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Chess Exam and Training Guide: Tactics: Rate Yourself and Learn How to Improve (Chess Exams) PDF

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Preview Chess Exam and Training Guide: Tactics: Rate Yourself and Learn How to Improve (Chess Exams)

Chess Exam and Training Guide: TACTICS Rate yourself and learn how to improve! “S* hess Exam won the 2008 Cramer Award ‘or the Best Chess Book Igor Khmelnitsky, international chess Master qhat others have said about the first Chess Exam and Training Guide: eerstes.evnline ho bone tong, len ave Rear tec ey dey ose ile we nse oles aud bulla sag non Fa tom seas dogs a bt IM oor eo and te tadanetlsin bate Cle, aan pnts ne bok Ces Suomen Irate 1 ees hs bok il pov hp ad se on gs a cbpiee Wea tsueng d ee so beara hon ha Doon “Thave often met Igor Klnmelnitsky over the chess board throughout the lst decade. Lie aleays impressed me with bis understanding of the fine intricacies of the game. Now the secret is revealed. Read this book and learn bow the different aspects ofthe game - strategy sad utes and knowledge of the endgune ~ come together to make a sod all-around phaycr, With palicnve and dediculion you can travel ddvin the same rl,” Alex Yermalinsky,(irardemater, former US, lstpian nda menier of he US Oy Lam kappy to add my endorsement... thre is « huge demmd fortis type of thing and Khmelnitaky mects it much beter chan. ‘vet” —Janathan Rowson, Grandauster, New in Chess fsa delight sursise" Labomir Kaalek, Ciamtnaser, amon aig ition to showing may weiker areas, also very helpfil was sto specific books ani! software products to use 19 help me "mov. highly recommend taking the test.” Paul CHM Clies A (Chess Exam and Training Gade offers youan exviting ‘opportunity to securately check yar chess level usin sm antzing collection of classical and modem examples. Cheat explanations help yoo to improve your tactic acd strategie understaudiay Wile your work your way through the Tose parr af the hock, Lhe Train (Gide partis your golden upportumily of ysling dhe most tsctul ant pravticul advieus...craining and book recemmendaticns” ~ Boriy Allermaa, Grand-tuster, former aulvinor ta Garry Kasparey, 13 World Chess Champion, advisor to Deeptuaior progr, jzor Kbmelnitsky has a nnique ability ws take complen chess positions and make thom easy to understand” - Jase Casey Jr Chass TI you ane in uhe under-2200 category anu would Like to knows howto euonomire yur limited raining time, thon Chess Eva and Training Gide is or you. 12> sirry uns of the bost instractional hooks ("ve read in years. 1° a labor at love, s0 don't let this one puss youby.”"— Raldomern Carats, ChessCgfzcom “This test isthe next hest thing to having yur peranal chess coach!” Des ttvan Misner, Founder und CEO af BNT Lnternatonal, best-selling autho, ed-authar af Masters of Sucoess “Wea gels this book apaet (hon aller chess quiz books or unTtiple choice books is both the varied level of dittiouty of the pesitions and also the informative statistics showing the distribution af answers by players at all levels, With this dita you can immestiats spot i a gtadent dows not have the required knowledge That others Tis evel (or the level ubuye!) do. Also, many a te probleups are ‘what L would cal “indicaive” problems, which repesent sent special picce of chess knowledge, and net jst "play and win” play ara draw" situations, In IBat sense Tgor’s book i compar to Lev Albure’s excellant Cheay Tramning Pocke! Book.” - Dad Heisman, Master, Coach, Anthor of a Parent's Guide 10 Chess. Iki Te Renaissance Man om Chess. Chess Exam and Training Guide TACTICS Rate yourself and learn how to improve! I * ‘S80r Khmelnitsky, intemationsl Chess Master Published by: JamCoueh Press PO Tox 60088 King of Prussia, PA 19406 610-999-5134 hitp:/ fewer Jam-Coach.com For ordering information see page 208 Copyright © 2007 Igor Khmelnitsley AL Rights Reserved. Images courtesy of Jupiterimages, a division of Jupitermedia Corporation (www. Clpast.com) No part of this book may be reproduced or transtmitied in any form or by any ineans, graphic, cloctronic, or mechanical, incuding phatocopying, recording, taping oF by any information storage or retrieval system, without permission in writing [ram the publisher, ISBN 10: 0 9754761 14 ISBN 13: 978 0 9754761- 6 Librany of Congress Control Number; 2006929 186 Printed in the United States of America contents ‘phout the Author. preface A Note to the Reader. warning ~ Disclaimer... chess Symbols Acknowledgements, Final Comments: How to Take the Iam Exam Subtest 1—Questivus 112 Sub-tcst 2. Questions 13 - 24. Subtest 3 Questions 23 36. Sub teat 4 Questions 37 ~ 48... Sub test 3— Questions 49 - 60. ‘Tables and Charts Introduction, a Instructions: How ta use the ables, Tables Titan Guide: Tipe end Recoramendations Themes Oljertives besten ‘Staves uf the Gamo. 2 a4 15 16 1% 19 45 7 9 123, 347 148, 150. 162 164 16s 163 182 18s 191 194 196 197 Afterward: What ls the Next Step? Appendix 1; Recommended Chess Training Toole Appendix 2: Index of Players and Composers. Order Form, 2 203 Sua 203 Dedicated with love to my wife Svetlana and our children Alec and Nikki. You are my trun inepiration! ‘Chess Euan aa Tralning Gute: Tactigg «7 About the Author Igor Khmelnitsiry earned the title of International Chess Master in 1990 afte: a convincing victory in tne 1s Leon‘ Stein Memorial in Lviv, Ukraine. Xtenelnitaigy is a winner of many national and interaational euraments in Ulaaine, Russi, Germany, Yugoslavia, Croatia, Enigaria, and the United Staces, Ac various points luring bis carcer, ac has defeated many of the game's best Players - including Lev alburt, Boris Alterman, Vio: gun, Roman Bzindzichashvili, Vasily anche, Alexander Ivanov, Oleg Romanishin, Alexander Shabalow, Evgrniy Sveshnileav, Patrick Wolff, and Alex Yermolinsly, Overall. Kkinelnitalgy hae defeated over 30 different Grandmasters. He has participated in che Uxeainian National Chaupionstip; he has also played chros times in. the U.S, National Championship, icnitoky ig also a very experienced coach, lly Sirk high ole coaching experience was £1 1986, when he vetved Seaching assistant for the Disainian national jai tear "sal members af that tam wont on to become successful "stidmasters Wassily wach, Hors Alesrman, Moe Hiodely, Andrey Nouesimenter and othors.). batce enti sky mained vanous leading, Ukrainian players, ‘ing Yury Kruppa (now Grandmaster and Women = yor Khumelaitsky Grandmaster Lidia Semenova, a challenger for the World Championship Title, ‘Since maviag to the United States ia 199, Khmelnivey tras heon eaching in the Philadciphia arca His stedenty inatude players af all levels, ranging from nov'ces tn masters Khniclnitsky has published comments, annotated gatnes, and articles in various chess publicat‘ons, including che ‘mos: prestigious periodicals: Chess Jaformant, New in ‘Chess, ChessRase, 64, Chess Life, and Chess Today. Heis, algo the founder and publisher of the two popular chess ‘websites ww lamCoach.com and sea ChessExam cm, Khmelnitslgy is a contributing auchor to the best seller Masters of Success by Iwan Mizmer, Ph. (8 2004, Encreprencur Press} KhracInitaky’s first book - Chess Bxam and Training Guide [€ 2004, lamaCagch Press| was extremely well received by readers ind reviewers alike. The boale won the prestigious Crarnce award far Hest Cheas Hoole trom the Cramer Commitee and the Chess Joumalists of arncrica. Its now fn its second printing and also has been translaled into French and Rutasian. Khmelaitely ig one of the thrce enauthrore of Peaching Chass Step by Step, tho 3-valume scheal eurrieulutt, Published in 2006 by Garry Kasparav's Chess Pounduciay Khauelnitaky holds a Huehelor Negree in Husiness Acininiulration from Temple Lnivers:ly (Philadelphia). Heo su aclusry al etn (ne, the leader ir the health insta industey Igor Khmelaitely shares his success with wile Svetand, °°" Aloe and daughter Nie ‘Chess Exam and Training Gui: Tactics + 9 Preface - Note to the Reader esl hss ing bein ih wert Fyn Secs eaten ya ee ash on Tet py Pt aha vt wna dcr oc, a Fe idu af Me ches Eau un Train Gu exude are eam ly dose! fre cvigina Cx helps sears estima their ating overall and ths ‘Rung 12 s0h-calegories: Stage: Ouering vs, Middleqame ve. Endgame © Statle ve, Dynamics Tactics vs, Strazegy ws, lation © Situation: Atiank vs. Defense vs. Courteraitock 1 Miscellaneous: Surrifice, Thrvat Reeugnifion, und Standard Bnudyame Prsitions. Ther Tpavvide a brief review of ench sub-vateyary, slong wilh soe hiph-ovol easing evoateatoas, ave pecived hundreds of lecers and e-mails fara rutisiedceadere ‘who “bought” ilo ny appmoacl and were loukiae for Ube next step. Specteally, they needed mete help Improving tsi wok areas ‘This book i designed to ely with thal meat sep sole Fucus som the "ust inmevtsa: sub-category Zee ‘hore ar hundreds uf chess backs writen on tis subject ad thors isa fod recon for hat no mter bow ell one play te gore, uae ttc snot ean instantly lu the sition 180 dpe Fw de you ‘tapre your Tactical ability? ‘he best way is by ‘proving yuurnondorcanding af tactical ideas and solving tactical reacts your isrenaing ideas and siting terial ypu scommendton a ner ees alt foot on sling mal uses bobs sd aaung sts Tae sl of Tip roe Pater ecg, iy 3 ay hee a po

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