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Chattisgarh Gazette - Extraordinary, 2020-01-23, Extraordinary, Number 54 PDF

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Preview Chattisgarh Gazette - Extraordinary, 2020-01-23, Extraordinary, Number 54

"ffiq+€twadaemga+* frlwx,cin ' ;Ftti sFrirFr oEqI qq, IT*-€, + usur w/grf I ot I tort-zots'" rae[{{d.j5.flsqr.z-zz-w j q# ss fr. n. fodrii. f+ci{ 30-05-2001." ffi {lE[ttEt (wsErRUr) urk*,Rtrrfirftd a;qi{ sal tugt, gu+n, ftrio zr w++ft 2020 3, si[ le41 -cEI ffi{ E-ffigrrd qr.'q oil-ql.l Ers ftie rrq-{ $m rirl-d-q) d sftq, {rqg{ @-erTur srqg{, fu{i6 zz qq-qt zozo F. gs-66-2/d-{(d)/q.vr,/F-st. errqeff/zors /s6s.- E-ffis.r.d qrrqqrfury etBfuqq, tgot (6-qi- 37 sI rsor) d sr{T'45 d ergs-iq +i q-rE-gry etffid frrqr qror t fu ;flriwfuor qRq-q o-+rt, m-or-#+<-rTq d qrs frriw, zois t gq Gr-q Frqfq{ t ftq 3rgqfr d ot-oq fi-{ fr sdfuo qs & oidq qn t s-dfuo qk Frstftrd gq t ,- fr frorq o.r qH qE qFI qdl I 2 J 4 5 qrrqqrlilot qRsE 3TTZIfl %xI EqR {rql fufuf, dtr{, {wns rls o-qETI, 1 tn-sqf fudr o-ortlrq dwl./- qtn (frc-o. eru-ora) g.q-qfuq Raipur, the 22nd J anuary 2020 NOTIFICATION No. F-66-2,,Three(two),NP./Elected Candidatel20l9l565.- In pursuance of Section 45 of the Chha6isgarh Municipal Council Act 1961, (No. 37 of 1961), it is hereby notified that in the general election held in the rionth of December.2019 of the Municipal Council Karvardha District Kabirdham, for the post mentioned in column (3) of the following schedule. The people mentioned are elected :- to7 t08 u*qlc 1wqd, frqio zr vr+t zozo SCHEDULE No. Name of Body Post Name Address 2 J 4 5 1 I Municipal Council President Rishi Kumar Civil Line, Majgaon Road Kawardha Sharma Kawardha District Kabirdham sd/- Kumar Agrawal) @eePak Deputy SecretarY. Y[qg{, Fqio 22 q;r{fr 2o2o F. gw'-66-ztfrq(d)ttqr./ffi. er,qeff,/zors /s6s.- E-d-s=tB q'nqrfuot 3]ftfrqc, teot (g;+o.37 EI rsor) of *T* iu d s-gq-rrT tt \'ilE gry 9fuq8" fo-qr qror t fu q.n qar{d ffiqr. fq-'-"fr*i + ftd*, zors t'gv #+< t ftq-'q-5qfi d oi-mq fi-q fr vdfud v< fu oT-oq qx n sdfu"n,E *6 ffifuo gq S ",-im srjq* fr ftmlq or qrq qE qFI wil I 2 J 4 --Fm 5 qrrq {qrqo qsRqr STTIIH 4FffiT {Ils{ r[{o-srs 13 t{rFIRi risRqr 1 EKI./- (frro Em eru-ora) sq-sfuq Raipur, the 22nd J amnrY 2020 NOTIFICATION No. F-66-2lThree(two)/IrlP./Elected Candidate/2019/565.- In pursuance of Section 45 of the Chhattisjarh Municipal Council Act 196t (No. 37 of 1961), it is hereby notified that in the general election held i" ifr" *irtf, of December, 2019 of the Nagar Panchayat Pandariya District Kabirdham, for the post mentioned in column (3) of the following schedule. The people mentioned are elected :- SCHEDULE No. Name of Body Post Name Address 2 J 4 5 Nagar Panchayat President Shrimati Rajin WardNo. 13 BairagPara 1 Pandariya Gayakwad Pandariya sd/- (Deepak Kumar Agrawal) Deputy Secretary. (r) , fr<io zs wqqft zozo 108 srqg{, fu{io zz rnrqft zozo m. g5-66-z/frq(d)ttw.7ffi orrqaff/2o1e /s6s.- Edq'T-d qwqrfuor 31fuftqr, ts61 f(uodqr-1o*- 03-7iE ETrqI drs oqr)r oo f1t "**",'i uzo tds +et riSvw r.rtm +t f-t\'qdEf+ r yti fItfqfi: rgq-ffui- qdr qorotqr qB ffi-u{ qt .rsq- qdqfu*-fd, v6-S<E fTu, oi-aq qn fr sdfuf, qfu ffifuf, gq B ,- fr ftorq o.r q-q Il-q IFI qdl I 2 J 4 5 qrrq qqrrd dr.gal 3]s{H STTfi srf{jl sr( qrG mqto os, el.si{r 1 EFt'/- (frro Etn uu-ora) sq-sfuq. Raipur, the 22nd I antarY 2020 NOTIFICATION No. F-66-2/Three(two)NP./Elected Candidate/2019!565.- In .n-urry1nc3 of Section .45 . of . the ChhatrisgarhMunicipalCouncilActlg6l (].lo.37of 1961),itisherebynotifiedthatinthegeneralelectionheld irif," *intf, of December,2019 of the Nagar Panchayat Bodla District Kabirdham, for the post mentioned in column (3) of the following schedule. The people mentioned are elected :- SCHEDULE No. Name of Body Post Name Address 2 4 5 Nagar Panchayat Bodla President Shrimati Savitri Sahu WardNo. 05, Bodla sd/- (Deepak Kumar Agrawal) Deputy Secretary. k{i6 qfl-{fr {rqg{, 22 2O2o m'. gq-66-2/trn(d)/n.q,/ftsf. snqeff/zors /s6s.- Eds=T6 qrnqrfuot ffiftqq leot (Fcrfi .; *I 1e6i) a1 *i;; d ergvw fr va-E Er<r gqqfud frrqr qrar t fo q'x qqr+d ql'€l-d-{-$, Mr-"fi*"i + *E ft"*, 2o1e fr" Eq sTrq ftifuq q G 3T-iqfi d +.oq fi-{ q vdtud qE tg oioq qrs fr sdfuf, *6 ffifuo Eq t ,- los (2) , frqis zt wiqt zozo fr ftorq or crc trq TFI qflI I 2 J 4 5 1 TIR q'qElf, ffiqfl Eil FF{luIq Ennql sG ffiqro. 12 Trl-{ qqr{d q"sTa-{T{ rftq qr.crfr{g, fuor-o-o-qeffi (u.rr) EwI',/- (frTo. Em er*-ara) sq-qfus. Raipur, the 22nd J anuary 2020 NOTIFICATION No. F-66-2lThree(two)/NP./Elected Candidate/2O191565.- ln pursuance of Section 45 of the Chhattisgarh Municipal Council Act l96l (No. 37 of 1961), it is hereby notified that in the general election held in the month of December,20l9 of the Nagar Panchayat Pandatarai District Kabirdham, for the post mentioned in column (3) of the following schedule. The people mentioned are elected :- SCHEDULE No. Name of Body Post Name Address I 2 J 4 5 I Nagar Panchayat President Shri Firoz Khad Halim Ward No. 12 Nagar Pandatarai Khan Panchayat Pandatarai, District-Kabirdham (C.G. ) sd/- (Deepak Kumar Agrawal) Deputy Secretary. srqgs, ffii+- 22 urq-{ft 2o2o m. grr-66-2/frn(d)/n.qr./ffi orqeff/2o1e /sas.- Eds=T.d rrnqrkor ffiftqq, re61 qI (m-q1* 37 1e61) +t En{i 4s d erge-rw +i vaq grrr Grfultfud fu-qr srf,r B fo q.x qqr+a sf,sg{ EiltTiT, fuqr-o-+qqm d qrs ft-€an, 2o1e il Eq 3Trc FEI"q t frq srgqF d otf,q d-c fr B-dfufl qE tg oidq qrc fr vdfuo qfuf, ffift-a gq t '- fr ft-orq o-r qrq qE qFI qcII I 2 J 4 5 1 Tq-{ qqr{f, s6sg{ dl6Rr SIEZIq{ Bqr q{Ewt qrqrs qG tr-qr6 12 q.EIr6Rr Etrr./- (frc-o ETrt €rq-{rd) Bq-sfus ftqi6 zssr{t zozo 108 (3) , Raipur, the 22nd lamrary 2020 NOTIFICATION No. F-66-2lThree(two)/NP./Elected Candidate/20191565.- In pursuance of Section 45 of the Chhatrisgarh Municipal Council Act t96l (No. 37 of 1961), it is hereby notified that in the general election held in the m-onth of Deiember, 2019 of the Nagar Panchayat Sahaspur Lohara District Kabirdham, for the post mentioned in column (3) of the following schedule. The people mentioned are elected :- SCHEDULE No. Name of Body Post Name Address 2 J 4 5 I Nagar Panchayat President Usha Manharan Shrivas Ward No. 12 Sahaspur Lohara S.Lohara sd/- (Deepak Kumar Agrawal) Deputy Secretary. wqgq, k{io 22 s{qfr 2o2o F. gs-66-2,/fi-{(d)r/c.qr./ftst. s$qefflzorg /sas.- Eds.T6 qrrsqrfuor ffiftqq, ts61 (mq1, 3z qI 1e61) of qrir os d srss-wT +i \'fr( grn qffi-o fo-qr qrdr t fo q'n qq,d mqr, fGdr-ofi--rd d -irE frriqr, 2o1e +i"gv .rm frqfuq +i frq-'3l5{fr A oTf,q fi-{ fr s--dfud qE tg oi-aq qn fr s-dfud qfu fffud Eg t ,- fr ftorq o-r qH trq qFI q<IT I 2 3 4 5 qrn tizfl-{fl Flqtlqr 31r2l$ r{< ryror< qr€ m. 07 rrdrF{I r[ElT sG 1 mqr EwL/- (frl-o. Eqr< smErd) B.q-sfus. Raipur, the 22nd January 2020 NOTIFICATION No. F-66-2lThree{two)/}{P./Elected Candidatel20lg/565.- In pursuance of Section 45 of the Cnfra6sjarfr Municipal Council Act 1961 (No. 37 of l96l),it is hereby notile! that in the general election held in the minth of Decimber, 2019 of the Nagar Panchayat Pipariya District Kabirdham, for the post mentioned in column (3) of the following schedule. The people mentioned are elected :- v€t 10s (4) Bdnftrirqqa, fui-6 23 2o2o SCHEDULE No. Name of Body Post Name Address I 2 J 4 5 I Nagar Panchayat President Mahendra Kumbhkar rWard No. 07 Mahafina Gandhi Pipariya Ward PiPariYa sd/- Kumar Agrawal) @eepak Deputy Secretary.

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