F, V & V inOBGyn, 2010, 2 (4): 278-286 PhD Summary Chemotherapy during pregnancy: pharmacokinetics and impact on foetal neurological development K. VAn CAlSTErEn Obstetrics & Gynecology, University Hospital Gasthuisberg, 3000 Leuven, Belgium. Correspondence at: [email protected] Promotor: F. Amant, leuven Cancer institute, Department of Gynecological Oncology, University Hospital Gasthuisberg, 3000 leuven, Belgium. Abstract Based on an estimated incidence of of 1 cancer case per 1000-1500 pregnancies, 3000-5000 new patients can be expected in Europe annually. The treatment of cancer in pregnant women is a challenge since both the maternal and the fetal well-being need to be considered. This study was initiated to gain more insight into the problems associated with cancer and chemotherapy during pregnancy. A multicentric registration study was set up to evaluate the currently applied treatment modalities for cancer during pregnancy, and the consequences of their use for pregnancy. Secondly, a preclinical and clinical pharmacological study addressing pharmacokinetics of chemotherapy in pregnant women and transplacental passage of chemotherapy was performed. Thirdly, we investigated the effects of prenatal exposure to chemotherapy on fetal neurological development. We observed an equal distribution of tumour types between pregnant and age-matched nonpregnant women. Data on neonatal outcome suggest that exposure to chemotherapy in the 2ndor 3rdtrimester of pregnancy does not worsen out- come. This finding is explained by the fact that chemotherapy is not administered during the period of organogenesis and by the fetal protection offered by the placental barrier-function. Physiological changes of pregnancy resulted in a decreased plasma drug exposure of chemotherapeutic agents. Before major conclusions can be drawn with regard to the long term fetal outcome and the efficacy of chemotherapy during pregnancy, more patients and a longer follow up period is required. Therefore, this research project is continued and expanded nationally and internationally. Key words:Cancer, chemotherapy, pregnancy, pharmacokinetics, transplacental transfer. Introduction being need to be considered. Clinical experience in cancer treatment during pregnancy is based on a Cancer is the second leading cause of death in rather limited compilation of case reports, small women during the reproductive years and compli- retro spective case series and reviews (Cardonick and cates 0.06%-0.10% of pregnancies (Pavlidis, 2002). iacobucci, 2004; Pereget al., 2008; Pentheroudakis in Europe, yearly 3000 to 5000 patients are diag- and Pavlidis, 2006). in the absence of prospective nosed with cancer during pregnancy. As women in studies related to cancer diagnosis and treatment dur- developed societies defer childbearing to the third or ing pregnancy, we initiated this study in 2005. in the fourth decade of life, and the incidence of several first phase of the project, we focused on the current malignancies rises with increasing age, this rela- management modalities and the maternal and fetal tively rare co-incidence is likely to become more outcome after cancer (treatment) during pregnancy. common in the future. Furthermore, we initiated a pharmacological study The treatment of cancer in pregnant women is a addressing the pharmacokinetics of chemotherapy in challenge since both the maternal and the fetal well- pregnant women and their transplacental passage. 278 Table I. —Distribution of tumour types. Tumour type Number Percentage Breast cancer 99 46 Hematological malignancies 40 18 – Hodgkin Disease 13 6.0 – non-hodgkin lymphoma 10 4.7 – All 4 1.9 – AMl 7 3.2 – CMl 4 1.9 – Hairy cell leukaemia 1 0.5 – Multiple myeloma 1 0.5 Dermatological malignancies 21 10 – Basal cell carcinoma 9 4.2 – Melanoma 11 5.1 – Kaposi sarcoma 1 0.5 Cervical cancer 17 8 Brain tumour 8 4 Ovarian cancer 8 4 Colorectal cancer 5 2 Other (sarcoma, lung, liver, kidney, GiST, thyroid, urachus, rhinopharyngeal) 17 8 215 100 Finally, we investigated the effects of in uteroexpo- (n=15/179), 45.8% between 32 and 37 weeks of sure to chemotherapy on neurological development. gestation (n = 82/179), and 45.8% at term (≥37 weeks) (n = 82/179). Thus, 54% of the chil- Current management modalities and maternal dren were born preterm, with a consequent high ad- and fetal outcome (Van Calsterenet al., 2010a) mission rate to the neonatal care unit. in the vast majority (90%) of patients, the delivery was induced. in order to assess current treatment modalities and The complications of preterm birth are well-studied the impact on the obstetrical and neonatal outcome, and include intraventricular haemorrhage, bradycar- an international multicentric registration study was dia/apnea, need for respiratory assistance, necrotis- set up in Belgium, the netherlands and the Czech ing enterocolitis, sepsis, seizures, hypoglycaemia republic. Between 1998 and 2008, 215 patients with and feeding problems. recently, Bastek et al.(2008) a diagnosis of cancer during pregnancy were regis- showed that late-preterm neonates (34-37 weeks) tered. The most frequently encountered tumour types have significantly more medical complications com- were breast cancer (46%), haematological (18%) and pared to their term counterpart. Besides these imme- dermatological malignancies (10%) (Table i). These diate effects, preterm birth is associated with are the same types of tumours seen in nonpregnant long-term morbidities and impaired cognitive and women of this age group (Belgian Cancer registry, behavioural outcomes (Johnson, 2007). i believe that 2008). This observation confirms the idea that preg- the consequences of preterm delivery in our study nancy in itself is no risk factor for cancer. population are underestimated. The prevention of in 5/215 (2.3%) patients, a miscarriage occurred prematurity deserves our careful attention also in an at 10.7 ± 4.8 weeks of gestation, before cancer treat- oncological setting. Prevention of prematurity can ment was started. in 30/215 (14.0%) patients, the be realised by postponing or continuing treatment pregnancy was terminated at a gestational age of until a term delivery can be obtained. Deliberate 10.9 ± 6.8 weeks; in 13 patients (43.3%), termina- delay of therapy to achieve fetal maturity appears to tion took place after 13 weeks gestational age. in be a safe option for certain patients with early-stage 58/215 (27.0%) patients, treatment was deferred disease (Cold et al., 2005; nettleton et al., 1996; until postpartum; in these cases, the cancer diagnosis Duggan et al., 1993). Continuation of treatment was made at a gestational age of 30.6 ± 9.4 weeks. initiated during pregnancy is a alternative way to in 122/215 (56.7%) patients, one or more treatment prevent prematurity. To date, treatment during modalities were initiated during pregnancy, after a pregnancy is continued until fetal viability is cancer diagnosis at a gestational age of 19.6 ± 8.5 reached. rather, fetal maturity should be the weeks. preferred criterion to induce labour. in a multi - The mean gestational age at delivery was disciplinary setting, a maximal effort should be ex- 36.2 ± 2.9 weeks. 8.4% delivered before 32 weeks ecuted to delay delivery until at least 35-37 weeks. CHEMOTHErAPy DUrinG PrEGnAnCy – VAn CAlSTErEnetAL. 279 Furthermore, our data show no increased characteristics of the drugs and the physiological incidence of congenitalmalformationsafter in utero adaptations in pregnancy (Wiebe and Sipila, 1994). exposure to chemotherapy in the 2nd or 3rd trimester To the best of our knowledge, this study is the first of pregnancy. These observations confirm the to report on experimental research on the pharmaco- evidence that cytotoxic treatment administered after kinetic characteristics of chemotherapeutic drugs the first trimester of pregnancy does not result in a during pregnancy. The use of an animal model was higher incidence of congenital anomalies (Cardonick necessary since experiments on transplacental trans- and iacobucci, 2004; Aviles and neri, 2001; Mir et fer would be ethically unjustified in humans. al., 2008b). Fetal growth restriction is a permanent concern 2A. transplacental passage of chemotherapy when cancer is treated during pregnancy (Cardonick and iacobucci, 2004; Fischer et al., 2006; Weisz et Transplacental transfer of drugs occurs primarily by al., 2001), and was confirmed by the findings in the passive diffusion. Therefore, the amount and rate of current study. in 26/175 cases, birthweight was transfer is determined by the concentration-gradient below the 10thpercentile for gestational age (14.9%, of the drug between the maternal and fetal circula- binomial test, p = 0.054). The low-birthweight cases tion and placental blood flow. Besides the physico- were not related to a specific type of cancer, but the chemical properties of drugs such as lipid solubility largest proportion of small-for-gestational-age and ionization constant (pKa), molecular weight and newborns was documented in pregnancies with protein binding are critical for placental transfer. haematological tumours (9/33, 27.3%). Binomial Uncharged, low-molecular-weight (< 500 Da), lipid- testing revealed a significant increase of small-for- soluble and unbound compounds can easily cross the gestational-age neonates in the group receiving human placenta (Garland, 1998; Symeet al., 2004). treatment during pregnancy (surgery, chemotherapy Anecdotal reports on fetal drug concentrations of or radiotherapy) (n = 21/117 (17.9%). in mothers chemotherapeutic agents reveal a wide variance in receiving chemotherapy and/or radiotherapy, small- results (Germann et al., 2004; Mir et al., 2008a). for-gestational-age babies were seen in 16/66 Therefore, a systematic study is required in order to (24.2%, binomial test p = 0.001), compared to obtain clinically useful data on the most frequently 10/109 (9.2%) in the pregnancies without cytotoxic applied chemotherapeutic drugs in pregnant patients. treatment (binomial test, p = 1.320). Whether the ef- First, transplacental transfer of cytotoxic agents fect on fetal growth is determined by the maternal was studied in a mouse model (Van Calsterenet al., illness associated with malnutrition and a catabolic 2010e). ninety minutes after iV drug injection on status (nulmanet al., 2001), or by direct or indirect gestational day 18.5, maternal and fetal blood sam- effects of the treatment, remains an open question. ples were collected simultaneously. Plasma drug lev- In conclusion, the findings of the current study els were determined using high-performance liquid show an overall good outcome of pregnancies com- chromatography (HPlC) or atomic absorption spec- plicated by cancer. However, a high rate of preterm trometry (AAS). Fetal plasma concentrations of dox- inductions with a subsequent high rate of admissions orubicin, epirubicin and daunorubicin were 5.1± to the neonatal care unit was observed. interdiscipli- 0.6%, 4.8 ± 3.8%, 13.3 ± 3.5% (mean ± SD) of the nary decision-making on the timing of delivery, with maternal concentrations, respectively. For vinblas- obstetricians and neonatologists, is necessary. Prefer- tine and cytarabine, fetal plasma concentrations were ably, delivery should not be induced before 35- 13.8 ± 5.8% and 56.7 ± 22.6% of the maternal con- 37weeks. Current data confirm that cytotoxic centrations, respectively. Carboplatin fully passed treatment, administered during the second and third the mouse placenta (117.0 ± 38.9%), whereas pacli- trimester of pregnancy, does not increase the rate of taxel could not be detected in fetal plasma. These re- congenital malformations. sults show a high variability in fetal exposure between the different agents. However, except for carboplatin, all fetal drug levels were much lower 2. Pharmacokinetics of chemotherapy during than the respective maternal levels (Table ii) (Van pregnancy Calsterenet al., 2010e). Although these results were reassuring, important in the second part of this research, we addressed the limitations of these experiments must be taken into pharmacokinetics and transplacental passage of account: only one drug could be administered, chemotherapy during pregnancy. Currently available whereas in clinical practice combination therapy is information is based mainly on anecdotal reports and used; and the rodent placenta differs markedly from theoretical inferences from the physicochemical the human placenta. While placentation in humans characteristics of the drugs, the general distribution is haemomonochorial, placentation in mice and rat 280 F, V & V inOBGyn TableII. — results of transplacental transfer of chemotherapeutic agents in a mouse and baboon model, based on simultaneously collected maternal and foetal plasma samples. Drug Mouse (%) (Samples) Baboon (%) (Samples) Doxorubicin 5.1 ± 0.6 (n = 8) 7.5 ± 3.2 (n = 6) (n = 9 < llQ in foetus; n = 2 not simultaneously collected) Epirubicin 4.8 ± 3.8 (n = 8) 4.0 ± 1.6 (n = 8) (n = 3 < llQ in foetus). Daunorubicin 13.3 ± 3.5 (n = 3) not tested Carboplatin 117.0 ± 38.9 (n = 6) 57.5 ± 14.2 (n = 7) Cytarabine 56.7 ± 22.6 (n = 6) not tested Paclitaxel not detectable in fetus (n = 6) 1.4 ± 0.8 (n = 7) (n = 4 < llQ in foetus) Docetaxel not tested / (n = 9 < llQ in foetus) 4-OH-cylophosphamide not tested 25.1 ± 6.3 (n = 3) (n = 1 < llQ in foetus and mother) Vinblastine 13.8 ± 5.8 (n = 6) 18.5 ± 15.5 (n = 9) (n = 1 < llQ). llQ, lower limit of quantification. is labyrinthine with a three-layer tropoblast (Carter, Transfer rate was calculated based on comparison 2007). in order to achieve results that could more of simultaneously collected samples in maternal and readily extrapolated to the human setting, an animal fetal plasma. The results are summarised in Table ii. model with a close phylogenetic relationship to hu- mans was prioritised. Such model would need to For doxorubicin and epirubicin, less than 10% of demonstrate sufficient similarity with humans with maternal concentrations was measured in the fetal respect to embryological development, placental compartment, in line with expectations based on mo- structure and function, reproductive physiology and lecular properties, i.e. a high molecular weight endocrinology, and drug metabolism. The baboon (527g/mol) and protein binding (50-85%) (De Vita model was shown to address these requirements et al., 2001). Moreover, these drugs are substrates to (Van Calsterenet al., 2009a). Subsequently, transpla- ABC-transporters like P-gp, an efflux transporter for cental passage of chemotherapeutic agents was stud- various xenobiotics which is expressed in bile canali- ied for the most frequently applied combination culi but also in the placenta (Mir et al., 2008b) and regimens in pregnant women (Van Calsteren et al., might explain the limited transplacental transfer of 2010b; Van Calsterenet al., 2010c): 5-fluorouracil- these anthracyclines. The transfer rate in the baboon epirubicin-cyclophosphamide (FEC) – a standard was consistent in blood and tissues and paralleled treatment for breast cancer (Trudeau et al., 2005), passage rates in mice. The low transplacental trans- doxorubicin-bleomycin-vinblastine-dacarbazine fer of doxorubicin and epirubicin is reassuring with (ABVD) – the standard treatment for Hodgkin dis- regard to fetal toxicity and long-term effects. How- ease (iannitto et al., 2009), and taxanes and carbo- ever, the unknown susceptibility of the fetal tissues platin which are used in the treatment of cervical, to even low cytotoxic drug concentrations needs to breast and ovarian cancer (Amantet al., 2009). be further explored. in particular, the fetal heart may The administered regimens were: FEC 100% be drug-sensitive since anthracyclines induce a dose- (n=2), FEC 200% (n = 1), ABVD 100% (n = 5), related cardiotoxicity (lipshultz et al., 1991). To ABVD 200% (n = 1), docetaxel-trastuzumab (n = date, case series do not show impaired heart function 1), paclitaxel (n = 2), docetaxel (n = 2), paclitaxel- or morphology in children after prenatal exposure to carboplatin 100% (n = 2), paclitaxel-carboplatin anthracycline-based chemotherapy (Meyer-Wittkopf 50% (n = 1), docetaxel-carboplatin (n = 1). et al., 2001; Aviles et al., 2006). The low levels of At predefined time-points over the first 76 h after anthracyclines in the fetal heart may contribute to a the start of the drug infusion, fetal and maternal favorable cardiac outcome in the offspring. blood samples, amniotic fluid (AF) and maternal urine were collected simultaneously. Fetal and ma- Vinblastine is highly protein bound (99%), has a ternal tissues were collected during necropsy. HPlC, high molecular weight (811g/mol) and is a substrate liquid-chromatography mass-spectrometry (lC- of ABC-transporters like P-gp and MrP. These drug MS), enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (EliSA) properties contribute to a low transplacental transfer and AAS were used for bio-analysis of doxorubicin, of 18.5 ± 15.5% (n = 9), as demonstrated in this epirubicin, vinblastine, cyclophosphamide and (4- baboon study. hydroxy-) cyclophosphamide, trastuzumab, doc- etaxel, paclitaxel and total platin (Van Calsteren et Cyclophosphamide(CP)is an inactive prodrug con- al., 2010b; Van Calsterenet al., 2010c). verted by hepatic microsomal enzymes into reactive CHEMOTHErAPy DUrinG PrEGnAnCy – VAn CAlSTErEnetAL. 281 intermediates, of which 4-OHCP is the most impor- weeks of neonatal life (Miret al., 2008b). Therefore, tant. Plasma protein binding of CP is low (12-14%) it can be assumed that fetuses are unable to resulting in easy penetration of most membranes (De metabolise taxanes and remain susceptible to their Vitaet al., 2001). Therefore, it was assumed that CP cytotoxic effects. The implication of the storage of would readily pass the human placenta (Wiebe and taxanes in fetal tissues is unclear as yet. Sipila, 1994). On the other hand, 4-OHCP is bound more tightly to plasma protein (50%), and the pla- Trastuzumab is a humanised monoclonal antibody cental diffusion rate in mice was lower than for CP targeting HEr2-positive breast cancer cells. The (Gibson and Becker, 1971). The results from our ba- major side-effect of trastuzumab is cardiotoxicity. boon study indeed showed a complete transplacental Trastuzumab is also associated with oligohydram- passage of CP (100%), but the 4-OH metabolite was nios when administered during pregnancy. in the ba- detected in much lower concentrations in the fetus boon, 85% and 3% of the maternal plasma (25.1 ± 6.3% (n = 3)). This can be explained by the concentration was detected in fetal plasma 2 h and reduced or absent oxidative metabolism capacity of 26 h, respectively, after trastuzumab infusion. Con- CP in the fetus, thereby limiting the conversion of centrations in fetal tissues, including the heart, varied the inactive parent compound into the active 4-OH between 5% and 14% of the maternal concentra- metabolite. Moreover, maternal 4-OHCP binding to tions. in conclusion, a significant fraction of plasma proteins is stronger, thus reducing transpla- trastuzumab crosses the baboon placenta. The lack cental transfer. Although the fetal exposure to the ac- of mature reabsorption in the fetal kidney results in tive metabolite of CP appears to be limited, further relatively high concentrations of trastuzumab in am- research is warranted to investigate the possible late niotic fluid. Trastuzumab-induced oligohydramnios effects of CP on induction of secondary neoplasms might be related to HEr2 inhibition in fetal nephro- (bladder cancer, leukaemias) and its potential detri- genic cells and decreased fetal renal blood flow by mental impact on gonadal function in young adults. VEGF inhibition. These results add to the knowl- edge that trastuzumab is associated with oligohy- We documented a carboplatin maternal-fetal trans- dramnios. Fetal cardiotoxicity after in utero fer of 57.5 ± 14.2% (n = 7). Carboplatin is known to exposure to trastuzumab deserves further attention. be bound to plasma proteins only for 24-50% (De Children exposed in uteroto trastuzumab are candi- Vita et al., 2001). The high free drug fraction and dates for nephrologic and cardiologic follow-up. relatively low molecular weight (371 g/mol) explain the substantial tranplacental passage. 2B. Pharmacokinetics of chemotherapy in preg- nancy (Van Calsteren et al., 2010d) Comparison of fetal and maternal plasma levels of paclitaxel and docetaxel revealed a very low pla- Apart from the potential toxicity of chemotherapeu- cental passage. The concentration of paclitaxel in tics on the fetus, maternal effects were also studied. fetal plasma was 1.4 ± 0.8% of maternal concentra- Most anticancer drugs exhibit a narrow therapeutic tions (n = 7). Docetaxel could not be detected in fetal window with small margins between therapeutic plasma samples (n = 9). However, measurements in toxic and effects. interindividual pharmacokinetic fetal and maternal tissues showed a delayed, but and pharmacodynamic variabilities are generally important distribution of taxanes into the fetal substantial and may be augmented by pregnancy compartment. (Undevia et al., 2005). indeed, physiological adap- Paclitaxel and docetaxel have a high molecular tations occur, including an expansion of plasma and weight (854 and 862 g/mol), are highly lipid-soluble, extracellular fluid volume, alterations in hepatic exhibit a wide tissue distribution, are highly protein- function, increased glomerular filtration rate, bound (> 80-90%) and, consequently, have a long changes in plasma protein concentrations and protein half-life. Furthermore, taxanes are substrates of ABC binding. These alterations will influence major phar- transporters like P-gp and MrP. These molecular macokinetic processes such as absorption, distribu- characteristics of taxanes explain the fast distribu- tion, metabolism and elimination and likely interfere tion, the relatively low plasma levels and the slow with drug efficacy and toxicity (Kraueret al., 1980). elimination. The fetus appears to act as a ‘deep’ com- Although important for all drugs, chemotherapeutic partment, in which drugs are stored until maternal agents deserve our special attention given their plasma concentrations decline. Taxanes are exten- strong actions and possible mutagenic and terato- sively metabolised in the liver by the cytochrome- genic effects. P450-isoenzymes CyP2C8 and CyP3A4 The pharmacodynamic (antitumour activity and (paclitaxel) and CyP3A4/5 (docetaxel). The matu- toxicity in relation to the dose administered) conse- ration of these cytochromes occurs mainly in the first quences of the above-mentioned physiological 282 F, V & V inOBGyn changes for chemotherapeutic agents are difficult to However, reliable data on the long-term outcome of predict without pharmacokinetic data. Therefore, it children after prenatal exposure to chemotherapy are remains unknown whether the pregnant patient is lacking. Fetal organogenesis ends around 8 weeks treated optimally with standard chemotherapy regi- after conception for most organs, except for the brain mens as applied in current clinical practice (Wiebe and the gonads. Consequently, questions arise on the and Sipila, 1994; Cardonick and iacobucci, 2004). possible long-term effects of prenatal exposure to To answer this crucial question, we initiated a study chemotherapeutic agents on the neurological on the pharmacokinetic behaviour of chemothera- development, fertility and carcinogenesis (Cardon- peutic agents, comparing the pharmacokinetic ick and iacobucci, 2004; Zemlickis et al., 1992; parameters in the pregnant and nonpregnant state, in Pentheroudakis and Pavlidis, 2006). both a clinical study and a baboon study. To date, available data on long-term follow-up of To this end, standard-dosed chemotherapy the children are poor. Only two series have been re- regimens were administered in pregnant and non- ported with a follow-up until school age. Unfortu- pregnant baboons/women, followed by serial blood nately, the methodology was described poorly and/or samplings. Drug plasma levels were determined the results may have been biased by parental opinion using HPlC and AAS. A non-compartmental phar- (Aviles and neri, 2001; Hahnet al., 2006). Aviles et macokinetic analysis with the determination of C , al. described a series of 84 children from mothers max AUC, t , clearance and distribution volume was per- with haematological malignancies who received 1/2 formed using Winnonlin Software (Van Calsteren chemotherapy during pregnancy. The children were et al., 2010d). examined for physical health, growth, general devel- in a pregnant baboon model, we assessed the opment and haematological, cytogenetic, neurolog- pharmacokinetic characteristics of doxorubicin (n = ical, psychological and learning disorders. However, 3), paclitaxel (n = 2) and platinum (n = 2) during and no details on the neurological and psychological after pregnancy. For the three drugs, a decrease in tests were provided. They reported that all children, plasma drug exposure (AUC-D and C -D) and an including 12 second-generation children, had a nor- max increase in clearance and distribution volume was mal birth weight, a normal learning and educational observed during gestation. performance, and no congenital, neurological or psy- in the clinical trial, we performed a pooled analy- chological abnormalities. With a median follow-up sis on 16 cycles from pregnant patients and 11 from of 18.7 years (range 6-29 years), no malignancies nonpregnant patients. numbers of pregnant/nonpreg - had been observed (Aviles and neri, 2001). never- nant patients were 5/2, 7/5, 4/4 and 2/2 for paclitaxel, theless, it is somewhat surprising not to see any doxorubicin, epirubicin and platinum, respectively. problems in a group of 96 children. For all drugs tested, a decreased area under the curve Hahn et al.reported on the outcome of 40 children and maximal plasma concentration as well as an (age 2-157 months) after in utero exposure to increased distribution volume and clearance were chemotherapy for breast cancer. The parents and documented during pregnancy (Tableiii). teachers of the children were asked to participate in The results of the preclinical and clinical study are a telephone/mail survey on the development and consistent, confirming the hypothesis that gestational health of the children. in this series, 2 out of 18 physiological changes alter the pharmacokinetic pat- school-going children were reported to have special terns of cytotoxic drugs. Plasma drug exposure educational needs. in 43% of children, no medical (AUC-D and C -D) is lower during pregnancy problems were reported. The problems registered in max owing to an increase in clearance and distribution the remaining cases included allergy, eczema, volume. Whether these changes are related to alter- asthma and upper-airway infections (Hahn et al., ations in tissue/tumor drug exposure and drug effi- 2006). cacy, is not known at this stage and needs further research. However, these data clearly indicate that 3A. Study of brain development and behaviour of the follow-up of mothers who received chemotherapy offspring after vinblastine and doxorubicin admin- during pregnancy is warranted. istration to pregnant mice (Van Calsteren et al., 2009b) 3. Effects of prenatal exposure to chemotherapy on the neurological outcome Searching for the target areas of potential neurolog- During the second and third trimester of pregnancy, ical damage in children prenatally exposed to administration of chemotherapy is considered chemotherapy, we performed a preclinical study in relatively safe in the short term (Cardonick and a mouse model with both morphological and func- iacobucci, 2004; Van Calsteren et al., 2010a). tional examination of the offspring. Different CHEMOTHErAPy DUrinG PrEGnAnCy – VAn CAlSTErEnetAL. 283 e 1 h cin Control (n = 4) 36.3 ± 8.1-1.6 ± 0.12236.0 ± 493.22.8 ± 5.968.7 ± 7.4*8.5 ± 1.2*14.2 ± 0.8* D, area under t ubi C- r U pi 6 A E Pregnant (n = 4) 36.3 ± 2.928.0 ± 6.12.0 ± 0.2710.4 ± 325.19.4 ± 3.498.0 ± 11.6*5.1 ± 1.4*10.3 ± 1.2* usion time; 2 nf d i n a egnant and control patients. Doxorubicin Pregnant Control (n = 7)(n = 5) 33.4 ± 13.232.0 ± 2.829.0 ± 3.8-1.8 ± 0.21.9 ± 0.22486.3 ± 656.81915.3 ± 317.625.6 ± 7.725.5 ± 5.654.1 ± 13.768.6 ± 9.45.9 ± 2.4*8.9 ± 1.2*14.9 ± 2.319.7 ± 6.3 ma concentration corrected for dose pr s boplatin, doxorubicin and epirubicin in Carboplatin Pregnant Control(n = 2)(n = 2) 31.0 ± 4.231.0 ± 4.224.0 ± 1.4-1.8 ± 0.11.9 ± 0.2378.8 ± 76.4272.7 ± 1.323.7 ± 8.628.9 ± 9.96.9 ± 2.311.4 ± 1.97.6 ± 4.311.9 ± 1.7152.7 ± 51.488.9 ± 14.9 Wilcoxon rank Sum test).minal half life; C-D*iT, maximal plamax ameters of paclitaxel, car clitaxel Control(n = 2) 31.0 ± 4.2-1.8 ± 0.1513.4 ± 34.212.5 ± 2.028.7 ± 2.739.8 ± 2.335.1 ± 3.3 gnant patients:p < 0.05 (stribution volume; t, ter1/2 macokinetic par Pa Pregnant (n = 5) 32.0 ± 4.726.2 ± 3.61.8 ± 0.1862.1 ± 518.916.7 ± 8.434.7 ± 4.321.8 ± 7.129.2 ± 3.7 nant and nonpreace area; Vd, di Table III. —Pooled analysis of phar Age (year)GA (weeks)BSA(m²)Vd(l)t(h)1/2Clearance (l/h)Cmax-D*IT(ng/ml/mg*h)AUC-D(h*ng/ml/mg) * significant difference between pregGA, gestational age; BSA, body surfcurve corrected for dose. 284 F, V & V inOBGyn dosages of doxorubicin, vinblastine or saline were contributes to the reassuring findings obtained in the administered to pregnant C57Bl/6J mouse dams on children. However, before definitive conclusions can gestational day 17.5. Both immediate (24 h post- be drawn, more children should be recruited and a injection) and residual (4-5 months post-injection) longer follow-up period is required. brain damage were investigated by light- and elec- Plasma chemotherapy exposure is lower during tron microscopy, and a battery of behavioural tests pregnancy than in nonpregnant women. Further was performed in 3 months-old offspring. research is necessary to investigate whether these Exposure of high dosages of doxorubicin and vin- alterations include a lower tumour toxicity of blastine caused transient regionally limited lesions chemotherapeutic agents, which is necessary to to the brain microvasculature and surrounding evaluate whether pregnant women receive optimal parenchyma, and an inconsistent development of chemotherapy treatment at this time. Therefore, this cortical ectopias resembling microgyri and isolated research project is continued and expanded nation- lissencephaly type 2-like overmigrations. These ally and internationally. lesions could not be detected in 3 months-old mice, suggesting absence of permanent morphologic Acknowledgements damage. Functional testing of drug-exposed mice offspring We are very grateful to liesbeth Heyns, rieta Van Bree, rene Verbesselt, Jan de Hoon, roland Devlieger, luc De indicated a few subtle, but specific alterations in Catte, Ernst de Bruijn, Daniel Chai and Sonia Demarsin their neurobehavioural profile. no learning impair- for their assistance in this research. ment was consistently observed, but several tests This research is supported by research Foundation- indicated changes in the emotional behaviour and in- Flanders (F.W.O.) Project G. 0358.06, ‘Stichting tegen creased anxiety in the drug-exposed mice. kanker Project SCiE2006-17’, research Fund- in conclusion, a thorough morphological neuro- K.U.leuven (OT/07/053), Clinical research Fund-UZ logical assessment revealed subtle changes in the Gasthuisberg and FOD nKP 29 038. Frédéric Amant is brain. This conclusion underscores the need for long- clinical researcher for research Foundation-Flanders term follow-up with a special emphasis on the (F.W.O.); Kristel Van Calsteren is aspirant for research neurological outcome. Foundation-Flanders (F.W.O.). 3B. Clinical study References in the absence of a standardized follow-up of Amant F, Van Calsteren K., Halaska MJ et al. Gyneco- children exposed in utero to chemotherapy, we ini- logic cancers in pregnancy:guidelines of an interna- tiated a prospective multicentric international study tional consensus meeting. int J Gynecol Cancer. 2009; (University Hospital Gasthuisberg leuven, St rad- 19 Suppl 1:S1-12. 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