeerg .e ttso obsewrhviet et he interffeorrmet nhcoeep ponHeonwt. b ishaosip mt oveasr outnhdbe o ard. doy oduo t haDto?n l'etht i mmo ve. The one eixRscu elpFeto iuorn. Thath'oswC hess Mawzaess boRrnu.l eN umberT hree:T heg ameen ds Andw ithroeuatl izitnhgte i miIte ,wa hte tnh bei shpolpa ctehbsel akcikn g hadal so invenktienoddfc hae snsie ncw h ecTkh.a ti'ts. t hPeeun te mkyi ng puzzle. ind angpeurht,i mi nc hecakn,dt he maziess o lvSeodu.ne das y diote?s n't Tod oc hemsasz eista 'sss umtehdat yokun ow: RuleN umberF our:Y oum ayn ot playcoeu bri sh(omapz pei eceo)n a (1H)o w tphiee cmeosv e, square iwithss eu rbejt eocc atp tbuyr e (2R)u lfeoscr h eacnkcd h eckmaatb el,a ucnki Yto.ud ot haptl,a ycoeu r (3C)h ensso tation. pieecnpe r is(ei .peo.s,st iob lcbeae p ­ turetdh)eB,nl aicaskl lotwome odv e, Ify oua rneo ftam ilairw itchh essta kyeo ur paineWdch ei tleo sYeosu. notatdioonnw',otr rYyo.u c aen asilhya vteos taorvte r. figuroeuh to wt od eicphefror mti hte exampglievseS nol. e tg'edsto wtno RuleN umberF ive:W eg ivoen ltyh e rulWees'l.lt akbei shompa zesa st he shortseosltu tiino nt he tbhaec k of sampTlhei.is sa ppropsriinatctheee booIkf.t h mea zcea bne soilnXv ed frismta zIee vecro mpeodsw asa numboefmr o veasn dt oioytko X u p lus bishmoapz e. onew,e lylo,su o orfts olvietbd,u n to t inth meo setfif ciemnantn Yeoruw. o n't findyo usro lugtiivoenn . 3 1. K.h.8 xgA7nd.t hyaotcu a nnaolotlw . BishoMpa zesi nA ction Sow,h acta ny oud o? tuIrntos u t Nowt hayto uk notwh reu lfeosr thayto uh avneo l etshsa finv ed iffer­ bishmoapz else ts'ehseo wi wto rkisn enwta ytso s oltvheme a zeH.e raer e practWiec bee.g wiint sha mpploes it­hseo linuots: tionnum boenre . 1)lB .h6-2g.B5 g 56-+f 2)I B.h6-4f2 .B f4-e5+ #1 3)lB .h6-2e.B3 e 3-d4+ 4)l B.h6-2d.B2 d 2-c3+ 8 5)lB .h6l-2 c.B c1-b2+ 7 6 Buatp roblweimtfi hv ceo rrseoc­t 5 lutiiosn msnu octoh fa p roblWehma.t we'rgeo intgod o ciusdt o wyn our 4 optisoont sh,ei rrsee aolnllyoy n wea y 3 (occasitownota)ols loyl vem atzhee. 2 Ify ou htaovmoea nwya yosu tt,h en 1 itn'osat v ergyo omda zeS.oh ,e re is a b cd e gf h thsea mpeo sitwiiotnhs laia gdhjtu st­ ment. Youk nowwh ayto uha vteod o- put thbel akcikni gnc hecTkh.eo nmeo ve #2 thyato mua yn ot miaslkB .eh 6-+g.7 8 #1a 7 6 8 5 7 4 6 3 5 2 4 1 3 a b cd e gf h 2 1 Bya dditnhgbe l akcnki gohnf3t a b c d e f g h we've crwehaotlseeedr oiafem si ned squawrheesrt ehb ei shmoapyn ogto Truteh,be l akcikni gsi n c heacnkd toW.ea lrekandoyaw b ogu7tt, h bel ack iotn ltyo oyko oun meo vteod oi tB.u t kinggu aridtAs.n dt hken igthatk es you'vvieot leRadu lNeu mbFeoru r­ awagy5 d,2 e,5 a,n dd4 T.h earreoe t her youp uyto ubri shiondp a ngoenra , squaarsew se lblu wte m entioonnl y squreaw herietc abne c aptuTrheed .t hmeo sctr itTihcaaltle a.v oensl y one balckk incga nj ustta kyeo uo ffb y solutniaomne1,lB. yc 1a n2d. Bb2+. 4 #28 enemuyn iwtislh alv teob ee liminated, firtshtre o oakn dt hen theI tp'asw n. donbey l B.e32 .Bfx23 .Bb64 .Bd8 H 5.Bx6f+. 7 () #3a 'i 4 8 3 7 2 6 1 5 a b cd e gf h 4 3 I trufsoutn dyi otAu.n dw hahta p­ 2 penisfy ouu sesdya,, t hrmeoev es: 1 I.£&B 2.Ba3B3.b 2+W.e lly,o u'orne youorw ni nt hciass bee,c atuhsoeen ly a b cd e gf h sotliuogni vietsnh oen wei tthhf ewe ­ Ih opyeo u fiigotuu rte.d esntu mboefr mowvheisic,hnt hiins­ stanitcsew oT.rya ngde itn tthohe a bit of doing thsihnorgptsoe ssistni btlhee SolviBnigs hoMpa zes wayN.o wl etl'osoa ktp osi#t3i.on Thearrete w ow aytsos olbvies hop #3 mazewso,r kifnorgw aradn dw orking backw.Ia rntd hfeor waarpdp rotahceh 8 bishop alhueracodhn eems o vaet a 7 time suonmteitlhc ilnigcI ktws o.r ks beswthe tnh bei shhoaps onlye one saf 6 squaeraecm ho vael otnhgwe a yT.h en, 5 jubsyts tumbfloriwnagyr ode uv entu­ 4 alsltyu mibnlteo f itnchahele wchki ch 3 solvthemesa ze. 2 1 Foorp tirmeaslu tlhtbesa ckward approsaecehtm osw ork Cbeerstta.i nly a b c d ef g h theimsp hiazsesp ltahnena isnpgeo cft Youc aanl scoa pteunreemp yi ecebsi shmoapzs e. wityho ubri shIonpf ca.t iisnt e ces­ sariytf h esyt ainnyd o uwra y. Sampploes it3i,wo hni cwhej ust dids,h owtsh bea kcwaradp proianc h Heraeq ,u igclka nactte hp eo sitiaocnt iWoen i.m metdeilaeys tiasbhled telylostu h atthc eh emcuks cto me btyh atb itshhheo aptso g ivietc sh ebcyk takitnhgfe 6- pawwnh,i cihnt urni s takitnhfge6- pawAnn.dw ea lssoa w guarbdeytd h fe2 -roBootkoh.ft hesteh tahtpe a wings u arbdyet dhf e2 -rook. 5 Thism eantsh atth e mazteob eh aisns e cseasrIyn.s toefca hde cyko,pu lay workientd w os tagfierssc,ta pttuhreef or checkmdaetteaw.ii ltTshh ea ddi­ rooakn tdh etnh pea wn. tioenxaalm palreeesx plaiCnheadp ­in teTrwo . Captutrhireno goi krs e lateiavseyl y usitnhgme o sdti rreocutot veet rhe e3 - ApplicattiooR ne alC hess squaSroes .t aognee i sl B.e3 and 2.Bxf2T.h en exstt aigse fi tgou roeu t Thep lannainndvg i suaatliiozn howt og eftr of2m t of 6T.h em ineds kitlhlcasot mfer owmo rkoinncg h ess squatrheatsth b ei shmoupsa tv oairde mazeasp epart om es elfi-dneetv. c3d,4 e,5 g,5 a,n dh 4. Therneon' ese fdofu rr theelra boration. Thetyr ansdliearcttetl oyo ver-the­ Thalte avbe2sd, 8 , ea7n dta hse boacrdh easnsdh a vceo untoltehsesr squatrheatsth bei shhoaps rteoa cha.pl picataiswo enlTslh .e y uanreierv ­ Thebi shcoaprn e abc2h byc otnhveo s­aslk ills. lutreodu 3t.eB gB3d 654B ..a36 .B2b, andi tc anr eadc8hb y mao rdei rectS o tosoe eiiwsnh ga tr'isgu hntd er meth3o.dB,b4 6. BdSP.r etfhedrei recyto ur nUonsfeou.rn tatmealnya,yv er­ methsoidn icite sa l stohse h ortesatg.e p lyaerhsa vteor ublneo tiincg whats'tsa rtihnedgmi reicntt hlfeya ce. Tog etth feu bleln effirto Cmh ess Howm anytm iesh avwee s eeMnr . MazesIs tronugrlgyyeo tuo s oltvhee AveraPgel aypelra acp ei ercieg ihnt positdiiornesfc rtoltmyh dei agramtsh,e poafat nh oppuonsiwithn egr e it wihtout oauitod f at rhreo owrls i necsa n cbaep tufroenrdo thiAnlgtl?o o ora noyt hdeerv iycoemusa yc omuep mantyi mes. witYho.uc an wtohrmeka zeisny our heajdsu tb yl ookaitn gt he diaAgnrdwa emk nofwor me xperitehnacte positTihoiinsst. h wea yt o byuoiulrdn oatl slu cmhi asktegsep tu nisOhfe­d. visuaatliisozkni lls. ten otphpeeo nn(ta notahveearrg e playdeoren)so ste weh atr'isgu hntd er Iyfo aur aen i ncorrbiogaisrbedlt e­h iosw nn osaen fda itlom sa kteh cea p­ ter-u(ptpheaerrr ee pseuocph-l yeo urt urBeu.dt o t hat aagnea xipnesrti enced authioosrn o eft hetmh)eb nya ll mepalnasya enrhd e 'ltla ke pyioeucerev esr y setth dei agrpaosmi tuipoo nn y ourt ime. boradB.u td ont'otu cthhpe i cees! Soltvhepe r oblienm syh oeuard . Thta'tsh rce saofno rrul ef our. Dond'ott haDto.n p'utyt o upri eecne s TheR esto ft heM azes prisTer. ayionu ery etso wsheaet i'ms­ mediaitnefo lrnyot f thewm.h eerS ee Ther ulfeosbr i shroopo,ak n,d theen emfyo racrescst riEkliinnmgai.t e knigmhatz easr ael tlh sea mYeo.u 'llt hsei yle nlp rismti' skteasa,nyd o aur e findf urtehxearm pilnCe hsa pOtneer .a bsolucteerlttyao i nm ovaec luaps s Whewne g ettoq ueepna,w ann,kd i ngo r tTwhoa.ta 'g sl larantee. mazesso,mm eo dciafitoiofrn u lteh ree 6 Whata bourtu loensea ndt wo, #4 wheorne lWyh igteett so sdoom ething WhitteoM ove andB lamcuks stib ta caksa h elpless spectaDtooerts?h ihsa ppiennr eal 8 chegsasm es? 7 6 Ofc ourisdteo eIsht.a ppens every 5 timoen se idoeb taaih nusg mea terial 4 orp ositsiuoprnieaolrT ihtey .sw iidteh thaed vangteatgsec ataloll l sthhoet s,3 the sided iawsdivtahn cttaahongen e l y 2 stabnyda nd hhoiposep pondeonets 1 noktn ohwo wt ow in. a b cd e gf h Soi cto mdeo wtnot h-isd oetsh e Thefi rsmto vwea sl. QbS. supesriiodkren ohwo wt oc onvheirst superiionrtaiwo ti ynL ?e ts'ese some #4a exampfrloemps r actpilcaya.l afteIrQ. b5 ActuaPll ay 8 7 Ourn exptoi stiiosn tfaorkmea nn 6 endgapmlea yientd h e -EPaesJntenr ­ seCyh eLsesa gu1e59,7- 1598s eason5. Whithea asn o verwhelmmaitnegr ia4l advantaaneg xet,qr uae en. 3 2 Whitseh ouwlidne asiilfy k hneo ws 1 whadto T.h ew innpilnagcn o nsoifs ts a b c d e f g h thrpeaer: t s (1R)e sttrhiec tm oveBmlaecntk oAf " cutm-oovfef" wkheiectphhs e king blakciknc go nfinteo dbt ohaer edd'gse . (2A)d vantchweeh itet oki itosnp g­ Infca tB laicqsku ihteel phleersAesl. l timaatlt acskqiuna(grc e6 ) hec adno i ssh ihftik si nbga cakn fdor th betweae8an n ad7 . (3M)a twei tthhq eu een Meanwhtihlweeh ,i ktien mgo ves Int hgea me Wdhiistypeel da perufpet coct 6 inm ofivvee2s. :Kg 23 .Kf3 knowleodfg ett heec hnrieqquuei re4.dK.eS 4. Kd65. Kc6A. tt heen Bdla ck's kinsgt anodnsca eg aoinan 8 a,n Wdh ite finisohfewfsi t7h.Q bm7 ate. In tehxiasm polnelW yh itmeo'vse s prorveel evBalcnakt's,sh uttkliinngg movecso ufnortn othing. 7

A great puzzle book to encourage the development of chess visualization. The planning and visualization skills taught here translate directly to over-the-board chess and have many other applications as well, for players and instructors alike.
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