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519 Pages·2016·11.62 MB·English
by  Knolker
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AcademicPressisanimprintofElsevier 50HampshireStreet,5thFloor,Cambridge,MA02139,USA 525BStreet,Suite1800,SanDiego,CA92101-4495,USA 125LondonWall,LondonEC2Y5AS,UK TheBoulevard,LangfordLane,Kidlington,OxfordOX51GB,UK Firstedition2016 Copyright©2016ElsevierInc.Allrightsreserved. Nopartofthispublicationmaybereproducedortransmittedinanyformorbyanymeans, electronicormechanical,includingphotocopying,recording,oranyinformationstorageand retrievalsystem,withoutpermissioninwritingfromthepublisher.Detailsonhowtoseek permission,furtherinformationaboutthePublisher’spermissionspoliciesandour arrangementswithorganizationssuchastheCopyrightClearanceCenterandtheCopyright LicensingAgency,canbefoundatourwebsite:www.elsevier.com/permissions. Thisbookandtheindividualcontributionscontainedinitareprotectedundercopyrightby thePublisher(otherthanasmaybenotedherein). Notices Knowledgeandbestpracticeinthisfieldareconstantlychanging.Asnewresearchand experiencebroadenourunderstanding,changesinresearchmethods,professionalpractices, ormedicaltreatmentmaybecomenecessary. Practitionersandresearchersmustalwaysrelyontheirownexperienceandknowledgein evaluatingandusinganyinformation,methods,compounds,orexperimentsdescribed herein.Inusingsuchinformationormethodstheyshouldbemindfuloftheirownsafetyand thesafetyofothers,includingpartiesforwhomtheyhaveaprofessionalresponsibility. Tothefullestextentofthelaw,neitherthePublishernortheauthors,contributors,oreditors, assumeanyliabilityforanyinjuryand/ordamagetopersonsorpropertyasamatterof productsliability,negligenceorotherwise,orfromanyuseoroperationofanymethods, products,instructions,orideascontainedinthematerialherein. ISBN:978-0-12-803434-7 ISSN:1099-4831 ForinformationonallAcademicPresspublications visitourwebsiteathttp://store.elsevier.com/ CONTRIBUTORS JosephP.Michael MolecularSciencesInstitute,SchoolofChemistry,UniversityoftheWitwatersrand, Johannesburg,Gauteng,SouthAfrica j vii PREFACE Sincetheappearanceofitsfirstvolumein1950,thebookseriesTheAlkaloids has become the leading publication forum for alkaloid chemistry. The present book is the 75th volume and thus represents a jubilee for The Alkaloids. In the long history of this series, single-topic volumes have been veryrare:Volume25,publishedin1985,described“AntitumorAlkaloids”; Volume37,publishedin1990,compiled“BisindoleAlkaloidsfromCathar- anthusroseus(L.)”;Volume65,publishedin2008,reviewedthe“Chemistry andBiologyofCarbazoleAlkaloids”;andin2010,Volume69summarized “The C -Diterpenoid Alkaloids.” Volume 75 represents another single- 19 chaptervolumeandisdedicatedto“SimpleIndolizidineandQuinolizidine Alkaloids.” The author, Joseph P. Michael from the Molecular Sciences Institute at the University of the Witwatersrand in South Africa, had already writ- ten two of the three previous reviews on this topic for The Alkaloids. In Chapter 3 of Volume 28, published in 1986, Arthur S. Howard and Joseph P. Michael presented the first full coverage of “Simple Indolizidine and Quinolizidine Alkaloids” within this series. In Chapter 3 of Volume 44, published in 1993, Hiroki Takahata and Takefumi Momose gave an update on “Simple Indolizidine Alkaloids”. In Chapter 1 of Volume 46, published in 1995, David J. Robins described the “Biosynthesis of Pyrro- lizidine and Quinolizidine Alkaloids”. The last overview on “Simple Indolizidine and Quinolizidine Alkaloids” in this series was compiled againbyJosephP.Michaelandpublishedin2001asChapter2ofVolume 55. Thus, there could have been no better expert for the present review which is covering the tremendous development in this field from the middle of 1999 tillthe end of 2013. This view of theeditor has been con- firmed by Jo Michael’s remarkably extensive compilation of exceptional quality. Hans-Joachim Kno€lker Technische Universit€at Dresden, Dresden, Germany j ix CHAPTERONE Simple Indolizidine and Quinolizidine Alkaloids Joseph P. Michael MolecularSciencesInstitute,SchoolofChemistry,UniversityoftheWitwatersrand,Johannesburg, Gauteng,SouthAfrica E-mail:[email protected] Contents 1. Introduction 3 2. IndolizidineAlkaloidsfromFungalandMicrobialSources 5 2.1 Slaframine 5 2.2 CyclizidineandJBIR-102 12 2.3 StreptomycesMetabolites 15 2.4 PantocinsAandA 16 2 3. HydroxylatedIndolizidineAlkaloids 19 3.1 GeneralReviews 19 3.2 1-Hydroxyindolizidines 21 3.3 LentiginosineandRelatedCompounds 26 3.3.1 IsolationandBiologicalActivity 28 3.3.2 Synthesis 28 3.4 Steviamine 64 3.5 Swainsonine 69 3.5.1 Occurrence,Isolation,andCharacterization 69 3.5.2 Synthesis 73 3.5.3 BiologicalActivity 116 3.6 CastanospermineandRelatedCompounds 122 3.6.1 IsolationandStructure 122 3.6.2 Synthesis 123 3.6.3 BiologicalActivity 140 3.7 ThePutativeUniflorines 146 4. PlantIndolizidineandQuinolizidineAlkaloidsBearingAlkyl,FunctionalizedAlkyl, 148 orAlkenylSubstituents 4.1 Dendroprimine 148 4.2 ProsopisAlkaloids 153 4.3 5,6,7,8-TetrahydroindolizineAlkaloids 159 4.4 Anibamine 162 TheAlkaloids,Volume75 ISSN1099-4831 ©2016ElsevierInc. j http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/bs.alkal.2014.12.001 Allrightsreserved. 1 2 JosephP.Michael 4.5 ElaeocarpusAlkaloids 165 4.5.1 IsolationandCharacterization 165 4.5.2 Biogenesis 169 4.5.3 Synthesis 169 4.6 LupinAlkaloids 179 4.6.1 OccurrenceandCharacterization 179 4.6.2 StructuralInvestigations 181 4.6.3 Synthesis 184 4.7 MyrtineandEpimyrtine 207 4.8 LycopodiumAlkaloids 215 4.8.1 IsolationandCharacterization 215 4.8.2 Synthesis 216 4.9 Porantheridine 221 4.10 Plumerinine 229 5. PlantIndolizidineandQuinolizidineAlkaloidsBearingArylorHeteroaryl 229 Substituents 5.1 IpalbidineandRelatedAlkaloids 229 5.1.1 IsolationandCharacterization 229 5.1.2 Synthesis 230 5.2 Septicine,Julandine,andRelatedAlkaloids 235 5.2.1 Isolation,Characterization,andBiologicalProperties 237 5.2.2 Synthesis 238 5.3 Ficuseptine 247 5.4 LythraceaeAlkaloids 248 5.4.1 IsolationandCharacterization 248 5.4.2 Synthesis 250 5.5 NupharAlkaloids 275 5.5.1 IsolationandBiologicalActivity 275 5.5.2 SynthesesofNupharQuinolizidines 276 5.5.3 SynthesesoftheNupharIndolizidine 280 5.6 QuinolizidineeQuinazolineAlkaloids 283 6. IndolizidineandQuinolizidineAlkaloidsfromTerrestrialAnimals 286 6.1 IndolizidineandQuinolizidineAlkaloidsfromArthropods 286 6.1.1 IsolationandCharacterization 286 6.1.2 MonomorineI 292 6.1.3 SolenopsisAlkaloids 309 6.1.4 (3S,5R,8S,8aS)-3-Butyl-5-Propyl-8-Hydroxyindolizine 312 6.2 IndolizidineandQuinolizidineAlkaloidsfromAmphibians 314 6.2.1 Occurrence:The“DietaryHypothesis” 315 6.2.2 IsolationandCharacterization 319 6.2.3 5-Alkylindolizidines 325 6.2.4 3,5-DisubstitutedIndolizidineAlkaloids 326 6.2.5 5,8-DisubstitutedIndolizidineAlkaloids 344 SimpleIndolizidineandQuinolizidineAlkaloids 3 6.2.6 5,6,8-TrisubstitutedIndolizidineAlkaloids 374 6.2.7 Epiquinamide 384 6.2.8 1,4-DisubstitutedQuinolizidineAlkaloids 406 6.2.9 4,6-DisubstitutedQuinolizidineAlkaloids 420 6.2.10 PumiliotoxinsandAllopumiliotoxins 424 6.2.11 Homopumiliotoxins 442 6.2.12 BiologicalActivity 447 7. IndolizidineandQuinolizidineAlkaloidsfromMarineSources 451 7.1 ClathryiminesandCallyimineA 451 7.2 Stellettamides 452 7.3 Piclavines 456 7.4 ClavepictinesandPictamine 460 7.5 Bis(quinolizidine)Alkaloids 465 References 468 1. INTRODUCTION It has been over 13years since the simple indolizidine and quinolizi- dine alkaloids were surveyed in Volume 55 of this treatise.1 That survey, which updated prior coverage of the indolizidine alkaloids in Volume 44,2 and of both indolizidine and quinolizidine alkaloids in Volume 28,3 aimed for comprehensive treatment up to the middle of 1999. This review covers publications from mid-1999 to the end of 2013. Once again it is necessary to emphasize that the concept of a “simple” izidinealkaloidissubjective.Becausetheindolizidineandquinolizidinemo- tifs are so widely distributed in natural products, some limitations have had to be imposed in order to keep the chapter to a manageable length. Thus, with very few exceptions, only those alkaloids that possess an isolated azabi- cyclic nucleusdi.e., one not embedded within a fused polycyclic assem- blagedare considered. The numbering systems for the two motifs are showninFigure1.Ingeneral,theIUPACnumberingsystemfortheparent octahydroindolizine (1) and octahydro-2H-quinolizine (2) ring systems is used. Some authors also label the bridgehead positions 8a and 9a as 9 and 10, respectively. One also occasionally encounters indolizidines and quino- lizidines with the 1-azabicyclo[4.3.0]nonane (3) or 1-azabicyclo[4.4.0] decane (4) numbering systems, respectively. 4 JosephP.Michael Figure 1 Alternative numbering systems for the indolizidine and quinolizidine ring systems. The two classes of alkaloids are of such widespread occurrence in living systemsthattheorganizationofthevoluminousmaterialinthischapterpre- sents some problems. Relevant alkaloids have been isolated from microor- ganisms and fungi, higher plants, and both terrestrial and marine animals. For convenience, these broad categories are used in the presentation of thesubjectmatter.Inaddition,sincealkaloidsfromhigherplantsconstitute themajorityofcompoundsof interest,theyare furthercategorizedaccord- ing to the substituents on the bicyclic core. In view of the diversity of the families and genera in which the alkaloids are found, it is a little surprising that so few have merited chapters of their own in this series of reviews in the intervening years. References to these chapters are provided in the appropriate sections. Several other general reviews dealing with aspects of indolizidine and quinolizidine alkaloid chemistry were published during the period under consideration. The series of annual reports in the Royal Society of Chem- istry’s journal Natural Product Reports, which provided regular coverage of bothsimpleandvariousmorecomplexindolizidineandquinolizidinealka- loids, ended in 2008.4e11 Another important review that dealt principally withpertinentalkaloidsfromantsandamphibians,slaframine,polyhydroxy- lated indolizidine alkaloids, and the lupin quinolizidine alkaloids was pub- lishedintheseriesStudies in Natural Product Chemistry in 2002, and covered the period 1994 to 1999.12 SimpleIndolizidineandQuinolizidineAlkaloids 5 As is to have been expected, a substantial portion of this chapter is devoted to total synthesis. A number of useful reviews describing general strategies for the synthesis of alkaloids, among them radical cyclizations,13 asymmetric aza-Michael reactions,14 and palladium-mediated total synthe- ses,15includeexamplesofsimpleindolizidineandquinolizidinealkaloidtar- gets. Also valuable are the overviews from individual research groups on theirownapproachestotheconstructionofnitrogenheterocycles,withex- amplesillustratingapplicationstoalkaloidsynthesisingeneralandizidinesin particular. These include Jefford’s use of pyrroles derived from a-amino acids as building blocks for various indolizidines16; the CN(R,S) method of Husson and Royer based on the use of chiral non-racemic N-cyanome- thyloxazolidinesasmaskediminiumionintermediates17;thenumerouscon- tributions of Toyooka and Nemoto to the syntheses of marine and amphibian alkaloids18,19; allylsilaneeN-acyliminium ion cyclizations as exploited by Remuson for the synthesis of a wide variety of relevant alka- loids20; Mori’s approach to the use of molecular nitrogen as the nitrogen sourceinalkaloidsynthesis21;Martin’sapplicationsofiminesaskeyinterme- diates in Mannich and related reactions22; and developments by Rovis and others of multicomponent cycloadditions for the catalytic asymmetric syn- thesis of alkaloidal targets.23 Other surveys of specific classes of alkaloids are highlighted in the appropriate sections. As will becomes apparent in subsequent sections, synthetic strategies thatusemetathesis,especiallyring-closingmetathesis,haveassumedpromi- nence during the period covered by this review. Ruthenium-containing catalysts are especially important. Since they are mentioned repeatedly in the ensuing discussion, the most widely used catalysts are illustrated in Figure 2. They include the Grubbs first- and second-generation catalysts (5) and (6), the HoveydaeGrubbs catalyst (7), and the GrubbseNolan catalyst (8).24 2. INDOLIZIDINE ALKALOIDS FROM FUNGAL AND MICROBIAL SOURCES 2.1 Slaframine The parasympathomimetic slaframine (9), isolated from the fungus Rhizoctonia leguminicola, received little attention in the primary literature during the review period. Four asymmetric total syntheses were reported, the earliest of them by Comins and Fulp, who made use of the recyclable 6 JosephP.Michael Figure 2 Metathesis catalysts: Grubbs first-generation catalyst (5), Grubbs second- generationcatalyst(6),HoveydaeGrubbscatalyst(7),andGrubbseNolancatalyst(8). auxiliary ((cid:2))-trans-2-(a-cumyl)cyclohexanol (10) to control the absolute configuration at the alkaloid’s C-8a site (Scheme 1).25 Reaction between 4-methoxy-3-(triisopropylsilyl)pyridine (11) and the chloroformate of the auxiliary produced the N-acylpyridinium salt, to which was added the mixed 1-propenylcuprate 12. The reaction proceeded in only 87% diaste- reomericexcess(de),butthechiraldihydropyridoneintermediate13could beisolatedin61%yieldafterradialpreparativelayerchromatography.After several functional group transformations to the vinyl triflate 14, the stereo- genic center at C-1 was introduced by intramolecular phenylselenocarba- mation, which yielded the bicyclic oxazolidinone 15 as the only diastereomer.Furtherfunctionalgroupmanipulations,includingaproblem- atic chemoselective defunctionalization of the vinyl triflate, provided 16, basichydrolysisanddecarboxylationofwhichledtoformationoftheindo- lizidine skeleton by in situ cyclization. The bicyclic product was isolated as the acetate 17, which has the requisite absolute configurations at both C-1 and C-8a. As a prelude to introducing the final stereogenic center at C-6, the difficult transformation of vinyl bromide 17 into the vinyl acetate 18 requiredheatingwithfreshlypreparedcopper(I)acetateinN-methylpyrro- (cid:3) lidone (NMP) at 202 C for 14h. The product, formed in 66% yield, was converteddirectlyintooxime19,aknownintermediateinprevioussynthe- sesof((cid:2))-slaframine.26,27Whentheauthorsrepeatedthereportedhydroge- nation of the oxime over platinum dioxide, however, a mixture of SimpleIndolizidineandQuinolizidineAlkaloids 7 Scheme 1 Synthesis of ((cid:2))-slaframine (9) and ((cid:2))-N-acetylslaframine (20) by Comins and Fulp.25 Reagents and conditions: (a) ClCO -((cid:2))-TCC; (b) cuprate 12; (c) H Oþ, 2 3 thenchromatography; (d)NaOMe,MeOH,heat;(e)HCl(6M);(f)n-BuLi;(g)CbzCl;(h) NBS, CH Cl ; (i) L-Selectride; (j) 2-N(Tf) -5-Cl-py; (k) PhSeCl, MeCN; (l) H O , THF; (m) 2 2 2 2 2 (C H ) BH; (n) NaBO ; (o) Pd(OAc) (10%), dppf (10%), Et SiH, NEt ; (p) NCS, Ph P, 6 112 3 2 3 3 3 CH Cl ,(cid:2)35(cid:3)C to rt; (q) Ac O, py; (r) CuOAc (10equiv.), NMP, 202(cid:3)C, 14h; (s) 2 2 2 NH OH$HCl(4.5equiv.),EtOH,py,80(cid:3)C;(t)H (40psi),PtO ,aq.HCl,6h. 2 2 2 ((cid:2))-slaframine (9) and its O-deacetyl analog was obtained. Acetylation of this crude mixture yielded ((cid:2))-N-acetylslaframine 20 in 20% overall yield based on oxime 19. An unusual synthesis of ((cid:2))-slaframine (9) by Greene and coworkers proceeds via a cyclobutanone formed in a [2þ2] ketene cycloaddition in which (R)-(þ)-1-(2,4,6-triisopropylphenyl)ethanol 21 functions as a chiral auxiliary (Scheme 2).28 This alcohol was incorporated into the dichloro

For more than 60 years, The Alkaloids has been the leading book series in the field of alkaloid chemistry. In more than 70 volumes all aspects of alkaloids, including chemistry, biology and pharmacology, have been covered in high-quality timeless reviews written by renowned experts in the field.The
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