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Chess and the Art of Negotiation: Ancient Rules for Modern Combat PDF

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Chess and the Art of Negotiation Ancient Rules for Modern Combat Anatoly Karpov and Jean-Franc¸ois Phelizon with Bachar Kouatly LibraryofCongressCataloging-in-PublicationData Karpov,Anatoly,1951- Chessandtheartofnegotiation:ancientrulesformoderncombat/AnatolyKarpov andJean-Franc¸oisPhelizonwithBacharKouatly. p. cm. Includesbibliographicalreferencesandindex. ISBN0–275–99065–6(alk.paper) 1.Chess. I.Phe´lizon,JeanFranc¸ois. II.Kouatly,Bachar. III.Title. GV1449.5.K35 2006 794.1—dc22 2006020994 BritishLibraryCataloguinginPublicationDataisavailable Copyright©2006byEconomica Allrightsreserved.Noportionofthisbookmaybe reproduced,byanyprocessortechnique,withoutthe expresswrittenconsentofthepublisher. LibraryofCongressCatalogCardNumber:2006020994 ISBN:0–275–99065–6 Firstpublishedin2006 ThisisatranslationoftheoriginalFrenchedition,publishedas: PsychologiedelaBataille ©Ed.Economica,2004 ThisbookalsohasbeentranslatedintochineseasDueYi©Citic,2005 PraegerPublishers,88PostRoadWest,Westport,CT06881 AnimprintofGreenwoodPublishingGroup,Inc. www.praeger.com PrintedintheUnitedStatesofAmerica Thepaperusedinthisbookcomplieswiththe PermanentPaperStandardissuedbytheNational InformationStandardsOrganization(Z39.48–1984). 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Contents Acknowledgments vii Introduction ix Prologue: EstablishandMaintainaWinningPosition 1 Chapter1: PreparingforBattle 11 Chapter2: SelectaStyleandApproach 31 Chapter3: IndirectApproach:StrengthagainstStrength 53 Chapter4: LateralApproach:PlayingwithFinesse 73 Chapter5: AfterVictory,LookAhead 97 Appendix: WorldChessChampions 109 Notes 111 Acknowledgments WewouldliketoextendourspecialthankstoNicholasPhilipson,our editor, forhis complete support of thisproject, and for his constant encouragement, advice, and guidance. Our deepest appreciation alsogoestoElvaLe`ge´reClementsandDorothyWackermanfortheir editorial comments, and to Christine Hammond for her help with whateverneededtobedone. Introduction In this book, two masters in their respective areas of expertise— Anatoly Karpov, former World Champion and grand chess master, and Jean-Franc¸ois Phelizon, CEO of Saint-Gobain Corporation— come together to share their insight into how the ancient game ofchesscanbeablueprintforsuccessintoday’sbusinessworld. Ever since the game was believed to have been played for the first time in sixth-century India, chess has been an intellectual duelemployingstrategy,tactics,andpsychology.Manyofthelessons learnedbystudentsofthegamecanbeappliedtoavarietyofbusiness managementscenarios,especiallynegotiation. Chess and the Art of Negotiation takes the form of a fascinating dialoguebetweenMr.KarpovandMr.Phelizon,moderatedbyBachar Kouatly, himself an international chess master. In this give-and-take approach, the reader can get a better insight into the experiences andthoughtprocessesoftheseexpertsastheyconveybothchessand businesstheoryandreal-worldapplications. Chessoffersexecutivestimelesslessonsinatake-chargebusi- nessapproachthatisaimedatwinning.Inbusiness,negotiationscan reach the intensity of war, hence the reference to “combat” in the subtitle.Analogiescanbemadeonmanylevels,withopposingsides beingcalled“adversaries”or“opponents,”andapproachesbeingre- ferredtoinmilitarytermssuchas“frontal,”“oblique,”and“lateral.”

Negotiations and other business maneuvers are like chess: every move generates a plethora of potential next moves. In Chess and the Art of Negotiation , a world-renowned chess master and a CEO of a global company join forces and apply the principles of chess to illuminate the dynamics of competition
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