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ARTUR YusuPov CheLsse ssons ARTUR YusuPov Chess Lessons Transalnaedtd eibdtyD e adn Kiienlg © ChessAgG a20t0e4 www.chessgate.de All rriegshetrNsvo pe adro.tf i: hpiusb licmaatybi ero enp rodsutcoerdea,rd e tirnsi yesvtaelm , ort rainttsemidna nfyro mo,rb ya nmye anesl,e ctmreocnhiacnp,iho ctaolc,o poyroi tnrhgwe,i se, withporuiptoe rr mission. Firpsutb liisn2h0 0e4d Covdeers aingldnao yuAtr:&t S atUzl rDiicrhrM, ii nchen Pagdee saingldna ytoA:ur tS.a&tU zl rDiic,rhM r iinchen TypesweittP hD FTE)( Mangainegdo ir:tU lircDhi ,rM riinchen PreparwaotrbokyTr hyo mLaesm aznyckS,o lingen Prinatnebddo ubnydD rukcer&e Vie rSltaegmi eniNeorr,d lingen ISBN3 •935748-07-8 v Contents Praecf-eV II 8 Zuzgwan1g3 5 - Exrceie-ss139 1B acRka-nCko mbniaotnis1 Solut-i14o7n s - Excesire-s3 Scoet rab-l1e52 Soltuoin-s11 Scroet alb-e14 9 ImprvoinPgic eeP osiiot-n1 53 Exeires-cs158 2C adndiatMeov es1 5 Soluti-1o6n6s - Excesire-s18 Scoet ralb-e170 Soluiton-2s4 Parcctaielx rcesie-s29 10T rappianP gi e-c1e7 1 Scoet ralb-e34 Exceirs-e17s5 Soulito-n1s83 3T heW ronCgo-loeudBr siho-p3 5 Scoet rab-l1e86 Exceirss-4e5 Soltuio-n52s Appexn- d1i87 Scotraelb -e56 Inxdo efc ompossea rnadn lay-s1t8s7 Idnexo fg am-e1s89 4 ExhcangiPniegc -5e7s Expltainooafns ymb-o1l9s6 Excesire-s6o Soulti-o6n9s Scroet alb-e74 5 PassPeadw nisnt he Middglaem-e7 5 Traniignm atear-li79 6D oubAltet a-c9k5 Exceierss-100 Soltuio-n10s9 Scoet rab-l1e13 7T heP rocoefsE sl imtiino-a1n1 5 Excesire-s119 Soulti-o1n2s3 Parcctaielxr ecies-s126 Sceot ralb-e134 VII Preface Btewee1n9 9a9n 2d0 0Ip2 or dcueadn pdu bhleiidsGn e mranyas masleelrso i ftetnr naigin bokoleetasco,hn ceo evrgi npaar ctiurlc ahsest hemTeh.ie xsp meenrtipaorlje cptor ved quitpeou plrwa itGhe rm-asnpearkeiarndsage,n odt hteoor.Ms a nyo fm y ecshcsol algeues leidtk hfiorsm o fi nvddiiuatlar niign; ando fts hoemumees d t hmea tearlii nt hecailsrs es to.To hifvasou arblreeta icoonm pptretdhi ed oefa ani stEharn ngstliloan. Althotuhbgeoh o ektwlse era imaetdp a lyeorfdsff i einrga biietlsim,o swta netdt he compeltsee Atn.dt hahtow' tsh seed ffieretnhtes mh evaee nded upb oioYnko .uo ne coludal lsoo ooknt hdivises ryia tsas treinafgr taehd ,ew rihtc hesasmb itiwoannsstt ,o tehsitos ve arlalb iy.lM ioetrov,fe orrc hsesta rinste hrbioso pkorv isds eevler reayam-dade lectaunrmdea sn,yu esfleu xcesirecso evridnffige reanstp eocftt hsge a m,ae rleasdoryt ed inte romfts h elvieerol fd ffi icluyt. Theea rrterh eteh esma entde stthsaf altul n dtehrhe ae din'gt accs:ct' hiaepr1tb ,a ck­ rnakc ombniatoinsc;ha pt6e,dr o ubalttaec akn;cd ha pt1e0rt,a r ppgi pnaei cTeh.se e chapatreoern,ts h weh o,lt hesei pmlseta,n da yperlrast beedwl 1 o500s hEoluporl odb ably startt hmwei.t h Twoc haeprdtse wailht p osittihoenmcaehalsp :t4 e,erx chanpgiciee;nas gnc dh ap9t,e r imopvirgnp eicpeo sioinTt.wo c hapdteewrasil t ehng damteh emcehasp:t3 e,tr hw ero n­g cooluerdb ishaonpcd;h aepr8t ,z uzwganTgh.se efo urch aepratsr meo erc haglilnaegnn d pearphssu aibtlforep alyewrtisha nE laob voe1 5.0H 0owev,ep arlyeorfas n syt rength coludpo rfiftrm o stundgty hie.m Twoc hatpedreswa lih tt hqeu setoino fc altciu:olc nahapt2e,cr na ditdema ovsea;n d chap7t,te hrpe r ocoefes lsi tmiinonT.ha etshee maermseo ers iuatbflorep lyaewrsih ta n Elroa ntggi reatthea1rn08 0L.e esxsp eenrecidp lyaerssh ouglot drho uhgt heeax mpels and ttosr oyelt vhoen aen tdwo -sptoasirio tns. Chap5td eeraw lihst s at rgacitatelh e,mp easspeawdn istn h mei dldeg,aa mnecdo nntsa i manaydd iitoneaaxlm pltehsac to ualldsb oeu esdb yc lupably earses x ceirsFeosmr.o e r advnacepdal yresi,st h oublee don ugthop lyta horugtheh seeax mplceasru eylf lotnh e chesasr.bd o How shoualna dm bitpilyoareuw sok rw itthh bioso Iks ?ug gesttw op osbsiiiltsi:e a diercatp oparcahn;od n beas eodn t hdeffii cluyto ft heex cesire.s Witthh deie rcatp oparcghot, h orught heeax mplaetts hs et ta rtohfce ha pt,te hren tcaktlhee ex ceirsTehsee.x ceierssa rmea rkewdih ts tsaa rccdoigrnt ot hediffiirc uyl.t Accoigrnt doy ourra nt,gie acsht gairv tehsfeo l wliogns cionrga ntdih nigknt ime: -Bewl 1o50E0l 1op ,o ifnorst ol nvgia p osiioitnun n d1e0mr i unets. -Bewl 1o80E0l, o p1o ianntud p 7tm oi neu.st -Abov1e8 0E0l, o p1o ianntud p t o5m inuets. Sof,or aemxp,la ene xerwciittshhee re s tasrhso utlakdape l yaewrih ta nE loof1 65a0 mamxium2 1m iuntteoss oela,vn gdi vheis3mp oisnA.tt t heen odf ecahacpht yeorwu i ll fintdh aenw sersa,n ydo cua sne heo ww eyloluu n dsetrotohdte h eme. VIII PREFACE Thearrese o msep ceieaxlre csieisnt h ceh aeprtosn c alcauitlotnh aytou m ustpa ly thromuogvhbe ym ovCeh.e tchkie sn rtutocinbse foyroteuyr t heesxreecs ies. Ia loss uggesatna letrnamteitvheoo fad p rpaochitnihgsb o o-ka ccrodgit not he dffiicyou flt theexr eceisTs.hi mse thoidss u aibtfloepr al yewrista hnE lboe wl 1o50I0n. eacchhp atewrok,rt hrotuhgeehax mplset,h etynrt os oelt vhpeo siiotunpst ot hsee cond levedfflici uloytfW. heyno hua vfieni shedb oto,chk oem bea cakn cdo nsrpi odseitoino ns lveetlh rIeyfeou .a rec ofmotarblwei tthhr ese uslr,tai est hleve ealga iInyf.ou fi ndy ou aernty' ertae dfyo trh nee xlvtee ,pl utth beo obkac ko nt hseeh ldfo,s omoet rhc ehses wokr,b uatft earc oupoflm eo nhtsc ombea cakn tdyr a gai!n Buitnt h een ,dp reahptsh meo sitmp oratnttih nigns o ttot akea ltlh epsoietn st oo sreoiulsyIh. o pe wyiljoluut es njtohybe o ok. FialnlyIw, o ulldei t kot ahnske rvaepleo plweho h epletdo makperj octetph oissbs lie: myw ifNaed aif ohrre h arwdok ro nt hGee rmvarens i;mo ync hetsaesc rhM eakrD voertsky; JurgDeanni emylp ,u lbhiresf,o ern croaunggit hieda oe fa nE ngilstharn lsaitoann;Ud l i Difrortr h leao yuotft hbeo oakn fdo cro ercrntgsi ommeis takietnsh o eri giGneamrlan ediito.n 1 Back-RanCko mbinations Recoigsnitnhgeea roluylnt ieosf m atingT haet taicsktane fa'rr iodfs acrciifimnag­ cobmiantiioansv s tia ls iklTlht.eh eomfe tertioga ealtd aedly cckoh ne btahceak n-kr. thwee abka cakn-ikcrs om mons,os tundgey xi­Deflecotnai nddo ubaltetaa ecrt kh meo st ersceiosft hkinisds holudpa oyff A.l thouigmohpr atnetl emsei tnnh tecsomeb iatnions. thecsoebm iantiaoerno,sn t hweh oflaier,l y easyt,h aeeyrs tlsilt krigian nidmp erss.i veOssBiper ntesi-JnoseC apbalaan c Cearitfnae treusa ert yipaclo ft ihtsy pe Mosc1o9w1 4 ofp osit:i on 2 • 1)th lea ocfka ne sacpes queaf rotrh cea s­ b d f h a c e tlkeidn g; 8 8 2)t hweea knesosf btahceak n-kr; 7 3)a no pefinlo ec ciuepbdyh aevpyi cee-s 6 6 theaeyr tmhaiepn al yeirtnsh ecsomeb i­ naotnis; 5 5 4)ap asspeadwn nae rt op ormotion. 4 4 3 3 1 t.I1J 2 2 d f h a b c e 8 8 7 7 a b c d e f g h 6 6 Condiiotanersp efrefcotar b acka-nrk 5 5 combiantoinC.a pbaalnacs eihziecssh ance 4 4 witabh i ralnlhtii t. 3 3 1 Wb6-!b 2 •... 2 2 Ad oubaltaetco kn q ueeann rdoo kA.t thseam et imtehw ehi etq ueeinds fle ected d f h formp oretcntgit hiemp otarnbtac -karnk a b c e g squead r1N.a taullryt,hb el aqcueke cnan ­ Heer bkontighas er i dna negrT.h pea wnsn obte c aptruebde cuasoefm atIent.ase d, pervnetW hi'tksei fnorgm l enagvt ihbea cki­wto ulhda vbee eanm istatkope l a1y .. .. rankA.l tuhgoBhl ackki'nhsag s easancp e"W b6-1b+2?"W. e 2-�fd-18d ?1?b eacueso f3 . squea,iri tos c cupbiyte hqdeue e.nI and ­di�c-3c8(+lB aaclkosh aasb acka-nrpkr o­b ti,ob notbha cakn-skar eri nffiscuiepnort­llye !m). tec.tW ehidetc amna tiemm eidatewliyt1 h. 2g.C 3-C2 18'd4-#d,o8 ri tnw om ovesastt,ri wnigt1 h. a7-a+8.B18'l atcopka l yw oulwdin i memdi­Or "W2e.2 -18'eb12 x3c!( dfleecotni2). atebly1y . ..Ek.1- c81+. .18'.oh.r7- b1+. 18'e1x�cd38 -adn1md+a te. 2 CHAPTERI BACK-RANCKO MBINTAIONS 2 ..W.b.2 -3bW.1e 2-f1x 2cW b2 Blka'cpsos tiioitsno atlyl lsotb,u tth feo­ r anWdh ietr segine.d meWro rlCdha mipoXnij euenvd ielnuytn ­ deertsiamtehdeo rp potn'etsnrh ea.St us­d XiJeu -nNanal soeliani deynt lhGee ogrialsnoe ialngio tb eraak t o Groinng1e9n9 7 wint hgeam ea nwdi tihlt a msitu netq ual­ 3 • iifactitoon ctanhdeai tdsefi'an lH.ow ev,e r b f h shwea ssi lghsthltooy rf tmiea nd p3l7a·y ed a c d e g ..cs.- ?qm,s iisnhge bri cgh anWchea.t 's 8 8 sos pecihaeelr?L ookmionergd eepilnoy t 7 7 thpeos ityioocunan , seeW hiteht'absta ck­ 6 6 ranki osn ylp ortecbtyte hdqe ue ewnh,i ch 5 5 aslog udasrt hreo ooknf 1l.so ealnciio uld 4 4 havpeal yed 3 3 3·7· ·'Wd·4 x4a!1, 2 2 epxlogi ttwiheneka nseso ft hbeac -karn.k AgainW,h iet cannota ccetphtqe u een a b c d e f g h sacrifiHcowee.v, ee rveantf e3r8 �.b5 -e2 .§d1fx13+9.� e2xWfa41x 2c4 0a.6 a-7.§ b8- Thiwsa so noeft hmeos tda rmataincd d 84 .1a 7-�a .§8dsxa4s2 A.b 7xcass- q, impoarntgtam eosf t hweho lteor uanmentB.l a'cswk iwno uljdsu tbe a m attoeftri me.

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