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CHEMICAL REACTIONS IN SOLVENTS AND MELTS G. CHARLOT Professor in the Faculty of Science, Paris AND B.TREMILLON Assistant Professor in the Faculty of Science, Paris TRANSLATED BY P. J. J. HARVEY, B. Sc, Ph. D. Petro Carbon Developments Limited, Manchester 3&? * PERGAMON PRESS OXFORD• LONDON • EDINBURGH • NEW YORK TORONTO SYDNEY • PARIS • BRAUNSCHWEIG Pergamon Press Ltd.,Headington Hill Hall, Oxford 4 & 5 Fitzroy Square, London W. 1 Pergamon Press (Scotland) Ltd., 2 & 3 Teviot Place, Edinburgh 1 Pergamon Press Inc., Maxwell House, Fairview Park, Elmsford, New York 10523 Pergamon of Canada Ltd., 207 Queen's Quay West, Toronto 1 Pergamon Press (Aust.) Pty. Ltd., 19a Boundary Street, Rushcutters Bay, N.S.W. 2011, Australia Pergamon Press S.A.R.L., 24 rue des Ecoles, Paris 5e Vieweg & Sohn G.m.b.H., Burgplatz 1, Braunschweig Copyright © 1969 Pergamon Press Ltd. First English edition 1969 This book is a translation of Les Reactions Chimiques dans les Solvants et les Sels Fondus. Copyright © 1963 Gauthier-Villars Editeur, Paris Library of Congress Catalog Card No. 68-8529 Printed in Germany 08 012678 2 PREFACE THE use of inorganic and organic compounds and of melts as solvents becomes more and more important each year because of the immense possibilities of new reactions. Applications in inorganic and organic chemistry and electrochemistry become more numerous as knowledge in these fields progresses. The logical arguments found to work so well in the case of dilute aqueous so- lutions can be easily applied to polar solvents analogous to water, and, with certain precautions, to all other solvents including melts. This is what we have mainly endeavoured to set out clearly in this book. With this aim in mind, we have limited ourselves almost exclusively to reac- tions in solution, leaving aside preparative chemistry by precipitation or crys- tallization and simple reactions in the immense field of organic chemistry. We have considered only the cases where equilibrium is reached, and have considered carefully the important cases of slow reactions. Physico-chemical con- siderations have only been developed in so far as they give results which can be used directly by chemists. Similarly, problems of structure have scarcely been touched. Only the chemical reactions are described. The electrochemical properties are used only when they allow us to predict oxidation-reduction properties; thus electrometallurgy, particularly in melts, has not been discussed. In the field thus defined we have selected the most interesting properties, es- pecially for the analytical chemist. The plan of the book is as follows: In Part I we describe general properties, considering successively the various types of reactions: acid-base reactions, considered purely as proton transfer, complexes, oxidation-reduction and precipitation, differentiating between two classes of solvents, namely those in which ionic dissociation can take place and those in which it is negligible. In Part II we have described the properties in each solvent in so far as it has been possible to co-ordinate these properties. We have given all the equilibrium constants which we have been able to gather together, grouping them in tables; for analysts we have indicated the titrations possible in different^olvents and mixtures of solvents. We have gathered together and given the corresponding bibliography (about 5000 references). We would like to thank those in our laboratory who have made their contri- bution to research in organic solvents—Mmes C. Bertin-Batsch, J.Badoz- Lambling, MM. J.P.Wolff, J.Desbarres, J.P.Billon; and in melts, MM.G.De- larue, R.Molina and M.Leroy, and also our colleague, J.Saulnier, who has helped us with the literature search. G.CHARLOT and B.TREMILLON vn INTRODUCTION THE use of various solvents offers numerous possibilities as the chemical pro- perties can be modified when the solvent is changed. Not only are acid-base equilibrium constants and the constants appropriate to oxidation-reduction, complexes and solubility changed, but also the chemical species which exist in water may cease to exist in other solvents and, on the other hand, other species can appear; new oxidation states, acids and bases, different complexes. This offers considerable possibilities. The number of pure solvents used is already large if one considers the sub- stances which are liquids at ordinary temperatures; but it is possible to work at higher temperatures, for example in melts, or at low temperatures, for example in liquid ammonia. In another way, the number of solvents can be made infinite by using mix- tures, and thus the properties can be varied in a continuous manner. In the case of each solvent a chemistry (and an electrochemistry) as important as that for water can be set up. POLAR AND NON-POLAR SOLVENTS AND IONIZED SOLVENTS Ionization and Ionic Dissociation First of all we recall, in a very simplified form, some general ideas on solva- tion, then on the ionization of substances in solution. The solvation of a dissolved substance, ion or molecule, is the action of the solvent on this substance. The solvation (solution) equilibrium of a molecule M in a solvent S is: M + pS ^ M, pS Similarly, the solution of a substance by ionic dissociation gives in solution sol- vated ions, such as Na+,pH 0 and Cl",qH 0 for NaCl in water. 2 2 From the practical point of view it is not necessary to know the exact formula of the solvated species. The solvation is completely characterized by a certain reaction energy, the energy of solvation, which is related to all the bonds of the solvated molecule (or ion) with the solvent molecules which surround it. But, in general, to simplify the text, we will represent the solvated species by simple indication of the particle: thus we will write M, Na+, Cl~ instead of M,pS, Na+,pH 0, Cl-,qH 0. 2 2 The combination of solvent molecules with ions or molecules depends on their nature and we know that, notwithstanding structural considerations, it is 3 4 CHEMICAL REACTIONS IN SOLVENTS AND MELTS not always possible to predict the stability of different substances. Similarly, the solubility of different substances is, in general, not predictable. It is only in the case of solvents of similar structure that one can predict that the combination will be analogous. Thus the properties of a single substance can vary with the nature of the solvent due to the solvation phenomena. The action of solvent on a substance dissolved in it can be arbitrarily divided into two. In one part, the solvent molecules can attack the bonds uniting the constituent elements of the substance. Thus, if the bond of a molecule A—B is covalent it can be made partially or totally ionic A+~B, if the solvent stabilizes A (or B) (solvolysis reaction); the formation of a link between A (or B) and the solvent modifies that between A and B. The action of the solvent can therefore involve on a large or small scale the ionization of the substance if it is not already totally ionic in form: AB + «S^SA+B"S or AB^A +B" [AB] = & [A+] [B-] where SA+B"S represents the solvent action on AB and K is the solvolysis s constant. In the other part, the dielectric power of the solvent environment has an effect on the relative freedom of the ions present. This is ionic dissociation. SA+B"S ^ SA+ + B"S, which can be written. A+B- = A+ + B~ and [A+] [B-] [A+B~] = AD K is the ionic dissociation constant. D The overall dissociation constant of the substance AB is defined by [A+] [B-] K D Ar = [AB] + [A+B-] 1 + K s Ion-Pairs and Complexes ION-PAIRS. Let us consider a compound AB, composed of two ions A + and B" held together by purely electrostatic attraction (pure ionic bond), and let us put the substance into surroundings of dielectric constant e. The energy of the bond between A+ and B", which is here the attraction energy between the two charges of opposite sign, is a decreasing function of e; the separation of the two ions is easier the greater the dielectric constant of the solvent. The dissociation equilibrium set up is A+B"^A+ + B", INTRODUCTION 5 A+B", A+ and B~ representing the solvated species. The purely ionic com- pound A+B~, which we suppose to be soluble, now consists of the electrostatic association of the two solvated ions A+ and B"; it is called an "ion-pair". The ion-pair is more easily dissociated into free ions the larger the dielectric constant of the solvent; consequently the constant of ionic dissociation: _ [A+][B-] K [A+B"] is greater the larger the dielectric constant of the solvent. For solvents of low dielectric constant, practically no free ions exist in solution. On the other hand, for solvents of high dielectric constant there are practically no ion-pairs, these being almost completely dissociated into free ions. A theory, developed by Bjerrum, later completed and amended, allows the calculation of the values of the dissociation constant of an ion-pair (where pK = —log K ) as a function of e provided the minimum approach distance D D of the two solvated ions constituting the ion pair is known. The curves in Fig. 1 represent the variation of pK calculated by this method as a function D of e for three values of the minimum approach distance of the ions. On the same figure are values of pK, experimentally determined for some salts (see the tables 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 e Dielectric constant FIG. 1. Variation of the ionic dissociation constant of tetrabutylammonium picrate (□) and tributyl ammonium picrate ( x ) as a function of the dielectric constant of the solvent. The curves represent the theoretical variation of pK calculated for ion D pairs having sums of ionic radii of: 4 A (—), 5-6 A (—), 8 A ( ) (see the dissocia- tion constants for each solvent). 6 CHEMICAL REACTIONS IN SOLVENTS AND MELTS in Part II for a more complete collection of experimentally determined ionic dissociation constants). A simpler relationship than that of Bjerrum, which has been verified ap- proximately in a large number of cases, was established by Denison and Ram- sey21 and Gilkerson23: «JT nJT 4. 0A3Ne2 Z ^ l pA = pA + — — D 0 RT fi + f e 2 where z and z are the absolute values of the respective charges on the two x 2 ions; r and r their radii (r + r = minimum distance of approach); e, the 1 2 ± 2 charge on an electron; N Avogadro's number; R the ideal gas constant; Tthe absolute temperature; and pK a constant (very often omitted) 0 REAL COMPOUNDS, COMPLEXES. In fact, the ion pair is an ideal case because it is rare that the bond between A and B is purely electrostatic. Consequently, the substance is less dissociated than the corresponding ideal ion pair. The value of the overall dissociation constant pK is generally higher than the value pre- c dicted for an ion pair. If pK is close to the theoretical value pK , the compound c D can be practically considered as an ion-pair; this is generally the case for quaternary ammonium salts for example. But if the experimental value is significantly greater, the compound must be considered as a "complex" between A and B. According to experimental data, it is established that alkali metal salts are clearly less dissociated than quaternary ammonium salts, indicating a partially covalent bond in the salt. We will therefore consider the alkali metal salts and, to an even greater extent, the other metal salts, as capable of behaving as complexes in certain solvents. The stability of the complex depends, as stated above, on the influence of the solvent because of its solvation properties. Equally it is established that amine salts, e.g. R NHX, are often clearly less 3 dissociated into R NH+ and X than ion pairs of comparable dimensions, prob- 3 ably due to a hydrogen bond holding the two ions together and making the associated compound more stable than a simple ion pair.24 To summarize, the ideal case of ion-pairs allows us to estimate which com- pounds are the most strongly (ionically) dissociated (smallest values of pK ) in D each solvent, each compound being less dissociated or, at the most, as disso- ciated as can be predicted by this method. Non-Polar and Polar Solvents Apart from the specific chemical action of each solvent on the compounds which dissolve in it, the usual solvents can be placed in two categories. Generally, ionic dissociation is very low in solvents with a low dielectric con- stant. For practical purposes in solvents with a dielectric constant less than about 10 to 15, the fraction of a dissolved compound which has dissociated into ions can be neglected. Simplifying the argument considerably we will call non-polar those solvents which are in this category: aliphatic and aromatic INTRODUCTION 7 hydrocarbons, chloro- anddichloro-benzenes, chloroform, carbon tetrachloride, dioxan, acetic acid, dichloroethanes, pyridine, etc. We will call polar those solvents where the dissociation of non-complex compounds is practically complete. Their dielectric constant is greater than about 40: formic acid, amides, water, sulphuric acid, etc. For solvents with a dielectric constant between 15 and 40, the dissociation of ionic or ionized compounds is partial, important without being complete: methanol, ethanol, nitrobenzene, nitromethane, acetonitrile, acetone, dimethyl- formamide, liquid ammonia, etc. The simple rules which hold in the case where dissociation is practically complete must be extended to deal with these solvents. Note. In non-polar solvents, the existence not only of ion pairs but also of more important ion aggregates, triplets and quadruplets has been proved. { +- +- + AB + A+ ^ ABA + - - + - AB + B~ ^ BAB + - +- 2AB^(AB), etc. 2 But the dissociation constants of these aggregates are generally large enough for us to neglect their formation to a first approximation, their concentration being small compared to that of the "ion pairs". Their formation takes place only in solvents with a very low dielectric constant and generally non-polar (benzene, etc.). Constants are given for several solvents. Other phenomena (hydrogen bonding) can bring about the association of molecules in non- polar solvents (see Chapter 1, Acid-Base Reactions in Non-polar Solvents). Ionized Solvents Certain solvents, some melts (halides, sulphates, nitrates, carbonates, alkalis, etc.) are almost completely ionized, e.g. the eutectic melt LiCl + KC1 consists of the ions Cl", Li+ and K+. We will call these particular solvents ionized solvents. The rules worked out above for ion pairs do not apply in this case as they are only valid for surroundings in which the ionic concentration is sufficiently low. Although the dielectric constant of ionized melts is generally small (of the order of 2 to 3) they behave as polar solvents due to the possibility of exchange of ions of a solute with ions of the same sign provided by the solvent. In effect, the electrical neutrality remains the same everywhere, whatever the nature of the ions present. Concentrated solutions of salts, acids or bases, notably in water, behave as ionized solvents. REFERENCES Association of Ions in Solvents with Low Dielectric Constants Ion pairs 1. C.A.KRAUS and W.C.BRAY, /. Am. Chem. Soc. 35, 1315 (1913). 2. A.SCHANOV, Z. Physik. Chem. 83, 129 (1913). 3. N.BJERRUM, Kgl. Danske Videnske. Selskab 7, No. 9 (1926). 8 CHEMICAL REACTIONS IN SOLVENTS AND MELTS 4. A.R.MARTIN, /. Chem. Soc. 3270 (1928). 5. P. WALDEN, Z. Physik. Chem. A174,1 (1930). 6. R.M.Fuoss and C.A.KRAUS, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 55, 476, 1019 (1933). 7. R.M.Fuoss and C.A.KRAUS, /. Am. Chem. Soc. 55, 2387 (1933). 8. R.M.Fuoss and C.A.KRAUS, /. Am. Chem. Soc. 56, 2017 (1934). 9. R.M.Fuoss, /. Am. Chem. Soc. 56, 1857 (1934). 10. R.M.Fuoss, Physik. Z. 35, 59 (1934). 11. R.M.Fuoss, Trans. Faraday Soc. 30, 967 (1934). 12. R.M.Fuoss, Chem. Revs. 17, 27 (1935). 13. R.M.Fuoss and C.A.KRAUS, /. Am. Chem. Soc. 57, 1 (1935). 14. A. R. MILLER, Trans. Faraday Soc. 35, 691 (1939). 15. C.A.KRAUS, /. Phys. Chem. 43, 231 (1939). 16. C.A.KRAUS, Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 51, 789 (1949). 17. R.M.Fuoss and T.SHEDLOVSKY, /. Am. Chem. Soc. 71, 1496 (1949). 18. J.G.KIRKWOOD, /. Chem. Soc. 18, 380 (1950). 19. E.GRUNWALD, Anal. Chem. 26, 1696 (1954). 20. R.M.Fuoss and L.ONSAGER, Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. N.Y. 41, 274, 1010 (1955). 21. J.T.DENISON and J.B.RAMSEY, /. Am. Chem. Soc. 11, 2615 (1955). 22. T.SHEDLOVSKY and R.L.KAY, /. Phys. Chem. 60, 151 (1956). 23. W.R.GILKERSON, /. Chem. Phys. 25, 1199 (1956). 24. C.A.KRAUS, /. Phys. Chem. 60, 129 (1956). 25. S. A. RICE, /. Am. Chem. Soc. 78, 5247 (1956). 26. R.M.Fuoss, /. Am. Chem. Soc. 79, 3301 (1957). 27. R.M.Fuoss and C.A.KRAUS, /. Am. Chem. Soc. 79, 3304 (1957). 28. C.W.DAVIES, in The Structure of Electrolytic Solutions, W.J.Hamer, ed., Wiley, 1957. 29. H.S.HARNED and B.B.OWEN, The Physical Chemistry of Electrolytic Solutions, Reinhold, 3rd edition, 1958. 30. P.H.FLAHERTY and K.H.STERN, /. Am. Chem. Soc. 80, 1034, 2615 (1958). 31. R.M.Fuoss, /. Am. Chem. Soc. 80, 5059 (1958). 32. K.H.STERN and E.S.AMIS, Chem. Revs. 59, 1 (1959). 33. R.M.Fuoss, Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. N.Y. 45, 807 (1959). 34. R.A.ROBINSON and R.H.STOKES, Electrolyte Solutions, Butterworths, 2nd edition, 1959. 35. R.M.Fuoss and F.ACCASCINA, Electrolytic Conductance, Chs. XVI-XVIII, Interscience, 1959. 36. E.A.RICHARDSON and K.H.STERN, /. Am. Chem. Soc. 82, 1296 (1960). 37. K.H.STERN and E.A.RICHARDSON, /. Phys. Chem. 64,1901 (1960). 38. E.C.BAUGHAN, /. Phys. Chem. 64, 1951 (1960). 39. E.C.EVERS and R.L.KAY, Ann. Rev. Phys. Chem. 11, 21 (1960). 40. J.C.POIRIER and J.H.DELAP, /. Chem. Phys. 35, 213 (1961). 41. J.E.PRUE and P. J.SHERRINGTON, Trans. Faraday Soc. 57, 1795 (1961). Ion triplets.2*7'9*29'3*'3* Ion quadruplets.2'13'29'36'37 Conductimetric determination of the dissociation constants of ion pairs, triplets and quadru- plets—see conductimetric measurements in Chapter 1. Values of the dissociation constants of ions pairs, triplets and quadruplets—see tables for each solvent. THE FUNDAMENTAL TYPES OF REACTIONS Quantitative predictions can be made only when comparing reactions which involve the same particle (same type of bond). This is why we will examine successively the following: INTRODUCTION 9 1. ACID-BASE REACTIONS, i.e. all the reactions involving only the proton H+. 2. COMPLEX FORMATION REACTIONS with different species Cl", Br~~, O2", etc. 3. OXIDATION-REDUCTION REACTIONS involving the electron. These can be brought about chemically or electrochemicallyt. The particular action of each solvent will be considered according to its behaviour vis-a-vis the species considered. Real reactions can simultaneously involve several mech- anisms: acidity and complex formation; complex formation; and oxida- tion-reduction, etc. Notes. 1. Activities and concentrations. Activity coefficients. We will adopt, as is customary, the definition of the activity of a substance in a solvent, analogous to the definition used in water: the activity coefficient tends to 1 when the ionic force tends to zero. For dilute solu- tions, activities are the same as concentrations although the activity coefficients often change very quickly in certain solvents with increase in concentration. To simplify the arguments, we shall suppose, in what follows, that this approximation is valid. Consequently we will generally represent both the concentration and the activity by the sign []. 2. The solute concentration is generally expressed as its molarity (number of gram-molecules of solute per litre of solution). The molality (number of gram-molecules of solute in 1000 g of solution) or the mole fraction (number of gram-molecules of solute per gram-molecule of mixture of solvent and solutes) can be used as well. In the book all the concentrations are expressed as molarities unless otherwise indicated. t For electrochemical reactions, refer to G. Chariot, J.Badoz-Lambling and B.Tremillon, Electrochemical Reactions (Masson, 1959), and Electrochemical Reactions (Elsevier, 1962), where the use of various solvents in electrochemistry is dealt with in Chapter 13. la CRS

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