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CHECK LIST FOR Proposed Affordable Group Housing Scheme Measuring 5.6534 Acres in Sector ... PDF

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Preview CHECK LIST FOR Proposed Affordable Group Housing Scheme Measuring 5.6534 Acres in Sector ...

CHECK LIST FOR Proposed Affordable Group Housing Scheme Measuring 5.6534 Acres in Sector 32-A Karnal Haryana SL CHECK LIST (Construction project) HARYANA ANNEXURE NO./ PAGE NO. No. 1 The PP should submit Form-I, Form-IA and Form 1- Pg No. 1 to 14 Conceptual plan duly filled and signed and Form 1A-Pg No. 15 to 34 proposed TOR, if applicable. 2 The PP should submit Copy of valid License attached as Annexure -B1 license/CLU/Allotment letter along with self contained note mentioning name of each licensee with land share and proper justification of title of the project. The PP should also submit the developer agreement in case of more than one licensee and project proponent not been licensee. 3 The PP should submit copy of resolution Will be submitted shortly. authorizing/nominating person to file application. (Some authenticated document having signatures with names of Directors/ the Director who is authorizing the signatory of application). 4 The PP should submit copy of resolution for Will be submitted shortly. engaging services of consultant. 5 The PP should submit copy of accreditation Accreditation Certificate of consultant issued by certificate of consultant issued by QCI/NABET QCI/NABET is attached as Annexure-C2. for the specific chapter. 6 The project proponent should submit brief Refer table no.1 & 1a in Form 1A at page no. 15 & description of the project. 16. LAND ENVIRONMENT 7 The project proponent shall give details of soil Soil Investigation Report is Attached as Annexure- type, soil analysis (physical and chemical), A 10. slope analysis, vulnerability to subsidence, and For the surplus excavated soil management refer seismicity and natural drainage near the Form-1 Point no.1.8 & 4.1 and Form-1A Point project site on contour maps and shall also no.1.6 & 1.7. give details of the quantities of earthwork involved and its use. In case of surplus excavated soil, its disposal to identified site with permission of mining department for disposal. WATER ENVIRONMENT 8 The project proponent shall give the total For Water quantification & break up refer Page no. quantity of water requirement with the 18 & 19 of Form IA. breakup of requirements for various uses Water balance chart Attached as Annexure- A4. and the sources along with water balance For Sub soil water level Refer soil investigation statement and shall provide physical, report (Soil Investigation Report is Attached as chemical, biological characteristics with class Annexure-A10) of water quality. The project proponent shall also submit depth of soil water availability and its analysis. 9 The project proponent shall give the quantum Given in water balance Attached as Annexure- A4. of water requirement to be met from recycling of wastewater and shall give the details of quantities, sources and usage. 10 The project proponent shall give the Refer section-2.6 form 1A incremental pollution load from wastewater generated from the proposed project along with details of the quantities and composition of wastewater generated from the proposed activity. 11 Parking provision to be made as per Zoning Plan Attached as Annexure B 2. NBC/DTCP norms whichever is higher with 20% extra capacity. It will further comply with approved zoning plan. 12 The project proponent shall give the impacts There will be no tapping of ground water at any of the proposal on the ground water and shall stage of project . give the details of ground water table, recharging capacity, and approvals obtained from competent authority. 13 The project proponent shall submit details of RWH proposal details Attached as Annexure-A5 & rain water precipitation and its harvesting 6. proposals including ground water recharge. 14 The project proponent shall submit details for Refer Form IA point 2.6 for details. collection, treatment & safe disposal of sewage by giving treatment capacities with technology & facilities for recycling and disposal along with duel plumbing system. AIR ENVIRONMENT 15 The project proponent shall give details of For Ambient Air Quality Annexure-E1. background air quality levels with predicted values based on dispersion models taking into account the increased traffic generation as a result of the proposed constructions. 16 The project proponent shall give details of the For Traffic circulation plan refer annexure- D 1 & 3. movement patterns with internal roads, bicycle tracks, pedestrian pathways, footpaths etc., with areas under each category. 17 The project proponent shall give details of the Noise and Vibration plan is attached as Annexure- sources and the measures proposed for E3. mitigation of traffic noise and vibration. ENERGY CONSERVATION AND WATER REDUCTION PLAN 18 The project proponent shall give energy For energy conservation measure refer Form IA, conservation measures in the selection of point no. 8.1. building materials and their energy efficiency. Lighting equipments and appliances and process and operations. 19 The project proponent shall give details of the Please refer point no. 9.1 of Form IA power requirements, source of supply, back up source and distribution system. 20 The project proponent shall give the passive Refer item no 9.4 of form 1A. solar architectural features being used in the building 21 The project proponent shall give the details of Solar energy will be used only for street Lighting, use of solar energy devices. emergency lighting purposes. Refer Form-1A Point no.9.13. GENERAL SUBMISSION 22 The project proponent shall give precautions Precaution and Safety measures against Fire and & safety measures proposed against fire electrical Hazards are attached as Annexure-E2. hazards and shall furnish details of emergency plans and risk assessment aspects. 23 The project proponent shall submit detailed For Environmental Management Plan and Environment Management Plan suggesting all Environmental Monitoring Plan refer Page no.40 mitigation and also Environmental Monitoring of Form 1A plan for compliance of various environmental regulations, ventilation plan lighting (illumination) plan. 24 The project proponent shall submit Health safety and welfare plans is attached as application along with (legible plans on larger annexure E4. scale), he will also submit health, welfare Electrical Safety Plan-E2. safety and electrical safety plans. 500 Meter radius map of the project is attached as (i) Location of project in the sector plan. (ii) Annexure-A 2. Plan showing surrounding features within 500 Landscape Plan- D2 meters radius. (iii) Green belt development Layout Plan-D 1. plan. (iv) Lay out plan/Building plan/Zoning Zoning Plan- B2. plan. (different colours should be used to Traffic Circulation Plan-D3. show existing and expansion proposal) (v) Location of STP- D3. Traffic circulation plan. (vi) Parking plan. (vii) Location of STP and Rain Water Harvesting structures on plan. (viii) Prospective view. (ix) Elevation section plan. 25 NOC from AAI regarding height clearance. Attached as Annex B3 26 Certificate from competent Authority Not Applicable regarding non applicability of Aravalli Notification in case of District Gurgaon as on 07-05-1992. 27 Assurance of competent Authority No ground water extracted near the project site. (HUDA/Municipal Corporation/Local Authorities) for supply of water/permission of CGWA for withdrawal of ground water, if proposed. 28 Assurance for supply of power from HBVN. Power assurance is attached as Annexure- A7 29 All the original copies of analytical reports of Attached as Annexure-E1. soil, water, air and noise conducted and collected by NABL/MoEF approved Laboratories. 30 NOC from the concerned Forest Department Attached as Annexure-B4. regarding non involvement of forest land. 31 The project proponent shall submit an undertaking stating that That no construction has been started at the Site photographs are attached as Annexure-A6 site along with latest attested photograph. Affidavit is attached as Annexure E5. The affidavit shall be by project proponent /one of its directors duly authorized. That they will not encroach the revenue rasta Affidavit is attached as Annexure E5. passing through the project area shown in the zoning plan and layout plan. That they will keep the ROW required for HT Affidavit is attached as Annexure E5. wire passing through the project area as per Government instruction. That they will not use ground water for Will be submitted shortly. construction and will use treated water confirming the ISI standards for building construction. That they will use ultra low sulphur diesel. Affidavit is attached as Annexure E5. That provision for Helipad shall be made in NA case of the building having height more than 60 meter. Provision of atleast one Hydraulic ladder for high rise building shall also be made. The infrastructure will not obstruct or divert Affidavit is attached as Annexure E5. the natural flow of water covered or open nallah, drainage of rain water as per natural flow of water. 32 The document should bear page number with Page numbers are shown on right end corners of proper index. pages 33 All the pages should bear the complete All the pages are duly signed by authorized signature of authorized signatory with stamp. signatory with stamp 34 All the declarations/Analysis The same are submitting in Original. reports/certificates obtained should be submitted in original. EENNVVIIRROONNMMEENNTTAALL CCLLEEAARRAANCE OF PPRROOPPOOSSEEDD AAFFFFOORRDDAABBLLEE GGRROOUUPP HHOOUUSSIINNGG SSCCHHEEMMEE MMEEAASSUURRIINNGG 55..66553344 AACCRRES IN SECTOR 3322-A KARNAL HARYANA FFOORRMM-1, FORM-1A & CCOONNCCEEPPTTUUAALL PPLLAANN Project Proponent: M/S JD UNIVERSAL INFRA LTD, IIINNN CCCOOOLLLLLLAAABBBOOORRRAAATTTIIIOOONNN WWWIIITTTHHH AAAEEEGGGIIISSS VVVAAALLLUUUEEE HHHOOOMMMEEESSS LLLTTTDDD... EIA Consultant: Ind Tech House Consult (An ISO 9001:2008 Certified Organization) G-8/6, Ground Floor, Sector 11, Rohini Delhi – 110 085 Tel: +91 11 2757 1410, 6460 7252 Fax: +91 11 2757 2241 Email: [email protected] ENVIRONMENTAL CLEARANCE OF PROPOSED AFFORDABLE GROUP HOUSING SCHEME MEASURING 5.6534 ACRES IN SECTOR 32-A KARNAL HARYANA Project Proponent: M/S JD UNIVERSAL INFRA LTD, IN COLLABORATION WITH AEGIS VALUE HOMES LTD.. For and on behalf of: Ind Tech House Consult Approved by: Mr. Arvind Narayan Devikar Signed: Position: EIA Coordinator Date: May 2016 This report has been prepared by Ind Tech House Consult with all reasonable skill, care and diligence within the terms of the contract with the client, incorporating our general terms and conditions of business and taking account of the resources devoted to it by agreement with the client. We disclaim any responsibility to the client and others in respect of any matters outside the scope of the above. The document has been prepared for the titled project or named part thereof and should not be relied upon or used for any other project without an independent check being carried out as to its suitability and prior written authority of Ind Tech House Consult being obtained. Ind Tech House Consult accepts no responsibility or liability for the consequences of this document being used for a purpose other than the purpose for which it was commissioned. Any person using or relying on the document for such other purpose agrees, and will by such use or reliance be taken to confirm his agreement to indemnify Ind Tech House Consult for all loss or damage resulting there from. Ind Tech House Consult accepts no responsibility or liability for this document to any party other than the person by whom it was commissioned. TTeeaamm ooff EExxppeerrttss aassssoocciiaatteedd ffoorr tthhee PPrroojjeecctt Declaration By Experts CCoonnttrriibbuuttiinngg tto the EIA Of Environmental Clearance ffoorr proposed Affordable Group Hoouussiinngg sscchheemmee mmeeaassuuring 5.6534 acres in sector 32-AA KKaarrnnaall HHaryana I, hereby, certify that I was a pppaaarrrttt ooofff ttthhheee EEEIIIAAA ttteeeaaammm iiinnn ttthhheee fffooollllllooowwwiiinnnggg cccaaapppaaaccciiitttyyy ttthhhaaattt dddeeevvveeelllooopppeeeddd the above EIA. EIA coordinator:: MMrr.. AArrvviinndd NNaarraayyaann DDeevviikkaarr Associate Coordinator:: MMrr.. SSoouummyyaa DDwwiivveeddii Name: MMrr.. AArrvviinndd NNaarraayyaann DDeevviikkaarr Signature and Date: S. NO. Functional Name of the expert/s SSiiggnnaattuurree aanndd ddaattee areas 1 WP MMrrss.. SSuupprriittii GGuuhhaa ((FFAAEE)) MMrr.. SSoouummyyaa DDwwiivveeddii (Team Member) 2 MSW MMrrss.. SSuupprriittii GGuuhhaa ((FFAAEE)) MMrr.. SSoouummyyaa DDwwiivveeddii ((TTeeaamm MMeemmbbeerr)) 3 LU MMrr.. RRaajjvveeeerr SSiinngghh ((FFAAEE)) MMrr.. MMaanniisshh SShhuukkllaa ((AAFFAAEE)) 4 AP MMrr.. SSuummaann BBaanneerrjjeeee ((FFAAEE)) MMrr.. SSoouummyyaa DDwwiivveeddii ((TTeeaamm MMeemmbbeerr)) 5 NV DDrr.. MMaannoojj KKrr.. MMiisshhrraa ((FFAAEE)) MMrr.. SSuummaann BBaanneerrjjeeee ((AAFFAAEE)) 6 EB DDrr.. SSaammeeeerr DDeesshhPPaannddee((FFAAEE)) DDrr.. BBiiddeehh SShhuukkllaa ((TTeeaamm MMeemmbbeerr)) 7 SE DDrr.. DDeebbaasshhiisshh BBhhttttaacchhaarryyaa ((FFAAEE)) 8 HG MMrr.. MMaanniisshh SShhuukkllaa ((AAFFAAEE)) 9 SC MMrr.. SShhrriikkaanntt MMiisshhrraa ((FFAAEE)) DDrr.. BBiiddeehh SShhuukkllaa ((TTeeaamm MMeemmbbeerr)) Associate Staff 1. Mr. Anand Kumar Dubey 2. Mr. Santosh Kumar Thakur 3. Mr. Indra Sharma 4. Ms Monika Singh 5. Mr. Saurabh Monitoring Laboratory Involved Ind Research and Development House ( NABL Approved Lab) Signature For Ind Tech House Consult TABLE OF CONTENTS S. No. Contents Page No. I Form 1 1 to 14 II Form 1 A 15 to 34 III Conceptual Plan 35 to 49 IV Annexure A DESCRIPTIVE Site Location Map (on Google) Annexure-A1 500 Mt Radius Map Annexure-A2 10 km Radius Map Annexure-A3 Water balance Diagram Annexure-A4 Rain Water Harvesting Calculation Annexure-A5 Rain Water Harvesting Pit Design Annexure-A6 Site Photographs Annexure-A7 Power Assurance Letter Annexure-A8 Assurance of Drinking Water Supply during Construction and Operation Phases of the Project Annexure-A9 Soil Investigation Report Annexure-A10 B LAND DOCUMENTS License Annexure-B1 Approved Zoning Plan Annexure-B2 Application for AAI Clearance Annexure-B3 Forest NoC Annexure-B4 C CONSULTANT DISCLOUSURE Consultant Disclosure Annexure-C1 NABET Accreditation letter Annexure-C2 D DRAWINGS Site Layout Plan Annexure-D1 Landscape Plan Annexure-D2 Services Plan(RWH pit location, STP, Fire & water Annexure-D3 Tank, & detail, ESS, DG) E Additional Documents Monitoring Report Annexure-E1 Electrical Hazards Plan Annexure-E2 Noise and Vibration plan Annexure-E3 Copy of authorizing the signatory Annexure-E4 Affidavits Annexure-E5 M/S JD UNIVERSAL PROPOSED AFFORDABLE GROUP HOUSING INFRA LTD / AEGIS SCHEME MEASURING 5.6534 ACRES IN SECTOR Form-1 VALUE HOMES LTD. 32-A KARNAL HARYANA Application for Prior Environmental Clearance (EC) FORM 1 (See Paragraph – 6 Notification dated14th September 2006) as amended to EIA Notification, 2006 issued vide S.O. 3067(E) on dt. 01.12.2009. Basic Information SN Item Details 1. Name of the project/s Proposed Affordable Group Housing Scheme Measuring 5.6534 Acres in Sector 32-A Karnal Haryana 2. S. No. in the schedule 8(a) “Building & Construction Projects” as per MoEF Notification dated 14/09/2006 3. Proposed capacity/area/length /tonnage Plot area : 22878.46 sq m to be handled/ command area/lease Total Built up area: 60737.18 sq m area/ number of wells to be drilled No. of Building Blocks:9(8+1) Maximum No. of Floors: S/G+14 4. New/Expansion/Modernization New 5. Existing capacity/area etc. Nil 6. Category of the project i.e. ‘A’ or ‘B’ B 7. Does it attract the general condition? If No yes, please specify. 8. Does it attract the specific condition? If No yes, please specify. 9. Location Sector 32-A Karnal Haryana Plot/Survey/Khasra No. Village Tehsil Sector-32-A District Karnal State Haryana 10. Nearest railway station/airport along Karnal Railway Station, 6.0 KM, SW with distance in kms. Karnal Airport: 0.4 KM, NE 11. Nearest town, city, district Headquarters Karnal along with distance in Km 12. Village Panchayats, Zilla Parishad, Karnal Municipal Corporation, Local body (complete postal address with telephone nos. to be given) 13. Name of the applicant Divey Dhamija S/o Sh.Inderjit Dhamija 14. Registered Address EF-10, Second Floor, Inderpuri, Delhi-110012 15. Address for correspondence: Aegis Value Homes Limited SCO-243, Sector-12, City Center, Karnal-132001, Haryana Name Mr.Divey Dhamija S/o Sh.Inderjit Dhamija Designation (Owner/Partner/CEO) Director Address H.No. 1008, Sector-13, Urban Estate, Karnal-132001, Haryana ITHC/PRJ/16-17/EIA/48 1 IND TECH HOUSE CONSULT

Soil Investigation Report is Attached as Annexure-. A 10. For the surplus . signature of authorized signatory with stamp. All the pages are duly Mr. Suman Banerjee. Mr. Soumya Dwivedi. 5. NV. Dr. Manoj Kr. Mishra. Mr. Suman Banerjee. 6. EB. Dr. Sameer DeshPand. Dr. Bideh Shukla (Tea. 7. SE.
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