ChessH ighligohftt sh e 20thC entury GrahamB urgess Firpsutb liisnth heUedK b yG ambPiutb licLatt1di 99o9n s Copyr©i gGhrath Bamu rg1es99s9 Theri gohfGt r ahaBmu rgteos sib dee ntaistfi heaedu thooftr h wiosr hka bse eans seirnte d accordwainttchheC e o pyriDgehsti,ag nnPdsa teAnct1ts8 9 8. Alrli grhetsse rTvheibdso. o iks ssoujlbcedtt ot hceo nditthiaiosttn h allb ywn aoyot ,ft rade or otheirswbee,l enrte,- shoilrdoe,udo t ro thercwiirsceu ilnaa ntfyeo dr mb ionfd oircn ogv er other thatnh aitn whiiitcps hu bliasnhwdei dth oaus ti micloarn diitnicolnu tdhicinosgn dibteiionng imposoentd h seu bseqpuuerncth aser. A copoyft hBer itLiisbhrC aartya loignPu uibnlgi cdaattiiaaso v na ilfaorbmtl heBe r itLiisbhr ary ISB1N9 018932 18 DISTRIBUTION: Wordlwid(ee xcUeSpAt)B :ib liDoiss tribSuetrivoinSc teaRsrd, P, ar tridgeW eGsrtSe ueesnxs,, RH138 LDE,n gl.a nd USAB:H BI nteironnaatl,4 1MI onnrco.Te,u r npTirukmeb,u ClTl ,60 61U1S,A . For oatlhelen rq ui(riinecsl aufu dlillni ogsfa t lG la mbCihte tsist plleesac)so en ttahcpetu blishers, GambPiutb licLattd6i,9oM nass bRrdoK, e nsinLgotnodnWo,1n 4 O L.S Fa+x 44 (703)1721074 7E.- [email protected] e Orv istihGtea mbPiutb licwaetbi osnihstt :te//p wawtw m.bgiatecshs.kc o.u EditbeyGd r ahBamu rgess TypesbeytJ ohNnu nn PrinitnGe rde Barti tbayRi end woBoodo kTsr,ob wridWgiel,t s. 109 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Coveprh otographs Frontto,p : KGaarsrpyar polva yDienegBp l uien1 997 Front, boJtotsoeBmpl chlak ebfut(rn:le eaBdriintgpi lsahya ettr hs et arotft he 20th Century) Front, cbeonttMtrioecm:h ael (AldeaamBdsri intgpi lsahy ere naodtf t th2he0e t h Century) Front, rbiogtJhtutod:Pmi o tl gtarh,se tr ongweosmta n pilnha iysetro ry Backt,o p JloesfReta :uC la pablWaonrclCadh, a mpi1o29n17 - Bactko,cp e n:trT ehe1 597B otvivnsSn miyk slWoovr lCdh ampiomnasthcihp Backt,o rpi ght: AAlleexkahnWidonreelrC,d h ampi1o29n7- 3357,- 46 Backb,o ttloemfM ti:k hTaaliWl,o rlCdh ampi1o69n01 - Back, boctetnotBmrob eb:Fy i srcW,ho erld Cham1p79i2o-n5 Backb,o ttroimg ht: KAarnpaotWvoo,lr ylC dh ampi1o79n5 -85 GambiPutb licatLitodn s ManagiDniegrc t:Go Mr MurraCyh andler CheDsiser cotrG:M JohNnu nn EdirtioDailer ct:Fo MrG raham Burgess AssisEtdain:tGt oM r JohEnm ms GermEadni tWoPMr :P etNruan n Conten1t9s0 0-1919 8 Symbolasn dB ibliography 9 Introduction 1900 10 1910 30 Tournament vifcotroP riilelussr by, Laskerre taihnissw orltdi ttlher ough (?) SchlechatnedrL asker two challenges 1901 12 1911 32 Sensatiorneaslu lbtysC apablanca Anothesre nsatiorneasluf lotr 1902 14 Capablanca 1912 34 Goodr esulftosrS chlechatnedr Janowski A goody eafro rR ubinstein 1903 16 1913 36 VictorfioerTsa rrasacnhd C higorin A mixedy eafr orC apablanca 1904 18 1914 38 Marshatlrli umpahtsC ambridge Laskeerd geos utC apablanicnta h e Springs StP etersbtuorugr nament 1905 20 1915 40 Great refsourTla trsr ascahn dM aroczy No majotro urnamendtuset ot hew ar 1906 22 1916 41 Pillsbduireysl ,e aviMnagr shaalslt he The warr ageosn leading American player 1917 42 1907 24 No majoerv ents Laskeoru tclasMsaerss hall 1918 43 1908 26 Internatcihoensassll owlrye sumes Laskefre ndosff T arrascchh'asl lenge ast hew are nds 1909 28 1919 44 Capablanaccah ievaensa stonishing Goodr esulftosrS pielmann, matchv ictoorvye rM arshall Bogoljubaonwd C apablanca -·- (1907) (1912) Blactko p laayn dw in Blactko p laayn dw in Conten1t9s2 0-1939 1920 45 1930 64 The hypermodermnask et heimra rk Alekhidnoem inanattS anR emo 1921 46 1931 66 Capablanbceac omeWso rld A grearte suflotAr lekhine Champion 1932 68 1922 48 A yeaorf f ewm ajotro urnaments Anothegro ody eafro rA lekhine 1933 70 1923 50 Botvinsnhiokw sh isc lass SuccessfeosrA lekhianned 1934 72 Nimzowitsch Alekhirneem ainCsh ampion 1924 52 1935 74 Lasker triautmN pehws Y ork Alekhilnoes etsh ew orltdi tle 1925 54 toE uwe EfimB ogoljubow awtiM noss cow 1936 76 1926 56 Vintage performbayn ces A sensatiorneasluf lotrN imzowitsch Capablanca 1927 58 1937 78 Capablanlcoas etsh eW orld Alekhirneeg aitnhse w orltdi tle ChampionshtioAp l ekhine 1938 80 1928 60 The AVRO tourname-nat triumph An excellyeenatfr o rC apablanca forK ereasn dF ine 1929 62 1939 82 Alekhine rtehteaW ionrsl Td itle WorlWda rI It hrowisn ternational chesisn tcoh aos (1925) (1938) Whitteo p laayn dw in Whitteo p laayn dw in Conten1t9s4 0-1959 1940 84 1950 104 Chescso ntinuients h eU SSR Chesasn dP olitmiicxs andG ermany 1915 106 1941 86 A rustByo tvinsnuirkv ives Botvinpnriokv ehsi s� bsolute' Bronsteicnh'asl lenge superiority 1952 108 1942 88 Excellent performances by Alekhianned K erefsi ghitto uti n BotvinnKiekr,ea sn dK otov Naztio urnaments 1953 110 1943 90 Smyslotvr iumpahtsZ urich Sverdlovbescko metsh ec entre 1954 112 ofc hess actiintv hietU yS SR Botvinhnainkg so ni na nother 1944 92 drawnW orldC hampionship match Lescsh esass t hew are scalates 1955 114 1945 94 Bronsteibnr'isl lrieasnutl t TheU SSRd ominattehsef irst 1956 116 post-wcahre smsa tches Smysloivst heC hallenaggeari n 1946 96 1957 118 Alekhidniee s Smysloivst hen ewW orld 1947 98 Champion FIDEo rganizneesw W orld 1958 120 Championship Botvinrneigka itnhse w orltdi tle 1948 100 1959 122 Botvinwniinks t heW orld Tali st oc hallenBgoet vinnik Championship 1949 102 DaviBdr onsteeimne rgeass a news tar (1948) (1958) Blactko p laayn dw in Blactko p laayn dw in Conten1t9s6 0-1979 1960 124 1970 144 Talb ecomeWso rldC hampio•n F ischerF ischiesbr a cko nt rac• kU SSR hasa mixedy ear narrowbleya ttsh eR esotf t heW orld 1961 126 1971 146 6-0 Talb ecometsh ey oungest Ex-WorldF ischreurt hlesst:w ice! Champion 1972 148 1962 128 FischiesWr o rlCdh ampio•n C hess Bothg lorayn da gonyf orF ischer ish eadlinneew sa rountdh ew orld 1963 130 1973 150 Petrosdieafne aBtost vin•n ik Karpoavn dM eckinbge come Fische're'xsh ibition' Candidates 1964 132 1974 152 Spasskbye comeas C andidate KarpoivsF ischecrh'asl lenger 1965 134 1975 154 Spasskdyo minattehseC andidates Karpobve comeWso rlCdh ampiobny matches defautlott hed ismaoyf F ischefra'nss 1966 136 1976 156 Petrossihaonw sh isc lasbsy Karpopvr ovehse i sa worthy retainhiinstg i tle Champio•n K orchndoeif ects 1967 138 1977 158 Fischqeuri ttsh eI nterzownhaill e Korchnwoiin st hrougah t empestuous leading Candidactyecsl e 1968 140 1978 160 Spasskiyst oc hallenaggea i•n Karporve mainCsh ampioanft era Dismaayt a notheFri schweirt hdrawal thrilmlaitncgh 1969 142 1979 162 SpasskiysW orlCdh ampio•n GarrKya sparaocvh ievseesn sational Karpova- newS oviestt ar resul• tTsa lh asa greayte ar (1963) (1976) Whitteo p laayn dw in Blactko p laayn dw in Conten1t9s8 0-1999 1980 164 1990 184 A mixedy eafro rK arpo•v E ngland Kasparwoivn sa ne xciting match emergeass a chespso wer 1991 186 1981 166 Anande ntertsh ew orledl i•t Teh e Karpocvo mfortadbelfye ndhsi st itle WorlCdu pc ollapses 1982 168 1992 188 Kasparov gathers mobmuetn tum, Fischiesbr a ck• Shorbte atKsa rpov politisctaolr masr eb rewing 1993 190 1983 170 Kasparaonvd S horts plfirto mF IDE Candidatceysc lienc ris•i Ksa sparov 1994 192 faceas s tercnh allenfgreo mK orchnoi TheP CAo rganizae sse rioefs 1984 172 high-proefvielnet s Kasparfoivg hdtess peratfeolry 1995 194 survivialna marathomna tch Kasparroevt aitnhseP CAt itle 1985 174 1996 196 Outragaesm atchi sc ancell• ed Kasparboeva tDse epB luea,ft er Kaspariosvt hen ewC hampion lositnhge f irgsatm e 1986 176 1997 198 Kaspardoevf endhsi st it•l Set artling Kasparloovs eas b izarrreem atch successbeysA ndreSio kolov againDsete pB lue 1987 178 1998 200 Kasparov survai svceasr e Seivni lle Anandd ominatteosu rnamecnhte ss 1988 180 1999 202 TheG MA makesc hesmso re Kasparroevc onfihrimsds o minance democrataindco rganiztehseW orlCdu p 1989 182 204 Conclusion 205 Kasparwoivn st heW orlCdu p Indeoxf G ames (1984) (1 997) Whitteo p laayn dw in Whitteo p laayn dw in Symbols Dr. P. KFueiepnHesurtrnd,ae rJtae hS rchach Tumiee1r 581-1590W,. T enH ave1,94 6 + check DrP..F eensKtruai pHeurnd,e rJtae hS rchach ++ double check Zweimkpiife1 581-1590W,. T enH ave1,69 7 X capture D.H oopaenrKd . W hylTdh,Oe xfodrC opman # checkmate iotnoC hesOsxo,fr Udn iverPrseists1y,99 2 !! brilmloivaen t S.G lirgioacn dR .W adeT,h eW orlCdh ess goomdo ve ChapmionsBhatispf,o1 r79d3, !? interemsotvei ng B.K aziIcnt,e rtniaoCnhaalpm ionps Chhiess, ?! dubimoouvse Batsfo1r79d4, ? bamdo ve R.E aleCsh,e sTsh:He istoofary G ameB,at s ?? blunder fo,r1d 895 0-0 castkliensg side G.B urgeJs.Ns u,n ann Jd .Em msT,h eM am 0-0-c0a stqlueese nside moth Boofto hkeW o rldG'rse atCehsets s 1-0 thgeam ee ndisna w ifno Wrh ite GameRso,bn iso1n99,8 Ifz_It!zh geam ee ndisna d raw MegaD atab'a99s (eC DO-MR),C hesassBe 0-1 theg amee ndisna w ifno Brl ack GmbH1 998 Ch Championship Ina dditmiaonnby,i ograapnhgdiam eessc ol W orB b ya d iagiranmdt iecWsah itoerB lackl ectwieornceso nsulted. top lay. Photographs Bibliography All photwoegrrseau pphpslfr ioemtd h lei brary ofth eB ritCihsehsM asg aziPnheo.t ographer Non-Chess credits:A dMamisc( hpaheolt ognro3a.3p )h ; Chornicoflt eh Weo rldD,ol rinKgi ndersLleesyl,Ce oyl l(e2,t42 t9 )C;al lEer land(sTsaoln 1996 pictountr hebe a ccko veCra)t;h eJraie(ng2e) 8 ; TheT imeCso ncAitsleoa fsW orlHdi storyD,a gobKeorhtl me(y13e3,r2 3,9 )H;el eMni l TimeBso osk,1 994 lig(a3n7 ); deRl oasNsai ev(eKsa sparvosv Chornieoc flt h2e0 tChen tu(ryC D-MR)OD,K DeeBpl uaen dJ .oPlgpari ctuornte hsfre o nt Multim1e9d96ia , coveKrarp,o v picotntu hrbeea ccko ve3r4,, TheG uinneBsoso okf t he2 0tChe ntury3,5 )P;e tNruan (nM ichAadeamls p iucrtoe n GuinnPeubslsi sh1i99n7g , froncto veCra)t;Rh oyg e(r3s)6 PeasrC yclopa1e99d9i-a02 00P,e ngBuoionk s, 1999 Acknowledgements Chess B.C affretay ndM .T aimanTohveS, o vieIt woluiltkdoe thank Joshung gNeusntni nfgo r ChampionpssCh,ai dog1a99n8, thaIw tr itthebi oso ikn thpel afiacrnesfd,to r I.B eloAv.,S hakaroVv.,T satuarnidaL n. hihse lpcfuolmm entthsr gohuouMty.m o ther, VilseknyA,n tologfyC(hseiBsces)a ou1ty99,6 AileBeunre gssd,e sertvheasnf kosrr e ading K.W hylGdu,i nnCehsests hsRe e cdosrG,u inthrotuhgneho n-cchoenstsFe innta.Ils lhyo,u ld nesBso kos,1 896 thaKneknW hylfdoh ri ass sisitnca hneccek ing JG.a igCeh,e Psesrs onalMicaF,arl an1d89,7 histofrcaitcsa.l Introduction The oafitm hb ioso ikts o p resaes netl ecotfti hboeen sa tnm do setn tenritncaghi egsasm efrso mt he 20tChe nutryt,o gewtihteyhre ar-bya-cyceoaru onftt hmsea icnh ensesw sst osrI.iit eis n tenadsae d bootkod iipn tboo tfho r enteratnaidin nsmtruecntti on. Chedsose nso etx iisnatv acuubmur,ta threerfl eacntidssa f efctbeyde venotust soiud64re squearsW.i tthh iinsm intdh,be o oakl scoo ntabirniasec fc ouonftt hsee v enatnsad c hievements thamta dweo rnledw isne acyhe ar. Ins electthciehn eggs amse st oi nclIuh daevs,eo ugthost t raib kael abnectew eperne sethnet ing besatnm do sitm portangta mcehse,cs hsao nodsl ienfsmgasi lmiaart ae.lrA iltlh geam esh avbee en carefualnlayl yusseibdno gtc har bon-baanssdei dl iconb-rbaaiasnnesidd,n m ancya stehsne e w notdeisff seurb stainntt ihaeclirol nyc lufrsoimto hn'esatr ditiaocncaoluo'nft t hse see sIgh.a a mve fotrh meo sptar ta voidade di scusosfti hoen n oipnpegal ya,n jd iont hgea meisnt heear ly middlegTamheiI.sf ,ee lm,a kefsot rh fear iecsotm paribseotnw edeinff ereernaHtso .wo pening play dheavse ldoupreidt nhge 20th iCsce enrttuaariniyn n lteyes rtitonpgbi uctt,od oi jtsu tice woulrde quaiw rheo lbeo ok. Thec hensesw fsor me acyhe arf allsi ntano u mboefbr r ocaadt eigeoFsrir.s cto metshW eo rld Championsahniqdp u,ay liinefgv enftoisrt s,u cahsI nterzaonnCda alnsd ideavtee.nNs te sxits newosft he miomsptor ttoaunrtn amoeftn htyese arf,ol lowbeytd e amc he.Is nsg eneIrh aalvo,en ly mentionnaetdic ohnamapli onwshhietpnhs e irsseo metehxicnegp ttioro enpaoslru tc,ha p alsa yer becoming Chaatam nup niuosnu eaarlllayyg eIh. a vmea daen e xcepftoitroh UneS SCRh ampion shiapsst ,h ewseer seu csht roenvge natsas l watyoms e raittt oenn.ti TheInd iscnuostsa abclhei eveimnje unintowsro, m ena'nscd o rresponcdheenbscesef, o lries t inngo tacbhlees sy-ebpril raatnhddse hastP.l easeth anItuo stseeq uarber ackwehtersne freirntgo futuerve enttods i,s tinguish dtihsecmu osfrfsoe imvoe ntno htftes h yee ari nq uestfioworhn i,c h thper esteenntis sue s ed. Int hneo n-cwhoersnlsed w Ish avfeo cuosnet dhs et ortihemasat de gtrheea itmepsatoc ntt h e so u fiwnidl lm sopsatdc eev ottoes dc iendtiisficco vienrvieenstc,io oninflcstw,sar ,s , disasterusp,h esaoavcnaitdlae slc hnolborgeihracokautlg hNsa.t ur,a hlIal vdyee voptaretdi cular attenttoei voennt thsha tap dart icular inoflntu hecenh ceweso sr lsdu,ca hst hrei asnefd a olflt he SoviUenti oIhn a.v aei metdop roveindoeu gh ciononfrcmiastaeib ooneu atc khe iy sstuoae s sist three adteodr e ldveee pienrta po ar ticsuuljbare ct. Ih opet hbioso hke lpsb eycooumb ee tact heers sy-eaprnl pdar ovteobs ea u suelsf ourocfce h ess inofrmiaotPne.r hsaeptst cihneghs isos rtiyni twsi dceorn tweixletlv e snp arakn i nteirnoe tshte r area.s GrahBamu rgess Octo1b99e9r