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Preview Chemistry for Protection of the Environment 1987, Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference

Studies in Environmental Science 34 CHEMISTRY FOR PROTECTION OF THE ENVIRONMENT 1987 Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference, Torino, Italy, 15-1 8 September 1987 Edited by L. Pawlowski Department of Water and Wastewater Technology, Technical University of Lublin, 20-6 18 Lublin, Poland E. Mentasti Department of Analytical Chemistry of the University of Torino, Italy W.J. Lacy 9 1 14 Cherrytree Drive, Alexandria, VA 22309, U.S.A. C. Sarzanini Department of Analytical Chemistry of the University of Torino, Italy ELSEVIER Amsterdam - Oxford - New York - Tokyo 1988 ELSEVIER SCIENCE PUBLISHERS B.V. Sara Burgerhanstraat 25 P.O. Box 2 1 1, 1000 AE Amsterdam, The Netherlands Distributors for the United States and Canada: ELSEVIER SCIENCE PUBLISHING COMPANY INC. 655, Avenue of the Americas New York, NY 10010, U.S.A. First edition 1988 Second impression 1991 ISBN 0-444-87 130-6 0 Elsevier Science Publishers B.V., 1988 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publisher, Elsevier Science Publishers B.V.1 Physical Sciences & Engineering Division, P.O. Box 330, 1000 AH Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Special regulations for readers in the U.S.A. - This publication has been registered with the Copy- right Clearance Center Inc. (CCC), Salem, Massachusetts. Information can be obtained from the CCC about conditions under which photocopies of parts of this publication may be made in the USA. All other copyright questions, including photocopying outside of the USA, should be referred to the publisher. No responsibility is assumed by the Publisher for any injury and/or damage to persons or property as a matter of products liability, negligence or otherwise, or from any use or operation of any meth- ods, Droducts, instructions or ideas contained in the material herein. This book is printed on acid-free paper Printed in The Netherlands 1 FOREWORD This conference series was first organized in 1976 at Maria Curie-Sklodowska University in Lublin, Poland, on Polish research. During the conference discussions were held on the results of the many Polish-U.S. funded environmental research projects. The great interest aroused in the participants by the conclusions and recommendations discussed at that mnference stimulated them to organize the next conference in 1979. The semnd conference evolved into one involving international participation, the proceedings of which, contaming 32 peer-reviewed papers, were published by Pergamon Press in 1980. The third multi-national conference in this series was held at the MCS University in Lublin, Poland, in 1981. The attendees were a significant group of leading engineers and scientists from Ebrope and the USA. The proceeding of this conference, containing 36 selected peer-reviewed papers, was published by Elsevier in 1982 in their well known series “Studies in Environmental Science”. During the organizational phase of the fourth international conference, the International Com- mittee exchanged its title for a broader one, i.e. “CHEMISTRY FOR PROTECTION OF THE ENVI- RONMENT”. The basic reason underlying .that decision was the comments received from various international scientists who indicated that a need existed for the provision of an international forum for all chemists and chemical engineers involved in environmental protection activities. The title used for the fiist three conferences, i.e. “PHYSICOCHEMICAL METHODS FOR WATER AND WASTEWA- TER TREATMENT”, was somewhat limiting because it tended to exclude those who utilize chemical processes outside of the conventional water environment. Any pollution control action today must take into consideration not only the water problems but also proper envuonmental handling of the sludge and related air pollution problems. In all these uses chemical processes normally play a highly significant role. It was therefore concluded by the Internationa! Committee that there is indeed a need to provide a forum for chemical scientists and engineers who are dedicated to the worthy mission of making a cleaner, healthier world for everyone. The fourth CPE conference focused on the applimrion of chemical methods for environmental pro- tection and its main purpose was to provide a setting for the exchange of scientific and technical knowledge between those familiar with chemistry and those familiar with environmental problems. Therefore the fourth conference aimed to link a knowledge of chemistry with the environmental problems to be solved by chemical methods. The International Committee hoped that this conference would attract the interest of those talented scientists and engineers currently not involved in such problems, but who might have useful ideas to contribute on how to clean-up our tnvironment. This founh CPE conference attxacted participants from 34 countries representing all continents and included scientists and engineers from the manv developins nations of Africa, Asia and South 2 America. Nevertheless, the biggest contribution to CF'E lV still came mainly from France, Poland and the USA. The participants were provided with an excellent overview on how the chemical processes are used in different countries of the world, and made this scientific conference of special interest and an extremely valuable source of information and technology transfer. The United States Environmental Protection Agency, through its Office of Research and De- velopment, provided this conference with special funds allowing us to bring wide and diversified scien- tific representation from different nations. Therefore, all the sponsored participants thanked the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency for its support then and now. The International Committees agreed that it was necessary to organize and continue this endeavor with a similar conference biennially. The next one, the fifth CPE conference, was held 9-13 Septem- ber 1985, at the Catholic University of.Leuven, Belgium. It was most successful conference to date in terms of the quality of technical papers, talents of the participants and support from EPA, Catholic University, Polish Chemical Society and many other outstanding organizations. The proceedings were also published by Elsevier in 1986, and were a huge success. By now, CPE VI, which was planned and held at The University of Turin in Italy in Sept. 15-18, 1987, was a forgone conclusion. Over the previous decade, the CPE series became a most prestigious and venerated gathering of leading international scientists and engineers who have become old friends and welcome new participants with similar interests. These proceedings of CPE VI and the success of the entire program in Turin, Italy, owe much more than can be written here to the tireless efforts, extended endurance and cooperation of our Italian hosts, especially Ms Maria Carla Gennero of the Analytical Chemistry Dept., University of Turin. We hope that this series of scientific conferences will continue to grow, receive more scientific contributions and attract an even wider representation of chemists and chemical engineers from all over the world. L. Pawlowski & W. J. Lacy Conference Series Founders 3 MODELLING - A POWERFUL TOOL IN ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT S. E. JORGENSEN Dept. of Pharmaceutical Chemistry AD. Royal Danish School of Pharinacy, 2 Universitetsparken, DK-2100, Copenhagen, Denmark ABSTRACT Environmental management involves management of such conlplex systems that it is impossible to consider all details. It is therefore necessary to use a more ho- listic approach, including modelling. Developnien t of models requires a profound knowledge to the system to be able to make the feasible simplifications. A use- ful technique of modelling has, however, been a clear result of the last 15 years experience in environmental modelling, including considerations on selection of a balanced model coniplexity. Modelling has been particularly in use in environmen- tal chemistry and this paper reviews the state of the art within this rapidly growing field of chemistry. 1. INTRODUCTION The science has changed during the last decade toward an acknowledge of natures very high complexity. We shall never be able to aescribe all the various compo- nents in our environment in detail. As the quantum mechanics set limitation for the accuracy of our observations in physics it does also in ecology [l]. While the limitations in physics are caused by our influence on the object by the observai tion, the limitations in ecology is caused by the enormous complexity of nature (ecosystems). The conclusions are very clear from these considerations: The nature is complex, but we cannot observe all details; consequently we must attempt to get a more holistic view of our environment by including the mainline and the bearing processes in this description. We must therefore put more emphasis on synthesizing our many analytical results. We cannot do science without analytical method, but we should not do entirely analysis; we need to stop from to time in our analytical effort and make synthesizing conclusions. 4 Modelling is a very useful tool in this holistic approach to a scientific description of our nature. Modelling is a synthesizing tool, which put the analytical results together to give an overall picture. Environmental management requires a holistic view by use of medelling as it is impossible to overview the many components, their interactions, influence of pollutant on them, etc., without a model and if prognoses are required for various environmental strategies, there is no alternative to the application of models. See also Fig. 1. management, Fig. 1. Relations between environmental science, ecology, ecological modelling and environmental management and technology 2. DEVELOPMENT IN MODELLING The wide use of environmental modelling started in the early seventies, and since then a large number of models have been developed and tested. The development of this field may be measured by use of the scientific journal Ecological Modelling, which started up in 1975. Four issues or one volume with 320 pages were published the first year. In 1987 the journal published 5 volumes or 20 issues with 1600 pages. The first models were heavily criticized, particularly by biologists. Some of the first models were developed by engineers and mathematicians and they were not all based upon a sound knowledge to the system. A model can only be a simplification of nature and it requires a profound knowledge to the system to make the right simplifications. Consequently, it is crucial that ecologists, biochemists and chemists take an active part in the modelling. Since the early seventies it has been fully accepted that it is completely necessary to know the system to make the needed 5 simplifications, and therefore many of the developed models have demonstrated that models are very useful tool to obtain system properties of ecosystems (the environment) 0 overview a problem in environmental science, ecology or environmental ma- 0 nagement make predictions for environmental management. During the last fifteen years it has, furthermore, been acknowledged that deve- lopment of a reliable model requires that the procedure shown in Fig. 2 is followed very carefully. Def'nition of problem -Selection of complexity I Bounding of the problem intirne.spxeondsub- svst ems 1 QUallt&Jf~ Doto requirement OvQilo e doh? i , I n =F= Come tuol dio ram Sensitivity analysis I Fig. 2. A tentative modelling procedure The definition of the actual problem will need to be bound by the constituents of space, time and subsystems. The bounding of the problem in space and time is usually easier, and consequently more explicit, than the identification of the ecological subsystems to be incorporated in the models. 6 In addition to defining the problem and its parameters in space and time, it is important to emphasize that this procedure is unlikely to be correct at the first attempt, and so there is no need to aim at perfection in one step. The main requirement is to get started. All ecosystems have a distinctive character and a comprehensive knowledge of the system that is going to be modelled is often needed to get a good start. It is difficult to determine the optimum number of subsystems to be included in the model for an acceptable level of accuracy, and often it is necessary to accept a lower level than intended at the start due to a lack of data. Once the model complexity, at least at the first attempt, has been selected, it is possible to conceptualize the model (e.g. in the form of a diagram such as those shown for the nitrogen cycles in Fig. 3). This will give information on, which state variables and processes are required in the model. For most processes a mathema- tical description is available, and most of the parameters have, at least with limits, known values from the literature. Tables of parameters used in ecological models were published by Jorgensen et al. [Z]. It is possible at this stage to set up alternative equations for the same process and apply the model to test the equations against each other. However, the many ecological processes not included in the model, have some influence on the processes in the model. Furthermore, the parameter values used from the literature are not often fixed numbers, but are rather indicated as intervals. Most often biological parameters cannot be determined with the same accuracy as chemical or physical parameters due to changing and uncontrolled experimental conditions. Consequ- ently, calibration by the application of a set of measured data is almost always required. However, the calibration of several parameters is not realistic. Mathe- matical calibration procedures for ten or more parameters are not available for most problems. Therefore, it is recommended that sound values from the literature are used for all parameters, and that a sensitivity analysis of the parameters (see Fig. 2) is made before the calibration. The most sensitive parameters should be selected, as an acceptable calibration of 4-8 parameters is possible with the present techniques. If it is necessary to calibrate 10 parameters or more it is advantageous to use two different series of measurements for the calibration of five parameters each, pre- ferably by selecting measuring periods where the state variables are most sensitive to the parameters calibrated [3, 41. It is of great importance to make the calibra- tion on the basis of reliable data; unfortunately, many ecological models have been calibrated against inaccurate inform ati on. It is characteristic of most ecological models that analysis and calibration of submodels are required. If ecological models are built without the knowledge of the ecosystem and its subsystems, they often are not realistic. These considerations are included in the procedure indicated above for the calibration and also in the modelling procedure presented in Fig. 2. After the.calibration it is important to validate the model, preferably against a series of measurements from a period with changed conditions, e.g. with changed external loading or climatic conditions. 7 The right complexity cannot, as already discussed, be selected generally. It seems that there has been a tendency to choose too complex rather than too simple model, probably because it is too easy to add to the complexity: It is far more troublesome to obtain the data that are necessary to calibrate and validate a more complex model. As we have repeated here several times, it is necessary to select complexity on the basis of the problem, the system and the data available. Modelling should, however, be considered an iterative process. When the model in the first instance has been verified, calibrated or validated, new ideas will emerge on how to improve the model. The modeller will again and again wish to build new data, knowledge and experience either from his own experiments or from the scientific literature into the model; this implies that he at least to a certain extent must go through the entire procedure again to come up with a better model. The modeller knows that he can always build a better model, which has higher accuracy, is a better prognosis tool or contains more relevant details than the previous model. He will approach the ideal model asympt,otically, but will never reach it. However, limited resources will sooner or later stop the iteration and the modeller will declare his model to be good enough within the given limitations. It has been very much discussed since the early seventies, how to select the right complexity of the model - or with other words how to make the needed simplifica- tions and still describe the system reactions related to the defined problem? A too simple model will not describe the system properly in relation to the problem, but a too complex model will be unwieldy, cannot be overviewed and cannot be Cali- brated. Therefore it is clear that a balanced complexity should be seeked. This is illustrated in Fig. 4, where the knowledge gained from a model is plotted versus the complexity, for instance, measured by the number of state variables of the model. Costanza and Sklar [5] have examined 88 models and found that what they called efficiency of model plotted versus complexity or as they named it articula- tion, actually follows the more philosophically based plot in Fig. 3. They consider efficiency as the product of complexity and accuracy found by the validation. That seems a good measure of the knowledge you obtain from the model. Their results are illustrated in Fig. 5. 3. OVERVIEW OF MODELLING IN ENVIRONMEN- TAL CHEMISTRY Models in Environmental Chemistry may be classified as follows: A. Models of toxic chemical components in the environment - their. effects and distributions. Tab. 1 has listed several of such socalled ecotoxicological models to give an impression of the modelling effort in this field. [6]. B. Models of biodegradable organic matter and nutrients. These are the type of ecological models, which is named biogeochemical models, because they describe the cycling of biological and geological compounds in the ecosystem. Jorgensen [7]g ives a comprehensive overview of this type of models. These 8 models have found a wide application in the environmental management of rivers, lakes, estuaries, fjords and bays. C. Models of the biological treatment processes. A biological treatment plant may be considered a man made ecosystem. Compared with ecosystems it is a simple system, but the description of the system requires several state variable, if the system has to be optimized for highest possible BOD-removal. These type of models have been reviewed in Jorgensen and Gromiec 18). D. Models of physical-chemical treatment processes. Again it is simple system compared with ecosystems, but as the water or the air to be treated may be a complex mixture it is only feasible to describe the competition among the pollutants for adsorption, absorption, ion exchange, and so on, by use of models. DENIT Fig. 3. The nitrogen cycle in an aquatic ecosystem. The processes are: (1) Uptake of NO; and NH: by algae, (2) Photosynthesis, (3) Nitrogen fixation, (4) Grazing with loss of undigested matter, (S), (6)a nd (7) are predation and loss of undigested matter by predation, (8)M ortality, (9) Mineralization, (10) Settling, (11) Settling of ditritus, (12) Settling, (13) Release from sediment, (14) Nitrification, (15), (16) and (18)I nput/output, (17) Denitrification

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