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CHEMOSPHERE SUBJECT AND AUTHOR INDEX Volume 24, 1992 Pergamon Press: Oxford New York Seoul Tokyo EDITOR-IN-CHIEF (and Editor of Chemistry and Biochemistry) Professor O. Hutzinger University of Bayreuth, Chair of Ecological Chemistry and Geochemistry, Postfach 10 12 51, W-8580 Bayreuth, Germany Fax: XX 49 921 54626 ASSISTANT EDITOR: Alfreda Hutzinger EXECUTIVE EDITOR Dr T. Stephen 8 Lewis Close, Risinghurst, Headington, Oxford OX3 8JD, U.K. CHEMISTRY AND BIOCHEMISTRY TOXICOLOGY, PHARMACOKINETICS AND EPIDEMIOLOGY Mr D. W. Kuehl Professor U. G. Ahlborg U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Duluth, MN 55804, Karolinska Institutet, Institute of Environmental Medicine, U.S.A. Unit of Toxicology, Box 60208, S-10401 Stockholm, Sweden Fax: XX 218 720 5539 Fax: XX 46 8 34 3849 Professor S. Safe ECOTOXICOLOGY Veterinary Physiology and Pharmacology, Texas A and Professor Dr J. P. Giesy M University, College Station, TX 77843, U.S.A. Department of Fisheries and Wildlife, Michigan State Fax: XX 409 845 6544 University, Ml 48824-1222, U.S.A. Fax: XX 517 336 1699 Professor E. Takabatake Setsunan University, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Professor W. Klein 45-1 Nagaotoge-cho, Hirakata, Osaka 573-01, Japan Fraunhofer-Institut fur Unweltchemie und Okotoxikologie, Fax: XX 720 50 7020 Grafschaft/Hochsauerland, W-5948 Schmallenberg, Ger- i 4 many ATMOSPHERIC CHEMISTRY AND GLOBAL CHANGE Fax: XX 49 2972 30 2319 Dr M. A. K. Khalil 4 Dr M. Yasuno Global Change Research Center and Department of En- National Institute for Environmental Studies, Japan vironmental Science and Engineering, Oregon Graduate Environment Agency, 16-2 Onogawa, Tsukuba, Ibaraki Institute of Science and Technology, 19600 Von Neumann 305, Japan Drive, Beaverton, OR 97006-1999, U.S.A. Fax: XX 298 51 4732 Fax: XX 503 690 1016 EDITORIAL BOARD CHEMISTRY AND BIOCHEMISTRY M. Goto, Gakushuin University, Tokyo, Japan K. Ballschmiter, Universitat Ulm, Ulm, Germany P. C. Kearney, National Resources Institute, Beltsville, MD, T. F. Bidleman, University of South Carolina, Columbia, SC, U.S.A. U.S.A. S. J. Klaine, Memphis State University, Memphis, TN, U.S.A. R. E. Clement, Ontario Ministry of the Environment, Rexdale, P. F. Landrum, Great Lakes Environmental Research Labora- Canada tory, Ann Arbor, MI, U.S.A. D. W. Connell, Griffith University, Brisbane, Australia R. Nagel, Johanne Gutenberg-Universitat Mainz, Mainz, P. E. Des Rosiers, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Germany Washington, DC, U.S.A. F. Schmidt-Bleek, OECD 2, Paris, France H. S. Fuhr, Bayer AG-Dormagen, Dormagen, Germany A. Spacie, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, U.S.A. W. Giger, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Dubendorf, R. Truhaut, Université de Paris, Paris, France Switzerland TOXICOLOGY, PHARMACOKINETICS AND EPIDEMIOLOGY H. P. Hagenmaier, University of Tubingen, Tubingen, Germany R. Kociba, Dow Chemical Company, Midland, MI, U.S.A. F. Hileman, Monsanto BB4M, St Louis, MO, U.S.A. Y. Masuda, Daiichi College of Pharmaceutical Sciences, R. A. Hites, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN, U.S.A. Fukuoka, Japan P. M. Huang, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Canada W. Micke, Ludwig-Maximilians Universitat, Grafing, Germany R. C. Lao, Environment Canada, Ottawa, Canada H. Nakazawa, Institute of Public Health, Tokyo, Japan D. Mackay, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada Ch. Schlatter, University of Zurich, Schwerzenbach, Switzerland T. Mill, Stanford Research International, Menlo Park, CA, U.S.A. R. R. Suskind, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH, U.S.A. A. A. Moghissi, PO Box 7166, Alexandria, VA, U.S.A. H. Parlar, Gesamthochschule Kassel-Universitat, Kassel, ATMOSPHERIC CHEMISTRY AND GLOBAL CHANGE Germany V. P. Aneja, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC, C. Rappe, University of Umea, Umea, Sweden U.S.A. A. Sablji¢é, Institute Rudjer BoSkovic, Zagreb, Croatia P. Brimblecombe, University of East Anglia, Norwich, U.K. H. R. Schulten, Fachhochschule Fresenius, Wiesbaden, C. |. Davidson, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA, Germany U.S.A. G. Sundstrom, Dow Europe SA, Horgen, Switzerland J. W. Elkins, U.S. Department of Commerce, Boulder, CO, U.S.A. P. R. Walln6éfer, Bayerische Landesanstalt fir Ernahrung, J. Fishman, NASA Langley Research Center, Hampton, VA, Munich, Germany U.S.A. V. Zitko, Biological Station, St Andrews, Canada V.W. J. H. Kirchhoff, Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE), Sao José dos Campos, S.P., Brazil | ECOTOXICOLOGY D. C. Parashar, National Physical Laboratory, New Delhi, India S. M. Bartell, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN, S. A. Penkett, University of East Anglia, Norwich, U.K. U.S.A. R. A. Rasmussen, Oregon Graduate Institute, Beaverton, OR, G. C. Butler, 4694 West 13th Avenue, Vancouver, Canada U.S.A. D. Calamari, Universita degli Studi di Milano, Milan, Italy W. Seiler, Fraunhofer Institute for Atmospheric Environmental R. T. Digiulio, Duke University, Durham, NC, U.S.A. Research, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany W. Ernst, Alfred-Wegener-Institut fiir Polar- und Meeresfor- J. W. Winchester, Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL, schung, Bremerhaven, Germany U.S.A. SUBJECT INDEX VOL. 24, 1992 Abiotic matrices Air comparative, dioxins and furans detn PCB congeners (77, 126 ambient, measurement of in air, high resolution and and 169) 1147 aliphatic amines 1533 electron capture MS 421 monitoring, pollution by congener-specific PCB, auxin-type herbicides 719 sediment core, lake, Japan Absorption vehicle-polluted by hazardous 427 dermal, PCB in man 1283 volatile hydrocarbons 135 environmental software tools, see also Atmosphere principal component analysis and spatial correlation 1607 Accumulation hair as monitoring pool for Pb in agricultural soil and Alcaligenes dioxin 351 highway vegetation 941 marine, metabolism [n-]alkyl heavy metals, foliage near substit cyclohexanes 1441 refuse incinerator 1905 HPSEC, molecular size Acetylation Alcohols fractions, humic substances of soil, chlorocatechol effect on adsorption, desorption from oxidized coal 1381 extraction 1031 and movement, Cd, Ni and humic material and components Zn through soils 1855 bleached Kraft mill effluent, gradient gel electrophoresis Adsorbents Alkyl PCBs 1745 for column chromatography, in pulp mill effluents, sludges method for PCB congeners 77, selective retention non-ortho and exposed biota 559 126 and 169 in biotic and substit coplanar PCBs 323 abiotic matrices 1147 Alkylbenzenes PCDDs and PCDFs in fish, and polycyclic aromatic chlorinated diphenyl ether Adsorption hydrocarbons, sorption on interference 537 Cd, Ni and Zn in soils, effect RPLC supports 1037 polyhalogenated pollutants in of alcohols 1855 sediment and sewage sludge coeff K,, of soil for pollutants, Alkylbenzenesulfonates 1721 silica-humate and biodegradation in well water, principal component, and alumina-humate HPLC kinetics 969 partial least square regression, stationary phases 403 PCCD and PCDF pollution desorption hysteresis and [n-JAlkylcyclohexanes survey 1885 sediment/water ratio effect in metabolism by marine sample prep and extraction sorption studies 1259 Alcaligenes 1441 procedure comparison, PCDD humic acid by microbial and PCDF deposited biomass 1573 Amines particulate and bulk pesticides, sediments and aliphatic, in ambient air and deposition 575 suspended solids handling rainwater 1533 and separation 819 [2,4-dichloro-]phenoxyacetic Anaerobic acid from water by organic bankfiltration, behaviour and AQUAFAC clays 1493 effects of NTA 1217 group-contribution method, use in sampling PCDDs and conditions, degradation hydrocarbons 1047 PCDFs emissions from chlorofluorocarbon-113 1225 combustion 1563 Analyses Aquatic Aerosols bromo- chloro-, and mixed environment, microbial dissipation from greenhouse air, bromochlorodibenzo- dioxins degradation PCBs 881 pesticide application using and dibenzofurans, salmon, toxicity testing, oil products, low volume technique 1157 osprey and human milk 1431 recommendations 1469 iV Chemosphere Aqueous activity coeffs transport in soil, effect organic in rats, bound residues in liver group-contribution method, fertilizer 663 and intestine chickens diet hydrocarbons 1047 under simulated sunlight, treated with 3- transformations in aqueous phenoxybenzoic acid 745 Aquifer humic acid soln 1597 aerobic, lab batch studies, Bioconcentration mecoprop degradation 547 Auxins [trans-]chloradane by materials, of low carbon herbicides, pollution, air Chironomus decorus 1911 content, sorption of benzene, monitoring 719 geometric isomers [1,1,1-]trichloroethane and [d-]phenothrin in fish, effect naphthalene 979 Azo dyes of metabolism 2001 materials, nonequilibrium photocatalytic degradation 335 transport naphthalene using Biodegradation batch sorption parameters 141 chlorofluorocarbons in materials, sorption hydrophobic anaerobic environments 935 hydrocarbons 439 Bagasse linear alkylbenzenesulfonates in pulp and paper manufacture, well water, kinetics 969 Arcitalitrus dorrieni effluent treatment 371 oil products in CEC biomonitor of Zn and Cu L-33-T-82 and modified availabilities in leaf litter Batch sorption parameters sturm tests 1989 1505 nonequilibrium transport PCBs, aquatic environment 881 naphthalene through aquifer Aryl hydrocarbon hydroxylase materials 141 Biomass induction uncharacterized incineration and emission PCBs, mouse and rat Benzamide macro- and micro-pollutants hepatoma cell line 201 and 4-hydroxybenzamide in 1545 water, effects of Ti0,-UV, Asbestos H,0,-UV, H,O,-Fe* systems Biomonitors and wollastonite, in vitro effect, on disappearance 1085 use of Arcitalitrus dorrieni, metabolizing enzymes and Zn and Cu availabilities microsomal lipid Benzene in leaf litter 1505 peroxidation, rat lung 959 [1,1,1-]trichloroethane and naphthalene, sorption on Biosorption Ash aquifer materials of low and desorption, humic acid by metal concentrations, municipal carbon content 979 microbial biomass 1573 solid waste conbusters 271 see also Fly ash and Flue ash Benzo[b]thiophene Biotic matrices photooxidation in aqueous soln detn PCB congeners 77, 126 Atmosphere 383 and 169 1147 Antarctic and S polar sea, bromo- and [3,4-]Benzopyrene [4,4’-]Bipyridine bromochloromethanes 1293 [2,2’,5,5’-]tetrachlorobiphenyl vapor pressure by gas saturation conditions, irradiation gasoline and DDT, natural humic and GC 1679 vapours, formation ozone, waters, partition behaviour PAN, PPN and nitric acid 919 Bleached 1447 Kraft mill effluent, humic non-isothermal exchange of Bibliography material and high mol wt gases with soil 1961 databases, information system components by gradient gel organic contaminants N with testset 68 chemicals for electrophoresis 1745 Atlantic Sable island environmental chemicals 857 paper and pulp from bagasse, monitoring site 1389 effluent treatment 371 pollution, persistent organic Binary water pulp mill effluent, compds, pine needle organic solvents systems polychlorinated monitoring 229 solubility PCBs 1347 dibenzothiophenes 1755 uptake and release nitrogen dioxide from soil and Bioaccumulation Bleaching building stones 1943 pesticides three-step oak wood pulp effluents, free and bound food chain 1765 chlorophenols 1253 Atrazine clearance from soil, application Bioavailability Brachydanio rerio pharmacological approach in [2,3,7,8-]PCDFs and PCDDs, effects of [2,3,7,8-]JTCDD on environmental science 1645 flue ash and extracts, rat liver reproduction and oogenesis 763 1361 Chemosphere Brain Callorhunus ursinus Chloralkali plant and tissues of neonatal brain and tissues, a, B and y Cl gas and Hg vapor reactions Callorhunus ursinus, a, B and HCH isomers 1171 at occupational exposure Y HCH isomers 1171 levels 1633 Carbamates Brominated [2-thiomethyl-N- and bromochloromethanes, methylphenyl] [trans-]Chlordane Antarctic atmosphere and S structure-photodegradation bioconcentration by polar sea 1293 513 Chironomus decorus 1911 dioxins from pyrolysis [4-thiomethyl-N- [N-(tribromophenyl)-}maleimi methylpheny]] de 1625 photodegradation-structure Chlorinated phenazines from pyrolysis 18] aromatic planar compds in pulp [N-(tribromopheny])-]maleimi mill effluents, sludges and de 1625 Carbonates exposed biota 559 effect on aquatic benzenes, regional fate, [4- and 3-]Bromophenol photodegradation rate, fugacity models 695 HPLC/flash photolysis study bromoxynil 1119 compds, emission from waste 911 dry-cleaning material Cations combustion 343 Bromoxynil fabric softener DTDMAC, diphenyl ether interference, aquatic photodegradation rate, toxicity and ecotoxicological PCDDs and PCDFs analyses effect of carbonates 1119 risk 599, 611, 629, 641 fish 537 hydrocarbons, dechlorination, Bronchogenic carcinoma CDDs aqueous solns with ferrous combined effect of asbestos and principal component analysis and sulfide ions 1063 smoking 959 and spatial correlation, sewage analytical software 1607 [3-]chloro-4-(dichloromethy])- Building stones 5-hydrox y-2(5H)-furanone uptake and release nitrogen CDFs 927 dioxide into atmosphere 1943 principal component analysis and spatial Burning correlation, analytical Chlorine O, enriched, incineration software 1607 content PICs in thermal hazardous waste 249 decomposition CdS(s) [1,2-]dichlorobenzene, effect photo-oxidative dissolution of feed mixtures 681 Cadmium presence heavy metal ions gas and Hg vapor reactions at adsorption, desorption and 281 occupational exposure levels movement through soils, 1633 effect of alcohols 1855 CEC L-33-T-82 organo compds, monitoring, concentration, foliage near and modified sturm tests rice field, Gambusia affinis as refuse incinerator 475 biodegradability oil indicator 735 exposed Oryzias latipes, zinc products 1989 organo compds, and PCBs and Cu variation in levels in pinniped milk, metallothionein-like protein Chemchar Arctic, Antarctic, Australia, 1799 mechanism using California 779 in foliage near modern hexachlorobenznene surrogate organo compds, in three-step incinerator 1905 for monitoring reaction oak wood food chain 1765 from fly and bottom ash, products 1867 organo pesticides, lake environmental availability, Xolotlan, preliminary study pozzolana-induced reductions Chemicals 1413 1591 composition, lichens, Pb, PAH, PCCD, PCDF and Nothofagus forest, S Chile PCB in roadside soil, relation 155 [tri- and tetra-]Chlorobenzenes between distance and organic persistent compds, thermally induced PCDDs and concentration 107 atmospheric pollution, pine PCDFs in dielectric fluids turnover, minnows fed 109 needle monitoring 229 1845 labelled Cd, Daphnia magna 359 Chironomus decorus turnover, Phoxinus phoxinus bioconcentration Chlorocatechols fed '°Cd labelled Daphnia [trans-]chlordane 1911 extraction from soil after magna 359 acetylation 1031 vi Chemosphere Chlorofluorocarbons Clearing [p-]Cresol 113, degradation under atrazine from soil, application regional fate fugacity models anaerobic conditions 1225 pharmacological approach in 695 biodegradation in anaerobic environmental science 1645 environments 935 Coal Cyclohexanes Chlorofluoromethanes oxidized, molecular size [n-Jalkyl substit, metabolism by thermal destruction in turbulent fractions of humic substances marine Alcaligenes 1441 flame 117 1381 Cysteine Chlorophenols Cod liver oil [N-acetyl-S2-phenyl-2- free and bound, Kraft pulp reference material PCBs hydroxyethyl] in human bleaching effluents 1253 congeners and chlorinated urine styreneexposure lake bottom sediment, drinking pesticides 1687 1553 water contamination 1805 Cytochrome Combustion P450IA1 bioindicator for Chromatography dry-cleaning material waste, PCDDs and PCDFs in fly ash on active carbon, dual column emission chlorinated compds from Cl-containing waste 391 GC/ECD and GC/MS, 343 coplanar congeners PCBs in sampling PCDDs and PCDFs seal tissue 1181 emissions using adsorption adsorbents for column selective 1563 Daphnia magna retention non-ortho substit labelled 109 Cd, fed to coplanar PCBs 323 Complexes minnows, Cd turnover 359 dynamic couple-column HPLC, iminodiacetic with Fe, aqueous solubilities nitro phototransformation in Databanks polycyclic hydrocarbons 1699 aqueous soln 953 information system with testset GC and gas saturation, 68 chemicals for [4,4’-]bipyridine vapor Composition environmental chemicals 857 pressure 1679 and concentration, PCB GC/ECD, isolation and detn mixtures in Phoca vitulina coplanar PCBs in human milk 1111 DDT 465 elemental, lichens, Nothofagus [2,2’,5,5’ -]tetrachlorobiphenyl HPLC, porous graphitic carbon forest, S Chile 155 and [3,4-]benzopyrene, and GC/ECD, isolation and natural humic waters, detn coplanar PCBs in human partition behaviour 919 milk 465 Concentration HPLC, stationary phases, 24 elements in Thunnus Dechlorination silica-humate and thynnus, N W Atlantic 211 base catalysed, effect on alumina-humate, detn and composition, PCB mixtures genotoxicity adsorption coeff K,, of soil in Phoca vitulina 1111 PCB-contaminated soil 1713 for pollutants 403 metals in ash, municipal solid chlorinated hydrocarbons in HPLC/flash photolysis waste combusters 271 aqueous solns with ferrous technique, study 4- and see also Bioconcentration and sulfide ions 1063 3-bromophenol 911 HPLC/fluorescence, metabolite Contamination Decomposition levels of aromatic organic, N Atlantic atmosphere, [1,2-]dichlorobenzenem hydrocarbons fish tissue 497 Sable island monitoring site incineration conditions 525 separation of enantiomeric 1389 thermal, [1,2-]dichlorobenzene, pollutants, dichlorprop soil, PCDDs and PCDFs, small effect of feed mixtures on degradation by marine scrap wire and car Cl-content of PICs 681 microorganisms 1423 incinerators 127 Degradation Cigarettes Control chlorofluorocarbon-113 under smoking, combined effect of slow sorption, quinoline on clay anaerobic conditions 1225 asbestos in bronchogenic transport columns 1127 dichlorprop, marine carcinoma 959 microorganisms, Copper chromatographic separation of Clay availability in leaf litter, use of enantiomeric pollutants 1423 transport columns, quinoline Arcitalitrus dorrieni as Mecoprop in aerobic aquifer, sorption control 1127 biomonitor 1505 lab batch studies 547 Chemosphere nitrobenzene and nitrophenols Diet see Food Ecotoxicology via oxidation in homogeneous risk, cationic fabric softener phase, photolysis in presence Dioxazine DTDMAC 599, 611, 629 H,O, versus Fenton reaction dyes, content PCDDs and 1369 PCDFs 169 organic compds, mass pigments, content PCDDs and Effluents spectrometry data prediction PCDFs 169 bleached Kraft mill, humic for environment 1473 material and high mol wt photocatalytic, selected azo Dioxins components by gradient gel dyes 335 in air, high resolution and electrophoresis 1745 seasonal mevinphos, crops, electron capture MS 421 bleached pulp mill, USA 1990 773 {monohalo]dibenzodioxins, and polychlorinated in turbulent flame, PCDFs, selective losses dibenzothiophenes 1755 chlorofluoromethanes 117 during matrix separation 413 pulp bleaching, free and bound see also Biodegradation formation in stretched flames chlorophenols 1253 1785 pulp mill products alkyl PCBs Dental surgeries hair analysis as monitoring pool and planar aromatic and personnel Hg levels, 351 chloro-compds 559 Slovenia 1731 solid waste incinerator plant, Dissipation environmental impact 1775 Dermal absorption aerosols from greenhouse air, treatment, bleached pulp and PCB in man 1283 pesticide application using paper bagasse manufacture low volume technique 1157 371 Desorption Cd, Ni and Zn in soils, effect Dissolution Electronic equipment of alcohols 1855 photo-oxidative, CdS(s), leakage PCBs and PCNs, presence heavy metal ions laboratory contamination Detergents see surfactants 281 1197 Dibenzothiophenes Distribution Electrophoresis polychlorinated in bleached coeffs, sorption of benzene, bleached Kraft mill effluent, pulp mill effluent 1755 [{1,1,1-]trichloroethane and humic material and high mol naphthalene on aquifer wt components 1745 [1,2-]Dichlorobenzenes materials of low carbon decomposition, incineration content 979 Emission conditions 525 differences, [2,3,7,8-JTCDD in chlorinated compds, waste thermal decomp, effect of feed tissues Gadus morhua and dry-cleaning material mixtures on Cl-content of Oncorhynchus mykiss 581 combustion 343 PICs 681 PCBs contaminated lake 1921 flue ash, toxicity waste properties pollutants by incinerators, toxicity 753 [1,2-]Dichloropropanes solubility parameters 453 macro- and micro-pollutants '4C_labelled, transformation in from biomass incineration water saturated subsoil Drinking water 1545 materials 993 see under Water PAH and mutagenic activity from wood stoves depends on Dichlorprop Dry-cleaning quality of wood 1317 degradation marine material waste combustion, PCDDs and PCDFs sampling microorganisms, emission chlorinated compds from combustion using chromatographic separation of 343 adsorption 1563 enantiomeric pollutants 1423 DTDMAC Dichlorvos fabric softener, toxicity and Enantiomers and thiophanate-methyl] decline ecotoxicological risk 599, ratios of @-HCH and a, B and y in concentration of residue 611, 629, 641 isomers in brain and tissues with time, dissipation of of neonatal Callorhunus aerosol from greenhouse air Dyes ursinus 1171 1157 dioxazine, PCDDs and PCDFs 169 Environment Dielectric fluids selected azo, photocatalytic anaerobic, biodegradation of thermally induced PCDDs and degradation 335 chlorofluorocarbons 935 PCDFs from [tri- and see also Pigments assessment pesticides, criteria tetra-|chlorobenzene 1845 and procedures UBA-principles 793 Vill Chemosphere availability Cd from fly and Extracts Food bottom ash, flue ash, comparative mixtures, effect on Cl-content pozzolana-induced reductions bioavailability PICs in thermal 159] [2,3,7,8-]PCDFs and PCDDs decomposition chemicals, information system rat liver 763 [1,2-]dichlorobenzene 681 with testset 68 chemicals 857 uranium in, risk assessment of degradability organic compds, nephro- and radiotoxicity 309 mass spectrometry data prediction 1473 Fabrics Food chain fate and effects, jet fuel JP-8 softener DTDMAC, toxicity oak wood, organochlorine 219 and ecotoxicological risk 599, compounds 1765 impact, effluents solid waste 611, 629, 641 incinerator plant 1775 Fractionation pesticides criteria and Fate PCBs contaminated lake 1921 procedures UBA-principles and effects, jet fuel JP-8 in 793 environment 219 Fuel safety, DTDMAC fabric p-cresol and chlorobenzene, flame destruction, softener toxicity and evaluation, fugacity models chlorofluoromethanes 117 ecotoxicological risk 641 695 jet JP-8, fate and effects in science, atrazine clearance from enironment 219 soil, pharmacological Ferrous ions approach 1645 effect on dechlorination Furanones toxicology, PCB aqueous solns chlorinated hydrocarbons in [3-chloro-4- 483 aqueous solns 1063 (dichloromethyl)-5- tropical, larvicides, typology of hydroxy-2(5H)-] in susceptibilities aquatic insect chlorinated sewage 927 larvae 2009 Fertilizers UK, budget and source organic, effect on transport Furans inventory, pentachlorophenol atrazine in soil 663 in air, high resolution and 833, 847 electron capture MS 421 Fish Enzymes bioconcentration geometric and microsomal lipid isomers [d-]phenothrin, effect peroxidation, in vitro effect of of metabolism 2001 Gadus morhua asbestos and wollastonite, rat pesticides in rivers flowing into and Oncorhynchus mykiss, lung 959 lake Biwa 1523 distribution differences in tissue, metabolite levels of tissues 581 Exchange aromatic hydrocarbons, P}4 non-isothermal, gases between HPLC/fluorescence 497 soil and atmosphere 1961 triphenyltin after use restriction, Gambusia affinis Japan 1103 as indicator, monitoring Exposure organophosphorus and Cd Oryzias latipes, zinc and Cu Flames organochlorinated compds, variation in stretched, dioxin formation rice field 735 metallothionein-like protein 1785 1799 Gases Hg Slovenian dental practice Flue ash non-isothermal exchange 1731 emissions, waste incinerators, between soil and atmosphere modelling, DTDMAC fabric toxicity 753 196] softener toxicity and and extracts, comparative transfer binary system in ecotoxicological risk bioavailability heterogenous temp 1961 styrene, [2,3,7,8-]PCDFs and PCDDs [N-acetyl-S2-phenyl-2-hy rat liver 763 droxyethyl]cysteine in Gasoline human urine 1553 Fly ash vapours, irradiation under and bottom ash, environmental atmospheric conditions, Extraction availability of Cd, formation ozone, PAN, PPN for analyses, PCDDs and pozzolana-induced reductions and nitric acid 1447 PCDFs in deposited 1591 particulate matter and bulk from Cl-containing waste, Genotoxicity deposition 575 cytochrome P450I]A1 PCB-contaminated soil chlorocatechols from soil after bioindicator for PCDDs and effect base catalysed acetylation 1031 PCDFs 391 dechlorination 1713 Chemosphere Greenhouse air and high mol wt components, Incineration aerosol dissipation, pesticide bleached Kraft mill effluent agro-industrial wastes and application using low volume by gradient gel emission macro- and technique 1157 electrophoresis 1745 micro-pollutants 1545 molecular size fractions derived conditions, decomp from oxidized coal 1381 [1,2-]dichlorobenzene 525 natural waters, hazardous waste, effect O, in H,0,-Fe** system [2,2’,5,5’-]tetrachlorobiphenyl enriched burning 249 effect on disappearance DDT and [3,4-]benzopyrene, sites for metal reclamation, [4-]hydroxybenzamide and partition behaviour 919 PCBs, PCDDs and PCDFs in benzamide in water 1085 soil, Taiwan 1669 Hydrocarbons H,0,-UV system AQUAFAC group-contribution Incinerators effect on disappearance method 1047 effect control HCI level in flue [4-]hydroxybenzamide and aromatic, metabolite levels in gas and gas temp, PCDDs benzamide in water 1085 fish tissue by and PCDFs formation 589 HPLC/fluorescence 497 effluents environmental impact Hair hazardous volatile, 1775 analysis as monitoring pool for vehicle-polluted urban air 135 modern, heavy metal analysis dioxin 351 hydrophobic, sorption 3 aquifer of foliage 1905 materials 439 solid waste combusters, metal petroleum levels in fresh and concentration in ash 271 Halogenated waste water, evaluation and stretched flames, dioxin organic compds, adsorbable in modification formation 1785 sea sediments 1331 spectrofluorometry method and volatile aromatic 1825 Information system hydrocarbons, persistence in volatile aromatic and with testset 68 chemicals for low organic carbon halogenated, persistence in environmental chemicals calcareous soil 1301 low organic carbon 857 calcareous soil 1301 ‘Hazardous compds Insects volatile hydrocarbons, Hydrogen peroxide aquatic larvae, typology of vehicle-polluted urban air 135 photooxidation aqueous soln of susceptibilities to larvicides in waste incineration, effect O, in phenol 1707 tropical environment 2009 enriched burning 249 Hydrophobic compds Intermediates [alpha-]HCH solutes, retention on RPLC photodegradation enantiomer ratios and a, B and supports, sorption polycyclic [2-Cl-s-]triazine herbicides Y isomers in brain and tissues aromatic hydrocarbons and 891 of neonatal Callorhunus alkylbenzenes 1037 ursinus 1171 Iron [4-]Hydroxybenzamide complexes with iminodiacetic, Hepatoma cell line and benzamide in water phototransformation in mouse and rat, uncharacterized effects of Ti0,-UV, aqueous soln 953 PCB aryl hydrocarbon H,O,-UV, H,O,-Fe** hydroxylase induction 201 systems on disappearance Irradiation uncharacterized PCB aryl 1085 gasoline vapours under hydrocarbon hydroxylase atmospheric conditions, induction, mouse and rat 201 Hydroxylase formation ozone, PAN, PPN aryl hydrocarbon, induction and nitric acid 1447 Herbicides uncharacterized PCBs, mouse auxin-type pollution, air and rat hepatoma cell line 2,4-D-Iso-octyl ester monitoring 719 201 retention and stability on low monitoring tubes 261 Hydroxylation Hexachlorobenzene and nitrating agents via Isomers surrogate for monitoring y-radiolysis of aqueous geometric, bioconcentration reaction products, chemchar sodium nitrate 1245 [d-]phenothrin in fish, effect mechanism 1867 of metabolism 2001 Humic compds Iminodiacetic complexes Jet fuel acid, biosorption and desorption with Fe phototransformation JP-8 fate and effects in by microbial biomass 1573 in aqueous soln 953 environment 219 xX Chemosphere Kinetics Mass spectroscopy Mevinphos biodegradation, linear high resolution and electron seasonal degradation, crops, alkylbenzenesulfonates in capture, dioxins and furans in USA 1990 773 well water 969 air 421 Microorganisms Mathematical model anaerobic degradation of Laboratory contamination pollution aerial application chlorofluorocarbons 935 leakage PCBs and PCNs from pesticides, rice fields 867 biomass, biosorption and electronic equipment 1197 desorption, humic acid 1573 degradation, PCBs, aquatic Landfill Matrix separation environment 881 gas from solid waste, PCDFs and monohalo marine, dichlorprop concentration and toxicology dibenzodioxins, selective degradation, chromatographic of trace organic compds 1207 losses 413 separation of enantiomeric pollutants 1423 Larvicides Mechanisms tropical environment, typology chemchar using Milk of susceptibilities aquatic hexachlorobenznene surrogate cow’s, Switzerland, PCDDs and insect larvae 2009 for monitoring reaction PCDFs 1013 products 1867 human, analysis, PCDD/F, Lead photodegradation, PBDD/F and PXDD/F 1431 accumulation in agricultural 2,3,7,8-TCDD by human, isolation and detn soil and highway vegetation PM3-MNDO 291 coplanar PCBs by HPLC 941 porous graphitic carbon and analysis of foliage near modern GC/ECD 465 incinerator 1905 Mecoprop pinniped, Arctic, Antarctic, Cd, PAH, PCCD, PCDF and degradation in aerobic aquifer, Australia, California PCBs PCB in roadside soil, relation lab batch studies 547 and organochlorine levels 779 between distance and concentration 107 Mercury Models concentration, foliage near levels in dental surgeries and aquatic systems, sorption onto refuse incinerator 475 personnel, Slovenia 1731 sediments and sewage sludges vapor and Cl gas, reactions at 51 Least square regression occupational exposure levels generic, evaluating regional fate and principal component 1633 chemicals 695 analysis, PCDDs, and PCDFs mathematical, pollution, aerial pollution survey 1885 Metabolism application pesticides, rice 2-methylheptane, male Fischer fields 867 Liver 344 rats 517 partitioning, and experimental and intestines of chickens, diet [n-Jalkyl substit cyclohexanes sorption data, contradictions treated with by marine Alcaligenes 1441 between 1259 3-phenoxybenzoic acid, effect on bioconcentration pesticide pollution, aerial bioavailability of bound geometric isomers application rice fields 867 residues in rats 745 [d-]phenothrin in fish 2001 rat, bioavailability Monitoring [2,3,7,8-]PCDFs and PCDDs, Metabolites auxin-type herbicide pollution flue ash and extracts 763 levels, aromatic hydrocarbons 719 in fish tissue by organophosphorus and Luminescent photobacteria HPLC/fluorescence 497 organochlorinated compds, and structure activity rice field, Gambusia affinis as relationships, Metals indicator 735 nitroparaffins toxicity concentrations in ash, municipal pine needle, atmospheric tests 1835 solid waste conbusters 271 pollution persistent organic ions, photo-oxidative conpds 229 dissolution of CdS(s) 281 pool for dioxin, hair analysis [N-(tribromopheny]l)-}maleimide reclamation incineration sites, 351 pyrolysis, formation brominated PCBs, PCDDs and PCDFs in site, atmospheric transport phenazines 1625 soil, Taiwan 1669 delivering contaminants to see also specific metals Scotian shelf, Sable island Mass spectrometry 1389 data predicting environmental Methylbenzenes tubes, retention and stability, degradability organic compds distribution properties by 2,4-D iso-octyl ester 261 1473 solubility parameters 453 see also Biomonitor

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