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6 October 2000 CHEMICAL PHYSICS LETTERS Chemical Physics Letters 328 (2000) 522-529 www.elsevier.nl/locate/cplett Author Index to Volume 328 Adelene Nisha, J.,. M. Yudasaka, S. Bandow, F. Kokai, K. Takahashi and S. lijima, _ Adsorption and catalytic properties of single-wall carbon nanohorns 328 (2000) 381 Agren, H., see Engstrém, M. 328 (2000) 483 Agren, H., see Satek, P. 328 (2000) 425 Akagi, T., N. Okazaki, T. Yoshinobu and T. Matsumura-Inoue, Comparative study of chemical waves and temporal oscillations in the Ru(bpy)3"-catalyzed photosensitive Belousov—Zhabotinsky reaction 328 (2000) 214 Akins, D.L., see Ren, B. 328 (2000) 17 Alderfer, J.L., see Danilov, V.I. 328 (2000) 75 Amos, R.D., see Van Caillie, C. 328 (2000) 446 Anderson, S.M., J. Ka, P.M. Felker and D. Neuhuaser, Semi-classical versus exact eigenvalues of He-benzene using cross-correlation filter-diagonalization 328 (2000) 516 Aoiz, F.J., see Balucani, N. 328 (2000) 500 Apperloo, J.J., see van Hal, P.A. 328 (2000) 403 Arnold, P.A. and B.K. Carpenter, Computational studies on the ring openings of cyclopropyl radical and cyclopropyl cation 328 (2000) 90 Arteca, G.A., Trapping knots in ‘locked’ linear oligomers 328 (2000) 45 Ashworth, S.H., J.M.F. Elks and C.M. Western, Sub-Doppler spectroscopy with a narrow linewidth pulsed optical parametric oscillator; hyperfine structure in the PF radical 328 (2000) 197 Baerends, E.J., see McCormack, D.A. 328 (2000) 317 Bagchi, B., see Srinivas, G. 328 (2000) 420 Balucani, N., L. Cartechini, P. Casavecchia, G.G. Volpi, F.J. Aoiz, L. Bafares, M. Menéndez, W. Bian and H.-J. Werner, Dynamics of the Cl+ D>) reaction: a comparison of crossed molecular beam experiments with quasi-classical trajectory calculations on a new ab initio potential energy surface 328 (2000) 500 Banares, L., see Balucani, N. 328 (2000) 500 Bandow, S., see Adelene Nisha, J. 328 (2000) 381 Barone, V., see De Angelis, F. 328 (2000) 302 Bartlett, R.J., see Hirata, S. 328 (2000) 459 Bauschlicher Jr., C.W. see Ricca, A. 328 (2000) 396 Beckers, E.H.A., see van Hal, P.A. 328 (2000) 403 Berg, O., see Lloyd, P. 328 (2000) 203 Bevan, J.W., see McIntosh, A.L. 328 (2000) 153 Bian, W., see Balucani, N. 328 (2000) 500 Bito, Y., N. Shida and T. Toru, Ab initio MRSD-CI calculations of the ground and the two lowest-lying excited states of pyrene 328 (2000) 310 0009-2614/00/$ - see front matter © 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. PII: $S0009-2614(00)01031-9 6 October 2000 CHEMICAL PHYSICS LETTERS Chemical Physics Letters 328 (2000) 522-529 www.elsevier.nl/locate/cplett Author Index to Volume 328 Adelene Nisha, J.,. M. Yudasaka, S. Bandow, F. Kokai, K. Takahashi and S. lijima, _ Adsorption and catalytic properties of single-wall carbon nanohorns 328 (2000) 381 Agren, H., see Engstrém, M. 328 (2000) 483 Agren, H., see Satek, P. 328 (2000) 425 Akagi, T., N. Okazaki, T. Yoshinobu and T. Matsumura-Inoue, Comparative study of chemical waves and temporal oscillations in the Ru(bpy)3"-catalyzed photosensitive Belousov—Zhabotinsky reaction 328 (2000) 214 Akins, D.L., see Ren, B. 328 (2000) 17 Alderfer, J.L., see Danilov, V.I. 328 (2000) 75 Amos, R.D., see Van Caillie, C. 328 (2000) 446 Anderson, S.M., J. Ka, P.M. Felker and D. Neuhuaser, Semi-classical versus exact eigenvalues of He-benzene using cross-correlation filter-diagonalization 328 (2000) 516 Aoiz, F.J., see Balucani, N. 328 (2000) 500 Apperloo, J.J., see van Hal, P.A. 328 (2000) 403 Arnold, P.A. and B.K. Carpenter, Computational studies on the ring openings of cyclopropyl radical and cyclopropyl cation 328 (2000) 90 Arteca, G.A., Trapping knots in ‘locked’ linear oligomers 328 (2000) 45 Ashworth, S.H., J.M.F. Elks and C.M. Western, Sub-Doppler spectroscopy with a narrow linewidth pulsed optical parametric oscillator; hyperfine structure in the PF radical 328 (2000) 197 Baerends, E.J., see McCormack, D.A. 328 (2000) 317 Bagchi, B., see Srinivas, G. 328 (2000) 420 Balucani, N., L. Cartechini, P. Casavecchia, G.G. Volpi, F.J. Aoiz, L. Bafares, M. Menéndez, W. Bian and H.-J. Werner, Dynamics of the Cl+ D>) reaction: a comparison of crossed molecular beam experiments with quasi-classical trajectory calculations on a new ab initio potential energy surface 328 (2000) 500 Banares, L., see Balucani, N. 328 (2000) 500 Bandow, S., see Adelene Nisha, J. 328 (2000) 381 Barone, V., see De Angelis, F. 328 (2000) 302 Bartlett, R.J., see Hirata, S. 328 (2000) 459 Bauschlicher Jr., C.W. see Ricca, A. 328 (2000) 396 Beckers, E.H.A., see van Hal, P.A. 328 (2000) 403 Berg, O., see Lloyd, P. 328 (2000) 203 Bevan, J.W., see McIntosh, A.L. 328 (2000) 153 Bian, W., see Balucani, N. 328 (2000) 500 Bito, Y., N. Shida and T. Toru, Ab initio MRSD-CI calculations of the ground and the two lowest-lying excited states of pyrene 328 (2000) 310 0009-2614/00/$ - see front matter © 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. PII: $S0009-2614(00)01031-9 Author Index | Chemical Physics Letters 328 (2000) 522-529 523 Bjérneholm, O., see Naves de Brito, A. 328 (2000) 177 Blake, D.M., see Zheng, J.P. 328 (2000) 227 Bota, R., M. Vrbova, R. Werner and W. Haase, Spin crossover in iron(II) tris(2-(2- pyridyl)benzimidazole) complex monitored by the variable temperature EXAFS 328 (2000) 188 Bohmer, R., see Qi, F. 328 (2000) 257 Boo, D.W., see Kwon, D.-H. 328 (2000) 234 Branz, W., N. Malinowski, H. Schaber and T.P. Martin, Thermally induced structural transition in (C¢o),, clusters 328 (2000) 245 Campbell, E.E.B., see Rohmund, F. 328 (2000) 369 Carpenter, B.K., see Arnold, P.A. 328 (2000) 90 Cartechini, L., see Balucani, N. 328 (2000) 500 Casavecchia, P., see Balucani, N. 328 (2000) 500 Castafio, F., see Torres, I. 328 (2000) 135 Chandler, D., see Marti, J. 328 (2000) 169 Chong, C.K., X. Zheng and D.L. Phillips, Transient resonance Raman and density functional theory investigation of bromomethy] radical 328 (2000) 113 Chronister, E.L., see Lloyd, P. 328 (2000) 203 Cossi, M., see De Angelis, F. 328 (2000) 302 Crawford, T.D., see Leininger, M.L. 328 (2000) 431 Csajka, F.S., see Marti, J. 328 (2000) 169 Danilov, V.I., J.J.P. Stewart, A. Les and J.L. Alderfer, A theoretical study of pyrimidine photohydrates and a proposed mechanism for the mutagenic effect of ultraviolet light 328 (2000) 75 Dashevskaya, E.I. and E.E. Nikitin, On the relation between the elastic and inelastic scattering lengths for vibrational relaxation in atom-diatom collisions 328 (2000) 119 De Angelis, F., A. Sgamellotti, M. Cossi, N. Rega and V. Barone, A plane wave implementation of the polarizable continuum model 328 (2000) 302 Ding, Z.-B., see Fan, Y.-B. 328 (2000) 39 Douhal , A., see Organero, J.A. 328 (2000) 83 Du, J.J., see Wu, X.C. 328 (2000) 5 Dunsch, L., see Kavan, L. 328 (2000) 363 Dyall, K.G., see Pyykko, P. 328 (2000) 415 Elks, J.M.F., see Ashworth, S.H. 328 (2000) 197 Engstrom, M., O. Vahtras and H. Agren, MCSCF and DFT calculations of EPR parameters of sulfur centered radicals 328 (2000) 483 Ertl, G., see Ievlev, D. 328 (2000) 142 Faas, S., see van Lenthe, J.H. 328 (2000) 107 Falk, L.K.L., see Rohmund, F. 328 (2000) 369 Fan, Y.-B., Z.-B. Ding, Q.-R. Wang and F.-G. Tao, A DFT study on dissociation of diborane (B>H,) in dimethyl sulfide media 328 (2000) 39 Felker, P.M., see Anderson, S.M. 328 (2000) 516 Finley, J.P. and K. Hirao, Multireference Moller—Plesset perturbation theory with non- canonical and non-orthogonal orbitals 328 (2000) 60 524 Author Index | Chemical Physics Letters 328 (2000) 522-529 Finley, J.P. and K. Hirao, Second-order many-body perturbation theory with non- canonical and non-orthogonal orbits 328 (2000) 51 Fraguas, G., see Naves de Brito, A. 328 (2000) 177 Frei, H., see Kudoh, S. 328 (2000) 283 Garcia-Ochoa, I., see Organero, J.A. 328 (2000) 83 Gejo, T., see Ibuki, T. 328 (2000) 147 Gejo, T., see Naves de Brito, A. 328 (2000) 177 Gel’mukhanov, F., see Salek, P. 328 (2000) 425 Gongalves e Silva, F.R., see Longo, R. 328 (2000) 67 Grankin, V.P., V.Yu. Shalamov and N.K. Uzunoglu, High-efficiency electronic accommodation of energy of heterogeneous recombination of hydrogen atoms on the surface of the monocrystal ZnS 328 (2000) 10 Groeneveld, J.A., see McCormack, D.A. 328 (2000) 317 Guo, C., see Ren, B. 328 (2000) 17 Guo, C., see Shi, C. 328 (2000) 1 Haase, W., see Boga, R. 328 (2000) 188 Hald, K., C. Hattig, D.L. Yeager and P. Jorgensen, Linear response CC2 triplet excitation energies 328 (2000) 291 Han, Y.-K. and K. Hirao, Two-component coupled-cluster calculations for the hydride of element 111: on the performance of relativistic effective core potentials 328 (20004)5 3 Hattig, C., see Hald, K. 328 (20002)9 1 Hillier, I.H., see McNamara, J.P. 328 (20004)9 2 Himo, F., Stability of protein-bound glycyl radical: a density functional theory study 328 (20002)7 0 Hinze, G., see Qi, F. 328 (20002)5 7 Hirahara, K., see Nagasawa, S. 328 (20003)7 4 Hirao, K., see Finley, J.P. 328 (2000) 51 Hirao, K., see Finley, J.P. 328 (2000) 60 Hirao, K., see Han, Y.-K. 328 (20004)5 3 Hirata, S., M. Nooijen and R.J. Bartlett, High-order determinantal equation-of- motion coupled-cluster calculations for ionized and electron-attached states 328 (2000) 459 Hiura, H. and T. Kanayama, Growth of hydrogenated silicon cluster ions using an ion trap 328 (2000) 409 Hjeite, I., see Naves de Brito, A. 328 (2000) 177 Hu, Y., X. Wang and R. Lu, Formation and dissociation of protonated pyridine— methanol cluster ions at 355 and 266 nm 328 (2000) 337 Huang, W.D., see Wu, X.C. 328 (2000) 5 Ibuki, T., K. Okada, T. Gejo and K. Saito, Angle-resolved photofragmentation of the N K-shell excited CF;CN molecule 328 (2000) 147 Ichihashi, T., see Nagasawa, S. 328 (2000) 374 levlev, D., I. Rabin, W. Schulze and G. Ertl, Light emission in the agglomeration of silver clusters 328 (2000) 142 lijima, S., see Adelene Nisha, J. 328 (2000) 381 lijima, S., see Nagasawa, S. 328 (2000) 374 lijima, S., see Zhang, M. 328 (2000) 350 Author Index | Chemical Physics Letters 328 (2000) 522-529 Ito, A., T. Monobe, T. Yoshii and K. Tanaka, Do Cy, and C3,H, molecules have [36- Dg, ]fullerene structure? 328 (2000) 32 Janssen, C.L., see Leininger, M.L. 328 (20004)3 1 Janssen, R.A.J., see van Hal, P.A. 328 (20004)0 3 Jeong, M. and Y. Kwon, The molecular structures and conformation of o-selenobenzy| fluoride derivatives, ArSeX (Ar=C,H4,CH>F; X=CN, Cl, Me): ab initio and DFT calculations 328 (20005)0 9 Jorgensen, P., see Hald, K. 328 (20002)9 1 Joy, V.T. and T.K.K. Srinivasan, SERS studies on tetrathiafulvalene, diphenylte- trathiafulence and octahydrodibenzotetrathiafulvalene 328 (20002)2 1 Ka, J., see Anderson, S.M. 328 (20005)1 6 Kaatze, U., see Mirzaev, S.Z. 328 (20002)7 7 Kanayama, T., see Hiura, H. 328 (2000) 409 Kapturkiewicz, A., see Szrebowaty, P. 328 (20001)6 0 Kasprzycka-Guttman, T., see Kolodziejski, W. 328 (20002)6 3 Kavan, L., P. Rapta and L. Dunsch, In situ Raman and Vis-NIR spectro- electrochemistry at single-walled carbon nanotubes 328 (20003)6 3 Kertesz, M., see Sun, G. 328 (20003)8 7 Kim, E., see Kwon, D.-H. 328 (20002)3 4 Kim, Y.-R., see Kwon, D.-H. 328 (20002)3 4 Koga, T., H. Tatewaki and T. Shimazaki, Chemically reliable uncontracted Gaussian- type basis sets for atoms H to Lr 328 (20004)7 3 Kokai, F., see Adelene Nisha, J. 328 (20003)8 1 Kolodziejski, W., A.P. Mazurek and T. Kasprzycka-Guttman, '°C CP/MAS NMR study of a genistein/piperazine complex 328 (20002)6 3 Konishi, Y., see Okazaki, M. 328 (20002)5 1 Kosugi, N., see Naves de Brito, A. 328 (20001)7 7 Kroes, G.-J., see McCormack, D.A. 328 (20003)1 7 Kudoh, S., T. Uechi, M. Takayanagi, M. Nakata and H. Frei, Photoisomerization of acetylmethyliminoxy radical in low-temperature argon matrices studied by density functional theory 328 (20002)8 3 Kwon, D.-H., H.-W. Shin, E. Kim, D.W. Boo and Y.-R. Kim, Photochromism of diarylethene derivatives in rigid polymer matrix: structural dependence, matrix effect, and kinetics 328 (20002)3 4 Kwon, Y., see Jeong, M. 328 (20005)0 9 Lee, C.S., see Tang, Y.H. 328 (20003)4 6 Lee, S.T., see Tang, Y.H. 328 (20003)4 6 Leininger, M.L., I.M.B. Nielsen, T.D. Crawford and C.L. Janssen, A new diagnostic for open-shell coupled-cluster theory 328 (20004)3 1 Les, A., see Danilov, V.1. 328 (2000) 75 Liao, J., see Shi, C. 328 (2000) 1 Lindan, P.J.D., Water chemistry at the SnO>(110) surface: the role of inter-molecular interactions and surface geometry 328 (20003)2 5 Lindsay, C.M., E.T. White and T. Oka, Measurement of the H; destruction rate due to ambipolar diffusion in an AC positive column discharge 328 (20001)2 9 526 Author Index | Chemical Physics Letters 328 (2000) 522-529 Lloyd, P., O. Berg, P. Thiyagarajan, F.R. Trouw and E.L. Chronister, Methane dynamics in porous xerogels characterized by small-angle and quasielastic neutron scattering 328 (2000) 203 Lluch, J.M., see Organero, J.A. 328 (2000) 83 Longo, R., F.R. Gongalves e Silva and O.L. Malta, A theoretical study of the energy- transfer process in [Eu ¢C bpy.bpy.bpy]** cryptates: a ligand-to-metal charge- transfer state? 328 (2000) 67 Lozovik, Yu.E. and A.M. Popov, Orientational melting of two-shell carbon nanoparticles: molecular dynamics study 328 (2000) 355 Lu, R., see Hu, Y. 328 (2000) 337 Lucchese, R.R., see McIntosh, A.L. 328 (2000) 153 Malinowski, N., see Branz, W. 328 (2000) 245 Malta, O.L., see Longo, R. 328 (2000) 67 Marinho, R.R., see Naves de Brito, A. 328 (2000) 177 Marti, J., F.S. Csajka and D. Chandler, Stochastic transition pathways in the aqueous sodium chloride dissociation process 328 (2000) 169 Martinez, R., see Torres, I. 328 (2000) 135 Martin, T.P., see Branz, W. 328 (2000) 245 Matsumura-Inoue, T., see Akagi, T. 328 (2000) 214 Mazurek, A.P., see Kolodziejski, W. 328 (2000) 263 McCormack, D.A., G.-J. Kroes, R.A. Olsen, J.A. Groeneveld, J.N.P. van Stralen, E.J. Baerends and R.C. Mowrey, Molecular knife throwing: aiming for dissociation at specific surface sites through state-selection 328 (2000) 317 McIntosh, A.L., Z. Wang, R.R. Lucchese and J.W. Bevan, 4.5 um diode laser spectrum of (HI)> 328 (2000) 153 McNamara, J.P. and I.H. Hillier, The facile hydrolysis of chlorine nitrate in aqueous sulfate aerosols 328 (2000) 492 Menéndez, M., see Balucani, N. 328 (2000) 500 Messerli, S., S. Schintke, K. Morgenstern, J. Nieminen and W.-D. Schneider, Oxygen molecules on Ag(001): superstructure, binding site and molecular orientation 328 (2000) 330 Mirzaev, S.Z. and U. Kaatze, Dynamic scaling in the ultrasonic attenuation spectra of critical binary mixtures 328 (2000) 277 Miura, A. and N. Tamai, Picosecond fluorescence dynamics of dioctadecylrhodamine B at air/water interface: micropolarity and cluster formation 328 (2000) 23 Monobe, T., see Ito, A. 328 (2000) 32 Moreno, M., see Organero, J.A. 328 (2000) 83 Morgenstern, K., see Messerli, S. 328 (2000) 330 Mowrey, R.C., see McCormack, D.A. 328 (2000) 317 Nagasawa, S., M. Yudasaka, K. Hirahara, T. Ichihashi and S. lijima, Effect of oxidation on single-wall carbon nanotubes 328 (2000) 374 Nakata, M., see Kudoh, S. 328 (2000) 283 Naves de Brito, A., S. Sundin, R.R. Marinho, I. Hjeite, G. Fraguas, T. Gejo, N. Kosugi, S. Sorensen and O. Bjérneholm, Memories of excited femtoseconds: effects of core-hole localization after Auger decay in the fragmentation of ozone 328 (2000) 177 Neuhuaser, D., see Anderson, S.M. 328 (2000) 516 Nielsen, I.M.B., see Leininger, M.L. 328 (2000) 431 Author Index | Chemical Physics Letters 328 (2000) 522-529 527 Nieminen, J., see Messerli, S. 328 (2000) 330 Nihey, F., see Zhang, M. 328 (2000) 350 Nikitin, E.E., see Dashevskaya, E.I. 328 (2000) 119 Nooijen, M., see Hirata, S. 328 (2000) 459 Oka, T., see Lindsay, C.M. 328 (2000) 129 Okada, K., see Ibuki, T. 328 (2000) 147 Okazaki, M., Y. Konishi and K. Toriyama, Supercage effect for a photochemical reaction in a flow reactor packed with mesoporous silica 328 (2000) 251 Okazaki, N., see Akagi, T. 328 (2000) 214 Olsen, R.A., see McCormack, D.A. 328 (2000) 317 Organero, J.A., I. Garcia-Ochoa, M. Moreno, J.M. Lluch, L. Santos and A. Douhal, A theoretical insight into the internal H-bond and related rotational motion and proton transfer processes of |-hydroxy-2-acetonaphthone in the Sp state 328 (2000) 83 Peeters, E., see van Hal, P.A. 328 (2000) 403 Phillips, D.L., see Chong, C.K. 328 (2000) 113 Plonka, A., Dispersive kinetics in early events of peptide folding 328 (2000) 124 Popov, A.M., see Lozovik, Yu.E. 328 (2000) 355 Privalov, T., see Satek, P. 328 (2000) 425 Pu, M.H., see Wu, X.C. 328 (2000) 5 Pyykko, P., N. Runeberg, M. Straka and K.G. Dyall, Could uranium(XII)hexoxide, UO, (O;,) exist? 328 (2000) 415 Qi, F., G. Hinze, R. BOhmer, H. Sillescu and H. Zimmermann, Slow and fast methy! group rotations in fragile glass-formers studied by NMR 328 (20002)5 7 Rabin, I., see Ievlev, D. 328 (20001)4 2 Radziszewski, J.G., see Zheng, J.P. 328 (20002)2 7 Rapta, P., see Kavan, L. 328 (20003)6 3 Rega, N., see De Angelis, F. 328 (20003)0 2 Ren, B., Z.-Q. Tian, C. Guo and D.L. Akins, Confocal microprobe Raman spectroscopy for investigating the aggregation process at the liquid/air interface 328 (2000) 17 Ricca, A. and C.W. Bauschlicher Jr., The reactions of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons with OH 328 (20003)9 6 Rohmund, F., L.K.L. Falk and E.E.B. Campbell, A simple method for the production of large arrays of aligned carbon nanotubes 328 (20003)6 9 Roudnev, V. and S. Yakovlev, Investigation of “He; trimer on the base of Faddeev equations in configuration space 328 (2000) 97 Runeberg, N., see Pyykko, P. 328 (20004)1 5 Sachse, T.I., K.T. Tang and J.P. Toennies, A modified Cashion—Herschbach potential for the H; potential energy surface 328 (2000) 469 Saito, K., see Ibuki, T. 328 (2000) 147 Salek, P., F. Gel’mukhanov, T. Privalov and H. Agren, Doppler effect for bound nuclear motion and its manifestation in resonant photoemission of oriented systems 328 (2000) 425 Sanchez Rayo, M.N., see Torres, I. 328 (2000) 135 528 Author Index | Chemical Physics Letters 328 (2000) 522-529 Santos, L., see Organero, J.A. 328 (2000) 83 Schaber, H., see Branz, W. 328 (2000) 245 Schintke, S., see Messerli, S. 328 (2000) 330 Schneider, W.-D., see Messerli, S. 328 (2000) 330 Schulze, W., see Ievlev, D. 328 (2000) 142 Sgamellotti, A., see De Angelis, F. 328 (2000) 302 Shalamov, V.Yu., see Grankin, V.P. 328 (2000) 10 Shi, C., Y. Wei, X. Yang, D. Zhou, C. Guo, J. Liao and H. Tang, Spectral properties and thermoluminescence of PbWO, crystals annealed in different atmospheres 328 (2000) 1 Shida, N., see Bito, Y. 328 (20003)1 0 Shimazaki, T., see Koga, T. 328 (20004)7 3 Shin, H.-W., see Kwon, D.-H. 328 (20002)3 4 Sillescu, H., see Qi, F. 328 (20002)5 7 Snijders, J.G., see van Lenthe, J.H. 328 (20001)0 7 Song, W.H., see Wu, X.C. 328 (2000) 5 Sorensen, S., see Naves de Brito, A. 328 (20001)7 7 Spanget-Larsen, J., see Zheng, J.P. 328 (20002)2 7 Srinivas, G. and B. Bagchi, Distribution of reaction times in diffusion controlled reactions in polymers 328 (2000) 420 Srinivasan, T.K.K., see Joy, V.T. 328 (2000) 221 Stewart, J.J.P., see Danilov, V.1. 328 (2000) 75 Straka, M., see Pyykko, P. 328 (2000) 415 Sun, G. and M. Kertesz, Theoretical '‘C NMR spectra of IPR isomers of fullerene Co: a density functional theory study 328 (2000) 387 Sun, Y.P., see Wu, X.C. 328 (2000) 5 Sundin, S., see Naves de Brito, A. 328 (2000) 177 Szrebowaty, P. and A. Kapturkiewicz, Free energy dependence on tris(2,2-bipyridine) ruthenium(II) electrochemiluminescence efficiency 328 (2000) 160 Takahashi, K., see Adelene Nisha, J. 328 (20003)8 1 Takayanagi, M., see Kudoh, S. 328 (20002)8 3 Tamai, N., see Miura, A. 328 (2000) 23 Tanaka, K., see Ito, A. 328 (2000) 32 Tang, H., see Shi, C. 328 (2000) 1 Tang, K.T., see Sachse, T.I. 328 (20004)6 9 Tang, Y.H., Y.F. Zheng, C.S. Lee and S.T. Lee, A simple route to annihilate defects in silicon nanowires 328 (20003)4 6 Tao, F.-G., see Fan, Y.-B. 328 (2000) 39 Tatewaki, H., see Koga, T. 328 (20004)7 3 Than Htun, M., Dynamics of excited-state proton transfer from 1-naphthol to urea 328 (20004)3 7 Thiyagarajan, P., see Lloyd, P. 328 (20002)0 3 Tian, Z.-Q., see Ren, B. 328 (2000) 17 Toennies, J.P., see Sachse, T.I. 328 (20004)6 9 Toriyama, K., see Okazaki, M. 328 (20002)5 1 Torres, I., R. Martinez, M.N. Sanchez Rayo and F. Castafio, Nascent kinetic energy distributions of the ions produced by electron-impact on the CH;F molecule 328 (2000) 135 Toru, T., see Bito, Y. 328 (2000) 310 Trouw, F.R., see Lloyd, P. 328 (2000) 203 Author Index | Chemical Physics Letters 328 (2000) 522-529 §29 Uechi, T., see Kudoh, S. 328 (2000) 283 Uzunoglu, N.K., see Grankin, V.P. 328 (2000) 10 Vahtras, O., see Engstrom, M. 328 (20064)8 3 Van Caillie, C. and R.D. Amos, Static and dynamic polarisabilities, Cauchy coefficients and their anisotropies: an evaluation of DFT functionals 328 (20004)4 6 van Hal, P.A., E.H.A. Beckers, E. Peeters, J.J. Apperloo and R.A.J. Janssen, Photoinduced intermolecular electron transfer between oligo(p-phenylene viny- lene)s and N-methylfulleropyrrolidine in a polar solvent 328 (20004)0 3 van Lenthe, J.H., S. Faas and J.G. Snijders, Gradients in the ab initio scalar zeroth- order regular approximation (ZORA) approach 328 (2000) 107 van Stralen, J.N.P., see McCormack, D.A. 328 (2000) 317 Volpi, G.G., see Balucani, N. 328 (2000) 500 Vrbova, M., see Boéa, R. 328 (2000) 188 Waluk, J., see Zheng, J.P. 328 (2000) 227 Wang, Q.-R., see Fan, Y.-B. 328 (2000) 39 Wang, X., see Hu, Y. 328 (2000) 337 Wang, Z., see McIntosh, A.L. 328 (2000) 153 Wei, Y., see Shi, C. 328 (2000) l Werner, H.-J., see Balucani, N. 328 (2000) 500 Werner, R., see Boga, R. 328 (2000) 188 Western, C.M., see Ashworth, S.H. 328 (2000) 197 White, E.T., see Lindsay, C.M. 328 (2000) 129 Wu, X.C., W.H. Song, W.D. Huang, M.H. Pu, B. Zhao, Y.P. Sun and J.J. Du, Crystalline gallium oxide nanowires: intensive blue light emitters 328 (2000) Yakovlev, S., see Roudnev, V. 328 (2000) Yang, X., see Shi, C. 328 (2000) Yeager, D.L., see Hald, K. 328 (2000) Yoshii, T., see Ito, A. 328 (2000) Yoshinobu, T., see Akagi, T. 328 (2000) Yudasaka, M., see Adelene Nisha, J. 328 (2000) Yudasaka, M., see Nagasawa, S. 328 (2000) Yudasaka, M., see Zhang, M. 328 (2000) Zhang, M., M. Yudasaka, F. Nihey and S. Iijima, Effect of ultrafine gold particles and cationic surfactant on burning as-grown single-wall carbon nanotubes 328 (2000) Zhao, B., see Wu, X.C. 328 (2000) Zheng, J.P., J. Waluk, J. Spanget-Larsen, D.M. Blake and J.G. Radziszewski, Tetrazete (N4). Can it be prepared and observed? 328 (2000) a9o9a7 I Zheng, X., see Chong, C.K. 328 (2000) 113 Zheng, Y.F., see Tang, Y.H. 328 (2000) 346 Zhou, D., see Shi, C. 328 (2000) | Zimmermann, H., see Qi, F. 328 (2000) 257

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