Historic, Archive Document Do assume not content reflects current scientific l<nowledge, policies, or practices. Check It Out! The Food Label The Pyramid And You U.S. Department ofAgriculture HomeandGardenBulletinNumber266 Check Out... * it The Food Label, the Pyramid, and You He The U.S. Department ofAgriculture (USDA) and the Department of Health and Human Services' Food and Drug Administration (FDA) have revamped food labels to make planning a healthy diet easier for you and your family. By law, most foods are required to display a Nutrition Facts panel. The law also requires that label claims such as "lite," "low fat," and "high in — fiber" not be just advertising hype that they actually " be true. The Food Guide Pyramid was developed to help you make healthy food choices. The Pyramid is an outline ofwhat to eat each day. It helps you follow — the Dietary Guidelines for Americans seven basic principles representing the best, most current advice from health and nutrition experts. Together, the new food label and the Food Guide Pyramid are powerful tools for building a healthy diet. This brochure will help you use these tools while you're at the grocery store. What Does Healthy Eating Mean? Healthy eating means following the Dietary — Guidelines for Americans advice for healthy Americans 2 or more years ofage. Nutrition experts agree that following these seven principles will help you enjoy better health and reduce your chances of getting certain diseases, such as heart disease and some forms of cancer. The Guidelines are: A Eat a variety of foods A Maintain healthy weight A Choose a diet low in fat, saturated fat, and cholesterol A Choose a diet with plenty of vegetables, fruits, and grain products A Use sugars only in moderation A Use salt and sodium only in moderation A you drink alcoholic beverages, do so If in moderation Use These Tools To Build a Healthy Diet Food Guide Pyramid A Guide to Daily Food Choices Fats, Oils, & Sweets KEY USESPARINGLY Q Fat(naturallyoccurring O Sugars andadded) (added) Thesesymbolsshowfatand addedsugarsinfoods. Milk, Yogurt, Meat, Poultry, Fish, &Cheese Dry Beans, Eggs, Group & NutsGroup 2-3 SERVINGS 2-3SERVINGS Vegetable FruitGroup Group 2-4SERVINGS 3-5SERVINGS Bread, Cereal, Rice, & Pasta Group 6-11 SERVINGS Source: U.S. DepartmentofAgriculture/U.S. DepartmentofHealthandHumanServices The Food Guide Pyramid helps you put the Dietary sweets group. These are foods such as salad dressings, Guidehnes into action. The Pyramid shows you the oil, cream, butter, margarine, sugars, soda, candy, food groups and the number of servings from each and sweet desserts. These foods add calories but few group to eat each day. The number of servings that's nutrients. right for you depends on how many calories you need. That depends on your age, sex, size, and how active Whether a specific food fits into your diet depends on you are. To get needed nutrients, almost everyone what other foods you eat during the day. Remember, should have at least the lowest number of servings it's your total diet that counts. If some ofyour choices recommended. during the day are relatively high in fat, cholesterol, sugars, and sodium (for example, a rich dessert for Within the five major food groups below the Pyramid dinner or a salty snack), try to choose foods that are tip, try to choose foods that are lower in fat, saturated lower in fat, cholesterol, sugars, and sodium the rest fat, cholesterol, added sugars, and sodium. Go easy of the day. — on foods at the tip of the Pyramid the fats, oils, and Let the Label Work for You The new food label can Nutrition Facts %DailyValue(DV) shoves help you compare foods Serving Size 1 cup (228g) how a food fits into your Servings Per Container2 within Pyramid food LcmrrAT overall daily diet. Higher groups and help you SLICES Amount PerServing percentages mean greater Calories 260 Caloriesfrom Fat 120 decide which to choose. amounts of nutrients. % DailyValue* On the label front you Total Fat 13g 20% might find some terms Saturated Fat5g 25% Whether or notthe food fits Cholesterol 30mg 10% into your dietdepends on defined by the Govern- Sodium 660mg 28° whatotherfoods you eat. ment that can be used to Total Carbohydrate 31g 10% For most people, the goal is describe a food's nutrient content. These Rvefree, low, Dietary FiberOg 0% to choose foods that add up lean, extra lean, high, goodsource, reduced,fewer, less, Sugars 5g to about 100% ofthe Daily Protein 5g light, and more. Value fortotal carbohydrate, Vitamin A4% Vitamin C2% dietaryfiber, vitamins, and Calcium 15% Iron 4% minerals. For the first time, foods that meet certain standards 'PercentDailyValuesarebasedona2,000 will be allowed to carry heahh claims about the link caloriediet.Yourdailyvaluesmaybehigher orlowerdependingonyourcalorieneeds: DailyValues that have between certain foods or nutrients and specific dis- Calories 2.000 2,500-^ been setfor certain TotalFat Lessthan 100 80g eases. For example, the label of a food that is low in fat SatFat Lessthan 20g 25g nutrients are listed on Cholesterol Lessthan 300mg 300mg may carry a claim about the relationship of a low-fat Sodium Lessthan 2.400mg 2.400mg larger packages for both a TotalCarbohydrate 300g 375g diet to reduced risk ofcancer. Meat and poultry prod- DietaryFiber 25g 30g 2,000- and a 2,500-calorie ucts have not yet been approved to carry such claims, Caloriespergram: diet. (A 2.000-calone diet Fat9 • Carbohydrate4 Protein4 is about rightfor many but mav do so in the future. women, teenage girls, and less active men. A 2.500- The food package provides a Nutrition Facts panel that calorie diet is about rightfor contains information that will help you fit the food into many men, teenage boys, your overall daily diet. Nutrition Facts must tell you and very activewomen.) how much saturated fat, cholesterol, fiber, and certain nutrients are contained in each serving. Serving sizes A list of ingredients is must now be based on standards set for similar kinds of iPNAGRRTEIDAILELNYTHS:YDBRLOEGAECHNEADTEFDLOVURE,GESTUAGBALRE, now required on almost all food. That makes it easier to compare the nutritional SHORTENING, FRUCTOSE, WATER, CORN foods, even standardized SYRUP, COCOA, WHEY BLEND, CORN value of similar products. ones such as mayonnaise STARCH, SALT, SODIUM BICARBONATE. LECITHIN. ARTIFICIAL FLAVORINGS, AND and bread. Ingredients are ARTIFICIALCOLORS, listed from mostto least byweight. Ifyou have food allergies, the ingredient list can help you identify products that might pose a problemforyou. Action, Action . . Maintain Healthy Weight Keep the Food Guide The Food Guide Pyramid recommends choosing foods lower in fats Pyramid in mind when and added sugars most of the time. Rememberthatfats and added you choose foods. Almost sugars add calories, but few nutrients, to foods. everyone needs at least the minimum number of Check the label for claims servings from each ofthe such as low, reduced, five major food groups. light, or lessthat describe the calorie content per serving. Read the fine print nextto the claim. For Look forthe products with example, a reduced-caloric the words goodsourceor salad dressing label might high used to describe the tell you that regular salad vitamin, mineral, or fiber dressing contains 140 content per serving. Foods calories per 2-tablespoon labeled goodsourcemust serving, while the reduced- contain 10%-19% ofthe calorie version contains DailyValue for the nutrient 105 calories per serving. per standard serving. Foods labeled high must contain Nutrition Facts at least 20% ofthe Daily Compare the amountyou Value per standard serving. Serving Size 1 cup (228g) usually eat to the serving Servings Per Container2 size shown on the label. If Check labels for a claim Amount PerServing the labeled serving size is about diet and osteoporosis Calories 260 Calores from Fat 120 1/2 cup and you eat 1 cup, % to find foods that are good Daily Value* you have to double the sources of calcium. Total Fat 13g 20°0 amountof calories and Saturated Fat 5g 25% other nutrients listed. Be on the lookoutfor nutrition information that is on display in manystores Use and Sodium Salt forthe most popular fresh Only Moderation in vegetables and fruits and meats, poultry and seafood. Total Carbohydrate 31g 10% Remember, you don't have The Food Guide Pyramid Dietary FiberOg 0% to pick foods that contain recommends making lower Sugars 5g Protein 5g 100% of the Daily Value for sodium choicesfrom all vitamins and minerals to get food groups most of the Action, Action Read the Food Label . . . Choose a Diet Low in Fat, ChooseaDietwithPlentyof EataVarietyof Foods Maintain HealthyWeight Saturated Fat, and Cholesterol Vegetables,Faiits,andGrainProducts KeeptheFoodGuide TheFoodGuidePyramidrecommendschoosingfoodslowerinh TheFoodPyramidrecom- RememberthattheFood Pyramidinmindwhen andaddedsugarsmostofthetime.Rememberthatfatsandadd mendslimitingfoodsmthe GuidePyramidrecom- youchoosefoods.Almosl sugarsaddcalories,butfewnutrients,tofoods. Pyramidlipandmaking mendsthateveryone everyoneneedsatleasl choiceswithintheoltier shouldeatatleastthree (heminimumnumberof Checkthelabelforclaims ioodgroupsthatarelower servingsotvegetables, servingsfromeachofthe suchaslow,reduced, infat,saturatedfat,and twoservingsoifruits, fivemajorfoodgroups. light,orlessthatdescribe cholesterol.Thelabelshows andsixservingso!gram thecaloriecontentper youhowtat,saturatedfat. productseachday serving.Readthefine andcholesterolinpack- printnexttotheclaim.For agedfoodsaddup,soyou Lookfortheproductswith example,areduced-calorie cankeepyourintakeunder Choosewhole-grainprod- thewordsgoodsourceor saladdressinglabelmight 100%oftheDailyValues, ucts,suchaswholewheat highusedtodescribethe tellyouthatregularsalad orcrackedwheatbreads, vitamin,mineral,orfiber dressingcontains140 Look(orthewordsfree, oatmeal,popcorn,whole conlenlperserving.Foods caloriesper2-tablespoon TotalFat13g 20% low,lightotreduced\o cornmeal,orbrownrice, labeledgoodsourcemust serving,whilethereduced- ChSoaltuersatteerdoFlal3S0gmg 10% describethefat,saturated olten.Theyusuallyhave conlainlO%-19%ofthe calorieversioncontains fat,orcholesterolcontent morefiberthanenriclied DailyValueforthenutrient 105caloriesperserving. inafood.Ifafoodhasa productsdo.Don'tgoby perstandardsen/ing.Foods /owc/io/esfero/claim,it darkcoloralone—notall labeledhighmus\contain mustalsobelimitedin darkbreadsarewhole- atleast20%oftheDaily Nutrition Facts Comparetheamountyou (at. grain Sometimesihedark Valueperstandardserving. usuallyeattotheserving colorcomestromcaramel sizeshownonthelabel.If Checklabelsforhealth coloring. Checklabelsloraclaim thelabeledservingsizeis claimstoquicklyfind aboutdietandosteoporosis Calories260CaloriestromFat120 1/2cupandyoueat1cup, productsthatarelowinfat, Checklabelsforclaimsto tolindfoodsthataregood youhavetodoublethe saturatedfat,orcholesterol; quicklylindfoodsthatare sourcesofcalcium. TotatFat13g amountofcaloriesand goodsourcesofvitamins, SaluratedFalSg othernulfientslisted. —Ifthelabelhasaclaim minerals,orfiber: Beonthelookoutfor abouttherelationshipof — nutritioninformationthaiis saluratedfatandcholes- 1(thelabelhasthewords ofvoenrgdteihtseapbmllaaeysstianpnmodapunflryuairtsstIoarrenesdsh r UOsnelySailntMaondderSaotdiiounm tdleiorswoelianisnefa,tth,tehsdeailefutoroatdotehmdeuafsratft.be gocononoItdhaeisnforaoulnrtl,ceeatshtoef1loo0ro%dhiomgluhIstIitcn meats,poultry,andseafood. andcholesterol. DailyValueforihenutrient mentionedperstandard TotalCarbohydrate31g 10°/: Remember,youdon'thave TheFoodGuidePyramid —If[helabelhasaclaim serving, PrSDoiutegteaairrnsyF55iggberOg O"/: lv1oi0tp0aim%ciknosffotaohndedsDmtaihianltyercVaoalnlstuaetionfgoret rsfooeodcdiougmmrmoecunhpodsiscmemosasktfironofmgtahlleolwer afoboodutmfuastfabnedlcoawncienr,fatt.he —reIlfatIihoenslhaibpelofme(rnutitiso,nvsegtehtea- theamountsyouneed.All time. Chooseleanandextralean bles,andgrainstoheart thefoodsyoueataddupto meat,poultryandseafood. diseaseorcancer,thelood yourtotalfortheday. Htheaatltshodeixpuemrtinstrakeecnoomtmbeend Tteonpderroluoinnd,baenefd,spaolrmkonare mfiubesr/obreoafgviotoadminssouArcoeroCl Jse SugarsOnlyin Moderation mmiolrleigtrhaamns2(,m4g0)0-a3d,0a0y0 ecxaanmupsleesthoeflperaonduccltaism.that ilCarbohydrate31g 10°.; Checkfortheamountof Onelevelteaspoonofsalt Oceanperch,haddock,or 'uqz,r.5g fiber,vitamins,andminerals containsabout2,300mg skinlesschickenareexam- aproducthas,fvlany ofsodium. plesofextraleanproducts. vegetables,fruits,andgram productsaregoodsources TheFoodGuidePyramid recommendslimitingfoods %DallyV Lookatthe%DailyValue oithesenulnenls. atthePyramidtipand The%DailyValuetellsyou TotalFat13g (%DV)10seehowafood choosingfoodslowerin TotalFal13g whetherthefoodishigher ChSoalteursatteerdoFlat35Dgmg fitsintoyourdailydiet,A aotthdhedeetridmfeos.oudTghagirrssoaufdprvsoimcmeothsietsmoofst CShoSoadltiueursamttee6rd6oF0laml3g50gmg oe5rx%alDmopVwleerp,eirnassptoradonidduuamcr.tdFwsoiertrhving TSooDtidaeitlaurCmyaFr6ib6b0oermhgyOgdrate31g ff5ao%toDidnVtaha(sttehrhatvaisins,g3igtg'isrvaleomswsyioonfu!at). importantforpeoplewho islowinsodium.Aproduct Sugars5g Afoodthatcontains32 havelowercalorieneeds. with40%DVinaservingis Protein5g gramsof(atinaserving relativelyhighinsodium. givesyoualmost50%OV— Lookforwordslikefree Trytolimityourtotalsodium it'shighinfat. orreducedtodescribe consumptionto100%or theamountofsugarsina lessoftheDailyValue. IfYou DrinkAlcoholic Beverages/l servingolafood. Do So in Moderation J Lookforproductswherethe wordsfree,low,orreduced TheFoodGuidel^ramidrecommendslhaialcoholicbeveragesbe areusedtodescribethe consumedinmoderation,ifatall Adultswhochoosetodrinkshould TotalCarbohydrate31g CheckNutritionFactsforthe sodiumcontentofthefood. havenomorethanonedrinkadayforwomenandtwodrinksaday SDiueglaatrsy5FigberOg amountofsugars(ingrams) formen.LikeotherfoodsinthePyramidtip,alcoholicbeverages inoneservingofthefood. Checklabels(orhealth providecaloriesbutlittleelsenutritionally Thisnumberincludesboth claimsaboutdietandhigh addedsugarsandthose bloodpressurelofindfoods Countasadrink;A12-fluid naturallypresent Foodswith thatarelowinsodium. ounce(fl,oz.)servingof naturalsugars,suchasmilk beer,a5(I.oz.serving andfruit,arealsogood otwine,ora1-1/2fl.oz, sourcesofothernutrients servingofliquor likevitaminsandminerals. C5D INGREDIENTS:BLEACHEDaOUR.SUGAR, Lookfortermssuchas PARTIALLYHVOROGENATEDVEGETABLE sugar(sucrose),fructose, SSYHROURPT.ENCINOGC,OAF,RUCWTHOESYE,BWLAETNEDR,,CCOORRNN maltose,lactose,honey, Beerlabeled//g/ifcontains STARCH,SALT,SODIUMBICARBONATE, syrup,cornsyrup,high- fewercaloriesthanthe LECITHIN.ARTIFICIALFLAVORINGS,AtJD fructosecornsyrup, samebrandofregularbeer, ARTIFICIALCOLORS. molasses,orfruitjuice but|ustasmuchalcohol. concentrate\r]theingredi- Winelabeled//p/itcontains entlist.Ifoneoltheseterms aboutone-lhirdlessalcohol appearsfirst,orifseveral and,therefore,fewercalo- arelisted,thefoodislikely riesthanregularwine. lobehighinaddedsugars. For More Information USDA has published TheFoodGuidePyramid (HG-252), a booklet that explains the Pyramid and itsrelationship to daily food choices, andDietary GuidelinesandYourDiet (HG-253), a set ofpamphlets, each ofwhichfocuses on one ofthe Dietary Guidelineswith practical tips on howto make changes inyour diet. Forinformation on orderingthese publications, contact: U.S. Department ofAgriculture Food and Consumer Service Public Information Staff 3101 Park Center Drive Alexandria, VA22302 — USDA's Meat and Poultry Hotline Home economists and dietitians answerquestions on safe handling and storage ofmeat and poultry products and provide information about the basic nutrition ofmeat and poultryproducts and the labelingofthese items. Their telephone number is 1-800-535-4555 (toll-free outside Washington, DC, area); 202-720-3333 (Washington, DC, metropolitan area). To askfor a free copyofReadtheLabel, Seta Healthy Table:An Introduction totheNewFoodLabel, write to: Food and DrugAdministration (FDA) 5600 Fishers Lane, HFE-88 MD Rockville, 20857 or call: FDA's Food Labeling and Seafood Hotline, 1-800-FDA-4010 TheUnitedStatesDepartmentofAgriculture(USDA)prohibitsdiscriminationinits programsonthebasisofrace,color,nationalorigin,sex,religion,age,disability,political beliefs,andmaritalorfamilialstatus.(Notallprohibitedbusesapplytoallprograms.) Personswithdisabilitieswhorequirealternativemeansforcommunicationofprogram information(Braille,largeprint,audiotape,etc.)shouldcontacttheUSDAOfficeof Communicationsat202-720-5881 (voice)or202-720-7808(TDD). Tofileacomplaint,writetheSecretaryofAgriculture,U.S.DepartmentofAgriculture, Washington,DC20250,orcall202-720-7327(voice)or202-720-1127(TDD).USDAisan equalopportunityemployer. September 1994