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Checklist of Montana birds PDF

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Preview Checklist of Montana birds

Bird Species Observed in 54 ___Common Loon B W 118___Greater Yellowlegs t w 182___Yellow-billed Cuckoo b 55 ___Yellow-billed Loon t w 119___Willet B 183___Black-billed Cuckoo B Montana through April 2012 56 ___Pied-billed Grebe B W 120___Lesser Yellowlegs t 184___Barn Owl B w Notes: B = Verified breeding records for MT 57 ___Horned Grebe B W 121___Upland Sandpiper B 185___Flammulated Owl B w b = Indirect evidence of breeding for MT 58 ___Red-necked Grebe B W 122___Whimbrel t 186___Western Screech-Owl B w t = No evidence of breeding for MT, transient 59 ___Eared Grebe B W 123___Long-billed Curlew B 187___Eastern Screech-Owl B W W = Verified overwinter records for MT 60 ___Western Grebe B W 124___Hudsonian Godwit t 188___Great Horned Owl B W (12/15-2/15) 61 ___Clark’s Grebe B 125___Marbled Godwit B 189___Snowy Owl t W 62 ___Manx Shearwater t 126___Ruddy Turnstone t 190___Northern Hawk Owl B W w = Present during winter season 63 ___Wood Stork t 127___Black Turnstone t 191___Northern Pygmy-Owl B W Species with fewer than 20 accepted records are listed in italics 64 ___Double-crested Cormorant B w 128___Red Knot t 192___Burrowing Owl B w 1___Greater White-fronted Goose t w 65 ___American White Pelican B w 129___Sanderling t 193___Barred Owl B W 2___Snow Goose t w 66 ___American Bittern B w 130___Semipalmated Sandpiper t 194___Great Gray Owl B W 3___Ross’s Goose t w 67 ___Least Bittern t 131___Western Sandpiper t 195___Long-eared Owl B W 4___Cackling Goose t W 68 ___Great Blue Heron B W 132___Least Sandpiper t 196___Short-eared Owl B W 5___Canada Goose B W 69 ___Great Egret t 133___White-rumped Sandpiper t 197___Boreal Owl B W 6___Brant t 70 ___Snowy Egret B 134___Baird’s Sandpiper t 198___Northern Saw-whet Owl B W 7___Mute Swan B W 71 ___Little Blue Heron t 135___Pectoral Sandpiper t 199___Common Nighthawk B 8___Trumpeter Swan B W 72 ___Cattle Egret t 136___Sharp-tailed Sandpiper t 200___Common Poorwill B 9___Tundra Swan t W 73 ___Green Heron t 137___Dunlin t W 201___Whip-poor-will sp. t 10___Wood Duck B W 74 ___Black-crowned Night-Heron B 138___Curlew Sandpiper t 202___Black Swift B 11___Gadwall B W 75 ___Yellow-crowned Night-Heron t 139___Stilt Sandpiper t 203___Chimney Swift B 12___Eurasian Wigeon t w 76 ___Glossy Ibis t 140___Buff-breasted Sandpiper t 204___Vaux’s Swift B 13___American Wigeon B W 77 ___White-faced Ibis B 141___Short-billed Dowitcher t 205___White-throated Swift B 14___American Black Duck t w 78 ___Turkey Vulture B w 142___Long-billed Dowitcher t 206___Ruby-throated Hummingbird B 15___Mallard B W 79 ___Osprey B w 143___Wilson’s Snipe B W 207___Black-chinned Hummingbird B 16___Blue-winged Teal B w 80 ___White-tailed Kite t 144___American Woodcock t w 208___Anna’s Hummingbird t W 17___Cinnamon Teal B W 81 ___Mississippi Kite t 145___Wilson’s Phalarope B 209___Costa’s Hummingbird t 18___Northern Shoveler B W 82 ___Bald Eagle B W 146___Red-necked Phalarope t 210___Calliope Hummingbird B 19___Northern Pintail B W 83 ___Northern Harrier B W 147___Red Phalarope t 211___Broad-tailed Hummingbird B 20___Garganey t 84 ___Sharp-shinned Hawk B W 148___Black-legged Kittiwake t w 212___Rufous Hummingbird B 21___Green-winged Teal B W 85 ___Cooper’s Hawk B W 149___Sabine’s Gull t 213___Belted Kingfisher B W 22___Canvasback B W 86 ___Northern Goshawk B W 150___Bonaparte’s Gull t 214___Lewis’s Woodpecker B W 23___Redhead B W 87 ___Red-shouldered Hawk t 151___Little Gull t 215___Red-headed Woodpecker B w 24___Ring-necked Duck B W 88 ___Broad-winged Hawk t 152___Ross’s Gull t 216___Red-bellied Woodpecker t 25___Tufted Duck t 89 ___Swainson’s Hawk B w 153___Laughing Gull t 217___Williamson’s Sapsucker B 26___Greater Scaup t W 90 ___Red-tailed Hawk B W 154___Franklin’s Gull B 218___Yellow-bellied Sapsucker t 27___Lesser Scaup B W 91 ___Ferruginous Hawk B W 155___Mew Gull t W 219___Red-naped Sapsucker B w 28___Harlequin Duck B W 92 ___Rough-legged Hawk t W 156___Ring-billed Gull B W 220___Downy Woodpecker B W 29___Surf Scoter t w 93 ___Golden Eagle B W 157___California Gull B W 221___Hairy Woodpecker B W 30___White-winged Scoter t w 94 ___Crested Caracara t 158___Herring Gull B W 222___White-headed Woodpecker t w 31___Black Scoter t w 95 ___American Kestrel B W 159___Thayer’s Gull t W 223___American Three-toed Woodpecker B W 32___Long-tailed Duck t W 96 ___Merlin B W 160___Iceland Gull t W 224___Black-backed Woodpecker B W 33___Bufflehead B W 97 ___Gyrfalcon t W 161___Lesser Black-backed Gull t 225___Northern Flicker B W 34___Common Goldeneye B W 98 ___Peregrine Falcon B W 162___Glaucous-winged Gull t W 226___Pileated Woodpecker B W 35___Barrow’s Goldeneye B W 99 ___Prairie Falcon B W 163__ Glaucous Gull t W 227___Olive-sided Flycatcher B 36___Hooded Merganser B W 100 ___Yellow Rail b 164__ Great Black-backed Gull t w 228___Western Wood-Pewee B 37___Common Merganser B W 101 ___Virginia Rail B W 165___Least Tern B 229___Eastern Wood-Pewee t 38___Red-breasted Merganser t W 102 ___Sora B w 166___Caspian Tern B 230___Yellow-bellied Flycatcher t 39___Ruddy Duck B W 103 ___Common Gallinule t 167___Black Tern B 231___Alder Flycatcher b 40___Chukar B W 104 ___American Coot B W 168___Common Tern B 232___Willow Flycatcher B 41___Gray Partridge B W 105 ___Sandhill Crane B W 169___Arctic Tern B 233___Least Flycatcher B 42___Ring-necked Pheasant B W 106 ___Whooping Crane t 170___Forster’s Tern B 234___Hammond’s Flycatcher B 43___Ruffed Grouse B W 107 ___Black-bellied Plover t 171___Pomarine Jaeger t 235___Gray Flycatcher B 44___Greater Sage-Grouse B W 108 ___American Golden-Plover t 172___Parasitic Jaeger t 236___Dusky Flycatcher B 45___Spruce Grouse B W 109 ___Snowy Plover b 173___Long-tailed Jaeger t 237___Cordilleran Flycatcher B 46___Willow Ptarmigan w 110 ___Semipalmated Plover t 174___Long-billed Murrelet t 238___Eastern Phoebe t w 47___White-tailed Ptarmigan B W 111 ___Piping Plover B 175___Ancient Murrelet t w 239___Say’s Phoebe B w 48___Dusky Grouse B W 112 ___Killdeer B W 176___Rock Pigeon B W 240___Vermilion Flycatcher w 49___Sharp-tailed Grouse B W 113 ___Mountain Plover B 177___Band-tailed Pigeon t 241___Ash-throated Flycatcher t 50___Greater Prairie-Chicken b 114 ___Black-necked Stilt B 178___Eurasian Collared-Dove B W 242___Great Crested Flycatcher t 51___Wild Turkey B W 115 ___American Avocet B 179___White-winged Dove t 243___Cassin’s Kingbird B 52___Red-throated Loon t 116 ___Spotted Sandpiper B w 180___Mourning Dove B W 244___Western Kingbird B w 53___Pacific Loon t w 117 ___Solitary Sandpiper b 181___Inca Dove t 245___Eastern Kingbird B 246___Scissor-tailed Flycatcher t 310___Curve-billed Thrasher t W 374 ___Baird’s Sparrow B CHECKLIST OF 247___Loggerhead Shrike B W 311___European Starling B W 375 ___Le Conte’s Sparrow B w 248___Northern Shrike t W 312___Siberian Accentor t W 376 ___Nelson’s Sparrow B 249___White-eyed Vireo b 313___American Pipit B W 377 ___Fox Sparrow B w 250___Yellow-throated Vireo b 314___Sprague’s Pipit B 378 ___Song Sparrow B W MONTANA 251___Plumbeous Vireo B 315___Bohemian Waxwing b W 379 ___Lincoln’s Sparrow B w 252___Cassin’s Vireo B 316___Cedar Waxwing B W 380 ___Swamp Sparrow t W 253___Blue-headed Vireo t 317___Lapland Longspur t W 381 ___White-throated Sparrow t W BIRDS 254___Warbling Vireo B 318___Chestnut-collared Longspur B 382 ___Harris’s Sparrow t W 255___Philadelphia Vireo t 319___Smith’s Longspur t 383 ___White-crowned Sparrow B W 256___Red-eyed Vireo B 320___McCown’s Longspur B 384 ___Golden-crowned Sparrow b w 257___Gray Jay B W 321___Snow Bunting t W 385 ___Dark-eyed Junco B W 258___Pinyon Jay B W 322___Ovenbird B 386 ___Summer Tanager t 259___Steller’s Jay B W 323___Northern Waterthrush B 387 ___Scarlet Tanager t 260___Blue Jay B W 324___Golden-winged Warbler t 388 ___Western Tanager B 261___Western Scrub-Jay t W 325___Blue-winged Warbler t 389 ___Northern Cardinal t W 262___Clark’s Nutcracker B W 326___Black-and-White Warbler B 390 ___Pyrrhuloxia t 263___Black-billed Magpie B W 327___Prothonotary Warbler t 391 ___Rose-breasted Grosbeak B w 264___American Crow B W 328___Tennessee Warbler B 392 ___Black-headed Grosbeak B W 265___Common Raven B W 329___Orange-crowned Warbler B 393 ___Blue Grosbeak B 266___Horned Lark B W 330___Nashville Warbler B 394 ___Lazuli Bunting B 267___Purple Martin B 331___Connecticut Warbler t 395 ___Indigo Bunting b 268___Tree Swallow B 332___MacGillivray’s Warbler B 396 ___Painted Bunting t w 269___Violet-green Swallow B 333___Mourning Warbler t 397 ___Dickcissel B 270___Northern Rough-winged SwallowB 334___Kentucky Warbler t 398 ___Bobolink B 271___Bank Swallow B 335___Common Yellowthroat B w 399 ___Red-winged Blackbird B W 272___Cliff Swallow B 336___Hooded Warbler t 400 ___Eastern Meadowlark t 273___Barn Swallow B 337___American Redstart B 401 ___Western Meadowlark B W 274___Black-capped Chickadee B W 338___Cape May Warbler t 402 ___Yellow-headed Blackbird B W 275___Mountain Chickadee B W 339___Northern Parula t 403 ___Rusty Blackbird t W 276___Chestnut-sided Chickadee B W 340___Magnolia Warbler t 404 ___Brewer’s Blackbird B W 277___Boreal Chickadee B W 341___Bay-breasted Warbler t 405 ___Common Grackle B W 278___Red-breasted Nuthatch B W 342___Blackburnian Warbler t 406 ___Great-tailed Grackle b 279___White-breasted Nuthatch B W 343___Yellow Warbler B 407 ___Brown-headed Cowbird B w 280___Pygmy Nuthatch B W 344___Chestnut-sided Warbler t 408 ___Orchard Oriole B 281___Brown Creeper B W 345___Blackpoll Warbler t 409 ___Hooded Oriole t 282___Rock Wren B w 346___Black-throated Blue Warbler t w 410 ___Bullock’s Oriole B w 283___Canyon Wren B W 347___Palm Warbler t w 411 ___Baltimore Oriole B 284___Carolina Wren t 348___Pine Warbler t 412 ___Brambling t W 285___Bewick’s Wren t W 349___Yellow-rumped Warbler B W 413 ___Gray-crowned Rosy-Finch B W 286___House Wren B w 350___Yellow-throated Warbler t W 414 ___Black Rosy-Finch B W 287___Pacific Wren B W 351___Prairie Warbler t 415 ___Pine Grosbeak B W 288___Winter Wren t 352___Black-throated Gray Warbler B w 416 ___Purple Finch t W 289___Sedge Wren B 353___Townsend’s Warbler B 417 ___Cassin’s Finch B W 290___Marsh Wren B W 354___Black-throated Green Warbler t 418 ___House Finch B W Lewis’s Woodpecker Painting by Andrew Guttenburg 291___Blue-gray Gnatcatcher B 355___Canada Warbler t 419 ___Red Crossbill B W 292___American Dipper B W 356___Wilson’s Warbler B 420 ___White-winged Crossbill b W 293___Golden-crowned Kinglet B W 357___Painted Redstart t 421 ___Common Redpoll t W 294___Ruby-crowned Kinglet B W 358___Yellow-breasted Chat B 422 ___Hoary Redpoll t W 295___Eastern Bluebird B W 359___Green-tailed Towhee B W 423 ___Pine Siskin B W 296___Western Bluebird B w 360___Spotted Towhee B W 424 ___Lesser Goldfinch B w 297___Mountain Bluebird B w 361___Eastern Towhee t 425 ___American Goldfinch B W 298___Townsend’s Solitaire B W 362___American Tree Sparrow t W 426 ___Evening Grosbeak B W 299___Veery B 363___Chipping Sparrow B W 427 ___House Sparrow B W 300___Gray-cheeked Thrush t 364___Clay-colored Sparrow B 301___Swainson’s Thrush B 365___Brewer’s Sparrow B This checklist is based on the Montana Bird Records Committee 302___Hermit Thrush B w 366___Field Sparrow B official list, available online at: http://mtaudubon.org/birds/ 303___Wood Thrush t 367___Vesper Sparrow B w mbrc.html and the Montana Bird Distribution Database, also 304___American Robin B W 368___Lark Sparrow B available online at: http://mtnhp.org/tracker. This list can 305___Varied Thrush B W 369___Black-throated Sparrow t also be downloaded at: http://fwp.mt.gov/fishAndWildlife/ 306___Gray Catbird B w 370___Sage Sparrow B nongameCheckoff/birds.html and http://www.mtnhp. 307___Northern Mockingbird B W 371___Lark Bunting B org/animal/. 308___Sage Thrasher B 372___Savannah Sparrow B w Montana Nongame 309___Brown Thrasher B W 373___Grasshopper Sparrow B Wildlife Checkoff April 2012

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