Chemistry and Physics of ‘ : ;, sal LIPIDS Chemistry and Physics of Lipids 82 (1996) 205-206 Volume contents Volume 82 (1996) A.V. Zhukov, E.I. Kusnetsova, A.G. Vereshchagin (Russian Federation) Mild non-enzymatic hydrolysis of an ester bond between the orthophosphoric acid and ethanolamine residues in phos- phatidylethanolamines K. Schorn, D. Marsh (Germany) Lipid chain dynamics in diacylglycerol-phosphatidylcholine mixtures studied by slow-motional simulations of spin label ESR spectra Dadarlat, D. Bicanic, J. Gibkes, W. Kloek, I. van den Dries, E. Gerkema (Romania, The Netherlands) Study of melting processes in fatty acids and oils mixtures. A comparison of photopyroelec- tric (PPE) and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) . Mlakar, G. Spiteller (Germany) Dihydroxy and hydroxyoxo fatty acids as products of nonenzymic lipid peroxidation of polyunsaturated fatty acids . Knothe, M.O. Bagby, D. Weisleder (USA) Evaluation of the olefinic proton signals in the 'H-NMR spectra of allylic hydroxy groups in long-chain compounds . Dudda, G. Spiteller, F. Kobelt (Germany) Lipid oxidation products in ischemic porcine heart tissue . . Huang, J.M. Seddon, R.H. Templer (UK) An inverse micellar Fd3m cubic phase formed by hydrated ene Gt PID sion nk 8 4 8 8k 8 8 ee ew ee oes . Inoue, I. Motoda, N. Hiramatsu, M. Suzuki, K. Sato (Japan) Pressure effect on phase behavior of gf ere eT eee ee ee eee ee . Hwang, D. Zhao, J. Chen, X. Chen, J. Ni (China) Effect of lanthanum ions on the lipid polymorphism of phosphatidylethanolamines Short Communications H.A. Van Houte, R.H. Busson, G.G. Parmentier, H.J. Eyssen, P.P. Van Veldhoven, G.P. Mannaerts, M.I. Baes, P.E. Declercg (Belgium) Synthesis of [1-'*C] nordolichoic acid A.S. Bushnev, V.I. Shvets, H.S. Hendrickson (Russia, USA) Synthesis of rac-1-deoxy-1-thio-dihydroce- ramide -1-phosphate M.J. Lawrence, S.M. Lawrence, $8. Chauhan, D.J. Barlow (UK) Synthesis and aggregation properties of Sy EE GUE GEE 5. 6k. 6 ck 0 8 8 6 8k we 0 ees 6.0 8:0 S18) ee G. Dobson, W.W. Christie, J.L. Sebedio (UK, France) Monocyclic saturated fatty acids formed from oleic ee ee ee GI Ges a co k's cs ee TRS 6.4.0 9 95 ee we Oo ee ke eee D.L. Bernik, E.A. Disalvo (Argentina) Determination of the dimerization constant of merocyanine 540 at the membrane interface of lipid vesicles in the gel state S. Maruyama, H. Matsuki, H. Ichimori, S. Kaneshina (Japan) Thermotropic and barotropic phase behavior of dihexadecylphosphatidylcholine bilayer membrane A. Ferraretto, S. Sonnino, M.R. Soria, M. Masserini (Italy) Characterization of biotinylated liposomes sensitive to temperature and pH: new tools for anti-cancer drug delivery 206 Volume contents | Chemistry and Physics of Lipids 82 (1996) 205-206 P.A. Wallace, D.E. Minnikin (UK) Synthesis of racemic 2,4-dimethyltetradecanoic acid from Mycobacterium kansasii A. Checchetti, A.G olemme, G. Chidichimo, C. LaRosa, D. Grasso, P. W. Westerman (Italy, USA) Effect of 1-palmitoyl lysophosphatidylcholine on phase properties of 1,2-dipalmitoyl phosphatidylethanolamine: a thermodynamic and NMR study Z.Y. Chen, P.T. Chan (Hong Kong) Antioxidative activity of green tea catechins in canola oil M. Weisser, G. Spiteller (Germany) /ncrease of aldehydic compounds derived from plasmalogens in the brain of aged cattle H.W. Meyer, B. Dobner, K. Semmler (Germany) Macroripple-structures induced by different branched-chain phosphatidylcholines in bilayers of dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine Short Communication W. Pohle, C. Selle (Germany) Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopic evidence for a novel lyotropic phase transition occurring in dioleoylphosphatidylethanolamine Subject index— Volume 82 Contents— Volume 82