Chemical Modeling for Air Resources Fundamentals, Applications, and Corroborative Analysis Jinyou Liang AMSTERDAMdBOSTONdHEIDELBERGdLONDONdNEWYORK OXFORDdPARISdSANDIEGOdSANFRANCISCOdSINGAPORE SYDNEYdTOKYO AcademicPressisanImprintofElsevier AcademicPressisanimprintofElsevier TheBoulevard,LangfordLane,Kidlington,OxfordOX51GB,UK 225WymanStreet,Waltham,MA02451,USA Firstedition2013 Copyright(cid:1)2013ZhejiangUniversityPressCo.,Ltd.PublishedbyElsevierInc.Allrights reserved. Nopartofthispublicationmaybereproduced,storedinaretrievalsystemortransmitted inanyformorbyanymeanselectronic,mechanical,photocopying,recordingorotherwise withoutthepriorwrittenpermissionofthepublisher PermissionsmaybesoughtdirectlyfromElsevier’sScience&TechnologyRights DepartmentinOxford,UK:phone(+44)(0)1865843830;fax(+44)(0)1865853333; theElsevierwebsiteat,andselectingObtaining permissiontouseElseviermaterial Notice Noresponsibilityisassumedbythepublisherforanyinjuryand/ordamagetopersonsor propertyasamatterofproductsliability,negligenceorotherwise,orfromanyuseoroperation ofanymethods,products,instructionsorideascontainedinthematerialherein.Becauseof rapidadvancesinthemedicalsciences,inparticular,independentverificationofdiagnoses anddrugdosagesshouldbemade BritishLibraryCataloguing-in-PublicationData AcataloguerecordforthisbookisavailablefromtheBritishLibrary LibraryofCongressCataloging-in-PublicationData AcatalogrecordforthisbookisavailablefromtheLibraryofCongress ISBN–13:978-0-12-408135-2 ForinformationonallAcademicPresspublications PrintedandboundintheUS 1314151617 10987654321 Preface Air is an invaluable resource for humans. It participates in maintaining human life chemically and shields humans from harmful radiation, but also contains toxic constituentstobecleaned.Tounderstandachemicalphenomenonintheair,nearbyor far away, or to assess implications of marketing a new chemical, or to evaluate the investmentofimplementingathoroughcleanairpolicy,chemicalmodelingprovides a powerful tool for integrated analyses. Built on over 20 years of experience in developing, applying, and analyzing chemical models for air resource research and regulatory purposes at the Chinese Research Academy of Environmental Sciences, Harvard/Stanford/Zhejiang Universi- ties, and California Environmental Protection Agency of the USA, I wrote this book during the summer of 2012. This book is written for graduate students and junior researchers in a manner similar to assembling puzzle blocks: many pieces have been arranged, while some remaining pieces are identified for interested readers to research. Toprovideaconcisetutorialonchemicalmodelingforairresources,thisbookis divided into three parts: l The first part focuses on fundamentals required for air resource chemical modeling. The chemicalcompositionoftheairisdescribedinChapter1,chemicalreactionsintheairare discussed in Chapter 2, radiation in the air is considered in Chapter 3, and modeling chemicalchangesintheairisdescribedinChapter4. l The second part focuses on application cases of air resource chemical modeling. The ozone hole is considered in Chapter 5, acid rain is discussed in Chapter 6, climate change is the subject of Chapter 7, surface oxidants are described in Chapter 8, partic- ulate matter is discussed in Chapter 9, and other toxins in the air are considered in Chapter 10. l The third part, Chapter 11, introduces methods to corroborate analyses of data from models and observations for serious simulations, such as in support of governmental regulations. At the end ofeach chapter,a handfulofexercises are provided. Additional information is available from Introduction to Atmospheric Chemistry by Professor Daniel J. Jacob at Harvard University, Fundamentals of Atmospheric Modeling by Professor Mark Z. Jacobson at Stanford University, air resource docu- mentsfromregionalenvironmentalprotectionagencies,andanumberofprofessional journals,suchasAtmosphericEnvironment,JGR-Atmospheres,ChinaEnvironmental x Preface Sciences,aswellasothernationaljournals.Readerswhostewardairresourcesfrom a chemical perspective at regional, national, or global level will hopefully find this book helpful. Jinyou Liang California,USA April2013 (E-mail address: [email protected]) 1 Chemical composition of the atmosphere of the Earth ChapterOutline 1.1 Atmosphericcompositionfromobservationandtheory 4 1.1.1Troposphere 5 1.1.2Stratosphere 8 1.1.3Mesosphereandabove 9 1.2 Tracechemicalsobservedinthetroposphere 9 1.2.1Naturaltracechemicalsinthetroposphere 9 1.2.2Anthropogenicemissionsourcesintheregionaltroposphere 10 1.2.3Anthropogenicorganicchemicalsintheregionaltroposphere 14 1.2.4Traceelementsintheregionaltroposphere 14 1.2.5Tracechemicalsintheglobaltroposphere 15 1.2.6Isotopictracersinthetroposphere 15 1.3 Tracechemicalsobservedinthestratosphere 16 1.4 Greenhousechemicalsintheatmosphere 17 1.5 Toxicchemicalsinbreathingzones 18 Summary 19 Humans can only survive for 1–2 minutes without taking oxygen (O ) into the 2 bloodstreamand,intheexploreduniversetodate,thereisnodirectreservoirforO 2 otherthantheatmosphereoftheEarth.Thus,theEarth’satmosphere,whichmainly consistsofN andO ,isthemostimportantresourceforhumans,thoughitistheleast 2 2 commercializedresource compared with food,land, andwater. Chemicals in the modern atmosphere are versatile, and their evolution from primitiveEarthisstilllargelyamystery.Inthemodernatmosphere,O servesasthe 2 onlyfueltomaintainthebiochemicalenginesofhumansandmostanimals,andH Ois 2 the mostimportant gasto adjust airtemperature in the lower atmosphere to comfort humans and animals living near the surface, while CO and H O are necessary 2 2 nutrients for plants and crops to grow. Numerous chemical species, besides N , O , 2 2 H O,CO ,the“noblegases”(He,Ne,Ar,Kr,Xe,Rn),andH ,havebeenidentifiedin 2 2 2 the atmosphere since industrialization, when analytical instruments such as chro- matographsandspectrometerswereinvented.Amongthem,ozone(O )isfoundtobe 3 necessary in the middle atmosphere to protect humans from harmful ultraviolet radiation during daytime. However, O is harmful to humans when present near the 3 Earth’ssurface.Whenachemicalintheair,suchasO ,hasaso-called“dose–response 3 relationship”,mostlydeterminedfromanimalexperiments,itiscalledanairtoxin. ChemicalModelingforAirResources. Copyright(cid:1)2013ZhejiangUniversityPressCo.,Ltd.PublishedbyElsevierInc.Allrightsreserved. 4 Part1:Fundamentals Therearestillmanychemicalsthataresuspectedtobepresentintheatmosphere butnotdetectableduetolimitations ininstrumentation or theoretical methods. 1.1 Atmospheric composition from observation and theory Inthesolarsystem,theEarthisauniqueblueplanetlookingfromspace,andtheblue color isaresultofscattering ofsunlightby the atmospheric chemicals ofthe Earth. The Earth’s atmosphere extends from the surface to an ambiguous outer bound, ~100 km above average sea level (ASL). If using the indicator “1 mole air¼0.79 N þ0.21 O ”, then the Earth’s atmosphere may be characterized by four to six 2 2 verticallayersupward,namelythetroposphere(0–10km),stratosphere(10–50km), mesosphere (50–85 km), ionosphere (80–90 km), thermosphere (85–100 km), and exosphere (100–500 km), as shown in Figure 1.1. The troposphere may be further dividedintotheplanetaryboundarylayer(PBL;0–1.5km)atthebottomandthefree troposphere (1.5–10 km) at the top. The thickness of the planetary boundary layer shows strong diurnal and spatial variations, and is a hot topic for meteorologists, atmospheric scientists, and environmental professionals. The vertical structure of atmospherictemperatureisregulatedbychemicalcompositionandradiationsofthe Sun and Earth, as well as other physical processes, such as surface characteristics, Figure1.1 VerticalthermalstructureoftheatmosphereoftheEarth.Airtemperaturenear thesurfaceispertinenttosubtropicallandareasduringspringandfall.Solidline:from measurements;dashedline:linearprojection. ChemicalcompositionoftheatmosphereoftheEarth 5 relative positions of planets and moons, and resulting dynamic patterns in atmo- spheric layers. Table 1.A1 at the end of this chapter lists vertical profiles of temperature as well as pressure and O at 2-km intervals from the surface to 46 km 3 ASL in the modern atmosphere, and more constituents of the atmosphere are dis- cussed below. 1.1.1 Troposphere Thetroposphere,where~90%ofairmassovertheEarthresides,referstothebottom ~10kmoftheatmosphere(Figure1.1).Inthetroposphere,atmospherictemperature descendsupwardwithaslopeof~10Kkm(cid:2)1fordryairand~7Kkm(cid:2)1forwetair.At night,airtemperatureatthesurfacemaybelowerthanthatupto~100m,duetothe combinationoflong-waveradiationofEarthandtheso-calledgreenhouseeffect.In the troposphere, numerous field campaigns have been conducted to investigate air composition over developed areas, such as North America, Europe, East Asia, Australia and New Zealand, their downwind areas, such as the Atlantic Ocean and PacificOcean,andremoteregions,suchastheArcticandAntarcticareas.Whilemost observations havebeen madenear thesurface,significant efforts, such asthe useof balloons, flights, rockets, and satellites, have also been made to observe the air compositionabove,especiallyinrecentdecades.Inpopulateddevelopingcountries, suchasChinaandIndia,fieldcampaignshavealsobeenconductedrecentlytosurvey the chemicals responsible for air pollution, such as O , acid rain, and particulate 3 matter. On a global, annual average basis, the modern tropospheric air composition excludingH O,CO ,CH ,andN OislistedinTable1.1,whichistermed“dryair”. 2 2 4 2 ItcanbeseenthatN isthemostabundantchemical,followedbyO ,andinturn 2 2 by noble gases and H . The chemical composition of the dry air, in terms of the 2 mixingratio,changeslittleintheopenatmosphereoftheEarth,orasdefined,though theO mixingratioisperturbedbyhumans, animals,plants,andcrops,andmay be 2 modulatedbygeochemicalprocesses.Thereareanumberofhypotheseswithregard to how the chemical composition of the dry air has arrived at its current status. For example,intheverybeginning,thedryairoftheEarthcouldhavebeenpurelyCO , 2 similartothecurrentstatusofMars;biogeochemicalprocessesmighthavegradually Table1.1 Dryaircomposition Dryair Molarmixingratio N 7.81E-01 2 O 2.10E-01 2 “Noblegases” 9.32E-03 H 6.00E-07 2 Sum 1.00Eþ00 Note:1E-01denotes1(cid:3)10(cid:2)1,andmolarmixingratiosofthenoblegasesHe,Ne,Ar,Kr, Xe,andRnare5E-8,1.5E-5,0.93E-2,1E-6,5E-8,and2E-19respectively. 6 Part1:Fundamentals fixedcarbonfromtheairtoformfossilfuelsundergroundandleavingO intheair. 2 TheprocessinvolvedisthephotosynthesisinplantsthatconvertsCO andH Ointo 2 2 O ,whileotherprocessesarethesubjectofEarthsystemmodeling.Mixingratiosof 2 N , H , and noble gases in the dry air are speculated to result from complex 2 2 biogeochemicalprocesses.Atpresentlevels,thesegases,exceptRn,havenoreported adverseeffectsonhumanhealth,andhumansandanimalsmayhaveadaptedtotheir levels in the air. As an industrial resource, N is routinely used to make nitrogen 2 fertilizers and is used as a liquid agent for small surgery, and He is used to fill balloons. Besidesthedryair,H Oisanimportantcomponentoftheairinthetroposphere. 2 Ononehand,itisthereservoirofprecipitationsthatprovideeconomicdrinkingwater andwatersuppliesforagricultural,industrial,andrecreationalpurposes.Ontheother hand,itisanaturalandthemostimportantgreenhousegasinmodernairthatraises thetemperatureofsurfaceairbyover30KsothattheEarth’ssurfaceishabitablefor humansandanimals.ThemixingratioofH Ovaporinthetroposphererangesfrom 2 <0.01 percent to a few percent, depending on elevation, latitude, longitude, surface temperature and other characteristics, such as closeness to bodies of water such as ponds,rivers,lakes,estuaries,seas,andoceans.Theairmaycontainasmallamount ofliquidwaterasrain,cloud,fog,haze,orwetaerosol;whenairiscoldenough,such asinnontropicalareasduringwinterorintheuppertroposphere,itmayalsocontain an even smaller amount of solid water as snow, hail, graupel, frost, cirrus cloud, contrails, or other icy particles suspended in the air. Table 1.2 lists typical seasonal saturatedwatervapormixingratiooverthenorthernhemisphere,whichrangesfrom 0.1% to 4%. Over global oceans, the relative humidity near the surface is close to 100%.Overtheland,therelativehumidityvariesfrombelow5%overdesertstoover 90% in coastal areas. Thus, water vapor is the third or fourth most abundant gas in surface air. In general, the H O mixing ratio is higher over the tropics than over polar areas, 2 higherinsummerthaninwinter,higheroverfarmlandsandforeststhanoverdeserts, and higher near the surface than further away from the surface; these phenomena reflectthe facts that H Oevaporates faster at higher temperatures and H O vapor is 2 2 transported inthe troposphere following airstreams termed general circulations. Table1.2 Typicalseasonalsaturatedwatervapormixingratio Latitude DJF MAM JJA SON 0 0.033 0.035 0.033 0.033 15 0.041 0.035 0.037 0.035 30 0.017 0.026 0.041 0.026 45 0.006 0.013 0.026 0.015 60 0.002 0.004 0.017 0.007 75 0.001 0.001 0.007 0.003 Note:Saturatedwatervaporpressure(pascals)wascalculatedas610.94(cid:3)exp{17.625(cid:3)T((cid:4)C)/[T((cid:4)C)þ243.04]}.DJF, December,January,February;MAM,March,April,May;JJA,June,July,August;SON,September,October,November. ChemicalcompositionoftheatmosphereoftheEarth 7 Figure1.2 ObservedatmosphericCO mixingratio. 2 Obtained from Longinelli etal.(2010). CO ,CH ,andN Oarethethreemostimportantgreenhousegasesinthemodern 2 4 2 troposphere,asregionalandglobalindustrializationhasacceleratedtheirincreasing trends,especiallyinrecentdecades.Anthropogenicactivitiesinvolvingcombustion harness energy from fossil fuel and biomass and emit CO into the atmosphere, 2 mostlytothetroposphere,exceptforaviation.Globally,anthropogenicemissionof CO has increased dramatically since the beginning of industrialization over 2 a century ago, and amounted to ~40 billion tons per year recently. Freshly emitted CO ispartlyfixedbyplantsoverthelandandinsurfacewaters,andpartlydissolved 2 into water bodies. Atmospheric CO may also transform some rocks on 2 a geochemical time scale. The remainder stays in the atmosphere, mainly in the troposphere, and raises the mixing ratio of CO there. Figure 1.2 shows the annual 2 increaseofCO overworldoceansintheyears1996–2007(Longinellietal.,2010). 2 As the lifetime of CO in the troposphere is an order of magnitude longer than the 2 mixingtimeoftroposphericair,CO iswellmixedinthetroposphereexceptatthe 2 surface with sinks or near emission sources. In fact, research has suggested that theCO mixingratiorosefrom~280ppmvin1750to~310ppmvin1950,according 2 toice-coreanalyses,andto~380ppmvin2010basedonmeasurementsataground stationof~3kmASLattheMaunaLoaObservatoryinHawaii(Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), a Nobel Laureate, 2007). If anthropogenic CO 2 emissionfollowsthecurrenttrend,theatmosphericCO mixingratiomayreach600 2 ppmbefore2100;theexactresponseofatmosphericCO tofossilfuelconsumption 2 dependsoncomplexfactorsunderactiveresearch.Theincreaseoftheatmospheric CO mixing ratio has two opposite effects on humans: on one hand, a higher CO 2 2 mixingratiomayincreasecropyieldsandwarmupcoldregionsifotherconditions 8 Part1:Fundamentals are fixed; on the other hand, a higher CO mixing ratio may have harmful conse- 2 quences,suchasthelossofcoastalwetlands,morefrequentstormsordroughts,and more stagnant air near the surface. The CH mixing ratio in the troposphere is currently ~1.8 ppm, with a slightly 4 highermixingratiointhenorthernhemisphere,wheremostsourcesarelocated,than inthe southern hemisphere dueto itsrelativelyshortlifetime(~10 years) compared with the timescale of interhemispheric air exchange (~1 year). CH is the major 4 componentofnaturalgas,andisusedwidelyasacleanfuelforresidential,traffic,and industrialneedswhenavailable.Forcomparison,theCH mixingratiowasestimated 4 to be ~0.8 ppm in the middle of the eighteenth century. Tropospheric CH may 4 originate from leakages during the production, storage, transportation, and consumptionoffossilfuels,andmayalsobeemittedfromricepaddiesandswamps duringcertainperiods,aswellasfromothersources.CH isapotentgreenhousegas, 4 e.g.witha100-yearglobalwarmingpotential21timesthatofCO ,accordingtothe 2 IPCC; it also contributes significantly to the photochemical production of O in the 3 troposphereon a global scale. N Oisratherstableinthetroposphereanditscurrentmixingratiois~0.32ppm. 2 In nature, it is a laughing gas, and is also emitted from farmlands. According to a recent survey in California, synthetic fertilizers and on-road vehicles have become dominant sources for N O emission there. It is estimated that tropospheric 2 N O has increased by ~10% from preindustrial 1750. N O is a potent greenhouse 2 2 gas, with a 100-year global warming potential 310 times that of CO , according to 2 the IPCC. 1.1.2 Stratosphere Thestratospherecontains~9.9%ofairmassovertheEarth,andrangesfrom~10to ~50 km ASL with ascending temperature up to ~270 K. Due to precipitation in the troposphere, H O can scarcely survive through vertical transport to reach the 2 stratosphere.Inthestratosphere,O maybephotolyzedbysolarultravioletradiation 2 to form ozone (O ), which results in the so-called “O layer”. The O layer itself 3 3 3 absorbs solar ultraviolet radiation with a little longer wavelength, to close the Chapman cycle of O formation in the natural stratosphere. As a result, solar UV 3 radiation at the top of the stratosphere is much stronger than at the bottom of the stratosphere for wavelengths less than ~300 nm. Thus, humans and animals are effectively protected by the O layer from harmful, solar UV radiation with wave- 3 lengths shorter than ~300nm. In the modern atmosphere, chemicals such as N O and chlorofluorocarbons 2 (CFCs),whichdecomposeslowlyinthetroposphere,mayaccumulatetoasignificant amountandenterthestratosphereviastratosphere–troposphereexchangeevents.Due to strong solar radiation in the stratosphere, these chemicals photolyze to form NO andhalogenradicals,whichthenperturbtheChapmancycletoaffectthethicknessof the O layer. The most important observation related to the O layer in the strato- 3 3 sphere is the so-called “O hole”, initially observed over Antarctica during early 3 springintheearly1980s.Table1.3liststypicalseasonalcolumnO overtheEquator, 3