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Chemistry Therald Moeller Arizona State University JohnC. Bailar, Jr. with Inorganic University of Illinois Jacob Kleinberg Qualitative Analysis University of Kansas Cyrus O. Guss University of Nevada at Reno Mary E. Castellion Stamford, Connecticut Clyde Metz Indiana University-Purdue University at Indianapolis ACADEMIC PRESS New York San Francisco London A Subsidiary of Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Publishers Cover Photograph Citric acid crystals magnified 80 x and photographed under polarized light. See Section 32.8 I : -\„ H —( OH—( OH H—( OH l cit ric acid Design and art direction by Betty Binns Graphics/Martin Lubin Illustrations by Rino Dussi Copyright © 1980, by Academic Press, Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopy, recording, or any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher. ACADEMIC PRESS, INC. Ill Fifth Avenue, New York, New York 10003 United Kingdom Edition published by ACADEMIC PRESS, INC. (LONDON) LTD. 24/28 Oval Road, London NW1 7DX ISBN: 0-12-503350-8 Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 79-89282 PRINTED IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA To everyone who helped. PREFACE TO CHEMISTRY WITH INORGANIC QUALITATIVE ANALYSIS A chemistry textbook is not, like a marble statue, something to be carved out and allowed to stand and be admired for all time. First, the needs of teachers and students are varied and changing. Second, those who use textbooks are not likely to stand back and admire. Instead, they become intimately involved with the details on every page and they freely comment upon them. The authors of this textbook plan, through this and subsequent editions, to meet the varied needs of chemistry teachers and their students. In doing so, we remain committed to the philosophy ex­ pressed in the first edition of Chemistry. Both descriptive chemistry and the principles of chemistry are necessary to the study of the sub­ ject, and these topics should be covered with scientific honesty and in the clearest language possible. This edition of Chemistry, incorporating inorganic qualitative analysis, is a logical result of our belief in the value of descriptive chemistry and practical experience. Our aim is to emphasize the ingenious application of the principles of equilibrium represented in qualitative analysis and the properties of the ions shown by the re­ actions of the analysis scheme. In order to focus on the most impor­ tant principles and reactions, we have covered these topics in the textbook, but have left the details of the laboratory work for a sep­ arate manual. We are convinced that the periodic table provides the best basis for learning descriptive chemistry. Therefore in this edition, as in the original edition of Chemistry, the properties of the elements and their compounds are taken up in the order of the periodic table posi­ tion of the elements. In other words, we have chosen not to rearrange the discussion of the metals in the order of their appearance in the cation groups. Specifically, we have made the following changes in Chemistry for this edition. Chapter 2 has been simplified—chemical nomenclature is now presented in an appendix (Appendix D), rather than in Chapter 2. This change has allowed us to expand the coverage of nomenclature. The subject can now be taught as a whole, or individual sections of the Appendix can be assigned as the need arises. The subjects of equilibrium (Chapter 16), acids and bases (Chap­ ter 17), and ions in aqueous solution (Chapter 18) have been expanded to provide the essential basis for "qual." Many new worked exam­ ples, some of them quite simple, have been added. In addition, we now approach equilibrium via experimental data, rather than through kinetics and rate constants. In Chapter 22, which completes the coverage of the nonmetallic elements (except for carbon), we have added a general introduction to inorganic qualitative analysis. This is followed by a brief review of the principles applied in anion analysis and a discussion of the chemistry of an analysis scheme for eleven anions. Two new chapters concentrate on the equilibria, ionic proper­ ties, and chemical reactions relevant to cation analysis. Chapter 30 reviews the principles of equilibrium and shows how these principles are applied in qual. The Examples and many of the Exercises in Chapter 30 are drawn from the reactions of the qual scheme. Chapter 31 discusses the chemistry of a scheme for the analysis of twenty- two anions in five groups. Flow charts are presented, the procedures are outlined in terms of what is happening chemically, and equations are written for all of the important reactions. Laboratory directions are not included in the text but are given in the separate laboratory manual. We are grateful to the following reviewers whose suggestions have been invaluable in the conception, preparation, and completion of this project: Dr. Don L. Armstrong, Whittier College; Dr. Latha M. Barnes, West Georgia College; Dr. Patricia A. Boaz, Indiana Univer­ sity-Purdue University at Indianapolis; Dr. Loren S. Carter, Boise State Idaho; Dr. G. Mattney Cole, Jr., University of Georgia; Dr. Ed­ ward R. Covington, Tennessee State University; Dr. Marion C. Day, Louisiana State University; Dr. Rolla M. Dyer, Indiana State Uni­ versity-Evansville; Dr. Morton P. Eisner, West Los Angeles College; Dr. Gordon Ewing, New Mexico State University; Professor Michael Guttman, Miami-Dade Community College; Dr. Helmi S. Habib, Central Washington State College; Dr. Lonnie Haynes, Tennessee State University; Dr. Tom Hays, Arizona State University; Dr. David D. Holder, Tennessee State University; Dr. Ronald Johnson, Emory University; Dr. James L. Kroon, Bethel College; Dr. Robert H. Mar­ shall, Memphis State University; Dr. David Moseley, Washington State University; Dr. Robert Nakon, West Virginia University; Mr. Paul D. Neumann, P.E., Nashville State Technical Institute; Dr. John Newey, American River College; Dr. Edward J. O'Reilly, University of North Dakota; Dr. Charles A. Reynolds, University of Kansas; Dr. Jerry D. Skelton, Oakland City College; Dr. Jimmy C. Stokes, West Georgia College; Dr. Philip K. Welty, Miami University, Ohio; Dr. David L. Wilson, Valencia Community College. THERALD MOELLER CYRUS O. GUSS JOHN C BAILAR, JR. MARY E. CASTELLION PREFACE JACOB KLEINBERG CLYDE METZ xxvi PREFACE TO CHEMISTRY The science of chemistry touches practically every aspect of our lives. It is also important in the successful pursuit of many careers. Both students and instructors face several challenges in a chemistry course: How can we choose among the many topics that might be included? Which information is essential? How can we present, and learn, all of the essential information and still include some subjects that simply are of daily practical value or are interesting? This book represents the authors' answer to these challenges, done in a way that we feel will be helpful to both students and instructors. Throughout the book, we have kept two major goals in mind. Our first goal has been to provide a reasonable balance be­ tween the theory of chemistry and descriptive chemistry—the de­ scription of the appearance, structure, and behavior of the chemical elements and their compounds. Our second goal has been to present each topic as logically, simply, and directly as possible. Descriptive chemistry and the theory of chemistry are two sides of the same coin. We feel strongly that they should not be treated as though they are separate subjects. Theory must always stand the test of experiment, and practical chemistry that does not take theory into account can often be wasted effort. Our approach to descriptive chemistry is not encyclopedic. However, we have presented enough descriptive material so that students can understand the characteris­ tics of important chemicals, some modern methods for their indus­ trial preparation, and the impact they have on our world. By refer­ ring often to applications of chemistry in our daily lives, we emphasize the practical value of knowing something about chemistry. A large number of tables and figures complement the text, and the physical properties of the elements and compounds are illustrated as they are introduced. We have endeavored to be scientifically honest in our approach to theory, while not going beyond what is appropriate in a general first-year course. For example, we have developed an effective but xxvii simple approach to thermodynamics through chemistry rather than physics. As much as possible, we have included only those concepts that can be described fully enough to allow for reasonable under­ standing. This text does not use calculus, and problems involving arithmetic calculations are illustrated with worked-out examples. When it is necessary to introduce topics based on mathematics beyond the level of this book, we have pointed this out. We do not want students to feel that they have missed the reason for something, when in truth it is not there. The introduction to each chapter gives a glimpse of the general nature of the subject matter to follow, or a look at a particularly intriguing or entertaining aspect of the subject. The specific topics to be discussed are briefly listed. Thus, the student begins the chapter with a focus on what lies ahead. Many new terms must be introduced in the study of chemistry; each significant new term in this book is defined in a declarative sentence. The new terms are printed in boldface type at the point where they are defined, and they are listed at the end of each chapter. Some of the more important terms and equations are also given as "flying definitions" at the upper corners of the pages, where they can be referred to quickly. Each chapter concludes with a generous number of exercises, many of which are real-life applications of the topics covered in the chapter. Some exercises logically extend the concepts of the chapter to new areas. In each of the descriptive chapters, a number of exercises are designed to integrate principles presented earlier. The exercises are graded in difficulty; harder questions are marked with an asterisk and brain teasers are marked with two. They include all necessary data so that students will not have to search through the text, and answers to selected problems are given in the back of the book. A great deal of thought has gone into the sequence of the chapters. The descriptive chemistry, as we have noted, is not lumped together at the end of the book. The essential aspects of chemical bonding and of chemical thermodynamics are presented in early chapters; the more abstract and difficult parts of these subjects come later, when the students are better prepared to deal with them. The first five chapters of the book are an introduction to the subject. The basic vocabulary of chemistry and the principles of stoichiometry are fully presented in these chapters. Also, atoms, molecules, and ions, gases, thermochemistry, and types of reactions are discussed and defined. By the end of these five chapters, all students should be on an equal footing. This approach should be helpful to both students and instructors by bringing students with varying backgrounds, including those who have had no high school chemistry, to the same level early in the course. These chapters also provide the fundamentals needed for laboratory work. Chapter 6, on the atmosphere, gives students a chance to apply some of the principles of chemistry to the world around them. The balance between conceptual and descriptive aspects continues with Chapters 7 and 8, which present a coherent and continuous develop­ ment of the topics of atomic structure and nuclear chemistry, with PREFACE emphasis on the applications of nuclear chemistry. xxviii Chapter 9 presents the basics of chemical bonding—what students must get out of this introductory course—while Chapter 21 goes beyond the basics to explore the valence bond and molecular orbital theories. Just as Chapter 9 prepares the reader for Chapter 21, so Chapter 10 gives a broad view of the periodic table in preparation for the more detailed descriptive coverage of the elements in Chap­ ters 11, 20, 22, 23, 26, 27, and 29. Chapter 12 includes both crystal structure and some of the more up-to-date aspects of solid state chemistry. Chapter 5 introduces elementary thermochemistry, while Chapter 25 explores the more difficult aspects of thermo­ dynamics—free energy and entropy. Chapter 13, Water and the Hydrosphere, logically follows the theoretical discussion of Chapter 12, The Liquid and Solid States: Changes of State. Chapter 14, Solutions and Colloids; Chapter 15, Chemical Kinetics; and Chapter 16, Chemical Equilibrium, all expand on the basic foundations esta­ blished in Chapters 1 through 5. Many chapters of Chemistry are grouped so that the principles chapters are followed by chapters that discuss applications of these principles. The chapter on hydrogen and oxygen (11) shows how the periodic trends explained in Chapter 10 are applied when discussing specific elements and their compounds. Chapter 20 on the halogens gives some practical examples of the principles of oxidation-reduc­ tion discussed in Chapter 19. The chapters on nitrogen, phosphorus, and sulfur (22) and on carbon and hydrocarbons (23) illustrate some of the covalent bonding theories presented in Chapters 9 and 21. Recognizing that each chemistry instructor has an individual approach to the subject, we have structured the book so that variations in the chapter sequence are possible. For example, Chapter 8, Nuclear Chemistry, could be taught later. The chapters on oxi­ dation-reduction (Chapter 19) and electrochemistry (Chapter 24) could be taught consecutively, as could the chapters on thermo­ chemistry (Chapter 5) and chemical thermodynamics (Chapter 25), or those on bonding (Chapter 9) and the covalent bond (Chapter 21). Where time is a limiting factor, a selected few of the chapters on metals and nonmetals could be presented. For example, the chapters on hydrogen and oxygen (10), nitrogen, phosphorus, and sulfur (22), and transition metals (28) would provide a good picture of what descriptive chemistry is and how it is used. The coming of SI units is causing more than a little confusion in chemistry at present. We have chosen units for our examples and exercises that reflect what the student is likely to encounter today in lecture halls, journals, books, and supply catalogs. Therefore, we have used some SI units, such as the nanometer and the joule, but have not given up, for example, liters in favor of cubic decimeters. Because we feel it is logical and simple, we have adopted the mole as the sole unit for the "amount of a substance." SI units are introduced in Chapter 1, as are factor label (dimensional analysis) calculations. There are separate appendixes on mathematics, logarithms, and sig­ nificant figures, as well as SI units in the back of the book. Throughout the book, we have included special sections designed to broaden the reader's view of the topics being discussed. The Tools of Chemistry essays describe how such tools as infrared and ul- PREFACE xxix traviolet spectroscopy, x rays, and chromatography can be used. Essays called Asides discuss such subjects as metals as poisons, the names of the elements, and photography—topics that are of interest but need not be studied and learned. The Thoughts on Chemistry quotations at the end of each chapter are intended to be entertaining and informative, and to show that chemistry and science have been written about with elegance and style. The dedication of this book is our way of acknowledging the assistance and encouragement of the many individuals who have contributed to the preparation of this book. At this point, we want to mention by name the reviewers and consultants who have given us so much sound advice during the course of this book's development. Dr. Bolesh Skutnik of Fairfield University, Fairfield, Connecticut, contri­ buted greatly during the early stages of the manuscript, particularly in developing the chapter-by-chapter outline. Dr. Mark P. Freeman of Dorr-Oliver, Inc., Stamford, Connecticut, made a significant contri­ bution as a consultant on the first principles of chemistry. Dr. Floyd James of Miami University, Oxford, has read every word, and provided many excellent criticisms and suggestions. The following professors, who read the manuscript at various stages of its develop­ ment, gave us many valuable suggestions reflecting their years of teaching experience: Professor William G. Bailey, Broward Com­ munity College, Fort Lauderdale; Professor Anthony M. Dean, University of Missouri, Columbia; Professor James A. Fries, Northern State College, Aberdeen; Professor Verl G. Garrard, University of Idaho, Moscow; Professor Morton Z. Hoffman, Boston University; Professor Ken Whitten, University of Georgia, Athens. Finally, we want to thank all our friends from the textbook department of Academic Press; their steadfast support and their creative contributions have done much to bring this book into being. JOHN C BAILAR, JR. THERALD MOELLER JACOB KLEINBERG CYRUS O. GUSS MARY E. CASTELLION CLYDE METZ PREFACE XXX CHEMISTRY: THE SCIENCE OF MATTER L look around you. That's how chemistry began—in the limitless In this chapter we first give some curiosity of human beings about their surroundings. basic definitions—science, matter, Possibly you are sitting at your desk with some paper and a chemistry—and then an explanation wooden pencil or a plastic pen at hand to take notes. Maybe there are of the subdivisions of chemistry. We some metal paper clips and a pottery coffee cup or a glass soft-drink review the modern units of measure­ bottle or an aluminum can on your desk. What could you do to inves­ ment and a problem-solving method— tigate the materials in your paper, your pencil or pen, the paper clips, the factor-dimensional method—that the cup, the bottle, or the can? Scratch them. Which is harder? Put a will be used throughout this book. In drop of water, or alcohol, or acid on each one. What happens? Weigh the last section of the chapter we take pieces of equal size. Which is heavier? Try to burn a small piece of a brief look at the role of chemistry in each. Which ones burn? What is left afterwards? coping with the major problems fac­ You could work your way around your room cataloging how ing mankind. everything in it responds to these and other tests. You could go out­ side and do the same for the rocks and plants. Pretty soon you would be able to draw conclusions about which things are similar to each other and which differ from each other. If you have a curious nature, your next questions should begin with "Why. . .?" and "How. . .?" Why does wood burn, but pottery not? How can I predict whether other things will or won't burn? Why are some things heavier or harder than others? Why don't these things dissolve in water? How does acid change a paper clip? Chemistry has its roots in just this kind of speculation about the nature of simple things. In early times, people wondered about air, and water, and rocks, and fire, and looked for magical and mystical answers to questions about the physical world around them. Once the importance of systematic observation was recognized, the foundation was laid for chemistry and all the sciences.

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