"ffisfr€+ rifu{Fqis er<rtasr6go+* rfl?i trkTn tiffir er+ fud-ct q itwt "s*wrelBf f ot I zo r t - zor s." c.ra# ee r7lr as. sx cfrrs. qtr.. z f- uz -zd -ruii.d feqritq6 3o-05-2001." ffi usilIEt (qqE[rtur) urfufiRtr*,rnm a;qis sll irqgt, gFqR, frcifi z:s€t 2020 rt-i[ te4l -ITEI3, qrFrftuo o-r f{+Tl-rr qT-mq, qEffft qtFT, qcll qrqS{ srea ;rR 3reEI Trr-{, ftqio rs q-+qfr zozo 3TBq"-{T si. o+/zozo-<roq arqro. qF-1 o-o+/zozo/sw /st*(o+)- vrw H<tDTv, E-ffiqr-6 qra sltr irqr o< eifuftqq zotz (zo,rt or z) of um 128 gt-{r s-so q-fut or s-frq ord gv, qRq-E of ftIwrncil qs, 6-ffisr-6 vnsq d srFrfuo or fr+TFr sfr omqa-+ Hwr sa7r.18-qrws or,-@qio. w-to-z/zo1y/st6/.iH Q, qcro z+ qc-{S zore, ffi Effi d qro.r, GrqTq{"D, q.qro gr<r orfts zs q-flft zote, ii ,r,p6 fuur r-rr aTr, ii ffifuT otti ffiIq o-{-ft B, ererfE ,- B-trolfuq+{rEffiqq-gofi:- ""10 uTflff, 2020" ei+1, eTerl sil-{ cr"d A IQIFI q{, "17 um{ft, zozo" arq, e{flr 3r}{ crq rd urqi t" t 2. TE orfu{f,fl ro q+qft, zozo t s'qTft E{ rnrfr qrt',ft t t EdE=r-E d rrwq6 d qm epn orresrr5sR, rtqr smrsrl{ o'.n-d. efrq sred {rR, ftqi6 rs qrqft zozo m-qrfi'qw-r o-oq/zozo/qw7qa(o+)- ,Trrd d €EETrq A cr-gd-q a+e d qo-s (s) d ergv-w +i qs furr.r sff srft-q-s-rT arqio qs-10-04/2020/tw/ira (o+), fuqio $-01-2020 or eiifr 3i-5srE t tt {rcqqrd d clBori \'.r{gm e-oIRIf, fu-qI ifl!-dr EdE=r-6 d rwq6 d qrc d oen etttngqr{, t-qr srs[flre-s o'.nd. qfuq 105 106 6ffis6qqq1, ftqio zrvr+t zozo Atal Nagar, the l5th January 2020 NOTIFICATION No. 04/2020 - State Tax No. F-l0-04 12020/CTN(04).- In exercise of the powers conferred by Section 128 of the Chhattisgarh Goods and Services Tax Act, 2Ol7 (7 of 2017), the State Govemment, on the reconrmendations of the Council, hereby makes the following further amendment in the Chhattisgmh Commercial Tax Departrnent, Notification No. 04/2018-State Tax, No. F-10-2/201S/CT/V(3), dated the 24th January, 2018, published in the Gazetle (Extraordinary) of Ctrhattisgarh, No. 3l-A, dated the 25th January 2018, namely :- In the said notification, in the third proviso for the figures, letters and word "l0th January, 2O2O', the figures, letters and word "l7th January, 2020" shall be substituted. 2. This notification shall be deemed to have come into force with effect from the l0th January,2020. By order and in the name of the Governor of Chhattisgarh, REENA BABASAHEB KANGALE, Secretarv.