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ISSN 0193-6484 The news magazine of the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) . .9 ' ■ y 1996, Vol. 18, No. 1 (January) Blackwell Science DafieraiaGIteiiiall The news magazine of the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) EDITOR: Jeffrey H. Williams SECRETARIAL ASSISTANTS: Mary Patterson and Katie Smith PRODUCTION EDITOR: Howard Waller All correspondence to be addressed to The Editor, Chemistry International, IUPAC Secretariat, Bank Court Chambers, 2-3 Pound Way, Templars Square, Cowley, Oxford 0X4 3YF, UK. Telephone: +44 (1865) 747744. Fax: +44 (1865) 747510. E-mail: [email protected] Editorial Advisory Board Chairman: E. D. BECKER Secretary-General G. SOMSEN Division 1 E. BUNCEL CHEMRAWN Committee K. L. KOMAREK Division II S. R. HELLER Committee on Chemical Databases M. M. MIKOLAJCZYK Division III T. D. CULPIN Committee on Chemistry and Industry A. D. JENKINS Division IV D. H. M. BOWEN Committee on Publications M. PARKANY Division V 1. M. MILLS Interdivisional Committee on T. R. ROBERTS Division VI Nomenclature and Symbols H. P. LEHMANN Division VII M. E. PESTANA Commitee on Teaching of Chemistry C. G. WERMUTH Medicinal Chemistry Secretary. J. H. WILLIAMS Editor Section Subscriptions Six issues of Chemistry International will be published bimonthly in 1996. The 1996 subscription rate including postage is GBP 68.50 (UK and overseas except North America) or USD 106.00 (US and Canada). The individual subscription rate is GBP 27.50 (UK and overseas except North America) or USD 39.50 (US and Canada). Micro¬ fiche subscriptions are available simultaneously with the printed edition, and microfilm at the end of the subscription year. Subscription orders may be placed directly with lUPAC's official publisher, Blackwell Science Ltd, PO Box 88, Oxford, UK. Advertising. Enquiries should be sent to The Editor, Chemistry International, at the above address, or the Advertis¬ ing Manager, Blackwell Science Ltd, Osney Mead, Oxford 0X2 OEL, UK [telephone: +44 (1865) 206206, telex 83355 Medbok G, fax +44 (1865) 721205], Despatch. The news magazine is despatched within Europe by surface mail, to other continents by various forms of air-speeded delivery: to the US* by air freight for forwarding by second-class post, to India by air freight for guaranteeed local delivery, and to all other countries by Accelerated Surface Post. Reproduction of Articles Unless there is a footnote to the contrary, reproduction or translation of articles in this issue is encouraged, provided that it is accompanied by a reference to the original in Chemistry International. This journal is included in the ADONIS service, whereby copies of individual articles can be printed out from compact discs (CD-ROM) on demand. ‘Second-class postage paid at Rahway, NJ. Post Master, send address changes to Chemistry International, do Mercury Airfreight International Inc., 2223 Randolf Avenue, Avenel, NJ 07001, USA. Front cover: Istanbul: Aya Sofya (Hagia Sophia—the Church of the Holy Wisdom) built 532-537AD in the reign of the Emperor Justinian. Before it became a Mosque (after the Turkish conquest) it was the largest Christian Church, it is now a museum. International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry Istanbul 1995 The 35th Biennial Congress of the International Union for Pure and Applied Chemistry, organised in 1995 by the Turkish Chemical Society, was held in Istanbul at the Swissotel. The hosting city, Istanbul—previously known as Con¬ stantinople, is the only city in the world built on two con¬ tinents. The city stands on the shores of the Bosphorus where the waters of the Black Sea mingle with the Sea of Marma. On its truly majestic site, Istanbul contains zantium was all that remained of the Byzantine Empire. the relics and splendour of the three empires of which it The city was finally captured by the Ottoman Sultan has been the capital. Mehmed the Conqueror (II) on 29 May 1453, who Byzantium was a Greek town, founded by the refounded Byzantium as a Muslim city. Megarian King Byzas, which had been in existence for This was, however, not the end of the success of the nearly nine centuries when it was chosen, in 330, by the city as the Turkish conquerors created the Ottoman Roman Emperor Constantine as his new capital city in Empire which dominated the Middle-East and Eastern the East of the Roman Empire; for political and military Europe until the beginning of the present century and reasons he had decided to break the Roman Empire established their capital in Constantinople. However, definitively into two halves. Rome was the capital of the with the dismemberment of the Ottoman Empire after Western Empire and the refounded Byzantium was to the First World War, Constantinpole, which had by be the capital of the Eastern Empire. Indeed, when the know become Istanbul, remained one of the great cos¬ Empire in the west was over run by barbarian armies in mopolitan cities of the Mediterranean. the 5th century, and after Rome had been sacked by It is ironical in that the Turkish name for the city is the Vandals, the Roman Empire continued in the East perhaps a corruption of the medieval Greek words ‘ ‘s tin with Byzantium becoming ‘New Rome’ and maintaining polin’, which may be translated as ‘going to town’—a Roman culture and civilization. However, the Roman familiar expression for those who live near a large town Empire was by this time a Christian Empire, and the or city. The Greeks insist that the name of the city be original Latin tongue of Constantine had been replaced Contantinople, a word never used by their Byzantine by the Greek language. The city becoming the center of ancestors, but used by their Arab enemies and by the the Orthodox Faith. Prophet himself in the form Konstantiniye. Others say This Byzantine Empire continued to flourish for the that Istanbul is a corruption of the Turkish expression next nine centuries reaching its apogee in the 10th ‘Islambof—where Muslims are plentiful. Whatever, the Century under the Emperor Basil Bulgaroctonus (II) origin of its modern name, the city dominated the imagi¬ when the population of the city protected by its massive nations of medieval people, the Slavs referred to the 5th century walls, almost 15 km in length, was well in city as Tsarigard—the Emperor’s city; and the Norse¬ excess of one million, at a men called it time when Paris and Lon¬ Micklegarth—the don were relatively insig¬ place between nificant villages. However, earth and the with the advent of the Cru¬ abode of the gods. sades, the Byzantine Em¬ The opening cer- pire was weaken from strife with Western Euro¬ peans, the Western Prof. A. Riza Church and the Islamic Berkem, President World. With foes pressing of the 35th IUPAC Congress and from all sides, the empire President of the continued to shrink and Turkish Chemical eventually the city of By¬ Society. Chemistry International, 1996, Vol. 18, No. 1 1 emony of the 35th IUPAC Congress was held on the Monday morning in the ATATURK KULTUR MERKEZI. The Organizing Committee, represented by Profs A.R. Berkem and B. Baysal spoke in English and welcomed the delegates to Istanbul. The Mayor and Governor of Istanbul both spoke in Turkish and repeated the wel¬ come of the Organizing Committee. Prof. A.E. Fischli, Dr Faruk Demiray, Vice-President of the Union, spoke on behalf of IUPAC Member of the and introduced the Union to the delegates. Prof. Fischli Organizing Committee described IUPAC, its history, its goals and spoke of of the 35th IUPAC how it goes about achieving these important tasks; he Congress and Secretary General of spoke about lUPAC’s funding and about the numerous the Turkish Chemical important international collaborations within which Society. IUPAC is involved. The final comments at this cer¬ emony of welcome were from the President of the Turk¬ and/or 1-2 Molar HN03. In addition, the exchange ma¬ ish Republic, His Excellency Suleyman Demirel, who terials must have high selectivity for the ions of interest, had sent a message of welcome which was read, in as the solutions will contain high levels of a variety of both Turkish and English, to the delegates. salts. Under these conditions, organic resins are not The organising committee of the 35th IUPAC Con¬ suitable and one must move to new inorganic materials. gress put together a scientific programme which cov¬ The synthesis and structure of a variety of layered ered a wide variety of different fields of chemistry, a and tunnel structures was described. These included wide ranging survey of the present state of knowledge several new titanates and zirconates, phosphates, and future trends in six areas of chemistry. silicophosphates, titanosilicates and pharmacosider- The opening ceremony was followed by a short inter¬ ites. The high selectivity of these exchange materials mission, after which the scientific programme began. recommends them for use in industrial and nuclear en¬ vironments. Human needs through chemistry • Environment; Physical chemistry, dynamics and • Food; structure • Energy; • Health; • Fast chemical processes; The Food Chemistry section contained one invited • Energy transfer; lecture (from Europe), three oral presentations and 39 • State-to-state chemistry; posters. In the section on Health Chemistry, there were • Multiphoton and multiple photon excitation; two invited lectures (US and Canada), 14 oral presenta¬ • Mode-selective chemistry; tions and 76 poster presentations. In Energy, there • Theoretical calculations of reaction surfaces; were three invited lectures (all from the US), 5 oral pres¬ • Chemical kinetics; entations and 16 poster presentations. In the Environ¬ • Molecular thermodynamics; mental Chemistry section, there were two invited • Computational chemistry; lectures ( both from Turkey), 14 oral presentations and • Laser and molecular beams; 97 poster presentations. • Corrosion and its prevention. One of the interesting posters in the section on Envi¬ The Physical Chemistry section of the Congress con¬ ronmental chemistry came from the group of Prof tained six invited lectures, three from Europe, one from Abraham Clearfield at Texas A&M University, Texas, the Middle East and two from the US. In addition, there USA, relating to the design of new ion exchange mate¬ were 30 oral presentations and 183 poster presenta¬ rials which could operate under adverse conditions— tions. Of this total number of presentations, over half Ion exchange materials for nuclear and environmental came from chemists in the geographical region of Tur¬ waste remediation. key and the Middle East, and another 31% came from There is a continuing need for stable selective ion Asia. exchange materials for nuclear and industrial waste Of particular interest was the lecture by Prof. R.D. treatment. In the case of nuclear waste resulting from Levine (Fritz Haber Research Center for Molecular Dy¬ weapons production, ion exchange materials have to namics, The Hebrew University, Jerusalem) who spoke be stable to high energy particles and to very corrosive on the current developments in molecular reaction dy¬ chemical environments, for example, 1-3 Molar NaOH namics—Molecular reaction dynamics looks towards 2 Chemistry International, 1996, Vol. 18, No. 1 Ferries wait to carry passengers across the Bosporus. the next century: understanding complex systems. Polymer science and high technology The speaker showed how reaction dynamics is mak¬ materials ing increasing contact with real chemical systems by • New methods of polymerization; examining: elaborate reaction mechanisms typical of • Structure and properties of macromolecules; organic chemistry, the study of chemical reactions • Solution properties of macromolecules; where the medium plays an active part (as is often the • Engineering polymers and high performance materi¬ case on surfaces and in solution) and the mimicking of als; systems of biochemistry. • Polymeric blends and networks; Much of the early conceptual ideas in this field came • Liquid crystalline polymers; from the study of isolated, simple chemical exchange • Novel polymers have biological significance. reactions where one chemical bond is broken as an¬ In the Polymer and Materials Chemistry section of other is formed. A central feature of such reactions is the Congress there were nine invited lectures, five from the high selectivity which can be achieved by the Europe, one from the US, one from the Middle East and choice of initial conditions and the specificity of the two from Asia. In addition, there were 39 oral presenta¬ products. For example, the specificity of the energy dis¬ tions and 181 posters. Of this total number of presenta¬ persal of exoergic reactions—those that can produce tions, almost two thirds came from chemists in the chemical lasers. Prof. Levine pointed out that such geographical region of Turkey and the Middle East, and ideas can now be increasingly carried over to more another 25% came from Asia. complex systems. Analytical chemistry and instrumentation Organic chemistry, synthesis, mechanisms and natural products • Computer based analytical methods; • Electroanalytical methods; • Bio-organic chemistry; • Atomic spectrometry; • Organometallic chemistry; • Molecular spectroscopy; • Physical organic chemistry, organic electrochemis¬ • Analytical separations and chromatography; try; • Analytical separations in clinical science, analytical • Organic photochemistry; automation; • Biosynthesis; • Optical, electrochemical, acoustic, biological, and • Identification of natural products; other sensors; • Natural products with potential pharmacological ac¬ • Chemometrics, enzymatic techniques, capillary tivities. electrophoresis; In Organic chemistry, there were eight invited lec¬ • Surface analysis; tures, three from Europe, two from the US, two from the • Flow injection analysis. Middle East and one from Asia. In addition, there were In Analytical Chemistry, there were nine invited lec¬ 71 oral presentations and 204 posters. Of this total tures, six from Europe, two from the Middle East and number of presentations, over half came from chemists one from the US. In addition, there were 33 oral presen¬ in the geographical region of Turkey and the Middle tations and 129 poster presentations. Of this total East, and another 28% came from Asia. Chemistry International, 1996, Vol. 18, No. 1 3 est is the role of the nitride ion, which has a high polarizability and may therefore cause specific properties in structure and bonding. The important step in the investigation of these ma¬ terials was the use of elemental nitro¬ gen as an oxidizing agent for intermetallic melts. Also of interest was an invited talk by Norman N. Greenwood (The Uni¬ versity of Leeds, Leeds, UK)—Recent developments concerning the discov¬ ery of elements 101-110. Professor Greenwood spoke of the ten newest elements (Z= 101-110) and their subsequent troubled history. How the preparation of these ele¬ Sultanahmet Camii (Blue Mosque) Built in the reign of Sultan Ahmet I ments required outstanding feats of (1603-1618). intellectual and experimental virtuos¬ ity—only a few short lived atoms are number of presentations, over half came from chemists produced in several weeks of experimenting. However, in the geographical region of Turkey and the Middle some of the discoveries have been widely accepted, East, and another 24% came from Asia. but others have been hotly contested. There were five Plenary Lectures, a summary of these excellent and informative talks are given below: Inorganic chemistry and solid state Jack G. Calvert (National Center for Atmospheric • Intermetallic compounds; Chemistry, USA) • New advanced inorganic materials; The Chemistry of the Atmosphere, Its Perturbations • Coordination chemistry, electrochemistry of coordi¬ Through Human Activities nation compounds; The chemistry of the atmosphere results from a com¬ • Bio-inorganic chemistry; plex series of chemical reactions that involve many at¬ • Inorganic photochemistry and photoelectrochemis¬ mospheric trace gases and which are initiated through try; sunlight absorption by ozone, formaldehyde and other • Organometallic and cluster chemistry; molecules which are present in the atmosphere in • Rare earth chemistry; minute amounts. Within the troposphere, this complex • Optoelectronics, crystals, thin films; photochemistry forms ozone and many other reactive • Condensed phase chemistry; intermediates including acids and peroxides. In con¬ • Catalysts and related subjects; trast, stratospheric chemistry leads to the destruction of • Superconductors, semiconductors, organic conduc¬ natural stratospheric ozone—our protective shield tors, solid state ionic conductors. against hard ultraviolet solar radiation. This lose arises In the Inorganic Chemistry section of the Congress, when halocarbons, normally unreactive compounds in there were four invited lectures, one from Europe and the troposphere, are released at the surface of the three from Asia. In addition, there were 41 oral presen¬ Earth and are ultimately transported to the strato¬ tations and 153 posters. Of this total number of presen¬ sphere. Here sunlight dissociated the halocarbons into tations, over half came from chemists in the highly reactive species that start chain reactions which geographical region of Turkey and the Middle East, and can destroy atmospheric ozone. another 22% came from Asia. Of current interest is the design and operation of en¬ Of particular interest was an invited talk by Rudiger vironmentally friendly supersonic aircraft for the 21st Kniep (Eduard-Zintl-lnstute, TH-Darmstadt, Germany) century. Such new aircraft will have the same problem on a new class of inorganic materials—Ternary and posed by the Anglo-French Concorde in the early Quaternary Metal Nitrides: A new challenge for solid 1970s, namely, the effect of the planes’ nitrogen radical state chemistry. emissions on the ozone layer through which the plane Compared with the large number of well known flies. In the stratosphere, nitric oxide and nitrogen diox¬ oxometalates, the crystal structure and chemistry of ide take part in complex catalytic reaction cycles that nitridometallates is still in its infancy. Of particular inter¬ were previously thought to be the dominant process for ozone destruction throughout most of the lower strato- 4 Chemistry International, 1996, Vol. 18, No. 1 sphere. Consequently, the greater the number of air¬ 30%. The reaction set craft travelling through the ozone layer the greater the BrO + CIO -> Br + Cl + 02 destruction. Recent measurements reveal however that in the Br + 03 -> BrO + 02 lower stratosphere (16-20 km altitude) the effect of ni¬ trogen oxides on ozone is far outweighed by the ozone Cl + 03 -> CIO + 02 destroying reactions of hydrogen containing radicals, hydroxyl (OH) and hydroperoxyl (H02) and the halogen Net: 203 -» 302 containing radicals such as chlorine monoxide (CIO) is responsible for 20-25% of the halogen controlled and bromine monoxide (BrO). Small additions of nitro¬ loss. Finally, gen radicals at those altitudes actually decreases the loss of ozone because the nitrogen containing radicals O + CIO -» Cl + 02 react with the hydrogen and halogen containing radi¬ cals thereby short circuiting their destructive effect. Cl + 03 -» CIO + 02 However, the impact on total ozone concentrations is uncertain due to the complexity of circulation and mix¬ Net: O + 03 -» 202 ing models in the stratosphere. accounts for 5% of ozone loss by halogen chemistry at Central to these new insights into nitrogen radical 15km altitude, increasing to 25% at 21 km altitude. The chemistry in the lower stratosphere are simultaneous formation of CION02 and BrON02 leads to ozone loss measurements of the concentrations of all of the fami¬ through photolysis of N03 followed by the above reac¬ lies of radicals that are involved in ozone destruction. tion. These processes account for 10-15% of the halo¬ In contrast to earlier models that predicted a much gen controlled loss rates. more important role for NOx catalysis, the cycles: NO + 03 -> N02 +02 Richard R. Ernst (ETH, Zurich, Switzerland) Exploring the Structure and Dynamics of Molecules N02 + O -> NO + 02 Through Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Prof. Ernst began his lecture pointing out that 1995 was Net: 03 + O -» 202 an anniversary year for scientists interested in struc¬ tural studies. It was in 1945 that the first Nuclear Mag¬ and netic Resonance (NMR) spectra were obtained; a tech¬ NO + 03 -> N02 + 02 nique which is now one of the most versatile means of obtaining detailed molecular information on dynamics N02 + 03 -> N03 + 02 and structure. However, we are in addition to this anni¬ versary celebrating the centenary of the discovery of x- N03 + light -> NO + 02 rays; the other technique which gives detailed struc¬ tural information. Prof. Ernst used his talk to demon¬ Net: 203 -> 302 strate the versatility of NMR for the study of the dynam¬ ics and structure of a number of small polypeptide (ten account for less than 20% of the total ozone loss. amino acids), and how the observed molecular dynam¬ As a result of the enormous quantity of halocarbons ics change with experimental conditions. For example, dumped into the atmosphere over the last few decades, he demonstrated how the conformation of a cyclic nearly one-third of the photochemical loss of ozone is decapeptide (antanamide), which from statistical argu¬ due to reactions involving CIO and BrO radicals. The ments could assume any one of thousands of possible most important processes are: conformations, could be locked into one particular H02 + ZO -> HOZ + 02 structure by a single water molecule which rapidly ex¬ changed between polar side grouped on the HOZ + light -> OH + Z polypeptide. NMR being the ideal tool for probing such dynamics. Z + 03 -> ZO + 02 Similarly, whereas X-rays can show you where the side chained dangling from a polypeptide attach them¬ OH + 03 -> H02 + 02 selves to another cellular component, X-rays cannot tell you the timescale on which this interaction is taking Net: 203 -> 302 place. One can obtain a ‘snap shot’ of the overall struc¬ where Z = Cl accounts for about 30% of halogen con¬ ture, but with X-rays one cannot look into the nature of trolled loss and Z = Br accounts for between 20 and the interactions. Chemistry International, 1996, Vol. 18, No. 1 5 The speaker pointed out that the first NMR spectra electron jumps from one ion to the other instantane¬ gave little information of use to chemists, indeed, the ously while the ions and their associated solvent early NMR scientists were all physicists or mathemati¬ sheaths take a finite time to relax to the electron trans¬ cians. However, with the development of multi-dimen¬ fer. That is, the separation of electronic and nuclear sional Fourier transform NMR over the last 30 years, motion—the nuclear configuration readjusts after the chemists can now obtain detailed information on inter- electronic transition, and not during it. Consequently molecular and intramolecular structure and dynamics. the dielectric polarization of the medium cannot be Indeed, NMR has recently developed into a leading di¬ treated as a continuum, the solvent molecules have agnostic tool for the medical sciences, and is now an discrete orientations around the ion and are changing expensive item on one’s hospital bill. these orientations, consequently, ideas of In some ways the techniques of NMR and X-rays are nonequilibrium polarization have to be incorporated complimentary, however, they are also two competing into a statistical model of the jump process. To power tools for investigating similar properties. NMR is tradi¬ the jump, one can consider an incident light source, tionally used to probe large molecules in solution however, Marcus pointed out long ago that electron where, for example, biological molecules are active - transfer reactions occur in the dark and that it is thermal one can study the proteins in action. X-rays, however, fluctuations in the solvent which are the driving force for give poorly resolved structural information on liquids, the electron to jump from one ion to the other—essen¬ but give structures of the molecules in the solid state - tially a tunnelling process which requires relatively little X-rays cannot study protein function. Both NMR and X- energy. rays can be used to determine crystal structure, X-rays The theory of electron transfer also shows why elec¬ have been used for this type of study in small molecules tron transfer processes in photobiology must be very since the First World War. However, with large mol¬ fast—there are numerous competing processes on a ecules of biological importance, for example, proteins, longer timescale. For example, the chromophore ab¬ NMR can be used to determine structures of molecules sorbs a photon, thereby exciting an electron. On a na¬ ranging in size up to the kilodalton mass range—the nosecond timescale this excited electron can fluoresce, smaller end of the protein market. X-rays, however, can or it can couple to the vibrational ladder of states be used to investigate the structure of the very largest through a intramolecular vibrational energy transfer proteins—megadalton mass range. process and lose energy this way. Consequently, the longer the excited electron hangs around, the greater Rudolph A. Marcus (California Institute of the probability that it will lose energy—energy which will Technology, USA) not be available latter on for chemical synthesis. Within Electron Transfer in Chemistry and Biology: Theory a protein molecule there is no solvent sheath so the and Experiment electron transfer process is very fast—there is only an Prof. Marcus demonstrated how the field of electron electronic component, no solvent reorganization. transfer reactions has grown considerably from the late Prof. Marcus concluded his talk with a discussion on 1940s and early 1950s. During that period, the rates of the theory of electron transfer within proteins. In this many isotope exchange electron transfer reactions theory, an artificial intelligence method has been devel¬ were determined using radioactive isotopes which had oped for selecting the amino acids most important for recently become available. Such reactions represented the intramolecular electron transfer, for use in the cal¬ the simplest case of all chemical reactions, and elec¬ culation of the donor-acceptor electron transfer cou¬ tron transfer reactions in particular. Since this time pling factor. Such a procedure greatly reduces the when electron transfer reactions were considered a computational difficulties. Experimental studies of such ‘dusty corner’ of a very specialized field of solution systems are now becoming almost routine with the chemistry, the electron transfer field has grown to in¬ technology of molecular biology. Selected site clude many areas: inorganic reactions in solution; or¬ mutagenesis allows one to make proteins with donor ganic reactions; reactions at metal/liquid, semiconduc¬ and acceptor groups in particular places in their struc¬ tor/liquid and liquid/liquid interfaces, and at modified ture—controlling the distance over which the electron electrodes; photoinduced electron transfers (solar en¬ has to jump. It is found that the rate or ability of the ergy conversion, charge transfer spectra of donor-ac¬ electron transfer depends upon electron rich pathways ceptor systems); and biological electron transfers as in between donor and acceptor groups. photosynthesis. All these many branches of chemistry can be ration¬ Richard E. Smalley (Rice University, USA) alized with simple theoretical ideas, for which Prof. Fullerene Nanowires Marcus was awarded the 1992 Nobel prize in chemis¬ We are currently hearing a great deal about molecular try. Such ideas include the application of Franck- electronics, where chemists are synthesising and as¬ Condon principle to electron transfer, that is, that the sembling new molecules which will have the 6 Chemistry International, 1996, Vol. 18, No. 1 electrochemical properties of very much larger pieces particle, the diameter of the graphene tube and the of inorganic semiconducting material. However, what of pressure of inert gas in the arcing device a number of future developments? One of the prerequisites of a vi¬ products are possible. If the metal particle diameter is able nanoscale device is a means of conducting the very much greater than 1 pm and with an inert gas pres¬ electron from one part of the nano-device to another sure of an atmosphere, the main product of the arcing is without it going to ground, a short circuit. That is, how graphite. If the metal particles are smaller than a few do you make a nanowire? nanometers and at pressures less than an atmosphere, At a molecular level, the transfer of an electron re¬ then diamond is the main product of the arcing process. quires overlap of donor electronic orbitals with those of However, for metal particles slightly smaller than a mi¬ the acceptor. Due to the usual atomic localization of cron and at pressures less than or equal to an atmos¬ orbitals, this desired overlap is a strong function of the phere, carbon nanotubes are produced in large distance between donor and acceptor. But the overlap quantity. What appears to be happening is that carbon can be effectively extended by incorporating an inter¬ dissolves in the metal particles and precipitates out of vening material which itself overlaps with both the do¬ the metal on the growing nanotube which is attached to nor and acceptor orbitals. Molecular electricians are the metal particle. currently seeking nano-conductors that confer struc¬ Appropriate chemical substitutions inside and/or out¬ tural rigidity, preventing spatial arrangements which side these nanostructures offer an array of rationally lead to molecular short circuits. designed new materials including semiconductors, su¬ Prof. Smalley, one of the discoverers of C60, pointed perconductors, nanowires and catalysts. out that a single graphite sheet, a graphene layer com¬ posed of carbon in a hexagonal lattice, would have an Frank E. Karasz (University of Massachusetts, enormous tensile strength—perhaps a 100 times USA) Electroluminescense in n-conjugated polymers greater than steel, being a single molecule even though Prof. Karasz described the synthesis of multi-block al¬ it might have macroscopic dimensions. Such sheets ternating copolymers of rigid phenylene vinylene units provide the only known example where atoms of a sin¬ of specified length interspersed with flexible spacer gle element combine to produce a chemically passive groups of methylene or of ethylene oxide oligomers. two dimensional surface. If pentagons are incorporated These materials are soluble and film forming, and by into such a sheet it will being to assume positive curva¬ varying the chromophore length and/or by ture. With 12 pentagons, the surface closes to give a derivatization can be tuned to provide electro-lumines¬ fullerene which may be either spherical (C60) or tubular cence at specified wavelengths to essentially cover the (nanotube). entire visible spectrum. The electrodes in a typical ar¬ If heptagons are incorporated into a graphene sheet, rangement are indium-tin oxide and Al, Ca, Mg or Ag; then negative curvature will be given to the two dimen¬ the active polymer matrix is, of order, 100 nm thick and sional surface. Prof. Smalley outlined the driving voltages are about 10-30 V. nanotechnologies based on the addition of pentagons Karasz demonstrated how the luminescence varied and heptagons to graphene sheets to produce a variety with the nature of blends of these copolymers, and with of new materials which would be chemically resistant mixtures containing other chromophorically active mac¬ and very strong. He went on to outline the production of romolecules. Greatly improved quantum efficiency can nanotubes which would have walls a single carbon be obtained by adopting different configurations and atom thick (1 nm in diameter), but would be many thou¬ incorporating electron and/or hole transport layers. sands of times longer. Such tubes would be conduc¬ Charge injection under reverse bias also leads to light tors, but if doped, as is done in graphite intercalates, emission under certain conditions and to further under¬ with Na or Cs they would become exceptional conduc¬ standing of the photophysics of these new materials. tors. This Congress was not as well attended as previous To produce these tubes has been something of a IUPAC congresses, there were about 800 delegates. ‘black art’, they are produced to varying degrees with There was a small exhibition of industrial organizations, the carbon arcs used to produce fullerenes. However, including the official publisher of the Union—Blackwell the optimal conditions have only been found be trial and Science Ltd. error. Prof. Smalley outlined a model for the optimal What was noticeable however was the strong boost production. It was known that small amounts of Fe or Ni this Congress has given to local or regional chemists. It catalyzed the production of the nanotubes—how was was apparent that a great many of the delegates were something of a mystery. Smalley’s model is that small from the Middle East and Asia, there were some chem¬ particles of the metals attach themselves to the open ists from the United States and Western Europe, how¬ end of a curved graphene sheet—preventing the cap ever, they were very much in the minority. from closing. Depending on the diameter of the metal Chemistry International, 1996, Vol. 18, No. 1 7 Thirteen million - and still growing For Chemical Abstracts Service, 1994 was a year of unprecedented database growth and im¬ proved delivery of information, IUPAC affiliate Dr W. Val Metanomski reports. The theme for Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS) activi¬ in 1994. The list of 192 countries, where the reported ties in 1994 might well have been ‘bigger and better’, work was done, included such countries as Cyprus (9 reflecting both the expanded volume of information papers), Fiji (5 papers), Grenada (2 papers), Mozam¬ processed and the improved, more timely, accessibility bique (2 papers), Namibia (3 papers), and Samoa (2 on-line. papers). First, consider the raw numbers. During 1994, CAS In terms of language, in 1994, papers published in abstracted and indexed 653 055 papers, patents, and English rose to 81.9% (from 69.2% in 1984 and 73.8% other publications. This was an all time annual record in 1989), followed by Russian (5.2%), Chinese (4.6%), well over the previous high number of 553 051 in 1991. and Japanese (4.2%). The contributions in German In addition, CAS cited 122 752 equivalent patents in showed a marked decrease (1.5%, down from 3.4% in 1994. 1984), and so did those in French (0.6%, down from An all time record was also noted in the growth of the 1.3% in 1984). Among lesser-known languages, within CAS Chemical Registry System. In 1994, 777 212 new the total of 49 languages in which papers were pub¬ chemical substances were added to the System, again lished, are: Cambodian, Georgian, Kazakh, Sinhalese, well over the previous high number of 690 313 in 1992. Thai and Uzbek. CAS milestones for the year included the registration Within the 107 226 patents abstracted in 1994 (an¬ of the 13-millionth chemical substance and the publica¬ other annual record), the Japanese again had the larg¬ tion of the 15-millionth abstract. est share (61.0%), followed by USA (8.5%), the The 13-millionth chemical substance registration European Patent Office (EPO) (8.3%), and the World was a synthetic polymer, a novel poly(amide imide), Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) (8.0%). The reported in a paper by three German researchers at the equivalent patents cited in CA showed a somewhat dif¬ University of Freiburg, H. A. Schneider, N. Steinhauser, ferent distribution: Japan (30.6%), EPO (20.1%), USA and R. Mulhaupt (CA 121 (2), 10424x) (see below). (13.5%) and Canada (8.4%). The 15-millionth CA abstract, published in March With respect to changes in different chemical fields in 1994, reported on ‘Fire- and dripping-resistant resin the past five years, while the total number of abstracts compositions’, patented by two Japanese researchers, increased 33.5%, the greatest increase occurred in the Y. Mishima and R. Yoneyama {CA 120 (12), 136218f). Applied Chemistry and Chemical Engineering Sections In 1994, the largest share of the journal literature (41.8%), followed by that in the Biochemistry Sections again came from USA (29.2%), followed by Japan (38.4%). Focusing on more specific subdisciplines, (12.7%), Germany (6.6%), People’s Republic of China within the Biochemistry Sections, the largest increases (6.2%), United Kingdom (5.5%), and Russia (4.6%). were noted in the fields of biochemical genetics; radia¬ The most noticeable upward change was in the number tion biochemistry; nonmammalian biochemistry; mam¬ of papers originating from the People’s Republic of malian pathological biochemistry; immunochemistry; China, from 8797 in 1984, to 14 748 in 1989, to 33 684 and fertilizers, soil, and plant nutrition. Fig. 1 Poly[(1,3-dihydro-1,3-dioxo-2H-isoindole-2,5-diyl)[2,2,2-trifluoro 1-(trifluoromethyl)ethylidene](1,3-dihydro-1,3- dioso-2W-isoindole 5,2-diyl)-1,3-phenyleneimino(2,2,3,3,4,4,5,5,6,6,7,7-dodecafluoro 1,8-dioxo-1,8-octanediyl)imino-1,3- phenylene] [1155827-99-91], 8 Chemistry International, 1996, Vol. 18, No. 1

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