CHECKLIST OF CITES SPECIES LISTA DE ESPECIES CITES LISTE DES ESPECES CITES A reference to the Appendices to the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora Una referencia a los Apéndices de la Convención sobre el Comercio Internacional de Especies Amenazadas de Fauna y Flora Silvestres Référence aux annexes de la Convention sur le commerce international des espèces de faune et de flore sauvages menacées d’extinction Compiled by the/Compilada por el/Compilée par le UNEP World Conservation Monitoring Centre PNUMA Centro de Monitoreo de la Conservación Mundial PNUE Centre de surveillance continue de la conservation mondiale de la nature Edited by/Revisada y corregida por/Revue et corrigée par Tim Inskipp & Harriet J. Gillett With financial support from the Secretariat of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora, theEuropean Commission and the UKJoint Nature Conservation Committee Con el concurso financiero de la Secretaría de la Convención sobre el Comercio Internacional de Especies Amenazadas de Fauna y Flora Silvestres, de la Comisión Europea y del UK Joint Nature Conservation Committee Avec l’appui financier du Secrétariat de la Convention sur le commerce international des espèces de faune et de flore sauvages menacées d’extinction, de la Commission Européenne et du UK Joint Nature Conservation Committee 2003 The UNEP World Conservation Monitoring Centre (UNEP-WCMC) is the biodiversity assessment and policy implementation arm of the United Nations Environment Programme, the world’s foremost intergovernmental environmental organization. UNEP-WCMC aims to help decision-makers recognize the value of biodiversity to people everywhere, and to apply this knowledge in all that they do. The Centre’s challenge is to transform complex data into policy-relevant information, to build tools and systems for analysis and integration of these data, and to support the needs of nations and the international community as they engage in joint programmes of action. El PNUMA Centro de Monitoreo de la Conservación Mundial (UNEP-WCMC) es el brazo del Programa de las Naciones Unidas del Medio Ambiente, la principal organización intergubernamental ambiental en el mundo, encargado de evaluar la biodiversidad y la implementación de políticas ambientales. El UNEP-WCMC aspira a ayudar a tomadores de decisiones a reconocer el valor de la biodiversidad para la gente de todo el mundo, y a aplicar este conocimiento en todo lo que hacen. El desafío del Centro es transformar datos complejos en información relevante para las formulación de políticas de gestión, desarrollar instrumentos y sistemas para el análisis y la integración de esos datos, y apoyar las necesidades de las naciones y de la comunidad internacional en general en sus esfuerzos por desarrollar programas de acción conjunta. Le PNUE Centre de Surveillance Continue pour la Conservation de la Nature Mondiale (UNEP-WCMC) est l'agence chargée de l'évaluation de la diversité biologique et de la mise en oeuvre des directives du Programme des Nations Unies pour l'Environnement, la principale organisation intergouvernementale environnementale au monde. Le Centre aspire à aider les gouvernements à reconnaître l'importance de la diversité biologique pour les êtres humains du monde entier et à appliquer cette connaissance à toutes leurs activités. Le défi du Centre consiste à transformer et simplifier des données complexes en informations pertinentes afin de trouver des outils et d'établir des systèmes permettant leur intégration et leur analyse dans la politique de tous les jours. Le Centre vise à appuyer les besoins des nations et de la communauté internationale dans leurs activités et programmes communs environnementaux. CHECKLIST OF CITES SPECIES A reference to the Appendices to the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora INTRODUCTION FOREWORD..........................................................................................................................................................5 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS...................................................................................................................................6 INTRODUCTION..................................................................................................................................................7 CITES-LISTED FAUNA AND FLORA......................................................................................................................7 General note....................................................................................................................................................7 CHECKLIST..........................................................................................................................................................7 Scientific name...............................................................................................................................................7 Common name................................................................................................................................................8 Scientific synonym.........................................................................................................................................9 ANNOTATEDAPPENDICES AND RESERVATIONS...................................................................................................9 Scientific name...............................................................................................................................................9 CITES Appendix............................................................................................................................................9 ISO codes.....................................................................................................................................................10 Dates.............................................................................................................................................................10 Notes.............................................................................................................................................................11 KEY TO ANNOTATIONS......................................................................................................................................11 INTERPRETATION...............................................................................................................................................12 NOMENCLATURE AND TAXONOMY..........................................................................................................37 REFERENCES:FAUNA........................................................................................................................................40 Mammalia.....................................................................................................................................................40 Aves..............................................................................................................................................................42 Reptilia.........................................................................................................................................................43 Amphibia......................................................................................................................................................45 Fishes............................................................................................................................................................45 Invertebrata...................................................................................................................................................45 REFERENCES:FLORA........................................................................................................................................46 Genera..........................................................................................................................................................46 Species..........................................................................................................................................................46 CHECKLIST OF FAUNA..................................................................................................................................49 CHECKLIST OFFLORA................................................................................................................................245 ANNOTATED CITES APPENDICES AND RESERVATION 3 Compiled by: UNEP World Conservation Monitoring Centre Prepared for: CITES Secretariat With financial support from: CITES Secretariat, European Commission and the Joint Nature Conservation Committee of the United Kingdom Published by: CITES Secretariat/UNEP World Conservation Monitoring Centre Copyright: 2003 CITES Secretariat/UNEP World Conservation Monitoring Centre Reproduction of this publication for educational or other non- commercial purposes is authorized without prior permission from the copyright holders. Reproduction for resale or other commercial purposes by any means – photographic, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping or information storage and retrieval systems – is prohibited without the prior written permission of the copyright holders. The geographical designations employed in this book do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the compilers or the CITES Secretariat concerning the legal status of any country, territory or area, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries. Citation: Inskipp, T. & Gillett, H. J. (Eds.) 2003. Checklist of CITES Species. Compiled by UNEP-WCMC. CITES Secretariat, Geneva, Switzerland and UNEP-WCMC, Cambridge, UK. 339pp. & CD-ROM ISBN: 1 899628 23 1 Cover design by: Michael Edwards Printed by: Unwin Brothers, Martins Printing Group, Old Woking, Surrey. Available from: CITES Secretariat 15, Chemin des Anémones CH-1219 Châtelaine-Genève Switzerland Tel: +41 (22) 917 81 39/40 Fax: +41 (22) 797 34 17 E-mail: [email protected] Web: Foreword This edition of the Checklist of CITES Species takes into account the amendments to the CITES Appendices and the changes in nomenclature adopted at the 12th meeting of the Conference of the Parties to CITES (Santiago, 2002). At its 12th meeting, the Conference of the Parties adopted the Checklist and its updates accepted by the Nomenclature Committee as the standard nomenclature to the names of species listed in the CITES Appendices. We are most grateful to the UNEP World Conservation Monitoring Centre (UNEP-WCMC) for undertaking the production of this Checklist once again, and particularly to the staff responsible for the meticulous work involved. The costs of preparation and production of this Checklist have been borne by the European Commission, the Joint Nature Conservation Committee (United Kingdom) and UNEP-WCMC, as well as by the CITES Secretariat, and we wish to thank our partners very much for their important contributions. We know that this Checklist is widely used and appreciated by Management Authorities, Scientific Authorities, Customs officers and other people involved in the implementation of CITES, as well as by non-governmental organizations, academics, the press and others. We are conscious, however, that we must continue to try to meet the changing needs of the users of this guide. For this reason in particular, we welcome the comments and suggestions of all users on ways to improve it in the future. CITES Secretariat Geneva 2003 5 Acknowledgements This publication was prepared on behalf of the CITES Secretariat by the UNEP World Conservation Monitoring Centre (UNEP-WCMC). It was edited by Tim Inskipp and Harriet Gillett, supported by Alice Davies and Joan Field. Technical support was provided by James O’Carroll, Paul Birrel and Phill Fox. The project was supervised by Gerardo Fragoso. The production team are most grateful to the staff of the CITES Secretariat for their advice and assistance. UNEP-WCMC also wishes to acknowledge the financial support of the European Commission and of the Joint Nature Conservation Committee of the United Kingdom, which has made possible the production of this book and CD-ROM. 6 Introduction CITES-listed fauna and flora This book and CD-ROM provide a Checklist of the fauna and the flora listed in Appendices I, II and III of CITES as adopted by the Conference of the Parties, valid from 13 February 2003. The CD-ROM also includes the Annotated Appendices, which have an index to family names and common names. It is hoped that these lists will act as an aid to Management and Scientific Authorities, Customs officials, and all others involved in implementing and enforcing the Convention. General note The names used in the CITES Appendices are the scientific names approved by the CITES Nomenclature Committee. Common names in the Checklist and Annotated Appendices are included only for reference. If the common name of an animal or plant included in the CITES Appendices is not included, it should be looked for under its scientific name or under another common name. Species included in the Checklist and Annotated Appendices are referred to: a) by the name of the species; or b) as being all of the species included in a higher taxon or designated part thereof. Other references to taxa above the specific level are for the purposes of information or classification only. Further details relating to each taxon, including distribution and author names, are included in the CITES-species database available on the CITES website ( Checklist The Checklist of CITES-listed species comprises an alphabetical list of fauna followed by flora. There are three types of entry: scientific name, common name and scientific synonym. The common name and synonym entries serve as indexes to the adopted scientific name entries, where CITES-related information is provided. Scientific name The Checklist contains the scientific names, in alphabetical order, of all animal and plant taxa listed in the CITES Appendices, with the exception of Appendix-II listed orchids, for which only the name of the genus is included, e.g. Cattleya spp. Format 1) The scientific name 2) Optional – English (E), French (F) and Spanish (S) common names; 3) Optional – the symbol #1-#8 (see Interpretationbelow); 7 4) The Appendix or Appendices in which the species is listed, I, II or III, or 'NC' for taxa that are not, or only partly, covered by CITES listings1. Some taxa may be split-listed, that is they may be included partly in one Appendix and partly in another. For a taxon listed in both Appendix I and II, for instance, this would be indicated by 'I/II'. In other cases only certain populations are listed whilst others are not covered by the provisions of the Convention. For a taxon partly listed in Appendix I and partly not listed, for instance, this would be indicated by 'I/NC'; 5) For fauna, the family in capital letters and a two-letter code for the class in which the species is included. The following codes are used: Ac = Actinopterygii Am = Amphibia An = Anthozoa Ar = Arachnida Av = Aves Bi = Bivalvia El = Elasmobranchii Ga = Gastropoda Hi = Hirudinoidea Hy = Hydrozoa In = Insecta Ma = Mammalia Re = Reptilia Sa = Sarcopterygii Examples Abeillia abeillei: (E) Emerald-chinned hummingbird, (S) Colibrí barbiesmeralda, (F) Colibri d’Abeillé IITROCHILIDAE Av Cattleyaspp. #7 I/II ORCHIDACEAE Common name Where available, English, Spanish and French common names are provided. Format The common name, either English (E), Spanish (S) or French (F), is followed by the corresponding scientific name. There is only one entry for each common name, e.g. there is an entry for ‘Golden Eagle’ but not for ‘Eagle, Golden’. Examples Parrots (E): PSITTACIFORMES spp. Slipper orchids (E): Paphiopedilum spp./ Phragmipedium spp. Emerald-chinned humingbird (E): Abeillia abeillei 1 A few species not listed in the CITES Appendices are included for information, namely two species of Psittaciformes: Melopsittacus undulatus and Nymphicus hollandicus, and four species of Falconiformes: Cathartes aura, Cathartes burrovianus, Cathartes melambrotus and Coragyps atratus – these are the only species in these large orders not to be covered by CITES provisions. Similarly, Aloe vera is the only species of Aloe not listed in the Appendices. 8 Scientific synonym Some synonyms of scientific names are listed, but these are not comprehensive. Format A scientific synonym is followed by = and then the adopted scientific name. The latter name should be looked up alphabetically to find the other relevant information about the species. Example Tirucallia goetzei = Euphorbia goetzei Annotated Appendices and reservations (CD-ROM only) Information is provided on all taxa currently or previously included in the CITES Appendices. The original listing date is given for all taxa (orders, families, genera, species, subspecies) and populations specifically named in the current Appendices, or in earlier versions of the Appendices. All reservations made by Parties are listed, with the dates on which they entered into force and, in the case of past reservations, the dates on which they were withdrawn. The information is arranged in taxonomic order, with common names provided for higher taxa, e.g. URSIDAE (bears). In cases where only one or a few species are listed in a family, the common name of a relevant species is provided, e.g. ESCHRICHTIIDAE (Grey Whale). These common names are included in the index. Note: The Checklist has many more English, French and Spanish common names of species linked to the corresponding scientific species names, and also to the appropriate family name, than the Annotated Appendices. As an example, to locate the Big-headed Sideneck, first use the Checklist, where the name will be found linked to Peltocephalus dumeriliana, then search for Peltocephalus dumeriliana in the Annotated Appendices. Five columns provide information on: Scientific name, CITES Appendix, ISO codes, Dates and Notes, as follows: Scientific name This column contains the scientific names of the taxa that are, or have been, listed in the Appendices. These names may be at various taxonomic levels: order, family, genus, species, subspecies or variety. Orders and families are given in the same taxonomic sequence as that used in the CITES Appendices. Species (and subspecies) are listed in alphabetical sequence within each family. Higher taxon names given in bold are provided for information only. CITES Appendix The next three columns list the Appendix or Appendices in which the taxa are or were listed. Reservations made by Parties are indicated by adding ‘r’ to the Appendix number, to signify the entry into force, and ‘w’ to signify the withdrawal of the reservation. If both Appendix I and Appendix II are applicable to a particular taxon on one date, Appendix I appears first in the list. ‘Del’ in one of the three columns, instead of an Appendix number, indicates that the taxon was deleted from that Appendix on the given date. 9