'ffis +€ + w<rfu er+ go* q#{*.qin ilrE Urrdn(futr er+Eo-e)+ isul 'ffi/gi/ oo f 2ott-zors." fu orgm. xqio S.z-zz-fu rilc / rs ft. t. frilr{, frii"6 30-05-2oor." fu UEilI'T (wqrqnq) t qreqrr rrfirftd fiqi6 or l nugr, goan, frrio rov++ft zozo r0, q-ir r94l -nEI fdfr sftfrqrsq,dtcqrr rt{rilq, E6FrA t*[q, TEI{rrilgt srearriR qarrn,ftni*rovr+frzozo xqio ro:z/S. ro/zr-or/urs.la..t.lzo.-rnta*{frt+ntwg&zrr*qcfuffitrrwq6*snrrwrfra ftqrrrqrffifuag*q{Ev6q,rtM trisifil e{qra{r, zozo f*cifi rwlzozo)\rd-{dnr,vsquRulffqtr*.rfr+fde r+rRnftqrvmt. edeIrs * {wqrd* am iaur eGwgvn, {uc g;m ftr<I, srfrftfr qPd{. t2t 122 effierra {qrrd, fuis 30 sffi0 2o2o 6d{rre srtqrhr (*cifi rvtzozo) :M uffislq qEq,Rt (riqilT{l erE{raqr, zozo Bdsrrd veont *sr5d erfufuqq, re60 (i[. 17 1r( rsor) 6i srft 1fcfr'fud E{A fu uuGvr. qra rronrq * {*,.6fl4 s{ i eft ilerrq * {rqqrd am rqrfua ft m wt. qa:,rrqfr qncusdvdi(Stertg-fu *rrqqraq,qtqfl qnBrqrtft t$qft ft qfu i € ffi 6nur {€ slres+ d rrqr t fr n r.*,ra ffi qi. eraqc, t{r.d t {fr qH * slg& z t r t uue ( I ) Enr rrf, rrffi d nft i ilra 5e, ufu c + rwqra, ffifua qEn?sr yqrftd oti t - : dfelra ;rrtr, 1. (1) rcetEttfufuEqr0Mtr{sicnl srEfla{, 2020 isEa;[('fi. P+tan aqr cric. 12) wfif+enqcNfsfurqrrqfrSt. (3) qtnqr*igs+r+Tqnffar0etr{atm. uwr0 z. otrtsrrq Wegfla{*[dffd{6ffiqtarde+dcli,ffiv6d,rfrqtgr{&grRlfuc, 1e60[i[. 171rt qftftqc, qivrEut (swil*lqsrqwerRrfrqc*6-qiftfut),wa$flasr+qrrs{ffifur{siq{ rsor) w1 re6o(!F.r7 +qq$q{6aEnmr*Afl. 1961) 6r ertqrqt svrtr{ ftqr vrn. qrtr r6-i5 itrr 3. qlerfuRuni, qrt to-ofiernqt,Frqftrfuavfuqrftaftqvri, euiq:- u'lris--I. 'H$sft @,ffi Sswn*sqsq,{r6srtffiqrlTwqc*narrGrgfr fr n ffi sqfiqqrffi etrfiq*qrer,ffi fr ieq,r.qRft ft rn,ffi sffi frsfr fu rt,ffi {r€tqdr qr fqqun qtt uaien fdiq-f,dr qfufud t, q$r ot qailft : q€{6fr +t$Sv{drtmqr5&,qrcNurrur+sqRranenrtrqnfi {iqraw<el+ qrqnur re[d t, ss* qrqnul qfumn i qrkd, {+-fl ERr, t{r F6d{ 6i q}rft : q{g{€sltifr fr rre6,6s$ts'ti+Ef e$w66rfr ,n-+nqrrifr ,rrqvt+rq fffrfuagEfg{frerM$ift." ,Qqio tov++fr zozo -qis rorzl$. ro/zr-erffi.lo.tt.lzu-til{d+{fruri}wgdcrarteue(s)twgswrfrwfttmu.rertna{r frci6 s o - o r - z 0 2 0 6r siifr €rgErE {retqra t srk*,R n qir{drir r*lRm frq vrar t. oderrq t rrqqrd* rn iau enttgvn, riro gnn f{€, erFrkff qfu{. E*ffi uf,Td, frii6 30 vr{fi 2o2o 122 (rl CHHAITISGARH ORDINANCE (No. I of 2020) CHHATTISGARH CO-OPERATTVE SOCIETmS (AMEr\DMENT) ORDINAI\CE,2O2O An Ordinancefurther to amend the Chhattisgarh Co-operative SocietiesAct, 1960 (No. l7ofl96l). Promulgated by the Governor of Chhattisgarh, in the Seventy First Year of the Republic oflndia. Whereas, the State Legislature is not in session and the Governor of Chhattisgarh is satisfied that, the circumstances exist, which render it necessary for him to take immediate action. Now, therefore, in exercise of the powers conferred by clause (l) ofArticle 213 of the Constitution of India, the Govemor of Chhattisgarh is pleased to promulgate the following Ordinance:- t. (l) This Ordinance may be called the Chhattisgarh Co-operative Societies Short title, extent (Amendment) Ordinance, 2020. and commencement. a) It extends to the whole State of Chhattisgarh. (3) It shall come into force with effect from the date of its publication in the Offrcial Gazelte. 2. During the period of operation of this Ordinance, the Chhattisgarh Co-operative Chhattisgarh Societies Act, 1960 (No. 17 of 196l), (hereinafter referred to as the Principal Act), shall Co-operative have the effect, subject to the amendments specified in Section 3 ofthis Ordinance. Societies Act, 1960 (No. 17 of 1961) to be temporarily amended. 3. ln the PrincipalAct, for Section 16-A, the following shall be substituted, namely :- Amendment of Section 16-A. "Any society may, enter into the collaboration with any Government Undertaking, Cooperative Society or any undertaking approved by the State Govemment or a Private enterprise for carrying on any specific business including industrial investment, furancial aid or marketing and management expertise : Provided that any society may enter into such collaboration by a resolution of the general body passed, at its general meeting by a simple majority of the members present and voting : Provided further that in each case, the society has to take prior permission in writing of the State Government before entering into such collaboration." €ara-+,guawAqaHrnrn,E+€qEenrwfugauna-a,T{r{rqg{!x-€iTilRtgBrawr*rRn - zozo